Recover/Fully Delete Deleted FIles in O2 XDA II - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Ok guys, you know how you can recover or fully delete files in your PC right? You can use a program like System Mechanic. System Mechanic can also do that to an external device like a digicam or mp3 player. When I say files I'm talking about pictures, videos and multimedia stuffs. I didn't back them up. I just deleted them and of course the occassional hard reset. Now I have some questions:
1. I cannot make my XDA II show as a removable device. I put it in the cradle but it's not showing up as a removable device. I was told that you have to put it in "Storage Mode" and not in "Sync Mode". Anyone who knows how to do this? Or make it appear as a removable device?
2. Do you know of any way to recover files deleted in my xda 2? or fully delete them aside from the system mechanic program?
3. Is there a way for me to reformat my xda 2?
4. When I hard reset my phone, does it delete files permanently and has no way of recovering it?
I would appreciate answers to my questions. Thanks!

your PPC makes use of RAM as a hard-drive, thus when files are deleted, they are deleted, they're not flagged as overwritable by the OS as you find with a physical HDD in a PC.

agree'd but that may not hold try for SD Cards if you just delete a file
being that sd cards have a limited number of writes before they go belly up
it would be silly to truely delete files when you delete them from the os
of cause a format should truely delete everything on the SD card

But how come my officemate was able to recover a file in his nokia phone? He used system mechanic. It showed up on system mechanic as a removable device.
Thx for the answer but I don't get what you're saying with SD cards. You mean SanDisk card right? Can u explain more?

SD == secure digital
and yes sandisk makes sd cards like they make pretty much all other
flavours of flash cards
not sure how logitech handle their systems internaly
one thing you could do to make sure that your pda really delete
the stuff is to get the program which makes your pda work
as a usb mass storage cntrl device in that case normal pc undelete programs should be able to access it like other volumes

Yeah that's what I'm trying to do. I have a system mechanic program on my PC. Unfortunately, my O2 XDA II won't show up as a removable device. ANy ideas on how can I do this?

As my first post, sorry for my bad english here. U can use softick cardexport. use googl....., and u can use as a removable device. says that it's for palm..wld it be compatible with xda 2?

Yes, you can!!!
You can do it, read here:-

that's for if you've had a piece of removable storage and the FS and/or files on the media have become corrupted (probably due to an incomplete write and bad timing) it is NOT for people who have intentionally deleted files from their card. neither is it for the PDA's on-board memory, which this guy has quite clearly killed intentionally, also mentioning that he has performed the odd hard-reset too.
secondly, just to point out a crucial aspect of your flawed logic;
if it is possible for files to remain in the memory of the PDA even after things such as a hard reset, then why is it that if you remove the battery from your PDA, then leave it in said state for about an hour (drained backup battery) the PDA will be blank after I put the battery back in?


