Mail client (IMAP) and Photo Contacts questions - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Is there a mail client that does IMAP SSL except LonelyCat's ProfiMail? ProfiMail was kind of ok, but kept crashing and it was darn ugly too.
Is there a substitute to PhotoContacts? I want to be able to back up my settings, use my own pictures, see a full screen presentation when someone calls etc. I feel I want to tell the programmer of PhotoContacts a thing or two after losing my settings one time too many..
As a sidenote I'm also looking for a program that can send my GPS position to a server so that my friends and family can locate me when I'm traveling. I know that CoPilot5 does this, but that's way too expensive just for a small thing like this.

To answer my own questions.
WebIS Mail 2.1 seems to work. Taking ages to sync folder structure though.
PocketX Photo Contacts is almost ok. The good thing is that you don't need to back up because the program reads photos named after your contacts from a folder on the card. The bad thing is that you can't just assign pics, but have to make 150x150 pics named after your contacts


Gmail confusing

I accept that I just don't get it but...
WTF is up with the Gmail app? No folders, only labels, is there a way to empty trash? Is there a way to take things out of the trash? I don't get the labels thing. I just want a normal email client interface for Gmail push mail.
These threaded 'conversations' are annoying as hell to sift thru.
Are the labels the 'new' folders? Am I supposed to create labels like I used to create folders? Is this only done thru the web desktop version of gmail?
I know, I know I'm the dumb*ss here... but WTF.
I guess this new Gmail thing is this great new revolutionary thing but I just don't get it and looking through emails in this new way that's unlike any email client I have ever worked with has never been more frustrating.
Pardon my rant... just frustrated that I am having such a difficult time understanding this and I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't get it. Please forgive.
BTW, I tried the Gmail help & faq but I still don't get it. Can anyone point me towards something that will help me become an expert in this new amazing label bullsh*t? Thanks!
I recently noticed that you cannot bring an item from the trash back to the inbox. I would consider that a bug. Fortunately you can fix it by logging in thru a web browser.
Deleted items are dumped automatically once they are 30 days old. You can empty trash if you go in via browser but there's really no point.
Yes, labels are "the new folders". They work the same way except an e-mail can only be in one folder but it can have any number of labels.
I would recommend that you start using the browser-based gmail on your PC for a little while. It's a little easier to undertsand that way and then it will make more sense on the phone.
ETA: Another thing people have trouble with is the "Archive" button which really means "Disappear from the Inbox." So if you want to "put a message into a folder" tag it with whatever labels you want and then archive it. Conveniently, if a new message appears in an archived conversation, it will automagically un-archive itself.
Thanks for your response... I'll take a look at the online desktop version of Gmail, try to familiarize myself with this new way of organizing email. Definitely not a fan so far...
on my G1 whenever I select a message and go to change the label my only option is Inbox (+ or -) whatever that means. And yeah I accidentally hit Archive on one message and accidentally reported another as spam... and there's no confirmation on anything so it does it all immediately, which is great if you know what the hell you're doing.
Push mail comes at a price I guess. Thinking my dumb*ass will stick with IMAP checking every 5 mins. Oh well.
F*cking lame system if you ask me.
yeah, i don't get it either. watched some coworkers use gmail and it didn't make any sense to me why they would change how email client works. but at least their calendar app behaves normally as far as i can tell.
i'll just stick to my pop3 email, although the pop email client on the g1 is total crap.
strangethingz said:
on my G1 whenever I select a message and go to change the label my only option is Inbox (+ or -) whatever that means.
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If you remove the Inbox label (it show + when it's removed) it's the same as archiving.
I think you can only add labels via the web interface, which is why you only see the inbox label.
F*cking lame system if you ask me.
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Once you start using it, the "old way" should start to drive you nuts.
@Ultraman: They changed it because that's pretty much what Google does for a living. They try to come up with a different (and hopefully better) way to do things.
