New xda 2 - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hey all, im a newbie here and have just got my xda 2 on o2,
now iv read in the user manual it says when setting up for the first time it asks for corporate set up or personal ?
which is the best one to go for ?
and what are the main differences between the two ?
also its says that if the phone battery dies all the software that is not standard will be lost ? :x
any way around this ?
oh yea and one more there a room on irc dedicated to the xda ?
hope you guys can help

Welcome to the wonderful world of the XDA2!
When I first bought mine in November I asked the same question and didn't get a single answer. I still don't really know what the answer is, but I've tried both options after a hard reset and I don't think it makes any difference, although like I say, nobody has told me for sure.
Choose personal setup, I would say. Corporate is probably for IT managers who are doing something special with a fleet of XDA2s for their company.
On the XDA2 the battery (and backup) are required to maintain the contents of the system memory - all of your day-to-day usage, installed programs, files and info is stored in volatile memory, i.e. it needs battery power to maintain the contents. If the batteries both go completely flat your machine will reset completely, and when you charge it, it'll be like a brand new machine again.
This is one major weakness of the XDA2-type machines, and is done this way to maximise battery life while the phone is in use, I think. In practise it means you'll need to charge up your XDA2 at least once every two days or so in average use. It's also a very good reason to keep your files and contents regularly backed up onto a PC.
Dunno about the IRC thing.
Hope this all helps.

cheerz ben, as uv prolly noticed i also got no answer :shock:
but i went ahead n did it as personal user neways i think il learn more if i jus mess about with the fone, same way i did with my amstrad way back when, never broke that so lets hope i dnt break this..
after a long hard search on dalnet/efnet/n every other *net. only found a few sites, a few good ones there for help.
doesnt seem to be much dare i say "w a r e z" floating about for this fone, dnt knw whether this is good or bad, but seem to be able to find alot for other types of fones... one thing i did find was the nokia 6600 has ALOT of software available that can do absoloutly almost anything, frm putting in ur call plan and it working out ur fone bill for u before u get it frm ur service provider, to using it as remote control for ur tv!
lets hope the xda 2 can offer alot more(and easily available) user target programs such as these...


what absolute crap

i have had a few gadgets, mobiles and electronic stuff in my time, but to this day have not heard such a stupid thing as if i leave my phone untill the battery goes flat, I LOSE ALL MY DATA??!! this has alreeady happened to me after 1 nite i forgot to put the damn thing on charge, somebody should tell the makers of O2 XDA that some people have a life that does not revolve around constantly checking if your damn phone is about to wipe out all your data everyday!...also I cant seem to switch the damn thing off, by that i mean, there are times when you dont want people to call you, so you switch off your phone the normal way, by pressing the off button, was this too hard to incorporate????!!!!
...phew, feel a little better now, thanx guys.
i was worried about the Switching it off thing aswell at first.
Awnser is "Turn Wireless off" tap on the signal meter and the option is there.
also about saveing battery life, remember to allways press the power button on top when your not useing it
and to stop all sound, mute it
thing to remember is..
its a PDA with a phone built in.
a Phone with a PDA built in.
there is a diffrence as i say to ppl who tell me "man why d'you want a phone like a brick"
p.s. back up all data to your pc now n then
battery life never been a problem to me so far
and i can leave it days without a recharge.
anyway, it switches itself off as a failsafe if power gets too low.
obviously you need to go back to an organizer on paper. :lol:
The XDA /MDA is more a computer that a phone.. :shock:
Over 23 years of computing an ppl still think backup up is not needed.... :roll:
Hey dont knock rai. Its peeps like him that keep us IT'ers in a job :lol:
stryker said:
Hey dont knock rai. Its peeps like him that keep us IT'ers in a job :lol:
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LOL!! :lol:
granted that the XDA is more a computer than a phone, but i dont lose all my software and my documents if my laptops battery goes flat.
im not aking to have the wheel re-invented (honest), just expect a simple "OFF" switch to "switch off" the device and to have my data and contacts still there, should i sacrilegiously forget to charge it.
rai, there is an option to write your contacts and other data to ROM, thus preventing loss of contact and appointments or all data if you have enough space.
rai said:
granted that the XDA is more a computer than a phone, but i dont lose all my software and my documents if my laptops battery goes flat.
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Ypu would if you had i lightweight laptop w/o harddive and everything stored in memory. :roll: And that's what the PPC is...
Ok, granted, you have got a SD card, so you can store data on 'disk' if wanted. I have everything synced, on SD backup, or on the SD card.
Worstcase scenario is i may have to wait until i get home to resore all data...
Practical: Just plug it to power in your car and and home at night, and you'll probably even forget it works on a battery that could go flat :lol:
Perhaps the only solution fro PDA is this :
"Toshiba announced that it created a hard drive the size of a coin targetted for the mobile phone sector. The drive can hold as much as 3GB of information and will start shipping in 2005.
