Using Connection Manager in - Networking

Does anyone know how to use the connection manager API to programatically detect GPRS disconnection and start a new connection? I can find some code for C# (openNETCF) and eVC++ (Microsoft's CMhelper), but not
Any ideas or links?

OpenNETCF, MissingMethodException, TypeLoadException
I was advised to just add a reference to the opennetcf.dll, which seems the best option!
I've managed to add a reference to the OpenNETCF.Net.dll, and my
project works with the added references (openNETCF.Net.dll and
mscorlib). However, I have the following problems if I try to declare
an instance of the opennetcf:
1) In my global declarations module, I add the declaration:
"Public GPRSconn As New OpenNETCF.Net.ConnectionManager".
When I try to run the project, it crashes on my form's class (before
opening the form), with a MissingMethodException (in myproject.exe).
2) I move the declaration to my first form, declaring it locally in a
sub. The form loads fine. When I click on my button, it crashes on the
line which calls my sub to declare the GPRSconn, with the exception:
TypeLoadException (in myproject.exe).
Private Sub TrytoDecGPRS()
Dim GPRSconn As New OpenNETCF.Net.ConnectionManager
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("intro(tryGPRS): " + ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click
It crashes on the line "TrytoDecGPRS()"
Am I not declaring the opennetcf correctly? Am I missing something?
Any help greatly appreciated!

Someone on another group helped me out, I needed to reference the OpenNetCF.dll as well as the OpenNetCF.Net.dll.


GPRS connectivity in EVB

I have an EVB application that connects to GPRS using a library from Sapphire Solutions.
This has worked reasonably well, but doesn't give me a lot of control of what is going on.
What other methods have people tried? Any hints?
I also was lookinf for this solution forever and never found it so i wrote the software myself. Here is the dll that you need to connect to the internet through evb it connects to the default connection no problems.
have fun,
Dan Mayer
Thanks for this. I'll have a play.
The stupid thing is, O2 have told me that I should be using their routines. But nobody can tell me what the routines are, how to find them or give me any information about them whatsoever!
Compare and contrast with Vodafone who actually know a thing or two about implementing mobile systems, but don't have a product to implement...
Public Declare Function AllocPointer Lib "VBPointers" Alias "VB_AllocPointer" (ByVal nSrcSizeInBytes As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function AllocStringPointer Lib "VBPointers" Alias "VB_AllocStringPointer" (ByVal str As String) As Long
Public Declare Function FreePointer Lib "VBPointers" Alias "VB_FreePointer" (ByVal Pointer As Long) As Long
Public Declare Sub SetLongAt Lib "VBPointers" Alias "VB_SetLongAt" (ByVal Pointer As Long, ByVal OffsetInBytes As Long, ByVal Value As Long)
Public Declare Function PhoneMakeCall Lib "Phone" (ByVal CallInfo As Long) As Long
Public Sub Dial(Number_to_dial As String)
CallInfo = AllocPointer(24) ' sizeof (PHONEMAKECALLINFO)
Call SetLongAt(CallInfo, 0, 24) ' cbSize
Call SetLongAt(CallInfo, 4, 1) ' dwFlags = PMCF_DEFAULT
PhoneNumber = AllocStringPointer(Number_to_dial)
Call SetLongAt(CallInfo, 8, PhoneNumber) ' pszDestAddress
PhoneMakeCall (CallInfo)
FreePointer (PhoneNumber)
FreePointer (CallInfo)
End Sub
The xdaconnect dll posted by Dan is pretty good at getting a connection. The problem is that it has to be registered on each device using eVC. My problem is that I want to make a cd so that other people who dont have eVC can install the device. Normally I would do this with dllRegisterServer or by including the file in the manifest file of dll's to be registered when a program is installed. The problem is that this dll wont register alone, an error is returned back that "dllRegsisterServer is not included in the dll".
Can anyone help?
The dll and eVC project file is available for download at
Many thanks

Simple Programming Question embedded VC++

I'm currently doing some programs myself with the free MS embedded VC++.. and I'm finding it comfortable to do a simple dialog-based programs for PPC. I think I can have most of the background code going, and I've just got the GUI .. alright.
Now the question, how do I do a copy/paste to/from clipboard? I had most of the stuff done using the included MFC Wizard. I can get and send data to/from an EditBox (TextBox, whatever you call it). However, the click-hold thing on PPC doesn't seems to work on my EditBox, and hence I'm thinking what's needed to enable a simple Copy/Paste on an EditBox.
