Key mapping - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Inspired by the thread about changing the Pocket IE (or T-mobile) button, is it possible to remap that button to CTRL+C and the FN+PocketIE button to CTRL+V? Do these keyboard shortcuts even exist in CE.NET 5/WM5? At the very least I need them for remote desktop so if anyone knows how one might acheive this, I'd love them in a manly way

how hard is it to 'hack' WM5?
there would seem to be enough "spare" buttons on the Exec that one could be used as Ctrl...
the blue Fn button, doesn't have any key-combination bindings with X, C or V - so cut, copy and paste (keyboard shortcuts I miss the most, too!) could be done with Fn-X, Fn-C etc.
does anyone know how easy it would be to do this?

I agree that the missing [Ctrl]-key is a right pain. Sadly, I can't offer a solution, but experimenting with key combinations has shown up some oddities!
Holding [shift]+[Fn] followed by a key on the bottom row first puts a character into the current application before actioning the special function of that key.
For example, open Word, then press:
[shift]+[Fn]+[envelope] inserts character: "z"
[shift]+[Fn]+[windows] inserts character: "x"
[shift]+[Fn]+[PIE] inserts character: "c"
[shift]+[Fn]+[space] inserts character: "v"
[shift]+[Fn]+[symbol] inserts character: "b"
[shift]+[Fn]+[left arrow] inserts character: "n"
[shift]+[Fn]+[down arrow] inserts character: "?"
[shift]+[Fn]+[right arrow] doesn't do anything
[shift]+[Fn]+[c] unfortunately launches [PIE]
However, pressing:
[shift]+[Fn]+[v] first inserts the character "v", but then opens the (tap-&-hold) shortcut menu with "Paste" highlighted. If you have some text in the clipboard then it will automatically paste that text into the application. Just a pain that it inserts the "v" first.
Above all based on the O2 XDA Exec.

I've tried to get [ctrl] working with Aekmap but had no luck.
It's a shame because it's not just copy and paste that needs a ctrl key. I use pocket PuTTY a lot to administer *nix machines and [ctrl]+c is kind of vital.

You just hold Fn and press Space to get the edit menu.
That's why the symbol on it is the same as the seldom-used edit key to the right of the Alt-Gr on a regular PC keyboard.
Or am I missing the point here?

I think you are missing it a little. I (and I'm sure others) use terminal services client quite a bit and not having a CTRL key is a real pain. In some circumstances, your suggestion works, but not universally.


Ctrl Key - Does it exist or how?

Has anybody worked out if the keyboard has a Ctrl key or a function that works like Ctrl , handy when quitting apps eg Ctrl Q.
Or editing.
I couldnt find it when I used the device.
That's very strange because I have it on my MDA II's touchscreen keyboard. Are you talking about the touchscreen keyboard that you have to pop up by pressing the up arrow in the lower right-hand corner in the Messages app for instance?
I wonder whether this feature would also be ROM-dependent.
i meant the hard keyboard not sip. its on sip but when i used the universal i couldnt see it.
Yes I am interested in the Ctrl button on the universal as well, I owned a XDAIIs and found the keyboard on that didn't have the Ctrl key either so you can't do CUT/COPY or paste unless there is another way. I cut and paste heaps so the keyboard was useless to me on the XDAIIs.
Any one know if there is another way to do this on the Universal Keyboard.
what a wind up this is, cant believe they missed the ctrl button off the proper keyboard.
The keyboard has Cut/copy/paste function, so I am happy.
Jasjar is the most awesome PPC Phone yet.
there is a screen tap key (a bit like the right mouse click key on a full computer) this brings up the menu option, with copy and cut in it !! then you can just pres the relevant letter on the keyboard, thus having the same effect (ie press a function key then C or T or V).
PS its Fn [Space] key
cool... i wondered what that key did! that is useful!
[ctrl] is used for more things than copy+paste.
I use my Exec to communicate with *NIX servers using Pocket PuTTY. [ctrl] is kind of essential.
Agree, using putty is a nightmare without a ctrl key. Is there any way of mapping another key to do the same function

Start menu - Letters underlined

Has anyone had similar issue?
When I open Start Menu, some letters of Program names are underlined.
Any idea how to remove those marks?
Thanks in advance!
These are keyboard shortcuts to those programs (similar in "desktop" windows - when you press "Alt" key you have some letters underlined; when you press those letters on the keyboard it shall activate the given option).
There is a registry key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (which unfortunately I can not remember right now)
with a value called something like HardwareKeybaordEnabled (sorry I can't be more specific).
If you change it from 1 to 0 the lines will go away.
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\HasKeyboard 1",change 1 to 0 and power off...