Related Link:"
but unfortunately we have to wait till 2005 :lol:
hi Johan, how does it work in a SE p800, does that have a HD?
It's one of the fundamental differences between Symbian and pocketPC - Symbian specifies that the devices main memory should not loose its contents when powered down fully. WinCE takes the other approach.
A few years ago, WinCE was probably the best way to do things, as non volatile RAM (or rather RAM that needed /very/ little power to maintain state) was slow and expensive - it was one of the bug bears of the 9210 that it had too little RAM, and the whole system was heavily underclocked - down to 56MHz if my memory serves me right.
Nowadays, this type of memory is a bit cheaper, and certainly more performant (remember this is not your regular flash memory we're talking about - that would be just too slow and incapable of the write cycle demands). This means that Symbian devices now have comparable performance to the WinCE, yet WinCe is still burndened with the loss of memory on power out.
One thing I'd like to see is an automatic "hibernate" feature added to the core OS. When power drops below say 1%, all open programs are closed, the remaining critical RAM contents copied off to flash storage, and the device won't wake up again until it's charged. It'd mean that device manufacturers would have to provide enough built in spare space on the flash ROM for this, but the current situation of manually backing up the critical data with the *flashman utilities is a poor substitute.
I know several people who refuse use PPC/WinCE because of the total data loss on power out, but as with so may WinCE problems, it could be fixed quite easily with a bit of thought on Microsoft's part.
Thinking about this for a moment, it would probably be relatively easy to create a third party app to do something along these lines - we can get the battery power level, we can 'unprotect' the spare ROM space, compress and dump the critical files to it along with a 'reawaken mode' flag, and we could have a little app that runs on startup and does the reverse if the flag is present, followed by an automatic soft-reset so that all drivers etc can reload cleanly. The only tricky part is making sure that there's anough space available for the main data for contacts/diary/registry/etc plus any additionally installed programs - these could be prioritised by the user if there's some that are more critical than others.
All that sounds a little complicated for rai.
He could simply copy his contacts and save it onto the extended_ROM using a basic txt document, or save it on his SIM, which is what we all should do anyway. :lol:
he could go the long way and copy the actual file for contacts and the calendar, then paste it into a secure folder in the extended_ROM, and if ever the problem does occur again, copy and paste it again.
Either way, let this be a lesson to you all: WinCE gives you all the programs Symbian users can only dream about, but there are drawbacks - you've got to be just a little bit more responsible with their devices. Like one chap here said: It's NOT a phone.
I'm sure I've seen a prog that does automated backups to the SD card. So there is an ideal, non user intervention solution.
Also when the backpack comes out you could get a nice CF Flash micro disk. That brings all the joys of your laptop with mechanical hard drive..... hhhhm mechanicaaaallll.
oh here it is, the answer to your problems. Automated backup and low battery backup
rai the reason your laptop's batt is soo big is related to the fact that it use a harddisk because harddisks are full of moving parts which spin at a pretty fast pase
this cost batt juice
so if the xda or p800/900 had a harddisk you would not have much time to put in your data before the batt was flat
Pocket Backup Plus from Sprite Software, like stricker said , is the solution to all these problems ... use it and ....keep cool ! :wink:
Thanks for the link, didn't know about this program (as I always back up to PC anyway). OEMs should buy it and stick it preconfigured into their roms.
I've seen that backup prog recommended by others and in interest of doing as I preach I installed it. However I found an issue.... may just be affecting me tho. See the other thread I started, "spritesoftware backup package".
XDA2 backup and restore
I use sprite's backup program and backup every day to my PC. I copy this backup and of course the program to an sd card, and my webserver. That way I can be reasonably safe. Mine went flat today, but used one of those emergency chargers(takes AA batts), and was back in business in a few mins.

Pointers required for removing slow O2 software (please!)

Hi guys, great forum.
I must admit to being rather nieve and lost in all the technical stuff! Im a newbie to the XDA world, and so far Im loving it!
I bought my O2 XDA mini s on ebay, at just over 2 months old. Its in perfect condition, but when I try to remove the O2 software, it's not on the list... but its definately still on there!
Should I let my battery run out and reboot it?
Also it wont link with the outlook on my pc (installed from the cd) so it looks like its gonna take me 3 weeks of typing to put all my contacts in to it!
Can someone point me in the right direction for a thread? Or is there a good site for newbies to look at in layman's terms?
Any help would be extremely well recieved!
Hi Gary
sorry mate can't help but noticed your post had no answer. Like you I am not a techie. Most of the posters on here seem to do nothing but experiment with their XDA's all day There is a wealh of info and help but sadly only useful to other techies.
There doesn't appear to be anything geared at assisting casual users and non techies that have neither the time or inclination to fiddle with ROM's and software etc .
I reckon that would be a useful sticky for noobs- like how to change/ customise the desktop and install various A/V software and remove o2 software etc
Suggest you get the full manual and wade through that.
