The iPocket Project - Transforming the JAM into an Apple-lik - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Every couple of months for the past 3 years a new rumor about an Apple-branded PDA emerges. And every single time it proves to be nothing but a rumor.
Well, I decided to stop waiting and make my JAM look like an Apple device in what I'm calling "The iPocket Project".
The project is comprised of re-skining the interface and every application possible with apple-like look & feel. I work in the design industry and it won't be aproblem for me to create the designs, but I'll need some help turning the graphics into usable skins. Here are the steps I'm going to take to achieve this:
- Wallpaper
- PhoneAlarm Skin
- Interface Skin (through 3rd party app)
- Intellidialer Skin
- Intellipad Skin
- Phone Dialer
- Windows Media Player Skin
- Sugar cube trick to get rid of the iMate Logo
- Adding an Apple Logo
Any help will be greatly appreciated and, of course, all the pieces will be available here for free download.
To get things started, here are the first JPGs I've created:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Howard Short, I know you are really good with dialer skins. Wanna give me a hand?

You do realize that it won't ever function as seamlessly as an Apple, no matter how you skin it, right?

If you are prepared to offer Wisbar Advance 2 and Snoopsoft Dashboard your patronage, you can have an interface like this one:
Unfortunately, the links are down due to Duckie's server bandwidth being exceeded, but the QVGA version has been temporarily uploaded to the following location:
I was already a registered owner of Wisbar Advance, but soon became a registered owner of Dashboard based on the strength of this skin. It goes a long way to transforming the PocketPC interface into something useful rather than just being pretty as well...
Also be sure to check out Buz Lightyear's fantastic keyboard skins in these forums as well. He made a beautiful OS X style one.
By the way, I love your dialer skin graphic! I think there is a tool to allow you to create a .psk file (or something like that) which allows a 3rd party tool to install it. I'll do some hunting...
EDIT: Howard has provided the links to the PSK creator here However I am not sure if it will do the intellidialer parts (which you have in your screenshots). I guess if someone (Howard?) has a photoshop file or similar with the necessary cutting lines it should be straighforward to chop those parts out into the necessary in* files to be copied to the \Windows dir. Also, I should be able to knock up the necessary DLL that would be needed to provide the depressed states for those buttons if you can provide a graphic incoporating the depressed states you would like to be seen.
Heck, if nobody steps forward, just post up png/bmp/gif files of exactly what you want seen in the dialer and I will chop it up for you.
EDIT2: Link to buz_lightyear's excellent keyboard skins:

Ok, I have created a Photoshop document with the necessary slices set up to allow creation of the various images necessary for the dialer, including the intelidialer section. Ipload it somewhere later. Working on a landscape one shortly. malencar, all I need are the graphics, including down-states and I can package the dialer up into a CAB or a ZIP.
Note that I am currently investigating how to not have the dialer overlay the graphics with it's own text. It doesn't appear to use strings in the registry, so I am checking the dialer code to see if those strings are in resources. Basically we would want the strings removed or at least want the font adjustable. It's currently touch and go whether the fonts can appear the same as in your picture. No problem with the button graphics though. BTW, what font did you use?

I've made a new, refined version for the Dialer. Here it is:
Zetsurin, I'll PM you the link to download the original PSDs I'm working on.

Malencar, that's looking awesome! The only technical hitch currently is that the dialer software currently overlays all button graphics with white text in the standard system font. ie. not what we want. I'm looking into it for now, trying to get the DLL's out of my PDA at the moment and will take a closer look... Tempted to just start extending the open source dialer D9 ( to accomodate those graphics. That would also provide an opportunity to create a dialer which is much better for single handed operation but also a lot more work... the built in HTC dialer app, for all it's fault does seem to be quite tweakable, so there is still hope yet.

Here is the version with separated blue buttons so it can work with the white font. For the PSD just go to the same link I sent you before on the PM. I've also included a cut-out blue button with no text to make your life easier ;-)

WMP10 Skin - iTunes Pocket. This version is audio only (anothe one with video coming soon). I'll work on the button pressed states and upload soon.

Well one the way with the dialer skin. Should be ready sometime this evening (or your morning)
I had to manually remove the text from the Talk button, as the dialer (man, the standard dialer is CRAP) insists on overlaying the text on that as well. Anyway, it's looking pretty good. Expect a ZIP file later with all the images.

Here's an early file for the dialer. Not all the images are done yet (some of the buttons, and also none of the intellidialer section), but it serves as a good checkpoint on the progress so far. Just copy the files in the ZIP to your /Windows directory on your Pocket PC.

Maybe this is what you want to achieve???
This is totally IPocket isn't it? Although it's another device, it could be done with a JAM and that would take you less work! And menu-structures could be the same as Apple...
By the way, could you maybe post Mediaplayer skin you made?

The all white dialer skin and Pocket Itunes skin for WMP are great. Mind hooking me up with both of them ?

j_metselaars said:
Maybe this is what you want to achieve???
This is totally IPocket isn't it? Although it's another device, it could be done with a JAM and that would take you less work! And menu-structures could be the same as Apple...
By the way, could you maybe post Mediaplayer skin you made?
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Did you make that? What did you use to customize the top and bottom bars?

nice job guys! Just for the 411 wisbar advanced is not compadable with pocket pc phones period. Even the latest beta is a no go. The caller ID does not work when wisbar advanced is going. As for these other skins and phone dialers they rock!

