No more than 13 items on Today screen... - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hi. I found out that when you install a new application with a Today item if you already have 13 of them the last one install sort of bumps one out. The first one to go in my case is the Tasks. Mind you I do not have all 13 active. Most are unchecked in my Settings / Today control panel. Seems like there is a limitation to how many of them can be installed at any given time.
This brings up the question. How can I remove things like MMS Composer today item or those others installed by various applications without uninstalling the application itself. Is there a registry location where the info is kept? Presumably I can just remove the reference and bring my count under 13. Am I off base here?

no, you're spot on!
Use a registry editor, such as resco and remove the entry under hkey_local_machine\software\Microsoft\today\items

Re: no, you're spot on!
cojones said:
Use a registry editor, such as resco and remove the entry under hkey_local_machine\software\Microsoft\today\items
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I m actually looking to add MMS back on today Screen
not sure how anyone can help
in the register is only show
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\MMS Composer]
even Enable it (turn it to 1)
it is not showing

Presumably you have tried going to Start/Settings/Today/Items to see if MMS is available to tick? (sorry if thats too obvious!)
Otherwise you may have fallen foul of the 13 Item limit, and may need to delete another of the Today Items in the registry to allow MMS to show.
One tip, is to export the Registry entry to "Storage" before deleting it- this will ensure you can get it back if you find you need it in the future- double tapping an exported registry entry will reimport it.


How to disply Today items, that are not in the list?

In other word, how to modify/organize the Today Items?
f.ex. I have many programs installed as Today Items but at the -> Settings -> Today. Items, there are only 13 items any the rest is invisible and inactive
And Dashboard is one of them
Known bug, if you have more than 13 applets installed some of them will start to disappear, usually the InBox application first. No solution known.
u can fix it by using RegEdit,,,,,,,search for "Tasks" to get Today items registery ,just rename it like "Dashboard" => "Dashboardx" and save, after that it'll apper. u can rename it again to original name :lol: thats it
I disagree here, you can remove items from the registry which you do not need to get back under the 13 applet limit, but renaming the entries does not really fix the problem. The limit is hard coded into the OS.

Removing today screen items

Having installed a new application I found that it has added an item to the today screen settings. ln doing so it has deleted the tasks item from the settings (I believe there is a maximum) so I can't select tasks to appear on the today screen. Is there an alternative way to remove the unwanted today Screen item from the settings. NB. the aim is not simply checking/unchecking the setting, its removing the setting altogether.
Yeah, you can remove the unwanted items from the registry.
Use Resco Registry editor or a similar registry editor.
The key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items.
fantastic, thanks :lol:
Anyone can post the registry for "message/sms/inbox" today item? ^_^; thx in advance!
Jos said:
Yeah, you can remove the unwanted items from the registry.
Use Resco Registry editor or a similar registry editor.
The key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items.
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It was so log time ago you offered a solution, however, having come across the problem you solve here, I am very happy you offered help.
Your solution has saved me.