I bought my o2 mini s at xmas and haven't made a single call on it yet . Its far too complicated for me and working 12 hour days I've no time to play about with it. :roll:
I'm no techy either but I do know that if you do a hard reset and choose corporate install the O2 stuff is not installed. There's some good advice here too - it's maybe a bit less technical than this site.
Cheers for the replys Dave and Peanut.
I managed to find something useful here...
if theres anyone else thats confused about this stuff.
I'm really happy with mine, on the whole it seems pretty simple to use. I hate that it doesnt close programmes when you click the x though.
Im gonna have a little play, but I'll need to get my mms and gprs info from orange first if i install the corporate profile.
I find that if the phone is on for more than 5 mins ifI press the green call button it doesnt bring up the phone screen, even with the normal power setting! I'm hoping this new profile will speed the bad boy up a bit too!
WiFi is a godsend on a mobile! Yey!
Without going through all the palava of flashing a new Rom the easiest way of really removing the O2 crud is to do a Hard Reset of the device (hold the Com Manager and Voice Command buttons the poke the little reset hole on the right hand side of the unit.
When you get the option select corporate installation option and then if I remember correctly you get a count down, press the reset button (without the other two buttons) again briefly to do a soft reset this should then start Windows in its regular non O2 sullied form.
Hope this helped.

HTC Shift Unboxing

Getting closer...
I Love It !!!
Hey .. thank you for the links !!
I totally love this UMPC.. this is the best device ever released yet ... I have to wait about 6months to have it .. but I want it as soon as possible.
It will be so nice using a big WinMobile screen (better than the small 320x240 on a 2"8 screen). Vista is a so nice OS... I will have my 2 favourites OS on the same device.. I can't believe it !
HTC has put everything needed in the device. The review is nice.. but they should have introduced origami 2.0 ... not just showing the start animation.
If someone want to offer one ... I take it !
Unless they have sorted out the 2 hour battery life, it will remain a gimmick and no buyer will be satisfied with the purchase
I was really into the shift until I spent about three hours with a Fujitsu Lifebook P1620 today. 9" touch-screen convertible, 1.2ghz dual core, 100mb hard drive, vista or tablet xp, PC card slot (hello cheap wireless 3g card), VGA out, fingerprint reader, 3 USB ports, bluetooth, wlan, touchscreen works great for writing/browsing (it is passive digitizer though), you can touch type on it with some practice, and over 5 hour battery life My 2008 budget comes in next week and I am absolutely buying one.
Making calls with shift seems like it will require a hack, no simple soft-reset for the crippled wm6, embarrasing battery life, 5 minute cold-boot time for vista, etc. Why pay nearly $2k for a gimmicky device that in the end doesn't really do what a phone or a laptop can do. We all have a phone anyway...who wants to carry that monster to the pub just so you don't miss a phone call??
Well. I got mine 24 hours ago and I like it. Keyboard is nice. I cand write using my 10 fingers after some training. Battery life isnt bad and if I need more live I ve a power bank that gives me 7 hours more. wifi, hsdpa and bt works very well. It moves Vista nicely. I ve installed my development tools (Visual Studio 2008, eclipse and jboss) and work nice. VGA output letme use hi res at home with a lcd screen. I wasnt very convinced when I bought it but by now I am very satisfied
mlalahoi said:
I was really into the shift until I spent about three hours with a Fujitsu Lifebook P1620 today. 9" touch-screen convertible, 1.2ghz dual core, 100mb hard drive, vista or tablet xp, PC card slot (hello cheap wireless 3g card), VGA out, fingerprint reader, 3 USB ports, bluetooth, wlan, touchscreen works great for writing/browsing (it is passive digitizer though), you can touch type on it with some practice, and over 5 hour battery life My 2008 budget comes in next week and I am absolutely buying one.
Making calls with shift seems like it will require a hack, no simple soft-reset for the crippled wm6, embarrasing battery life, 5 minute cold-boot time for vista, etc. Why pay nearly $2k for a gimmicky device that in the end doesn't really do what a phone or a laptop can do. We all have a phone anyway...who wants to carry that monster to the pub just so you don't miss a phone call??
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well .. you are wrong on many things ! ouch ....
1°) making calls is still not sure that it will require a hack ... you can see french sites telling that it is a COMPLETE PHONE... so I think that it could depends on the country you buy it.... we'll see !
2°) for WM6 there are ability to soft-reset it .... because it will be A REAL WM6.. even if they talk about "Snap-Vue" it IS WM6.... what they put upon will never be enough to change it in another OS... it is running WM6 !
3°) embrassaing battery life ? if you are using WinMobile .. you will have about 1 week of battery life.... it's enough ! Vista is so greedy that you should never think about using it without a power supply.
4°) 5 minutes cold-boot time ... oh my god ! .. you are completely wrong !!!!!! it is faster than that .. it is about a minute ... not more than 2 minutes ! And with Vista SP1 it is the same time for hibernate boot ! (hibernate was not good with preview Shifts... because of Vista.. but Vista SP1 is a little better). On the video : vista starts at 6:36 and is running at 7:40 ... 1:04 for resuming from hibernate !
