Persistant input settings - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I hope someone here who like digging around in the universal might have a solution for this, maybe a regestry hack or something:
What I want is to be able to set the input setttings for different phone modes, i.e. if in portrait mode and the phone app showing then default to the phone keypad with t9, if in portait mode in any other app default to the transcriber, when in landscape then it defaults to the transcriber.
Does anyone here know how to do this or if there is an app that already does it?

Morituri: I made a program called SIPSwitch that might help you out.
It's very dumb, but basically it lets you launch a SIP from a shortcut.
It's not the neatest solution, but assign each sip you want to a different hardware key and launch each as required.
Or use a folder full of different sip shortcuts and launch from a launcher, eg smallmenu etc.
I'll rewrite SIPSwitch to be a bit more useful some day

Thanks for the reply, i'll give it a go, where can I get it from?

Anyone have any idea when to get the above S/W?

Morituri: I hate to be an idiot, but did you try searching on the forum?
or google?
reading through your message again, want you want to do is have the sip change every time you screen rotate?
SIPSwitch is a manual software to let you change the sip on demand. So you can have it force changing the SIP to "transcriber" etc when you press a key.
Work I did yesterday on the VGA phone dialler for the Universal
shows how to implement software that can change settings on a screen rotation.
SIPSwitch could be modded to do the same, so it would switch SIP on rotation.
Is there any call for this?

I think "PQz" might do what you want...
Lets you specify default SIP for portrait vs landscape modes. Haven't tried it yet though.
Matt S.

Yeah, I looked at that but haven't yet tried it.
What I want, and what should be standard, is that you can choose what SIP is default to which app, i.e. I like to use phone pad in portrait mode when sending a SMS. It should be able to remember that setting.


Wizard MSN Messenger - Soft Keyboard pops up all the time...

Hi All
I've got an O2 XDA Mini S which I've set up using the corporate option, so I no longer have the O2 Software running.
Whenever I start a new conversation in MSN messenger, the soft keyboard pops up, even if the real keyboard is exposed.
This is really annoying as I have to minimise the soft keyboard on every new conversation.
Can anyone help?
Driving me mad! :roll: LOL
Just tried to make a word document and it's doing the same thing!!!
I have tried setting the input options from keyboard to phonepad and it's still doing it.
just start typing (DON'T click it away!). for me after that it remembers that i don't want to use the onscreen keyboard.
OK, so I just rebooted the machine and it's not popping up now.
However, the MSN chat window is all squashed up at the top of the screen... As if there was a softkeyboard there.
I think I'm going to have to get used to the occasional reboot on this!
Thanks for your quick response!
Clicking on the SIP button in the bottom right should disable the soft keyboard, and according to some, it should retain that setting. I don't have a Wiz so I can't confirm, but one way or the other, it might help you to install a dummy SIP. PHM Tools installs one.
PHM Ext. Keyboard SIP PowerToy
The PHM Ext. Keyboard is an empty input panel you can use when you have an external keyboard connected (such as thumb, collapsible, foldable, wireless, ... keyboard) and do not want an input panel to take valuable screen estate.
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yah this annoys me as well, when browsing in landscape and BOOM this keyboard that covers have the screen pops up! you can't even see what yoru typing...
anyway i remember reading a fix for this somewher, but it was before i got the device. anyone know where its at?
Hey, I changed mine from keyboard to the transcriber, it doesn't seem to popup now and it also give a full screen while on msn rather than only half screen where the keyboard should be.
Just tried this... Thanks!
It gives more of the screen available to MSN, but still not full screen for me.
If I click on the transcriber icon at the bottom of the screen, then click on it again to minimise it, I then get full screen.
Weird problems!
want to try the PHM Ext. Keyboard SIP PowerToy but theire website is down since some time. Could anybody please upload the files in this forum or somewhere else? (eg,...)
PHM tools
I think they're all down for updates.
Here's a zip of all of them.
so what exactly does that do? i don't want to install anything that can be solved by a reg edit. (dont have a mem card yet)
Fone - one of the cabs installs a dummy SIP called external keyboard or something. It's for people that use external keyboards, basically don't one the built in ones popping up all the time.
It's small, I'd install it if you have a need. If you really don't need the built in keyboards and want a registry only solution, you can disable the SIPs through the registry. Not recommended though.
Alternatively, as it's just 1 install:
( could probably hack apart the PHM tools CAB just as well )
thanks a lot, just what i needed!!
Excellent! Works a treat!! Thank You.
Ahh, null keyboard is by beemer. He's a great coder, check out his today plugins for wondrous pleasures.
These null keyboard type things do pretty much the same thing, ie nothing. However, if you're really geeky, Brighthand forums has a large review of a number of them. Use whatever works though.
its ok, i'll go ahean and install it. i just thought somehow someone could make a couple regedits that would tell the device if in landscape dont show onscreen keyboard. but i guess its more complex than i thought.
short of intercepting it, I don't think so
Technically, software needs to check they keyboard status, and then suppress the SIP from popping up when activating text entry elements (stuff's in MSDN somewhere). Thing is - most people are either too lazy to do so, or aren't aware of any need to do so, or just don't know they -can- do so
There is a registry entry (at least in mine) HasExtKeyboard or something to that effect. I set it from 0 to 1, but it does nothing. Do a registry search for it. Perhaps someone can make a SIP that will normally not pop up anything, but with a keystroke or a tap on the icon will pop it up when you need it.
I'd just like a slim SIP that would have keys like Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo, etc.
There is a registry entry (at least in mine) HasExtKeyboard or something to that effect. I set it from 0 to 1, but it does nothing. Do a registry search for it. Perhaps someone can make a SIP that will normally not pop up anything, but with a keystroke or a tap on the icon will pop it up when you need it.
I'd just like a slim SIP that would have keys like Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo, etc.

