****ING ****ING FAX!! NOT to do :´( - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

well... it´s imposible..I can´t use FAX in XDAII. kse true fax demo 2.06 not work!
i´ve got a fax number added to my phone number..but ! don´t receive fax.. JODER!! CAGON TO!! <-- BAD WORDS IN SPANISH :lol:
please a soluttion.. don´t mind to pay..but i need fax in my pretty and fantastic xDaII
send answ2er to me --->> [email protected] ref:XDA FAX soluttion
si algun español lee esto..
`pasadme la solucion tios...o al menos decidme si os funciona!


Hey hey... been waiting for that fax software for ages... sold my XDA 1 just because it cant operate fax... now I have XDA II and still cant fax... AAArrrrggghhhhh..... :evil: :evil:

jubey, i think me, the moderators and most of the forums would appreciate it if you didnt use foul language on these forums..these are profesional forums and may even have children looking at this site, could you please not swear....

Amen aikon359! This kind of foul language has no place in forums of this kind. I understand frustration and anger - been there, done that! Subjecting all of us to this kind of tirade is inexcusable and I believe the moderator(s) should yank postings like this immediately.

Here Here.
And i thought that this was a forum that I would recommend to my grandma! Not anymore!
That lovely suggestion has just been thrown into the dustbin of history.
We have hope for some intelligent life forms yet!

Come on Moderators!

check this, it is a fax-software , they mention the xda2, so give it a try...
PS: I also support profesionalism, it does not encourage anybody to answer

thank xank --
every body only said that my bad words by they don´t apport any soluttion.-.. i ll prove your soluttion
thanks again

Jubey, you do NOT deserve any help or solution to your problem, you are disrespectful and foul mouthed.

Blue button
Doesn't this PHP Forum engine have a "Blue button" option?
Clicking it sends a message to the moderators, alerting them about offencive posts...
Would be great in this situation...

ok guys calm down i know he swore in the forum give the guy a chance if he does it again fine ban him but until then try and help the guy with the problem after all we all make mistakes

I feel like the original poster too....regarding the Faxing problem on the XDA2....can someone please offer a solution....and the ability to send excel faxes not just word documents.

mikeh said:
I feel like the original poster too....regarding the Faxing problem on the XDA2....can someone please offer a solution....and the ability to send excel faxes not just word documents.
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Hi Mike,
a few days ago there was this post - http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=8515
I just took the KSE-Truefax CAB-File from the new BETA-Rom (is it legal ?) and installed it. It works very fine, sending and receiving.
So may be this is the solution You are looking for.
So long


Window 2003 SE on XDA II (Flash ROM Help needed in Belgium)

is there anyone somewhere, that have already found a way to install windows 2003 SE on XDA II ?
I have actually windows 2003
Thank you
Post edited 12/01/05
Actually I found the page (talking about win2003 SE) also found the 17MB file needed.
I did start the ROM Flashing process, but I get a country code error
I did read about code error and editing the ROM using tools (provided in this forum)
But let me tell you : for me it's like Chinese. I can't manage to do it.
Is there a nice guy in Belgium, willing to help me? I can drive anywhere, to get HELP :-(
So I wait for a Nice Belgium guy to answer
Thanks guys
OH...MY...GOD!!! :shock:
Is it possible?!!?!
Do a simple search!
There's about half a dusin threads and links and files with WM2003SE for the XDA II out there!!!
did not find anything ?
thanks bonzo but I did not find anything ?
I mean I did not find a person who say "yes it's possible"
is there any clear answer ?
Can someone come here and tell me "Can I" or "I can not"
thank you
yes you can
I might have been a bit hard..
It was early in the morning..
I should not have been that mean..
Thoug I get very irritated when people post without searching..
I personally feel that when that many users report their good/bad experiences with the WM2003SE on their XDA2; it should prove that it tis possible..
But you might very well be correct; there might not be a single straight "Yes"..
Why are you so nice all the time?
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Added bold tags to "@Rudegar:"
Re: I might have been a bit hard..
Bonzo said:
Why are you so nice all the time?
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Added bold tags to "@Rudegar:"
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because he is a 'Jedi'
donno maybe i fell in the prozak pot as a child
I need someone to Help me in Belgium
Someone I can talk to ( LIVE ) so I can ask questions
Because It's like Chine for me
Thank you so much
I live in Antwerp and I could give it a try, but I'm not always available.
and french isn't my native language.
You can talk/mail to me thru Msn. let me know when and where.
forget everything and read this..... you dont need no help after reading this i assume you might start giving help after reading this.
i was dumb at country code error too but after reading this i dont need any help for country code
ok all done
ok VERRY WELL? I deed it
If fact you guys were right, if you read read read and re read, after some time you understand.
Take me from 5PM yesterday till 1AM this morning.
But now I have a great XDA II, with WIN2003 SE with a nice O2 EXT ROM and some nice prog like INTELLIPAD and INTELLIDIALER
Thanks to all of you for the great job over here.
told yeah

Sending 2 text messages each time.