5°) The device is more about 1200$ .. than 2k$ ..
If you don't know anything about the real shift spec.... I understand why unuseful 9" laptop seems interesting for you !
danielherrero said:
Well. I got mine 24 hours ago and I like it. Keyboard is nice. I cand write using my 10 fingers after some training. Battery life isnt bad and if I need more live I ve a power bank that gives me 7 hours more. wifi, hsdpa and bt works very well. It moves Vista nicely. I ve installed my development tools (Visual Studio 2008, eclipse and jboss) and work nice. VGA output letme use hi res at home with a lcd screen. I wasnt very convinced when I bought it but by now I am very satisfied
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nice !! have you tried installing winmobile application sending a cab by mail ? just to be sure that we will be able to install everything we need .
is there any way to shutdown both (winmobile and vista) ? Something about voice calls?
My main concern is if I'll be able to run full version of WM and access files on hard drive or SD card and work with them. If yes, I'm in! Anyone has been able to hack it so far?
No luck sending the cab because you can save it to disk (outlook doesnt want to execute it because It says is unsafe). But after saving it I dont know how to execute it....
I havent tried phone calls. well, I dont know how. Vista can be turned off, of course. But you can turn off windows mobile. Even I dont know how to reset it (except remove one second the battery). But I am sure we will solve all this issues.
once saved to disk, press CTRL while tap and holding on the clock. Select run
type FEXPLORE or FEXPLORER (don't remember)
Launch your cab.
thaihugo said:
once saved to disk, press CTRL while tap and holding on the clock. Select run
type FEXPLORE or FEXPLORER (don't remember)
Launch your cab.
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CTRL while tap and holding on the clock ?? Seems to be a pretty good hack !
danielherrero .. plz confirm that it works
1. YOu prove my point. phone functions are NOT widely available, if at all. I am glad you red something on a frech website, but I have actually held and used one of these and it did NOT make phone calls out of the box. Yeah, we can hack to do that if bought in a non-voice approved area, and get no support/possibly void the warranty. nice.
2. show me a soft reset hole, cause the one I played with didn't have one. THere is another thread in this forum from a guy who has to take the battery out of the shift he actually has in his hands to soft-reset. Your syllogistic argument is silly.
3. battery life of one week when using the phone...which I already carry one of, if you want to use the pc part of it the battery life is miserable so what's the point of having it there when it must be tethered to a wall wort at all times.
4. Watch the unboxing vids, this thing takes ages to cold boot vista, which i what i was talking about, not the hibernate resume you are quoting. also, the one I used for several hours took about 4.5 minutes to load vista. Desktop PC's fully specced have trouble loading vista in one minute my freind. IF that has been solved on newer releases I would like to hear someone who is holding one right now say that. Thanks for the tip to "never use vista without a power supply" now please continue to prove my point about the pc function of this thing being a joke by telling me how the shift can't be downgraded to xp....
5. The cheapest I have ever seen advertised for the shift is on the edge of $1700 US. Where are you seeing them for $1200?? I have seen them for 1200 EUROS, which is about $1680 US. Note that euros and us dollars are worth a different amount.
I'm not trying to bash the shift. Nor do I want some kind of flame war with you. I am reporting my experiences on actually having used both of these devices. I am sure that for some people the shift fills the little niche that they need. My point was that for me, and I would venture that for a lot of business users, the shift has a lot of shortcomings and is not the right device.
Your post makes me pretty sure that you have never ever actually used either of these devices, so you shouldn't tell people that they don't know anything about something you are even less informed about. If someone who owns one of these and is using it now wants take issues with my statements, I am very ready to listen. Perhaps the models they have are better than the one I used, if so I'd love to hear about it...from people who have one in thier hands!
koala996 said:
CTRL while tap and holding on the clock ?? Seems to be a pretty good hack !
danielherrero .. plz confirm that it works
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No luck....
It was working on a previous ROM. I am talking about the CTRL key from the physical keyboard. Try from the mail app for example. If it's not the clock, it's the battery icon.
As a side note, did you get the unit as a reviewer, or did you actually bought it from somewhere where anybody else can?
mlalahoi said:
1. YOu prove my point. phone functions are NOT widely available, if at all. I am glad you red something on a frech website, but I have actually held and used one of these and it did NOT make phone calls out of the box. Yeah, we can hack to do that if bought in a non-voice approved area, and get no support/possibly void the warranty. nice.
2. show me a soft reset hole, cause the one I played with didn't have one. THere is another thread in this forum from a guy who has to take the battery out of the shift he actually has in his hands to soft-reset. Your syllogistic argument is silly.
3. battery life of one week when using the phone...which I already carry one of, if you want to use the pc part of it the battery life is miserable so what's the point of having it there when it must be tethered to a wall wort at all times.