Totally prevent soft keyboard SIP in landscape mode?

a042349 at HowardForums wrote this post:
I hate that pop-up KB as well. I tried all the reg hacks and nullkb's I could find and on both my HP6515 and now on my 8125 it would always revert to the software screen KB and pop up at the most annoying times.
Well in doing some poking around I discovered a reg key that COMPLETELY elimnates the soft KB from popping up - great news. The bad news (there's always bad news) is that it completely prevents ANY of the SIP panels from coming up when you want them to, or from working in general.
So if you do this hack you are completely dependent on the 8125/9100 hardware keyboard. Now I've been running like this for over a year on two different devices and it works for me. The one thing I did was extract the "cut, copy and paste" icons out of an old "PHM Keys" I had and put them on the Start Menu so that I can now use those instead of the Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-P when I need to. Works fine, but takes up three slots on my Start Menu.
You could also create a backup reg file, and one with the setting I'll give you, and then import them and reboot to turn the hack on or off. It does require a reboot so it's not an ideal solution, and I know the key by heart so i do it manually if I ever need it - which I never have:
Change that entry from a 1 to a 0 and reboot. No more KB, Block Recognizer, Transcriber - nothing but the HW keyboard.
Try it you'll like it!
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From what I know (I didn't try it yet), it totally prevents the SIP from appearing, and that would probably include portrait mode when the hardware keyboard is not available. A soft-reset may be required between changes, too.
Is there a way someone can make a program to prevent the SIP from appearing in landscape mode at all, yet make it available in portrait mode?
I use my device in both modes, so I wouldn't want to lose complete functionality of the SIP.
Any ideas?
Hi everybody!
I may have an alternative to killing SIPs altogether:
All SIP DLLs are registered under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID, each with its unique identifier. The name of the SIP (which you see in the menu is stored in the default value) SIP key has two sub keys: InProcServer which tells the system where to find the DLL and IsSIPInputMethod with it's default value set to one.
One idea is to create a fake SIP key that will point to a non existent DLL and then select that SIP in the menu. The system will try to call up the SIP but it will fail until you select a valid one.
Hope this will help
Hardware Keyboard only in Landscape
On the Universal the combination of PQZ (to assign different SIPs to landscape and portrait, should work on other devices too) and PHMs "NoDoSIP" (registers a SIP that does nothing) works perfectly. Disable all SIPs not needed at all by setting the Reg Value (search for the SIP by name in the registry) Default under IsSIPInputMethod for that method to 0. You can rename your remaining SIPs there as well.
I'm skeptical, but willing to try...
As the originator of the quoted post in this thread I'm skeptical but certainly open minded that this solution would work.
And yes my method does require a reboot to enable/disable, so it's certainly not for the occasional use of the SIP.
In the past I had tried all manner of null kb's, and UID registry string swaps and other things to prevent unwanted SIP pop-ups.
What I would like is to have it ONLY come up when I invoke it - and NEVER on it's own. I wouldn't use it much (and haven't on two HW keyboard devices over the past year) but sure it would be handy for the odd time I need to type in portrait mode.
I may give this a shot after dinner tonight and see how it goes - at the very least I can always go back to my admittedly draconian total elimination of the SIP's that I have now.
I'll post my results later tonight.
-Joel (a042349)
Works like a charm, right?
In landscape it just displays the hardware keyboard icon and the arrow to even allow to manually invoke any other SIP "on the fly".
And in portrait the selected SIP gets activated automatically.
Works flawlessly for me (on my Universal) since month.
Right man, works like a charm! Thanks for this hint!
Its the little things that make my tilt a better device to use. I tried on my tilt with dutty's pre April 29th cab and it works to eliminate the landscape keyboard in messaging, notes and contacts, however I have a beta version of opera mobile 9.5 and it seems to have mind of its own, doing the exact oposite and making both keyboards nearly unusable. Anyone else experience this?, hopefully Opera will provide users with a choice of hardware keyboard only and not having the SIP popping up. I presume that Opera had a feature to do exactly what .cab does just for that application and now the .cab is reversing it. Seems to do about the same thing in Internet Explorer.
im using opera 9.5 too.. and nothing seems any different after installing the cab... SIP still pops up.. any idea how i could solve it?
the ironic part is that ez imput kb does an automatic switch between keaboards when flipped from portrait to landscape, is there a script or a reg hack edit that does this??? cuz we can use that engine to make the sip automatically change to null kb when switched to landscape, fully eliminating pop ups and soft keyboards when using your querty
no2chem nueslidingkb
i use no2chem's nueslidingkb on my mogul. it allows you to set different SIPs on protrait and landscape as well as customizing the sliding sounds. it works very well, i have intellipad on portrait and nullKB on landpscape.
It however does not work on my Fuze, it doesn't change the SIP to the set one when switched to landscape, maybe needs an update? i hope no2chem checks it out.