Special characters shortcut

Is it possible to make longpressing a character on the keyboard use a character of my choice? rather than bringing up a menu where I have to click on the screen to choose character?
I want to use the character Å (A with a ring over it, its in the norwegian alphabet)
I longpress A, and that gives me a menu on the screen with Â, Ã, Ä and Å, and I have to click one of those!
Instead I want to set my own characters like this:
Longpress A = Å (A-ring)
Longpress E = Æ (AE)
Longpress O = Ø (O-line)
I dont know if this exists or even if it is possible, but it would be a great timesaver!
This would indeed be very useful. Request seconded.
Just as a tip for my fellow norwegians, since aa (a with ring above) is the key that is most to use, I usually just copy that letter and just paste it when I need it later, and long press o to got oe and then press enter, and for ae I just long press a and use the scroll wheel to move one field down and then press enter.
Not sure if this works for you, but I manage just fine with this approach. The only thing that annoys me is the lack of support for foreign keys in the android browser.

where can i find the underscore _

Hello, i have a little problem.
I would to setup windows messenger on my X1 but i need the _ to compleet the setup. but where can i find the _ on the X1.
bring up the on screen keyboard. its a hassle i know but the x1 doesnt seem to have it mapped on the query keyboard
It works! Thankz.
You can use the àü button (just above the "Sym" key on the hardware keyboard) for this and MANY other characters...
For example type a "-" and then press the àü key and it turns that "-" into the "_" that you wanted...
This also works for $, £, and loads more symbols can even customise it (I set mine up so I have easy access to £ and €...)
thay AU key doesnt seem to do anything for me. do i need to set it up first?
No it should just work ~maybe probs if you've installed a keyboard? or manila ...but fresh out of the box it works automatically
Connect your phone in ActiveSync mode to your computer and open \Windows\sym.0409.txt
That shows you the list ...for each character it shows what pressing the àü key will change it to (you have to press àü immediately after pressing the original key)
You can move them around. Each line is representing one hardware key. Each time you press àü it jumps to the next character on the line in that text file.
Here is an extract of mine -
So when I type "a" and then press àü it changes to à àü again and it changes to á ...
So to get the GBP symbol I just type @ and press àüand there you go... I have £
im usign the diamond keyboard. it doesnt do anythign for me when i press that button. dont have anything else installed. ill try to look up that file, thanks.
i tried opening it. it has everything you have and more. however, it doesnt work.
i'm using the X1ButtonMapper software and assigned the Tab+s key for underscore using the command SendKeys("_"). at the same time I assigned the $, %, and + keys to other buttons. it made sending e-mails and SMS a lot easier..

[PRO] Remapping hardware buttons / hardware keyboard

Hi folks,
I'm trying to remap the hardware buttons of my rooted Xperia Pro with stock ICS 4.0.4, but there are some quirks that trouble me.
Basically, I want to
1.) remap the language button on the QWERTZ hardware keyboard.
2.) Prevent the camera button from unlocking the phone - just press power to show the lock screen, then hold camera button, the press home key and you'll see how easy it is for the phone to unlock in your pocket.
So far, I parsed through the keyboard layout files in /system/usr
I remapped key 368 in pm8058-keypad.kl to CTRL_LEFT, which did not seem to make any difference! Language button still invokes language dialog
I also modified quertz.xml and qwerty-en.xml by replacing META_LANGUAGE with META_CTRL_LEFT - did not make any difference.
Of course, I rebooted the phone inbetween...
Regarding 2), I have no clue. Butting WAKE_DROPPED behind CAMERA and FOCUS in pm8058-keypad.kl does not help.
I could use some help with key remapping as well. If I find some info i'll send it your way.
No progress for me so far... anyone?
kyanox said:
I could use some help with key remapping as well. If I find some info i'll send it your way.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I want to re-map the 0 (Zero) key and the OK button orientation on the PIN Lock feature. Any info what files I need to change?
I GOT IT!!! partially at least....
Reading through and once again, I finally found something that pointed me into the right direction!
I order to make my change to the Language button work (remapping key 368 to CTRL_LEFT), there are two possible ways:
1.) Set hardware keyboard to FULL keyboard type by replacing "type ALPHA" with "type FULL" in /system/usr/keychars/pm8058-keypad.kcm
This will make the hardware keyboard work without any additional GUI, so pressing shift will allow you to select text and copy&paste via ctrl+a,c,v,x now works (This still depends on the app you are using. Some do ignore this, some will still work with menu+a,c,v,x instead)
But beware:, in order to enter numbers or upper case letters, you now have to keep the modifier key pressed.
Printable characters can be edited via /system/usr/keychars/pm8058-keypad.kcm, non-printables like modifier keys can be edited via /system/usr/keylayout/pm8058-keypad.kl
Android keycode names can be found here:
Until now, I was unable to create a solution for entering special characters like ä,ö,ü
I tried to via sym or meta keyword in .kcm file while mapping the Sym key to SYMBOL or META_LEFT via the .kl file, but it didn't work...
2.) The .xml files in /system/usr/keyboard-config/layouts are used only with the keyboard configured as "type ALPHA". In order to identify the correct .xml file, you have to parse through the files in /system/usr/keyboard-config/languages and look for the script keyword, which in conjunction with the declarations in /system/usr/keyboard-config/keyprint.xml will tell you to the layout xml file for your device localisation.
Now, in order to remap printable characters, you have to edit the correct layout xml file and for non-printable characters, you have to edit the scancodes.xml file in /system/usr/keyboard-config.
Unfortunately, shift-selecting text will not work with "type ALPHA" mode and it seems that editing scancodes.xml is not sufficient to remap language button to CTRL_LEFT, but the .kl file has to be changed, too.