Currently, I'm using the simple
m_editBox = _T("the message I want to show");
UpdateData(FALSE); //send it to the EditBox
Any guide from here would be appreciated. However, I'm thinking there may not be an easy way to do that, hence I've also tried adding a 'Copy' and 'Paste' button to do the job, but I've tried things like
SetClipboardData(x, x)
None works.
I have also tried
COleDataObject DataObject;
and with the handle etc etc .. but I can't seems to find this COleDataObject , is that in some other environment (e.g. not PPC env)?
Fast solution:
(this shows/hides sip on get/lost focus in edit controls and add the context menu too)
and this is a simple example how to copy datas into clipboard
HLOCAL clipbuffer = LocalAlloc(0, 100);
wcscpy((WCHAR*) clipbuffer, (WCHAR*) (vtNumber.bstrVal));
SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, clipbuffer);
I hope this help u
Thanks for your respond.. things work.. a bit
//put a test char
char *test;
test = (char*) malloc(100);
strcpy(test, "blah blah blah");
//codes you've given
if(OpenClipboard()) //OpenClipboard(NULL) gives me error
HLOCAL clipbuffer = LocalAlloc(0, 100);
wcscpy((WCHAR*) clipbuffer, (WCHAR*) test);
SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, clipbuffer);
//free(szMsg); //not sure what 'szMsg' is
Things somewhat works. I'm not really sure which part I've got wrong. I'm suspecting some memory allocation is giving me problems. The thing is, if I were to use 'CF_UNICODETEXT' on the 'SetClipboardData(x,x)' line, I get something to paste on other programs (PPC Notes). BUT, the thing pasted is some funny stuff (e.g. letters that cannot be rendered, hence I get the little squares). If I were to use 'CF_TEXT', I don't seems to able to send my stuff to the clipboard or it made it invalid for (PPC Notes) pasting (e.g. I'm not able to paste it in PPC Notes).
BTW, if you are in the mood, can you give me a Paste function as well. Thanks a bunch.
Hi hanmin.
Odd I didn't notice this thread sooner.
Any way if you still having problems with this code here is the solution:
You are working with char and strcpy so your text is in ASCII (each letter one byte).
But you are calling SetClipboardData with CF_UNICODETEXT so it expects WCHAR (UNICODE) where each letter is two bytes.
The strange letters are the result of two consecutive bytes being interpreted as a single letter (probably lends you in Chinese or Japanese region of the Unicode table)
Windows mobile doesn't usually work with ASCII so the text you get from the edit box will already be in Unicode and won't give you any trouble.
The code should look like this:
//put a test char
CString test; //since you are working with MFC save your self the trouble of memory allocation
test = L"The text I want on clipboard"; //The L makes the string Unicode
//codes you've given
if(OpenClipboard()) //OpenClipboard(NULL) gives me error
//not sure why you need to copy it again, but here goes:
HLOCAL clipbuffer = LocalAlloc(0, test.GetLength() * 2); //remember: every letter 2 bytes long!
wcscpy((WCHAR*) clipbuffer, (WCHAR*)(LPCTSTR)test); //LPCTSTR is an overloaded operator for CString
SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, clipbuffer);
//szMsg probably belongs to some larger application and is irrelevant
I never used the clipboard APIs my self so I can't guide you farther but this code should work.
Hope this helps.
Wooo hooo.. Thanks levenum. I'm back on business!
You code works wonderfully.. just the final code "LocalFree(clipbuffer);" seems to cause problems. Without that, it works. I'm not sure if it will cause a memory leak.. but that's not much of my concern now
Now my Paste also works, and it seems that the magic code is the "LPCTSTR", which I have NO idea what it is (I'm more of a pure C person and.. a Java person ) Thanks again.
Glad I could help.
I am working from Ubuntu right know (Linux distro in case you didn't know) so I do not have access to my off-line MSDN files, but I recommend you check out the documentation for SetClipboardData.
It is possible it releases the memory it self so when you call LocalFree the handle is no longer valid.
That could also be the reason why you need to allocate memory instead of passing it the string directly.
As for LPCTSTR it is simple and not C++ related:
#define const* WCHAR LPCTSTR
Its M$ way of saying Long Pointer to Constant STRing
T changes meaning based on what you are working with:
If you work with ASCII TCHAR is char
If you work with Unicode TCHAR is WCHAR
Basically these are just all redefinitions of variable types so you can distinguish what they are used for.
