UPnP Client for Magician - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I am running a nice Asus Wl-Hdd
[url]http://wl500g.info/forumdisplay.php?f=78 [/url]
with twonkyvision mediaserver.
Is there a Upnp client program (like nero showtime mobile) for the Magician?
Thanks in advance!
PS: the wl-hdd is really cool - i use it with pc, xbox and magician...

A UPnP client? How do you mean?
UPnP is the method used to allow a program to specify ports to open and forward when sitting behind a hardware firewall... not sure what application this would have on a Magician.

as far as i understand, UpPnP is used to distribute content. This content is in my case for 99% audio (mp3) which resides on the WlHdd harddisk. Twonkyvision is the server part and if you take a look at
you can see the supported clients - there is also a thing called "iPAQ Mobile Media Companions". And such a thing i am searching...

UPnP isn't used to distribute content.

@elyl: Stop posting use- and senseless messages

Look at my original definition of UPnP. It ain't a file sharing program, which is what I think you think it is.
The "UPnP client devices" which that page talks about is your hardware firewall and router, not a software client, which you seem to think it is. Don't be an ass when someone is trying to help you.


does real player really works?

can anyone play this file with real player ppc?
on pc, it plays
on ppc (xda/mdaII) no
why? thanks!!
official link:
Its a stream from the net so it should work.. but listening to the radio via the net on your PPC would probably run up some hefty GPRS bills.
Its in .ram format, so it should work fine as long as your GPRS is connected.
thanks for your reply
the rai link provided it's only a 33kbit audio file
the following file is only 20kbit:
when opening a ram or rm file it always tell me:
"Response or data from server timed out"
i've search a solution on this page, but without success:
thanks for any help! ;-P
I've tried many times and many links to listend and see streamed media via Real One,also with newer version.
Only 2 of 25 i've tried worked.
In fact,I don't know why they do not work.
thank you ;-P
is your error alway the same?
i think it depens from the pocket pc version
on real site they always write "ppc 2002)...
any other suggest?
can anyone help me please?
this page works on pc:
but on my xda/mdaII not
the error is always the same:
"Response or data from server timed out"
on the official real player web site they invite customers to try their page!
but NO demo play with windows mobile 2003...
how it's possibile that REAL didn't try it's most famous software on the last windows mobile?
I contacted Real about this a while ago, and they seem pretty clueless.
As you mentioned, none of their test files work, yet their response seemed to deny any problem on their end, to the effect of saying "some streams may not be compatible, contact the source of the stream".
Just plain useless if you ask me.
Now if only Radio4's listen again site did windows media (which works, er, 40% of the time)...
Incidentally, did you know Auntie Beeb is planning on a video service for their TV programmes? High quality 320x240 optimised encodings of their past week's programmes (ideal for PocketPC, in fact they've given a lot of PPC devices to their staff to test). Could be fantastic.
thanks for your reply
any other suggest?
how it's possible that no one have my problem?
real player really doesn't work on windows mobile 2003?
it' a big BUG!!!
It could be 2 things afaik
1 realplayer doesn't like nat. It needs to open aa connection back to the mobile device to send the data. The device opens a control channel, and the streaming server opens a streaming data connection. Why does it work on the pc? either the pc has a non natted public ip address, or the player falls back to streaming via the control channel, this isn't happening on the ppc player.
2 ppc realplayer doesn't like http streams and only supports rtsp streams
thank you for yout technical reply
i can only reply on point 2:
the links provided (rai) directyl redirect to rtsp streams files
if you watch the clip info during the first loading, real player ppc show the correct rstp location
i'll try with ppc2002
last year it worked with wifi connection
always seems ok (configuration & requirements):
but it doesn't work
damn real! :twisted:
i've compliled a support form on real web site, let's wait for their reply..
Its got to be a problem with REAL, as every stream ive tried in windows media player always seems to work.
I didnt manage to get any of those test streams to work.
with microsoft media player almost all files play in streaming!
Just found buried in O2's website:
Question 5:
Can I use Realplayer with Xda?
Yes - all content stored on Xda will be usable. You are not able to stream Real content using O2 MobileWeb at this time.
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So I guess they block the necessary ports. No idea why they would want to, but it's their network after all.

Live video streaming from pocketpc to pocketpc

Has anyone got an idea how to use one pocketpc to act as an webcam and stream the video to another pocketpc (Both wm5) over a wifi or gprs connection?
Been searching for a solution several weeks now.
Webcamplus (ateksoft) almost does the job. It can stream from a pocketpc to any computer connected on the web, but can't seem to stream it to another pocketpc directly.
Server there makes streaming possible
The comvu streamer encoder is nice, but the service is bloated and too expensive. The typical american/canadian $$$ ****. I'm trying to get things working with a current build of VLC for WinCE.
Actually the Ateksoft solution looks nice. If it is a standard streaming protocol it should be possible to play the stream with coreplayer or VLC for WinCE.
I had a closer look to both apps. Ateksoft WebcameraPlus sends full jpeg images to PC via TCP to port 2047. Framerate is around 1.5-2.5 fps. Not impressive.
The pocketvu executable includes all DLLs it needs and the core is made of VCTMID_CODEC.dll made by HTC. I think it is possible to reroute traffic directly to PC or Mobile device instead of to the Comvu server. I think it'll be possible to stream directly from the mobile to VLC or Coreplayer. Must do some sniffing to see if that's really feasible.
Nice work!
Will you keep me posted here?
We've been experimenting with comvu here, but connections are really unstable.
With sniffing you should try to find out whether it uses DNS to find the comvu host to send the stream to. If that is the case one can use DNS spoofing to reroute the traffic to your own host. Next thing to do is to find out what streaming protocol and which container is used. The easiest way to do that is to open the rerouted stream in VLC and try all stream formats (http, rtp, udp, ..). VLC will recognize the codecs automatically. If your lucky they don't use a proprietary protocol. Once you can open their stream it is easy to redistribute it to your clients. If you can sniff the traffic, it is also possible to find out what protocol and codecs they use by analyzing the packets. I don't have much time lately so if you don't wonna wait for me then hook up your wlan router and PC to a hub and install Wireshark on the PC and start sniffing. There are also sniffers running on your mobile device, might be a bit easier.

