does your universal hang - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

does your universal hang, grind to a halt or become unresponsive when you leave the device for long periods of inactivity?
If anyone has any suggestions other than just about every hack currently known please post swiftly !

i'm sorry to say you're not alone, but i'm happy 'im not the only one...i tought i was goiing crazy
see my thread :

The only issue I have found is that the backlight does not come on at the level it was at prior to being left ..
Its often on the absolute lowest setting and stays there.
I suspect this is a design feature/flaw to prevent the battery running down in your pocket ...
But it is very annoying.
Other than that, in corporate mode, with all the chuff pruned out its stable, quite smooth and fairly snappy all said ..
*touch wood

In my case the Jasjar is quite stable. But one thing that is driving me crazy is that it occassionally hangs when I receive a new SMS. This is not all the time. About 90% of my text messages are received correctly but for the remaining 10% it hangs. The worst part is that when it hangs on a new SMS even that SMS is lost so I have no clue if I even did receive a SMS. Even worse since I would not know that the device has frozen and so if during this period somebody tries to contact me on the phone I will remain unaccessible. This makes the whole thing so unrelible and is spoiling all the fun.

SMRZ i feel ya on this
My device is very stable and works swiftly with the numerous tweaks ive done but all it takes is one silly crash over an sms or a hung pda when trying to bring it out of standby and all the goodness and riches that this device brings just get washed away.
I dont think we are asking for much, why dont things like this happen with any other phones like nokia or sony's or even a £25.99 phone.
Why dont the accepatnce testing people in these companies do their jobs propoerly and test the phone to the hills beofre they let it leave the labs.
I've always been at the forefront of cutting technology and there's a heavy price to pay for this. Companies shoould not release anything until it is 100% tested.
I would rather wait another 3 months for something to have all the bugs ironed out then released into the marketplace than to have a device thats so new that it doesnt even work properly

I'm in total agreement with you. I look at the stability of my wife's SE K750 and cry sometimes. My Nokia 9500 (Commi) is also very stable but obviously does not have 3G.
I found the XDA Exec has been more stable than my now sold-off JJ. But I am using a Data only SIM so perhaps this is why.


MDA Questions after a week of use...

