Phone alarm and SMS problems - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Installed PhoneAlarm 1.22, used it, nice not useful for me, therefor i uninstalled it,
but since i did that whenever i send SMS messege and litte windows that used to come every time that says "MESSENGE SENT" has stopped from comming!!
How can i bring this windows back? (NOT SMS DELIVERY) but SMS SENT.
so i will know the SMS is now on the sent items folder.

Without sounding rude i would suggest the best place for this post is the forums over at

you didnt understand, i uninstalled the Phonealarm.
now the SMS Send window disappeard.
i want it back.

I do understand....they are the application developer and you will get better help directly from them in their might need a regedit to get it back.

Exactly the same for me after installing and removing on my Qtek 9090 - as well as messing up the order of Today Items, which I can't now change back (or rather can change but changes aren't effective!)

It seems that this setting writes to
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings the string value "SMSNoSentMsg" and sets it to 0 or 1 according to the checkbox.
As long as I understand, the value is not relevant - the sms sent notification is disabled by the presence of the string, not by its value.
phoneAlarm should delete the string when the box is checked, and add it when the box is unchecked.
Until it will be fixed, to get the sent notification back, delete the "SMSNoSentMsg" from the registry.
Cheers for temporarily!!

Nice one.
Now can you sort why my Today Items won't display in the right order ?
Thanks a lot.

What do you mean by right orders? and what should be the right order?

I arrange my Today Screen Items thus ;
Date, Messages, Tasks, Calendar, Spb Pocket Plus, Sprite Back-Up and Battery Bar. Since installing and deleting Phone Alarm, I can't get this order on the Today Screen. START/SETTINGS/TODAY/ITEMS and then move items up/down but Calendar (for example) moves up when I'm setting the positions, but doesn't ACTUALLY go to the position on the Today Screen. When I go back to the up/down screen it shows dropped back down. ??????

THANKS it workS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

Found this fix from "tekguru" on their forum.
and check that the 'Order' value against each today applet is unique. The problem is caused by at least two applets sharing the same ID . Simply changed the values so that no 2 were the same and all is OK.
Still no idea why Phone Alarm changed them though !


