Bluetooth turning off while in standby - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I use a BT GPS receiver with my XDA II using MS BT stack. When I switch the XDA off and switch it back on I have to turn bluetooth back on and reconnect with the GPS receiver. Is there any way of keeping bluetooth on when you go into standby mode?

cant you just stop the xda from going standby ?
i mean most of those car gps thingys have power for the xda dont they ?

I won't be in a car. Walking around a city for a couple of hours - I'm going to drain the battaries too quickly.

Mine don't do that, it kept bluetooth on when I turn my XDA II off. I have a program in addition called Bluetooth Tools that automatically turn my BT off after a few seconds and turns on when I receive and make a call. I can also turn off the timer so the bluetooth stays on.

I use BTW-CE and I have the same problem. Before reinstalling this application everything was ok.

A half solution I've figured out is to create a shortcut to the bluetooth settings page - a lot of the time I can't acccess the bluetooth icon on the today screen because the input/keyboard bar is covering it (might have something to do with Fitaly). Anyway if you copy the following into a shortcut file i.e. Bluetooth.lnk:
34#\windows\ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl,23
you can then assign it to a hardware button
I've tried Bluetooth Tools, while it does give you a handy bluetooth icon in the middle of the today screen it doesn't stop my bluetooth from turning off in standby mode.

are you using the widcomm bt stack?

No, the microsoft one


Automatically enable bt headset mode

i have a qtek 2020 1.75.00 WWE
My question is as follows:
Is it possible to have the headset mode set to "enabled" as soon as Bluetooth is switched on? At this moment, i have to go to the today screen to manually touch the headset icon to enable it. So even when bluetooth is active, i still can't use my headset immediately. When the phone rings i still have to go through the above mentiond manouvre, so by the time i have done that, the phone already stopped ringing.
So what i actually want is that the headset mode is either always enabled or that it gets enabled as soon as bt is active.
I hope you can help me.
Hi Ilana,
On my i-mate (XDA II) I run Pocket Bluetooth Tools (or BTHTools) which you'll find on XDA Developers if you search for it, and aside from adding additional profiles (such as the missing SPP - Serial Port Profile, which is needed to connect to Bluetooth GPS units), it also replaces the default Headset Profile app with an automatic one.
When the phone is activated by an incoming or outgoing call, the Bluetooth radio turns on automatically & I just tap the BT headset's answer button to transfer the call to the headset. When the call finishes the BT radio automatically turns off again after 60 seconds (thus saving battery power).
Give it a try - you can uninstall it to return to the default Microsoft BT stack if it doesn't ring your bell.
Thank you for your help. I will definitely give it a try!

Toggle Bluetooth on when entering telephone?

Hey you guys…
I’ve got a question…
Is there an app whcich will toggle Bluetooth on when you enter the telephone function of the wizard?(ei. Press the green button) and that toggles Bluetooth on when there is an incoming call?
Then again turns blutooth off when you end the call and telephone app. :?:
Tomtom also toggles Bluetooth on when you launch the app, and it would be nice that you don’t have to manually toggle Bluetooth on when you get an ioncomming call in your car, or when you want to make a call in your car.
This way you can save battery life, because Bluetooth isn’t permanently on, and it turns on when you need it…
Is there such an app, or is this impossible….
Anybody? :?:
Maybe phonealarm can do it. It can definatly switch different profiles like home, car etc. and within the profile you can launch programs, turn on/off bluetooth/hifi
[edit] I should add that WM5 support is still in beta at the moment [/edit]
Okay, but I don't think that you cange a profile when you enter a car, because I just put the phone on a charger, and use a Jabra headset, so no professional carkit.
It would be nice if there's an app that switches bluetooth dependent on another app, not on a profile...
But I'll look into phonealarm...
Thanks, anybody else got an idea?
pocketzenphone, dktoday.
p50kombi said:
It would be nice if there's an app that switches bluetooth dependent on another app, not on a profile...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
One reason I didn't keep phone alarm is because it didn't quite do what I was looking for. It was closer than everything else I've found, but seemed to slow my whole experience with my phone down.
Maybe someone like vijay555 might make something that'll do that.
I have got into the habbit of useing my BT headset when getting into the car and turning it off when I get out. I plug my phone into the car to keep it topped up, so using extra power isn't a problem.

DKToday plugin

Will this only turn on/off Bluetooth with an incoming call?
I want it to turn on/off Bluetooth for any situation when I stop/start something that needs it.
For example if BT is off, and I start ActiveSync on the XDA, BT starts automatically. But when I close AS, BT stays on.
I was hoping something like DKToday would help with this, but it only seems to work for calls.
tap the bluetooth icon and it turns bluetooth of, at least it does for me.

BT Auto Switch

I use BTHTools with my Himalaya for automatic switching of BT on/off.
It turns the BT ON if necessary (ex. incoming/outgoing calls), and turns it OFF when done. Good for saving battery.
Works also for other BT use, such as BT GPS, BT via Activesync, BT file transfers, etc., turns BT ON, keep it connected and automatically turns OFF for about one minute after connectivity is lost/ended.
However, it does NOT work with my Hermes.
Is there a similar application for Hermes? Moreover, it would be great if it would also automatically control NOT ONLY bluetooth but WIFI, GPRS and other connections as well. Similar to comm manager but automatic/timed.

Simple freeware app that can turn Bluetooth on/off on a schedule

I trying to find out a very simple program that can turn Bluetooth on/off on a schedule.
I only use bluetooth at my car, and I'm always on my car at the same time.
I have an app called Wireless Time, it lets you do that with Bluetooth, Wifi, Sound, and the Phone itself! I unfortunately do not remember where it's at, but I'm sure you can find it with a search here.
Thanks bwilliams73,
Wireless Time seems to do the job, but it's too confusing. I didn't liked the interface.
If anyone have a second option I would like to know.
Can WirelessTime run minimized?
I've been looking for a tool like WirelessTime to turn on Bluetooth during the hours I'm commuting in the car and to turn off Wifi when I'm at work. I've put a shortcut in Startup to restart it after a soft-reset but is there a command line switch to start minimized ?
roabras said:
I trying to find out a very simple program that can turn Bluetooth on/off on a schedule.
I only use bluetooth at my car, and I'm always on my car at the same time.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just extract and add this to your start up items in the windows folder. Basically it turns on bluetooth when the phone is charging and turns it off when it is not. I use it because I don't really want bluetooth on when I'm not charging it and don't mind it being on when I am. Also I use a bluetooth headset when driving and I don't need to fiddle with the phone when I get into the car. Just put it in it's cradle and bingo....
It's working very well on my HTC diamond.