storage card nuked wihtout warning

i just got my storage card nuked and i think it was by "save attachments on storage card" .. its cleanswept except for some attachment dir and a WMDRM dir.. anyone experienced this before?
Im curious if there is a way to save my storage card like file recovery for windows!?!? I've had smartphone for 2 years and never experienced such (nor used the mail portion) .. its really a drag if this is normal wm5 behavior.
anyways two questions:
- is a way to generally clone a qtek9100 with all regs and storage
- is there a way to recover lost files if nothing else is written to car? (so called quick formats)
sardaukar said:
- is a way to generally clone a qtek9100 with all regs and storage
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Backup apps:
SPB Backup -
Sunnysoft Backup Manager -
Sprite Backup -
Or, otherwise, copy all files over, and export the registry using Tascal Registry Editor or so. Restoring would likely be iffy, though.. e.g. overwriting the Pocket Outlook database and such - if it can be done.
sardaukar said:
- is there a way to recover lost files if nothing else is written to card? (so called quick formats)
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Yes - there's dedicated software for this. I got one from Sandisk that came with their 1GB Ultra III compactflash card that I've got in my camera next to a 2GB memorystick.
as for the nuking, I assume now it was something todo with windows mediea player and device syncronization which hadnt fully initiated ..
anyways, when you tlak of recovery what do you mean, as the link you post leads to pc software.
u put sd card in camera and mount as usb and run pc software to recover?
sprite backup seems to be very nice and feature rich.
I just had the exact same thing happen to me...was just left with the attachments directory.
The good news is that the SD card shows that there is 250MB used so i know the files are there...i just cant see them. I'm trying that SD program referenced in the last post to see if i can at least see the files.
Unfortunately, all my backups are on the SD card itself. I hadnt copied them to my HD.
wow, this is nuts - there's some serious bug lurking around!
Update on this.
I was able to recover the files with some data recovery tools. The one in this thread is useless - its meant for media files only.
I still wonder why this happened. Either way, I'm switching back Outlook attachments to main memory for a bit and see what happens.
Well, let us know which data recovery tool you used - might come in handy for others
yup same thing happened to me... and same way, attachments on storage card
space was still missing but the files were too
didnt bother recovering though as i had backups luckily
The same happened to me twice! The first time I thought it was due to FAT FS, so i reformated it with FAT32, but it happened again.
I do have my attachements at SD, as well as I save pictures from camera to it.
BTW, the same thing happened once with my wife's iPaq 2490 (attachement at SD).
As for fixing: just use standard MS Windows checkdsk (or use Check now from drive options) if you have a card reader. It saves all files to FOUND directory (but, unfortunately, it renames it to strange names, so you'll have to find out what is what)
If this happens to you, FinalData Enterprise and EasyRecovery Pro are known to recover files very well. They will find all files and filenames. They wont restore the top level folder names but if you dont have many, you can change them yourself. More important to me were the lower level filenames and the integrity of those files.
Most of the other trial recovery programs i used couldnt do what these two products could. They typically just showed a bunch of .chk files or else tried to recover media files only.
I still want to know how this happened and if there's a way to replicate the problem. There's some nasty Outlook bug lurking around that needs to be fixed!
