Removing The Covers of Magician - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Can anyone help me with the covers of this device? i want to take off her "clothes" but i cant... some where its a pdf with images but i cant find it. Any one have something to show me how can i do this?

try this here...
RAGO :lol:

I think there is something wrong with this pdf file, I cant open it after download. Could anyone reload this file again?

Got the same prob

This file is the User manual.
We need the Service Manual!
Anybody knows where can we find it?
by Avers

Here ya go, guys. Images to rip her apart!
This is the one going around the forum a while back that's more focused on fixing the earpiece.


PHP-Server for my MDA II ?

as you can read in the subject i´m searching for a PHP-Server (and maby MySQL-Server) for my PPC.
Once i found a site to download it (don´t know if it was a fake), but my computer crashed by opening to many sites (i was searching for many things on this day)...
Now i´m trying to find this site again (since this morning) but i didn´t.
Can anybody help me please ?
P.S. Sorry for my poor english...
you mean you want to run nushere on you PDA? wow! let me know if you find it! I cant see why it is not possible to get it working on it, just a little question, why woudl you want it?
I hope someone else can help me here. But if i find a solution, i will post it here.
It would be great to do some coding everywhere with my mda and ir-keyboard.
When I get board, totaly board, I code on my P800 and then save it and upload it, through file upload onto my site and test it online!, cost me in GPRS. Upload fee and then test fee! very expensive. Hope you can find something.

How to reinstall camera?

Hello everyone ,This seems a very friendly place to ask a question,so here goes.
My company supplied us with a Qtek 2020,which is nice but they decided to disable the camera as some of our guys are not allowed them on sites the visit :roll: ,fair enough,I however dont have that problem and could use this feature as it would come in really handy,I've had a quick search through the thing and I think they must have deleted some files as I can't see an obvious way to reinstall it.Any help or pointers would be really appreciated.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this
The camera is there after hardreset.The problem is that I lose all the data on the pda if I hardreset.I can make a back up but when I restore
,no camera.
Am I missing something here?
I'm sure there is a solution but I can't see it.
Any help would be great.If I am asking an obvious question
or something that has been asked a thousand times,then sorry,
I've tried searching but cant seem to get it
Go on............give me a clue.
Stupid question perhaps, but can you restore the data as in individual files? I suspect however you are backing up/restoring it's simply rolling your machine back to the EXACT same state thus hard reset has absolutely no effect.
Perhaps if you could just copy on the files you actually NEED/reinstall the apps that would work. Lot of hassle though and I'm not to sure how well your company would take it if they found out, but that's your call
thanks for the reply Xanth,I will have a look at that.
I was hoping there was a way to just install the camera files ,tried copying the camera.exe (and some others)but that didn't work.

XDAIIi and Camera using!

i have the XDAIIi and i have this issue.
When i start the camera, each time i start to take pictures it creates a new Folder for the pictures , and its becoming a bit to annoying to sit down an open each folder to find the picture i want .
My question there any kind of proggy or something to put all pic's in the same directory ???
I did see a hack or program that would put all the pictures in a single folder after you take then but it did still leave the "date" folder and you would then need to delete them
any idea where i can find it??
i have the same problem, its really annoying.. can anyone help please
Same for me with my Qtek 2020i (in the past I posted a topic about this).
I hope there's a trick or hack to store all the photos in one folder
i found some Regirty entries on the phone for the camera but i dont know if changing them will help !!
i will try and let you know ! If anyone else tried this plz let us know!


I'm sorry, but I need this file but I don't find it.
Where's possible to find it?
Pls don't tell me "search", because are two days that I want find it, but I don't find nothing, pls help me.
Searching 2 days?
it's a shame
In every case, thanks so much
croweland said:
I'm sorry, but I need this file but I don't find it.
Where's possible to find it?
Pls don't tell me "search", because are two days that I want find it, but I don't find nothing, pls help me.
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Click to collapse
Now, I'd really like to know why searching was so difficult (I mean this in a friendly way - to help others) You see I have placed a sticky called Search XDA..using Google at the top of the messages list.
Now when I just put in SSPL Hermes - guess what, top of the list came the link you were just given by ARC. Took maybe 20 seconds!!
Please tell me how you tried your searches and whether you spotted the google sticky above?? We really need to sort out the searching difficulties some folks are finding.
With thanks

help me please anybody

i have a wing and i hear that i can make it look like a iphone? is it true and how do it do this?? first i have no idea about programs and stuff like that... sorry... so if anybody knows??? plz let me know
I did the search for you.
here is an iph+ne cab that i found here in the forums it does most of the work for you and is easily removable
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