windows media player skins - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

any skins for windows media player 10, please kindly post them... and any ogg plugin for windows media player? thanks


windows media player

In the start-programs-media folder i used to have 'camera', 'pictures & video' and 'windows media player'.
The windows media player has now dissapeared.
How did it go?
How do I get it back?

mp3 player

I was looking for a mp3 player alternative to windows media player, but one which still allows browding the music by artist/album. Any Suggestions?

Windows Media Player 11

Anyone know if the new version of Windows Media Player now syncs multiple playlists or was it a problem with Pocket Media Player?

filez types the tcmp cnt Play

rm,rv,ra,ram,wma,wmv,asx,mid,midi. is there anyway to add real media plugin to it or to pocket windows media player but the pluginz would have to be *.plg for tcmp and *.ax 4 media player

Xpanel Audio player problem

I would like to know if there is any method can play the WAV file in Xpanel audio player instead of Windows Media player?
Since i open music in Xpanel Albums, it will redirect and play the music in windows media player automatically.
Thank You.

