1.3Mpix CAM == OV9620 sensor ? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Is it known what 1.3Mpix cameras are used on the HTC phones ?

I don't know...
But it's worth investigating whether it is possible to change camera modules (and software) to make VGA camera devices - 1.3Mpix.
Somebody with enouch resources should look into Blueangel and universal for example.


Vario video tweak?

Is there some kind of tweak to raise the video resolution to 320x240 or something? something in the register maybe?
looking for this tweak too...
It should be great if someone knows how to do this.
this is just an asumption...but i dont think it can be done...if the hardware (screen) is only capable of 320x240....but i have no idea..just a guess :idea:
Sorry if there is a misunderstanding: i am not talking bout the SCREEN but the CAMERA
The Cam itself has the needed resolution, CPU (even NOT overclocked) should do it too (as video preview while in single-picture mode is smooth enough)...
If its not possible to tweak the registry for that - then maybe a standalone software could do that?
theres a camerca tweak...search for it....but it doesnt do much....makes it a bit brighter or something along those lines
Use the tool "CoolCamera"... there you can make better pictures, increase videorecording - resolution and even use your Wizard as a webcam...

Directshow - unused front camera driver?

It has come to my attention that on my kaiser, the Registry key
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn has 2 camera drivers defined: NullCam and CIF, but in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\DirectX\Directshow\Capture only the NullCam related entries are present.
Investigating this further, I've noticed that CIF.dll exports almost the same "interface" as NullCam.dll. By that I mean a set of Init/Start/Close functions.
So, is there a chance that kaiser's second (the front) camera too has directshow interface lurking there somewhere? Can an expert look into this? I hope this has not been covered before!
I did some experiments on my own, replacing NullCam entries with the CIF entries but without successful results...
thank you,