In C++ you can overload operators. For example you can have a function which changes the way ++ works with certain types of variables.
In our case CString class has a function which determines what happens when you try to cast (convert) it to a pointer to string.
Thats all the "magi" code.
Good luck with your app.
Small update:
Since I had to go in to XP anyway (to change PDAMobiz ROM which kept hanging at random and didn't let me use BT to latest PDAViet which for now seem very good) I took a quick peek at the help files.
Here is why you should not release the memory:
After SetClipboardData is called, the system owns the object identified by the hMem parameter. The application can read the data, but must not free the handle or leave it locked. If the hMem parameter identifies a memory object, the object must have been allocated using the LocalAlloc function
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levenum, thanks. You've got me almost there. There are several stuff I need to polish up though. Attach is a pre-mature version of what I wanted to do. There are several issues (including the fact that, only the 4 characters of the password are effectively used, which can be easily fix, I think. Just need to find the bug and squash it) that I like to polish up. They are sorted in order of importance (to me):
[1] Keyboard (SIP) pop up.
For this, I digged around and got to know that the function
"SHSipPreference( HWND, SIP_UP)" is the one to used. However, it never did what it suppose to do. I have had it put inside the "OnSetfocusConfirmPasswordEdit()" of the edit box, which should be called when it is set focus. I suspect that is I haven't set the HWND correctly. I have tried "NULL" and also tried using the "CWnd* pParent" from my dialog constructor (generated code my MFC Wizard). None of them worked.
[2] Editbox focusing.
For some reason, the focus on my main-dialog is correct on the editbox of the 'message'. However, on the dialog which is to confirm the password (which I called using
CConfirmPasswordDlg confirmPasswordDlg;
int nResponse = confirmPasswordDlg.DoModal();
is focusing on the 'Ok' button. What I like it to do is to focus on the 'confirmPasswordEdit' box, and it ought to automatically pop up the keyboard (SIP).
[3]Reduced size pop up dialog
I was trying to make the 2nd confirm password dialog smaller, something like a pop up in the PPC rather than something that take up the whole screen without much contents in it. How would you go about doing that? Is it not possible in PPC? E.g, if you were to use Total Commander, and start copying files around, they do have a pop up that does take up the entire screen. I'm suspecting I shouldn't do a "confirmPasswordDlg.DoModal()", and should some what do something myself. I have tried, SetVisible(1) thing, but that doesn't work. Or it shouldn't meant to work because my 1st screen is a dialog screen?
I would like to have a function of which after a certain period of idle time, it will clear off the clipboard and close itself. How would I go about doing this? Some sort of background thread thing?
Anyone can shine a light on my issues above? On MS-embedded Visual C++ (free), with Pocket PC 2003 SDK (free)
Attached the Blender-XXTea edition
Works on PPC2005 and WM5 (should work on WM6)
Does not require .NET framework
VERY small (54K)
hanmin said:
[2] Editbox focusing.
For some reason, the focus on my main-dialog is correct on the editbox of the 'message'. However, on the dialog which is to confirm the password (which I called using
CConfirmPasswordDlg confirmPasswordDlg;
int nResponse = confirmPasswordDlg.DoModal();
is focusing on the 'Ok' button. What I like it to do is to focus on the 'confirmPasswordEdit' box, and it ought to automatically pop up the keyboard (SIP).
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In your CConfirmPasswordDlg::OnInitDialog handler, call GetDlgItem(confirmPasswordEdit).SetFocus() and return FALSE. That should handle the focus and possibly the SIP popup.
3waygeek said:
In your CConfirmPasswordDlg::OnInitDialog handler, call GetDlgItem(confirmPasswordEdit).SetFocus() and return FALSE. That should handle the focus and possibly the SIP popup.
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HEY! The focus works! The working code is
((CWnd*) CConfirmPasswordDlg::GetDlgItem(IDC_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_EDIT))->SetFocus();
BTW, I'm wondering, whats the effect of a return TRUE/FALSE on a 'OnInitDialog()'?
Anyway, the keyboard pop up is still not working. I'm using the command
void CConfirmPasswordDlg::OnSetfocusConfirmPasswordEdit() {
SHSipPreference( (HWND)g_pParent, SIP_UP);//
which I suspect the 'g_pParent' is NULL. If it is NULL, would it work?
Ok, I haven't used MFC for a while and almost not at all on PPC but I will give this a shot:
1) MFC forces dialogs to be full-screen. Here is a detailed explanation on how to change that. Note that for some reason this will work only once if you use the same variable (object) to create the dialog several times.