I recieved my MDA last saturday, and since then, have been trying to figure everything out. After multiple calls to tmobile, and even a trip back to the store, i'm still stuck with a few questions that i cannot seem to get answered.
1. The MDA came with the default Tmobile theme which works fine in portrait & in landscape, as well as the default blue Windows theme.
However, I have tried to install multiple themes(including some from microsoft themeselves) and i have one annoying error! Whenever I use an "installed" theme, the portrait screen looks fine, but when I open the keyboard...there are two large greyish/white gaps on the side of the theme.
Ex: I'm using a green theme. When in landscape mode, i have a single green square in the middle of the screen with a strip on either side(left or right)
2. My phone is HORRIBLY slow when and if ANYTHING 3rd party is installed. I've tried today plugins that control the memory usage(figured that would help)...however, it just slowed things done. My phone usually runs at about 14mb Free Program Memory, out of the total 44MB(This seems horrible...with just the default programs installed*for the most part* and maybe agile messenger running.). If i install a today plugin, or a game...this drops below 10mb. Therefore, phone usage can be very aggravating. I cannot think of any other way to increase this memory expect for ONE thing. Would it be possible to transfer ALL programs, applications, etc to the miniSD Card(i have 1gb now, with a 2gb in the mail). This way...i certaintly would not be topping out the usage of the card, and hopefully I can free up alot of space on the phone.
3. As we all know, the packaged IM programs are AWFULLY slow and inconsistent. After a bit of research and trials, I have settled on using Agile Messenger. I'm loving it...expect for a few things.
The MAJOR problem I have with it, is the pop up notification. Its annoying to be surfing the web or playing a game, just to have a pop up tell you that you have recieved a message, EVERY TIME you get a new message(which can amount to a great deal in a short time). I've looked all over for a setting, so unless I missed it, is there any way to shut this off?
A side issue with this program, and also the connectivity of the phone is...:
(even WITH the GPRS hack*always on*), I still lose connection(with 2-4 bars of signal) and therefore i get signed off of Agile, rather often. This isnt' such a problem with me, as seeing it takes a short time to log back in. However, when you look at the conversation from another person's point of view...all you see is
"Soandso" Logged off
"Soandso" logged on
(not sure if that last part was a question or a statement, but if theres an answer, i'd like to hear it!)
My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
5. After I went about and downloaded the Eten dial pad skin, I noticed that all of my contacts were unable to receive contact photos. I quickly realized that any contact that was saved on my SIM card from my previous phone was stuck in this predictament. However, if i were to create a new contact account, it quickly allows me to customize them alot further. Therefore, i was curious if there was any way to transfer my contacts on my sim card>my phone in a fashion that the phone will accept them.
I'm sure i'll think of more questions(these are just the ones that I havent been able to answer after days of searching :-D)
Thank you so much in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the speed of the HTC Wizard is very slow. That was my problem too.
for question no. 2:
Moving the apps to the card will result in more free space on the phone, OK, but running the apps from the card will also result in low speed, because the card is slower than the main memory. So I think you won't get more speed by this.
Try to overclock the device with OmapClock. My device works like a charm with 264 MHz (original was 180 MHz).
Use a tool like FreeUp RAM, which is part of the SK-Tools-package.
Running OmapClock and freeing up the RAM from time to time brings significantly much more speed. There is almost no waiting time if you click on an icon. You can even run Skype with OmapClock (many other users do so).
I have seen tidbits about overclocking through my endless searches the last few days. I've always heard that you have to be careful if you overclock a device, such as a phone. Has anyone had any known issues with the overclocking? Are there risks in having the phone run at that speed all the time?
The Wizard isn't slow. Install a Qtek rom without branding, and it will be much faster.
even the sales associate at tmobile seemed to think it was slow. Upgrading to a different ROM sounds ok, but i'm trying to keep everything via tmobile. thaks for the tip though.
Im looking to get the Tmobile USA MDA, but after reading posts like this Im alittle afraid.
I need to run TOMTOM on this device and thinking that this might bring the device to a halt. Now Im starting to think that maybe I should get the 6700. Please let me know what you found out about making MDA faster. Thank you.
TazMan1688 said:
I have seen tidbits about overclocking through my endless searches the last few days. I've always heard that you have to be careful if you overclock a device, such as a phone. Has anyone had any known issues with the overclocking? Are there risks in having the phone run at that speed all the time?
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There have been long discussion about what is safe with the Wizard on this forum.
See, for example,
Also, the SmartsKey app automates startup of OMapClock.
(It has a number of other uses as well.
Hope this helps.
TazMan1688 said:
My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
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There is a known problem with backlighting. See
Also, check to see what events PZP is handling for profile-switching. For example, if you have calendar-based or time-based rules, they may switch your profile without you doing anything. Go to Settings, Control to see what you Switches you allow. Or check Time and Calendar for your profiles under the Configuration option.
As much as i'm sure overclocking the device may help, especially in my case. I'm just not sure if its worth the risk. Kind of hard to explain to Tmobile why the phone decided to overheat. Seems overly risky to make such an expensive device, run at higher speeds than its DESIGNED to do. But i'm still not sure, it almost DOES seem worth it...decisions, decisions...
Yes, Thank you for clarifying that...I mostly meant, the inconsistency of PZP with the timing of profiles. It seems as if the program will "switch" to the correct profile, but i don't always see a change in the operation of the device itself. Ex: I have it set to go to school mode at 7:30am, this past week(since its spring break, i've noticed that my incoming calls all had the normal ring volume, as well as system tones, etc...
Although it "says" ""School"" i don't really know if its truely in that mode?!