4. Watch the unboxing vids, this thing takes ages to cold boot vista, which i what i was talking about, not the hibernate resume you are quoting. also, the one I used for several hours took about 4.5 minutes to load vista. Desktop PC's fully specced have trouble loading vista in one minute my freind. IF that has been solved on newer releases I would like to hear someone who is holding one right now say that. Thanks for the tip to "never use vista without a power supply" now please continue to prove my point about the pc function of this thing being a joke by telling me how the shift can't be downgraded to xp....
5. The cheapest I have ever seen advertised for the shift is on the edge of $1700 US. Where are you seeing them for $1200?? I have seen them for 1200 EUROS, which is about $1680 US. Note that euros and us dollars are worth a different amount.
I'm not trying to bash the shift. Nor do I want some kind of flame war with you. I am reporting my experiences on actually having used both of these devices. I am sure that for some people the shift fills the little niche that they need. My point was that for me, and I would venture that for a lot of business users, the shift has a lot of shortcomings and is not the right device.
Your post makes me pretty sure that you have never ever actually used either of these devices, so you shouldn't tell people that they don't know anything about something you are even less informed about. If someone who owns one of these and is using it now wants take issues with my statements, I am very ready to listen. Perhaps the models they have are better than the one I used, if so I'd love to hear about it...from people who have one in thier hands!
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I have used the shift for about half an hour on a demo day (Microsoft Unified Communication launch). But I have not bought it yet.
1. yeah .. but I hope for a hack (without a warranty void !)
2. it seems that there are no soft-reset hole..but I'm sure that we will be able to soft reset with a program without having to have full WM6
3. battery life on my laptop is half an hour.. so the shift is more than what I'm used to ... maybe this is why I'm not worried about. and if you have read my scenario (few threads before) you would see that the Shift is not on a battery life that much in Vista mode.
4. I have watch the unboxed videos and read many reviews about the shift.. and what they said was always "resuming from hibernate take longer time than a cold boot" and that a cold boot take about a minute and a half to 2 minutes but these times were from the "test prototype" of the shift. And if resuming from hibernate take only a minute... you just have to use it and you should not care about the cold boot time ! (I'm on vista on my desktop and always use hibernation mode ... and it comes back in less than 30 seconds .. and from sleep in less than 2 seconds... but it's a faster computer than the shift).
5. I have read a lot about $1200 announced before the official released ... but maybe the price is a higher .. the iphone is 1000€ and I think that it is less than $1000 ... so don't believe that the price in € is significant to the price in $ .. it used to be the same price ($1000 --> 1000€ .. even if $1000 is only 680€) but I can't say if there is shops where the shift will be under $1400.
I don't want to enter in a war with you too .. I'm just sharing my opinion that's all. I have read a lot on the shift for more than a year (like so many people) and I'm not a current owner of a shift.
danielherrero said:
No luck....
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.. I hope we will find out to do it ... I'm sure there is a way ! because they need to remove snapvue for the support !
I think the clue is to know how the updates will be applied. Probably It will be done using vista side. So I think there will be a way from this side to access flash chip WM6. This weekend I couldnt research about it but tomorrow I will do it because I want to install bandswitch to use gprs with direct push instead of umts to increase battery live. (althought I ve to say battery live is good so far..
ps. I bought it on shopping center in Madrid, Spain. They have it since last monday.
There is a way from vista, because the manual state you can install a certificate for the WM side from the vista control pannel. I think this is just a com port to redirect on the WM part for getting AS, but if the trick I gave you doesn't work, it's just a question of time before getting access to the OS.
Maybe you could try on you PDA to check what I'm talking about. Presse the center of your D pad instead of CTRL in this case.
danielherrero said:
I think the clue is to know how the updates will be applied. Probably It will be done using vista side. So I think there will be a way from this side to access flash chip WM6. This weekend I couldnt research about it but tomorrow I will do it because I want to install bandswitch to use gprs with direct push instead of umts to increase battery live. (althought I ve to say battery live is good so far..
ps. I bought it on shopping center in Madrid, Spain. They have it since last monday.
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Hi danielherrero, do you have any 16 GB SDHC Memeory card? if so can you let us know whether it works fine with the Shift, thanks !

Using the HD in the third world

I am a complete newbie and I am going to be spending the next 6 months in southern Laos. I need to use my HD as my primary internet communications device. I know that GPRs signal there is good and Edge services have just begun to reach the area I will be in.
Does anybody have any good recommendations or suggestions of programs that are stable they would load to the HD before going?
If I completely screw my device up what do I do? does clearing the memory take care of everything like it does on an iPhone? Is it possible to brick the HD easily?
I will be using the HD as a stand alone internet device as well as tethering. I will also use it to try to show the locals I little bit of tech. I know as stupid as I sound now you could question what I could even teach them.
Even so some of these people haven't seen a computer before. So some very basic stuff will go a long ways. I wish somebody better was going to go do this. I am not perfect for the task at hand but will try my best.
What sort of things would you do if you couldn't get more than GPRS if things went wrong? Are there any programs that could be used for educational purposes on this device? Bear in mind there are no projectors or anything else of that nature.
I have a Windows PC and a Mac to use and around a TB between internal and external storage. I am not even sure of what I am asking for here but what would you bring if you wanted to try to show people some basic things.
Some of the things I do include small slide shows (wghich sometimes do to no constant source of electricity can't be done on the laptops) for children which can be done on the HD or my iPhone. I also design buildings so people get a picture of what they are building and have helped draw out a bridge that spans the Mekong.
I forgot to add that there is only electricity there 3 hours a day if that adds some perspective. If this is the wrong place to ask for help then I am sorry.
I know my questions are a bit unusual but I am trying to make sure I am not missing some thing obvious. Is there something you would bring in addition to the items I mentioned. What am I forgetting?
I've never heard of Laos but I assume from your description that it is somewhere in Yorkshire, right? If so then I suspect that the HD will be so far removed from the locals' normal frame of reference that it'll only confuse them. You'd be better off trying to introduce something more basic and useful like running water or nylon.
Interesting situation though. I didn't realise the UK carriers had signal in such remote and backward places.
Just keep a backup of your contacts/messages etc with some backup tools you can find around, if anything goes wrong you can simply reset the device to its ex-factory settings.
For the other questions.. since I still haven't get my HD I don't have a clue yet
For battery issue, if the electricity supply is limited, I recommend you to turn off the mobile at night and try to make minimum usage of the phone since such a big screen, fast processor, loads of functions will drain the battery quickly with intensive usage.
By the way, Laos is a country in Asia.
Greets from China.
I suggest that you buy along a few spare battery and have them charged up during the hours when the generators are up, so that you are able to swap them in to last the whole days. Of course it should also take care of the situation when there is unexpected failure of generators, etc.
Also, not sure if GPS could be of use to you. The most popular GPS software in Asia is MapKing. Not sure they have a Laos map, but I'd check if I'm you. If you are going to a remote village, I'd look for some traking type GPS software to ensure I can get around, and get out if needed. Bring with you all your spare batteries.
One of the areas you might find important in such an environement is access to news. Make sure you're happy with the RSS features. If not, install a third party software that you could be happy with before going.
I'd also install a paint program ( or just use Notes that come with the HD) , in case you need to get a local to scribble some local words that you critically need (e.g., where is the toilet?, can you take me to...etc). I assume the standard keyboard may not be able to enter local language, that's why a good paint program on the HD with stylus would come in very handy.
If you need to write any report, do any planning etc, I suggest you get SoftMaker, which gives you exactly the same desktop functinalities on your HD, without having to use your notebook.
Then, come to mobile phone signal. Well, we do not know if you 'll have 3G coverage. However this would only affect your speed. It should still allow you to keep contact with the rest of the world via email, surf internet to keep with with things etc.
As for program, you should try to download the cab files of all your program and save them into your storage card before hand. Make sure that your registry value is set to NOT delete these cab files after installation. This is to allow you to reinstall these third party software in the event that you need to do a hard reset. I do not know your need to recommend any software to you, unless you let us know what you intend to do with your device.
There is no way you can brick your device by a hard reset. You will brick it only if you try to flash your device with a wrong ROM without first do a CID unlock of HD. Check under the section on hard spl once in a while to see if this unlocking tool is available.
Not sure of your mission in Laos. Is that related to education? Some years ago, I donated some old notebook to a missionary in one of these Indochina countries. He was actually there to create a written language for a minority tribe. He tried to teach the local some computers, and charged them a nominal 10 to 20 cents fee (to cover electricity etc), to let them learn to type. Eventually his aim was to create a local langauge Bible for them. Not sure how far he's achieved by now. In his case, he did need lots of computer, as it was also a way to build relationship with the locals. People were in awe with such a thing.
As for children, I recommend some paint program or similar, some simple children game if they have not been exposed to computer before.
I salute you for volunteering your time to good cause. Hope my suggestions helps, and let me know if I can be of any further help.
P/S Just curious. Did'nt you return your HD? Are you getting it again?

Anti-Theft software for TP2

Hey guys,
This is my first ever thread on the XDA forum.
After saving up for a long long long time, I am now a proud owner of a TP2. And now, I am constantly worried about it getting stolen(my past two phones were stolen).
I know this topic has been discussed for other phones before. But is anyone using a good anti-theft software on their TP2? Are any of the softwares recommended for other phones in this forum giving any errors with TP2?
I dun mind spending a bit on it. I read about the Ultimate Theft Alert v3.5 and the Sprite Terminator. The sprite guys are having some promotion for HTC owners. Does that mean it is highly recommended for HTC devices?
I am not a developer and is pretty dumb about flashing roms and all that (even though I cant wait to learn more. Expecting all your help and co-operation). So please provide me a simple solution for this.
Thanks guys
koopharaoh said:
Hey guys,
This is my first ever thread on the XDA forum.
After saving up for a long long long time, I am now a proud owner of a TP2. And now, I am constantly worried about it getting stolen(my past two phones were stolen).
I know this topic has been discussed for other phones before. But is anyone using a good anti-theft software on their TP2? Are any of the softwares recommended for other phones in this forum giving any errors with TP2?
I dun mind spending a bit on it. I read about the Ultimate Theft Alert v3.5 and the Sprite Terminator. The sprite guys are having some promotion for HTC owners. Does that mean it is highly recommended for HTC devices?
I am not a developer and is pretty dumb about flashing roms and all that (even though I cant wait to learn more. Expecting all your help and co-operation). So please provide me a simple solution for this.
Thanks guys
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I do not think that will be easy that an anti-thief fully protect your investiment:
Normally first think every thief does is shutdown the equipment and remove the SIM Card. After that he could simply Hard Reset the equipment, returning the equipment itself to factory specs, so the anti-thief software is deleted. He can also change the IMEI in a relatively simple way.
Main tactics:
Never show your equipment if you are in a relatively empty street, train station, etc;
Always use the equipment with a firmly grip on it and always watching the surroudings;
This is simple common sense...
I know, that is going a little paranoic but some care is always a good thing.
Good point!!
Hey Black Phoenix,
thanks for the reply. for some reason, I didn't think of the possibility of the thief doing a hard reset.
But, I feel it is still worth investing on a software like Ultimate Theft Alert coz there is still a chance that the thief might not do a hard reset. So can you recommend a good software among the popular ones that works for TP2? I forgot to mention that I am from Singapore. I dunno whether my location makes any difference?
I still have not played with my phone a lot. But i believe TP2 has GPS? So doesnt that mean some of these softwares can give me the coordinates of my phone? Will my location matter for this feature?
koopharaoh said:
Hey Black Phoenix,
thanks for the reply. for some reason, I didn't think of the possibility of the thief doing a hard reset.
But, I feel it is still worth investing on a software like Ultimate Theft Alert coz there is still a chance that the thief might not do a hard reset. So can you recommend a good software among the popular ones that works for TP2? I forgot to mention that I am from Singapore. I dunno whether my location makes any difference?
I still have not played with my phone a lot. But i believe TP2 has GPS? So doesnt that mean some of these softwares can give me the coordinates of my phone? Will my location matter for this feature?
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As I told, first thing that any thief does is shutdown the phone and trow away the sim card. With the phone shutdown, no gps coordinates or remote lock. And believe in me, the ones that steal know very well to cover the tracks, so for sure they know how to hard reset a phone (I'm still looking for my Asus P535. For sure is now hardreseted and IMEI diferent, and also had GPS. It was stealed 1 year ago).
Install this. It's FREE. If a theif changes the sim card, you will automatically recieve an SMS to the numbers you have configured in the software. You will recieve his phone number + IMEI details. Configure your e-mail address and atleast 2 different phone numbers in the software so once you recieve the theifs new phone number or if he has not changed the sim card then you can send a special text message (read software tutorial) to you sim card or theifs new sim card which will activate the gps and text the co-ordinates to the nominated phone numbers you would have configured and an e-mail with link to google maps showing exactly where the phone is.
This thing works 100%. My house was under google maps with the right house and street address. I was stunned.
Also a thief is not literate enough to jump aboard XDA forum and search "How to hard reset a Touch Pro 2". They don't have time and most don't even know that technology like this exists.
Also once the Hard SPL comes out for TP2 and Cooked roms start releasing, you can either cook your own ROM with this software pre-installed with the right settings or request someone to cook a ROM for you with the right e-mail and phone number settings you want so even if a theif does a hard reset, software will still be installed again with those settings.
And to uninstall this software, theif needs to enter the password which you need to configure. I recommend you go through the tutorial.
oh and IMPORTANT. Install this to device memory because if he takes out your memory card and it's installed on the memory card then everything will be useless.
wow powersquad.. that's sick software.. curious though if it works..
maybe that new 'phonecreeper' that the xda-member wrote could have possibilities of tracking your phone after theft when installing it on your own device?
Wow.. That is infact real cool. Just wondering whether there are any advantages of using your software over, maybe, Ultimate Theft Alert.. Except for the price.. Just curious.
Thanks a million for this.
It works 100%. I have tried changing sim card and I got the text of the new card's phone number on my 2 nominated numbers straight away. GPS Co-ordinates were both e-mailed and texted to my nominated number and e-mail address.
In order for e-mail to work you need to have an e-mail account configured on your phone already like hotmail or gmail.
Ultimate theft alert is paid. This is free since made by xda devs.