DLNA Divx network streamer anyone?

I'm looking for the best Divx network streamer...
Needs to be able to talk to dlna devices...such as Homeserver Twonky and TVersity.
I think alot of us would enjoy being able to stream from our disk/server...and watch around the home...
Lobster works for music only...
anyone??? The Omnia kinds works..but then starts a hissy ***** fit and then asks for a decoder..
Since I gave up my N95 with a almost perfect UPnP-client (and server on the pc side) I was thinking of using the same on WinMobile, accessing my media servers around the house. Difficult, as you noted, most clients (Lobster, Rudeo) just support music access. I guess Lobster Clips never got off the ground. I still have to test Nero Showtime Mobile, claiming to be a client that can access other servers than just Neros. But even this one seems to have vanished from Neros homepage. But I have a copy, will test eventually. Any other leads welcome.
Edit: Nero is crap, slow and cannot access any of my servers. But look...what a nice UPnP bible we have in the Wiki here
http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=The UPnP Bible
Looks like until Core Player is coming out with UPnP support (announced for a long time), Conduits Pocket Player, now in Version 3.7, is the client of (only) choice:
Just not very nice that this free plugin needed to have the "Network" tab in Browse is not included in the main program, but can be found under plugins:
It seems like it was hard to stream media 4 years ago. It was begining of DLNA.
And now there are a lot of application for these purposes: Samsung AllShare, ArkMC, Skifta, BubleUPnP!

[Help] Another Streaming app for Android :p

I'm trying to developper my first app for Android. As I already have a database which contains all my media, and a web site to list them (with a search utility and even a kind of remote to control VLC from another computer), I tried to port that web site to my android app. (Yes I know, i could just rewrite the site to fit with my android screen... But that's a pretext to create my first app).
So far, i can list my medias in a SQLite database, which is synchronised with my server. I download the media arts...etc. The remote also works good. That's fine.
But i wonder if i could stream my media to my phone too? Not just remotly launch them on my TV? Now, I'd like to launch them on my android. So here we are, i configured VLC well and i can stream my medias in the LAN, on my phone... But not outsire the lan.
That's a common question. I found it several times in google, but no answers. So i asked on videolan forum why I could'nt stream out the LAN? They said that it's the client that choose the ports where VLC streams the media. That's the point : I don't know how to configure the stream ports in android!
Any one know that?
Many thanks.
P.S. I'm french, and I don't speak very well I think . Please forguive me and ask if you want more informations!
P.S.2 the videolan forum where I asked my question :
i use orb for all my media streaming to m evo.try it.you can stream anything with it and more...its free. google it make sure check orb classic ...
Tanks for your answer.
But my problem is not to find another solution, I'd like be able to say "i have it working" and you must know that my server, which contains my media, is under ubuntu. And orb doesn't work under Linux so far. I'm trying jinzora but I really would like to have my solution with vlc to work. As it work on LAN, I think I'm close to the solution. I only need to Know how to change default streaming port under Android client...
Thanks again.
castrogne said:
Tanks for your answer.
But my problem is not to find another solution, I'd like be able to say "i have it working" and you must know that my server, which contains my media, is under ubuntu. And orb doesn't work under Linux so far. I'm trying jinzora but I really would like to have my solution with vlc to work. As it work on LAN, I think I'm close to the solution. I only need to Know how to change default streaming port under Android client...
Thanks again.
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got it... sorry

[Q] Want a DLNA servers for windows to play stuff from my desire hd

I was just wondering if anyone knows of a DLNA server for windows that runs in the background (pref as a service) - and requires NO interface on the computer ... until i play something to it... then have it open fullscreen on my machiene?
Just it annoys me that i have to have windows media player up and running for my device to see the computer. And when i open WMP i need to make the player fullscreen (and i cannot even do this w/o playing a file 1st).
Anyone know of software that would be suited?
I think you might have your terminology a bit mixed up. It sounds like what you're after is a DLNA 'client' rather than a server.
The way I see it, the server is what serves the videos, i.e. the host of the files you want to play. The client is what plays them remotely.
Unfortunately I don't know of anything that will do it in the way you want - but maybe looking for a client might help your quest.
XbMC will probably do what you want it to HOWEVER! if you are wanting to stream to the DHD you might have to set up a server that transcodes the file on the fly to your required file type i think nero home will do this ....use google