Yeah the pop3/imap client isn't so great, but it looks a lot better than the Gmail interface in my opinion...
I notice a problem though with the pop3 client where it always displays messages as unread even if I've looked at them... for some reason I don't have this problem when I have the account setup as IMAP though.
I notice weird things happen... Where emails disappear from my inbox but I can see them when I view 'All Mail'. I check the label and it is set for Inbox and yet the message isn't listed on my G1 Inbox. I go online and sure enough it is listed in the Inbox online... so I have to view All Mail in the online version and select Move to Inbox (even though online it already appears to be in my Inbox) and then sometimes it shows back up on my G1 device.
Really loving that I have to continuously go online to reset emails... I love this new system... so much fun trying to hunt down emails. Wayyy better than folders. With folders everything was too predictable... drop an email in a folder and it stayed there... this new system is nice, keeps me on my toes
strangethingz said:
I notice weird things happen... Where emails disappear from my inbox but I can see them when I view 'All Mail'. I check the label and it is set for Inbox and yet the message isn't listed on my G1 Inbox. I go online and sure enough it is listed in the Inbox online... so I have to view All Mail in the online version and select Move to Inbox (even though online it already appears to be in my Inbox) and then sometimes it shows back up on my G1 device.
Really loving that I have to continuously go online to reset emails... I love this new system... so much fun trying to hunt down emails. Wayyy better than folders. With folders everything was too predictable... drop an email in a folder and it stayed there... this new system is nice, keeps me on my toes
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Make sure your client isn't set to automatically delete email off your server after its fetched
hmm..yeah there might be a bit of understanding curve if you are new..
i been using gmail since early beta days and now i just cannot go back to those rigid folders used by yahoo etc..
i have so many labels and they are all intertwined..just cannot imagine living with the "old folder"
good luck with getting thru gmail
I know the labels seems confusing, but as one poster put it before -- When you put something in a folder, it's just in that folder, and nowhere else. Labels gives you the option of having things organized a little better.
For example, an email from my Dad telling me his new address can have the lables "DAD", "FAMILY" and "ADDRESS".
The labels come into play really well on the web interface, you can go to your labels on the left, click the label and get everything that has that label.
With the folder system, you have to chose ONE place for it. With the labels system you can tag an email with as many labels as it needs so when you need to find it, it's easy.
The labels come in really handy for sorting incoming email, I have a bunch of filters that do all kinds of things, for example -
Facebook Filter - I set this up to tag those Facebook notifications with a "FACEBOOK" label and then to mark them as read. I can see that I got them, but I don't have to worry about getting a notification on my phone about silly facebook stuff.
Work Filter - Anyone emailing from my theatre company automatically gets the label, so I can see all of the correspondence about the company very easily.
I love the threaded emails, makes it so much easier to follow the conversation. Not everyone's email is set up to respond with the text from the previous email, so this helps keep it all intact. I think it helps organize and keep the inbox looking tidy.
I would definitely play around with the PC version. The android version is limited, even the android-browser version is limited (but does have more features than the app). Once you get a handle on the PC version, the G1 version will make more sense. I don't know if they've fixed anything, but years ago I tried the IMAP way of checking my gmail in Outlook -- totally sucked, would pull everything, even deleted emails through. I just tested, and apparently this has changed, but it used to be the case that "deleted" emails weren't truly "deleted" they actually went to some other archive and you could bring them back if you wanted. They put a little notice or something letting you know it had been deleted and "do you want to recover the email?" sorta messaging.
Anyway, a lot of people like gmail a lot, but not everyone is going to like everything. Especially when it involves a new way of thinking. If you have Outlook 2007, they've done something very similar with lables - so gmail is definitely influencing and changing the way people think about email.
punkzanyj said:
If you have Outlook 2007, they've done something very similar with lables - so gmail is definitely influencing and changing the way people think about email.
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So true! Actually Outlook has had categories/labels for a long time but they were never well-implemented/supported until 2007. I actually use conversation view, categories and search folders now to mimic gmail in Outlook as best I can!