On this note, i have a question about setting the times(which is what i really want to accomplish). My phone goes to LOUD around 5:30am, School at 7:30 am, Normal at 1:55pm, and Quiet at 4pm.
Nooow, do i have to put two times in the school profile such as 7:30 am-1:54(5)???? so that it has an entire time interval...or can i just tell it when to start, and the next profile will automatically kick in and stop the previous.
Also, does putting the phone in standby or shutting it down have any effect on the profile??
I'm sorry in advance if i'm asking very basic questions, i've just been searching for a long period of time, and i usually can't find a specific answer to my question. So I decided I would spend the time to actually discuss MY problem, with hope someone can help. Again, sorry for any inconvienence or redudant questions.
TazMan1688 said:
As much as i'm sure overclocking the device may help, especially in my case. I'm just not sure if its worth the risk. Kind of hard to explain to Tmobile why the phone decided to overheat.
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I have a german T-Mobile MDA Vario (= HTC Wizard) and I'm overclocking it permanently with OmapClock and SmartSKey. There is no overheating as far as I can say/feel. I can speed up to 264 MHz (original = 180 MHz). If I try more, the device softresets itself without any damage or loss of data. It's a kind of security mechanism. Of course, battery life is a little bit shorter when overclocking it. But I'm sure, slightly overclocking doesn't damage the device! Maybe the lifetime of the device will be a bit shorter, lets say 6 months in 5 years, but you won't realize that, because you won't be using your device in 5 years. You will sure own some other phone when the CPU dies. Together with the tool "FreeUp RAM" (comes with SKTools), I can reach a comfortable speed for everyday use. But never forget: The Wizard IS quite slow, compared with other devices. You can find smart workarounds for that, but don't close your eyes on that fact.
For running any GPS navigation tools I would consider buying not a Wizard, but a much faster device, if you would ask me. I'm using my Wizard only for addresses (~ 700 items), calendar (~ 1200 items) etc., and without overclocking and using a program like Pocket Informant 2005, that would be an annoying, maybe impossible thing. At the beginning, I had to wait almost 10-15 seconds until e.g. the month overview was created. Switch to the following month - wait again. Choose a specific day - wait again. Oh my god! That needed more patience than I had.
Are you running a basic install without all the phone networks customisation bloat?
you can do this by hard resetting (you will loose data doing this) and then doing a softreset when the customisation dialogue pops up after setting time zone etc.
this will speed things up over an install with tmobiles bloatware. I run tomtom and my device is in general as reponsive as the magician it replaces.
good luck with your phone
So guys based on your opinions and experience is it worth for me to get the MDA or should I go with a different carrier and a XV/PPC-6700 ?
Hi yozh,
I don't know the 6700-device at all. Maybe we don't have it here in good old Germany, or maybe under a differnt name. Does it have a bigger display (better for navigation)? Does it have a faster CPU? Then take that one! In my eyes I would never like to use the Wizard for navigation. It's only a better phone, not more, not less. For all other purposes I would buy a bigger machine. I do not want to talk bad about my own device, I have bought it and I use it and it's OK for the everyday things I do with it. It has nothing to do with "I'm proud of my device", like some people seem to be here. It's a phone, man, not a Ferrari or a Rolex. You would tell yourself lies, if you would call the Wizard a powerful device. I had a Palm Tungsten T5 before, and THIS is a powerful device. 2600 items in the calendar (true!), and the reaction time was half a second if you tap on the screen! You can go and have a coffee if you do that on a Wizard.
Just think about it. If you buy a Wizard, try it for a day and then write to me what you think about that phone.
Mh. My english should be better, I know.
Just my 2 Cents!
Hi well the 6700 is the apache I belive and the CPU is 416mhz but its not a "dual core" everything else screen adn such is pretty much the same. Thanks for the reply
SO any one on this forums can recoment apache over MDA ?
yozh said:
Im looking to get the Tmobile USA MDA, but after reading posts like this Im alittle afraid.
I need to run TOMTOM on this device and thinking that this might bring the device to a halt. Now Im starting to think that maybe I should get the 6700. Please let me know what you found out about making MDA faster. Thank you.
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See my posts on regarding processor speeds and TomTom.
Wow really TOMTOM runs better on the MDA then on a 400mhz DELL ? Then Im set defenatly getting the MDA, I like GSM network provide3rs better anyway and plus there are so much choices with the phones. I wish I was able to aford the JASJAS that looks really good.
Also don't forget that when you 'close' an appliation it does not really close, it just goes in to background, thus slowing the system down.
Check out your running processes and close all the ones that are not needed or load an app that really closed things.
TazMan1688 said:
1. The MDA came with the default Tmobile theme which works fine in portrait & in landscape, as well as the default blue Windows theme.
However, I have tried to install multiple themes(including some from microsoft themeselves) and i have one annoying error! Whenever I use an "installed" theme, the portrait screen looks fine, but when I open the keyboard...there are two large greyish/white gaps on the side of the theme.
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Themes built for portrait screens look wrong in landscape view. Easy solution: build a theme that works in landscape view. The Guava Bubbles theme works fine in both because the background image is larger than portrait size.
TazMan1688 said:
4. My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
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I use PPC-Profiles-Pro, but you can't slave this to a time. Besides, I'd rather just put it on Silent mode by holding the connection manager button for three seconds (top left side button). Otherwise I use PPC Profiles to switch from Work (BT) to Home (Wifi, no BT) to Sleep (No Wifi, no BT, no email alerts or reminders, just ringer). Walking into a theater, I just go to silent mode.
bilbo_28 said:
Also don't forget that when you 'close' an appliation it does not really close, it just goes in to background, thus slowing the system down.
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I know. I'm using MagicButton. And OmapClock with SmartSKey. And FreeUp RAM. In deed, I do almost EVERYTHING to make my device run faster.