Scripting a text message for London Congestion Charge

Hi there,
Is it possible (or could any kind developper!) to script a text message that would always have the same text.
Basically to pay the London Congestion Charge (£5 for driving into Central London), one needs to send a text message to the number 81099 containing the last four digits of their credit card.
As the message is always the same, I thought it might be easy to script such a message to make it easy to pay the charge.
isn't that easy? set up your pre set messages as the words and numbers u need so then u create a new text and click my text chose the one u want and send it!
Thanks for your reply. I see what you mean, but that is still several clicks more than I have in mind. With a script/batch file, it would literally be a one button (through a shortcut) click which could even be assigned to a hardware button. Lazy ... maybe! I guess it all really depends on whether the function to send a text message can be accessed from the command line.
no kidding ur lazy!
You can write smssender.html which will include a javascript, that will redirect you to:
mailto:123456789 body="Send me a taxi!" - I'm not sure about the syntax...
Everytime you execute this webpage, you will only have to confirm SMS sending and close IE (I don't know if window-terminating scripts work in PocketIE) :idea:
I don't know if you're willing to pay for it, but there is a utility called Cell Profiler found here
You can pre-define an SMS to be sent to a particular number when you drive through a particular point.
Download the trial and see if it fits in with your requirements.
You can use the scripting utility called nscriptm to automate your screen taps etc. Give it a go. Its fairly simple and there is a good sample that shows you how to work with screen taps.
Thanks for your replies. I will try each and see what works best for me.
Thanks again!
XDA2-owner said:
Hi there,
Is it possible (or could any kind developper!) to script a text message that would always have the same text.
Basically to pay the London Congestion Charge (£5 for driving into Central London), one needs to send a text message to the number 81099 containing the last four digits of their credit card.
As the message is always the same, I thought it might be easy to script such a message to make it easy to pay the charge.
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I wonder if I understand you correctly. In my SMS messaging on the XDAII I have something called My Text as a menychoise. The predefined messages in there can be added/amended in the Edit menu...You could do it easily there...?
Yeah - someone mentioned that earlier. What I was really looking for though was a literally one-button way to pay my congestion charge - basically a shortcut to a batch-file/script that creates the SMS, enters the text and addresses it correctly.
Does anyone know if the mailto: command that you can use to create an e-mail would work for an SMS? If so, that would be fine as within the mailto: command you can specify the recipient (81099 in this case) and the text (credit card digits).
Thanks for all the responses.
1. PPCs don't make any difference between e-mails and short messages - you have same dialog, same options and same mailto: command...
2. JavaScript in HTML page is probably the fastest way to perform actions you need (if you dont want to write it in C++ of coz!)
3. If I'm not too drunk today I'll have probably posted an example of such page by tomorrow - I finished with school today, so I have something to celebrate! 8)
Would be great to see a javascript sample if you could be bothered/sober enough to put one together.
Thanks very much indeed.
So, that's what it looks like:
<script language="JavaScript">
window.location="mailto:81099?body=Here's my creditcard number!"
mailto: - where
body: - what
You can also add subject: (don't forget to divide it with "?" :!: )
It looks like Pocket IE does not support close() function. Can anyone confirm? Any way, even if you will have to close IE manually, executing this file (possibly from Today screen) and pressing SEND is still faster than going to New>SMS>MyText>choose>enter number>confirm... 8)
That worked just great! Thank you so much.
I used the PHM Pocket PC PowerToys's TrayLaunch program to put a shortcut to the .htm file onto the bottom bar of the Today screen.
I still need to press the Send button (is there a way to automate that?) and close IE but it's still MUCH quicker than doing it through a manual SMS.
Thanks again for all comments and help.
Compose new text message from shortcut
Hi there,
I'm a total newbie (NOT a programmer at all), just a Qtek 9090 addict. I 've been looking for something similar to your request: I wanted a way to go straight to the "compose text message" window from the today screen or a hardware button. I finally found a way to do this (maybe not the best way, but I can't find a site that lists all the possible parameters for tmail.exe).
If you're still looking for a better way to automatically launch your message, try this:
Copy the "Messaging" shortcut from Windows/Start Menu and put the copy somewhere you can work on it. Rename it to something like "London Congestion".
If you have Resco file explorer on your device, select your new shortcut and view its properties. On the second tab ("shortcut"), you should see the line "\Windows\tmail.exe". Change it to this:
"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "text" -to "81099" -body "your credit card number"
Then tap "ok".
Move your new shortcut to Windows/Start Menu/Programs. Now you should be able to access it with your Today screen launcher or Button launcher.
If you don't have Resco file explorer, copy your shortcut to your desktop and open it with Notepad. You'll see something like 43#"\Windows\tmail.exe"; just leave the number at the front, make the adjustments I described and save the file. Then put it in Windows/Start Menu/Programs on your device.
I tested this and it worked for me, so I hope it does for you too!
To simply go to the "compose" window from a shortcut, I use this line:
"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "text" -to ""
Thanks a lot Robrecht,
I was actually going to re-open this issue because I have a Blueangel now - and I don't know if it's because it is WM2003 Second Edition or not, but the javascript that was written for me in the above post no longer works, so I needed a new method.
A very timely reply and I will try it over the weekend.
Thanks a lot,
I think you should add "I hope it chokes you bunch of rip off bastards" We pay road tax, we pay huge tax on fuel, we sit for hours in jams and they want money :?:
Well, XDA2-owner, you're very welcome!!!
I have a Blue Angel too and it works for me, except....... I discovered a flaw.
I thought the
-service "text"
parameter made sure the automatically created message was always a text (SMS) message, but instead it turns out that the format of the new message (SMS, e-mail, MMS...) changes according to the last viewed folder in Pocket Outlook. So if you were checking your e-mail account just before you use my shortcut, it wil create an e-mail instead of a text message.
This sucks! And I was so happy I'd been able to help someone!
Does anyone know a way to make sure the new message is always a text message?
Hi again,
This issue was one I was also having with the Javascript - I got used to the fact that if I was using the e-mail part of Messaging, I would switch it back to SMS before closing it.
One issue I am having though - and it might just be to do with my setup - is that when I run the shortcut from Start-->Programs-->Congestion, it works fine. When I try and launch it from my Today screen though, using BatteryPackPro, it doesn't seem to create the text message, and just stays on the Today screen.
Any ideas?
Thanks again for your help and ideas.