He,y guys, thanks for your input. I guess I wasn't aware of that in Outlook 2007. I've been using outlook based purely on folders and mail rules. Good to know.
I've been forcing myself to get comfortable with the new system. I find the less I mess with things, the better it works for me. Specifically I find if I remove the Inbox label from an email then later add it back on it doesn't always show up again in the Inbox... but it's probably something I'm doing wrong.
Aside from that one thing, the labels are working pretty well for me now. Like you mentioned I setup work, family, ecommerce, etc labels and I do like the way these labels show next to the message on the g1.
Slowly but surely becoming a believer... Thanks for helping me understand.
How do I delete an individual email message from a conversation? I tried to go into the conversation via the Gmail app, selected the message that i wanted to delete and deleted it, but it killed the whole conversation instead of the one individual email. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
I don't think it can be done in the phone interface though you might be able to do it in the web interface.
Not a fan of the conversation threading for this very reason. Sometimes I get an important email with a few not so important replies... and I have to look through conversation thread to locate the important info when 90% is trash...
I wish i could have push Gmail with the old so-called *inferior* folder method that never had these silly issues. If you're going to re-invent the wheel, seems it would make sense to add functionality without taking away from the basics.
I'm going to re-invent a wheel that requires physical carrying until I can figure out how to get it to roll properly.. but it's gonna be way better than the old way because these new wheels have lights! ooh! Sorry for the sarcasm
Thanks for the reply!
In the web interface click the 'down arrow' next to "reply" on an individual email in the thread. Choose 'Delete this message'.
You can only delete a single mail from the thread in the web app - not the Android app it seems.
I've been using Gmail since the invite Betas too, and so the Android App is more of a supplement for me...
Okay, well it's good to know there is a way to do it. Thanks for the instructions on how to delete a specific message in a conversation! Much appreciated!

Facebook phonebook sync

Not sure if this is possible.
But wouldn't it be great to sync the facebook phonebook with the cellphone . So that the facebook profile picture and number of your friends on facebook got synced with your diamond contacts?
Hi Killbox!
I've just investigated this one...
The FB API is VERY restricted, due to crawling/robot issues (I suppose) it's not possible to fetch the phone number or email address of neither your own profile or your friends' with the API.
Really takes away a lot of the edge with this kinda app.. One could parse the HTML for the phone number and OCR the email-image, but alot of detours for something that could've been soo easy!
If someone choose the HTML-parsing approach I suppose the legal staff at FB will be all over you in a blink, there's examples of similar apps experiencing that...
Is it possible to just take just the profile picture to sync with your contacts list. While phone numbers and email addresses would be good you only have to really enter them once(usually) but an up to date picture of my contacts would be really good.
Whilst not exactly what you're looking for:
A program called OutSync develeoped my a MS Windows Mobile guy.
He got bollocked at one point for calling it Facesync due to the word 'Face' so he renamed it OutSync.
Basically it syncs your Facebook friends' photos with that of your Outlook contacts. Then, when you sync your device, voila, new photos.
Other than that, doesn't do much
midastocar said:
Whilst not exactly what you're looking for:
A program called OutSync develeoped my a MS Windows Mobile guy.
He got bollocked at one point for calling it Facesync due to the word 'Face' so he renamed it OutSync.
Basically it syncs your Facebook friends' photos with that of your Outlook contacts. Then, when you sync your device, voila, new photos.
Other than that, doesn't do much
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Awesome thank you very much!
You could also try xobni, a plugin for Outlook which will sync your facebbook, skype etc contacts to Outlook.
You could try using Resco contact Manager. It does precisely what you are describing.

Facebook -> Outlook -> Mobilephone

I wrote a little app called Fonebook which syncs your facebook friends photos into your outlook contacts - when you then sync with your phone you get the profile image.