Guys, as for skinning the OS, it just doesn't get better than Duckie's skin IMHO.
I run Wisbar Advance 2 (latest beta, not the .10 final which isn't compatible with Phone Edition) and Snoopsoft Dashboard. I think it's a magic combination. Check out the attached screens...

Aiight people,
Version 0.1 (beta) of the iDialer is here. Zetsurin and I put this together and it is working fine. The Portrait and Landscape versions are included as is the Intellidialer skin. Just drop all the files in your \windows folder and you're good to go.
I'll upload a version with minor refinements as soon as possible.
On another subject, anybody out there willing to put the WMP10 skin together? The design is ready and I can send the PSD file to whomever is willing to help.

Sorry to tell you but the latest beta in wisbar advanced does not work correctly with the pocketpc phone. The caller ID does not work. So if you don't care about caller ID I guess then you are ok . Try calling your voice mail and then while in your voice mail have someone call you. You will hear the audio beep saying someone is trying to call you but no notification and no way to switch to the other call.

Also the arrow back button is covered by the intellidialer skin. Any reason why?

Mikee4fun said:
Also the arrow back button is covered by the intellidialer skin. Any reason why?
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Yeah, this is the first beta so, it definitely needs tweaks. The back button thing is a mystery to me. I fixed it and made the button smaller but for some reason it keeps stretching to the size you see now.

Mikee4fun said:
Sorry to tell you but the latest beta in wisbar advanced does not work correctly with the pocketpc phone. The caller ID does not work. So if you don't care about caller ID I guess then you are ok . Try calling your voice mail and then while in your voice mail have someone call you. You will hear the audio beep saying someone is trying to call you but no notification and no way to switch to the other call.
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Actually, I just double-checked and I have the .24 beta. Anyway, I guess I'm not so popular as I have never had a situation of someone calling me while I was on another call It does tell me who is calling me when it's ringing though, so caller id in that sense seems to be OK. Anyway, that version works fine for everything I do on my mini, so I won't bother upgrading until all issues are ironed out. It must be a pain for the author to get it working right, don't you just wish there was a bit more standardisation in the design of these phone devices, that sure would make it easier for the developers.


[new release] VJBigPhone VGA Phone Dialler Fix (beta)

