Media Player Full Screen - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi All,..
I've just bought the MDA Pro from T-Mobile, and am amazed about the Screen resolution. I only can't set the Screen when playing streaming video (news etc) to Full screen. I have set the option "adjust screen size" but this won't help.
Does someone had an solution for me?
Best regards,..
A Donker

Imate aknowledge this as a problem on their website but it's still njot fixed int he latest rom. Irritaing. I just use CoreMediaPlayer to play my WMV's instead (and my mpg,s and my divx's etc etc)

Core Media Player rocks. I wouldn't waste time with anything else!

I should stop reading but it's like an addiction lol. I keep getting confused ?
Core media players is for Desktop PCs with windows XP etc isn't it ?
do they make a WM5 or pocket pc version and if so where can u download it ?
I use betaplayer for WM5, works great with everything i've tried so far.
Cheers, Numb

betaplayer is called betaplayer no more now it's called
The Core Pocket Media Player


Windows Media Player - Full Screen

Dear guys,
I have a little question ..
Each time i look to files on my jasjar and when i put it on full screen, it stills stays quite little..
Is there a way to get a movie on real full screen ???
Thanks !
Use TCPMP for Windows Mobile, its a freeware from here
Sadly TCPMP doesn't support streaming video, which I use WMP for a lot, but cannot play full screen. I do use tcpmp for playing files of my SD card and it works VERY well.
Is there any way to get streaming working with TCPMP? Failing that is there a different player that will do the job?
OK - Update:
The latest TCPMP (0.71) does support streaming, but when I try to use it I get an "Unknown File Type" error.
I'll keep playing with it.
Which file do I use?
Is it this one?
And then which cab file do I use and how?
O2 Exec user.
I'm assuming this will allow video playback and recording to use the full screen. Correct?
Many Thanks.
Use ac3.cabs.0.71 for the codec and tcpmp.arm.cabs.0.71 for the player.

full screen wmp

Hi all
I have the exec .The solution to the small screen seems to be ,Use media player 9.
Does any 1 know where I can download wm9 from .I tried microsoft but only wm 10 is listed.
Does any 1 know how to uninstall wm 10 and load wm9 on the exec.
1. Use TCPMP in the interim, its free and does more
2. We are all eagerly anticipating that the next rom update should fix this
hi simon
but tcpmp doesnt play dvd,I want to stream dvd from my desktop
then perhaps if this is what you wanted, you should be more specific in your headings, and your request for information, this was not stated.
Thats about all I can find, and I dont stream videos, if I have a PC, I would rather watch it on that anyday. I use a laptop so portability in that area isnt a problem anyway.

