Activesync with two accounts - Exchange Server + Outlook - Networking

I've just started using the Outlook Domino connector to enable me to use Outlook to access our Lotus Notes server, and more importantly, sync my Notes inbox, calendar etc with the i-mate without other third-party software (I was previously using mNotes from CommonTime which didn't totally satisfy my needs).
Whilst I'm now thrilled with the Outlook/Notes/i-mate sync scenario, which is working beyond my expectations, I'm a little hesitant to set up my Activesync to Exchange Server Account (from Club i-mate) which I also use for private email because I'm unsure whether this dual server via Activesync scenario will work (and I can't jeopardize my Notes mail / calendar integrity to check).
So, has anybody tried using Activesync to syncronize with their PC's Outlook inbox / calendar etc, PLUS a server sync with Exchange? What happens? Do you just end up with two Inbox items in Activesync? Does all your email etc from all accounts end up in the same PPC inbox (and then both accounts)?
Any first-hand experience would be greatly appreciated.

it is not possible to do both with ActiveSync. If you configure ActiveSync for server sync it no longer synchronizes with Outlook locally.
You can use IMAP or POP3 for your additional accounts, I am using Exchange for my main account and IMAP for other accounts and it works fine.

Okay Softworkz, that's what I was afraid of.
Unfortunately Clubimate don't allow POP (or IMAP) access for member email, so it's one or the other for me then.
Thanks for your comment.

Ooooh interesting - what was up with mNotes? =) Version 3.5 is out soon by the way - and I'm working on some stuff for our new website..

Hi Madkat,
I used mNotes on my original XDA and now my i-mate with great success for ages, until I made the mistake of creating categories for my contacts. Once I happened mis-type a category name and that was when I discovered that I couldn't delete them - at all.
No matter what I did I couldn't stop rogue categories from appearing in the drop-down list. After removing all contacts from the rogue category, and then deleting it on the i-mate (or Notes, it didn't matter), the rogue category would still appear in the drop-down list, and in the add / remove categories sceen as [category name] (not in master category list), or words to that effect. I also played around with the mNotes config app which is installed on the device (which was just about all I could find in the user manual relating to categories), but the manual didn't match what was installed (guess it hadn't been updated for that section), and I wasn't successful.
I actually posted a question on xda-developers about it, but wasn't able to sort it out. I just became frustrated in the end. I'm not sure I'd go back to it now because I'm so impressed with the Outlook Domino Connector and not having to use Notes for my e-mail at work - I hate notes as an email client, especially with all the 'customisations' our IT jerks have done; we don't have rights to do anything - can't even create rules to move mail to other folders based on content anymore. It's a shame they don't upgrade to Notes 6, but there you go.

TBH I hate Notes as a mail client too!! If I didn't have to do any Notes development I'd be using IMAP on the Domino server & Thunderbird on my PC.
I think it is worth mentioning, though, that during your 30-day evaluation you are entitled to full tech support by email and/or phone - bit late now though! D'OH.

i just do not want to open another topic....
i have a pc with win xp and ms outlook... ms outlook is set up with an exchange server for all items (email, calendar, tasks etc)
is it possible to sync, via activesync, my windows mobile device with the content of ms outlook on my pc? the purpose is to have the same calendar, tasks and contacts on my phone WM device also...


Sync with Exchange AND another Outlook?