New readers, please skip this part, read the rest of this post, and then come back here:
[edit 29 November 2005 02:32]
Guys, I've updated to version 0.5; download the cab here
I've left the original cab link on my website in case v0.5 screws up.
I've only updated VJBigPhoneRes in cab v0.5, not the standalone.
Note that in order to install the new cab, you will have to run the original
VJBigPhoneRes before the installation in order to close it down.
Then install the new cab.
Additionally, download this cab to fix the button text (it puts text in the middle) and this file to fix the backdrop painting issue by putting a new backdrop in your \windows\ folder, thanks to Azhad!
The new version also fixes the wireless manager (see below), and hopefully moves all buttons. I can't test this without your help, so give it a go and post here if there are problems.
I haven't fixed the see through backdrop, I explain why below.
VJBigPhoneRes cannot fix the caller progress dialog the first time the phone is run (eg after a soft reset), because until you've made a call or shown the dialog, the caller progress doesn't exist. However, after you've loaded the phone, it should fix it all times in the future.
Rotation and fixing the phone won't force the phone on top now. It should all be done in the background.
If this version works, it's one step away from a translatable version for Hebrew etc. So please test.
Once we've got the dialler buttons working, I'll work on fixing the paint problem.]
Original post
I'm sure all you Universal guys have applied the VGA hack and have since discovered how it foobars your phonedialler.
Until some one gets around to making a dynamic resolution changer, I'm presenting VJBigPhone to permit you to use the phone dialler in VGA mode.
It is hot off the press. Let me say, this took many hours of finicky work, and I'd appreciate a donation if you use it, because I did this for you guys. I don't use my Universal as a phone, so this is purely for me to give to the Community </end guilt trip>
Ok. first
it's for the English edition of WM5 only
I will get around to making it translatable, but right now my behind and my head both hurt from too much coding
The cab will install two files in your
start menu > vijay555 > vjbigphone
The file VJBigPhone can be launched each time you want to fix the phone. You will have to do this on startup and each time you change screen orientation.
The file VJBigPhoneRes is resident version. That means it will stay in memory and fix the phone every time you change orientation automatically. To unload the resident version, just launch it a second time. It will give you a message to show it's been closed.
Choose which version you require (but use only one at a time).
For most purposes VJBigPhoneRes should be best, and can be placed in your startup folder to fix the phone automatically.
This should work at any DPI, although I don't know if the button images are always available.
Example use:
before VJBigPhone
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
After VJBigPhone
And landscape:
After VJBigPhone
Call Progress
Wireless Manager:
(note Wireless Manager will only be fixed after you've loaded it once. If you don't load it once, it won't fix it. So load wireless manager before VJBigPhoneRes, or force it to be fixed by changing rotation AFTER you've loaded it)
- The buttons look pretty good, although the text seems to be a bit offline. I can't fix that, it seems to be coded internally.
- The dialler skins built in don't seem big enough to cover the bottom of the window; the background shows through a little. I can't fix that.
I've figured out why the dialler background looks funny.
This screenshot shows a composite of a QVGA screen and a VGA screen resized to match.
The OS accounts 26 pixels for the start bar and the soft menu buttons. However, going from QVGA to VGA, you can see that those bars are only half of the size the OS expects at QVGA. So, we have a number of pixels unaccounted for, and they don't get painted.
This can be partially corrected, but I will only try to fix this after the dialler buttons are working correctly)
Cab is available above.
Please leave feedback here or on my forum
Don't forget the donation!
If you can't make a donation, at least check out my ads on my webpage.
v0.2: Hopefully fixed the bug with the video call buttons
v0.3: Now supports resident version (fixes the phone 0.5 seconds after you rotate, to allow for any slowdown caused by other software).
v0.5: Fixes updates in the background so phone doesn't pop up on rotation, fixes wireless manager and hopefully corrects all buttons.
I will try now, YOU ARE A LEGEND, AND IF IT WORKS,Donations on the way to you bank account. Have a bloody wonderful life and remember you are a legend.........
[updated at 2320 11 November 2005]
Seal and anyone else: you might want to redownload the cab if you downloaded it in the last 30 mins.
I've just removed the bit that changed the titlebar text to say my name. As much as I love egotism, it might intefere with other programs including one I'm writing myself
No functional difference so if you like my name, keep it there!
Just trying it, vijay.
I thought you'd been quiet lately. Didn't realise you were doing your inventing...
I can't get this to work. I opened the CAB and it installed. Nothing in the phone changed. I did a soft reset just in case.
I tap the icon Programs -> vijay555 -> VJBigPhone -> VJBigPhone and I see the phone dialler screen with a dialog over the top saying 'Already fixed the Phone!'
I tap OK on the dialog and nothing changes.