Reg Tweak FILES: Post/Get them here

Let's start a thread of all the reg tweaks ppl have come up with. If they are saved as .reg files (to an SD), we can install them with a mere double-click by using TRE (options>associate), and anyone can contribute to this post WITHOUT having to build .cab files! Why is this kewl; cos when u hard reset it's a real ball-ache to go back into all the forums to find the tweaks u applied and to navigate thro TRE to re-apply them all. This applies particuarly to settings (Owner info etc). Over and above, we are no longer beholden to tweak shareware, but have full and instant control over our settings.
Each tweak should have 2 reg files; Apply the tweak, and remove the tweak (if possible). In this manner, we can have a directory of reg files, and can turn on and off tweaks with a simple
Attached is a basic set I've compiled. Please let everyone know if any are a problem (ie perhaps whole key gets replaced and overrides something u have already changed). Files described below:
[*]Reg Date_In_Titlebar ON.reg
Adds the date to the title bar, with format according to your short-date format under settiings>regional (or found manually changed in another Tweak I'll cover later). I do NOT have a .reg file that will undo (ie delete) this new key, but it's easy to see what key is being added so u can delete it. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
Can someone please find out where we can change the font for this - it's a horrible bold font that doesn't fit in the space available?
[*]Reg Font_Menu_+_Pop_700 ON.reg
Change menus and popups to a smaller font. Nice size, makes VGA look more VGA-like, yet not so small that it fails cleartype nor looks daft. Requires a reset. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
[*]Reg Font_Menu_+_Pop_900 DEFAULT.reg
Reset above change to default of 900
[*]Reg Font_System_700 ON.reg
Changes system font to 2 pts smaller. I find that dialog boxes with radio buttons got a bit wierd, and you don;t get much more screen estate height cos of icon sizes staying the same in file lists, so I don't bother with this tweak. Requires a reset. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
[*]Reg Font_System_900 DEFAULT.reg
Turn above off
[*]Reg GPRS_+_3G_Always _On DEFAULT.reg
Awesome tweak to make sure ur phone connects to GPRS/3G and stays there. However, you'll want to switch this off overnight etc, which is the main reason I created this post and these reg files. NOTE: you will absolutely HAVE to replace the "MTN SA Web" bit with the name of your connection which you will find in this key using TRE
<Credit: BrettS>
[*]Reg GPRS_+_3G_Always _On ON.reg
Turn off the above. Remember to change connection name in file
[*]Reg PIE_Homepage_Default.reg
When u press the E (explorer) keyboard key u go to clubimate homepage - annoying. This resets that hard button to whatever u want (current reg file is windows\default.htm)
<Credit: I forget, someone on clubimate forums>
[*]Reg TerminalServices_Cache_Larger DEFAULT.reg
AWESOME improvement in Terminal Services client horrible black blocks. Increases cache sizez - I did not notice an increase in traffic/cost
<Credit: Carnivor from MS KB>
[*]Reg TerminalServices_Cache_Larger ON.reg
Turns above off
More coming as I go thro the wiki and toenailed tweak posts and extract usefull ones for us lonely Universal users...
can you add the actual keys to here?
cos of this thread
Doh! That post came up after I started this thread.
Still this thread is useful for the actual .reg files to same n00bies some time (and to save me time too). I'll make sure everything here is duplicated there tho.
Here are a few more .reg files:
Several versions of date_in_title_bar (covered above)
Hide_Screen_Rotation icon
Hide that icon that allows u to rotate screen - but JJ does it automatically so Icon is not so necessary
These are for me - u should edit file in text editor to customise 4 yourself. Best part is my short date format that keeps date in title bar small and visible
Customise as above
Double your screen cache. COsts a LITTLE memory, and improves screen size
Set screen font size to "smaller". This can be changed in "settings"m and I only include it here in line with my suggestion that we have a collection of files to run quickly on reset. You may want to customise as above
SIP_Settings. Ditto
All in updated zip file.
I would really appreciate if anyone can find a way to get rid of the Last Call in the dialer screen... I know its somewhere hidden in Registry, but I dont seems to be finding a way to get tru it...
Having the Last Dialed No. showing rite up on the Dialer Screen is really bothering and if you happened to press the phone button by mistake twice there we go the last dialed no. has been dialed already for you....
Bump: no-one contributing to this learning?
haven't found anything else worth posting yet m8, u got the best ones already :wink:
craigiecraigie4: Thanks for these - great idea!
I have a suggestion:
HKCU/ControlPanel/Backlight sets the backlight duration for the keyboard (in seconds). It's available through the control panel, but I like it set to more than the CP maximum of 10 seconds. Sorry - I don't know how to create a reg file.
To reset, choose another value in the backlight control panel applet.
Don't have any others to add though
Found another one:
Change the width of the vertical scroll bar and the height of the horizontal scroll bar so they take less room on the screen:
Change cxVScr to (say) 10 to make vertical scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
Change cyHScr to (say) 10 to make horizontal scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
This change affects various scroll options in the system including the up/down arrows in selection boxes. 10 is a nice size.
This one is in this forum:
from davidberrysmith
Any body remember these reg tweaks from himalaya? they still work
*** Speed Up Your Windows Mobile Pocket PC.
1. Open your registry editor o_n your Pocket PC
3. Change the value of 'limit' from 8192 to 32768
4. Close registry editor and soft reset.
*** disable start menu animation
Change the "AniType" value from 6 to 0.
i-mate jasjar
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SiliconS said:
Found another one:
Change the width of the vertical scroll bar and the height of the horizontal scroll bar so they take less room on the screen:
Change cxVScr to (say) 10 to make vertical scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
Change cyHScr to (say) 10 to make horizontal scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
This change affects various scroll options in the system including the up/down arrows in selection boxes. 10 is a nice size.
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Nice one dude. I can't make the .reg file cos I can only create reg files of the entire key, and there are too many other things under GWE that users may have changed.
Internet Explorer
Somewhere in those forums I found the IE reg hack to make mine 5.5, this helps connecting to my bank account and viewing other secured sites.
read this somewhere
To change the ability to receive files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
The setting is at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex'
The 'IsEnabled' DWORD value should be set to '1' to enable OBEX and '0' to disable OBEX.
For example, to enable the ability to receive fles via Bluetooth
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex\IsEnabled = 1
says receive so i dont know about send, try it!! might be it
But apparently now this is the same feature as the receive incoming beams setting in connections.
Yes, I know that's not free but 90% of all this hacks have been included in Tweaks2K2. And the other 10% are about to be included :twisted:
Yeah, true. Idea of this thread was to have a facility whereby a hard reset can be quickly restored to a working device - install a few basic apps, run the .reg files, and there u go. Takes me about half an hour from HR thro to up and running perfectly.
craigiecraigie4 said:
Yeah, true. Idea of this thread was to have a facility whereby a hard reset can be quickly restored to a working device - install a few basic apps, run the .reg files, and there u go. Takes me about half an hour from HR thro to up and running perfectly.
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With your .reg files as inspiration I'm just about getting there in the same way. I've written down all the steps and I just run through them. I've done this since I had my XDA2 and it makes a hard reset so much less traumatic:
Hard reset. Wait for Today screen then soft reset.
Connect cable to ActiveSync. Set up guest connection.
Turn off beams, error reporting
Set basic clock accuracy
Copy Step 1 files to root of PPC [These are the CABs for the programs I install]
Run CABs. Leave O2 Connections CAB. Put gps.CAB and PIMAddin onto storage card
Run TRE registry editor. Associate .reg files to TRE
Open the .reg file [This applies my registry settings. See below]
Run O2 connections CAB
Copy all Step 2 files to root of PPC [This adds shortcuts to StorageCard-installed programs to my Start Menu and gives me my freeware email client and PZP icons and profiles]
Run SDK Certs CAB
Run OzVGA. Change all fonts to same size as qVGA
PPC: edit registry: browse to HKLM\ControlPanel\GPS Settings. Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
CPL > Personal > Buttons: match Button 2 to [Task switcher], Button 4 to <Rotate Screen>; Set button lock
CPL > Personal > Menus: ActiveSync, File Explorer, Internet Explorer, nPOPw, Pocket Informant, Task Manager, TomTom Navigator
CPL > Personal > Owner: set owner information
CPL > Personal > Phone: change band to GSM
CPL > Personal > Today: set items to Date, PZP, PocketPlus, PocketBreeze, Messaging; set theme to Windows Default
CPL > System > Clock: Show time on all screens
CPL > System > Regional: Set locale to UK
CPL > Connections > GPS: set program port COM0
Soft reset
Set password for PPC
PC: backup previously sync'ed files folder
PC ActiveSync: delete previous partnership. Don't delete sync'ed files folder
CPL > System > About: Set DeviceID = XDAExec
Connect PPC and PC with cable
Sync only Contacts, Calendar (all), Tasks, Favourites
Sync files. Replace the items on the device
PocketBreeze: import settings
PocketPlus: import settings
PocketInformant: run and let it fanny about
PocketWeather (on PocketBreeze tab): import settings
Run ListPro. Enter registration code
Disconnect from PC
Set up phone speed dials
Set up voicedial tags
Set up ActiveSync via Bluetooth to Workstation
Set up bond to headset
Set up bond to GPS thingy. Choose Serial Port as profile
Start TomTom Navigator. Run through startup.
InternetExplorer: sort out view settings. Set default page to about:blank
Choose Transcriber input method. Import settings file
This is my .reg file that does almost everything I need done in one step:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client]
"Keyboard Layout"="00000409"
"SSDte"="d/M "
It makes a massive difference using commercial software that has a reliable import/export process for the settings and this, IMHO, is usually the biggest difference between paid-for software and freeware alternatives.
Silicon, don't u want to re-post your post here:
We need more of these 'standard' configs to help new users get up n running without giving up on their universal.
dude, your screen - how?
how did you make htc look like that?
is it standard? emailable? I don't really want the merc style if it can be changed, but its a nice screen all the same
Re: dude, your screen - how?
simon_darley said:
how did you make htc look like that?
is it standard? emailable? I don't really want the merc style if it can be changed, but its a nice screen all the same
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You don't want merc!! well u can just f off then! ;-)
It's WisbarAdvance2 with WAD - see another post I started in this forum. u can put in on any universal, with whatever walpaper u want, and there are plenty of free skins
Re: dude, your screen - how?
craigiecraigie4 said:
It's WisbarAdvance2 with WAD - see another post I started in this forum. u can put in on any universal, with whatever walpaper u want, and there are plenty of free skins
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Whatever it is, it's distracting to have such a big picture in your signature in such text-based forums.
Sorry craigiecraigie4. Don't mean to offend. Just MHO.