Im looking at adding a few more features and possibly creating a "Pro" version to try and recoup the cost of the library Im having to use so I can get full sized images into outlook (the outlook api sucks!)
Im not sure which windows phone allow the caller id to be full screen (I know mine doesnt!) - if you know of anywhere I might be able to get a list of smartphones/pda's which support this could you point me in that direction please!
If you have any ideas for this type of application, or have any suggestions when it comes to creating a "pro" version of something as oppose to relying on donations could you please fill in this short survey:
Thanks for reading this (the current version of the app is here in case you are curious:
you might wanna take a look at s2u2 it's a iphone slider app which gives us wm touch screen users full screen caller id if there was a way for your app to resize the facebook pictures to the size of the screen wqvga, qvga, vga, wvga
you may also want to look at skybook. I think it has a similar feature where it takes the profile picture from facebook and adds it to your contacts picture. I tried it once with skybook and it worked fairly well until I received errors with logging in, so I uninstalled it.
using the new facebook app from winmo 6.5 and don't have any issue logging in, only problem is that I can't update the photos like in skybook.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
good luck
I would also be interested in some way to sync the contact details from Facebook to WM.
people tend to keep facebook up to date with phone numbers email addresses etc, and it would be handy to have this information downloaded automatically.
EDIT: I see you have covered the fact that Facebook block this option on the page above, but I still think its a worthy idea and have joined the petition!
Fosimo was the only thing that I could get to work for syncing facebook data. My only complaint was that it added everyone's birthdays to my calendar...
I like the idea behind this, however, I do not use outlook on my home pc.
Does this work without hooking your phone to your PC? I ask because I rarely ever sync my phone with my home PC, I do sync to my work PC but I don't sync the email, and it's a work pc, so no facebook there....
I know that new SPB mobile shell program does this but I really don't see a point in installing that and keeping it around just to sync outlook pictures. I prefer to use my touchflo that came installed on my phone. I just picked up a Fuze, my old phone was an 8525 and SPB was the best solution for it...
Is there a standalone program that would do the same thing?
You really should put a mirror of that file somewhere else, man. SkyDrive is being broken. I was searching for an app like that, saw Fonebook and OutSync. i don't care which one I get, i just want a link. Hors Skydrive, please.
well to be honest fonebook is the best app i saw so far for syncing facebook contact pics with outlook contacts.
i liked the feature to be able to choose manually which facebook contact corresponds to an outlook contact. (a missing feature to many other apps)
the only problem it has is that at the moment almost everyone use high resolution screen mobile phones with vga and wvga and the pics that sync with your app are very small and blurry when viewed in full screen incoming call apps like s2u2 that most people use. so a great addition to your app would be to add an option to download the contact pics to a chosen resolution that corresponds to vga/wvga/qvga/wqvga and to save the cashe somewhere in the pc even.
please keep this project up and running and update it asap
Got a Topaz, and have TF3D (the touchy interface from HTC), set that up to sync image to facebook.
So My images go Facebook -> phone -> outlook
instead of Facebook -> outlook -> phone
Works for me.
Personally, I don't think there's much money to be made on this (a pro version) when newer phones have this built in, and there's already other good free apps out there, unless you can add some seriously impressive functions, and even then, the free competitors would soon add those same features.
- Anthony
Hope can syncs the high resolution pics in next version.
And is it cannot syncs the birthday if the user didn't type the birthday year?

A few Leo/HD2 questions

As some of you may have seen on a previous post I am giving some serious consideration of swapping from an iphone 3G to the HD2, and before I make my mind up I would like to ask a few more questions about the device, mainly the windows operation system as I've never had a windows phone before. I have been to numerous stores and none have the HD2 for me to trial so please accept my apologies for asking so many questions. It would be so much easier if I could get to try it for myself. Anyway here goes (sorry for the referals to the iphone):-
Can I drag and drop word, excel documents etc from my laptop to the phone and view and manipulate the documents on the phone?