Where did I go wrong? :?:
I'm in landscape mode and have been since I installed it.
Great to hear we might have this solution though. Good work! :cheers:
Edit: When I flipped to portrait mode and then ran the app again it worked.
SiliconS: it should work in any orientation.
Install the app.
On launching VJBigPhone it will find the phone app. If it's not loaded, it'll load it.
Then, it'll fix the keys and make a note that it's fixed the keys.
Then if you try to run it again you'll get the dialog that it's already fixed em.
However, if you change orientation, the phone app positions all the keys, so you have to run VJBigPhone again.
I wonder why it didn't work the first time you ran it?
How is it now?
Post screenshots if they're helpful or interesting!
PS Quiet? I got the fullscreen terminal services hack out this week, feeling the wrath of my better half for my efforts! A bunch of other stuff releaed over the last week or so (smaller things I think) and been working on my website.
I'll be trying to launch a blog very shortly to post my musings on what needs hacking. Left Handed scrollbars have my name all over them...
OK: some quick 'n dirty first feedback.
Would be nice if the text on the buttons were larger. Not a big deal though.
Is there some way of hooking into the screen rotate event in the OS to capture the need to re-run the app? Maybe cos it's not memory-resident it doesn't know what's going on.
Great step forward though.
and lmao @ "send me a small donation via paypal. It will [help] me to keep giving you stuff free!" (I'm assuming that's a deliberately ironic statement! )
tis supposed to be ironic, although the sentiment is that the software is all free. However, if you like it and it makes you feel all tingly inside, send a donation! But you don't have to. But I might start killing puppies if you don't :wink:
Text on the buttons is nothing to do with me, I can't fix that. They're fixed by the dialler, unforunately.
I could hook the rotation event, but hooking is very cpu intensive (because you're pretty much hooking every event, and then filtering the ones you don't want. As such, it's wasteful. As is polling every few seconds). I generally don't hook or poll :shock: but if there's an overwhelming need, I will. But, I don't change orientation that often, so it's not too bad.
Another thought: This could be handy in the car, combined with PocketZenPhone: Switch to car profile in PZP which runs VJBigPhone to make sure that the dialler is full size ready for calls on the move. Hmm. I can see that being useful... We'll see
Other than that I think I'd need to map it to a button somehow so that I could fix the phone instantly if I needed the dialler.
Edit: amended cos my original post sounded negative...
The video phone button is stuffed up, it is still in the old position, you can still see it in landscape view.
I noticed that in all your pictures the video call button is missing.
Hmmm, I don't have a video call button.
I guess it's something from the extended ROM i never installed.
Can you post a screenshot?
II got an error "Couldnt't find the Phone", maybe cuz iI have hebrew language installed.... :\
zpdy, yes, it's clearly English language only. Once I get it working properly, I'll convert it over to a translatable version.
Ok, thanks to Buzz I unlocked my Extended Rom and installed the video call poo. FYI, it slows down your system. I'm going to clear it out as soon as this prog is finished.
So, this version (0.3) now fixes the video call buttons and some other stuff.
However, I don't use the phone at all on my universal, so I don't know if I've missed any buttons, so let's say if you find any issues, please be nice and mail me, pm, or post on my forum/here. Send a screenshot if you can.
The new cab contains a standalone version, in case you have troubles with the resident one.
The other file is a resident version. Despite talking out of my rear end earlier, the resident version should use minimal resources, and will fix the dialler 0.5 seconds after your change orientation (to allow for any slowdown caused by other software you're using).
Either version can be put in your startup folder. I recommend the resident version.
Please post if you find any issues.
V :wink:
ps if this technique works, I'll get around to the foreign language version some time.
vijay555 YOU ARE A LEGEND, thanks for the phone skinning program.
Love it. :lol:
Is it working ok? Any other issues?
seal said:
VGA is awesome, We just need the phone dialer bigger.
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I guess its time to change your signature seal
Great stuff VJ!
How's it working for you guys?
Any issues?
I dread to hear them, but you might as well get them off your chest!
fyi all: don't use a task killer to close the phone app. if you do vjbigphoneres won't update the buttons again until you change orientation. use vjbigphone as a standalone fix or get your taskiller to ignore cprog.exe
Seal, thanks for the donation! :wink:
Can somebody post here or send me a pic of the qvga dialler? I'm not sure if I'm formatting the screen entirely correctly, that white bit at the bottom bothers me and I can't remember what the qvga dialler looks like. The VGA setup is already flaky enough to risk de-ozvga-ing :shock:
If this technique is working ok for everyone then I'll tidy it up a bit internally and try to work on an international version. And some other stuff I had up my sleeves
Yes if you could fill the bottom of the dialer area so you can't see the screen behind it, that would be awesome.