disallow screen rotation

I need to write software that disallows any screen rotation on my Wizard.
How can I do it? I didn’t found any registry settings for this. The best way
that I see is hooking ChangeDisplaySettingsEx. But unfortunately, SetWindowsHookEx
doesn’t works on WM 5.0, at least it said on some topics. Please, give me any solution for this problem or example code to hook some API function.
wm5: [HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation]
00000000 portrait
0000005a righthanded landscape
0000010e lefthanded landscape
then RegistryNotifyCallback will do
tanks a lot
I will try this way.
But I afraid it will be notified after screen rotation starting.
Adjusting this registry value in regedit tool did't help.
So I suppose this value is changing after rotation is done.
You can delete the start up service of ScreanRotate.
Go to HKLM/Services/ScreanRotate and delete it.
I think before you doing this,you can export it to a reg file
It's not bad idea.
but delete this key leading to system restart for apply
I just try to stop this service.
Not luck : (
This key not present in the registry storage.
I am under WM 5.0
Maybe you talk about some early system.
Hi hoblano, I'm experiencing the same problem, did you find a solution ?
use task manager 2.7 and stop service...if you know it is service...
same way to stop kbd lights...btw,
I tried, but the result is the same as the one obtained by manually deleting the Screen Rotate voice within the services voices in the registry: avoiding the load of the service providing the icon on the task bar enabling the user to rotate the sceen one or more times by tapping on it.
I still don't understand ... at this point the most probable thing is that the service that rotate the OS screen when rotating by hand the HW screen, is invisible with respect to registry voices and to applications like Task Manager 2.7 or MemMaid. Apart from criticizing the constructor choice (why didn't they thought that someone should have been more comfortable using only one view mode ? e.g. landscape one), is there a way to obtain a list of core services and to avoid one of those to be loaded ? or, otherway, is there a way to intercept the event thrown when manually rotating the screen of the terminal ?
By the way, I'll have to do it with Java ...
thanks all