I'm assuming you can arrange photos in individual folders, eg holidays, friends etc?
When you open a photo folder can you view the pictures as thumbnails (as on the iphone), or do you have to scroll through each picture to get to the one you want?
To use email (hotmail and googlemail for me) do you have to go via the internet, or is there an app as on the iphone, and does this sync with the accounts online ie if you delete on the phone will it have deleted when I view mail online?
Is it true that the internet on the HD2 does not support flash, and if so how will this affect my internet viewing?
snerkler said:
Can I drag and drop word, excel documents etc from my laptop to the phone and view and manipulate the documents on the phone?
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Yes, but it obviously needs to be a version of the document that can be read by the office applications on the phone (they are Microsoft office apps, but they're office 2007, not later.) It's easy enough to do "save as" on the PC and save as office 2007.
snerkler said:
I'm assuming you can arrange photos in individual folders, eg holidays, friends etc?
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Yes, you can drag and drop and create folders and sub-folders, just like on your PC.
snerkler said:
When you open a photo folder can you view the pictures as thumbnails (as on the iphone), or do you have to scroll through each picture to get to the one you want?
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You can open folders in the file explorer, which is obviously just a list of files. You can also use the Microsoft Picture & Video app, or the HTC Albums app. Both have their pros and cons, but they're very similar apps. They both give thumbnail lists of your images.
snerkler said:
To use email (hotmail and googlemail for me) do you have to go via the internet, or is there an app as on the iphone, and does this sync with the accounts online ie if you delete on the phone will it have deleted when I view mail online?
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You can add mutliple email accounts to the email tab in the Sense UI, which supports POP3 and IMAP email accounts, so you don't have to use an internet browser to read your emails. (You can also add a windows live account to the windows live app, which has its own benefits, such as messaging and push email.)
Your actions will affect your emails (such as deleting), but doesn't work too well the other way round. For instance, if I've got a notification of a new email and I delete it using my PC, it still shows as a new email on my phone. A little annoying, but hardly the end of the world.
snerkler said:
Is it true that the internet on the HD2 does not support flash, and if so how will this affect my internet viewing?
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Opera does not currently support flash, but IE does. It's not the most up-to-date version (as compared to a PC), but it's good enough for most flash viewing. If you're doing something like viewing youtube, you're better off with the youtube app, and if you want to view some flash intensive sites, you can try other browsers, such as skyfire.
I think that answers your questions, but let us know if you're not sure about anything.
snerkler said:
Can I drag and drop word, excel documents etc from my laptop to the phone and view and manipulate the documents on the phone?
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Yes you can do this, the HD2 can support a lot of formats, excel, Word, PFD etc.
snerkler said:
I'm assuming you can arrange photos in individual folders, eg holidays, friends etc?
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Windows Mobile is much like any computer OS, you can create folders and files much the same way. So yes you can organise your photos in any folders you like, or in the case of HTCs overlay of Windows Mobile, organise by Album.
snerkler said:
When you open a photo folder can you view the pictures as thumbnails (as on the iphone), or do you have to scroll through each picture to get to the one you want?
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This depends where and what program you use to open the folder. If you use the Sense UI overlay (HTCs default) then the folder will open with thumbnails. From there you can open photos and rotate and zoom by pinching the photos and dragging them around. If you use Windows default file explorer or Total Commander you will just see the images as files.
snerkler said:
To use email (hotmail and googlemail for me) do you have to go via the internet, or is there an app as on the iphone, and does this sync with the accounts online ie if you delete on the phone will it have deleted when I view mail online?
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If you use gmail (as I do also) you can read your email from the main UI on the HD2 without having to run a seperate app (though unlike the iPhone you can run several apps at the same time). However if you prefer there is also a Java Gmail app that will also run on the HD2
snerkler said:
Is it true that the internet on the HD2 does not support flash, and if so how will this affect my internet viewing?