I use smartphonetracker, veryeasy to use and very reliable, works for a year now and just fine
powersquad said:
Install this. It's FREE. If a theif changes the sim card, you will automatically recieve an SMS to the numbers you have configured in the software. You will recieve his phone number + IMEI details. Configure your e-mail address and atleast 2 different phone numbers in the software so once you recieve the theifs new phone number or if he has not changed the sim card then you can send a special text message (read software tutorial) to you sim card or theifs new sim card which will activate the gps and text the co-ordinates to the nominated phone numbers you would have configured and an e-mail with link to google maps showing exactly where the phone is.
This thing works 100%. My house was under google maps with the right house and street address. I was stunned.
Also a thief is not literate enough to jump aboard XDA forum and search "How to hard reset a Touch Pro 2". They don't have time and most don't even know that technology like this exists.
Also once the Hard SPL comes out for TP2 and Cooked roms start releasing, you can either cook your own ROM with this software pre-installed with the right settings or request someone to cook a ROM for you with the right e-mail and phone number settings you want so even if a theif does a hard reset, software will still be installed again with those settings.
And to uninstall this software, theif needs to enter the password which you need to configure. I recommend you go through the tutorial.
oh and IMPORTANT. Install this to device memory because if he takes out your memory card and it's installed on the memory card then everything will be useless.
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I love that one, so thiefs are stupid... OK, nice one... Maybe one day you will became suprised...
Tracking software can work
I know it's about an iphone, but it proves that these services can work sometimes!
hey... i agree with black phoenix completely... u never know these guys are too quick...
not unless the theif is some corporate theif, who wants ur data... i don't think he will leave ur phone without a hard-reset...
but for the first 10-20 minutes before he figures out how to do it.. i think a better solution than Ultimate Theft Alert is Maspware's Guardmobile
here is a small list of its features
* You can initiate an alarm and lock the device
* You can locate your device (GPS receiver is required)
* If your stolen device contains top secret data, you can do a hardreset remotely to erase all data!
* You can initiate a callback to overhear the thief
besides the above.. it also tells u if the sim card has changed... - which btw no foolish theif will do without first doing a hard-reset...
all the best...
mirage22 said:
hey... i agree with black phoenix completely... u never know these guys are too quick...
not unless the theif is some corporate theif, who wants ur data... i don't think he will leave ur phone without a hard-reset...
but for the first 10-20 minutes before he figures out how to do it.. i think a better solution than Ultimate Theft Alert is Maspware's Guardmobile
here is a small list of its features
* You can initiate an alarm and lock the device
* You can locate your device (GPS receiver is required)
* If your stolen device contains top secret data, you can do a hardreset remotely to erase all data!
* You can initiate a callback to overhear the thief
besides the above.. it also tells u if the sim card has changed... - which btw no foolish theif will do without first doing a hard-reset...
all the best...
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Finnaly someone that supports me. I was thinking that I were the only one with the idea that most think that are strange. Looks like lot of people in this forum still believe in Santa's or in the Easter Bunny.
If it was a hardware solution, directly solded in the Phone PCB, OK, that way I may garantee that you can return your phone, because his hard to bypass (if done correctly), but even those ways are bypassable sooner or later.
powersquad said:
a thief is not literate enough to jump aboard XDA forum and search "How to hard reset a Touch Pro 2".
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I think they would do it to be honest, it would take ages to delete all of the contacts etc. A google for "reset touch pro 2" is all it takes.
However, once we have HardSPL we'll be able to burn these utilities into the ROM so that they survive a hard-reset. Thief has to be aware of this and know how to re-flash. That raises the bar considerably.
lol, some people are just giving waay too much credit to theifs here. if they were literate and could afford an internet conncection to jump on google, they will not be theifs in the first place. all they care about is booze and drugs...
powersquad said:
lol, some people are just giving waay too much credit to theifs here. if they were literate and could afford an internet conncection to jump on google, they will not be theifs in the first place. all they care about is booze and drugs...
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you must have some really nice thieves in Europe. i've seen lots of things stolen for no other reason then to just steal something.
I recently had my phone (xperia) stolen. I had only recently flashed a new rom so it had wiped my anti-theft software. I bloody wish I had put it back on now.
Saying that I was abroad with no-data running, but at least I may have got a phone number by text. Then again the number to text to was my girlfreinds phone which was also taken. Oh well!
It is very likely a thief will reset the phone ASAP, but some thieves will be opportunists who see something shiny and expensive looking to steal and wont be that technologically savvy.
In that case the software may well pay off (ignoring my senerio above).
mirage22 said:
* You can locate your device (GPS receiver is required)
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We all know the issues (time lag etc.) with the GPS on the TP2. Why a thief would put a new simcard in the phone outside. Probably he/ or she will be inside, where no GPS signal is available.
What about "W.I.M.P" (where is my phone) ?
powersquad said:
lol, some people are just giving waay too much credit to theifs here. if they were literate and could afford an internet conncection to jump on google, they will not be theifs in the first place. all they care about is booze and drugs...
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And some people thinks that just because they are thiefs that don't have internet connections and not literate. That they do not think, they aren't smart... Come On...