Kaiser (& Others) ROM Dual Camera Project {Dev Help Req.}

A few weeks ago I started skining the 5.04 Camera to look like 6.08. That was fairly successful, however the main issue, lag time, was of course not affected. I then started trying to hack AF into the 6.08 Camera version & had issues getting it to function as it relies on some different resources that I could not get functioning concurrently.
So, last night I started playing with a new idea. Renaming & resources from one of the two camera versions allowing for both cameras to be installed, having one called to initialization by a long camera keypress.
Anyone familar with widows mobile (Arm) executables & resource hacking willing to help out on this idea & test it?
Is this something people would like to see in a cooked rom? Would the ability to toggle the camera depending on what you need, Auto-Focus or Speed, be appealing?
It really wouldn't add too much weight to the ROM, as both Camera use primarily the same resources/DLL's. Would having a choice of a macro/micro (AF) mode bee something you'd like to see?
Hi man,
Realy great what you want to do but to be honest I don't like the camera atm cause the front camera isn't working with the 6.8 build (correct me if I'm wrong).
I would rather have both camera's supported on my Kaiser to use this build.
Together with the Opal dialer with videocall enabled that would be a awsom job!
Great Suggestion!
I have not looked into that at all, My last TYTNII is dead, so I am on a Tilt. If you are willing to give it a test since you have both cameras, I will look into implementing that as well.
BTW, I will be moving this into the Development & Hacking thread soon. I just wanted to start it here to see if any Kaiser users had any camera hacking experience or suggestions.
I would be glad to help you my friend.
Please let me know when you have something!
GSLEON3 said:
Great Suggestion!
I have not looked into that at all, My last TYTNII is dead, so I am on a Tilt. If you are willing to give it a test since you have both cameras, I will look into implementing that as well.
BTW, I will be moving this into the Development & Hacking thread soon. I just wanted to start it here to see if any Kaiser users had any camera hacking experience or suggestions.
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I have been able to specifically locate the function handling the camera AF uysing IDA Pro, I also see that there appears to be some hard coding of FPS information/limits in the camera executable for the 5.04 Kaiser Camera.
This info is not present within the newer (Opal) camera as far as I can tell & may be a reason why it seems to outperform the Kaiser Stock Camera. There is also no information or AF calls within the Opal Camera executable. Hence, without a complete rewrite of the program I cannot simply integrate AF into the newer camera.
I have tried renaming the resources & creating a new registry tree all to no Avail.
I seem to have enough resources available to operate trhe second camera, however I cannot get it to initialize. Anyone have any suggestions?
GSLEON3 said:
I have been able to specifically locate the function handling the camera AF uysing IDA Pro, I also see that there appears to be some hard coding of FPS information/limits in the camera executable for the 5.04 Kaiser Camera.
This info is not present within the newer (Opal) camera as far as I can tell & may be a reason why it seems to outperform the Kaiser Stock Camera. There is also no information or AF calls within the Opal Camera executable. Hence, without a complete rewrite of the program I cannot simply integrate AF into the newer camera.
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Have you found many functions involved in the AF management, in the old version ? I'm a bit busy with the Dialer, but since we're both using IDA Pro, I may take a look to what you've documented so far in the IDA database... I'm not a big expert in camera apps, but who knows...
There are about 6 or so references. Both cameras use primarily the same resource files, so it appears to me that the AF function is coded into the executable.
I had pretty much given up on the addition of AF to the new 6.8 camera & had decided it would be easier for a novice like me to just add support for a second camera program.
However, that task is also throwing me at the moment. I have built a new cab, with renamed files & some hacks to point to the renamed files, I have also created a moddified registry tree to co-exist with the one for the OEM camera, yet when I select the newly moddified camera it tries to launch, but won't initialize.
Missing something somewhere...
GSLEON3 said:
There are about 6 or so references. Both cameras use primarily the same resource files, so it appears to me that the AF function is coded into the executable.
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No external reference to a shared .dll ?
I had pretty much given up on the addition of AF to the new 6.8 camera & had decided it would be easier for a novice like me to just add support for a second camera program.
However, that task is also throwing me at the moment. I have built a new cab, with renamed files & some hacks to point to the renamed files, I have also created a moddified registry tree to co-exist with the one for the OEM camera, yet when I select the newly moddified camera it tries to launch, but won't initialize.
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That's why I asked. It seems a single-threaded apartment issue. If it is an external .dll, maybe it could not be designed for multiple concurrency...
DupinBJK said:
No external reference to a shared .dll ?
That's why I asked. It seems a single-threaded apartment issue. If it is an external .dll, maybe it could not be designed for multiple concurrency...
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When I get a moment I will post what I have found, the differences in the executables & the AF refernces & coding.
It may all be moot however, as I take a look at the Raphael camera, which allegedly has AF as well as a newer camera. We shall see.
GSLEON3 said:
When I get a moment I will post what I have found, the differences in the executables & the AF refernces & coding.
