rom qtek 2020 ita? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hello, I have a XDA 2 and I want install a rom in italian.
have you a link for download a rom for my himalaya?

I have the XDA II, not qtek or i-mate and windowsmobile don't accept.
Someone can help me please?


Update xda to mda

Hi i have upgrade my xda to mda 3.16.45 ger. All works fine...
But i will install the mms upgrade he say´s can only run on t-mobile mda.
Whats wrong...?
Can you tell me where did you download the German upgrade ROM?
I have a hard time to find it anywhere.
can u tell me where do i can find this ROM 3.16.45 ENG with the latest Radio plz ?
best regards
Hi, i have only the link for the german rom and radio :
have fun
Does this work on the XDA? Is the language English as well as German?
How did u do the upgrade?
Seems I couldn't make the German upgrade Rom works on my O2 XDA.
Is only german...
I have flash my xda with a rom on sd-card !
Xda Rom 3.15.15eng is avabile on "nl" o2 site
Does version 3.16.45 have a Wireless Modem application? :?:

XDAII rom on XDA ?

Is it possible to put an XDAII rom (QTEK2020) on a XDA device (QTEK 1010) ? I would like to get the WM2003 french on my QTEK 1010.
kitarolivier said:
Is it possible to put an XDAII rom (QTEK2020) on a XDA device (QTEK 1010) ? I would like to get the WM2003 french on my QTEK 1010.
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No. Hardware is too different. No way.
Thank you.
Do you think it is possible to get only the French input from it (word completion dictionnary, azerty keyboard, etc...) from this release ?

Radio 1.04.02?

Please, has someone the update? the one in is the jam's one.....and now my jasjar is a brick....
are you sure ??? something is wrong. as i don't have ftp allowed here ... get the o2 exec ROM or the Dopod and get only the radio.
thanks, i got the dopod one and the update was ok.
hi all i have qtek 9000 and radio rom 1.03.00. On ftp xda i have find
radio 1.04.02. this radio rom is compatible on my qtek 9000 italian rom ?
Italian Rom
Piero can you upload the Qtek 9000 italian rom on the xda's ftp? It would be nice for all the Jarjar italian users.
Answering to your question. Obviuosly Yes, that upgrade will work on the italian qtek 9000
what version of ROM and ExtROM ?
Re: Italian Rom
spicchio72 said:
Piero can you upload the Qtek 9000 italian rom on the xda's ftp? It would be nice for all the Jarjar italian users.
Answering to your question. Obviuosly Yes, that upgrade will work on the italian qtek 9000
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do you know how to dump the rom from an Italian jj?
ciao, Danilo

Intsall ROM update, please help?

hi coldwave,
for your information, imate PDA2 or Qtek 2020i or SPV M1500 or O2 Xda IIi or Dopod 699 under HTC Alpine. If you need latest rom for HTC Alpine, please download at link below. This included with latest radio version and camera fixed by pug. Special thanks to pug.
ftp://xda:[email protected]_Radio-1.04_O2stuffstripped_Camera_Fixed.rar

need latest french rom for qtek2020i

a freind of mine has a qtek 2020i with french WM2003 and wants to upgrade to WM2005 where can i find the latest French WM2005 ROM for qtek2020i ?
other question the upgrade steps for 2020i is it the same as qtek 9100 ?
There's no WM2005 for qtek2020i device! There's no WM2005 for HTC Alpine devices!
thanks for replay