I have the I-mate Jam.
I got this problem when sending text messages.
Each time I send one the message : Message send.
comes in my screen twice.
First I tought it was just a second warning but then my friends told me they got 2 messages each time with the same content.
And yes I get billed twice aswel :-(
I didn't try to hard-reset my I-mate yet couse I wasn't sure if this was just a technical problem or a setting in the messaging system.
Do you guys have had any probleems that looks simalair like this one?
or have any idea on how to fix it?
This has been discussed already in another thread.
Hi Nikster
check this thread hope u will find the answer :wink:
zerimar said:
This has been discussed already in another thread.
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I really do worry about you...
zerimar said:
This has been discussed already in another thread.
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I really do worry about you...
Is it not a general rule that before posting one should;
1. read the Stickies
2. browse through
3. search
In fact here's a nice link for everyone which I believe it was initially posted by "nonentity" http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting.php
Some people are just so dumb lazy and don't bother to do any of the above.
Why not just stay out of the post.... instead of replying with foolishness.
Just makes you look like you got your head up your arse..
It's the guys who post stupidly who have their heads up their asses.
Infact I did use the search function but didn't found what I was looking for.
But thanks anyway.
I have pocket plus installed so think it is solved now.
Thank you Zerimar you really know how to help people you should work at a helpdesk :wink:
I know I sounded harsh but my point is that by doing some search with the proper words (i.e. sms sent twice, or sms sent 2 times) for sure you will easily find your answers:
Just to prove to you guys, I just now did a search using the parameters mentioned and found over 15 posts in a couple of minutes. In the third link, which is from Oct 2005 "elyl" already mentioned that this same question was already posted.

Is it just me or.... am I a numb nuts? Screensaver problem

does anyone else have a T-Mobile MDA Vario that always goes into screen saver mode (i.e. not turning off when on power but flicking to the password screen) is 'normal'. It is annoying at the best of times; when using SatNav it almost makes you want to throw the [email protected]*&dy thing out of the window!
SatNav (i.e. Tom Tom v5.21 with a TomTom BT reveiver) still works fine 'behind the scenes' as the voice commands still activate, but the map screen is covered by the standby/password screen.
This happened before I tried to update with the latest 2.26 ROM pack (Molski's fine effort that somehow did not change everything I thought it would!) and it is still happening. When on battery, it goes into this standby mode, when on power in the car (I have a bespoke car cradle) or in the study (again I have a bespoke cradle connected to my pc) it goes into standby. When it had the original 1.67 ROM that it shipped with a few months ago, it did not do this, when I upgraded to the 2.25 (and now 2.26) ROMs, it started to happen - and I'm stuck!
Any fixes or (clean) advice for this newbie would be most welcome.
Merry Christmas!
Please use a proper post title!
vijay555 said:
Please use a proper post title!
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HAHAHAHA. Good one
holy sh!t thats funny
Response to... 'Screensaver problem'
I did not, repeat not, use the term 'dumb nuts' in my post! I am not sure who added that for me- perhaps a moderator or 'helpful' person who really knows his/her way around the site (unlike me).
I am a UK citizen and we tend not to use fairly obscure usa slang. also, there is nothing dumb about my 'nuts' thanks!
I was looking for help, understanding and a place to find like minded Wizard users. I had what I considered a legitimate question to ask and asked it in amanner that might strike a chord with others who have come across the same issue. From the responses I got, it seems like I came to the wrong place?
Take the rise out of me if you wish, but I spent a long time searching for the answer to this before I posted as I really wanted to know the answer - if there was one. To be 'ridiculed' in such a manner is neither helpful nor, if I may say so, shows the user(s) in a good light.
My mistake could have been pointed out in a more thoughtful and constructive manner; instead of a negative and insulting manner. But we all live and learn.
Prof Al said:
I did not, repeat not, use the term 'dumb nuts' in my post! I am not sure who added that for me- perhaps a moderator or 'helpful' person who really knows his/her way around the site (unlike me).
I am a UK citizen and we tend not to use fairly obscure usa slang. also, there is nothing dumb about my 'nuts' thanks!
I was looking for help, understanding and a place to find like minded Wizard users. I had what I considered a legitimate question to ask and asked it in amanner that might strike a chord with others who have come across the same issue. From the responses I got, it seems like I came to the wrong place?
Take the rise out of me if you wish, but I spent a long time searching for the answer to this before I posted as I really wanted to know the answer - if there was one. To be 'ridiculed' in such a manner is neither helpful nor, if I may say so, shows the user(s) in a good light.
My mistake could have been pointed out in a more thoughtful and constructive manner; instead of a negative and insulting manner. But we all live and learn.
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No one changed your original post.. if a mod changed your title or anything about your post you would see in very small letters at the bottom of your post "message edited by:" to serve an example i will edit my post here so that you can see the message at the bottom of the post i am talking about..
Shogun Mark, thanks for the infomation, I do not know how these words were added, but they were not by me! Oh well, off to trawl through the reams of info to find what I am looking for. Happy New Year!
Prof Al said:
Shogun Mark, thanks for the infomation, I do not know how these words were added, but they were not by me! Oh well, off to trawl through the reams of info to find what I am looking for. Happy New Year!
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i think i have a solution to your problem.. change the amount of time it takes for your password screen to come on... however i think the best solution would be to disable it entirely when you want to use your app, but i dont think there anything out there that will do this.