Check Notifications and duplicate Cal and CALENDAR.EXE

Hey Gang,
I use Xpress Mail to sync my calendar with my Cingular 8125. Now I also have Check Notifications application installed. Idon't know why it does, but it always ends up with about 15+ copies of "Cal" that are marked with red and a few "CALENDAR.EXE" (not marked with red)
When I click Clear, it doesnt clear these duplicates. Is there anyway to:
1 - stop these duplicates
2 - clear them with one click instead of 30+ deletes
You may have done this but if you go to Options => Settings, there will be two checkboxes which allow you to tell the program what you want deleted. Hopefully this helps.
I would like to know how to stop the duplicate and other useless notifications that always pile up in my wizard. I don't know why one should have to even bother with a program like this. Shouldn't these types of event notifications clear themselves up?
I do have that checked but for some reason, even though it marks them as duplicates (red lettering) it doesnt clear them.
Goto the end of the notification - scroll right and you will probably see they are not duplicate notifications but different appts etc.... You will also see this if you set the alarm for the week - its a bug in check notifications. You can try sktools or memaid and that will probably prove the point.
Yes, for the CALENDAR.EXE they are different but the Cal they are all exaclty the same in all columns. Under the "Arguments" column they have a long string of alpha-numeric characters.
What is calling this "Cal" item? I thought it might be my Xpress Mail which syncs my email and calendar items.
I ran MemMaid but it didnt clear them.
I'll have to find SKtools and try that.
mikeysweet said:
Yes, for the CALENDAR.EXE they are different but the Cal they are all exaclty the same in all columns. Under the "Arguments" column they have a long string of alpha-numeric characters.
What is calling this "Cal" item? I thought it might be my Xpress Mail which syncs my email and calendar items.
I ran MemMaid but it didnt clear them.
I'll have to find SKtools and try that.
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Are the alpha-numeric numbers identical? If not they may indicate calendar items. I use check notifications frequently and never seen a cal notification so i guess it is from your xpress mail program - and it usually from the reminder that goes with the calendar item not the item itself. I only use reminders when i need too and my queue is therefore small.
Yiu can download sktools here
Yep they have identical alpha-numeric values.
The main reason I want to get rid of them is if they take up any resources. Space is very valuable on these machines - memory or ram.
mikeysweet said:
Yep they have identical alpha-numeric values.
The main reason I want to get rid of them is if they take up any resources. Space is very valuable on these machines - memory or ram.
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I would try sktools and see if that works - if they are proper duplicate notifications it will delete them all with one click. Do they recur if you delete them say manually? This may be a problem with your software - you could do a hard reset and reinstall everything in case a bug has developed.
After the duplicates are deleted? how do the effects take place? i made a log and it saved the log file but what do i need to do next? whenever i do a soft reset or it freezes and i have to do a soft reset, it brings back the deleted notifications.


Reminders (most, not all) have stopped working on my Advantage. They show correctly in the calendar and sync with the desktop where the reminders pop up but for most of them nothing happens on Adavantage.
The odd one still works as normal but for most of them although the agenda shows the appointment about to happen no pop up, sound or even notice of a reminder having been missed appears.
I seem to remember a slightly similar thing happening with WM2003 after I had changed the time zone, and had to delete and then reinstate each appointment to get the reminders up again. But in this case neither has the time zone changed nor does deleting and reinstalling (nor before you ask soft-resetting) the device makes any difference.
Any ideas anybody?
I had some recurring reminders which were set to go off at 1 minute before and some at 0 minutes.
When I set all of these to at least 5 minutes before everything returned to normal.
Strange unless there is some time issue in the device or OS somewhere - anyway, just in case someone else gets this problem.
It may sound funny but change time zones, have it change the time zone. Then hold the power button until it asks are you sure you want to reboot. Let it reboot then change the time zone back. Sometimes that helps cuz it will rebuild the alarm database.
Your other option is Scarybear fix notifications and Check Notifications. You can view the alarms and remove the ones that are invalid. You need to be careful though. Delete the ones that say NULL.
I've benn through this for YEARS and that's the only way I've had 100% success.
hammermedia said:
Your other option is Scarybear fix notifications and Check Notifications. You can view the alarms and remove the ones that are invalid. You need to be careful though. Delete the ones that say NULL.
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I agree with everything hammermedia says bar one - I find Scarybear sometimes doesn't too well on WM5. Dinarsoft Memmaid does the trick
on the notification queue for me.
Snooze options
While we are on the subject the thing I HATE about WM5 compared to PPC2003 is the fewer snooze options.
Got quite excited over mention of memmaid to look at queue as I totally rely on these notifications but often need to set the snooze to x hours but having had a brief look I see that one can delete but not amend.
Don't want to try scarybear if there are reports of probs on WM5
On my old universal I spent ages trying to to get PocketMax Alarmtoday working to give me more flexibility. I will try again on Advantage now.
Any way of hacking the reminder snooze options? or Other programs people like?
still not snoozing
Just a brief update have got alarmtoday working fine which does have helpful options - regulates the sounds for how long and really like the 'mute all sound for a flexible period' - how many times does one forgot to turn the sound back on!
Alas it still uses the WM5 options for handling the reminder when it pops up so I can't tell it to remind me 8 hours

