Restore data after hard reset - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hi all,
I've got this problem after hardreset my XDA.
Coz synchronizing isn't possible (with the partnership I've made before)
so I do a restore first (but some files can't be restored).
After that, it's possible to synchronize.
But... all data is gone No contact, no appointment.
Is it still possible for me to get it back?

not sure whether i understood your problem correctly, but you can use the PIM permanent store for contact, appointments and connection string. these are saved in the "permanent storage" and thus will survive hard resets.
hope this is what you're after :?:

hi rscerr,
do u mean "permanent storage" is folder "Storage\PerSaveBackup"?
here are some files, but they're all zero byte in size.

goto start >settings >system>permanent save and check the items you want to save permanently. (these will be saved in the permanent storage)
If you switch the unit after a hard reset, do the same again and the items selected will be restored.
sorry for replying so late

Thanks for your tips..
I've never use this before.
Though my data has gone, but with this simple process,
I won't loose my data again
Thank you.

Just FYI.
Finally, I got back my contact, calendar, etc.
It's still in my desktop computer.
But the data is now located in 'Deleted Items Folder' in Microsoft Outlook.


The 14mb of permanent storage question. Please clarifyq

Hi guys,
I dont want to sound ignorant, but that 14mb or so we have left over for storge, is that permanent? (ie, after a hard reset, the data is still there?)
Also, I have checked my contacts, appointments etc to be permanentley saved. Does this mean that they are transferred into this 14mb storage area? To stay until they are manually removed?
The only reason why I ask is that I was pretty sure I saved my contacts to permanent storage b4 I did a hard reset, but they werent there once the XDAII reinstalled.
Yes, the Storage survives after hard reset. Did you use xBackup to save your contacts and appointments? If so, just return to xBackup to restore. They are not automatically restored on a hard reset.
And yes you can manually delete saved files etc. from Storage to make more space for the next time!
What about agendafusion appointments, etc? does xbackup recognise those as appointments when you back them up, or does agenda have its own backup procedure?
I believe that they will be backed up. xBackup uses the default PIM database. I know for sure, that Pocket Informant uses the default databases (contacts, calendar, tasks) and these data are backed-up by xbackup.
Permanent storage does work with contacts, apointments, tasks & connection settings.
After soft-reset they get restored automatically
After hard-reset you have to restore manually by getting into the Permanent Storage app
Works like a charm

Activesync wipes contacts after restoring system with Sprite

My XDAII recently decided to hard reset on its own and I hadnt backed up for about 10 days (I use the latest version of Sprite Backup). After restoring I connected via activesync and it read the contacts on the PDA and decided to wipe 10 days worth of new contacts and outlook database edits! Because they wernt on the XDAII it assumed I had deleted them! Is there a way of avoiding this in the future?
in the activsync options there is a option called
conflict resolution which deside how conflicting settings are handled
Its not about a conflict- there is only 1 version of the new contact on my PC which it choses to delete because it doesnt see one on the XDA. I set the conflict resolution setting to "always replace the item on my PPC"
well some times when i sync there comes a dialog asking me if
i want to replace items on my ppc or on my pc or combine them
i always pick combine and clear up manualy if i get double entries
but as a rule ms software that you get for free have some troublesome strangeness personalities
I got caught by this a few times. My solution was to delete all the items on the desktop ( without emptying the waste bin so you can get them back if you need to) and then synch. This avoided the all delete or all duplicate scenarios. I think Sprite must affect a synch flag when it restores. Anyway - this works for me as I don't add that many contacts on a daily basis
UK badboy said:
Its not about a conflict- there is only 1 version of the new contact on my PC which it choses to delete because it doesnt see one on the XDA. I set the conflict resolution setting to "always replace the item on my PPC"
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Doesn't matter how many copies etc - it's a hidden TIMESTAMP that might cause this.
So despite them being in Outlook, and NOT on the phone, when you restore back to the phone, the timestamp is more recent than in Oultook.
Thus, when you sync, Outlook thinks ITS numbers are old, and no longer needed, and deletes them
I agree, it's the timestamp, how we work around it?
I completely agree with your diagnosis, and is very annoying to get the original date changed on my main PC since the date stamp is for me a criteria used to understand when a contact or an info comes from...
Is there a solution?
I use XBack-up, but I understand that also people who use Sprite have the same problem... is there a software without this problem?
By the way, taking about back-up, mine done on a kingston 128 menory takes around 6 hours... (restore is under one hour) is that normal? What is your experinece? Do u think it's a memory card a ROM or a device problem?