:?: Does anyone know if it is possible to keep TWO Outlooks in sync with ActiveSync (when one of them is an Exchange server)?
You can keep switching off the sync with exchange to sync with the second outlook calendars but this resets all of the associated sync data (such as modified date etc)...
Any ideas appreciated!
You might want to be a bit more specific...
I currently Sync with Outlook on two PCs and one Exchange Server, here is how I'm configured.
Work PC: Sync- Calendar, Tasks & Notes
Home PC: Sync- Calendar, Tasks, Notes & Contacts
Exc Svr: Sync- Calendar, Tasks, Notes, Contacts & e-mail
This allows me to:
1. Have an offsite back-up of my personal contacts.
2. Have ready access to all personal & business appointments everywhere and have the info backed-up offsite.
3. Have a dedicated e-mail address that only goes to my phone via Push e-mail.
Works great for me.
Exc Srv- Contacts/ Calendar/ EMail/ Tasks
I am trying to connect to another Outlook instance @ work just for the Calendar and Contacts to keep them in sync.
When I select those in ActiveSync (the Work PC) it says that I need to uncheck the connection to the Exchange Server...
Any ideas?
Kyphur, do you have the problem that when you sync with your PC, it tried to reach the exchange server first and takes forever (due to teh fact that GPRS is disabled during activesync). That is the problem I had as well as what zb6673 is saying.
I owudl love to get this worked out becuase I got addicted to push email and also like the idea of an offsite backup
bittermormon said:
Kyphur, do you have the problem that when you sync with your PC, it tried to reach the exchange server first and takes forever (due to teh fact that GPRS is disabled during activesync). That is the problem I had as well as what zb6673 is saying.
I would love to get this worked out becuase I got addicted to push email and also like the idea of an offsite backup
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I am using the T-Mobile US 2.26 OS Rom (AKU 2.3) with ActiveSync 4.2
When I am connected to my PCs, Activesync on my PC connects to the Exchange Server (and the status is displayed in Activesync on my desktop).
I wonder if my problem is that I'm using teh free mail2web. I don't think it allows pc's to connect to it. Thanks for your help, I'll do some more digging (or setup my own exchange server at home )
So you are NOT really connecting to two seperate instances of Outlook (for example you would have both the Calendar for the Exchange Server AND the calendar for the local PC checked in Activesync).
I found a solution in that the PC I want to keep updated I can use Laplink PDAsync...that seems to work...I'll have to see if the autoarchiving from exchange works if the records are not "touched" by PDAsync...
bittermormon said:
I wonder if my problem is that I'm using teh free mail2web. I don't think it allows pc's to connect to it. Thanks for your help, I'll do some more digging (or setup my own exchange server at home )
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I'm using mail2web free account also. It won't allow MS Outlook to connect but an Activesync connection is an Activesync connection...
well I gave mail2web another go today. It worked perfectly until I unplugged my phone. The next time (and every time since then) Activesync on the PC hangs while "looking for changes" after it finally times out, I can sync by clicking teh sync button on my MDA. The pc keeps saying "connected - synchronzation error"
So its working, but its a pain waiting for the PC to time out everytime I need to sync.
wella s soon as I typed that it started working correctly, then hung the next time. :roll: oh well.
I used to skip all PUSH related posts because before i didn't have a data plan. Now that i do i'm trying to get it to work.
I set up an account with mail2web, put the settings on my phone and i'm getting an error saying The server cannot be reached in activesync on my PC.
I noticed it won't let me sync my outlook emails (two hotmail accounts and one gmail account) AND the mail2web exchange server. It's either one or the other. I'd like to have access to both, or is this not possible.
I gave emoze a shot but didn't like how it'd wait for outlook to sync then push those emails. If anyone can point me in the right direction as to where to get started and what to do that'd be great!
