1) Hi, we works with Pocket PC 2003 (Embedded Visual C++ 4.0). Our target is perform a data call over integrated cellular line. We read that the right mean is TAPI (XDA-Developers forum) because COM2 seem to be owned by RIL layer. We wrote a test program which handles a data call answer. We get the serial port handle returned by "lineGetID()" function for current data call, but when we try to use it through standard communication APIs ("WriteFile()" and "ReadFile()") it doesn't work (no data is read or write from port handle, but there aren't errors returned by APIs). Same code seems to work fine on a HP IPAQ 2210 with a Compact Flash GSM/GPRS card. How can we transfer data so?
2) We noticed a phone answering process is alive (CPROG.EXE) that takes calls' control. We kill this process when we make our tests, but it backs to life after some minutes. How can we take real calls' control?
3) Is the integrated cellular modem Hayes compatible? Is there a way to directly send AT commands to integrated cellular modem?
4) DCB structure "PortDCB" we pass to "SetCommState()" is the following:
PortDCB.DCBlength = sizeof (DCB);
PortDCB.BaudRate = 9600;
PortDCB.fBinary = TRUE;
PortDCB.fParity = TRUE;
PortDCB.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE;
PortDCB.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE;
PortDCB.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE;
PortDCB.fTXContinueOnXoff = TRUE;
PortDCB.fOutX = FALSE;
PortDCB.fErrorChar = FALSE;
PortDCB.fNull = FALSE;
PortDCB.fAbortOnError = FALSE;
PortDCB.ByteSize = 8;
PortDCB.Parity = NOPARITY;
Is it correct?
Can anybody help me?
This DCB params seem do right job....
PortDCB.BaudRate = 115200;
PortDCB.fBinary = TRUE;
PortDCB.fParity = FALSE;
//PortDCB.fParity = TRUE;
PortDCB.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE;
PortDCB.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE;
PortDCB.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE;
//PortDCB.fDsrSensitivity = TRUE;
PortDCB.fTXContinueOnXoff = TRUE;
//PortDCB.fTXContinueOnXoff = FALSE;
PortDCB.fOutX = FALSE;
PortDCB.fErrorChar = FALSE;
PortDCB.fNull = FALSE;
PortDCB.fAbortOnError = FALSE;
PortDCB.ByteSize = 8;
PortDCB.Parity = NOPARITY;
problem one shuold be solved ...Hi
Your DCB parameters worked fine.
Hi Matthew.
Your parameters worked fine with my application, i was teting an IMate and you helped me a lot with my next product version.
Thank you.
Cesar Bremer Pinheiro
Bremer Serv. Emp. Ltda.
Raseac Division.
Dear Matthew,
I created a similar application to make a call from one PPC to another using data link. The problem is my program couldn't detect incoming calls. Would you please help me solve this issue?
Do you have any source code that I can learn from it? Also which method did you use? TAPI? COM port? RIL?
I'm very confused. Please help....
Best regards,
A. Riazi
Why is your baudrate 115200 when a CSD connection through TAPI is only at 9600 ?
cause it's TAPI
you can't select bearer capabilities
if you wana select rate use RIL or direct access to COM-ports
mathews help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am facing a similar problem cant send data through writefile api on cellular line
these r code snippets form my cod e
if(dwReturn =lineOpen (
g_hLineApp, // Usage handle for TAPI
g_dwCurrentLineID, // Cannot use the LINEMAPPER value
&g_CurrentLineInfo.hLine, // Line handle
// API version number
0, // Must set to zero for Windows CE
0, // No data passed back
LINECALLPRIVILEGE_NONE, // Can only make an outgoing call
0, // Media mode
g_MakeCallRequestID = lineMakeCall (g_CurrentLineInfo.hLine,
dwRet =lineGetID(g_CurrentLineInfo.hLine, 0, 0, LINECALLSELECT_LINE, lpVarString,TEXT("comm/datamodem"));
till this its ok it returns a valid comm handle
after that it sends th data over the connected call but doesnt receive anythinga t the other end ...
the problem might be to give a call handle and LINECALLSELECT_CALL in linegteid func tion i tried it but when i use it fails saying cannot obtain the handle .......now i don understand whether its the problem of not obtaining a handle or whether linehandle will work but problem is in communication ...
plz help and add some code snippets for the communication
firstly have you set up the following...