If you use a local variable in say a button handler thats not a problem because the object is destroyed when you exit the function.
2) There is a simple SetTimer API. You can give it a window handle and then add an OnTimer message handler to that window. Or you could give it a separate function which will be called (say TimerProc). In that case you can give it NULL as window handle.
Note that CWnd objects have a member function with the same name (SetTimer) which sets the timer with that window handle (so that window will receive WM_TIMER message). If you want the raw API call ::SetTimer.
Also note that the timer will continue to send messages / call your special function every x milliseconds until you call KillTimer.
3) I am not sure what the problem with the SIP is. CWnd and derived classes like CDialog have a function called GetSafeHwnd (or GetSafeHandle, I don't remember exact name). Try passing that to SHSipPreference.
If that does not work here is an article with an alternate solution.
WOHO!! Everything works NOW!!.. MUAHAHHAHA.. wait til you see my release version
Non maximized windows works using the code suggested at the page. Although I still do not understand where the heck this '.m_bFullScreen' property came from. It is not anywhere obvious to be seen.
CNfsDlg dlg;
dlg.m_bFullScreen = FALSE;
Timer works using the
//your code...
CBlenderDlg::SetTimer(1, 5000, 0); //event 1, 5 seconds, something
//your code...
void CBlenderDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent){
//do something here for the timer
although somehow, the OnTimer() only works if I went to the MFC class wizard to add the WM_TIMER function. Doesn't work when I add in the OnTimer() myself. Must be something else that I've missed. Anyway.
Keyboard issue solved using
SHSipPreference( CBlenderDlg::GetSafeHwnd(), SIP_UP);
Glad its working out for you.
Couple of comments:
1) Somewhere at the top of the cpp file, if I am not mistaking there is something called a message map. It's a bunch of macros that lets MFC know what window messages it handles. An entry there is what was missing when you added the function manually.
2) m_bFullScreen is just another among many undocumented features. M$ likes to keep developers in the dark. For instance WM 2003 and up have an API called SHLoadImage which can load bmp, gif, jpg and some other formats and return HBITMAP which all the usual GDI functions use.
This API was undocumented until WM 5 came out and even then they said it only works for gif...
hanmin said:
BTW, I'm wondering, whats the effect of a return TRUE/FALSE on a 'OnInitDialog()'?
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The return value indicates whether or not the standard dialog handler (which calls your OnInitDialog) should handle setting the focus. As a rule, OnInitDialog should return TRUE, unless you change the focus within the handler (or you're doing an OCX property page on big Windows).
I haven't done much WinMob/CE development -- I've been doing big Windows for 15+ years, so window message handling is pretty much second nature. I started doing Windows development back in the days when you didn't have C++ or MFC boilerplate; you had to implement your own DialogProc, crack the messages yourself, etc. It's a lot easier now.
CommandBar / MenuBar
I'm back.. with more questions
Not much of a major issue, but rather an annoying thing I've found. Probably that's what evc/mfc/m$ intended to do that.
Anyway, I'm starting my way of getting around CommandBar. I created a MFC skeleton, studied the code, and that's what I've found, after I've created a CommandBar/MenuBar on evc and putting it in
if(!m_mainMenuBar.Create(this) ||
!m_mainMenuBar.InsertMenuBar(IDR_MAINMENUBAR) ||
!m_mainMenuBar.AddAdornments() ||
TRACE0("Failed to create IDR_MAINMENUBAR\n");
return -1; // fail to create
where I have the variable 'CCeCommandBar m_mainMenuBar' and I have created a MenuBar on evc with the Id 'IDR_MAINMENUBAR'. The menu bar works flawlessly on my dialog based application, when I have the 1st level as a pop up. Example
MenuBar --> 'File' --> 'New', 'Save'
Where 'File' is a folder-like thing that pop-ups and show the contents (i.e. in this example, 'New', and 'Save'). However, given the SAME code to load the CommandBar/MenuBar, it will not work, if I were to put the actual command at 1st level. Example, this will not work
MenuBar -> 'New', 'Save'
where there isn't any folder-like pop-up to store the commands 'New', and 'Save'.
I know that I can have buttons for these commands, and probably works. But, what I'm trying to do is to utilize the bottom-left-right softkey in WM5/6. If I were to have the 'File'->'New','Save' structure, it works fine with WM5, showing it as a softkey. But, if I were to do just 'New','Save' it will not show up in both WM2003 emulator and WM5.