Ditching the X1, getting a new phone

Well after 3 weeks of use I have had it with my X1. It is the slowest phone I have ever come across.
Here are the problems im getting and I have just had enough of them
Phone can freeze when switching between landscape & portrait. Can take up to 2 minutes to figure out what its doing, sometimes its a hard reset
Fidilly interface, I use the SPB panel because of this which is great but everything else is just useless. Tried setting an alarm by rotating the hands? Its so fidily
I get a new message while im on my inbox and sometimes the message takes up to 2 minutes to load. Last night I was waiting 1minutes 43seconds for the message to open (yes I timed it) It just had that piechart icon rotating
Sometimes I cant open the messaging section. I click messaging and nothing happens. I can try to open it as many times as I want but nothing happens. I have to remove the battery..
By screen went green once, everything was green so I had to remove the battery to sort the problem
Doesnt always sync with my PC, no idea why
Cant remove hotmail contacts or sort the contact list because it just adds all my email contacts when I go online
Opera & IE are clunky and full of bugs. IE is slow as hell and cant open some websites. Opera keeps opening the virtual keyboard and changing between fullscreen and menu mode
Panels take a lifetime to load and freeze when switching between view modes
The crappy external speaker, who wants to hear a song full of white noise when you phone rings?
Battery icon - sometimes I have one, sometimes I dont
My signal on my phone seems poor compared to my old LG Viewty. Where I had a decent 3g signal I now get a poor standard signal, if a signal at all
Phone seems to have gotten slower and slower since I first started it up
There are a lot of things I do really like about the X1 but most of these are hardware such as the keyboard, the screen resolution, build quality, wifi, gps etc
I am seriously considering either swapping my phone via o2 or selling it and buying a new phone. I dont understand why interfaces and phones cant be as fluent as the iphone/ipod.
It does a lot of stuff yet the interface is as fast as hell. I am not a fan of the iphone itself due to its rubbish hardware specs but you can't knock the interface. Also I just got an ipod touch so there isn't much point in me having an iphone.
Personally i think the problem lies with WinMo as its very bloated and slow compared to proprietry operating systems or Android/iPhone.
Can anyone recommend me a good phone to get, I was looking at the Samsung Omnia but it doesnt have Wifi or GPS so its a no go really
Dude you must have a faulty phone, I've had mine for a couple of weeks now and haven't had most of the problems you have raised. However it was laggy and slow when I first got it and I still don't think the panels work fast enough to be really usable but once I changed the ROM it was MUCH better, more responsive, Opera actually makes browsing online a good experience!
ukguy said:
Dude you must have a faulty phone, I've had mine for a couple of weeks now and haven't had most of the problems you have raised. However it was laggy and slow when I first got it and I still don't think the panels work fast enough to be really usable but once I changed the ROM it was MUCH better, more responsive, Opera actually makes browsing online a good experience!
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The only faulty thing about it is the firmware, and when I went down that road with my Viewty being buggy as hell I got into the biggest of arguements with my network provider.
They didn't get what I was saying, they keep offering me the same phone as a replacement etc etc and I was nearly thrown of the network as they just winded me up so much.
This phone had high expectations from me and I have to say, it failed miserably. I decided to go back to SE after my LG as they were some of the best phones I had. But this phone just doesnt compare and I personally think its WinMo thats letting it down
i never experience any of the problems you mentioned above. May be it is a faulty unit.
Either a faulty unit, or filled with network bloatware! In short... not a problem of Xperia. When switching landscape to portrait it takes a second for me usually... at most 2-3 seconds. Same goes for other stuff.
I wasn't impressed with my Xperia at the beginning either... but after applying a few tweaks here and there and installing applications and stuff, it is by far the best phone ever! (and i am using the original rom - no cooked rom)
Maybe you should try installing a cooked ROM?
Either way... good luck with whatever phone you do decide to go with. I can, however, say with 99.999% certainty that most problems that you are facing are either due to a faulty device/firmware or is due to bloatware or something...
I did have the exact problems here, also did 3 of my friends who baught the phone.
It is crashing alot and is slow. However I think I will wait till the first firmware update.
But even if they didn't fix these problems, I don't really have an alternative phone, no phone has the specs I want except experia. I mean ofcourse other than win mo, because if it is a win mo phone you are seeking then know that all the win mo phones have the exact same problems, maybe less because they have been around in the market for a longer time, but they still do crash.