CallParams->dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINECALLPARAMS)+1024;
// This is where we configure the line for DATAMODEM usage.
//its important to note that if you attempt to make a call
//using LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM, the line must be opened in
//that way to begin with or nothing will happen. ie open lines
//corresponding to what you plan to makecall with.
CallParams->dwBearerMode = LINEBEARERMODE_VOICE;//over voice call
CallParams->dwMediaMode = LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM;//data transmition
//specify that we only want to use a call that is not alreay in use.
//Otherwise it can take over calls that are in progress
CallParams->dwCallParamFlags = LINECALLPARAMFLAGS_IDLE;
//specify to use the first address
CallParams->dwAddressID = 0;
next check the line you want to use and make sure...
if(lpDevCaps->dwBearerModes & callModeData)//datamode
if(lpDevCaps->dwBearerModes & callModeVoice)
//then check the media mode
if(lpDevCaps->dwMediaModes & LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM)
//use it
next when you get an incoming call etc get the handle......
HANDLE myTapiManager::getHandle()
CString name="";
DWORD dwSize = sizeof(VARSTRING) + 2048;
DWORD dwRet = 0;
lpVarString->dwTotalSize = dwSize;
//the commented out values are what microsoft seem to say
//but cause it to return no handle but only the device class name
dwRet = ::lineGetID(/*hOpenedLine*/NULL, 0,hCall,LINECALLSELECT_CALL /*LINECALLSELECT_LINE*/, lpVarString,
if ( dwRet == 0 )
hModem= * (HANDLE*) ((char*) lpVarString + lpVarString->dwStringOffset);
name= * (LPTSTR) ((char*) lpVarString + lpVarString->dwStringOffset + sizeof(HANDLE));
MessageBox(NULL,_T("null handle"),_T("handle"),MB_OK|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TOPMOST);
MessageBox(NULL,_T("non null handle, about to call init on port"),_T("handle"),MB_OK|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TOPMOST);
//you must initialize the port but I do not show it here
dwSize = lpVarString->dwNeededSize;
delete lpVarString;
lpVarString = NULL;
// handle errors.........
while (1);
return hModem;
this works for me. One problem you may be having is the timing. If you get the handle when the call is offering it will be useless. You must ensure that the call is connected, use the LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED for this.
cprog dose not effect the opperation of your program, only its ui.
Have you looked at the zip I put in this post ?
It may help you with the sending part and getting a handle to Readfile/writefile.
I have never worked on the anwering side so I know nothing on that.
to answer the call that is offering, use LineAnswer. I have tried LinePickup but it has not done what I want. When using lineanswer be aware that the os has already set the number of rings it will ring before the call is actually answered after you answer it. It is normally changed through the phone settings but you can do it programatically if you wish.
Also, you have not mentioned what you are doing with regards to threads. The first time I tried using tapi I spent a lot of time avoiding using multiple threads but it is impracticle. A good number would be 1 for the ui 1 for the line status and 1 for data transfer. Getting your serial handle would the require carefull synchronization.
I have not found benefit in altering any of the port settings. The time-outs for the read/write can make a huge difference though.
Have you checked if there is a class name following the handle in the LPVARSTRING? I have found that if you are doing everything correct except the timing, the name is added but not the handle. This means that the name would be 4 places sooner than it should. In that case the name is in the place where the handle should be and the call still succeeded. Try writing to the port using a string instead of a handle and see how far you get(kidding). To test it just treat the handle you have got as if it where a string and put it in a messagebox. If you can read it then your timing is off.
Lastly your problem could come from how you are setting the api version. Have you been checking the errors generated after all your api calls. There are a lot for tapi that tell you most of what is going on. I have noticed that if you are using the event method for getting line state messages from tapi (ie the correct time to grab the handle) there is something wrong with the way the api version gets negotiated. The event method is part of tapi 2.0 i think so it should be expected that an api version of at least 2.0 is a good version to aim for. For win ce 3.0 docs say that 2.0 is fully supported and parts of 2.1. This is not what actually happens though, I have found that I can't get the event method to work at all (among other things) if I don't pass a min version of 1.1 and a max version of 1.3. This is bizar because by that input tapi should not use any features above 1.3 :?:
guys i ve been trying to set up call params
//Configure line device for a data modem
memset(&LineCallParams, 0, sizeof(LineCallParams));
LineCallParams.dwTotalSize = sizeof(LineCallParams);
LineCallParams.dwBearerMode = LINEBEARERMODE_VOICE;
LineCallParams.dwCallParamFlags = LINECALLPARAMFLAGS_IDLE;
//If multiple addresses on the line, use the first address
LineCallParams.dwAddressID = 0;
the problem is when i pass the lpparam instead of null it reaches to dialing the number and says disconnected: unreachable ..
There is no error while lineopen is passed with LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM as the 8th parameter i think it shoudl have given an error of media mode not supported at that point only ....but it didnt .....it opened the line fine
when i did not set the datamodem media mode in call params and rest remain as it is ..........the call works fine and is connected ....is it because the datacall facility is not supported and if it is not how can it be activated ....
lReturn = lineOpen(m_hLineApp, m_dwDeviceID, &m_hLine, m_dwAPIVersion, 0 , 0,
g_MakeCallRequestID = lineMakeCall (g_CurrentLineInfo.hLine,
NULL); // NULL for default voice call
// lpCallParams);
Firstly, is the phone you are trying to dial a ppc. If yes... the ppc you wish to be the one that answers the call must have opened the line the same way as the dialing one, ie supporting data. If not then it will not even ring when a data call is offering and you will never know if your call was really made.
next look at lineopen.
long opnResult=lineOpen(hLineApp,
0,//not used at all
1,//not used by tapi, but is passed back to this //application to help identify the source of the messages.
//in each line state message. It can be used
//to make sure the message is from a line
//opened by this app.
LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER,// tells it can //accept calls.
almost the same but try LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER. This must be set on the receiving end but I also set it on the dialing end.
If the media mode is not supported you will get an error message to tell so. That is the primary way my programs determine the identity of the line to use.
What is the device you are using? I have got bi-directional data transfer to work between ppc 2002 (xda I) and wm2003 se (xda mini). Before 2002 not as many features are supported.
also your call params may be too small
try adding a litle to the end
CallParams->dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINECALLPARAMS)+1024;
and what about the number to dial in the call params
// Address to dial
//set its location to be after the normal end of the structure
CallParams->dwDisplayableAddressOffset = sizeof(LINECALLPARAMS);
CallParams->dwDisplayableAddressSize = strlen(szPhNumber);
strcpy((LPSTR)CallParams+sizeof(LINECALLPARAMS), szPhNumber));
then pass the szPhNumber into linemakecall, remember that ppc version
takes unicode.
i am trying to pass data from pocket pc to my pc
this is whole part
// Call translate address before dialing.
// Allocate memory for lpTransOutput.
if (!(lpTransOutput = (LPLINETRANSLATEOUTPUT) LocalAlloc (
ErrorBox(TEXT("translate fails "));
goto exit;
lpTransOutput->dwTotalSize = dwSizeOfTransOut;
if (dwReturn = lineTranslateAddress (
g_hLineApp, // Usage handle for TAPI
g_dwCurrentLineID, // Line device identifier
// Highest TAPI version supported
lpszPhoneNum, // Address to be translated
0, // Must be 0 for Windows CE
0, // No associated operations
lpTransOutput)) // Result of the address translation
ErrorBox(TEXT("lineTranslateAddress fails "));
goto exit;
if (lpTransOutput->dwNeededSize <= lpTransOutput->dwTotalSize)
dwSizeOfTransOut = lpTransOutput->dwNeededSize;
LocalFree (lpTransOutput);
lpTransOutput = NULL;
} while (TRUE);
dwSizeOfCallParams += lpTransOutput->dwDisplayableStringSize;
if (!(lpCallParams = (LPLINECALLPARAMS) LocalAlloc (
ErrorBox(TEXT("lineTranslateAddress open fails "));
goto exit;
ZeroMemory(lpCallParams, dwSizeOfCallParams);
// Set the call parameters.
lpCallParams->dwTotalSize = dwSizeOfCallParams;
lpCallParams->dwBearerMode = LINEBEARERMODE_VOICE;
lpCallParams->dwMediaMode = LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM ;
lpCallParams->dwCallParamFlags = LINECALLPARAMFLAGS_IDLE;
lpCallParams->dwAddressMode = LINEADDRESSMODE_ADDRESSID;
lpCallParams->dwAddressID = g_dwCurrentLineAddr;
lpCallParams->dwDisplayableAddressSize =
lpCallParams->dwDisplayableAddressOffset = sizeof (LINECALLPARAMS);
// Save the translated phone number for dialing.
lstrcpy (szDialablePhoneNum,
(LPTSTR) ((LPBYTE) lpTransOutput +
memcpy((LPBYTE) lpCallParams + lpCallParams->dwDisplayableAddressOffset,
(LPBYTE) lpTransOutput + lpTransOutput->dwDisplayableStringOffset,
// Make the phone call. lpCallParams should be NULL if the default
// call setup parameters are requested.
g_MakeCallRequestID = lineMakeCall (g_CurrentLineInfo.hLine,
NULL); // NULL for default voice call
// lpCallParams);
plz suggest if i need to change anything but as the call is successfully connected when only media mode is not set i guess problem is not with the memory location or anything but lies with the provider not sure ...............
or better maybe if u can suggest how i can do settings on my pocket pc for data calls
If you can't make a Data Modem type call, but you can make a voice call - Then are you sure you have Data Enabled on your Sim.
I'm sure I had that un-reachable error ages ago and it was due to not having Data Enabled. You have to contact your Sim provider to do that.
I have never included the lineTranslateAddress, i just put it in the way the user entered it( with a little error checking). If it works for voice though it must be OK.
With the sim, I have done this using 3 different sims and never had to set anything special on it. I could be lucky I guess and had sims already enabled. I doubt it though because one is 7 years old pre paid and not had any change since purchase. The second in a new pre paid and the 3rd is a full gprs enabled(not that gprs has anything to do with this). There should not be anything in the os to set either as when you do what you have done it is doing the "setup" just programatically.
I remember reading somewhere that the network had to support it but I can't be more specific.
What is your network? What is your device? what is your os?
When you say the voice call is connected what do you mean?..
1)your program at the other end answered.
2)the phone app on the other end answered.
3)your dialing end app received the connected message.
4)the returned value from linmakecall was > (-1).
5)some phone hardware on a real phone answered.
6) (my favourite way) the monitor next to your phone started buzzing, proving something was going on. Thats how I test my gprs connectivity :lol:
Hi there
I'm writing an PocketPC Application which also uses the Phone functions.
But how could I catch an incoming call with number?
I just need to get an event to get the number of the incoming call, to make something like an log entry
Can anyone give me some hints?
Thanks for your reply
And how can I catch this event in C# ?
1)init TAPI (search on this forum)
2)in cycle call lineGetMessage
in struct LINEMESSAGE check dwMessageId
3)if dwMessageId == LINE_APPNEWCALL - incoming call
4)if dwMessageId == LINE_CALLINFO - call info changed
call lineGetCallInfo
in struct LINECALLINFO check dwCallerIDFlags
5)if you work with different media modes (voice, datamodem, fax and etc) check dwMediaMode in LINECALLINFO structure
using this, how would i know if the phone is on a call already? would i be concerned with dwMessageId also here and what constant would i be comparing to?
Thanks for your help
But because I'm new to the .NET stuff , do you have some sample code on how to implement this ?
source codes from vangelderp:
about geting caller number:
unsigned size = sizeof(LINECALLINFO);
/*lpCallInfo place right size of struct to dwNeededSize*/
while (tmp = (LPLINECALLINFO)realloc(lpCallInfo, size))
lpCallInfo = tmp;
lpCallInfo->dwTotalSize = size;
if (lineGetCallInfo(hCall, lpCallInfo))
if(lpCallInfo->dwNeededSize <= size)
if (!tmp)
/*dwCallerIDOffset is offset in bytes from top of struct*/
if (lpCallInfo->dwCallerIDFlags & LINECALLPARTYID_ADDRESS)
_tcsncpy(number, (LPTSTR)((BYTE*)lpCallInfo + lpCallInfo->dwCallerIDOffset), 256);
/*256 symbols only for example*/
using this, how would i know if the phone is on a call already? would i be concerned with dwMessageId also here and what constant would i be comparing to?
you can't
use RIL_GetLineStatus from RIL
Has someone experience about using the TAPI Wrapper with .NET CF2.0 ?
Here it doesn'T work at all :-(
I am trying to set the volume to my needs then put it back after. I have use the code from ppc developer network and when that did not set the correct volume I also did the registry as well. Don't worry about "reg", its my registry class and it works fine.
DWORD oldReg=0;
wf.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
wf.nChannels = 1;
wf.nSamplesPerSec = 8000 * 1000;
wf.wBitsPerSample = 8;
wf.nBlockAlign = wf.nChannels * wf.wBitsPerSample / 8;
wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = wf.nSamplesPerSec * wf.nBlockAlign;
wf.cbSize = 0;
DWORD dwVolume=0xffffffff;
DWORD oldVolume=0;
int waveDevice=-1;
UINT numberOfDevices=waveOutGetNumDevs();
for(UINT id=0;id<numberOfDevices;id++)
if (waveOutOpen(&hwo,id,&wf,0,0,CALLBACK_NULL)==MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
.........playing sound here all ok....
//put the volume back
if (waveOutOpen(&hwo, waveDevice, &wf, 0, 0, CALLBACK_NULL) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
waveOutSetVolume(hwo, oldVolume);
I can set the volume to any value below the origional volume but any attempt to set a volume higher just dose nothing. There are no errors (checking left out here), just the same level. I did not seriously expect the registry part to work as I guess there is some event to trigger that change, but others seem to get results from waveOutSetVolume.
Well, I never tried changing volume by code, but I know TCPMP player does it well and it's open source so might be worth taking a look at.
Thanks levenum, I will give it a look.
Before I got a chance to look at that code I got a result. I have been using PlaySound to play a resource with no volume change working. When I use waveOutWrite to play a buffer containing the same data I can get the volume change I am after. There is still something wrong with my code because the sound gets garbled but I think I will figure that part out. I also want to next test playsound with a file instead of a resource.
using playsound with the same file plays clear sound but the volume change is not working. Its a pity because to get the waveoutwrite to work properly i had to fill in the WAVEFORMATEX with the CORRECT values. This means that if I am allowing the user to specify files to play I will have to find out the samples per second and bits per sample info before I can use the file.
I'd like to write an app that can send DTMF-tones during active voice calls. (Purpose: simplify usage of automated dialogs like "to listen to your messages, press 1. To do X, press 2", and so on)
I’m using lineGenerateDigits for this, but somehow it won’t work. This is my function:
long testSendTones() {
DWORD dwDuration = 600;
LPCWSTR tone = TEXT("2"); // I’m not sure if this is correct
if (!g_hCall) {
// Error with the call
return -1;
long result = lineGenerateDigits(g_hCall, dwDigitMode, tone, dwDuration);
if (result) {
//error with digit gerneration
} else {
// everything ok
return result;
The result is that I don’t get an error (i,e. lineGenerateDigits returns 0), but I don’t get a tone either. The event “LINE_GENERATE” (is to get called after the tone is sent) is also triggered. So technically it all looks fine, but it just does not send the tone. I changed the tone duration to 0 and several other values, but it did not work.
Changing the digitmode to LINEDIGITMODE_DTMFEND yields a return value of 0x80000026 (LINEERR_INVALDIGITLIST), and produces no tone either.
Any suggestions? Any advice or idea is greatly appreciated.
Hi there,
First of all I tried searching on google and also in this forum itself but I cant find anything related and so i decided to create a new thread on this.
If there anyway via tweaking the registry that i can make use of the volume key on the blackstone to take pictures instead of using the touchscreen? I believe this is possible
I find taking picture using a touchscreen is really difficult.
I read from http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Blackstone_Overview that this is possible by remapping the volume rocker.
Does any know how?
Will anyone be able to help?
I'm requesting this also. HTC should have made an option for us to choose for this from the beginning.
Request also here!
Sorry, I added this "remap volume rocker Solution" because I thought it was possible, but I actually didn't try it. So let's keep this thread to find a way to do it.
Remapping keys is through AE Button Plus or MobileMagic.
Right now we only have the choice of "touch" or "touch and hold" the virtual on-screen button to "auto-focus + shot".
We need to find out if there is any keyboard shortcut associated to that function.
I tried to use the "enter key" fonction remaped to Volume Up with AE Button Plus, but it didn't work.
Does the HTC Touch Pro have HTC's Camera application? maybe they know a keyboard shortcut? Let's ask.
I guess it will be possible.... just that we need the experts here to show us how to...
[APP] CameraButton
To solve this problem. I thought of a very simple solution:
Instead of us clicking the on-screen camera button, we need an application "CameraButton", which will click on the screen for us, then we just need to map a hardware button to that application.
Simple isn't it?
So here is the C# code for the CameraButton application:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace CameraButton
class Program
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("coredll.DLL", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName,string lpWindowName);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("coredll.DLL", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)]
static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
static extern bool SetCursorPos(int X, int Y);
static extern void mouse_event(uint dwFlags, uint dx, uint dy, uint dwData, int dwExtraInfo);
public enum MouseEventFlags
LEFTDOWN = 0x00000002,
LEFTUP = 0x00000004,
MIDDLEDOWN = 0x00000020,
MIDDLEUP = 0x00000040,
MOVE = 0x00000001,
ABSOLUTE = 0x00008000,
RIGHTDOWN = 0x00000008,
RIGHTUP = 0x00000010
static void Main(string[] args)
IntPtr cameraHandle;
cameraHandle = FindWindow(null, "Camera");//search camera app
if (cameraHandle == IntPtr.Zero)// cannot find it then launch it
Process cam = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("Camera.exe", ""));
//cameraHandle = cam.MainWindowHandle;
else // can find it then set position then click
//SetForegroundWindow(cameraHandle);// we assume we already have the focus on the camera app
SetCursorPos(240, 750 );//set position to the on-screen camera button
mouse_event((uint)MouseEventFlags.LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0);
mouse_event((uint)MouseEventFlags.LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Why do I give the code rather than the binary?
Because unfortunately this code doesn't work (yet).
Let me explain a bit more:
This application doesn't need to keep running in the background, it just can do 2 things. Start the camera app if it's not already started, or just click at a specifically chosen position.
If I set the position to (0,0), my program will click at the upper-left corner of the screen, and hit the start button, therefore the start menu appears.
However if I try to click on the camera application, it doesn't have any effect!
Actually if I click somewhere else than the on-screen camera button, it should still react to the click: the little cross should move to the clicked place as part of the Touch Focus feature of HTC's camera app.
But here again, nothing happen.
Since it's my first app on WiMo, I might have done a mistake somewhere, but I can't see where.
Any XDA-developer can spot what's wrong with my code?
please see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=471321
The Problem is the HTC Application, it blocks any keydown event
I did it Application released soon!