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The HD2 like many WinMo phones can of course support Flash. The default Opera browser version 9.7 on the HD2 won't support it. However later Beta versions now support it. You can also use the very excellent SkyFire browser (free) which will also play flash and of course youtube and more all within the browser.
Just to add, there is fix to add flash support for opera
also there is beta trial version for office 2010 so you can open up to 2010 versions of office files.
@jagnet Beat you to it
Thanks for the help guys, I'm pretty much sold I think. Another question I've thought of is relating to contacts and email.
As it's a windows device I'm assuming contacts will sync with outlook? Will the email addresses in my contacts automatically sync with the email app so when I use email all the email adresses I need are already there?
With regards to the office docs, I'm currently running office 2010 beta, but it saves the files as 97-2003 docs so I'm assuming this will be OK right?
Do you think they'll be a fix for the emails not deleting from the phone if you delete them on your PC any time soon? LIke you say, not the end of the world, but can imagine it might get a touch tiresome
snerkler said:
Thanks for the help guys, I'm pretty much sold I think. Another question I've thought of is relating to contacts and email.
As it's a windows device I'm assuming contacts will sync with outlook? Will the email addresses in my contacts automatically sync with the email app so when I use email all the email adresses I need are already there?
With regards to the office docs, I'm currently running office 2010 beta, but it saves the files as 97-2003 docs so I'm assuming this will be OK right?
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Yes, and yes.
You can use outlook to sync contacts, emails, texts etc., either via an exchange server (using your data connection), or via the cable when connected to your PC. I personally don't use this though, as I don't use outlook at home. Far too much like work lol
Saving docs as office 2007 docs will make them usable with the office software on the phone.
snerkler said:
Do you think they'll be a fix for the emails not deleting from the phone if you delete them on your PC any time soon? LIke you say, not the end of the world, but can imagine it might get a touch tiresome
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Honestly, I doubt it. This is the first time I've ever mentioned it myself, and I've never seen anyone else mention it on here. Besides, I very rarely use a PC for emails now. I've had emails in my pocket for about 4 or 5 years now, so I really only use a PC if I want to send large emails, or attach stuff that's on the PC.
I wouldn't hold my breath on a fix for that to be honest.
Just to add my thoughts on the HD2---
I've had mine since launch and the product is still buggy. HTC are throwing out updates (backdoor and official) on a regular basis. The main bugs for me which I'm not sure are cured yet are SMS getting stuck in the outbox and also the touch screen becomes active during a call which means the side of your face dials digits or hangs the calls.
Regarding email- I moved from Hotmail to Gmail because Hotmail does not support Activesync. I wanted to sync over the air my email, contacts and calendar. Hotmail only supports email and contacts. Gmail works great.
I'm hoping that come the end of January that all the main bugs will be ironed out. HOPING!!! or Praying!!!
philtrick123 said:
Regarding email- I moved from Hotmail to Gmail because Hotmail does not support Activesync. I wanted to sync over the air my email, contacts and calendar. Hotmail only supports email and contacts. Gmail works great.
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A combination of the native windows live features and microsoft myphone would have resolved that issue, and given you the ability to sync a lot more too
philtrick123 said:
Regarding email- I moved from Hotmail to Gmail because Hotmail does not support Activesync. I wanted to sync over the air my email, contacts and calendar. Hotmail only supports email and contacts. Gmail works great.
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A combination of the native windows live and microsoft myphone features would have resolved that issue, and given you the ability to sync a lot more too
Originally Posted by snerkler
Do you think they'll be a fix for the emails not deleting from the phone if you delete them on your PC any time soon? LIke you say, not the end of the world, but can imagine it might get a touch tiresome
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For me emails delete from handset when deleted from PC (both exchange and hotmail) and vice-versa.
You can also set POP email accounts (i.e. gmail, hotmail) to sync at 'x' intervals (or constantly) so in affect it then turns it into push email service, which is nice - drains the battery though so i sync every couple of hours and then hit "Send/Recieve" if i want to manually update folders.
jrrigney said:
For me emails delete from handset when deleted from PC (both exchange and hotmail) and vice-versa.