I have a question in the same vein.
I have recently been given access to an Exchange account on my work server.
I would like to be able to sync all of my accounts together. (Outlook at work> outlook at home> mobile outlook.) Mainly I just want the contacts and calendar functions.
The dilemma I am facing is that when I try to sync outlook with my laptop, it tries to find the exchange server (which for the life of me I can not connect to with my laptop). Is there any way to bypass this?
kyphur said:
You might want to be a bit more specific...
I currently Sync with Outlook on two PCs and one Exchange Server, here is how I'm configured.
Work PC: Sync- Calendar, Tasks & Notes
Home PC: Sync- Calendar, Tasks, Notes & Contacts
Exc Svr: Sync- Calendat, Tasks, Notes, Contacts & e-mail
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kyphur: How do you do this. Using ActiveSync 4.2 when you have the exchange server defined (for contacts) if you try to pick contacts on your home or work sessions it says you can't do that while exchange is defined for contacts.
What I want to do is similar to what you are doing so I would love a solution. I have exchange 2003 at home so my home outlook is already sync'ed with exchange. What I want is my outlook pst at WORK to get its contacts from the PDA. The only way I can do it now, is remove Exchange contacts, turn on WORK contacts with the PDA have it sync and copy over; then take OFF WORK contacts and put back Exchange contacts, which is a crappy process to have to keep doing when there are changes.
JamesManios said:
kyphur: How do you do this. Using ActiveSync 4.2 when you have the exchange server defined (for contacts) if you try to pick contacts on your home or work sessions it says you can't do that while exchange is defined for contacts.
What I want to do is similar to what you are doing so I would love a solution. I have exchange 2003 at home so my home outlook is already sync'ed with exchange. What I want is my outlook pst at WORK to get its contacts from the PDA. The only way I can do it now, is remove Exchange contacts, turn on WORK contacts with the PDA have it sync and copy over; then take OFF WORK contacts and put back Exchange contacts, which is a crappy process to have to keep doing when there are changes.
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Maybe the saving grace for me is that I always configure the Exchange Server after I have the two PCs configured to Sync.
I am currently using ActiveSync 4.5 Beta but I have been doing this since AS 4.0.
kyphur said:
Maybe the saving grace for me is that I always configure the Exchange Server after I have the two PCs configured to Sync.
I am currently using ActiveSync 4.5 Beta but I have been doing this since AS 4.0.
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Thanks for replying...
Unfortunately its not working for me. I removed all the sessions, re-added Work and Home with contacts syncing... then added the exchange server and it will not allow me to pick Contacts for syncing with the following error...
"You cannot sycnhronize contacts with Exchange Server because it is already synchronizing with Work PC. To synchronize contacts with Exchange Server, clear the contacts check box for Work PC, and try again."
Did you possibly have to change some registry/etc on the PPC to get it to allow this? Are you running something like AKU 3.2 that maybe allows this type of syncing?
I am also using ActiveSync 4.5Beta but it looks like its a problem more on the PDA then on the desktop.
I had the same problem.
I've found a solution in the newsgroup microsoft.public.pocketpc.activesync.
Here is the link:
My prerequisites:
* MDA Pro ROM-Version: 1.30.113 GER
* Two PC's with XP SP2, Outlook 2003 connected to two different Exchange 2003 Servers.
* ActiveSync 4.2.0 (Build 4876)
1.Change the following registry entry on the PocketPC
EnableNonLocalCrossPollination=1 (DWORD)
2.Soft reset the PocketPC.
3.Change the options (appointments, contacts, tasks, ...) in ActiveSync on the PocketPC. Note: It is only possible on the PocktePC!
4.Connect the PocketPC to the PC and you're done.
Hope this helps.
UMH said:
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FREAKING BRILLIANT! This worked perfectly!
Thank you very much UMH. We should probably add this to the WIKI or something cause this is extremely useful/helpful info.