As a matter of fact, even if I have (say) File->New,Load, and I added a new command (i.e. not folder-like-pop-up), example 'Help' on the CommandBar/MenuBar, the File->New,Load will not show up too. It seems like the 1st level command (ie. without a folder-pop-up), causes some problems and stop it from loading further.
Guys, ring any bell?
two bytes more
levenum said:
Hi hanmin.
Odd I didn't notice this thread sooner.
Any way if you still having problems with this code here is the solution:
You are working with char and strcpy so your text is in ASCII (each letter one byte).
But you are calling SetClipboardData with CF_UNICODETEXT so it expects WCHAR (UNICODE) where each letter is two bytes.
The strange letters are the result of two consecutive bytes being interpreted as a single letter (probably lends you in Chinese or Japanese region of the Unicode table)
Windows mobile doesn't usually work with ASCII so the text you get from the edit box will already be in Unicode and won't give you any trouble.
The code should look like this:
//put a test char
CString test; //since you are working with MFC save your self the trouble of memory allocation
test = L"The text I want on clipboard"; //The L makes the string Unicode
//codes you've given
if(OpenClipboard()) //OpenClipboard(NULL) gives me error
//not sure why you need to copy it again, but here goes:
HLOCAL clipbuffer = LocalAlloc(0, test.GetLength() * 2); //remember: every letter 2 bytes long!
wcscpy((WCHAR*) clipbuffer, (WCHAR*)(LPCTSTR)test); //LPCTSTR is an overloaded operator for CString
SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, clipbuffer);
//szMsg probably belongs to some larger application and is irrelevant
I never used the clipboard APIs my self so I can't guide you farther but this code should work.
Hope this helps.
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I know it is a bit late! But there is a mistake the code snippet:
HLOCAL clipbuffer = LocalAlloc(0, test.GetLength() * 2); //remember: every letter 2 bytes long!
needs to be
HLOCAL clipbuffer = LocalAlloc(0, test.GetLength() * 2+2);
the terminating 0 is als 2 bytes long!
Those errors are sometimes fatal, with very less chance to find them!

Application1 to control App2 (VisualStudio2008)

I'm developing one application in VS2008 for my pocket pc, and I need some help to continue with it.
I need to make the buttons of the application1 run even when the application2 is running and try to control it with application1 buttons, but I don´t know if it's possible!?
For example, is it possible to move between items on "windows mob. file explorer" using the up and down keys/buttons of application1?
The application1 only fills 1/3 of the screen, and I still seen windows explorer
When I try to do it, the application1 came to the "top" and windows file explorer control seems to be disable.
Is it possible? Any tips for it?
Have a look into the SendMessage API call. It should be able to do what you want.
Northernmost said:
Have a look into the SendMessage API call. It should be able to do what you want.
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I agree. You basically need to catch WM_KEYDOWN messages (and any other you want to pass) and send them to file explorer... I think the tricky part is knowing what application is running directly underneath yours. Post here how you did it if you manage to achieve all that
Arlanthir said:
I agree. You basically need to catch WM_KEYDOWN messages (and any other you want to pass) and send them to file explorer... I think the tricky part is knowing what application is running directly underneath yours. Post here how you did it if you manage to achieve all that
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Ok, I will post here the code of application. Take a look at it and say something about.
Here goes the code:
Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class Form1
<DllImport("coredll.dll", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Winapi, CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint:="keybd_event", SetLastError:=True)> _
Public Shared Sub keybd_event(ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Integer, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub ExitButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ExitButton.Click
End Sub
Private Sub UpButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UpButton.Click
Const VK_UP As Byte = &H26
keybd_event(VK_UP, 0, 0, 0)
End Sub
Private Sub LeftButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LeftButton.Click
Const VK_LEFT As Byte = &H25
keybd_event(VK_LEFT, 0, 0, 0)
End Sub
Private Sub DownButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DownButton.Click
Const VK_DOWN As Byte = &H28
keybd_event(VK_DOWN, 0, 0, 0)
End Sub
Private Sub RightButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RightButton.Click
Const VK_RIGHT As Byte = &H27
keybd_event(VK_RIGHT, 0, 0, 0)
End Sub
End Class
Do you think it is possible to control any other application with this?
I don't want only control windows explorer, I want to control other applications, including games.
Tanks for help.
I'm not getting what you want to do with it.