same thing happened to me. just realised that i have 300 meg os missing disk space that i thought had gone for ever.
can anyone recommend a freeware tool ?
Wait, my new 2gb card died 2 days ago! The Wizard won't even find it, and my PC finds it, but all the stuff on it is missing except for a couple of directories and it won't let me format it. It has to go back to China now. I'm so pissed off.
Anyone know a card recovery app?
I know the ones i mentioned earlier should work.
Someone said chkdsk may work...try that although i worry that if it recovers cross linked files (most of them are), it'll dump a bunch of useless chk files on the card.
i tried checkdisk and it didn't seem to retrieve any files. grrrrrrrrr.
Well maybe it s a bug which occurs on march 14.... because that same thing occured to my sd yesterday while I was using tt5 on the road... ;(
sardaukar said:
as for the nuking,.....bla bla.....
sprite backup seems to be very nice and feature rich.
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I'd choose SPB Backup. According to my knowledge the WM5 compatible version of Sprite Backup does not have the self extracting functionallity yet. (weird because that among other features made Sprite Backup stand tall above all other backup/clone solutions).
Hope they will include this self extracting feature soon.
2 GIG Mini SD Speed
Just got mine from Singapore yesterday. I did not format it as it came already formatted. I have noticed that playing video divx / mpg1's are very slow versus internal memory. I did the reg edits for cache size but found no real changes to media playback. Anyone out there playing with media playback on a Cingular 8125?
mike freegan said:
Wait, my new 2gb card died 2 days ago! The Wizard won't even find it, and my PC finds it, but all the stuff on it is missing except for a couple of directories and it won't let me format it. It has to go back to China now. I'm so pissed off.
Anyone know a card recovery app?
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From experiance with this same issue on a 1gb, the card eventually starts having block failures. Fortunatly the place I bought it replaced it with another. Whatever nukes it, perminatly damaged mine. Hope in your case it didn't damage it.
I'm wondering if this is related to the reboot issue some of us are experiancing... and if it has something to do with pocket outlook or pocket windows media player 10.
Block failures are a hardware fault.
The only way you could induce one with software would be to rewrite the same location more than ~1m times, which would cause it to fail - flash has a limited lifetime, although the limit is very high.
So let me get this straight:
REGARDLESS of the BRAND of the miniSD card, the Wizard HAVE an ISSUE whereby, if MEssaging Attachement is saved to the card, the device CAN RANDOMLY nuke the card?
I haave the same issue with my ATP miniSD card (and they're considered one of the most reliable one), but instead of nuking it, it just doesn't show the file OR...worst... rename the card to "Storage CArd 2".
Depends on what people are running into.
If you're getting a corrupted card BUT you can reformat it, then it may be something with the storage card attachment thing. (I personally run with this turned on and have NOT had it happen)
If, however, the card CANNOT be reformatted - that is, its TOAST - then its NOT a software problem. The card has physically failed. Since the 2GB cards are quite new, this is entirely possible.
One other possibility - if you have a card that won't reformat first try writing a few kilobytes of zeros to it using psdwrite. If you can THEN reformat it, then the card was scrambled - it did not die.
Using "r2sd" to dump ROM images to the card has been known to interfere with reformatting to full capacity due to the internal data patterns that show up in certain places with certain ROMs. Writing a block of zeros to the front of the card will fix this, as it will wipe the data that is being misinterpreted.