Syncing With Multiple Sources??

Looking for some advise and hopefully some useful suggestions... have spent hours searching forums, google, M$, etc, etc....
The story begins....
Recently upgraded from my XDA IIi to the shiny XDA trion (HERMES) - moved to WM6 and had to upgrade to ActiveSync (AS) 4.5.
All fine and dandy to here.... (and most excellent I must add!)
Now - I have two PCs - home and work. Both locations have their own exchange server. (Work Exchange and Home Exchange)
Email - I sync via the exchange server at work and has no problems from either location connecting via AS 4.5 to the exchange server for the mail. (I am only interested in getting my work emails on the device).
Calandar and Contacts - I used to be able to sync both PCs to the XDA IIi via AS 4.1 meaning that if I ever added a calandar entry while at home, it would update the phone and when I next connected to my work PC, it would then place it there. (And Visa Versa). This also worked for my contacts, notes, tasks, etc. Consequently, I was able to know that I had the most up to date contacts, calander entries, etc on the phone, as well as on both PCs when I next connected the phone to them. So it didn't matter at which location I was sitting - I would be up to date and not miss appointments...
However, AS 4.5 helpfully tells me that I am already syncing my calandar / contacts / whatever somewhere else and must deselect this first (and remove all of the data) before it would allow me to connect with a different source. Rather frustrating.
Now, I don't know if there is an easier way to achieve the results I am looking for (can I point my home exchange server at the work one and have them sync and then I just sync to the one?) or if I am just making things difficult for myself..?? Surely I am on the only person out there who may like to keep to calandars across different PCs in sync? (I also don't want to use an internet based webservice like googlecalandar, etc).
Any ideas / suggestions / advise / hacks on how I can get it back to how I could work previously?
Okay, let me try to help. You don't have to deselect any of the Exchange items. Just select the items on the local desktop that you will be syncing. When you sync at home, you will see exchange items grouped being synced and a 2nd group on your desktop also being synced. Going into AS on the device will provide a last sync status for exchange and any partnerships you have.
Here is my setup:
I sync Email, Calendar, and Contacts via Exchange Server at work (this is done wirelessly).
I sync Tasks through a 3rd party app and notes at work on my desktop (this is a partnership in AS 4.5)
I sync calendar, contacts, quicken, etc... at home (partnership in AS4.5)
You'll notice that my device is syncing contacts and calendar between exchange and my home PC when it's connected and any changes on the device, exchange are mirrored immediately and at home when I sync it. Actually when I sync it at home I think it winds up being slow sometimes because it's by default syncing with the home desktop as well as pushing that info back to the exchange server at work.
Now, as to syncing with 2 exchanges - you'll probably have to choose one and then sync the other via a partnership. Not sure you can set up 2 servers.
Hope that helps.

Exchange ActiveSync Not Synching Folders

I have been using Exchange Activesync on my 8525 since I first received it. Until now, I have been fine with just checking emails in my inbox. But due to some new responsibilities at work I am receiving entirely too many emails to keep in the inbox.
I have set up filters in Outlook so that they will go to their specified folder. The devices shows the folders listed in messaging, however no emails go into them (nor do they come to the inbox).
I am using Exchange Server 2003 SP2. Is there anything I can do for this?
I know what you mean, I have the same issue... You do know you can search the Exchange Server from your phone though, right? The results that are returned, I believe, include all folders inside your mailbox. Helps if your looking for a specific email, etc...
In Pocket Outlook choose Menu->Tools->Manage Folders
And choose folders you want to synchronize.
Just as simple as that
XrM said:
In Pocket Outlook choose Menu->Tools->Manage Folders
And choose folders you want to synchronize.
Just as simple as that
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Works great. Thanks a lot.
Mail2web calendar and desktop oulook calendar
After signing up with mail2web live version my active sync has two accounts. The outlook account I familiar with and the exchange server account via
Is it possilbe to sync my desktop calendar under activesync with the exchange server calendar? Any pointing to help, threads or pdf manuals would be greatly appreciated.
If you activated both calendars to sync-they'll be combinded.
activate calendars?
That refreshing, I haven't come across those key words. How do I activate both calendars? Not finding anything, easily, in help or microsoft forums

ActiveSync for private, Exchange for business

Hi all
I have a personal smartphone (WM 6.5) I use mainly for private things. But I am allowed to use it for business purposes as well and I can connect to my business exchange server.
Now the question is how to do it the correct way.
At home, I sync with my Outlook using Activesync.
For business, I can connect straight to exchange or I can use IMAP.
I don't want to sync contacts, appointments and tasks to the main database of my smartphone. I just want to have another account for my business e-mails as I have if I add an additonal POP or IMAP account.
Is it possible to have an additional account on my smartphone that sycs directly with exchange but doesn't interfere with my private account? If so, how do I activate it?
Thank you for your ideas!
In activesync you can "add server" to configure the exchange server of your work.
the only problem is that with activesync you can only sync 1 email account. so either the one for your work or the one for home.
best is to set up active sync for the account where you also sync contacts, task, calendar,...
the other one you can add an email account. there you can schedule the frequency of send/receive.
+1 for adding your work account as an IMAP email account from the Messaging application.
Emails, contacts, calendar, tasks are stored in a specific file (pim.vol).
Your WM device can only use one pim.vol (at a time).
Activesync, by default, will sync only with one Exchange server source (tasks, contacts, calendar, email, ...).
But, you still can synchronize a Windows Mobile 6 device with multiple Exchange mailboxes. In order to do so, you will need to edit some reg keys...
Microsoft introduced this as "non local cross pollination" (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync\EnableNonLocalCrossPollination)
It will allow you to synchronize your device with more than one Exchange server or ActiveSync source (office, home, ...).
For more info, you can refer to
Hope it helps.