More HTC Touch Dialpad Skins

I say neonstorm's post the other day where he replaced the HTC images in the /windows directory to make new skins. His skins are nice and worth checking out. The weren't exactly what I wanted though.
So... I figured I could do the same thing. Below are a few as examples. I have the WM themes that goes with each one except for the grass if anyone is interested. I thought I would offer to make a few custom skins for people if you are interested. The themes support both portrait and landscape modes. They are QVGA only though.
To Install:
Unzip all images (png) to your /windows directory. They will overwrite the existing HTC Touch Dialpad images. (I have included these below in case you want to revert back) Next, reboot your phone, or disable it off (airplane mode) and end the cprog.exe program. Re-enable the phone and you should be good.
To Request:
If you like this style and would enjoy having a custom skin just ask. I will need an image or both the portrait and landscape modes. If you would rather, just put up the .tsk file you are using for your theme and I can extract them. Depending on the response I will try to get them done within a day or so.
There have been a few other designers step up and help with requests. Most of these start around page 17. If interested check them out! There is a little more information in this post.
Well, I am not a programmer so this is about all I can currently do to give back to this community, at least for now. Let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy!
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
There are several other themes throughout this thread that I have done for others. Below is a list with links to these posts. Hopefully this will save some time looking through the entire thread.
Water and Fire
MoonTree & VistaUltimate
Hero & SolidBlack
Joker & DjLand
Turkish Flag
Smoke & Smoke Dig
Sky1 Dig
HTC Green & WM6 Green
nice job!
Wonder if it's possible for these types of dialers to make the buttons transparent, that way, you can just change the dialer background and easily change the dialer theme.
Also, this can work with sprint HTC Touch, but you need indialer_accu_p.png and indialer_accu_l.png which you can make from copying the number bar from the main screen dialer.
Thank you for your great contribution, you are such an artist.
I want to ask for help in creating a new skin for dutty dialpad (forgot what it's called), I found it in hermes or kaiser thread.
Here are the pictures of this dialpad:
And this is the cab file:
I want to turn it into blue one, like O2 defaullt theme, or may be Vista theme,to fit with Poorlyduck's vista suit:
Thanks in advanced!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok i have a problem. I extracted the files into my windows directory and when i reboot there are no numbers on the dialpad. just the background. Also the jigsaw zip is actually the grass one.
medkid said:
Thank you for your great contribution, you are such an artist.
I want to ask for help in creating a new skin for dutty dialpad (forgot what it's called), I found it in hermes or kaiser thread.
Here are the pictures of this dialpad:
And this is the cab file:
I want to turn it into blue one, like O2 defaullt theme, or may be Vista theme,to fit with Poorlyduck's vista suit:
Thanks in advanced!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hi there... can you confirm that this dialer works? because i've tried this kind of dialer and have an auto call problem.. like when you wake your device, it makes a phone call to your last call history number..
bluesky3012 said:
hi there... can you confirm that this dialer works? because i've tried this kind of dialer and have an auto call problem.. like when you wake your device, it makes a phone call to your last call history number..
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Ofcourse, it works on my Atom and Atom life too.
Sorry about that
jok3sta said:
ok i have a problem. I extracted the files into my windows directory and when i reboot there are no numbers on the dialpad. just the background. Also the jigsaw zip is actually the grass one.
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Click to collapse
Sorry about that. The first post now has the correct As for you number issue? I have not seen this before. Check in you /windows directory and make sure the NmBtn0up_port.png and NmBtn0dn_port.png and the like are there and correct. This is just an image substitution so not much that can go wrong.
Original Touch Dialer Images...
Sorry this didn't get into the first post. Here are the original HTC Touch Dialpad images that are replaced with this theme.
Would be nice...
superflysocal said:
nice job!
Wonder if it's possible for these types of dialers to make the buttons transparent, that way, you can just change the dialer background and easily change the dialer theme.
Also, this can work with sprint HTC Touch, but you need indialer_accu_p.png and indialer_accu_l.png which you can make from copying the number bar from the main screen dialer.
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That was my original intent in making this skin. Just make the buttons transparent and then change one or two images to change the whole thing. I originally tried this, but the dialpad doesn't use pngs with transparent alpha layers. (or something like that) I will used the odd purple for complete transparent areas, but the blended areas didn't display correctly.
I am not an expert in this area though, so if I did something wrong and someone knows the correct way to get partial transparency, I will be glad to post up a generic version. As it is, I did the next best thing for me. Scripted up the slice and dice routine in Script-fu (gimp). Now all I have to do is change the back ground and push a button. Almost as easy.
Glad you like it!
Purple for jeffreynew23
Here you go jeffreynew23! If she wants a different background just let me know what it is. I had some free time and thought I would at least throw one together for you quick. Hope she likes it!
These are great. I like the font on the number pad much better than the techy looking default one. Thanks for sharing!
Thank You!!!!
PhilD41 said:
Here you go jeffreynew23! If she wants a different background just let me know what it is. I had some free time and thought I would at least throw one together for you quick. Hope she likes it!
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Hey Phil. Good Looking out Thank you so much.
medkid said:
Thank you for your great contribution, you are such an artist.
I want to ask for help in creating a new skin for dutty dialpad (forgot what it's called), I found it in hermes or kaiser thread.
Here are the pictures of this dialpad:
And this is the cab file:
I want to turn it into blue one, like O2 defaullt theme, or may be Vista theme,to fit with Poorlyduck's vista suit:
Thanks in advanced!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I haven't seen this.
What are the chances for this dialpad to work with Trinity ?
medkid said:
Thank you for your great contribution, you are such an artist.
I want to ask for help in creating a new skin for dutty dialpad (forgot what it's called), I found it in hermes or kaiser thread.
Here are the pictures of this dialpad:
And this is the cab file:
I want to turn it into blue one, like O2 defaullt theme, or may be Vista theme,to fit with Poorlyduck's vista suit:
Thanks in advanced!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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What dialpad is this? GSM or CDMA?
arcanecho said:
What dialpad is this? GSM or CDMA?
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GSM ofcourse. It's from dutty's rom in kaiser's thread.
see this:
Excellent work
PhilD41 great work. One of the reasons I haven't been using the touch dialer is that it is so ugly. I just stuck the the WM6 one. If I could get the dialer to look like the rest of my theme I would be well pleased.
I am using the theme attached. But I have a feeling that the dark color will make the names in the smart dial list impossible to read. Have a look and let me know if its possible.
Thanks in advance.
maccaberry said:
But I have a feeling that the dark color will make the names in the smart dial list impossible to read.
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I will try to find some time tonight to play with it. I am currently using a fairly dark theme which is still readable. It isn't black though. If nothing else, it is just graphics so I could always lighten up the smartdial area instead of darken it. Hopefully I will have a screen shot for you this evening or tomorrow and see what you think.
Water and Fire Dialpad
Hey maccaberry!!
I think it turned out quite nice!! The dialpad is attached below. I have included a screenshot from my phone below. I have also included a tweaked .tsk file. I make a small change so the top and bottom bars are darker black. You can see the difference in the image below (right two images).
Let me know what you think. If I have time, I might make a PocketCM theme to go with it and add it to my pShades collection.
Man you are good. This looks fantastic. I am not sure what your pShades is, but I will have to check it out now that I have seen your work.
Thanks so much for your efforts. I have tried to put back into the forums by answering lots of n00b questions so that the developers have time to develop instead of answering questions. But what you have done here is a great way to contribute too.
Thanks so much!
You are very welcome! I am glad you like it. Graphics work has always been a hobby of mine and theming seems a good way to put it to use. With my wife and 18 month old son our of town for a few weeks I have had some time to play.