SMS in landscape

Hi guys,
Does anyone know of a way of being able to type sms in landscape mode as a default.
i.e. if i choose to type an sms the phone switches to landscape until it's sent and then flips back to portrait.
I prefer typing in landscape but so far i have had to map the hardware key to rotate the screen and have to press this before typing an sms
Just wondering if there is a more elegant method.
acg said:
Hi guys,
Does anyone know of a way of being able to type sms in landscape mode as a default.
i.e. if i choose to type an sms the phone switches to landscape until it's sent and then flips back to portrait.
I prefer typing in landscape but so far i have had to map the hardware key to rotate the screen and have to press this before typing an sms
Just wondering if there is a more elegant method.
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I was wondering if you have found an answer for that. I'm looking to be able to do that too. Please let me know. So far, I was looking into the registry cause I guessed that we just create a key or something and it would work..or maybe not...and I have found two values for the Camera within the registry so I am sure that it would be possible to do that for the SMS and Browser as well.
I will keep on searching and let you know.
Work Around
I know this isn't the ideal way of doing it. But until someone smart enough figures out the registry entry for this can youse wisbar advanced 3, it has a setting that lets you set certain programs to rotate... hope this helps until someone figures it out!
unforseenenemy said:
I know this isn't the ideal way of doing it. But until someone smart enough figures out the registry entry for this can youse wisbar advanced 3, it has a setting that lets you set certain programs to rotate... hope this helps until someone figures it out!
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Thanks I have tried that but I didn't like it. The app took over all my settings and I would prefer just to add or change a reg key then to install another software.
Thanks again and hope to have the perfect solution for that one day...
Remarkable idea!I feel like I will love typing sms in landscape too!

auto rotate not working in apps and startmenu?