[APP][DEV] 'Syncing' to multiple Exchange Accounts

I have seen several posts over the years from people looking to sync multiple Exchange mailboxes/calendars to their WM phones. The official word from Microsoft is, of course, you can't do that, and it is for security purposes. To date, I haven't seen a way to accomplish this, other than to have IMAP or POP3 and use the second exchange account in this way.
The paradox for Microsoft is which domain 'owns' the device. If you sync to two different servers, and one issues the remote reset command, the phone will hard reset, losing the data from the other server. Also, if there are policies in place for one domain, and you sync to a second, which set of policies supercedes the other.
I am probably one of the few people ( although it's probably not that rare consider many users here are developers ) who runs their own exchange server at home. I have my phone synced to my home Exchange server which houses all of my email, contacts, calendar apps, ect. The company I work for also uses exchange and opens the ability to sync via ActiveSync, but denies IMAP and POP3 access. I always wanted a way to get just my calendare from work so that when I am in the game room, or outside, or helping a co-worker, I didn't forget about the meetings scheduled at work.
Ok, with that background, here is the true purpose of the post. I have written a small app that uses WebDAV (same thing the Outlook web access uses) to query the Exchange server at work and return the all of the appointments on my calendar in XML format. This app then parses the XML, and sends regular emails with the calendar invites to my home Exchange server, and of course my phone. Once I log in and accept them, they show up on my phone, my home Outlook, and my Outlook at work. The strategy could easily be applied to email, as the WebDAV query i've created need only be tweaked to return the email in additional to the calendar appointments. The device retains no relationship with the exchange server from which the email and calendar settings come, so there is no question of domain ownership
What I would like to know from the community, is there still a need for this app? Right now many of the configurable items are hardcoded to my server settings, mainly because it started as a POC, and it is in a C# Console Application. It could easily be modified to run on the .NET 3.5 CF, with all of the important info as configurable options, and distrubuted.
Would anyone be interested in this?
bryancruise said:
I have seen several posts over the years from people looking to sync multiple Exchange mailboxes/calendars to their WM phones. The official word from Microsoft is, of course, you can't do that, and it is for security purposes. To date, I haven't seen a way to accomplish this, other than to have IMAP or POP3 and use the second exchange account in this way.
The paradox for Microsoft is which domain 'owns' the device. If you sync to two different servers, and one issues the remote reset command, the phone will hard reset, losing the data from the other server. Also, if there are policies in place for one domain, and you sync to a second, which set of policies supercedes the other.
I am probably one of the few people ( although it's probably not that rare consider many users here are developers ) who runs their own exchange server at home. I have my phone synced to my home Exchange server which houses all of my email, contacts, calendar apps, ect. The company I work for also uses exchange and opens the ability to sync via ActiveSync, but denies IMAP and POP3 access. I always wanted a way to get just my calendare from work so that when I am in the game room, or outside, or helping a co-worker, I didn't forget about the meetings scheduled at work.
Ok, with that background, here is the true purpose of the post. I have written a small app that uses WebDAV (same thing the Outlook web access uses) to query the Exchange server at work and return the all of the appointments on my calendar in XML format. This app then parses the XML, and sends regular emails with the calendar invites to my home Exchange server, and of course my phone. Once I log in and accept them, they show up on my phone, my home Outlook, and my Outlook at work. The strategy could easily be applied to email, as the WebDAV query i've created need only be tweaked to return the email in additional to the calendar appointments. The device retains no relationship with the exchange server from which the email and calendar settings come, so there is no question of domain ownership
What I would like to know from the community, is there still a need for this app? Right now many of the configurable items are hardcoded to my server settings, mainly because it started as a POC, and it is in a C# Console Application. It could easily be modified to run on the .NET 3.5 CF, with all of the important info as configurable options, and distrubuted.
Would anyone be interested in this?