celinelust said:
I did have the exact problems here, also did 3 of my friends who baught the phone.
It is crashing alot and is slow. However I think I will wait till the first firmware update.
But even if they didn't fix these problems, I don't really have an alternative phone, no phone has the specs I want except experia. I mean ofcourse other than win mo, because if it is a win mo phone you are seeking then know that all the win mo phones have the exact same problems, maybe less because they have been around in the market for a longer time, but they still do crash.
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That's kinda shocking to hear. Have you tried tweaks and stuff? Maybe hard-reset the phone to remove all bloatware....
Feel free to give the phone to me
[email protected] said:
Feel free to give the phone to me
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Oh crap! I forgot to ask that...
this is strange, my xperia is the best winmo phone I've had. stable like a rock, fast, no lockups, nice batt life... everything works great (and would do better once they update the rom with a better one)
cursor said:
this is strange, my xperia is the best winmo phone I've had. stable like a rock, fast, no lockups, nice batt life... everything works great (and would do better once they update the rom with a better one)
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Same here...
Im going to flash my phone and see if its any better.
Anybody got MSN and want to guide me through it?
Evostance said:
Im going to flash my phone and see if its any better.
Anybody got MSN and want to guide me through it?
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Good luck with that. I hope you get it working perfectly! This is definitely a wonderful device and the fastest WinMo device.
I've never had the need to flash my set, so afraid don't know anything about it... otherwise would have offered to guide you through.
I have original rom and I think the phone is great! fast and solid!
101% something's wrong with YOUR phone only... althought i have my grumbles, but not so bad at all
Get O2 to reflash it, they will do it for free if you complain about lockups
Evostance said:
Im going to flash my phone and see if its any better.
Anybody got MSN and want to guide me through it?
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It's easy, just install hard-spl and then choose from the xperia rom forum one that you like (my preference for now is Itje's HD v2.1).
Follow closely the instructions on the Hard-SPL and rom thread you choose and it will be a breeze.
I just flashed it to IT-Xperience 2.1 and the phone is a hell of a lot faster.
good for you . I am planning to buy Xperia so it will be nice to hear what problems still occur after the update
Evostance said:
I just flashed it to IT-Xperience 2.1 and the phone is a hell of a lot faster.
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What is "IT-Xperience 2.1"? Google has 0 hits.

is there a blackberry interface for rhodium?

the blackberry interface is actually much faster to use for phone operations like sms, calls, and general phone usage. everything is like 2 clicks away.
this phone you have to sacrifice a small chicken in order to sms someone from the phonebook, and even call.
Sounds like you're in the wrong forum
Sell your phone and get a blackberry then
im thinkin abotu it because i feel like im using windows 95 again with this phone.
its constantly freezing. i had it for less than 10 days i had to do a hard reset 3 times and not even counting soft resets...
it takes so much fn time to open my messages and to call someone.
and forget about one handed use lol even with touch screen. this thing is definitely struggling with the OS because it doesnt have enough processing power to run the OS smoothly...
i rather wait for HD2...
i hated balckberry when i got it but not because the phone was slow and stupid but because it required data plan.
i hate this phone after only 3 days of use.
fuzzysig said:
im thinkin abotu it because i feel like im using windows 95 again with this phone.
its constantly freezing. i had it for less than 10 days i had to do a hard reset 3 times and not even counting soft resets...
it takes so much fn time to open my messages and to call someone.
and forget about one handed use lol even with touch screen. this thing is definitely struggling with the OS because it doesnt have enough processing power to run the OS smoothly...
i rather wait for HD2...
i hated balckberry when i got it but not because the phone was slow and stupid but because it required data plan.
i hate this phone after only 3 days of use.
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What carrier do you have, I have noticed that the hardware per carrier seems different. AT&T and Verizon seems to be more reliable than the Sprint version (no surprise there). Havne't heard much on the TMobile. YOu can get a Blackberry theme, but if you really like the OS better, then really get a Blackberry. WinMo is the best, in my opinion, due to expandability but the carrier derived hardware sometimes jacks all that up.
only stabilit issues I've seen are due to my onw stupid fault installing beta software (meh, it's an addiction). Otherwise it's been great with a little setup.
As for calling people, set you favoriates or searching in the address book is only a click away... whats the problem?