You're designing something like a userbar that's always staying on top but letting you interact with the application directly underneath it;
You're making a "remote control" application to send various commands to different programs, which you specify hardcoding.
Now the control is an easy one (at least in C++) but actually getting what application is underneath yours may be tricky. Can't help much more there, specially with another language. Have you searched msdn?
So, I mean to do a virtual d-pad cause I have one of my pocket pc dont have any!
See this post
This is what I want to do.
I think this will be, like you said, a little bit "tricky".
But, if some one could help, I think it will work.
I don't have many skills programming mobile applications.. so every tips and examples are welcome.
What? That changes everything! xD
On the first post you said you wanted to make the "up and down buttons" sent to app1 change app2... Well, I thought you were talking hardware keys here
(thus the WM_KEYDOWN event)
What language are you using and in what way do you interact with the touchscreen? Did you understand when I said you had to catch the events?
Basically, you want to catch touchscreen (mouse) events, compare the mouse coordinates to those of your buttons (let's say it was a MOUSEDOWN in the LEFT button area), get the window directly below you and post a WM_KEYDOWN message with the LEFT code to it.
The only problems in doing this in C++ for me right now (I'm also a beginner ) would be creating a window that doesn't cover the screen and getting the window below. The rest is really easy
Arlanthir said:
What? That changes everything! xD
On the first post you said you wanted to make the "up and down buttons" sent to app1 change app2... Well, I thought you were talking hardware keys here
(thus the WM_KEYDOWN event)
What language are you using and in what way do you interact with the touchscreen? Did you understand when I said you had to catch the events?
Basically, you want to catch touchscreen (mouse) events, compare the mouse coordinates to those of your buttons (let's say it was a MOUSEDOWN in the LEFT button area), get the window directly below you and post a WM_KEYDOWN message with the LEFT code to it.
The only problems in doing this in C++ for me right now (I'm also a beginner ) would be creating a window that doesn't cover the screen and getting the window below. The rest is really easy
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I'm using Visual Studio 2008 to code it.
Creating a window that cover only 1/3 of the screen, in VisualStudio is not difficult. If you have VS2008, I can send you the project for your email and so you can take a look at it.
If I understand, you can make this work coding it in C++, so we can share both parts... the 1/3 screen window and the way to make app1 control any other app2, cause I have no idea how to make app1 control app2!!!!!
all bull ****
Guys This Is Crap>>>>>>believe Me
jawad786 said:
Guys This Is Crap>>>>>>believe Me
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?? Why this "is crap" ??
It's a mobile application development try like any other one!
ImpactMan said:
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 to code it.
Creating a window that cover only 1/3 of the screen, in VisualStudio is not difficult. If you have VS2008, I can send you the project for your email and so you can take a look at it.
If I understand, you can make this work coding it in C++, so we can share both parts... the 1/3 screen window and the way to make app1 control any other app2, cause I have no idea how to make app1 control app2!!!!!
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You are aware that Visual Studio actually lets you code in different languages, I hope.
Arlanthir said:
You are aware that Visual Studio actually lets you code in different languages, I hope.
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Yes. I know that!
So, you think in C++ is possible to make it work?
Have any idea how to? Any tips?
Tanks for help.
I've already told you what I do know, now for the rest someone has to dig up the information from msdn... I don't have the time right now, as I'm working on something else on the little spare time I have But if you do find a way to do the rest I'll gladly help you with what I can do now.
Arlanthir said:
I've already told you what I do know, now for the rest someone has to dig up the information from msdn... I don't have the time right now, as I'm working on something else on the little spare time I have But if you do find a way to do the rest I'll gladly help you with what I can do now.
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OK. Tanks for your availability.
I will try to make some progresses... Let you know than.
Google is your friend -
Top of the list ( looks promising. Note the use of PostMessage rather than SendMessage. It appears SendMessage requires the target app to have focus to work reliably... where as PostMessage doesn't. You learn something new every day
dont know if ur coding something to control only one specific program, but if its for all programs maybe a sip input panel do the same in an easier way
Northernmost said:
Google is your friend -
Top of the list ( looks promising. Note the use of PostMessage rather than SendMessage. It appears SendMessage requires the target app to have focus to work reliably... where as PostMessage doesn't. You learn something new every day
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Tanks for the links.
I've already take a look at it, and now I'm going to try understand it and try to adapt something like to my application.
I will see the to ways... PostMessage and SendMessage.
Keep the development goin! Looks like a very interesting project I'll keep track, since I have an Omnia anyway.
Unfortunately I cannot help since I'm a begginer still stuck on Turbo C++ 3.0 (LOL, seriously-awesome right?)

DataManagement Library for Easy Android Database Storage

Storing objects to a Database for an Android application should be fast and easy as:
dm.add(new StorableClass());
DataManagement is a new open source library that allows you to do just that.
DataManagement is a Java Android library designed to help easily and efficiently store aggregate classes to an SQLite database. It eliminates the need to write separate classes to manage database – object interactions and allows developers to use simple methods to store, query, update, and delete objects. The library is capable of storing all objects of classes whose instance variables are either primitive data types or are themselves objects of another storable class. The DataManagement Library condenses many standard database features into several simple methods. It is fully open source and the code can be found at
Creating a Storable Class:
public class StorableClass{
private int ident;
private int num1;
private double num2;
private String num3;
private boolean num4;
public static final int num5 = 3;
private OtherStorableClass[] ds2;
A storable class must meet two requirements. First, the class must have a private instance variable of type int that will be used as the id number of the object. This variable may be read by the application, but the application should not have the capability to write to or change this variable in anyway. This variable is identified by the system with an @Id annotation. In addition, the class should not have any instance variables that are not either primitive types, strings, or other storable objects.
Instantiating a DataManager Object:
DataManager dm = new DataManager(context);
The open method accepts the calling Context that is going to use the database. Usually this should be the calling Activity.
Opening a Database for Use:
This method must be called before the database is used in any way.
Closing a Database After Use:
This method should be called after all database operations have been performed.
Adding an Object to the Database:
int id = dm.add(new StorableClass());
The add method accepts an object of a storable class as its only parameter and adds it to the database. It returns its id in the database for future use.
Retrieving a Specific Item from the Database by ID:
StorableClass storableObject = dm.get(StorableClass.class, id);
The get method accepts two parameters: the data type of the stored object and the Id number of the object (the return value of the add method).
Retrieving All Objects of a Given Type Stored in the Database as a Collection:
storableObjectCollection = dm.getAll(StorableClass.class);
The getAll method’s only parameter is the class of the objects that should be retrieved.
Retrieving a Collection of Storable Objects that match a given criteria:
Collection<StorableClass> storableObjectCollection = dm.find(StorableClass.class, 5, "num1");
The find method accepts three parameters: the data type of the stored object, the value that is being searched for, and the name of the instance variable as a string. This method is overloaded in such a way that the second parameter may be any primitive value or a string.
Updating an Object in the Database:
dm.update(id, updatedObject);
The update method accepts two parameters: The id number of the object being updated and the updated object that will replace the existing one I the database. If the id number of the new object and the id number given as the first parameter do not match, the object’s id will be overwritten.
Deleting an Object by its Id number:
dm.delete(StorableClass.class, id);
The delete method accepts two parameters: The data type and id number of the object to be deleted.
Additional Notes:
Id numbers are used by the database to ensure that objects are put in the correct place and to allow the program to access these objects. It is important that programs using this library do not attempt to set these variables as they will be initialized and managed by the library. These id numbers are unique for objects of a given type; objects of different types may have the same id number. In addition, if objects are deleted from the database their id numbers are left empty and are not reused.
DataManagement is Currently Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0). It is intended for open source use by anyone who would like to use it.
This is awesome!!
Tried it out for an app today-- incredibly simple! For those looking-- this library essentially replaces loads of SQL helper classes and queries with an interface that's similar to ArrayList.
Definitely going to use this for everything in the future!
Did you change the license or something? The repo is no longer on github.
regaw_leinad said:
Did you change the license or something? The repo is no longer on github.
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After a quick search on github, it looks like it's been moved here
cmike21 said:
After a quick search on github, it looks like it's been moved here
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Thanks. I forgot to change it. I just edited my post with the correct url.
Sounds awesome! Great work.
Gonna try it this evening.
Anyone compared the performance with db4o?
are there any performance test with other DB libraries for android? and what about the this lib vs contentproviders?]orm-droid
will definitly be using this once i learn some app development! thanks for this!
Just in time...
I'm trying to build a simple project the test and learn how this lib works, but I'me quite new in programming and I have some difficulties to understand how to use dm.
The project will be a simple song database with edittexts for song and artist. I created the storableClass as the example, but I cannot understand how to connect it with the main activity, so I can use the output of the editTexts.
1st question is: do I need to have the String variables as private? I'm thinking that must have them as public, so I can connect them with the editTexts output.