You can also set POP email accounts (i.e. gmail, hotmail) to sync at 'x' intervals (or constantly) so in affect it then turns it into push email service, which is nice - drains the battery though so i sync every couple of hours and then hit "Send/Recieve" if i want to manually update folders.
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It may just be something I've noticed, and not a widespread issue. I don't really think many people would be bothered if they did notice it anyway!
I'm just a pedant and expect a lot
HD2 Notification Screen
Would someone please help me with this issue I have with the notification screen, I am not sure whether this was caused by installation of CM WiFi, but the notification screen is not showing any more when I touch the notification area, instead individual boxes pop out e.g. comm manager, any idea how to fix this.
zoum79 said:
Would someone please help me with this issue I have with the notification screen, I am not sure whether this was caused by installation of CM WiFi, but the notification screen is not showing any more when I touch the notification area, instead individual boxes pop out e.g. comm manager, any idea how to fix this.
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Ask that question in a new thread. This is called "hijacking" and is considered rude
philtrick123 said:
Just to add my thoughts on the HD2---
The main bugs for me which I'm not sure are cured yet are SMS getting stuck in the outbox and also the touch screen becomes active during a call which means the side of your face dials digits or hangs the calls.
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I thought I read that the SMS issue had been resolved?
Is the touchscreen becoming active during calls a common fault?
jrrigney said:
For me emails delete from handset when deleted from PC (both exchange and hotmail) and vice-versa.
You can also set POP email accounts (i.e. gmail, hotmail) to sync at 'x' intervals (or constantly) so in affect it then turns it into push email service, which is nice - drains the battery though so i sync every couple of hours and then hit "Send/Recieve" if i want to manually update folders.
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At first i tried setting up my gmail account using google synch to be able to use active sync to do pushmail. It worked very badly imo, when it was set up to sync "as items arrive" the synchronization was very bad, the time between actually receiving an email and it showing up on the device was very long for example, sometimes i had to sync it manualy.
So it set up my gmail account using imap. The downside is you don't really have the pushmail feature and the minimum delay between the "send/receive"s is 5 minutes (although 5 minutes is "quasi-instantaneous" really). The upside is that it works better. And it syncs up the read/unread status, you can delete a message on either your PC or your phone and it will impact the other one, which is pretty cool.
However it get quite weird behaviours sometimes. For example if i close outlook mobile and the device goes to sleep, when I wake it back up I get the outlook inbox directly, i don't know why. Also I did some tests and although my "send/receive" frequency is set to 5 minutes sometimes it seems like i have to do it manually ...
Is anyone having the same kind of trouble (with gmail or other accounts) ? Maybe I should start a thread about those issues ?
I've just had a thought, Office mobile does come preinstalled on the hd2 right?
Yes it does

Another Noobish questions

On my previous nokia, it came with a full software for the pc which allowed me to do a full back up of my phone, from contacts, to email account settings and set up, calendar, sms, games, the works.
HTC does not.
Is there a program that will allow this. I know our phone comes with two ways to back up emails and contacts, but not the actual account settings, or programs or even lay outs.
If I understand correctly doing an update will reset the phone back to day one.
On my old phone I was able to even place all the settings back, from ring tones to image files and back rounds.
Please advise if there is a good back up/ restore program available for our phones.
Thank you.
you can use Microsoft myphone to backup contacts and a few other things
jfmckenna said:
you can use Microsoft myphone to backup contacts and a few other things
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you for the response. that I know
I need something by a third party which does a better job, and will copy settings files, for example i have 4 non popular email clients runing on my phone. they are for my domains, not Gmail or yahoo or anything liek that.. and take time to set up with the servers and ports and funky passwords, so if there is an app that can copy all of it and store it, then restore after a flash, that would be great.
And im sure one exists, just need to find it.