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Ive been after an app like this for ages - I went for a google synch approach with my work exchange and then pulling my work calendar to google and then to my home exchange account on my mobile - problem with this was i regularily got duplicates! I have since sacrificed having my home and work calendar synch and just have my work email being polled by imap. The key for me is i dont want all my home contacts and calendar appointments synched with my work email - would just like to pull my work calendar every know and again and ensure i dont have duplicates - would this work in this way enabling an adhoc pull on the work calendar without creating duplicates and sending personal appointments to my work calendar?
Fantastic, would love to see this developed. Would pay for this app.
Ive been after an app like this for ages - I went for a google synch approach with my work exchange and then pulling my work calendar to google and then to my home exchange account on my mobile - problem with this was i regularily got duplicates! I have since sacrificed having my home and work calendar synch and just have my work email being polled by imap. The key for me is i dont want all my home contacts and calendar appointments synched with my work email - would just like to pull my work calendar every know and again and ensure i dont have duplicates - would this work in this way enabling an adhoc pull on the work calendar without creating duplicates and sending personal appointments to my work calendar?
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This app checks for duplicates by using the subject. The only testing I've done is on my own calendar and such, but I have found no issues with duplicates. Introducing this app to a wider audience should point out any issues right away.
Based on the limited amount of feedback I've received, I think I will work it into a windows mobile application for mass consumption. I will keep this thread updated with the progress. Any additional features anyone can think of are appreciated.
that would be fantastic i will definately testing it out. another great feature would be to enable it to synch with google calendars as well while checking duplicates with the exchange calendar - all the onew i have trie have failed on the duplicates side! will monitor this thread and check when an app is available
that would be fantastic i will definately testing it out. another great feature would be to enable it to synch with google calendars as well while checking duplicates with the exchange calendar - all the onew i have trie have failed on the duplicates side! will monitor this thread and check when an app is available
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I would be interested, but more for pushing of emails from my google app, rather than calendar/contacts, to my mobile phone.
I would LOVE getting my calendars and contacts synched between my work exchange and personal exchange
zenkinz said:
I would be interested, but more for pushing of emails from my google app, rather than calendar/contacts, to my mobile phone.
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zenkinz you can do this now by getting google mail to autoforward all emails to your exchange account - thats what i do now and it works like a treat
I would not only love an application like this but maybe one that allows the use of Intellisync along with Activesync to allow them both to work cohesively. Since Novell and Microsoft do not play well together I cannot use my hotmail to work with my activesync the same way.
Hey guys, i don't know if this works for everyone but i saw this post ages ago that allows a quick registry edit to allow activesync 4.x to sync over multiple servers.
Currently i sync my exchange server calendar and contacts with google calendar.
The link on google groups is
I have a polaris running a wm6.1 build. and this seems to work really well. I hope this helps someone!
Fergus278 said:
Hey guys, i don't know if this works for everyone but i saw this post ages ago that allows a quick registry edit to allow activesync 4.x to sync over multiple servers.
Currently i sync my exchange server calendar and contacts with google calendar.
The link on google groups is
I have a polaris running a wm6.1 build. and this seems to work really well. I hope this helps someone!
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At first blush, the link suggested syncing with one exchange connected pc, and one push-enabled server. While close, I do not believe this is the same functionality my app will provide. Did I miss something?
would love it.
i own a consulting company and have two email addresses. my personal and a "support" mailbox. would be nice to see that support box without using oma or even worse OWA on vga screen. ugh.
this app is definitely. needed.
thanks for the effort.
Excellent !
Works like a charm for several pop3 accounts.
I too have my own Exchange server at home, and several other Exchange accounts at work- each on different domains. This would be a great thing for me, and one I would pay for.
I am currently running Exchange 2007 on my home domain, Exchange 2010 for one account at work, and Exchange 2003 for another. If this works on all 3 "flavours" I would be stoked.
bryancruise said:
I have seen several posts over the years from people looking to sync multiple Exchange mailboxes/calendars to their WM phones. The official word from Microsoft is, of course, you can't do that, and it is for security purposes. To date, I haven't seen a way to accomplish this, other than to have IMAP or POP3 and use the second exchange account in this way.