Any one single issue that may stop me buying?

so, i've no doubt that many of you have been using your HD2's for a while now, during your experiences have you noticed any one significant problem? For example, the SMS sending issue or maybe with push email on the battery life is awefull?
What is your single biggest issue with it?
The biggest issue for me was the SMS problem. Now fully corrected by HTC. I'm proud of my little Leo I use mine with email in push all the day, and I've about 30% at the end of the day, using my phone every minute
My only real issue is the ultra slow messaging system. Not the sending bug which is apparently fixed. This is just where it takes forever to load your messages making you wait before you can type and send your message!
Very irritating problem but not a show stopper! Still loving the phone
I get 2-3 days of light use(Dont use it much at work just texting) and at least 1 day of heavier use(sitting browsing the web, playing music etc on the weekends). I have a second battery with me most of the time just incase i let it run out
There's tons of information already on here to help you make your own decision.
The question YOU have to answer is whether there are any deal breakers for you from the stacks of info that is already on here. This thread, for example, is a good place to start...
There are just so many threads on here now where people are effectively asking others to make a buying decision for them/asking exactly the same thing. The unique features of the HD2 will remain the same no matter how many times this question gets asked.
At the end of the day, whether you buy or not is entirely down to you.
i've read that thread, usefull but far from concise. I am of course reading taking particular interest in this sub-forum, reading much of it but....
I'm not looking for what "most" people are looking for. I've left this fairly open ended question in the hope(?) that someone will mention what is a fairly unobvious to the masses issue but is a serious issue for them.
I'm looking for something that might be silly and therefore probably not mentioned by most of you but could stop it for me. I don't know what "it" might be but for example it could be that you can't put delivery receipts on a text message ....
I will be using ALL the functions of this phone and I wan't to try to eliminate any suprises!
Power hungry!
For me it's the power hungry nature of this beast. You can actually watch the battery draining right before your eyes if you are using it to surf or watch movies. I was shocked just how fast it drains.
Got a second battery now which I keep with me at all times. Batteries are the achilles heels of these powerful mini devices and I am very much looking forward to the new 3D lithium ion batteries becoming widely available as this will surely revolutionise mobile phones. Sorry going off topic there!
Can't say there's one MAIN problem, but it takes a lot of work to get it set up and running how you want it to, especially if you are unfamiliar with Winmo as I am
Hello again,
I quite understand where you are coming from but the approach I would have taken would be to make a private list of all the functions the device absolutely must have for you to be happy with it then confirm there aren't any issues with those functions through the info on here, sufficient for you to say no.
The key thing you have to remember, which new adopters from other devices don't realise, is that the HD2 isn't really a phone in the traditional sense. Its more like a small computer with telephony and messaging capability added on.
It therefore has much in common with the behaviours of a Windows computer (not surprising really as the OS is a "miniturised" version of windows). What kills it for a lot of people is that they expect it to behave exactly like a Nokia phone which it won't.
For many of us who have used winmobile devices for years, the things that may well be deal breakers for you just would not come up on our radar, hence my suggestion above of a different approach from you to get to a decision point. Being able to tweak the device, for example is a major plus as this gives great flexibility to customise the device. That attraction for me is a major deal breaker for others.
I would wager that there is a direct correlation between the numbers of people new to the winmobile platform and the number of posts on here expressing dissatisfaction with the device in one shape or form (SMS issue aside, of course).
Hope this is helpful.
Indeed it is WB! very welcome and very helpfull.
Been in WinMo for years and very skilled with it so its not a new device to me.
Also spent many years in support roles so very adept at extracting relevant info from a mass of other stuff.
Monty Burns said:
so, i've no doubt that many of you have been using your HD2's for a while now, during your experiences have you noticed any one significant problem? For example, the SMS sending issue or maybe with push email on the battery life is awefull?
What is your single biggest issue with it?
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I dont have these issues at all. As long as you dont mind tweaking things here and there, I think you will enjoy the experience.
Monty Burns said:
Been in WinMo for years and very skilled with it so its not a new device to me.
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And here was I , thinking you were a mere babe in the woods.
It's a great device, but before buying one, I'd suggest to test it if you have the possibility...
In eastern Europe there were very many faulty devices; was unlucky to get one myself...
thanks but won't have that issue, we are very well protected in the UK when buying from a shop.
If you have experience with past WM devices, then the HD2 will blow your socks off!
I've had WM since my MPX200 back in 2004, and the HD2 is by far the best WM device ever, even with it's few minor niggles (and be realistic, what phone doesn't have niggles?).
Well, my main issue was the crappy messaging but with the latest sms-hotfix that is also corrected! No more issues now... loving it every single minute!
No Voice control over bluetooth
Have had an HD2 for a few weeks now, and while it’s a great machine in most respects, the main deficiency for me is the lack of voice control over bluetooth. It's mentioned in quite a few other threads.
I ride a motorcycle and have used a helmet mounted scala-rider headset with a Dopod 838Pro for a couple of years (mostly for initiating and receiving phone calls, but occasionally having messages or calendar entries read out).
The lack of this function on the HD2 is a major drawback for me, and I imagine anyone for whom voice control is important (eg. if you drive/ride a lot).
Have had WinMo since before there were WinMo phones (HP 620lx, then XDA II, then JasJar, JasJam and now HD2) and I bought an iPhone 3GS (surreptitiously for my girlfriend) to see what all the fuss is about and to see for myself if the device is as good as the fanboys in my office gush on about.
I hate the way it's all locked-in to iTunes and you can't really tweak things to the level we're used to with WinMo, but everything "just works" (wi-fi, voice control, SMS conversation mode etc.)
If the voice control isn't enabled in an imminent ROM update I may have to consider selling my HD2 and begrudgingly keep the iPhone for myself.
Just my opinion – hope that helps with your decision.
For anyone with a previous satisfactory experince of winmo it's a no brainer...go for it! I personally had all sorts of problems years back with an Orange MDA and was slightly nervous about going down that road again but so far my HD2 has lived upto and exceeded all of my expectations. My requirements boil down to:
Must work well with a bluetooth headset in a noisy place (I drive a truck) does!
Obviously must function well as a wouldn't be any good if I couldn't speak to anyone but no problems whatsoever on that count!
Must have decent internet does (grabbing e-mails and surfing all day)
Must let me tweak it to add various does (6 sat nav progs and still adding them!)
Texts I use very infrequently as its easier just to speak but the texts I send and recieve seem to be fine (and thats without any hotfix applied!)
My only slight concern is battery life but as I'm near a charger all day long its no biggy and I've yet to address this with any of the tweaks floating about.
thats my twopenneth..
just seen the post above me...I use Cyberon Voice Speed Dial which works fine for me but as I have to tap a button on my headset to fire it up I guess it's not much use for you (unless you drill a hole in the side of your shoei so you can prod a button)
Retraction time...owing to a PM from Lordbowl I've just checked and it would appear that CVSD actually uses the mike on the HD2 and not the one on my bluetooth headset to obtain the info about which contact I want to call so it's not much use if you are wearing a helmet!
bzdemes said:
My only real issue is the ultra slow messaging system. Not the sending bug which is apparently fixed. This is just where it takes forever to load your messages making you wait before you can type and send your message!
Very irritating problem but not a show stopper! Still loving the phone
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This was fixed yesterday!
Monty Burns said:
so, i've no doubt that many of you have been using your HD2's for a while now, during your experiences have you noticed any one significant problem? For example, the SMS sending issue or maybe with push email on the battery life is awefull?
What is your single biggest issue with it?
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To be honest, if you are lucky you may end up with a zero faults device, but you my also consider,that you may have the sms problem which is not solved as many here seem to say.
Also you may get the pink spot that even with htc fix it will still there but not as ovieuse.
Also you must take in consideration that you cannot trust your future phone for making calls, because some times he does not wake up.
And must take in consideration that you may end up with the noise bug while in a call. plus many littel other bugs that you can live with (extrimily difficult to type,with out faults) the screen is over sensitive......Hope it helps for your desition
Audio Booster
Since the SMS outbox bug was fixed yesterday there is only 1 bug that irritates the crap out of me... Audio Booster needs to be re-enabled for every song that is played using Audio Manager unless you want untouched EQ.
I have tried setting AB & hitting "Done"/Home/Back but whatever I do it still dies after 1 or 2 tracks.
HTC reassure me this is to be fixed in a future release otherwise I would be looking for other alternatives.
I think the HD2 is a fantastic piece of kit but let down by HTC's bugginess.