SD card primer, anyone?

I just discovered I'm even more of a ignorant farmgirl than I thought... this time it's the MiniSD card I don't know anything about.
I mean: of course you plug it in and you browse to it to add/move/remove files... but it would seem that's not enough. So, can anyone point me to a SD-on-Wiz Faq, please?
A few things I'm looking into:
- How do you get the Wiz to automatically look among SD card-based files from an app? (i.e. "Open" from Word looks into the card first)
- How do you get the camera to save pictures directly onto the SD card, so as not to waste precious device-based memory?
- What are the actual differences between installing apps onto a SD card compared to the device memory? I noticed some apps seem to behave differently according to where they are placed.
- Is there any way to create a card-based auto-multi-installer to do all the dirty work of reinstalling apps automatically after a hard reset?
I'm sure I left out several other interesting and useful things...
Thanks in advance for your contributions!
there´s some reg tweaks you can do so the wizard will store stuff on the sd-card and not in main memorey (i. e. IE cache files, Camera pics, etc.)
just search the forum you´ll find some stuff there.
For the difference between SD-Card and main storage installation. i have no idea. haven´t noticed any change in my apps. maybe just in speed of loading apps. but that´s all i noticed.
for doing backup of your apps. a lot of programms you intall on your sd card don´t need to be reinstalled after a hard reset. just need to put the shortcuts and links back in the folders.
hope i could help.
greets Freez
Making the camera save pictures to the SD card can be done by changing the settings in the camera app under options.
There is no way to automatically have all apps look on the SD card first, every app needs a change in their settings or in the registry to accomplish that.
Installing apps on the SD card has pros and cons. The pros are of course that your storage space on the device (in the ROM) gets used up less, so you can install more apps on your device. It is however not necessary to leave it as empty as possible as it was in WM 2003 SE. In WM 2003 SE (on for instance the Magician) apps were installed in RAM and the more you installed on the device, the more RAM was used up and the less RAM there was available for running apps, resulting in a slow down of the device. Furthermore running out of battery power would result in the device turning off, emptying the RAM and lossing all data and installed apps. In WM5 this is different. Since ROM is used for storage and RAM for executing only, you can fill your ROM to the max without slowing down the device. Furthermore an empty battery will mean no data loss. Concluding, there is no necessity to install as much as possible to the SD card and leave your ROM space empty.
The cons of installing to your SD card are that some apps (e.g. today-plug-ins) don't like being installed on SD card. For today plug-ins this has to do with the start-up process of the Wizard. After turing the device on or waking it from sleep, the device will first load the apps and then initialize the SD card. The device will try to load the apps on the today screen (the plug-ins that is) that are stored on the SD before the SD slot is initialized and the apps cannot be found by the device, creating glitches and problems.
Another con for me is that I like to switch between my SD with TomTom navigation maps and my SD with my mp3/movie collection. If I install most apps to SD, this means that I will have to change my SD again if during a movie or MP3 I want to use one of these apps quickly.
However, if you use only one SD for installing and not much else, this problem does of course not exist.
If your storage in ROM is not full, there is no reason to install aps to SD.
Thak you for the info so far!
Koskie: paint me 'tard... I never even saw the camera Options menu until you mentioned it...
I am about to start getting some cards and here is what I was thinking...
1. a 512 or 128MB card for everyday use. Store IE cache, ringtones, pictures, and some programs (solitaire, puzzles, monopoly etc).
2. A series of 2GB cards for music, movies and TV content when I travel. I was planing on installing TCPMP on each one to avaoid putting that in my device memory.
As far as restoring after flashing or a hard reset, I currently keep a copy of all programs, ringtones, pim backups etc on my home computer. It is organized by file type, utils, games, rings etc. so when I flash I just go through again and reinstall one by one. I've found this is easier than figuring out where to download everything all over again.
@bubism: no problem, took me a while to figure it out too, that option is well-hidden!
@dcdivenut: Good plan. Those small size cards are really cheap. Why don't you install TCPMP on your device memory? It is not too big. Or have you crammed your mem so full that you have no more place for it.
I also have all apps I ever installed still on my desktop, including a list with all the reg edits I did and all apps I have currently installed with a short explanation for most apps and installation instructions when a standard install is not good enough (e.g. TomTom 5.21)
In case a hard reset is needed,I just grab the list and install all apps again, then do all the regedits. Still a lot of work, but quicker than having to search all apps and edits online. I recommend this approach to everyone.
Hey Koskie:
Can you post that list and what to do? I have a new 8125 and miniSD card and have no idea what to use the card for. I won't be putting music, pictures or videos on it since it is a work phone.
@ Skijackz: I use my SD card for music, TomTom 5.21 maps and video's only, all my apps are installed in main (=device) mem. I have approx. 16 MB free of Storage mem. If you have no use for your SD card and your storage mem is sufficient to store your apps, you can take it out and replace it with the plastic dummy that came with it. In that way your card slot is protected against dust and dirt, but the SD card will not use any power, thereby lengthening your uptime. If you use your device for navigation, you have to use the card to store the maps on it, since they are too big for your device mem.
The list I made is partly in Dutch, especially the notes, so it might not be very useful to you. Furthermore the list is a mess, since it works through my personal filing system (copy and paste wherever my cursor happens to rest). It is a mostly chronological list, I mostly added everything I found at the end. I'll attach it anyway, perhaps you'll find it useful. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them here or through PM.
Thanks a lot for the tip on storing pics to the storage card!!! That's a real find! ....and much appreciated!!
This place is the BEST :!: :!:
Thanks Koskie!! This is a real help.

Corrupted Folders on Micro SD card.....

Hello all!
Yesterday, while trying to load a couple files and install a program, my Hermes kept locking up. Found out my Card was almost full. (Lexar XD 2Gb)
Turns out somehow during that process, it correpted two folders on my Card, the Programs Files and the Live Search Folders. I have no access to those folders (can open them, but cannot delete files) and programs using them like AvantGo will not work.
I tried deleting both on the Device itself, then on the PC (2 pcs, work and home) through activesync, and finally putting the card into a Card Reader and trying to access and delete from my PC. Nothing worked.
I then tried to Fdisk to find errors, but Fdisk would report it couldn't do it after 10 secs. Tried the reboot and check also, no go.
So it looks like a few folders are corrupted. Anyone know of any (preferably free) software that can fix this issue. Otherwise I'll trun to Frys and get a new card, but it has a lot of stuff on it and I'd rather not have to do that at this time.
I should mention, most of the folders work fine, all my music, pictures, file back up etc work ok. Its just those two upper lvl folders and anything inside them. Wierd!
Do not know any software which can fix the issues you described.
But you mentioned that you are going to buy another disk.
I don't believe that's necessary.
You should be able to format the disk. Usually formatting the disk should clean all the badly recorded parts on the disk.
You might also want to invest in a good back up software in the future for when similar occasions happen again.
Well, a quick google shows all sorts of software out there, most of it more for saving stuff (mostly image related) but others that are supposed to fix corrupted sectors supposedly, looking for peeps in here that have run into same problem.
Been planning on a new card at some point, 4-8gb would be nice, just wasn't planning on going that way quite yet.
And I back things up, but you cant back up installed programs, you have to re-install them. Like I said, all the Data and stuff is fine.....
A piece of software called DelinvFile might help. 15 day trial available.

The weirdest thing happened to me today

The weirdest thing happened to me today and I was wondering if anyone can help me identify the culprit.
I was listening to some music when all of a sudden the player (Nitrogen) freezed.
I opened the player again and the songs wouldnt play,
so I looked in the library only to find that there was one song left in my /Storage Device/Music folder.
I have roughly 1.5 GB of music on my 2 GB sd-card.
When I got home I put the sd-card in my cardreader and it says that there's 100 MB of free space left
but when I select all files on the card it shows up as only 300 MB.
When I open the folder it only shows one mp3 file.
When I select all files on the card it shows that it's only 300 MB.
- I tried searching for it by file names
- I've got "see hidden folders" enabled
Mind you, I do have a backup,
just wanted to see to it that it doesn't happen again.
Update: It happened for a second time now
I formatted my sd-card and while I was copying 2 mp3 files from my computer to my sd-card, (all the files were still there) a message popped up stating that it failed and I should check if the file wasn't protected
After the message popped up all of the files inside the folder were gone (including album art)
Again, there is little free space but all the folders combined equals no more than a few hundred MB.
It would be appreciated it if someone could help me out
Hi mo.ammi
I work for a company who sell a lot of memory cards and the returns dept see this a lot, you should get acronis disk director and reformat the card as NTFS (most come as FAT32) When the write to the card fails it is usually because FAT32 will not take as large a file for transfer due to size restrictions, NTFS does not have these restrictions.
I have seen this work in some cases, however if it does not solve the issue then i suggest you send the card back.
Hope this helps,
My bet would be it's a fake (not genuine) card. Such issues are pretty common with them.
creamy said:
Hi mo.ammi
I work for a company who sell a lot of memory cards and the returns dept see this a lot, you should get acronis disk director and reformat the card as NTFS (most come as FAT32) When the write to the card fails it is usually because FAT32 will not take as large a file for transfer due to size restrictions, NTFS does not have these restrictions.
I have seen this work in some cases, however if it does not solve the issue then i suggest you send the card back.
Hope this helps,
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Do mind that if you do this, the card can no longer be used to flash your device, as that requires FAT32. Also, I'm not completely sure about the normal compatibility with the X1, but I guess you can give it a try.
creamy said:
Hi mo.ammi
I work for a company who sell a lot of memory cards and the returns dept see this a lot, you should get acronis disk director and reformat the card as NTFS (most come as FAT32) When the write to the card fails it is usually because FAT32 will not take as large a file for transfer due to size restrictions, NTFS does not have these restrictions.
I have seen this work in some cases, however if it does not solve the issue then i suggest you send the card back.
Hope this helps,
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I tried your method and at the moment it seems stable.
You say it's usually because FAT32 won't accept large files (larger than 4GB if I remember).
But my largest file is an episode of American Dad (100MB)
Anyway, thanks for your help. Luckily it's just a 2GB card
Angelusz said:
Do mind that if you do this, the card can no longer be used to flash your device, as that requires FAT32. Also, I'm not completely sure about the normal compatibility with the X1, but I guess you can give it a try.
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I usually flash my device using the RomUpdateUtility.
Are there any pro's or con's using the card flash method?
submarine said:
My bet would be it's a fake (not genuine) card. Such issues are pretty common with them.
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It's a genuine Nokia MicroSD card.
It came with my device so I presume it's real.
Thanks for your help!
I had a similar problem with my sandisk 8gb card but it just stopped working altogether while i was using tomtom, i tried to format with windows and a panasonic sd-card formatting tool but it would not work.
I had to phone sandisk for a replacement yesterday but im still awaiting there reply
you should get acronis disk director and reformat the card as NTFS (most come as FAT32) When the write to the card fails it is usually because FAT32 will not take as large a file for transfer due to size restrictions, NTFS does not have these restrictions.
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i tried using acronis but it only shows my hard drives and not flash drives, would not mind a last ditch attempt to save it if you tell me how??
i had the same problem with a 8 GB card.
installed some tool to format the card under windows mobile took ages and i ran out of battery ... now the card is totaly unreadable. not even windows recoknizes it anymore.
guess its borked now
Hi Flext,
I am unsure as to why your card is not visible by the Acronis suite, have you tried looking in disk management on the OS to check if the PC can see it as attached?
As Angelusz has stated you will not be able to flash firmware with the Card after changing the format, however the Acronis suite will allow you to create a small partition of FAT32 on the same card that could be used for this purpose. I do not know if the Xperia will recognise both partitions and display that you have two seperate cards, if anyone has tested this can they please post their findings.
windows recognises the card in my computer but when i try to explore or format it my computer hangs, forever, then normally displays an error message an hour later....
i originally installed acronis a while ago to create partions for backtrack 3, when i did this i dont remember any other drive except my HD's being displayed maybe its the version of acronis im using???
also my X1 does not see the card at all though, "there is no storage card installed", however when i plug the card into the phone when it is sleeping the phone wakes up???
Hi Flext,
Sorry to say this but i think you card is indeed knackered. Just buy another, they are really cheap these days (even the non faked ones) It would be easier on your own sanity to bin it and move on.
Oh and i'm using the latest version of acronis, just checked but i dont think it makes much difference as it seems to be more or less the same UI and functionality.
Kind Regards,
got weird problem too with my sd card i have seen the number of mp3 count on media panel decrease to zero after an update to r2a