The paradox for Microsoft is which domain 'owns' the device. If you sync to two different servers, and one issues the remote reset command, the phone will hard reset, losing the data from the other server. Also, if there are policies in place for one domain, and you sync to a second, which set of policies supercedes the other.
I am probably one of the few people ( although it's probably not that rare consider many users here are developers ) who runs their own exchange server at home. I have my phone synced to my home Exchange server which houses all of my email, contacts, calendar apps, ect. The company I work for also uses exchange and opens the ability to sync via ActiveSync, but denies IMAP and POP3 access. I always wanted a way to get just my calendare from work so that when I am in the game room, or outside, or helping a co-worker, I didn't forget about the meetings scheduled at work.
Ok, with that background, here is the true purpose of the post. I have written a small app that uses WebDAV (same thing the Outlook web access uses) to query the Exchange server at work and return the all of the appointments on my calendar in XML format. This app then parses the XML, and sends regular emails with the calendar invites to my home Exchange server, and of course my phone. Once I log in and accept them, they show up on my phone, my home Outlook, and my Outlook at work. The strategy could easily be applied to email, as the WebDAV query i've created need only be tweaked to return the email in additional to the calendar appointments. The device retains no relationship with the exchange server from which the email and calendar settings come, so there is no question of domain ownership
What I would like to know from the community, is there still a need for this app? Right now many of the configurable items are hardcoded to my server settings, mainly because it started as a POC, and it is in a C# Console Application. It could easily be modified to run on the .NET 3.5 CF, with all of the important info as configurable options, and distrubuted.
Would anyone be interested in this?
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This could even be made into a PC application, and I would be happy. Let me know if you need any help in testing or coding.
bryancruise said:
At first blush, the link suggested syncing with one exchange connected pc, and one push-enabled server. While close, I do not believe this is the same functionality my app will provide. Did I miss something?
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Well just to confirm, i sync with my works exchange server and google sync which as far as i know uses Exchange ActiveSync® protocol. To this extent i am effectively syncing with two exchange servers.
I do not sync my phone with any pc, so this registry mod does do what i think you describe. I suggest you try this regsitry mod and see if it does what you ask.
regardless i hope it helps!
ButtonBoy said:
I too have my own Exchange server at home, and several other Exchange accounts at work- each on different domains. This would be a great thing for me, and one I would pay for.
I am currently running Exchange 2007 on my home domain, Exchange 2010 for one account at work, and Exchange 2003 for another. If this works on all 3 "flavours" I would be stoked.
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I am not sure about Exchange 2010, but I know that my app (in it's current form) relies on WebDAV, which makes it work with Exchange 2000, 2003, and 2007. I don't have an Exchange 2010 test environment at the moment, but will stand one up if demand were to increase. Once it goes RTM I will definately use it and this app will be compatible. Again, as long as they leave WebDAV support in, and don't break the interface, this app will already work with it.
Fergus278 said:
Well just to confirm, i sync with my works exchange server and google sync which as far as i know uses Exchange ActiveSync® protocol. To this extent i am effectively syncing with two exchange servers.
I do not sync my phone with any pc, so this registry mod does do what i think you describe. I suggest you try this regsitry mod and see if it does what you ask.
regardless i hope it helps!
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Thanks, I will definately look into this.
Just as a general update on progress, I began digging into the true dirt of the conversion today and ran into several issues. First being that the System.Net.Mail namespace isn't in the compact framework, and since that is functionality in the .net System.dll, it can't be exported for use with CF. I found however that the same functionality exists in the Microsoft.Mobile.PocketOutlook namespace, so that was easy to overcome. I ran into some issues during testing (my exchange server went down overnight so i couldn't test at all (btw, it going down had nothing to do with this app )). The WebDAV query works, but since I am returning such a large dataset, it takes quite a while over EDGE (TMobile 3G is slated for Louisville in a few weeks!!!). Otherwise, the port is moving right along and hope to have an alpha version posted in the coming days.
BTW, does anyone out there have a good name for this app. In a lapse of creativity, I named it InfoSync, but I think that is too generic. Suggestions?