Call Waiting

Hi Friends
I have a problem with my athena
i can't get the call waiting alert!!!
it mean, when i call to someone and he is talking with otherone and i am waiting on the line, i can't underestand!!
in other phone can, and a alert show waiting... but with athena i can't see anything
sorry for my very bad english
i want to know when my friend is talking with phone!
for example you are talking with you phone, and i call you
then i must waiting until your call end
in other phone a messege show like: your are waiting
but i can't see any thing like this in athena!!
my english is bad, i hope you can underestand my problem
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i test it on one network with Nokia N90, Nokia N93, Nokia 7710 and HTC Advantage
but only N90 and N93 show waiting and for 7710 and athena now happen any thing!!!
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PBaz said:
I think you guys must be confused...
In my case, when i call someone that is on a call with call waiting activated on my HTC Touch doesn't "say" anything. On my old Nokia it "says" Waiting.
Another think i noticed is when i receive a diverted call on the old phone says "diverted call" and then put a simbol before the number. On my new phone no information about it is displayed.
I know this happens with HTC's... don't know about other brands...
Can anyone know if there is any app that can make the phone "smarter" in this case?
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I think if we can get AT Command or anything like that in PPC can find the main code of alert and write a programe to show the messege for call waiting
how to do it? is any programmer here to know this?
tanX and so so sorry for my BAD English
no answer?
it is very important for me
please help(
Any News? I'm using HTC Diamond! And have a same problem
No news?
This is why you have not rec'd an answer...
The reason why this thread will not get answered is because there is a very valid campaign to reduce the number of threads in this forum, especially the ones that have nothing to do with Developing & Hacking or with new developed software.
Too many threads on here makes searching for something specific really difficult. Also there are plenty of people out there who can't be bothered to search and treat this forum as some kind of unpaid Q&A resource.
If you had taken the time to read first you would have found this thread to post your question in...http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=398571.
Try again and see how you get on.

Japanese on Imagio

Does anybody know how I can get my phone to view/write in Japanese? There's no option in my regional settings and a friend told me to come here. Any help would be awesome, thanks!
My suggestion would be to look into HTC or Verizon (or perhaps your carrier) for a Japanese ROM.
Needless to say once the Imagio ROM cooking gets going you're bound to find more information.
P.S Welcome to the forums, please make sure you've read the Forum Rules and you're pretty much guaranteed to enjoy your stay here.
I've already checked with HTC and after not understanding my question several times, I think they finally got it and they don't have anything. So I was hoping someone knew where a crack or something was. Not being able to read Japanese isn't going to help me on a global phone I bought to take to Japan.
Thanks though. If anyone else has info or suggestions, I'd appreciate them.
CE-Star is made by Chinese company, but it works for the Japanese language.
Please google for the CE-Star, you can get information.
A very nice person is providing the software
My review: For using the CE-Star, we can write/read in IE, Opera, Outlook, but it does not work for any text message.
