Help Please - BPInsert.lnk - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I believe I may have some files missing that are preventing my backpack from working properly.
Does anyone know anything about BPInsert.lnk
what it is, associated files/drivers and how i can get it on my xda2. I think i need it but i ain't got it.
Cheers, Shire

Yeah Bro I looked into the Windows directory but was unable to locate BPInsert.exe the application target for the BPInsert.lnk shortcut.

I think the original version of the ROM (1.03) had this program, but in later versions they implemented it in a different way so that less programs would be run on start up. So it depends on which ROM version you have, 1.03 you need it, newer ROM I don't think you do!

Ahh Ok thanks that makes some sense as I do have a newer ROM, but doesn't solve my problem.
My phone details
ROM Version: 1.66.00WWE
ROM Date: 02/20/04
Radio Version: 1.10.00
Protocol Version: 1337.18
ExtROM Version: 1.66.209
Ok seems I need to change just isn't fair lol
It may be that the CF card is not compatible with the Backpack, but I'm not gonna give up on this just yet.
Cheers, Shire

Unzip and place this in your /Windows/StartUp folder Bro.


new version 4.005 ??

I remeber reading that someone had a newer vesion of the rom(same as one i read about that was in a o2 pdf file?)
Has anyone got it yet?
try this, from memory its the only non-Jeff download i've ever used and my machine reported 40005. That was the version i was having the gprs problems with, and never solved them so i went back to 1.2.
Hi Guys,
thats the one i downloaded (from lycos) and the version is the 4.00.1
is there really a 4.00.05 ??
has anyone seen it available to download?
YES. There is a new version.
ROM version: 4.00.05 ENG
ROM date: 06-05-03
Radio Version: 6.18.00
Protocol version: 324e4
MS PPC Version: 4.20.1081 (Build 13100)
I've contacted this guy (ozone tester). Below is what he replied.
Unfortunately I can not share this ROM with the public. I'm sure it will show up on soon
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Unfortunately I can not share this ROM with the public
great community spirit :roll:
yeah, I know. but the version he has *.05 is the one that 02 are using so maybe it will be out soon.
Ali-Butt said:
Unfortunately I can not share this ROM with the public
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great community spirit :roll:
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Ali-Butt: I think it's realistic to assume that large corporate entities who are protecting the rights to their brand new OS may be aware of what goes on in a forum like this. Please understand there's people out there that can't share everything they have. They may have signed NDAs that allow Microsoft or some other large corporate entity to take all their worldly possesions if they share.
I'd still like it if such people felt comfortable here, and shared their experiences.
spoken like a true democrat
We want a fight though !
Burn him! !!!!
If he's a witch we can burn him......
I'd settle for a list of the bugs or improvements fixed between 01 and 05, anyone?
vbexpert said:
ROM version: 4.00.05 ENG
ROM date: 06-05-03
Radio Version: 6.18.00
Protocol version: 324e4
MS PPC Version: 4.20.1081 (Build 13100)
I've contacted this guy (ozone tester). Below is what he replied.
Unfortunately I can not share this ROM with the public. I'm sure it will show up on soon
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This is the same Version & build as the 4.00.01 ROM that has been posted here. It also has the same Radio version. There might be other apps in the newer ROM but the OS seems to be the same.
Here is what I have:
ROM version: 4.00.01 ENG
ROM date: 05-16-03
Radio Version: 6.18.00
Protocol version: 324e4
MS PPC Version: 4.20.1081 (Build 13100)
4.00.05 is already posted out there
I'm running this upgrade right now, and it smokes compared to the O2 Ozone version. Much more stable, no extraneous crap like Bluetooth settings that just tease us, as they are not there. If you look through the xda dev forum, you will find a link. Also, try's forums, and there is a link there. Have fun, it's better.
Are you sure it is 4.00.05 ENG? Could you please post the link here as I couldn't find it after a search.
same here, i can not find any link on both forums for the 4.00.05 rom, thanks:
what's the point of posting that u have 4.00.05 version and then come back and say that u can't share it out. Just don't post it.
this foruim is all about sharing and devoloping the product and we are the best beta testers so why dont you share with us and we will tell you all about the bugs and bits and tell you what we like.
regards kevin beecher
i think i may have an answer to the 4.00.05 debate - altho eveything else i do seems to confuse.
XDA staff were given the option of installing v4.00.05 at about the same time on one of the boards messages were seen quoting an upgrade to 4.00.05.
The version issued to XDA staff is the operating system. the 4.00.05 upgrade on the boards is the radio stack.
All other operating system upgrades i have seen are 4.00.01.
have you all seen this >> :shock:
ianlake said:
The version issued to XDA staff is the operating system. the 4.00.05 upgrade on the boards is the radio stack.
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No it isn't: we have a ROM which is 4.00.05, and we've also seen 4.00.01, so they both exist, and they're both ROMs, not RSUs.
If you have the Rom 40005, why will you not share, PLEASE.
We all want it.......
go to the Rom Kitchen topic and check jeff's Rom Kitchen web site.
I don't know where he get the 4.00.05 rom, but the Modified WM2003 rom from his web site is 4.00.05.