I'm done with my N1. Back to WinMo for me.

This is not a troll posting. I swear...
I've had the AT&T flavored Nexus One since the day it was announced and I just can't suffer with it anymore. I'm running stock FRF91 with an unlocked bootloader. The only reason I unlocked the bootloader was so I could root and uninstall the apps that drained my battery or sucked resources that I never used - Twitter, Amazon-MP3, Genie-Widget, etc.
Pre-Froyo, it seemed pretty stable but the OS was very immature. Some things were just not well thought out. Activesync for example.
Post-Froyo: Turn on GPS, reboot. Talk on the phone for a long period of time, reboot. Charge the phone, reboot. Use Bluetooth, reboot. GPS is 100% useless now as after just a few minutes of use, the phone gets hot and reboots the phone. Hell, leave the phone in the sun in your car and it gets hot and reboots. Froyo offers some new features but some areas of the OS are still neglected and way behind where they should be. Can't move emails to a folder? Seriously? Can't undelete an email you accidentally deleted? That's just stupid. And there are a few other things that Windows Mobile had right for the last 10 years.
Yesterday alone, my phone rebooted several dozen times because I was trying to find a location with GPS and I was completely turned around with no idea where I was. I finally had to power off the phone, leave it off, and go ask someone at a gas station for directions. The phone reboots as soon as it gets hot and it appears everything makes the phone get hot.
Rip on Windows Mobile all you want, but I never once had a Windows Mobile device reboot on me and not do what it normally does. I'll throw CM6 on my N1 when it becomes final to see if things get better and I'll thrown on Gingerbread when that finally drops, but unless one of those solves the constant reboot issue, I'm done with Android. I've kept up with the Google forums and many, many, many people have the same issues I have so my N1 is obviously not an isolated case.
There are a lot of things I do like about Android so I'm not bashing Android. I like Android enough that if my phone didn't reboot constantly it'd be my primary platform moving forward.
I've had my N1 since the day after they were released and it has never rebooted spontaneously. Your phone is a lemon.
Try calling HTC?
vzontini said:
I've had my N1 since the day after they were released and it has never rebooted spontaneously. Your phone is a lemon.
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I agree, the only time my phone gets hot is when I leave it in my landscaping truck while I'm mowing, but I think any phone would have problems when it's 112 degrees outside and probably 140 in the truck.
Sounds like a bad phone. The only time my N1 rebooted was when I had an experimental rom on it.
Sounds like something is just borked, I use my phone all day it only reboots because I want to go into recovery.
Are yur using custom recovery? Wipe the cache and dalvik-cache.
Same as the above poster, mine never rebooted spontaneously even when hitting over 40C degrees. Only does so when I'm running some cutting-edge alpha kernels/ROMs, and then very rarely.
I was thinking it was specific to my device as well. I then googled "Nexus One overheating" and was overwhelmed by the number of people with the same issue. I also own over a dozen HTC devices, I've had ZERO problems with any of them. I've wiped my cache quite a few times. I've even wiped the phone and started fresh.
I've googled every specific issue I have had and found many others complaining about the same thing. Overheating/locking up the device when charging overnight - check. Rebooting/overheating when using GPS - check.
Lately, I've been uninstalling anything that runs in the background that isn't an essential part of the OS. Makes no difference. When I first got my N1, I used the GPS and Car Home app to drive an 8 hour trip. Not a single problem. The very first time I tried to use Car Home after going to Froyo it rebooted after just a few minutes and it's been that way since. I found MANY posts that confirmed this on Google's forums.
Personally, I think my device is fine. I suppose it's always possible that an app is causing the reboots. For example, the Weather Channel app is always running and that's not the most beautifully coded app I've ever seen...
Any suggestions, keep 'em coming. I'm not thrilled with Windows Mobile 7 yet.
Here's my installed apps (I love that program BTW). If you see anything as a possible suspect, let me know:
Adobe Flash Player 10.1 (v10.1.92.8)
andLess (v1.2.3)
Android Agenda Widget (v1.3.5)
AT&T myWireless Mobile (v6.0)
Audalyzer (v1.14)
Barcode Scanner (v3.4)
BlueRSS (v3.0.4)
Chrome to Phone (v2.0.0)
eBay (v1.1.2.3)
eBuddy (v1.8.1)
Ethereal Dialpad (v2.5.2)
FCC Test (v1.0.7)
Flashlight (v2)
FREEdi Video Download Helper (v1.3.1)
FrostWire (v0.3.7)
Google Translate (v1.1.1)
GPS Status (v3.2)
gStrings (v1.0.5)
HistoryEraser (v2.1.1)
HTC_IME mod (vv.27)
JScreenFix (v2.0)
Keyboard Calibration (v2.10)
Linda Manager (v1.5.12)
Listen (v1.1.3)
Log Collector (v1.1.0)
Music Junk (v3.0.4)
My Battery Status (v2.0.8)
MyAppsList (v1.4 BETA)
Network Info II (v0.3.4)
Note Pad (v1)
OSMonitor (v1.1.6)
Pandora (v1.3)
Penguin (v1.2.0)
RealCalc (v1.4.1)
Scanner Radio (v1.9.2)
Secrets (v1.9.2)
Shazam (v2.0.2-B70005)
Shopper (v1.12)
Solo Lite (v1.25)
Terminal Emulator (v1.0.12)
Tetronimo (v1.5.1)
The Weather Channel (v2.3.17)
Titanium Backup (v3.4.2)
Trapster (v1.6.3)
Tricorder (v5.11)
TTS Service Extended (v2.0)
Universal Androot (v1.5.3)
Voice Recorder (v2.0.7)
Wifi Analyzer (v2.4.8)
WiimoteController (v0.3b)
XDA (v1.2.1)
Device Summary
Device: HTC Nexus One
Android Version: 2.2
Build: FRF91
List Generated By: MyAppsList (market://search?
By the sound of it, it's not an app. The phone should be able to take a good amount of heat and not reboot - the only time I got it to reboot was under direct sunlight in a car, it was probably hitting 50 degrees Celsius. If yours reboots every time you do anything - it's time to nandroid, take out the battery and clean the battery contacts really well (on the battery and the phone, using alcohol), flash a bone stock FRF91 or something really close to it, try to repeat the things that made it reboot (shouldn't be very difficult), and if the reboots continue - then I'm sorry, but you have a lemon. And if they don't - change to your favorite ROM and start incrementally installing stuff in small packs, until your testing shows reboots again. Defining anything other than Google account (like Exchange account) is also considered "installing something".
E-Mail quirks are taken care of by E-Mail clients. Exchange server push might be draining the hell out of your battery and heating your phone, check the relevant thread. I really hope you find the problem in SW, but it doesn't look very much like it.
