Internet Settings US and T-zones - Networking

OUTZ was kind enough to provide me with his settings for accessing tzones with 2003SE, but it does not work with 2003. I had, at one point in time, internet access for 4.99 us. Speed was 9.6 kbps, but that's fine, I don't use it that much. Anyway, I was curious if you all would share your internet settings (T-zones or not)(US only) as such....
Outz wrote:
Well my device is windows mobile 2003 se... so im not sure how different it is.
apn is
blank user/pass
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No other settings were specified (leave'm alone)
I'm sure there are some other chepo's out there who don't need/want to spend 20$/month, and it sucks that we can't do it anymore. T-mobile changed up thier system for that devilish 63xx :twisted: .BOFH (plural)
Thanks In Advance!


Free T-Mobile Web over WAP to get everythin

So I've been using my T-mobile with the free WAP connection web browsing. This does allow FULL web browsing across port 80. If this is the case, is there any way to set up a proxy server that runs on port 80 that could forward all SSL/other data thus allowing us to access all web content for free? Someone let me know!! Thanks a lot.
I am also using TMO for my internet, forgot to pay the cable bill, and noticed I can't access HTTPS web sites and am also looking into this and how to fix it.
Re: Free T-Mobile Web over WAP to get every
mbial said:
So I've been using my T-mobile with the free WAP connection web browsing.
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:? Now how does this work or get setup? been looking around these fourms all day and night. :?
:? downloaded a freebe WAP browswer - can't seem to connect. RAS error :?
:? changed network settings to everything i saw on these forums - still nothing :?
I found that using a proxy server on port 80 allows me to connect to web sites using HTTPS, just do a search for free proxy servers and its kind hit and miss but after about 4 servers I found one that works, granted a little slow but I have access that I didn't before.
What about other services (ports) besides https, such as IM, FTP, etc.? Have we figured out a way to map these services through a proxy on port 80? Do we need to find a free proxy server that supports SOCKS? Could we just set one up on our personal computers to do this?
I have an unlocked Samsung p735. T-mobile has blocked port 80 and Java and I cannot get rid of their cert. nonsence. Of course they claim they are not blocking anything so my relationship with tech support end in less than friendly terms Can anyone help me to open port 80 and get all of T-mobile certs off my phone?
Thank you,
Teri :roll: :?:
Re: Free T-Mobile Web over WAP to get every
chessyang said:
mbial said:
So I've been using my T-mobile with the free WAP connection web browsing.
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:? Now how does this work or get setup? been looking around these fourms all day and night. :?
:? downloaded a freebe WAP browswer - can't seem to connect. RAS error :?
:? changed network settings to everything i saw on these forums - still nothing :?
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i was havin the same problem gettin tzones set up to run http, i followed the setup protocol at this thread on howardforums, works like a charm
now what im wondering is whether theres a way to speed up this connection to faster than ~20kbps

T-Mobile US Cab File

Does anyone have or know where I can get a hold of this file. I flashed my Vario with the K-Jam Rom and now can't connect to the network.
Did You mean Can't make calls?
Or internet?
Here are the T-Mobile US Settings, which is what I assume you're looking for.
Thanks for the file. I programed in the internet settings myself, and although it was slow, it finally connected to T-Mobile for voice calls.
dadarkmcse said:
Here are the T-Mobile US Settings, which is what I assume you're looking for.
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Jon - you rock. I thought I was about to spend too much additional money for a frinkin' cab file. got mms and gprs to work. now if I can just figure out how to set up email and get a wireless lan bug i have.
On the wireless side - I can get it to connect to my wireless router - but I cannot get it to browse the web via pocket IE. Any thoughts out there?
Justin Hoss (JHo)
If you are using T-Zones service you can't get IE to work straight off as they have disabled port 80 and you can only go through the T-Zones proxy. It's a pain - the way around is go into T-zones ( and use the options in the menu there to get to the web pages you want - I set up the ones I use as T-Zones bookmarks. I have a feeling if you pay for the 19.99 monthly internet service you can use the IE straight but havent tried that yet
Ok, maybe a stupid question, but what does this file really do?
I had Internet service working ok with the plain jane qtek 9100 rom after making an account and poking in the right GPRS gateway, and voice calls worked as soon as I put in the sim. Text and MMS seemed fine too (at least until I upgraded to the new qtek rom - but that's another thread).
So I'm sure I'm missing something, but what actually is in the CAB?
JoninLA said:
If you are using T-Zones service you can't get IE to work straight off as they have disabled port 80 and you can only go through the T-Zones proxy. It's a pain - the way around is go into T-zones ( and use the options in the menu there to get to the web pages you want - I set up the ones I use as T-Zones bookmarks. I have a feeling if you pay for the 19.99 monthly internet service you can use the IE straight but havent tried that yet
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I am not sure I understand the approach you are giving - if I want to leverage my current ISP provider and my wireless LAN connection on my K-JAM - I have to do what? What seems to be happening is I can connect to my WLAN at home - get an IP address, good signal, etc - however - when I try to go to Google or something - is says "Locating" but never connects. I messed around with the proxy setting for T-Mobile and actually turned them off - and was able to connect through my WLAN (not GPRS) - however, that screwed up my WAP setting and now I can't ge into (of course). Anybody have the manual settings for the T-mobile proxy they can share? I tried reloading the T-mobile .cab file - but it errors out.
Don't you think there should be a way to use your WLAN (which I already pay for and does not cost T-Mobile any $$) and GPRS t-zones (which I already pay T-Mobile for)?
thanks works great
settings, setup? Please help!
Please help!
I installed the file, nothing seems to be changed. All the connection settings dissapeared from setup. when I go to IE, web page, right away gives me an arror message, "can't connect". before it was "loading" and it was like forever..
May be I should put in the settings manually?
Is there a detail how?
I have WM6.1 (TMobile, internet service active on the plan)
I spent hours calling tmobile tech support,, - 0!
Thanks a lot!
Have any of you tried my Tmobile CABs ?