Windows Mobile 2003 HTTP download 4 ALL (exe)

Hi Guys,
Just to say THANKS to everyone out there, not only the developers but the normal mortals too - who put in effort to help people here.
I have uploaded the Windows mobile 2003 to my site. Its on a super mega link (great words ) I get 1meg a sec+ when i download from it at work !
Cheers Guys
OK it's seems to upgrade the Radio any issues? What if I upgrade the radio to ATT's? Ideas thoughts anyone?
Thanks Ali-Butt
since phone upgrade i have noticed that gprs is a tad faster. 8)
Does it support Sim Tool Kit
Hi Ali,
Does this upgrade have the sim tool kit?
Thanks in advance :?:
isn't this the same version everyone has been using?
I just have to run the executable file right? I don't need an SD Card writer or anything for this download? just my normal connection and activesync? what if the upgrade screws up? can i reload the old ROM image? and where do i get it!
Thanks a lot!
hi from Riyadh
Hello again
well, what i have notice there are more then one version of WM2003
one of them which i downloaded from where i couldn't downgrade using the nornal method and i was force to use SD Card to go back to my previous ROM but the other version which i downloaded from this FTP Server xda/xda works pretty good and i was able to downgrade to XDA-Developers Special ROM version 1.2 with no problems and without using SD Card.
thanks again for sharing
Is it possibile to upgrade to wm2003 thru USB cradle ? My current version for Asian XDA is:
ROM version: 3.14.17 ENG
ROM date: 10/11/02
Radio: 4.17
Protocol: 32S54
Has anyone tried to upgrade an asian XDA (EN version) ? Any problems ?
I upgraded my XDA last night via my USB cradle. I had NO problems at all. Took a little longer than normal :?: But other than that it was fine.
did you use Ali file uploaded on his site ? Is your XDA UK or Asian version ? Which nr ?
no service
Can someone help a newbie out here - I installed the WM2003 no problems and then installed to 4.21.00 radio stack
but now my phone get's no service any ideas? Im in Texas on T-mobile
Please, see this link may be useful for you
brix3 said:
Is it possibile to upgrade to wm2003 thru USB cradle ? My current version for Asian XDA is:
ROM version: 3.14.17 ENG
ROM date: 10/11/02
Radio: 4.17
Protocol: 32S54
Has anyone tried to upgrade an asian XDA (EN version) ? Any problems ?
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I had the same set upwith yours previously. I upgraded to SER 1.2 and WM 2003 after that. I also upgrade my radio stack to 4.21 from O2 UK. But now, I am back with SER 1.2 and Radio stack 4.21. I wish Icould go back to my old Radio Stack 4.17.
With 4.21 Ilost the "G" and signal strength for GPRS.
I hope my experience helps.
Beeheij, why didn't you keep the 4.17 radio version with WM2003 ? Was it not running properly ?
I think it's always dangerous upgrading the radio module with newer version dedicated to other regions (UK)
I want to back to 4.17, but I cannot. Somehow during the process of rolling back I was kicked out.
As for the WM2003, the problem was in the SMS mode. When I picked a phone number, the "+"sign in my contact was not transferred tothe address in the SMS. So each time I wanted to send SMS, I had to correct the phone number.
My Battery Pack was not working. It hung my XDA.
Hope this helps
Has anyone in the US used or done this upgrade? Since it also upgrades the Radio Stack I'm just wondering. If GPRS is getting dropped as stated in other posts it is more that the network drops you or you lose data connection between cells, or the network has a load balance that give placement to voice users over data when bandwidth is needed. Not so much that your radio stack does it.
On the other hand just incase anyone wants to prove me wrong :wink: who in the US has upgraded their radio stack to O2 4.21 and experienced a better performance than AT&T's radio stack (speed stability as staed on their website) :?: This means you probably already had to manually switch the default band 8) first, right? :x
Let me know I love to be wrong :shock: ......I'm only that much smarter than I was yesterday :roll: :lol:
I'm a little confused. I upgraded to XDA v1.2 and my Device Informations are:
ROM Version: 3.17.03
ROM Date: 05/15/03
Radio Version: 6.18.00
Protocal Version: 324e4
How is it that my radio version is so much higher?
i must admit this version of ppc2003 is the dogs danglys compared to the old ozone version
Phoxie_Phreak said:
I'm a little confused. I upgraded to XDA v1.2 and my Device Informations are:
ROM Version: 3.17.03
ROM Date: 05/15/03
Radio Version: 6.18.00
Protocal Version: 324e4
How is it that my radio version is so much higher?
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as far as i know XDA v1.2 will not touch your Radio, it will just replace your old CE ROM with the new one which has lots of cool stuff.