P.S. There are so many ways to get a WinMo phone stuck (my wife has one, I regularly practice using the reset button when doing something with the system) it's not even funny.
thanks for the tips. I'll give them a shot. I read in a couple different threads that HTC has been sending replacement batteries to those with overheating issues. I have a hard time believing it's the battery but what do I know?
One thing I forgot to add about WinMo, I soft reset my device every morning on the way to work. Just a habit I got into with Windows.
Yeah sounds like you got a faulty device. If the above suggestions don't work, call HTC and they should do a swap for you
went to the Google "Device Troubleshooter" support page:
Step 1: What are you having an issue with?
selected: A hardware problem I'm having with the Nexus One
Step 2: A hardware problem i’m having with the Nexus One
selected: My device overheats
Then it said this:
It is normal for your phone to get warm after an extended period of continual usage, such as a long phone conversation. If your phone becomes so warm that you cannot hold it comfortably, please try removing the battery and waiting until the phone cools off before replacing it.
If your phone overheats to the point of shutting itself off repeatedly, there may be a hardware defect with your phone's battery. Please visit our warranty information page.
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So I called support (open 7 days a week - nice) and they are shipping out a new battery tomorrow and if that doesn't work, I'll send it in for repair. Didn't want to replace it because it was engraved.
I really hope this fixes it. I do like Android and I love the community work. iOS blows and Windows Mobile 7 just doesn't have me wanting one.
I'll update this thread when the new battery arrives and if necessary, after the repair work...
I used to have the same problem, but i don't think it was rom specific for me. I had a black case on my phone and my car mount was a black universal one mounted on my windshield. I would use GPS nav and play music at the same time and sometimes make phone calls and it would reboot pretty frequently. Through SetCPU i noticed that the temp was somewhere between 45-50degrees C. only way i was able to use my phone was to remove the battery and stick it in my AC vent along with the phone itself.
So since then i got myself a AC mounted carmount and no longer use my case and its been fine ever since. When ever it gets hot in my car i usually have AC on and the phoen gets cooled by it also. Average temp was around 15-18degrees C while i was using GPS/Music/Calls.
lulz, sounds like your phone had a hardware issue if it was rebooting all the time like that.
I have had my phone on for literally weeks at a time with out a reboot. Android is rock solid stable.
Way to not get your issue fixed and go back to a dead mobile OS that was never developed properly in the first place. Good luck with that champ.
My phone could stab me in the balls all day long and I still wouldn't revert to the current winmo.
McHale said:
This is not a troll posting. I swear...
I've had the AT&T flavored Nexus One since the day it was announced and I just can't suffer with it anymore. I'm running stock FRF91 with an unlocked bootloader. The only reason I unlocked the bootloader was so I could root and uninstall the apps that drained my battery or sucked resources that I never used - Twitter, Amazon-MP3, Genie-Widget, etc.
Pre-Froyo, it seemed pretty stable but the OS was very immature. Some things were just not well thought out. Activesync for example.
Post-Froyo: Turn on GPS, reboot. Talk on the phone for a long period of time, reboot. Charge the phone, reboot. Use Bluetooth, reboot. GPS is 100% useless now as after just a few minutes of use, the phone gets hot and reboots the phone. Hell, leave the phone in the sun in your car and it gets hot and reboots. Froyo offers some new features but some areas of the OS are still neglected and way behind where they should be. Can't move emails to a folder? Seriously? Can't undelete an email you accidentally deleted? That's just stupid. And there are a few other things that Windows Mobile had right for the last 10 years.
Yesterday alone, my phone rebooted several dozen times because I was trying to find a location with GPS and I was completely turned around with no idea where I was. I finally had to power off the phone, leave it off, and go ask someone at a gas station for directions. The phone reboots as soon as it gets hot and it appears everything makes the phone get hot.
Rip on Windows Mobile all you want, but I never once had a Windows Mobile device reboot on me and not do what it normally does. I'll throw CM6 on my N1 when it becomes final to see if things get better and I'll thrown on Gingerbread when that finally drops, but unless one of those solves the constant reboot issue, I'm done with Android. I've kept up with the Google forums and many, many, many people have the same issues I have so my N1 is obviously not an isolated case.
There are a lot of things I do like about Android so I'm not bashing Android. I like Android enough that if my phone didn't reboot constantly it'd be my primary platform moving forward.
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Your phone is defective. I've NEVER experienced a spontaneous reboot.
uansari1 said:
Your phone is defective. I've NEVER experienced a spontaneous reboot.
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Same here** (only when I played with different kernels )
GldRush98 said:
Way to not get your issue fixed and go back to a dead mobile OS that was never developed properly in the first place. Good luck with that champ.
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you're not much of a reader, are you?
JCopernicus said:
My phone could stab me in the balls all day long and I still wouldn't revert to the current winmo.
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Fact: Windows Mobile still does several things much better than Android. And those things are important to me on my primary device.
I get what you're saying though. Despite a few issues, Android is dominating everything in it's wake. But instead of Android spending so much time with new flashy features, they should focus their attention getting the basics right first. Their contact and email handling B L O W S. How about proper email folder handling and a basic undelete function...
I agree with the rest. To be honest, I didn't get my Nexus new, it has had two users before me. It came with Cyanogen Mod, and to be honest I find it gives better battery life and performance compared to the stock OS. If I were you I'd try it out once you get the Nexus back.
I use ROM manager to download and install ROMs, give it a try.