SMS sent confirmation

One thing I miss about my old phone is the "sms sent" confirmation I used to get after sending a message. (also with a little animation).
It's really annoying to have to go round the houses to get to the sent folder to see if a message has been sent or not.
I had a whole day with a load of messages unknowingly sat in the outbox thinking they'd been sent which really annoyed me. It was only after I checked at the end of the day I found out they hadn't
Does such a thing exist for the diamond or is it too dependant on windows mobile.
Also still have not found a decent lock program that locks EVERY button (including the power) and stops me answering calls getting my phone out my pocket and the sleeve. Tied s2u2 and touchlockpro but they are still unreliable
What was wrong with "menu - star" like on the nokias. - Worked a treat !!!
Any help would be appreciated
ROM Dutty 3.1 WWE
Alright mate.
Can't help with the locking problem, but here's what you need to do to get notification of SMS sent...
Go to the "messages" tab in TouchFlo and click "all messages". Then click "menu", "tools" and "options". Click "* SMS\MMS" and make sure "Request delivery notifications" is checked.
I don't use this myself, but I just tested it and it works for me.
Hope this helps you out.
I use the following tip:
Use any Registry Editor, such as freeware CeRegEditor or PHM Registry Editor, and navigate to the following registry key:
If “Settings” branch does not exist, create a New Key with name as Settings. Then highlight Settings, and then create a new String Value key with value name as SMSNoSentMsg, with its value data as 1.
phreaq said:
I use the following tip:
Use any Registry Editor, such as freeware CeRegEditor or PHM Registry Editor, and navigate to the following registry key:
If “Settings” branch does not exist, create a New Key with name as Settings. Then highlight Settings, and then create a new String Value key with value name as SMSNoSentMsg, with its value data as 1.
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... you're nearly right. You need to set the value to '0' if you wish to receive a notification that the SMS has been sent. If you set it to '1', you will not receive the notification (this is the default).
Nice one thanks guys. Went for the reg edit as didn't fancy getting a text back from operator every time I send one.
Just for the record yes the value of "SMSNoSentMsg" needs to be 0.
Again cheers for your help
Resurrecting this thread
I discovered this one earlier today, so far I'm liking it.
SMS Retry Notification
Enables/Disables a notification when an SMS message failed to be delivered. The phone will display a Popup displaying a summary of the message, to whom it was sent and when, and ask if you would like to try again.
[HKCU\ControlPanel\PhoneExtendFunction\CDMA] change PhoneExt_SmsRetry
0 - Disable (Default)
1 - Enable
My phone is a Sprint CDMA phone (hence the registry address) but hopefully it's not a Sprint setting and other CDMA phones and maybe GSM phones have a similar location.
Retry Notification
smotrs said:
I discovered this one earlier today, so far I'm liking it.
SMS Retry Notification
Enables/Disables a notification when an SMS message failed to be delivered. The phone will display a Popup displaying a summary of the message, to whom it was sent and when, and ask if you would like to try again.
[HKCU\ControlPanel\PhoneExtendFunction\CDMA] change PhoneExt_SmsRetry
0 - Disable (Default)
1 - Enable
My phone is a Sprint CDMA phone (hence the registry address) but hopefully it's not a Sprint setting and other CDMA phones and maybe GSM phones have a similar location.
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Sweet. I also like the original setting in this thread. I like to know when my text is sent. I don't use text that ofte, s this is not an inconvenience to me.