It may all be moot however, as I take a look at the Raphael camera, which allegedly has AF as well as a newer camera. We shall see.
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Good, thanks !
Again, need to reiterate that arm executables are not my thing, however, I have hacked the Ralph Camera & it uses the same icons & resource (Mostly) as the Kaiser & Opal.
However when I build a new cab just to see if the AF is working already on the new Fuze ROM Camera I get an unsigned error message.
Can one of you ARM pros give me some insight?
Fuze Camera is new version & definitely has AutoFocus support!
Works with the existing hacked QVGA .mui & icon files, but when trying to create the cab I still get unsigned error.
Here is the start of an OEM QVGA package. Exe still won't launch.
Anyone want to take a look? Do I need to resign the app, the exe?
It includes all files & images resized & hacked for QVGA including the .mui files. The exe is throwing me badly though.
The OEM can be found here: http://rapidshare.com/files/159104147/HTC_Camera_6_Fuze_OEM_QVGA.rar
However, it seems the sensorSDK references are giving me the issues. Maybe need to find a way to null them out or default landscape.
If I'm understanding correctly, you'd like a switch to use the camera version with AF and the camera version without AF. Correct or am I completely missing something here? If I AM understanding correctly, then I would be all for this, as this would really make the camera on the Kaiser at least sort of useful, as opposed to only usable in certain conditions.
GSLEON3 said:
Here is the start of an OEM QVGA package. Exe still won't launch.
Anyone want to take a look? Do I need to resign the app, the exe?
It includes all files & images resized & hacked for QVGA including the .mui files. The exe is throwing me badly though.
The OEM can be found here: http://rapidshare.com/files/159104147/HTC_Camera_6_Fuze_OEM_QVGA.rar
However, it seems the sensorSDK references are giving me the issues. Maybe need to find a way to null them out or default landscape.
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Sorry for being late...
Have you removed the signature before patching the files ? You have to remove it from each signed file you're going to patch, to be able to use it. I can do it for you, if you wish...
met3ora said:
If I'm understanding correctly, you'd like a switch to use the camera version with AF and the camera version without AF. Correct or am I completely missing something here? If I AM understanding correctly, then I would be all for this, as this would really make the camera on the Kaiser at least sort of useful, as opposed to only usable in certain conditions.
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YES. That was the original intention of this thread.
DupinBJK said:
Sorry for being late...
Have you removed the signature before patching the files ? You have to remove it from each signed file you're going to patch, to be able to use it. I can do it for you, if you wish...
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BJK, I would be eternally gratefull if you'd do that for me, then I can see if I can find a way to null out or hack a SensorSDK.DLL to aways import the landscape value as a return & maybe see if the results are succesful.
OT: gsleon03...dude im your neighbor lol...i live in Torrance and im up in PV once in a while.
id like to see this project come true
first, sorry that I interrupt this thread and asking about improvement of frame rate for shooting video throw HTC camera, am have Cruise and has low frame rate in video recording and I think that Kaiser has the same issue, am using the famous camera trick " run camera program, hiding the lens, power off devise and waiting for Sec's, then power on again" which rising the frame rate from 4 to 19 frame/sec in video shooting but with darkens pic, did any one analysis this trick and try to get solution for camera low rate problem or found why 6.08 camera is faster than 5.04
finaly i hope that see this project come true
secoseco said:
first, sorry that I interrupt this thread and asking about improvement of frame rate for shooting video throw HTC camera, am have Cruise and has low frame rate in video recording and I think that Kaiser has the same issue, am using the famous camera trick " run camera program, hiding the lens, power off devise and waiting for Sec's, then power on again" which rising the frame rate from 4 to 19 frame/sec in video shooting but with darkens pic, did any one analysis this trick and try to get solution for camera low rate problem or found why 6.08 camera is faster than 5.04
finaly i hope that see this project come true
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I second that. ist there still any development?

DirectShow Camera focus

I've recently been working in DirectShow trying to create a simple program that uses the camera to read barcodes.
The problem I'm running into is that the video feed I'm getting from the camera is very blurry at barcode reading distances (five to six inches from object). The included camera software can take good pictures at this distance, but it auto-focuses first.
I've tried to use the IAMCameraControl interface to adjust the focus, but it doesn't support that property (and even the properties it does support can't be set to manual mode)
Does anyone know how to adjust the focus on the HTC Touch Pro's camera using DirectShow?
Did you manage to fix your problem? Thx

front camera with dell Streak

Hi Everybody,
I'm quite a new android developer (but not a begineer in software development), and I'm developing a simple application using the front camera (it is basically a mirror application ). My application is available in the market under the following name: MagicMirror-Lite
As the second camera seems not to be a standard in the android sdk, I need to find how to use the front camera for each device.
I already find how to use samsung galaxy S and sprint devices but I need now to know how to access to the front camera on the dell streak.
Does anyone can help me on this?
Many thanks in advance,
would you be willing to share how you got to the second camera? I'm coming up empty and have an i-mobile i858 with a second camera but no way beyond its built in camera.apk to get to it.
The android camera api is worthless here.