Change your Default Contact Manager Ver 0.01

I made it as simple as possible to change your prefered Contact Manager, my friend uses iContact, which seems quite popular here. As downloaded, the script is setup for iContact, but to change it all you have to do is edit the first 2 lines with a text editor.
Run the script and your Softkeys, and Links, all call up iContact, run again and it switches back to Office (Outlook) Mobile!
Does not support 3rd party software, such as SPB Mobile Shell, for SPB Mobile Shell support see this thread.
MortScript is requied, download it here.
I hope you find this useful!
To use:
1. Download and unpack the ZIP file.
2. Edit the first 2 lines in the MSCR file, notepad works fine for this.
set AltContactsName, "iContact"
set AltContactsPath, """\Program Files\iContact\iContact.exe"""
3. Copy to your device, and make a shortcut.
4. Click the shortcut and answer the "Yes or No" question.
5. Repeat step 4 to swap between the two contact managers!
Once again Great Scripting..
I installed mortscript, ran it, and it said iContact was my default, I whent back to my Today screen, pressed contacts, and it said it wasnt digitally signed, or something of the sort. So, now when I revert back, and try to change again, it wont even give me that message, it just automatically goes to Office Contact manager.
Could anyone please help me? I'm kinda new to all this..
Nevermind, I'm and idiot. I put the iContact folder in the device root. heh.
Also, would it be possible to change the Calendar if you change:
"set AltContactsName, "iContact"
set AltContactsPath, """\Program Files\iContact\iContact.exe"""
set AltCalendarName, "PROGRAM"
set AltCalendarPath, """\Program Files\PROGRAM\PROGRAM.exe"""
damnitryon said:
I installed mortscript, ran it, and it said iContact was my default, I whent back to my Today screen, pressed contacts, and it said it wasnt digitally signed, or something of the sort. So, now when I revert back, and try to change again, it wont even give me that message, it just automatically goes to Office Contact manager.
Could anyone please help me? I'm kinda new to all this..
Nevermind, I'm and idiot. I put the iContact folder in the device root. heh.
Also, would it be possible to change the Calendar if you change:
"set AltContactsName, "iContact"
set AltContactsPath, """\Program Files\iContact\iContact.exe"""
set AltCalendarName, "PROGRAM"
set AltCalendarPath, """\Program Files\PROGRAM\PROGRAM.exe"""
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Glad you figured out the iContact, was going to suggest checking your path, as far as calendar check the calendar thread and don't forget to double check your paths.
for those that are not working do a soft reset, this should be included in instructions
as the previous one. wonderful, thank you very much.
alterantively, another way to set icontact or any other contact program without any scripting is to just go and edit this registry key
and edit key #1 to the path of your program. pm contacts edits this value to make their program the default. So for iContact, do the same thing. Make sure you back it up in case you would like to go back, but it's not that difficult tho.
edit: sorry didn't know this was a toggle manager where you siwtch between default and icontacts. in either case, the registry key may be good to know, lol
NguyenHuu said:
alterantively, another way to set icontact or any other contact program without any scripting is to just go and edit this registry key
and edit key #1 to the path of your program. pm contacts edits this value to make their program the default. So for iContact, do the same thing. Make sure you back it up in case you would like to go back, but it's not that difficult tho.
edit: sorry didn't know this was a toggle manager where you siwtch between default and icontacts. in either case, the registry key may be good to know, lol
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Thats ok, this script just automates the registry entry your describing, but like you discovered, it allows quick swapping the items.
how can i get
change contact application in diamond
How can I change the contact application on the Diamond screen ("All contcacts") to use iContact?
The script that was mentioned does not change the touchflo contacts soft button.
Is there a way to make this work for instance I'm sending an e-mail and click on add new recipient, then icontact will pop up instead of MS contacts? Even after a soft reboot, the mortscript did not seem to do this. Thanks!
alon24 said:
How can I change the contact application on the Diamond screen ("All contcacts") to use iContact?
The script that was mentioned does not change the touchflo contacts soft button.
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When installing iContacts from Burt the softkey "all people" on my M2D was changed in my case automatically to iContacts.
nice job, thanks
catpaws said:
Is there a way to make this work for instance I'm sending an e-mail and click on add new recipient, then icontact will pop up instead of MS contacts? Even after a soft reboot, the mortscript did not seem to do this. Thanks!
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Anyway to do this?
doesn't work on my omnia either
Hi guys. Anyone get this working on the Omnia? I've been playing around trying to get iContact to work, with no luck.
What I'd really like to do is get the Samsung Phonebook app to be used everywhere, i.e. when create new message/email etc. From messaging, when you add a recipient it brings up the normal contacts screen - cant seem to change this.
Default contacts manager
Did anyone sort this prob. Open new email or sms message, click on the 'to' field and select contacts to open the contact manager of your choice rather than the awkqard default one ?
catpaws said:
Is there a way to make this work for instance I'm sending an e-mail and click on add new recipient, then icontact will pop up instead of MS contacts? Even after a soft reboot, the mortscript did not seem to do this. Thanks!
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I'd like to do this too...
any resolution for us Omnia users?
I see it's been a couple of months since the last post in the thread. Has anyone figured anything out for us Omnia users?
I manually edited my registry entries to reflect the install directory of iContacts, then powered the phone off completely. However, it doesn't seem to have made a change whatsoever.
Anything else need changing?
Using thekevster's M2D custom DC22 ROM, running WM 6.5