The a new verison of pointui 1.5a up on their web page! Downloading Now!!!!!!
Check out Post 5 of the thread for evaluation by Curious George . . .
dahlem said:
There's a new verison of pointui up on their web page! Downlaoding Now!!!!!!
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NiteStalker said:
Can you make this post a productive contribution by adding a link?
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Thanks I didn't notice
I'm downloading and trying now
You should have named the thread something more attracting like NEW POINTUI 02/05/08
Thanks for the info
First Glance
At first glance it looks amazing!!! I might get flamed for that but it is my opinion.
-Sliding is smooth.
-It has a contacts application! Would like to see an option for Favorite Contacts.
-Calendar rework on the ribbon is great. Shows numerous days appointments.
-Dpad controls are present.
-Really intuative.
-Customization of animation is available under Customize Home. It can flip like the cube but in all directions.
-Battery drain is better but still a little more than my liking. This is probably device specific.
-Resource usage is down on my Wizard from before but still higher than most small programs
This is probably because things that PointUI controls in their interface like Weather, Contacts, CommManager
etc are always available immediately, no delay. It takes resources to do that. But I have to say overall 2 of
2 of the most recent cubes I have tried and 1 of the iphone knock offs I have tried have both been Ram hogs
with half the immediate access or smoothness this program gives.
-Messaging and calendar seem to be customizable to a degree still using a reg editor. See
-They have their own keyboard going on. Try to edit a contact and see what I mean. It would be nice to see it
skinnable because the color of it is so dark.
-Scrolling is still opposite. Both on press and direct, and flick to scroll but I like it.
Things I'd Like to see--These may actually come, see my notes below
-More options on weather. I like HTC Weather plugin much better. It would be nice to see more forcasts then
today and tomorrow. I really think a Hybrid of HTC Today Weather and Weather Watcher would be the best
but they may have an issue covering all of the countries.
-PointUI Calendar-Bet its coming
-PointUI SMS-Bet its coming
-PointUI Dialpad
-PointUI Media Hub & Player. Bet something like it is coming but man wouldn't it be great if they would team up with
A_C to make a killer integrated app!!!!!
-Rework the lock screen. Again they should talk to A_C here.
-Would like to see a Charging indicator on the home page battery icon. It does show however when pressed.
-Would like to see a Sync icon appear when connected to the PC
I haven't spent much more than 10 minutes with it. I don't know how customizable it is as of yet. It looks like on their site they are developing more programs and customizations to go with it. I also notice that at the top of the download section there was an emphasis on this Home being "Free". That along with the green check marks for some things and red x's for others makes me think that adds or improvements may cost money going forward.
Thats ok. Good programs do cost money and should be paid for.
I will add more as I test further.
Curious G
curious george said:
At first glance it looks amazing!!! I might get flamed for that but it is my opinion.
Sliding is smooth. It has a contacts application. Calendar rework on the ribbon is great. Shows numerous days. Dpad controls are present. Really intuative.
I have spent much more than 10 minutes with it. I don't know how customizabl it is as of yet. It looks like on their site they are developing more programs and customizations to go with it. I also notice that at the top of the download section there was an emphasis on this Home being "Free". That along with the green check marks for some things and red x's for others makes me think that adds or improvements may cost money going forward.
Thats ok. Good programs do cost money and should be paid for.
I will add more as I test further.
Curious G
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Completely approve with you
I know it's a little early but to make this program "perfect" :
- an integrated SMS manager, like they did for Contacts
- surely theme customisation
- a shortcut manager for programs on the HOME screen (eg change the outlook calendar to ThumbCal or the Messaging to a program other than Outlook messaging)
Though, this program is still GREAT, and this update brings decents modifications and fixes
killer_metallica said:
Completely approve with you
I know it's a little early but to make this program "perfect" :
- an integrated SMS manager, like they did for Contacts
- surely theme customisation
- a shortcut manager for programs on the HOME screen (eg change the outlook calendar to ThumbCal or the Messaging to a program other than Outlook messaging)
Though, this program is still GREAT, and this update brings decents modifications and fixes
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I believe the integrated SMS is coming. Just from looking at their website it will be there but they will probably charge for it and good for them.
Theme customization same thing
The shortcut manager is there in a way. Just press the "Star" Icon. I actually think it helps keep the screen clean of clutter. For you other 2 requests, ThumbCal and Messaging. You can change these using a reg editor. Not as simple as a ui but it can be done. Let me know if you need help with it.
new version looks promising..waiting for Wm2003 Edition
The new version is incredible!!!
a quick question
I am using version 1.02b, is it better to uninstall this version and start fresh? or should I use the update manager instead?
I really liked PointUI when it first came out, but realized pretty soon that I couldn't use it because of the way it lists the tasks. I was really hoping they had fixed that in this version, but see that it still lists tasks alpabetically instead of by due date.
Looks great, and the "Pick a version" screen definately implies "another (non free) version is coming soon"
Aaaa VGA version still have to wait
l3v5y said:
Looks great, and the "Pick a version" screen definately implies "another (non free) version is coming soon"
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I Agree!!!!! But I bet it means really neat adds!!! And good for them!! Its the only way to get Developers to move past initial implementation.
deejacker said:
I am using version 1.02b, is it better to uninstall this version and start fresh? or should I use the update manager instead?
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I would recommend you completely unintall the previous version. By that I mean go through their unistall method and soft reset. Then file explore and delete all info out of \Program Files. Then reg edit and delete all info in \HKCU and \HKLM. Soft reset and then use this one.
curious george said:
I would recommend you completely unintall the previous version. By that I mean go through their unistall method and soft reset. Then file explore and delete all info out of \Program Files. Then reg edit and delete all info in \HKCU and \HKLM. Soft reset and then use this one.
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Thanks for that.
Waiting desperately the VGA version for my Eten X800
Do you guys know how to manage voicemails with that ?
I currently have a notification of a new voice mail but there is no "voice mail" button like on WM ...
maxqc said:
Do you guys know how to manage voicemails with that ?
I currently have a notification of a new voice mail but there is no "voice mail" button like on WM ...
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I am not for certain. I use visual voicemail so I have never encountered this. I will pass to someone who has. If I find the answer I will post it though.
sorry guys for bumping this. but someone started another thread about the same thing and it is going to create havoc giving opinon analysis, feedback and support.