T-Mobile US $5.99 Plan and HTC Home Weather

I set my Touch Dual up today using internet with the T-MobileWeb plan, which uses a proxy server. I'm finding that I can't get the HTC Home Plugin Weather to work.
Does anyone else here use the Tmobileweb plan and use HTC Weather? If so, what do i need to do to get it working?
I'm currently still using the stock ROM, WM6. Will be flashing a new ROM soon but wanted to get everything working here first. Any help would be appreciated.
Same issue here. I have wifi half the time and just use that. If I REALLY need the weather, I use a web page.
aad4321 said:
as far as i know, their is no solution for this problem yet.
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Bummer. But can't complain since it's $5.99. I'm using SPB Weather and it works fine. The only thing is that it doesn't show current weather. Does anyone use one that shows current weather that also works with the TMobile $5.99 plan?
eyecrispy said:
Bummer. But can't complain since it's $5.99. I'm using SPB Weather and it works fine. The only thing is that it doesn't show current weather. Does anyone use one that shows current weather that also works with the TMobile $5.99 plan?
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I do not think it is the 5.99 vs full internet plan. I read somewhere saying the the HTC Home Weather Tab does not work with the data plan (however, it works on WIFI).
By the way, can someone share the TMO setting for using the Tmobile US $5.99 data plan on ATT Tilt?
Refer to this link:
Here's the setting:
under proxy settings check: this network connects to the internet
check this network uses a proxy server to connect to the internet
proxy server should be :
click advanced
secure wap:
socks (blank)
under modem, your access point name should be :
name and password blank.
under advanced check use server assigned ip address
use software compression
use ip header compression.
T-Mobile Total Internet
The only differences is instead of, its: or
And instead of ports 9201 its 9203.
The only problem I have is I need to switch my setting between accessing the internet and downloading my email. It seems the email setting is different from accessing internet. I haven't figure it out how to combine the two. Do let me know if you able to resolve this issue or don't have the same problem.
- cheers
canosatien said:
Refer to this link:
The only problem I have is I need to switch my setting between accessing the internet and downloading my email. It seems the email setting is different from accessing internet. I haven't figure it out how to combine the two. Do let me know if you able to resolve this issue or don't have the same problem.
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my HTC weather still doesn't work. oh well.
i don't have problems with my exchange email. what are you trying to do?
still not working
Now the $5.99 plan is only for WAP pages and generally a selected group by T-Mobile I think. I assume the accuweather is HTML or XML.
However the Unlimited PDA plan should work at $19.99. Can anyone confirm that that works?
LJKelley said:
Now the $5.99 plan is only for WAP pages and generally a selected group by T-Mobile I think. I assume the accuweather is HTML or XML.
However the Unlimited PDA plan should work at $19.99. Can anyone confirm that that works?
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The only thing that hasn't worked for me with the $5.99 plan is HTC Weather. SPB Weather and WeatherPanel both work great for me.
theres a great free program to get weather on your today screen its called weather to go, and can be found here
There is a patch to make it work:

CABs for T-mobile U.S. GPRS and MMS settings

I put together these cabs for T-mobile data plans. I have the $5.99 plan so I haven't tested the other ones, but people have told me they work.
the $5.99 cab automatically sets up the proxy.
All the cabs set up connections so that GPRS is not used unless no other connections (WIFI or Activesync) are available.
MMS (for ArcSoft MMS but it probably works for other versions) sets size limit to 600k and will not resize pictures (I think T-mobile limits MMS data to 300k).
Cool, members are always looking for tmob setup cab's!
So, gprs is part of the 29.99 plan cab?
29.99 =
39.99 =
I think they must've changed prices...
Which one do I use if I have the unlimited data for $20/month?
tweker said:
Which one do I use if I have the unlimited data for $20/month? Thanks
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I'm now on that $20 plan and have been using the internet2 connection...
This was the ONLY way I could get the 5.99 t-zones plan to work on my windows mobile 6.1 tilt. Great work man!
Close, but....
joemanb said:
the $5.99 cab automatically sets up the proxy.
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Well, it half works. Before using your CAB, I couldn't get Opera Mobile 8.65 to connect at all through the proxy on my HTC Touch Cruise. Now, I can make normal connections in Opera through the proxy, but still can't get HTTPS to connect. No problems connecting with wifi.
UPDATE 10/29/07: I had occasion to revisit these cabs when my friendly neighborhood IT group screwed up my network connections with some automated script they forced down my phone. After running again, things were all fixed. I also had no problems with HTTPS and Opera.
I think t-mobile blocks the port on the $5.99 plan. HTTPS uses port 443. You could try some different ports and if you find one that works, let me know and I'll update the CAB.
The settings for Tmo's proxy are:
Secure WAP
and this is what my system shows. The Tmo proxy is unauthenticated, so I tried to test against it using my laptop and wifi. Manually setting the FF3 HTTP proxy to, and leaving all the other proxy options blank, I had no trouble bringing up HTTPS pages.
maybe it has something to do with the access point (
joemanb said:
maybe it has something to do with the access point (
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That's not really an access point. It's a conventional proxy which serves to restrict most anything but web or mail access, but otherwise doesn't restrict traffic.
MDA T-Mobile software questions
joemanb said:
I put together these cabs for T-mobile data plans. I have the $5.99 plan so I haven't tested the other ones, but people have told me they work.
the $5.99 cab automatically sets up the proxy.
All the cabs set up connections so that GPRS is not used unless no other connections (WIFI or Activesync) are available.
MMS (for ArcSoft MMS but it probably works for other versions) sets size limit to 600k and will not resize pictures (I think T-mobile limits MMS data to 300k).
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Would someone kindly explain what the above cabs are for? I don't want to make any assumptions, but do the cabs provise software to make an unlocked HTC Wizard work as if its a T-Mobile device at the various rate plans - assuming your sim has that plan?
Is the $5.99 the prepaid plan?
I just bought used MDA and am using my prepaid SIM. Having trouble with tzones working - though admittedly it doesn't do much.
Thanks in advance for the help.
tried but didnt seem to work on vs 24 rickywatts 6.1
does this still work?? i have a tmobile wing with touch it rom
The only way to find out if it works for YOU is to try it. Please let us know....
great work!!
Works like a charm! I thought they might have shut down the proxy for the 5.99 plan. Is there a MMS cab that I didn't see? Again thanks alot.
Should I delete all my existing proxies?
I have proxy settings in
should I remove them before applying the tmobyjoe CAB?
what is the "new-inet:1159" proxy server in the Kavana ROM? Is that just rubbish or what?
Also, I don't understand why there are so many proxies and connections. Is there something I can read to understand the relative significance of
"work" "TMobile MMS" "Tmobile Data" "WAP Network" "Secure WAP Network" and "The Internet"
and then the various proxies that route to these various networks?
I don't get why it is so complicated and why I need so many networks and proxies and so on.
i can recieve my yahoo emails giving me cannot connect with this settings?
i can recieve my yahoo emails giving me cannot connect with this settings? i had it working but now its not connecting to recive my emails
Hey everyone. I've added the $5.99 service to my account and I've tried both manually entering the settings and I've tried the CAB for the $5.99 service. No joy...
I can't download email and when trying to browse the web at all GPRS connects, the page tries to load and then I get the following error:
"Error: Requested content
'' cannot be accessed.
You do not have access to the site."
What am I doing wrong?
Also, in the GPRS Settings do I want PAP Auth. or CHAP Auth. selected? It's on PAP Auth.
I live in Denver, CO, if it makes any difference.
EDIT: Interestingly enough it's working now... of course something else had to break, I can't connect to the net via USB now. No biggie, never used that anyway.

T-Zones settings GPRS

Hi all I couldn't find this anywhere so I thought I would post it as it worked on my dash with WM6.1
I have Tzones and I setup the APN as and the proxy as and the internet connects like it should. So if you already have the 5.99 Tzones (as you can't get it anymore) then this is a real cheap way for you to surf the web.
This works for me with Skyfire and IE
spinn360 said:
Hi all I couldn't find this anywhere so I thought I would post it as it worked on my dash with WM6.1
I have Tzones and I setup the APN as and the proxy as and the internet connects like it should. So if you already have the 5.99 Tzones (as you can't get it anymore) then this is a real cheap way for you to surf the web.
This works for me with Skyfire and IE
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Thanks, I wanted to tether as well.. for some reason I can't. Is there anything i need to change in the settings? thanks
This did not work for me, and not sure why. This is my first smartphone (unlocked Palm Treo 750 running winmoble5). Everything works except T-zones. I'm able to get a connection using the APN I just get errors display the page. On my IE options settings, I have no connections tab as someone said should be use in a previous post.
Any suggestions?
ACMilan07 said:
Thanks, I wanted to tether as well.. for some reason I can't. Is there anything i need to change in the settings? thanks
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You don't need a proxy. I run all the time without one using open dns dns servers. I use