Input disappeared

on my HD2, (Freyberry ROM), under settings > personal > the folder "INPUT" is gone, (no more). It was useful when you have multiple keyboard (as I has the standard input keyboard and TouchPal).
Somebody knows how to make re-appear?
I mean via a registry tweak?
Or by adding a cab?
Otherwise now I have no way to select the default keyboard.
For example, if I would like to revert (even temporarily) to standard keyboard, then I need to unistall Touch Pal...which is not a desirable thing to do.
Any suggestions are welcomed!
Simply delete the following registry key:
Soft reset, and the Input settings are visible again!!
(Works on the HD at least )
Thanks Cycled.
Can you suggest me a registry editor? I am trying the default File Manager but I cannot figure out how to reach the registry
I remembered a registry editor called ph but its official website (a Russian one) seems pointing to different type of softwares
saulo866 said:
Thanks Cycled.
Can you suggest me a registry editor? I am trying the default File Manager but I cannot figure out how to reach the registry
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Do a google for CeRegEditor. You connect your phone to your PC with ActiveSync and run the app on your PC. I'd highly recommend it mate.
saulo866 said:
Thanks Cycled.
Can you suggest me a registry editor? I am trying the default File Manager but I cannot figure out how to reach the registry
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I use PHM Regedit. I think it's the one anyway as most roms I use lately already have a reg editor installed and so I haven't installed it myself lately.
Dear Cycled
I see you are very knoweleagle: do you know how to twek the registry in order to DISABLE the HTC Outlook?
Please see my other thread here:
In brief:
I cannot launch the standard Microsoft outlook-contacts, therefore the only onw is the HTC contacts, which lacks many fields (No separation for name, family name, middle name, no separation in company address into address, city, zip, etc)
Do you know how to get the last HTC application which is the bar on top which when you click on CLOCK or TIME?
saulo866 said:
Dear Cycled
I see you are very knoweleagle: do you know how to twek the registry in order to DISABLE the HTC Outlook?
Please see my other thread here:
In brief:
I cannot launch the standard Microsoft outlook-contacts, therefore the only onw is the HTC contacts, which lacks many fields (No separation for name, family name, middle name, no separation in company address into address, city, zip, etc)
Do you know how to get the last HTC application which is the bar on top which when you click on CLOCK or TIME?
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I'm not that knowledgeable, just read a lot. I'm sorry, I use the standard HTC Contacts and do not know how to deactivate that.
For 2, I'm not sure if you are referring to a Task Manager which will show open apps when you click on the clock on the taskbar?