Internal Memory Full - How could that happen?

Hi i have my HTC HD2, relativly new one, i have installed stuff ofcourse to it, and always picked memory card cause i know the internal memory aint so greate, anyway when i go into remove programs there are lots of stuff but are they the ones that are installed to internal and not external? i removed little that oly gave me like 600k more but that affect the internal.
And i know that you wondering whats the problem beside my memory is full,
the problem is i always like i said before pick to install to external cause of memory, how can then my internal be full?
like 3 of 30 stuff i could pick myself where to install.
So someone plz help me? i know i neeed to like reinstall the device and install everything again.
I have like skype, tomtom, hd2 tweak, games hdwall bu i iunistall case it didt work. etc.
sorry for my english
I think your main problem is HTCAlbum cache
go to application data-->htc-->htc album and check how much space occupies the cache folder
In some cases it's larger than 10 mb
So, if it is the problem, you can cancel the cache and then try this tip
Another possible problem could be the cache (or temp files) of other programs, such as opera, internet explorer, google maps and so on
One advice for saving more space in the internal memory:
if you don't use copilot and navipanel, you can remove the copilot folder from the folder "program files": it occupies almost 14 mb
Ok i will try but it seems as the internal memry goes full everytim i insall stuff even i i pick memory card, i will soon reset it and do it over again and check + do the things you advice me to.
just questions about it
if i cancel the cache does it make album slower?
ty in advance
if i cancel the cache does it make album slower?
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maybe a little bit...but I don't notice this problem with the mod I adviced you.
...and for your problem...
Before you think to Hard-reset your device, You have to know that when you install a program, even if you install to the microsd, a piece of the install information goes on the internal memory anyway (and occupies some memory space, obviously)
ok, here is what to do;
1. install total commander to phone memory (not sd card)
2. eject sd card
3. on total commander file>find files then find files greater than the default 64k or or 1mb if you want the search to be quicker
4. click on 'size' to sort files into descending order
5. delete or copy any unwanted files
in my case i had some videos that were already on my pc, so i deleted them.
Ok i will try i have movies and pic but are they by default placed on sd card? anyway i think mine are but they arenot taking upp space on the intern? like installed programs.
forgat to quote but i answerd you xboxdevil
qllkevuoi said:
maybe a little bit...but I don't notice this problem with the mod I adviced you.
...and for your problem...
Before you think to Hard-reset your device, You have to know that when you install a program, even if you install to the microsd, a piece of the install information goes on the internal memory anyway (and occupies some memory space, obviously)
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Ok same as on computers, but that means they are limited stuff you can have on your phones and i mean i dont have so much, standard win 6.5 sense and changed icons, installs tweaks and some games like 10 :S thats bad, i want the at&t version wtf thanks anyway for the answers
toxicstone said:
Hi i have my HTC HD2, relativly new one, i have installed stuff ofcourse to it, and always picked memory card cause i know the internal memory aint so greate, anyway when i go into remove programs there are lots of stuff but are they the ones that are installed to internal and not external? i removed little that oly gave me like 600k more but that affect the internal.
And i know that you wondering whats the problem beside my memory is full,
the problem is i always like i said before pick to install to external cause of memory, how can then my internal be full?
like 3 of 30 stuff i could pick myself where to install.
So someone plz help me? i know i neeed to like reinstall the device and install everything again.
I have like skype, tomtom, hd2 tweak, games hdwall bu i iunistall case it
didt work. etc.
sorry for my english
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I have never been able to understand why people won't use internal storage!
I have 27 apps installed and this leaves me with 127Mb free which would allow a further minimum of 20 more that I could install assuming an average size.
Why would I want to install to mem card?
It's slower, causes difficulties of all sorts and the internal mem was designed to be used for your apps in the first place.
Although I understand what you are saying pa49 I personally install on my sd card so that
A) I can move from one to another phone if needed or
B) If I have to hard reset then I dont have to load the apps up again when I restore a backup
C) makes backing up and restoring the phone faster and smaller
D) I make a backup of my sd card so that if somthing goes wrong its all there.
I think its a personal preference. I dont fine that my phone is slower or faster one way or the other.
InRBigness said:
Although I understand what you are saying pa49 I personally install on my sd card so that
A) I can move from one to another phone if needed or
B) If I have to hard reset then I dont have to load the apps up again when I restore a backup
C) makes backing up and restoring the phone faster and smaller
D) I make a backup of my sd card so that if somthing goes wrong its all there.
I think its a personal preference. I dont fine that my phone is slower or faster one way or the other.
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Yes, I know all these arguments.
But we don't (as a rule) use our PCs this way.
It would not be good practise to install all your PC apps on an external hard drive.
If you applied your four points you'd end up with a mess and I don't see our phones as any different.
We expect our phones to function robustly and then we go out of our way to destabalise the whole thing.
I just don't get it.
This thread Mobile/thread?tid=1163588d699c01d4&hl=en
is just one example of what can happen and the problems were solved by installing on the phone mem!
"Sounds like for at least some folks, installing on phone memory successfully works around this. If you'd prefer to not use phone memory, I'd also try borrowing or buying another memory card as it is potentially due to a portion of your old memory card being corrupted." Quote from Google employee.
What should be most allarming, to those who install to mem card, is the statement, "it is potentially due to a portion of your old memory card being corrupted".
This is the very reason why I always install to phone mem, reinstall all apps after a ROM flash or hard reset and limit my mem cards to only storage of data.
It's not a personal preference.
It just makes sense.