Repeat notification sound- HTC Pure

How to enable "play sound/repeat" in Sound & Notifications audio settings?
If I missed a notification (email or reminder) I'd like to hear a beep or other sound at selected intervals.
SMS Notification repeat
Since we are noobs and not real, I thought I might share my searching results. First the search only returns results with "sms repeat", and not much with the Topaz. I had the same problem with my old Kaiser, and there was a great little program on Modaco ( that I think was more about led notification but worked for my need to get repeat SMS notification. (I am a network engineer that is on call a lot)
I did a bunch of registry hacks on the Kaiser but nothing that worked very well and ended up using Phils program above, but not on my Topaz yet. It is still stock ATT rom.
I did find references to 3 other programs:
spb phone suite
The Phone Alarm ( has a couple of varients, and looks like it might be easy to install, and has a small footprint piece called AlarmPal that has a feature of turning on and off bluetooth that might be helpful if battery life is an issue.
Phone Alarm supposedly works on 6.5. AlarmPal looks like just 6.1 and below, but there are posts about Diamond with a WM 6.5 ROM.(less than $12.00US)
Missed Call Reminder is from here (xda-developers) and looks like one of the moderators might be using it but the post is from Nov, 2008. He has updated it and the files in the cab are from April of 2009. It uses 236K of memory. Not sure if that is alot or little.
I do not have time today to try these out, but should have a little time later in the week.
I too would like this feature enabled. There has got to be reg tweak that will enable the "repeat" box to be checked under sounds & notifications. I will search around as well.
I found this in another forum so I will post it here too. It is over a year old post so I'm not sure if it works yet but I will try it out and post my findings if you all want to wait for confirmation if it works or not on WM6.5. Thanks to Jackalz for this find (
In Registry Editor, navigate to the following registry key branch:
There is a lot of registry sub-key inside the Notifications folder. Search through one by one to find and locate a registry entry that has its Default (REG_SZ) value as the name of the event. For example, Messaging: New e-mail message, Messaging: New text message, Messaging: New MMS message, Phone: Missed call and etc.
Once found the correct registry sub-key that represents the event that you want to enable the “Repeat” option, edit the value data for Options value name. Change the value to 1073741835 (in Decimal base) or 4000000B (in Hexadecimal HEX base format). Save and exit from registry editor.
Now the Repeat check box is enabled, and user should be able to set repetitive and recurring event notifications.
EDIT: I have just verified that these registry settings worked. I was able to enable the repeat option for New emails, new text and new mms message. CHEERS!
Edited post: I did the above registry tweak and as in the kaiser, It would not stop repeating after reading the sms. I deselected the repeat option and set the registry key back to 0000000b. back happy again..
Old post:
I will try that one.. On the old Kaiser, it would repeat, but unable to turn it off. It kept repeating, no matter what I did to turn it off.. Thanks,
SMS repeat notification
AlarmPal worked... and even quit "reminding" me after I turned it off..
SMS repeat notification program testing results
Missed Call Reminder: looks like low footprint but repeated Voicemail notification even when I did not have voice or voicemail notification on. Only way to turn off the voicemail notification was to actually listen to the voicemail, just acknowledging it would not turn off the alert. Also after opening it up once, have to reboot the phone to get back into the configuration. Not a problem if I was able to turn off the voicemail alerts.
Alarm Pal worked as advertised but memory usage climbed from 72% to 82% in 14hrs. Will reinstall and continue monitoring.
ramseyjack said:
Missed Call Reminder: looks like low footprint but repeated Voicemail notification even when I did not have voice or voicemail notification on. Only way to turn off the voicemail notification was to actually listen to the voicemail, just acknowledging it would not turn off the alert. Also after opening it up once, have to reboot the phone to get back into the configuration. Not a problem if I was able to turn off the voicemail alerts.
Alarm Pal worked as advertised but memory usage climbed from 72% to 82% in 14hrs. Will reinstall and continue monitoring.
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ah, maybe that's why they disabled it in the first place. haven't experienced that issue with email's or text messages on mine.
Repeat Notification SMS
Have been using Alarm Pal for a few weeks, and it works quite well. I still have the memory usage pump up to above 80% pretty quickly (8-16hrs) but I am a real heavy user of both email, text, alarms and phone. Any others using something different with a smaller memory footprint?
ramseyjack said:
Have been using Alarm Pal for a few weeks, and it works quite well. I still have the memory usage pump up to above 80% pretty quickly (8-16hrs) but I am a real heavy user of both email, text, alarms and phone. Any others using something different with a smaller memory footprint?
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I used MSentinel, you could try that! (after installing you should check the settings - mine checked the status every 1s and drained the battery very fast)
On my Typhoon I used an modified version of MortScript-based reminder - it does not stay in memory, uses wm-s notifications system and executes itself after given time (made also a full hour bell from it ). Its even possible to create a custom scheduled task with it - for example run pim backup every saturday night.. The original script came with a rom from xda-dev. - dont remember the name of it
Something like that:

