How to keep the XDA II off after receving SMS? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I miss this option onXDA II, it was on the 2003 operating system on XDA I. My power always on because of so many SMS. can some body show me how to get it back?


SMS Spam? I get 30 per Day!!! Can I turn off SMS?

I currently have an XDA I and expecting an i-Mate XDA II in a week or so. Has anyone else experienced SMS Spam? I get about 30 SMS Spam message a day !!! My current XDA I is through AT&T and they said they need SMS to download software updates. Although, my XDA II will be an i-Mate and not supported by AT&T, therefore I should be able to turn SMS off.
Is there any way to turn SMS off on the XDA II?
Mate, afaik there is a law in the States protecting you against it. You need to register with a service. Dunno though if it's with AT&T or provider independant.
Thanks, I'll check into that.
Dunno if it's a "system command" but here in Holland we can block (commercial) SMS by sending "stop" to "255"
(w/o quotes ofcourse :roll: )

simple sms on xda ii

what do u think, is it possible to use the simple sms or other programs on xda ii so we can send the sms with other number
Simple SMS does not work.
simple sms
now i know it works , im just trying with the 1.1 version of simple sms
I tried but it bombs out. What port settings did u select?

SMS Graphics/Chinese

:lol: Can the SMS receive the graphics SMS in XDA II, as mobile phone can. Which Chinese software can be use? is CE Star for PPC can be used?
try Monster Chinese, more compatible with XDAII
Chinese in XDA II
I had install Monster Chinese in my XDA II, but it seems like it convert my calander to chinese, how to configure it.
if you by graphic sms dont mean mms but that odd old ericson and nokia icon thingy then xda dont support it as std
of cause i know nothing about any chineese versions so i cant tell if they have that option
I means EMS
When people send me EMS, SMS with text and tiny graphices from nokia, My XDA II can not received the SMS.
no xda or pocketpc device i've heard of can recieve those
of cause if somebody made a replacement of the sms protocol for
pocketpc it would work but ems never really got that popular
and is pretty much replaced by mms these days
so i rather doubt that it will come but who knows

revive: Bluejacking for pocketpc

Where i can get bluejacking for XDA II? that can send short text msg via bluetooth. i found only for p900 but not for xda II
maybe you should try and read this
Once you start it gets a bit addictive though!!

SMS Programs that runs on XDA Exec thru a second pohne

I am looking for a SMS program that I can install on my XDA Exec. I want to be able type my text on the program, using bluetooth link the Exec to my T68i on a different contract with lots of bundled text add-on and send the text message. I have successfully done this using Infra-red, but can't lining up both devices and I am using mphone2.6
Use Simple SMS from Visual IT....
Thanks, I will give it a try.
Simply SMS crashed my XDA, I only later learned that it's not compactible withWM 5. Be warned, dont install it on XDA Exec.
Nothing works... I tried all the available SMS programs that connect the 9000 via Bluetooth to other phones but it refuses to connect. Only IrDA works...