Magician ROM v1.12.00 available in UK

Hi all, don't have a Magician myself, but thought you lot might be interested to know that ROM v1.12.00 is available in the UK here:
I've also uploaded the file to the FTP site (into the Uploads/Magician sub directory -
If anyone who knows how wants to move it to Magician/Shipped_ROMS - feel free!
I've no idea what it fixes or what new features are available, I'll leave it to you to try and maybe someone can then post what the differences are?
in downloading!! thx
thanks clnock!
Im gonna be guinea pig :twisted: im flashing it right now
wish me luck
Nutdhanai said:
thanks clnock!
Im gonna be guinea pig :twisted: im flashing it right now
wish me luck
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Good luck!
Everything is fine.. booted up with 1.12 on the splash screen
I cant find the storage folder tho
but gotta go play footy now.. will update if there are any problems soon.
Is it WWE?
Is also a new radio version installed?
It is WWE version.
Looks like new radio version:
radio.nbf - 5/31/2005
Not sure I'm going to try it yet, but maybe :twisted:
Please report back on the quality of this rom and if you run into any GPRS issues. There are quite a few of us having GPRS connections issues with the 1.11 ROM and I am hoping that the 1.12 with the new radio.nbf fixes it.
please post your feedbacks about this new ROM and thanks in advance
The details are:
Device CE image version: 1.12.00 WWE
ROM date: 5/31/2005
Extended Image version: 1.12.119
Device Radio Version: 1.12.000
I've got my O2 mini upgraded to 1.12.00WWE.
I just want it be patched to Bigstorage..... anyone got any idea pleae!
palmVer said:
I've got my O2 mini upgraded to 1.12.00WWE.
I just want it be patched to Bigstorage..... anyone got any idea pleae!
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Can't you just patch it with mksBigStorager? Or it should be version specific version?
I can confirm it works with mksbigstorager.
It seems pretty zippy so far, I'll let you know the good/bad later.
Great! Thanks for the info!
Someone reported on HoFO that the GPRS reconnection issues are still there with 1.12. :-(
whats new in this release then? no release notes?
Radio sucks, RF is piss-poor. I'm downgrading my radio back to 1.11 or maybe 1.05
jehlinger said:
Radio sucks, RF is piss-poor. I'm downgrading my radio back to 1.11 or maybe 1.05
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Ah,crap.... just finished big storagepatching it.... Let's see, how it will work for me
My RF seems to be fine. BTW, can we just upgrade/downgrade Radio stack without having patch the whole ROM again with big storage? I mean, just run update for radio.nb file
just upgraded my jam and it's a bit faster than before tho i haven't installed all the programs that i use..... sound quality is really good.. and no GPRS problem for me since the GSM compnay fixed their problem here..... and better screen respons
Ext_ROM doesn't have lots of programs just few and the MMS composer is still version and not which comes with the PDA2K......
if anyone wants the ext_rom let me know and i will upload it
cheeeeers and i will post update as i re-install all of my programs back

Installing an OLD ROM onto an IMATE K-JAM

Hello guys.
One of our customers has a K-Jam (wizard) and has the latest ROM installed on it.
We had major compatability issues with ClearView and the customers Emailed PDF files with this ROM (would not show any text). We installed acrobat and fixed the file associations so the PDF documents now work and open fine.
The old ROM date: 9/16/05 radio: 01.01.10 protocol, extROM does not have this issue at all.
The customer is a little against technology, and the problem we have is, if he needs to hard reset the device, he will loose the changes we have made.
We have downloaded the ROM we need to install but the ROM INSTALLER is to OLD and it wont install.
We have tried the Boot Log method to no avail.
Any Suggestions at all?
By new rom i assume you mean aku2 rom
Follow insttructions here to enable downgrade
meschle said:
By new rom i assume you mean aku2 rom
Follow insttructions here to enable downgrade
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:arrow: Cheers, and yes AKU2, will check that forum and post how we go.

want to upgrade my XDA IIi

hy guys.
I have a little favouire
i own a XDA IIi pda, and i would like to upgrade it(if possible), and because i am kinda new in pda stuff, i am little afraid to upgrade it(i dont want to broke it or something). so if anyone can tell me how to do that.
i have readed lots of posts, but not quite shure where to get the right update etc.
in my device information, there are those infos:
ROM version: 1.11.00 WWE
Rom Date:1/27/05
Radio Version:1.02.00
Protocol Version 1337.41
ExtRom version: 1.11.112 WWE
so, can anyone please tell me what to upgrade(if needed) and where to get newest rom?and is there any possibility to get my xda not working after upgrade?
Thanks allot to everyone
regards, george
don bro.....sure got lots of problems......anyway....if u can,plz share with me about ur rom....i'm looking to downgrade it...but cant found any ROM for XDA 2i anymore....thanks
gantlej said:
hy guys.
I have a little favouire
i own a XDA IIi pda, and i would like to upgrade it(if possible), and because i am kinda new in pda stuff, i am little afraid to upgrade it(i dont want to broke it or something). so if anyone can tell me how to do that.
i have readed lots of posts, but not quite shure where to get the right update etc.
in my device information, there are those infos:
ROM version: 1.11.00 WWE
Rom Date:1/27/05
Radio Version:1.02.00
Protocol Version 1337.41
ExtRom version: 1.11.112 WWE
so, can anyone please tell me what to upgrade(if needed) and where to get newest rom?and is there any possibility to get my xda not working after upgrade?
Thanks allot to everyone
regards, george
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Looking at the device info on my Alpine, you are already at the latest versions of ROM/radio.