[October 18] TouchFLO 2D dialer VGA development thread [Test 6][canceled for now]

Hi dearest fellow XDA community!
Since I thought it wouldn't be practical to have both the VGA and QVGA Touchflo 2D dialer in one thread I thought I'll open a new one, only VGA in this one.​
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This is the current progress I've made:
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As some of you know I've made several dialpad skins, though lately more and more people buy a device like the Touch Diamond or Pro wich features a VGA screen. My QVGA skins/dialer won't work on VGA devices so the next thing was inevitable, people wanted the dialer in VGA.
The problem with that is that I currently don't own a VGA device thus making testing hard/impossible for me to do. That's why I need the community, yes I need YOU! for the U.S. Army xD
That means I wan't you to test out if the graphics are looking nice and if there are any glitches. I am not able to help with technical problems only graphical, sorry for that.
fards here from xda just donated his old HTC Universal to me so next week I hope I'm able to test some VGA! thanks fards!
In this thread I will keep you posted about updates through this code field, it will indicate what is included in the current test version. I'll also keep a small changelog.
what's in the current version:
| Portrait | Landscape
Main Dialpad | done |
Incoming | done |
Outgoing | done |
Videocalling | |
History | |
Save to Contacts | done |
-->latest version<--​
Version tracker:
Test 6: redesigned the main dialpad, added some missing icons in the progress screen (conference and swap), skinned the save to contacts dialog and added default pictures for people without a contact picture.
If someone is able to give me some screenshots of the videocalling screen I can start skinning that! Please supply them to me in a good quality (mymobiler -> save screen as bmp)
as usual feel free to:
oh yeah, please leave me a note before placing my work on your blog or web/warez site!
Is this coming to QVGA? I know this is VGA thread. I just like the new look and incomig call notice. BOO
its already on QVGA. although not the exact same.
I know you said you cannot help with any technical problems, I want to ask if these .cabs are just replacing the dialer images or more?
This is because there are indeed technical issues regarding Test5 which caused me to uninstall. But if these .cabs are only replacing the dialer images then I could pin point whats the problem more easily.
Note to others, just want to know if anybody else are having the same issues.
-After installing dialer, flip to mute isn't working.
-After receiving/making phone calls the dialer stays open
- last dialed number randomly pops open on the dialer at times.
THanks for you hard work PAUL!
m00moo said:
its already on QVGA. although not the exact same.
I know you said you cannot help with any technical problems, I want to ask if these .cabs are just replacing the dialer images or more?
This is because there are indeed technical issues regarding Test5 which caused me to uninstall. But if these .cabs are only replacing the dialer images then I could pin point whats the problem more easily.
Note to others, just want to know if anybody else are having the same issues.
-After installing dialer, flip to mute isn't working.
-After receiving/making phone calls the dialer stays open
- last dialed number randomly pops open on the dialer at times.
THanks for you hard work PAUL!
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I realize there is one similar, but I like the new look a lot better. BOO
that does look gorgeous!
bootheresa said:
Is this coming to QVGA? I know this is VGA thread. I just like the new look and incomig call notice. BOO
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I second that. Although I like the dialer better on the QVGA version that's already out, the incoming caller ID screen is VERY SEXY
another bug found. Think it should be classed as a Graphical bug because test5 was fine.
anyways when the dialer is summoned, the bottom central SIP graphic is garbled and messy. nothing like what your demo above shows.
But either way its a very good dialer!
fixed with a softie.
Strange because i soft reset after installing the dialer.
So 2x Softies if you have similar to what i wrote above
THanks again!
help for video call vga
Heads up!
What does that cab do john?
Anyway what I wanted to announce is that I won't continue skinning the VGA version until I have my own VGA device. It's just too much of a hassle to let you test it for me. Fards has sent me his old universal by mail yesterday and I expect it to be in my hands around monday or tuesday, so then I will continue skinning for VGA.
I could do a port to qvga and release V1.1 of the qvga version so I'll might do that in the meantime.
No updates today, I have to work and my girlfriend just got home from holiday so I'm out tonight.
ps: When I have my own device I will look for a better Touch Diamond dialer. The one I'm currently using isn't bugfree. So If you want something to do just find a good working cab. (one without the keyboard bug and with videocall in the main dialpad instead of contacts) If you find that, it would be just great!
On the scr ... the dialing and open keyboard - small bug...
as before can you take a look to that?
That looks really sexy =) Oh, one question though is this for Tf2D or can I use this with the default tf3d, too ?
Thanks an advance ^__^
The dialer skin is independant of TF3D so yes, it can work. It's called TF2D probably cos the look and feel is inspired by TF2D.
any plans of updating the qvga theme similar to this one? this looks really nice.
pauldgroot said:
What does that cab do john?
Anyway what I wanted to announce is that I won't continue skinning the VGA version until I have my own VGA device. It's just too much of a hassle to let you test it for me. Fards has sent me his old universal by mail yesterday and I expect it to be in my hands around monday or tuesday, so then I will continue skinning for VGA.
I could do a port to qvga and release V1.1 of the qvga version so I'll might do that in the meantime.
No updates today, I have to work and my girlfriend just got home from holiday so I'm out tonight.
ps: When I have my own device I will look for a better Touch Diamond dialer. The one I'm currently using isn't bugfree. So If you want something to do just find a good working cab. (one without the keyboard bug and with videocall in the main dialpad instead of contacts) If you find that, it would be just great!
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Wow Paul, this looks amazing. How did you get the incoming call screen? Am I right that the QVGA version does not have the incoming caller function? Looking forward to a QVGA port of this version! Thank you.
nice neat and clean. but I think it is consuming too much RAM on my device (Eten X800). I tried uninstalling it but it wont. When I uninstall it waits quite a while and says "some parts weren't removed do you want to remove from prog list" ... .. when I soft reset it is still there.
any advice ?
Looks super-cool, However:
Once installed it resets my batty-monitor back to the original one. cant seem to get rid of that one. .
De rest of the thing is a bit.. unstable. But i am sure this wil soon be fixxed.
Keep up the good work!
(htc-touch-pro, custom rom)
Im thinking of change manila dialer because of memory consumption near 10MB so how about your child how much memory it will cost??? thx anyway looks great perfect to my new diamond look
Yes finally a VGA dialer for the HTC Touch Diamond I'll test it right now,THANKS
3 hours later well this is what happened i installed this new dialer pretty cool but the 3G,H,Edge icon's changed when i installed this dialer?
any news? on that
Download link?
File does not exist in given link...

Diamondish WM Dialer

For those that don't like cooking in the Heavier Diamond Dialer with Video Calling.
Because all that extra fluf isn't needed.
Here's the first version of the Official Windows Mobile Dialer with a Diamondish Sauce.
Easy skin but still needs a few Touch Ups.
Who knows someone Will make a few new skins for the default WM dialer.
When i have finished of the small details in the skin (Quickdial, red button, and White line in the top of the background).
I will post a cab that will disabled the default Diamond dialer (freeing up a few MB of memory).
How to use for now.
Cook or..... Copy over the Graphics to Windows folder using Good File browser on Mobile like Total Commander. Then using Advanced Config change to default WM dialer and reboot.
Take a note of Memory usage before and after change to convince yourself.
Update: Fixed last Details in Skin.
Update: Added the Cab file and i can say you can gain at least 3 MB of extra memory. (not the most correct count as i'm taking out the HTC Diamond dialer completely)
Update: Dutch Sephiroth has made a WVGA skin working on the Touch HD.
It can be found in this post:
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Very simple Skin using Diamond Log in Dialer colours and buttons, but a little more lightweight even compared to official WM dialer.
Stil need to kill a few pixels in green call button and the Pin input right side background needs to be darker.
The cab doesn't add anything extra that isn't already in the default dialer.
But it just disables the HTC one from starting up.
I made this Dialer for myself as i like lightweight clean roms, and figured there might be others that hold that idea to.
The choice for me is simple, why waste memory on a fancy dialer that does the same thing as the normal on,... call people. I'm so used to WM that all the new extra added pop ups and big buttons don't necessarily feel as improvements. Waste of Space and Memory, so it's a personal opinion for me. So maybe when Videocalling is actually used on a broad scale by my friends and family i won't need it.
And it's a very easy dialer to skin.
Hi Noonski,
First of all can you post some screenshots please.
2ndly is this gonna solve the ringer delay problem? as I am not using anymore of the default dialer because of the ringer delay problem as I don't want to loose 3-4 rings before I get notified, but on the other side I want to keep a Fancy & Decent looking dialer as well, do you think your dialer will fix this issue? I had to also uninstall the HTC volume control to contoll the dialer volume with another VGA dialer.
Please advice
sidd said:
Hi Noonski,
First of all can you post some screenshots please.
2ndly is this gonna solve the ringer delay problem? as I am not using anymore of the default dialer because of the ringer delay problem as I don't want to loose 3-4 rings before I get notified, but on the other side I want to keep a Fancy & Decent looking dialer as well, do you think your dialer will fix this issue? I had to also uninstall the HTC volume control to contoll the dialer volume with another VGA dialer.
Please advice
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i bet winmo default dialer will not have ring delay prob if u don't have it with HTC dialer
and yeah, a screenshot would be nice
a little screenshot would be great. i like the idea.
Added screenshots.
Anyone that wants to add their versions of the Default VGA WM dialer Be My Guest. My prediction is that more power users will switch over if there where more.
Great Skin!!
Does the bluetooth indicator work with this dialer? As when I switch to the standard WM dialer the bluetooth doesn't show, or is there a fix for this?
Duttys 2.9 MSVC ROM
Orange UK
Noonski said:
"Very simple Skin using Diamond Log in Dialer colours and buttons"
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Hi Noonski, thanks for the screenshots, Is it possible for a white skin as same like the HTC HEAVY skin, OR if you don't mind share the PSD please.
All graphics are in the Zip file. from first post.
I'm a lover not a fighter... euhm i meant to say i'm a cook not a skinner
The Bluetooth icon is indeed part of the HTC Dialer that starts these extra icons in status bar.
Just seen this thread, nice skin! I've added a link to this thread in my WM dialers thread, also a solution to the Bluetooth icon issue.
I've had a look at your cab and there seem to be some extra files that aren't in most WM dialer skins... do you know if they are necessary?
Let me take a look BRB.
Couldn't see which files are extra these where all directly taken from the original VGA dialer i found in Diamond Roms.
Didn't know about your thread, so sorry and thanks.
I extracted and re used the graphics from the original HTC Log IN Dialer.
Just curious, but is a white/black skin in the works?
Is there a WVGA version for this skin available? I copied the files in the zip to my Windows folder but it looks all screwed up at the bottom. I can see my wallpaper there while the rest of the screen is correct. The colors look really nice though so a WVGA skin would be awesome . I am using a Dutch Touch HD with stock rom.
I figured i should stop being lazy and just make a WVGA skin myself So i did, i used you original files Noonski but i resized everything for a WVGA screen.
Here it is, the Diamondish WM Dialer for WVGA devices, thank you Noonski for the original skin.
I use this on my Touch HD and its perfect.
AdamNimrod said:
Just curious, but is a white/black skin in the works?
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There is another thread somehwhere on the forum that picks up from this type of dialer which collects different skins.
I don't know if every skin there uses the max compression on the files.
(PNG 8 bit with Exact or adaptive coluors and the same for the GIF files)
I like the skin but as a newbie some additional questions:
1. How do I install, do I need the zip-file and the cab-file?
2. Can I switch back to the original dialer if I don't like it?
The Cab should restore the original settings.
You only need the Cab.
The Zip file is for those that would like to Change the skin themselves.
new pure black skin
that was really nice and I have edited your files to make a new skin for myself i thought i should share it in here
just unzip the attached file and copy contents to windows folder on your WVGA device using resco or total commander and enjoy it ... its the lightest skin I ever used and looks NICE
anyone know what is the original name of these pictures in windows folder ?? cause i have placed them there but its not changed in call history
non of them working
another one
here is another one tell me if you are interested and i can post the zip ...