has anyone experienced this...?
autorotation works in some apps like: music and phototab, messaging, opera....
but like the start menu NOT! and also apps like Resco file explorer...
is this possible? to make rotation work in all apps???
Apps rotation
Good point
It should be.
There is a white list that lists which apps auto rotate.
Never used it, but I might need to for this one.
kurniawan77 said:
has anyone experienced this...?
rotation works in some apps like: music and phototab, messaging, opera....
but like the start menu NOT! and also apps like Resco file explorer...
is this possible? to make rotation work in all apps???
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You might want to look at Gyrator.
You "just" have to add application entries in the registry. Their was a tool that do it for olders phones (Diamond2, etc.). G-Config was its name. The problem is the app using the "stylet entered" event.... That, obviously, cannot be used by our HD2... Maybe the author may change things to work with HD2
alright... i thought i have read it somewhere about the whitelist... but i just can't find it.
One of u knows the .exe for startmenu? to start with...
The sensor whitelist exists on registry keys HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\WhiteList for Window classes or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\ModuleName for program names.
For instance, sensor can be enabled in the Start Menu (default/honeycomb one) and S2U2 with the following:
"S2U2"="\Program Files\S2U2\s2u2.exe"
Hopefully, Gyrator will work without stylus one day.
Hopefully, Gyrator will work without stylus one day.
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Gyrator works on HD2 as long as you know the Windows Class Names of apps. Some are given on the website of Gyrator.
Yunabeco said:
Hopefully, Gyrator will work without stylus one day.
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bartveld said:
Gyrator works on HD2 as long as you know the Windows Class Names of apps. Some are given on the website of Gyrator.
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He was referring to the fact that you used to be able to "teach" Gyrator a new class/window name by running the app in question and removing the stylus. This prompted Gyrator to get said info from the topmost application. Was a very nice feature. I don't know if there's any spy type applications for windows mobile, but you need one if you don't know this info.
Yes, that particular function was what I was referring to. As for finding out window class names, I'm using Dotfred's Task Manager, which has a tab showing window class names, although it involves looking in a long list instead of just pressing a button while in the window.
EDIT: Correcting my mistake quickly: Tap-holding a process name, tapping Details and choosing the Windows tab shows the windows opened by that particular process. Why I didn't find that out before is beyond me.
alright... tried a few things but no go
Name: Start
String: MSSTARTMENU (Didn't find MSSTARTMENU in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai either.....
and tried
Name: RescoExplorer
String: \Program Files\Resco Explorer\Explorer.exe
Name: RescoExplorer
String: RescoExplorer
But still no go!!
I don't know if this is me just being stupid or just the program.
I have the navipanel activated on my HD2 and can access copilot etc in landscape.
however when I select the dial feature the phone app comes up but it is still in portrait mode.
I installed Gyrator and the phone app does now rotate whenever I turn the phone to landscape or portrait.
But when I call the phone app up while the phone is in landscape it still opens it in portrait.
What I would like to know is is there any way of calling the phone app up and for it to immediately appear in landscape format?
Would using the rotatescreen.exe file be more useful for me?
I hope that makes sense and appreciate any advice you may have.
Yunabeco said:
The sensor whitelist exists on registry keys HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\WhiteList for Window classes or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\ModuleName for program names.
For instance, sensor can be enabled in the Start Menu (default/honeycomb one) and S2U2 with the following:
"S2U2"="\Program Files\S2U2\s2u2.exe"
Hopefully, Gyrator will work without stylus one day.
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excellent! Thanks that works. Btw, what would be teh modulename and whitelist name for the messaging (SMS/MMS)? I'm assuming for the modulename is TMAIL? What about for whitelist name? THanks again
Works for me too!
Shame there is no nice rotating animation like in photo veiwer but at least it works!
I'm using Zensor2 for auto rotating. Works well for me.
this app is amazing, thanks for the tip!!!
only thing I'm still wondering is how to disable the auto-rotation for the WM6.5 lock screen. I've been googling to find out the window class name but have been unable to find it, and I cant run dotfred task manager once the device is locked- anybody else that might know how to prevent the lock screen from rotating??
thanks a lot in advance!
I upgraded to the HD2 this week from a Tytn 2 and use my phone in my car usually for the sat nav and have the phone set sideways in the holder to give me widescreen.
However, whenever I needed to use the phone on the HD2 the dialer screen would always appear in portrait and so I have had to learn to dial with my head tilted to the side!!!
After posting about my problems with getting the phone app to rotate I did a bit of detective work and think I have fixedd it.
I added the following registry key to whitelist in the GSensor bit of the registry.
Name Data
Phone \Windows\cprog.exe
After a restart voila, the phone dialer will now open up in landscape.
I hope this is helpful to others who want to use the phone in landscape.
How well does zensor2 work here, and does it autostart with the phone? It is possible to set up exceptions in zensor2?
hi, nice to see that im not the only one expirience problems with it. i switch back to use 'changescreen' app to turn the screen. i used it bevore on athena and it has some real nice options.
its working well on hd2 so i keep it.
regards mad
firstandlast said:
I upgraded to the HD2 this week from a Tytn 2 and use my phone in my car usually for the sat nav and have the phone set sideways in the holder to give me widescreen.
However, whenever I needed to use the phone on the HD2 the dialer screen would always appear in portrait and so I have had to learn to dial with my head tilted to the side!!!
After posting about my problems with getting the phone app to rotate I did a bit of detective work and think I have fixedd it.
I added the following registry key to whitelist in the GSensor bit of the registry.
Name Data
Phone /Windows/cprog.exe
After a restart voila, the phone dialer will now open up in landscape.
I hope this is helpful to others who want to use the phone in landscape.
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Thanks! It's helped me!!
firstandlast said:
I upgraded to the HD2 this week from a Tytn 2 and use my phone in my car usually for the sat nav and have the phone set sideways in the holder to give me widescreen.
However, whenever I needed to use the phone on the HD2 the dialer screen would always appear in portrait and so I have had to learn to dial with my head tilted to the side!!!
After posting about my problems with getting the phone app to rotate I did a bit of detective work and think I have fixedd it.
I added the following registry key to whitelist in the GSensor bit of the registry.
Name Data
Phone \Windows\cprog.exe
After a restart voila, the phone dialer will now open up in landscape.
I hope this is helpful to others who want to use the phone in landscape.
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I have done this, and it works great... except for when opening the phone app whilst in the Navi Panel.
When the Navi Panel is in Portrait, and you access the phone, it starts in Portrait, but allows you to rotate to landscape. However, when you use Navi Panel in landscape, and access the phone, the phone screen opens in Portrait and does not rotate! I'm sure there is a logical reason, but i'm afraid i'm not that clever...