2nd: question: all these methods needed to be called from storableClass, or from main activity, after I connected the storableClass with main activity? And how I do this?
Probably with the use of context you descibed, but I cannot understand how to do it. I tried sometimes but always get errors and a specific one "The constructor DataManager(Context) is not visible".
Is there any example project' source code which use this lib to get an Idea, or can you explain the context step more extensively?
Thanks in advance and sorry for noob questions.
dancer_69 said:
I'm trying to build a simple project the test and learn how this lib works, but I'me quite new in programming and I have some difficulties to understand how to use dm.
The project will be a simple song database with edittexts for song and artist. I created the storableClass as the example, but I cannot understand how to connect it with the main activity, so I can use the output of the editTexts.
1st question is: do I need to have the String variables as private? I'm thinking that must have them as public, so I can connect them with the editTexts output.
2nd: question: all these methods needed to be called from storableClass, or from main activity, after I connected the storableClass with main activity? And how I do this?
Probably with the use of context you descibed, but I cannot understand how to do it. I tried sometimes but always get errors and a specific one "The constructor DataManager(Context) is not visible".
Is there any example project' source code which use this lib to get an Idea, or can you explain the context step more extensively?
Thanks in advance and sorry for noob questions.
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Here is a sample project:
(It's in the github project.)
You can set the strings on private, because you can grab the values of the edittext on your layout. Eclipse should generate your set/ get methods if you create your private strings. The methods. Take the values and insert them into your db, Look at the sample:
public DataSample(){
num1 = 3;
numderp = 3.0;
num3 = "three";
num4 = true;
ds2depier = new ArrayList<DataSample2>();
ds2depier.add(new DataSample2());
ds2depier.add(new DataSample2());
That is the basic constructor of the DataSample class. If you do an insert like
int id = dm.add(new StorableClass());
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The basic constructor will be called and it sets your values for example the num1 =3. You could overwrite the basic constructor with your costum constructor to insert your values.
You activity call:
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The constructor could be something like this:
public DataSample(String sSong, String sTitle){
sYourTitleDataBaseColumnCaption = sTitle;
sYourSongDataBaseColumnCaption = sSong;
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Or use the set/get methods, my custom constructor are just an idea to show you an example. Just take a closer look at the github sample and it should work for you.
Thanks, I think I can figure it out now.
How to is very outdated. I can't initialize via new DataManager() but via getInstance(), also delete and update method doesn't have Id argument anymore.
I can't get this to work. I can't even add a member to collection because it needs to use db.add(new MyClass()); but i already have MyClass() initialized with their members. I have tried to do something like copy the Id from add, update into my other instance of this class and run a db.update() but it throws a RuntimeException.
Not usable at this time.
Sounds good!
I'll give it a try as soon as I start a new project that requires data storage ...
I really hate SQLiteOpenHelper, cursor and all this strange syntax ...
The idea is good, but it can't be compared to db4o, specially when talking about documentation.
Hello mate,
I'd like to use your library and backup the data with Google/Dropbox Sync... can you tell me the name of the file on which you save data?

[Q] Extract JSON data and display in ListView with Searchbox

Hi Everyone,
I am currently a very new starter in the Android App Development stage. I have tried to develop a ListView with Searchbox facility to search data that comes from a specific URL in the form of JSON data. I managed to understand displaying this data in ListView, but adding a search facility is something I'm struggling to grasp somehow.
The code attached is a reference code I am trying to tune before I move on to actually developing my app. However, it doesn't seem to work on the emulator, giving me the error that the MainActivity file has stopped working.
I am unsure if there is a fundamental error somewhere, and would be really grateful to get some advice on this. I have looked online and can't seem to find a good resource that explains merging ListView with JSON data effectively with a Searchbox.
ajitmenezes said:
Hi Everyone,
I am currently a very new starter in the Android App Development stage. I have tried to develop a ListView with Searchbox facility to search data that comes from a specific URL in the form of JSON data. I managed to understand displaying this data in ListView, but adding a search facility is something I'm struggling to grasp somehow.
The code attached is a reference code I am trying to tune before I move on to actually developing my app. However, it doesn't seem to work on the emulator, giving me the error that the MainActivity file has stopped working.
I am unsure if there is a fundamental error somewhere, and would be really grateful to get some advice on this. I have looked online and can't seem to find a good resource that explains merging ListView with JSON data effectively with a Searchbox.
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You should implement the search on the listview adapter, not on the activity itself.
Take a look at the following article:

