changing bands 900/1900 to 900/1800 - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I just bought me a QTEK 1010 with ROM v3.08.10ENG and Radio version 6.02.
But my Operator only operates at 1800 Mhz, and i think this phone can only handle 900/1900 (its has model no. PW10B1). Is there any way how i can change this ? or is that impossible?

It wont work, or if it did it would be extremely flaky if it managed to connect bearing in mind the 100mhz difference in frequency.

Hmmz, while i was googling for WALLABY Bootloader, i came on the main site of xda-developers where the bootloader was describer. Then i went into the UTILITIES screen of my bootloader, and changed my settings to GSM 900/1800. And i rebooted my phone.
It looks like it's now running on my 1800 Mhz provider, cause i can make phone calls!
Does this mean that it IS a triband phone?

Not really, where people have been able to get 1900 on 900/1800 phones it has been very flaky at best, let us know how you get on using 1800. By the way, which operator are you using.

Change 900/1900 to 900/1800Mhz ....
I bought a SX56 few days ago in eBay(US) .... I decided to buy because the guy was sure that his phone was TriBand... but when I started to use here in Brazil, I realized that's impossible to find a carrier ...because the GSM here is 900/1800Mhz.... instead 900/1900 from US GSM Mobile.
How can I change the band ???
I presume the SX56 is 900/1900 because I read a AT&T logo ...
But I need to change to 900/1800Mhz...
Could you help me ???
Joe Scheidegger
Sao Paulo Brazil

Hi guys,
thought of saying a couple of important notes:
1. when checking the type of your device, refer ONLY to the sticker on the rear side. do NOT depend on what's written in the device info!
2. the xda 1 is a "dual" band device either 900/1800 (A type) or 900/1900 (B type). both ROM and GSM menu will have the 3 options but this doesn't mean it will work. if you want a tri band device get the xda II

:shock: XDA 1st working good in Russia . The phone and GPRS .

Re: Change 900/1900 to 900/1800Mhz ....
Joe_Scheidegger said:
But I need to change to 900/1800Mhz...
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You can try what this other person did: change the band in the bootloader.
Hold the power button while performing a soft reset (large hole, bottom left). After you see the bootloader screen, press the calendar button (top right above display). The options 900/1800, 900 and 1900 are all in the menu. Move with rocker keys (below screen), and press the middle of the keys to select. The soft reset again (without holding power).
1) You may need to remove the SIM and put it back in before the phone 'understands' the change.
2) Your radio part is now operated 100 MHz or ~5% out of tune. And it wasn't a very good GSM radio to begin with. Pray the 1800 provider you're with is high in the band.

Peter said, "Hold the power button while performing a soft reset (large hole, bottom left). After you see the bootloader screen, press the calendar button (top right above display). The options 900/1800, 900 and 1900 are all in the menu. Move with rocker keys (below screen), and press the middle of the keys to select. The soft reset again (without holding power). "
After you do all this, does the original Radio ROM 4.xx.xx or whatever compatible as before? People used T-mobile 6.xx.xx in US for 900/1900 Radio but 4.xx.xx in Europe for 900/1800 Radio.
I knew in the wallaby bootloader they have that utilities but you may need to change the radio as well, is it? I guess....

After testing the mobile on 900/1800 for a while, i would not advise it to anyone of doing it, cause my connection is really sucky sometimes.
If there is anyone in europe who wants to have an XDA 900/1900 for testing purposes and exchange it with an 900/1800. Let me know


PPC2003 and Phone Bands

Hi all, can anyone offer any advise, I have PPC2003 installed ( which rocks ) ! however ! I changed the band when I reached the US ( which failed ) and can no longer alter any phone setting to change the band back ! The phone app now appears to be locked, can anyone help is is another rebuild on the cards !!!
hi From Riyadh
Hello mgbudd
well, to change band while using WM2003 i guess you need to access WALLABY bootloader by doing soft reset + power on key then press the calender key you will see
utilites and long list with these options
GSM Turn off
GSM Reset
GSM 900
GSM 1900
GSM 900/1800
GSM Normal
i guess you can switch to the right band from this menu and you are all set ready to use your phone.
good luck and have a great day
Thanks, great advise ! Looks like the phone however is not tri-band


hi everyone i'm new on here..judt got myself a used 02xda and i've used xdaunlock and it's worked, re-run prog and it says phone already unlocked, but i'm still not getting a signal when i click on the antenna with the cross next to it , it asks if i want to turn phone on, which i do but theres still no signal....when i go into sim manager it says wireless radio currently off.....can anyone point me in the right direction, i've looked at the other threads but still no joy.....thanks john
Try hard reset. If that doesnt work tru bootloader to switch gsm to your band uk will be 900/1800.
gsm on
gsm turn on
gsm turn off
gsm reset
gsm 900
gsm 1900
gsm 900/1800
gsm rfcal
gsm normal
does that look rite for the uk..i've tried changing the gsm 1900 to 1800 by highlighting it and pressing action..dont know if i'm doing it right as i've only had it a day
Yes, you choose using that method, I take it the result is still no signal? Does the original sim work? Also a hard reset is done by unscrewing your stylus, the top half will fit in the tiny hole on the right hand side of the base of xda, "xda facing up", push it in once, leave it for a few seconds, then push once again. This should do a complete factory reset.
What workt for me is trying another simcard...
After that replace it with your own card and then you should get a signal...
i've tried a vodaphone sim and got a signal but everytime i dialled it end call...but with orange i dont get a signal at all,but when i put it back in my mobile i get full strength signal...can these xda's signal's be turned up
Have you ever seen this phone working with ANY sim? It sounds to me like a blocked phone.
no i didnt see it working with the phone....but it shows up on vodafone....going to stick with my mobile and just use it for sat/nav
just found out the xda is blocked by there any way of getting round this as o2 will not unblock it...thanks
just found out the xda is blocked by there any way of getting round this as o2 will not unblock it
go to


Hey folks,
I ran into a problem because of my greed for the very latest OS - I loaded a t-mobile OS into my XDA and when I was looking at the network settings, I discovered that I'd lost signal to my phone so I'm now working to fix that. my question is this - everytime I load WM2003, do I automatically condemn my XDA to be limited to 900 mhz? of course I know the XDA doesn't have the hardware to be running 1900 mhz (US frequency or T-mobile's native frequency), but does loading a WM2003 designed for XDA disable my normal automatic 900/1800 switching for use here in Asia and Europe?
1. T-mobile edition designed for US, ie 900/1900MHZ
2. If you retained your original RSU, try hard resetting.
3. Go to your boot loader, ie press power button while soft resetting, press your Address button, select 900/1800 option
4. Never go to the band option tag again =) but if you do, and the s/w ask you to save or not, just soft reset.
5. Still cannot make it? downgrade your RUU
thanks dude. I finally resolved the problem - I was fortunate enough to still have a copy of XDA Developer's special Edition 1.2 which had a band switcher - used that to switch the band back to normal...

sx56 with no signal in Saudi Arabia

I bought a sx56 (AT&T)from ebay seller and i am now in Saudi Arabia i made unlocking using the especial edition rom from XDA-developer but no signal after that and the device can not find the network even after making band width adjustement to 900 (here in saudi arabia)
Rom version 3.17.03 Eng
My RSU is 4.21
any one can help please!!
what's your device type ? ... A or B ?
You selected 900 MHz from the phone settings or the bootloader GSM menu ?
I selected the 900 from the a program called gsm band it is already been with xda-developer special edition ROM.
How do i enter the the bootloader? and change it to 900
And by the way it is A type. does this type do not work in the middle east or what?
I had an sx56.
I got it from USA and it works fine with me here in Dammam.
All what I did is change the bandwidth to (I am not sure if I change it to 900 or 1900) any way try both.
You need to go to the phone dialing (The one with numbers and buttons)
Then go to Tools/Options and then Band I think and change it there.
Also, while you are there try to go to Network and find the network manually not automatic.
InshaAllah it will work.
The device type is the whole point ... check the rear sticker ... if your device is PW10A that means it supports 900/1800 MHz ... and if it's PW10B this means it works for 900/1900 MHz.
The RSU should be the proper one as well ... 900/1900 RSUs will give you 900 only if your network is 900/1800.
Check the device type first, if it's A and your networks is 900/1800 then you should NEVER switch to 1900 MHz
The best and safest way is to use the GSM bands from the bootloader menu. Press soft reset while pressing power ... when it says "GSM OK" press the calendar button and select the right band.

i-mate PPC GSM Band

Hey folks,
Is there a utility/hack that allows you to change the GSM band from 900/1800 to just search the 1900 band? Since upping to 1.72 my radio always locks onto the 900 band and stays there for ages before locking onto my operator (on the 1900 band). I have to have at least 80% signal level. I know that 900 generally is a stronger signal (the other operator is always at least 10-20% over my operator), so thats why [note: I cannot roam with the other operator].. I know the new iPaq seems to have a band select, and my Treo 600 does too....
HTC do you have a util?
Any help greatly appreciated.
under my phone settings i can choose network and set pref network and all kind of stuff like that
HTC do you have a util?
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i really doubt that HTC hang around this site you i think that
any questions you want to aim at HTC have to be mailed to them
Try this: go to phone, tools, options, network, network selection and put it in Manual, select your network and OK.
Tell us if it works well thus.
If it dont work, you can install old radio version.
Thanks folks for the replies.. That's actually how I have it set now (manual on my operator), but for some reason when you turn the radio on it locks on to the 900 band and just sits there.. If I walk around until a strong enough signal is obtained from my operator it'll lock on; but as you can imagine this is really annoying.
Thanks again for your pointers. If I find anything out I'll let you know, as I've also shot an e-mail to Carrier Devices; and will shoot something directly at HTC.
I may also drop down to Radio 1.10; but I hate having to re-install all my software again..
You can make backup, install old radio version and make restore.