Windows Media won't go full screen

On all my other XDAs I could view videos in complete full mode.
I have tried all I can to find out how my exec will play a movie in full and it won't.
It just blacks out the rest of the screen and plays a tiny little video in letterbox shape.
This is so so so annoying and i would love to find out if anyone can help.
I haven't seen anything on here about it - search returns nil.
Is anyone able to play Full Screen????
Help me.
Use a freeware player like TCPMP. WMP doesn't support full-screen playback, its a problem with the OS itself.
So this is a bug isolated to WM5/WMP10 only? WMP9 doesn't have any problems on WM 2003.
This problem is request and know in i-mate web... Looking for solutions.
Worked on wm9
Yeah I agree, on my old XDA ii and XDA iis it worked fine. must be a wm10 or wmb5 thing.
With that in mind, is there a way to put windows media 9 on my pda?
Also on another subject, i just did the latest upgrade ofrom from o2's site and my phone keeps crashing and has the following errors:
* when I go back to the today screen, the last window is still showing on the icon left hand side of the screen, therefore stopping me from selecting things.
* My e-mail accounts keep disapearing although the name of them still shows in the selection option in the today screen. This used to happen all the time before the upgrade and now it is worse. Usually deletes the account after a soft reset or crash. annoying thing is you can't name a new account with the previous name as it is still stored in the memory somewhere but you can't find it in the e-mail program.
* when i did my upgrade, I copied everything across from the pda (drag and drop) so that I could re-insert the message files to keep my sms's, although it just copied empty folders. Are all the files locked or restricted or did I need to perform the drag and drop by files and not folders?
I seem to have a love and hate relationship with my pda. Although, the best thing about wmb5 is the memory, no more lost data when your battery dies. They are getting closer to laptop functionality and I can't wait to see what the next version has to offer.
* and finally, it is slower than ever.
Hi all
Any updates or new ifo on why wm10 doesnt play recorded videos in full screen?
Hi all
Any updates or new ifo on why wm10 doesnt play recorded videos in full screen?
Windows Media player full screen
Samething is missing.
I have a Xda Universal and a Xda Atom.
Last Rom in both.
Running ORB ( on home PC.
Xda Universal connect via Wifi steam via orb cannot get full screen.
Xda Atom same connection same programs install via Wifi I can get full screen in Windows Media Player. Both systems WM5.
Why canĀ“t I see full screen in Universal?
I don't know how it say it nicely (but I mean no disrespect) but the point needs to be made: Trying to use WMP for video playback is so worthless (compared to using TCPMP) that it is rediculous to spend time and effort in regards to the video play back in WMP not being full screen. If you're not the kind of person who would be willing to try the free TCPMP (soon to be BetaPlayer or pay version CorePlayer) then there's no reason to be on these forums.
Hi . I usually use TCPMP
The point is that it you can see in full screen in WMP in WM5
The question is why you can see in the Atom but not in the Universal
If you see the topic is
"Windows Media won't go full screen"
The question is not using TCPMP
Agree with JoseF.
Sometimes you just need wmp10 to do the job, like wmv streaming. I'm not sure TCPMP support that.
But of course wmp10 can go full screen if the original video size is bigger than 640x480.
I find that WMP gives better sound quality (and slightly more volume) than TCPMP when listening through headphones.
Good as TCPMP is, if WMP would play videos properly I would uninstall TCPMP and use the space for something else instead. Is anyone looking at a hack to get WMP working properly?
jerome923 said:
Agree with JoseF.
But of course wmp10 can go full screen if the original video size is bigger than 640x480.
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In other words WMP is working fine with videos over 640x480 - thats good news - will try it later.

Any one tried orb?

I just downloaded and installed Orb on my home PC and after a few minutes setting up i can now remotely access my Sky+, VCR, DVDs and photos, music documents and videos on the PC all from my MDA Pro (or indeed any broadband connected PC) anyware its connected to the internet.
It uses Internet explorer and Windows media player on the PPC so there isn't even any software to install in our precious memeory.
And it WORKS (You need a media centre type pc to get live tv streamed) Considering how complex this all is I was amazed that for once it all worked with out hours of endless tweaking, and its free.
If only the media player display was proper full screen...sigh
i tried to get it working but it wouldn't see my tv card :sigh:
manmikey said:
If only the media player display was proper full screen...sigh
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I set it up to use TCPMP, which plays full screen.
Pantaloonie said:
I set it up to use TCPMP, which plays full screen.
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How do you set TCPMP to be the default player for the various media? I read a couple of posts in various forums that say that media player starts up for live streams from orb even with TCPMP installed
Not got it in front of me right now, but I belive I simply set the file associations in TCPMP to handle the streams.
manmikey said:
How do you set TCPMP to be the default player for the various media? I read a couple of posts in various forums that say that media player starts up for live streams from orb even with TCPMP installed
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Just set asx of file associate to TCPMP in option menu.
But best way should be upgrade your rom to WM6.
The Windows Media Player 10 boundle in WM6.
It's support full screen and more smooth than TCPMP in streaming play.

all in one media player?

Hey, does anyone know a good all in one media player (plays all the major format, wmv, mpeg, avi, etc).
I use sometimes coreplayer but has more glitches than Windows media player.
I think windows media player gives a more smoother performance but lacks in versitility with regards to the different formats it can play.
Is there any codec for Windows media player
CPU: 240mHz
I'm looking for the same thing. I use PocketMedia which is great however i can't use today toolbar plug-in b/c every time i exit the program it shuts down (even when i click on minimize). i don't know how to fix that, any suggestions?
Besides that, i use WMP10 but it drives me crazy that i doesn't memorize previously opened files. any idea how to fix that?
Of course everyone says that TCMPT player is the best but unfortunately the interface of this program does not satisfy me Can you change the skin?
Take care,
Hi tom
I dont have answers to any of your questions. I am fairly new to this pocket pc world and recently started exloring its capabilities.
Does WMP10 plays all major movie formats?
reason i dont really want to use WMP is because it eats up memory. Want a player that plays all format and uses little memory

