MDA Pro - video calling not working - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I'm on tmobile and my video calling feature does not seem to work, i get an error saying Video calling fails when try to make a video call.
I spoke to CS they advised its due to the firmware version that i have, and said this wont work until the next update, also they weren't sure when this next update will be
Can i just find out if anyone else is having the same problem, i have the following firmware:
Rom version: 1.12.42 WWE
ROM Date: 08/23/05
Radio version: 1.00.02
Protocol version: 42.33.P8
ExtROM version: 1.12.126 WWE
And also if your video calling works what software version you have.

I have the same dated rom version but don't have any1 with a 3g phone I can call and the 3g area isn't good round my way...
If any1 wants to let me try to call them on video I would love to try. In the UK of course

I have the same dated rom version but don't have any1 with a 3g phone I can call and the 3g area isn't good round my way...
If any1 wants to let me try to call them on video I would love to try. In the UK of course

Re: MDA Pro - video calling works with current ROM!
ump001 said:
I'm on tmobile and my video calling feature does not seem to work, i get an error saying Video calling fails when try to make a video call.
I spoke to CS they advised its due to the firmware version that i have, and said this wont work until the next update, also they weren't sure when this next update will be
Can i just find out if anyone else is having the same problem, i have the following firmware:
Rom version: 1.12.42 WWE
ROM Date: 08/23/05
Radio version: 1.00.02
Protocol version: 42.33.P8
ExtROM version: 1.12.126 WWE
And also if your video calling works what software version you have.
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If they really told you this, they are definately lying! :evil:
This is my wifes' MDA Pro ROM details:
ROM version: 1.12.42 WWE
ROM date: 08/23/05
Radio version: 1.00.02
Protocol version: 42.33.P8
ExtROM version: 1.12.126 WWE
As you can see, it's identical to yours. 3G Video calls works perfectly for her and she video-calls me on my jasjar (o2 3G Sim card) with absolutely no problems at all. If you bought it in a shop, take it back and if they won't try a video call with another 3G compatible phone for you, ask for an exchange, else threaten them with squashing your contract. The ROM is fine!!


How to upgrade ROM?

Hi all. I'm new to this world here, but have been using my Himalaya (or o2 as we know it here in Indonesia) for the past half year now, and am loving it.
The only drop of rain in my otherwise sunny day of using my o2 is that my bluetooth refuses to receive files from other mobile phones, most noticeably from Nokia phones. I understand I can upgrade the ROM of the phone, so that the bluetooth works better. Under my Device Information, the below is listed:
ROM version: 1.66.00WWE
ROM date: 02/20/04
Radio version: 1.08.00
Protocol version: 1337.18
ExtROM version: 1.66.165
I'm also using a Win XP computer, and want to learn how to upgrade my ROM. Please help me with this...

upgrading my rom

hi ive just got my xda2i and ive been told i might be able to upgrade my rom to make it faster ,any ideas ,
this is my device information,
rom version: 1.10.00 wwe
rom date: 12/24/04
radio version: 1.00.00
protocol version: 1337.39
extrom version: 1.10.124 wwe
i'd be grateful for any information ,
if thats the o2 one it looks up to date.
There is a new firmware coming out, possibly next week for o2 devices which will include the blackberry client, and also a fix for the battery life.
Im currently testing the new version before its release.
you can download official updates from here
thx noodleman could u keep me informed ,i need all the help i can .

Will My Qtek 9100 work the way its supposed to??

Hi, Sorry if this is a stupid qeustion..
I have been reading around this forum and read some things that got me worried...
I just got my 9100 and I will be using it with US Tmobile. The phone is not branded and does not have a tmobile ROM. If I call and get my data plan going is my phone going to work the way it should?? Will I have to manually adjust any settings for GPRS or EDGE to function correctly??
Is there a TMobile ROM I should be using?
Heres what I have right now:
ROM version: WWE
ROM date: 12.05.05
Radio version: 1.12.10
Protocol Version:
ExtROM version:
Any info or tips are greatly appreciated!!!

What about my ExtROM?

I recently got an i-mate JasJar, and I found intriguing that:
a) It didn't came with any antivirus or skype installed
b) The smart dialling option doesn't work
By browsing the forums, I've found out aht these programs are in fact in the "ExtRom"
I checked my device information under settings, and t my surprise there is nothing under "extROM version" ???
I checked under at and the last firmware is, in fact, the same that I have. But the on on their website seem to have a "extROM".
Here is what I currently have:
ROM version: 1.30.76 WWE
ROM date: 02/20/06
Radio version: 1.09.00
Protocol version: 42.42.P8
ExtROM version: <this is blank>
Here is what is available for download at
Rom version: 1.30.76
Radio version: 1.09.00
ExtROM version: 1.30.164
Could someone suggest me what to do? Did someone here had the same problem that I have? It kinda bugs me not to have the smart dialing option and other things that were supopsed to come built-in.
Thanks for the help,
Wow... 45 views and no answer... hummm... :?
I sorted out my problem by downloading the latest firmware from i-mate. For some reason, although I had all the latest WWE, Radio Firmware, etc. My ExtROM was empty (?!).
By upgrading the firmware I got all back, and my "smart dialing" now works, I have the Backgammon game, skype (although I uninstalled it in order to install the newer version), the Antivirus (although I uninstalled it because I find it useless), etc.

Tytn Radio Problems

hi folks!
i have a problem using my tytn. when i move around to areas with dead spots my mobile seems to crash. well, not the tytn, but the radio rom.
im talkin to someone with 3-5 bars. hangin up, and switch to standby mode.
then i put it in my pocket (jeans, or whatsoever)..
moving down in the cellar with heavy walls.
Now the tytn iss in standby. when i try to phone it (from another mobile) its just unreachable. so, i switch it on, and i see 3 or 5 bars.
when im trying to make a call it does not work. some seconds later the tytn recognizes that a "netsearch" will be great.
after that it is reachable.
strange thing, just because if i dont touch it, it is unreachable for days..
any suggestions?
i have
Rom version:
Radio version:
ext. Rom:
it is almost useless, because i'm never shure if its reachable or not.
thanks for helping me.
well, updated to 1.20 (radio rom) and unfortunately.. no changes..
my herm100 is not goin to recognize that there is no radio tower.
... and if there's a new... connect to a new one...
my next step is a downgrade to 1.16
i read many of all the threads in this forum and 1.16 seems to be the most stable.
tomorrow i can tell u more of my progresses.
a tired
I have posted this elsewhere but would repeat this over here.
I had exactly the same problem with my new Jasjam (S/N Ht647XXX).
The ROM originally (factory installed) when I received my Jasjam is detailed below:-
ROM Version: 1.31.305.2
ROM Date: 8th September 2006
Radio Version:
Protocol Version: 32.53.7020.01H
Ext ROM Version: 1.31.305.104
Bootloader Version:1.06
I then went to the i-mate site and downloaded the latest ROM available which is detailed below:-
ROM Version: 1.20.305.3
ROM Date: 21st July 2006
Radio Version:
Protocol Version: 32.41.1010.02H
Ext ROM Version: 1.20.305.104
Bootloader Version:1.04
This change of ROM from the one which was supplied with my jasjam to the one available on the i-mate site has totally resolved my problem.
It is rather strange that the ROM available on the i-mate site which the site says is the latest ROM available is actually older than the one which came installed on my jasjam. The only logical reason could be that i-mate realized that the ROM being shipped with their new devices has a problem and have therefore not made it available on their site.
