Loosing XDA1 sound - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Why i loose All sound my XDA1? i use wm2003 , i try to downgrade to wm2002 the sound still loose.
I try check sound in bootloader it's everythings oke.., all sound can do.
I just can hear all sound with earphone :shock: :shock: ..., what problem in my XDA1 please help me......

A few users reports problems with the conenctor for the earphones....
Try putting in releasing them a few times and your sound should work again...

LumpiStefan said:
A few users reports problems with the conenctor for the earphones....
Try putting in releasing them a few times and your sound should work again...
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it's mean i must open my xda1? or what? where componen to release? can you give me detail methode to repair?

satya said:
it's mean i must open my xda1? or what? where componen to release? can you give me detail methode to repair?
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Sorry for my bad english written sentence.
I ment, that you have to insert your earphones and take them out for a few times. Then the sound should be back again....

LumpiStefan said:
satya said:
it's mean i must open my xda1? or what? where componen to release? can you give me detail methode to repair?
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Sorry for my bad english written sentence.
I ment, that you have to insert your earphones and take them out for a few times. Then the sound should be back again....
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it's work ! it's work thaks friend.. very simple repair but i must wait 6 weeks before know what my problem . Again Thaks Stefan for sharing information.

LumpiStefan said:
satya said:
it's mean i must open my xda1? or what? where componen to release? can you give me detail methode to repair?
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Sorry for my bad english written sentence.
I ment, that you have to insert your earphones and take them out for a few times. Then the sound should be back again....
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Hello Stefan it's very unstable repair methode.., cause the sound loose again..., now the sound just can hear if my XDA charge. Have some another repair methode? please sharing with me..


Is Changing The Rom Can Cause Speaker Problem.

If I Changed The Rom Version
Can It Harm My Phone So I Want Hear Good.....
bubu23 said:
If I Changed The Rom Version
Can It Harm My Phone So I Want Hear Good.....
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do you speak another language? spanish?

i will b very happy if any solves dis problem

my allignment of imate-jamin goes away every time .....
n sumtimes da screen touch also doesnt wrk at all...
i always repair it by start->settings->system->screen..
but everytime doin dat is very bad...
so plzzzzz can any 1 help me out in dis
This is an english language forum.
Post your problem again please.
Hey dude...
I'm no pretty sure,but you can try out this software to see if it solves your problem or not...It modifies the setting of your touch screen...
http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/mirror/Touch Settings v1.22.CAB
thnk u fr ur reply bro...
i tried installin da software but da following error was displayed..
cymru said:
This is an english language forum.
Post your problem again please.
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safeman said:
thnk u fr ur reply bro...
i tried installin da software but da following error was displayed..
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Muahaha, this is ludicrous. Come on I know you can do better... Try again.
safeman said:
my allignment of imate-jamin goes away every time .....
n sumtimes da screen touch also doesnt wrk at all...
i always repair it by start->settings->system->screen..
but everytime doin dat is very bad...
so plzzzzz can any 1 help me out in dis
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what ROM do u use n what page pool you have, it maybe cause of da high memory usage
I had da same problem too, try to hard reset nr new ROM
my advice to u use da ROM 2.20 nvid it is da best I think, bud u need to back ur data first
cymru said:
This is an english language forum.
Post your problem again please.
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@safeman + chopin
i also agree to cymru, it's absolutely terrible to read your strange posts.
write english, man!
petervbeck said:
@safeman + chopin
i also agree to cymru, it's absolutely terrible to read your strange posts.
write english, man!
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I was kidding man, paradis_pal
Chopin said:
I was kidding man, paradis_pal
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Hey Chopin,
sorry, no offence meant!
non taken, I just like to joke that is all
Thank god, obviously we're back to english here.

help please

i have imate jasjar and i have problem with its flash it doesn't run at all
how i can fix this problem please
Perhaps your flash is broken?
big_boss271 said:
i have imate jasjar and i have problem with its flash it doesn't run at all
how i can fix this problem please
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Hang on here, are we on about the camera flash or flash a rom???
responderman said:
Hang on here, are we on about the camera flash or flash a rom???
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Hey jay i think he/she is talking about flash near camera... not the flashing
I think you should take it to the shop where you bought it and ask the people there to fix it .
caz we can't not see the problem.

[SOLVED] No Phone name as well as IMEI in Phone Identity

Dear friends,
I am cooking for my HD2. But after changing few EXT packages (which I forgot) I have stopped getting Phone Name and IMEI in the "Phone Identity" (Start->settings->System->Device Info).
What might have gone wrong? making me nuts
My guess is youre using the oboe device_info package. try changing it to one thats ment for hd2
use setting_improvements_2014 for solve this
Mikenif said:
My guess is youre using the oboe device_info package. try changing it to one thats ment for hd2
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I have truied changing the Device ifo package back to older versions but it did not help. Thanks anyway..
alesscam said:
use setting_improvements_2014 for solve this
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Ya! my doubt is also on setting_improvements. Shall give it a try and give here the feedback...
alesscam said:
use setting_improvements_2014 for solve this
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@ c_shekhar
what alesscam said is the solution to ur problem.
Siemens Lover
alesscam said:
use setting_improvements_2014 for solve this
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SiemensLover said:
@ c_shekhar
what alesscam said is the solution to ur problem.
Siemens Lover
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Thanks a lot. I tried setting_improvements_2014 and it solved my problem. Grateful..
Please post
Please post your settings improvement that worked. i deleted that one some time ago
Grumps said:
Please post your settings improvement that worked. i deleted that one some time ago
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1 Easy question for you, Hard for me :)

So, this is the question, Can I install a rom that is Indian? I am not Indian...
Maybe this is a dumb question but I got my doubts. Anyone can answer me?
and why not?
its not illegal or anything
deathnotice01 said:
and why not?
its not illegal or anything
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I taught that it doesn't work.
So it works right?
i use only mixed constelations.europe with asian,no problem.try it,its no prob.
CALIBAN666 said:
i use only mixed constelations.europe with asian,no problem.try it,its no prob.
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Thanks for your answer! :highfive:
RoyaLKurTx3 said:
So, this is the question, Can I install a rom that is Indian? I am not Indian...
Maybe this is a dumb question but I got my doubts. Anyone can answer me?
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Why not?
But before installing anything be sure what and why you are installing that.
Just change your CSC after flashing other regions ROMs. Then, there wont be any change..
Follow this brief guide:

