Call History - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Does anybody know what file in the XDA II stores the phone call history of numbers called and recieved. And can this file be backed up before installing upgrade software

someone must know what file the call information is strored in

It's in a db called clog.db, though you'll need a PocketPC database program like dbExplorer to view the information within it. You can't access it through Explorer or Windows.
You can use a program like dbExplorer and others to backup that table or the whole set of databases, though some tables will not be the same across all devices. The clog one, however, does remain the same. Word of caution, if you do restore it after say a hard reset, be sure to have already changed the call timers setting to show however many days / weeks you want to keep in memory. If you don't and you have it set to only a week or so, the phone will wipe the data in the recently - restored clog and you'll need to restore it a second time. I have mine set to never expire, and on more than one occasion I've forgotten to set it past 1 week after the "rebuild" - meaning I had to change it then restore the table again.


"Speed-dial Broken But Repaired" Error

Every time I go to use Speed-dial, I get the message 'Speed-dial was broken and has been repaired.' Once I hit OK, it dials the number fine. Whenever I look at my speed-dial list, it appears fine. Anyone else have this happen? Any solution you found. It's not that big of a deal but the purpose of speed-dial is speed, not navigating messageboxes.
Any help would be appreciated.
dcbehan said:
Every time I go to use Speed-dial, I get the message 'Speed-dial was broken and has been repaired.' Once I hit OK, it dials the number fine. Whenever I look at my speed-dial list, it appears fine. Anyone else have this happen? Any solution you found. It's not that big of a deal but the purpose of speed-dial is speed, not navigating messageboxes.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Same error here. Anyone have a solution.
Not a solution but a question/hint towards collobrative discovery...
Are you backing up & restoring your XDA or databases etc?
Normally I do not get this message on a regular basis. I use SpriteBackup to backup the database file called speed.db. This database contains the speed dial entries. Each time I restore this database I get the error you mention.
It appears that the speed dial list is simply a list of references to Contacts database positions. Somehow the system must be tracking whether either of the two databases have been "touched" and then put it into the recovery mode mentioned. I guess the trick is to detect this change and counter it if needed.
Just pure speculation so please forgive me this is all rubbish and useless information.
k_kirk said:
Not a solution but a question/hint towards collobrative discovery...
Are you backing up & restoring your XDA or databases etc?
Normally I do not get this message on a regular basis. I use SpriteBackup to backup the database file called speed.db. This database contains the speed dial entries. Each time I restore this database I get the error you mention.
It appears that the speed dial list is simply a list of references to Contacts database positions. Somehow the system must be tracking whether either of the two databases have been "touched" and then put it into the recovery mode mentioned. I guess the trick is to detect this change and counter it if needed.
Just pure speculation so please forgive me this is all rubbish and useless information.
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Interesting speculation K_Kirk, I backup using Sprite Clone and ActiveSync backup\restore function every few days. Maybe their is a connection.
I use Backup Manager daily for backup but have not restored recently. What I did do that seems to work is delete all the speeddials and redo them (as I only had three it was no big deal). Since I did that, I haven't had any problem.
The restore question indeed may be on the right track thought I'm not sure what you'd do about it other than start again.
I don't use Sprite nor do I backup via AS and I get the error regularly.
The speed dial database is indeed a collection of OID links to the contacts database.
restoring your databases, by any means (except raw mode in sprite clone), causes the OID's of database records to change, breaking this link.
Sprite Backup repairs the link on restore, however, when you next synchronise with Active Sync, a full resync is performed because of the OID changes, and Active Sync does not patch the SpeedDial database appropriately.
if the OID link appears invalid on use, in 2003, it matches them up via name ot the contacts database, hense the "broken but fixed" message.
[email protected] can send you a speedmatch.exe that does this to all speed dial links, perhaps if it can be made to run automatically after any active sync activity then you'll never see that message again.
You don't NEED to backup and restore to see this message however, Activesync quite commonly deletes and re-creates altered contacts, breaking any speeddial links to them.

Restoring SMS from MPB files?

Prior to upgrading to 2003SE, I copied the contents of the Messaging folder to my PC and then back again after the upgrade.
My belief that this would retain my SMS messages was wrong - is there any way for me to restore my SMS messages from the MPB files?
I've searched the forum over and over but can only usually find references to Sprite or other backup/restore facilities - they would've been fine for me if I'd used them prior to the upgrade, but since I didn't the only way I'm able to restore is to somehow get them from the MPB files.
Any thoughts?
maybe here
or you can try dbExplorer
Unfortunately AllExport doesn't work for me. I guess I'll give dbExplorer a punt, but again I don't think that will work as I didn't use it to export them in the first place. All I have are a whole bunch of MPB files.
try google for the format and possible programs to access such files
Database gone
Turns out I should've also copied/exported a particular database file from the XDA before I upgraded the OS.
Guess I've lost it now, for whilst I have the messages themselves I don't have the message headers (they are contained in said database).
In a word... bugger.
I've got a similar problem...
I've both mpb and database but they seem to be unbound
I can see header from one side and contents form the other...but no way to recover the complete functionality...
Guess we'va lost everything!
Gone gone gone
Wow, interesting that even preserving the db and the mpb files doesn't help you out.
Strikes me as pretty stupid. Whilst I haven't used them because of my current problem, has anyone been able to export and import SMS (particularly imported to a new installation / fresh upgrade) using one of the existing programs (Sprite, dbexplorer) WITHOUT losing SMS functionality (as Sprite seems to do) or having to manually stuff around with databases? Interested for future reference (as in, if I decide to up to WM2005 when it gets relatively stable).

Storing SMS to storage card, help needed

After my Vario II gradually slowed to a halt and stopped receiving calls or sending text messages, I finally had to admit defeat and do a hard reset (not bad going though, I managed 4 months without hard resetting)
I am now going through the long process of getting everything back the way I like it (I stupidly didn't have a backup program installed!). I am sure I found a registry tweak to store, by default, all of my SMS text messages to my storage card and looking at the contents of my card, I do have a folder which seems to agree with this as it does look like it is full of my most recent SMS messages, but I can not, despite searching for a few hours, find the tweak to do this again.
Can anyone help? I have found something about temporary internet files but nothing about SMS/text messages.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I am just bumping this in the hopes that someone may be browsing who knows the answer .. I shall keep my fingers crossed. Thanks.
first post virgin
One I usually do when I want to preserve my SMS messages is use SPB backup, and select just the emails/messages to be backed up, this will back em up to the memory card as an exe.
when your happy with your new "build" on your phone simply run the exe and the messages are back.
Hope that helps?
Thanks for that Craig. I will give SPB Backup a go, it really would make sense for me to install a backup program, it would have made the recent hard reset less painful as far as reinstalling stuff was concerned
I am still interested in knowing where the registry entry is for the sms storage location because I would like to be able to access the various messages I appear to have on my storage card ... I can't for the life of me remember how I managed to change the location to get them on there in the first place, it was several months ago and I have't bothered to save the post/webpage I got the info from .. silly me!
Check out Jeyo mobile extender for outlook, everytime you sync with your ppc via activesync and outlook it will back up your sms to outlook.
Not quite the same, but efficasoft Mobile express will allow you to send messages from your PC through a connector when the PPC is connected to active sync.
You can see your messages in the softwares in box, and export them to a text file thus backing them up but you cant import them back into the phone unfortunatly

HELP ME HAMNIN (and any one else with an answer)

my prior post was in regard to the 'red constant light of doom', and this is a semifollowup post. i recieved some suggestions as to what to do, one of which made alot of since.
im a heavy text message user, and i know the messages tend to stack up in the memory, which was the suggestion that my internal memory is running low, and to delete my text messages from last year. well i am using the "clear" function, but it was taking forever.... so then i tried highlighting and deleting, which at least i could see it working, but with 5000+ messages in the sent folder and 5000+ in the inbox, i could see wasnt going to work fast enough.
my only other options are either to do a memory clear, but that is saying will reset my device to factory conditions (now is this before or after i upgraded with the 2.26 tmo rom???) or actually just do a hard reset (which i dont want to do, cuz if i do that i might as well mess around with installing a WM6 rom)....
so any advice or suggestions??
I would have patients and let the device erase all of the text messages. Also, there is a registry tweak in the wiki to move email and attachments to the SD card. If you apply this tweak, you can store all of your messages there.
Update: the reg tweak only stores your mail, not sms, I just tried it.
Hardreset will restore your phone to the last ROM you've flashed/upgraded to.
Anyway, if you look hard enough (google or this forum), you ought to able to find the file responsible for storing all the SMS .. and I'm sure if you were to delete/rename this file and let the OS recreate this file, you are effectively erased all the SMS without hardreset.

SMS incoming problem ... solution !!!

Hi there.
I had problem with sms-messages after modaco-2.2 flashing.
When I got sms-message phone made sound and vibration but nothing to read in message program.
After reading couple hundred pages I found solution:
(Before you do this remember that this distroys your old mms and sms archive )
1. I found and downloaded file and extracted it. You can get it from attacement. ( nope ... I can't upload it here )
2. Then I turned phones debugging on ( home-> menu-> settings-> Applications-> Developement -> USB debugging on
3. Wired phone to my mac
4. Opened terminal and then went to that directory where I extracted
5. First checked device with command
./adb device
6. When everything was ok then shell command
./adb shell
7. Now prompt was #
8. Changed directory with command
# cd /data/data/
9. Look that there was mmssms.db
# ls mmssms.db
10. Erased that file
# rm mmssms.db
11. Went out from shell
# exit
12. Went out from terminal
13. Rebooted my phone and then everythin worked perfect.
I think that old mmssms.db file was different format than new one and thats why message-program could't use it.
I hope that this helps somebody.
worked perfectly for me, thanks a lot of the tip!
The database from 2.73.405.5 build got a lot of changes to the old one (1.76.405.6). So it does not work to copy back the old Database after an update. I imported my old Mails manual to the new databasefile by accessing the database directly.
patzek said:
The database from 2.73.405.5 build got a lot of changes to the old one (1.76.405.6). So it does not work to copy back the old Database after an update. I imported my old Mails manual to the new databasefile by accessing the database directly.
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Could you please describe how you restored your old data? I know it's a SQLite database and manually changed data in it before updating, but my knowledge with SQLite ain't that great, so I don't know "the perfect" SQL manager and so on...
Any advice is highly appreciated!
For me it was really easy as i only have SMS messages in my Database. So i wrote a very simple windows-app that imports the old messages out of the old database-file into the new database.
i have read about this fix in a german forum. it doesn't seem to fix the issue completely. i would suggest to keep smstomailbox installed for a while so we can be sure this really is a permanent fix.
This fix (german forum) does not work because the database got also changes in other parts of the database than the sms table. only in import into the new format will work.
patzek said:
For me it was really easy as i only have SMS messages in my Database. So i wrote a very simple windows-app that imports the old messages out of the old database-file into the new database.
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Yes, I used your method when migrating from Windows to Android. It worked great and it was me who wrote directions for Notepad++ on how to change dates to proper format with regexp for other countries
Although, with the new Hero ROM database ROM seems to have changed in such a way that old message collides with new database/table structure. I will transfer new database to my computer and do some research soon.
sibbor said:
Yes, I used your method when migrating from Windows to Android. It worked great and it was me who wrote directions for Notepad++ on how to change dates to proper format with regexp for other countries
Although, with the new Hero ROM database ROM seems to have changed in such a way that old message collides with new database/table structure. I will transfer new database to my computer and do some research soon.
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The SMSImport Application was done to import my SMS Messages from Windows Mobile. The application is based on the 1.76 Rom SMS Database.
After my Update to 2.73 is was in the same situation, how to get the messages into the new Databaseformat and so i wrote a second little application that just make a transfer from the old databsefile to the new databasefile Quick and Dirty
sibbor said:
Yes, I used your method when migrating from Windows to Android. It worked great and it was me who wrote directions for Notepad++ on how to change dates to proper format with regexp for other countries
Although, with the new Hero ROM database ROM seems to have changed in such a way that old message collides with new database/table structure. I will transfer new database to my computer and do some research soon.
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patzek said:
The SMSImport Application was done to import my SMS Messages from Windows Mobile. The application is based on the 1.76 Rom SMS Database.
After my Update to 2.73 is was in the same situation, how to get the messages into the new Databaseformat and so i wrote a second little application that just make a transfer from the old databsefile to the new databasefile Quick and Dirty
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Come on guys, lets share these about...
I have to migrate my brothers contacts from his Diamond to his Hero, he's on the 1.76 rom at the minute but will be upgrading to 2.73 later on.
I then have to import my messages from my old 1.76 database to my 2.73 database.
patzek said:
The SMSImport Application was done to import my SMS Messages from Windows Mobile. The application is based on the 1.76 Rom SMS Database.
After my Update to 2.73 is was in the same situation, how to get the messages into the new Databaseformat and so i wrote a second little application that just make a transfer from the old databsefile to the new databasefile Quick and Dirty
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Ah, sorry I missunderstood. Please share your dirty solution with us ;-)! Btw, can one merge the old structure with the new one (two databases) and keep data intact from both? Or is it just a conversation from old to new structure, where you keep old messages? Either way, sounds great! I can manually add messages that I recieved in my new database "manually" afterwards
i will try to make an sql update script that will update the structure from the old database to the new one.
so i make a quick compare of the database files from a wiped hero 1.76 rom and an wiped 2.73 hero rom. the only difference is the column "index_on_sim" in the table "sms" as an integer field. an simple "alter table sms add index_on_sim integer null" would fix this. i think this field will store the id of an contact which is on the sim card stored, otherwise its value is "null" on messages that was sended and "-1" on messages that was received.
there are hugher differences between a normal android sms database and the hero one and and "easy" upgrade is not possible. its necessary to add columns to different tables and it is also necessary to have them in the right possition so that when a application try to access the column by the index and not with the column name it uses the right one. maybe there is a application in the www available that makes an automatic database update. for other databases like ms sql server there are solutions available...
patzek said:
so i make a quick compare of the database files from a wiped hero 1.76 rom and an wiped 2.73 hero rom. the only difference is the column "index_on_sim" in the table "sms" as an integer field. an simple "alter table sms add index_on_sim integer null" would fix this. i think this field will store the id of an contact which is on the sim card stored, otherwise its value is "null" on messages that was sended and "-1" on messages that was received.
there are hugher differences between a normal android sms database and the hero one and and "easy" upgrade is not possible. its necessary to add columns to different tables and it is also necessary to have them in the right possition so that when a application try to access the column by the index and not with the column name it uses the right one. maybe there is a application in the www available that makes an automatic database update. for other databases like ms sql server there are solutions available...
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Yes, I've made this conclusion too. I've now merged my entire MMS/SMS database:
1) I exported both the 1.76 db and the 2.73 db as SQL dumps
2) Merged them together and got rid of lots of messed up data. Also I had to fix formatting for strings for the application to be able to import it properly again. Changed some ID's too.
3) Then I truncated the tables "sms" & "threads" + made minior fixes around the database (clean-up). and made changes to other ID's for it to look cleaner.
Since I've done SMS migration like this: Nokia > Windows Mobile > Android (Hero, v1.76) > Android (Hero, 2.73) there was some differences within the database. I fixed number formatting + updated data in proper places. Ex. sms.toa + sms.sc_toa (145 for one person and 0 for me), sms.person to correct ID for the contact (since there was diffs between the two Android databases and no person ID at all for earlier merged databases; Nokia + WM).
Side note: it seems sms.index_on_sim should be NULL for outgoing SMS'es and -1 for incoming (that's not stored on SIM card).
Also I added correct ID to the sms.person column for all my old SMS'es. First
Tx uttila for the sms problem solution
@uttila: it worked fine for me and my htc hero. I erased the database table mmssms.db and now it saves the messages
I have the Sprint version of the HTC Hero, Just got it a few days ago. I started noticing in about my second day having the phone that I wasnt receiving texts either. Same problem as everyone else, could send, make calls, receive calls, etc. Just couldnt recieve texts. After a while, i will eventually be able to recieve again, usually because I restart the phone, or that could just be a coincidence. But nevertheless I dont recieve any of the "lost" texts.
I just got off the phone with customer service with Sprint, They had me turn the phone off, take the battery out, and were doing some "updates" on their end. And then tried to send a text to me after turning it back on. They werent able to resolve the problem. They are telling me to take it to a Sprint store, so that they can run some tests on the phone, and send it off for a replacement.
I mentioned to the customer service rep that I've read about this problem online, that alot of people seem to be having the same problem. His response was "Yeah, I have been receiving some calls, but not to the point where we would consider it a known issue"
So I guess thats where we stand right now. Is there someway that I can fix it on my end, or is there an update out from HTC that resolve's this. Because it doesn't seem to just be a Sprint issue, since people overseas in Europe with different providers are having the same issue. So I'm guessing its a software\hardware issue, and not a network problem.
Any solutions?
Same Issue here.... about to send it back!
From Sprint's actual Hero forum users are reporting the same issue...
Hope posting this link is ok
Additionally it seems like some files are not being removed when performing a factory reset as I had installed a sound board and after two factory resets I noticed some sound files were still on my phone. TO me this indicates not all files are being removed correctly. I doubt the sound board messed anything up but this may indicate another app inadvertently did and the factory reset isn't cutting it as far as fixing the issue. Called Sprint and they offered to replace for free and also refreshed my syst settings which had zero impact.