O2 XDA IIi (Andes) questions

Hi there,
I just got my hands on an O2 XDA IIi, after having an XDA II for the weekend.
I am trying to work out how to best annihilate the O2 Active interface that's on by default -- I _hate_ it! I have tried uninstalling it through the Remove Programs control panel, but I get the following error:
Uninstall unsuccessful. The program was not removed because these files are in use or are read-only. Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Memory > Running Programs tab > Stop all and try again.
\Windows\Mobile Solutions\O2ActiveUI\Modules\Connections\connections.exe
However, there is nothing showing in the Running Programs tab. The Mobile Solutions entry remains in the Remove Programs list.
I have also tried doing a hard reset by holding the power button then hitting the soft reset button with the stylus, in an attempt to get the phone to prompt me for the "Please select your user type" dialog (with the options of Personal or Corporate (and being prompted for a code; I was going to try entering 0506, as mentioned here) however the phone is not prompting me with that dialog! It asks me to align the screen and enter the SIM PIN, and spends a few minutes installing software, but that dialog never reappears, I've only seen it once when I plugged the phone in to charge for the first time.
So, questions:
How do I disable the O2 Active interface?
Do I lose any functionality by doing so? (the Messaging, Phone, Internet... bar does not count as functional, in my book)
Are Contacts saved into "permanent" storage removed on a hard reset?
Any general tips or resources that you would recommend? (besides this forum, of course )
perform a hard reset and when the files are being installed just hit cancel and then install selected software......
you loose no functionality of the fone if you perform anything like this :S
contacts are mostly saved in the fone memory so wen u perform a hard reset......BANG!! contacts gone....
You can set the contacts, conection settings, appointments and tasks to be stored in persistent memory, so they should remain after a hard reset (shouldn't they?).
Timmeh said:
You can set the contacts, conection settings, appointments and tasks to be stored in persistent memory, so they should remain after a hard reset (shouldn't they?).
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very true...i think that is possible....but if i were you why would i want to waste my memory chip on these small things...would go ahead and save the contacts on sim....
and rest of the settings can be saved by SPRITE BACKUP.
zairyaab said:
perform a hard reset and when the files are being installed just hit cancel and then install selected software......
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Unfortunately I can't do this, the device appears to completely ignore input whilst that process is happening (i.e. tapping cancel doesn't, and the backlight turns off despite repeated presses on all areas of the screen).
I DID manage to get it to prompt me for the user type, however, by not entering anything when prompted for the SIM PIN, I entered 0506 as the code, and got a dialog saying the O2 Active interface won't be installed, and indeed, it wasn't. Only things I miss are the battery status monitor, and the Get Settings (wherever that was hiding) for retrieving GPRS/etc settings from the network.
zairyaab said:
you loose no functionality of the fone if you perform anything like this :S
contacts are mostly saved in the fone memory so wen u perform a hard reset......BANG!! contacts gone....
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That's why I asked about "permanent" memory -- how permanent is it? Though I don't seem to be able to store or at least retrieve any data from it, so I've gone with using xBackup (came preinstalled on the device) and backing up to a spare 16MB SD media I had lying around. It seems to have backed up OK, though I haven't tried a restore yet.
Thanks for the responses!
wellll thts why i said save the contacts to sim....if you change the sim to some other fone you get your contacts in tht sim....and its very stable saving them to sim.....and for rest of the programs use SPRITEBACKUP. ITS AWESOME !!

Contact/Calendar Database deletion?

Sorry to ask a newbie question, but is there any way of deleting the contact and calendar databases in the Wizard?
Hardreset the unit (NOTE: this will wipe every and absolutly everything in your phone clean, the OS will still be around [reinstalled automatically], but other software that you installed, wont be).
Hi, yes I did realise this, but was hoping to avoid it.
Very easy to re-load programs, and re-sync mail and so on, and even save documents to a memory card. However, this would wipe some information held within one of the programs we use (bespoke) which is not easily replaced.
delete the stuff from your outlook and sync, it would delete contacts and calender from ur ppc too, just make a copy of ur your contacts if you are going to re-lode them back.

Deleting Contacts without Hard Reset

Is there any way to do this? I screwed mine up using Seven's contact syncing with Gmail (my fault, not theres... it was documented before I tried), but did create a backup with all the correct number types. I need to delete all the contacts (all 200 of them) but don't want to go one by one or hard reset?
Is there anyway to do this? Because "contacts" and "deleting" are such vague terms, searching leads to other things...
If not, guess it gives me an excuse to try another ROM
Option1: You can Sync it to PC' Outlook, Select all and delete in one shot on your PC' Outlook and watch it getting deleted automatically on your Pocket PC.
Option2: Use programs such as SPB Backup to take a complete backup, hard-reset, restore without contacts.
Carty said:
Option1: You can Sync it to PC' Outlook, Select all and delete in one shot on your PC' Outlook and watch it getting deleted automatically on your Pocket PC.
Option2: Use programs such as SPB Backup to take a complete backup, hard-reset, restore without contacts.
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Very, Thanks.
I forgot PIM Backup (what I used to back them up) gives the option to delete existing contacts before restoring. I had never used that option before so forgot about it. Oh well... mark this one on the useless thread list.
Thanks for your help though, Carty.

