GPS Hep Please - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Getting closer downloaded the bt patch and istalled it, bonded my new gps receiver, shows com 4 as available port.
Launch my destinator software, go to gps settings, only allows me to sellect com 2, 7 and 9
help please

sorted thanks

And the problem was????

soft reset went into destiator settings and it located the device on com 4



i am new to this plaise help
i got SPV M1000 witch i install TOMTOM 4.00
the problem is when i click on tomtom navigator
i get this massage: gps position unreliable
plaise tell me STEP BY STEP how do ACTIVATE GPRS
coz i am new to this
Nice and easy....
Launch TT, goto config, goto GPS
If you have a little circle at the top right spinning then it's connected to your GPS device, however if you get a popup asking you to pair it, then do the following
Search in BT, you should find the GPS device, pair to it (dont use a code if asked)
Tick the allways connect to this device tick box, ok all the way out and TT should now be talking to the device
It will take a while to initially pick up satelites, you should see some grey bars and numbers in the GPS window inside TT.... Also make sure your outside
Hi King2,
are you getting GPS and GPRS confused?
you don't mention a GPS unit in your post (but you do mention GPRS)-- do you have one? TT is useless without.
the GPS unit (usually cabled/bluetooth) is basically a satellite receiver which TT uses to locate your position.
GPS Position Unreliable means that the GPS Module not found any satelites.
When you don't have the module you don't get this message.
Then TomTom says GPS module not found.
I takes about a minute or so to conect to a satelite.
But you must be in a open space otherwise the module can't connect.
When you are between buildings the connection is difficult.
Hope this helps
Greetings [email protected]
i upgrade my SPV M1000 from win 2003 to 2003SE and the
GPS TO V 3.07 the problem i got is:
on the bluetouth settings,bluetouth serial port setup:
now on the GPS TAB
on the top drop i got TOMTOM NAVIGATOR GPS
and on the second drop i got COM 5
now I CANT TICK THE BLUE CHECKMARK BOX TO START THE CONNECTION but before i upgrade to win 2003SE it was OK
any help plaise and tnx
ROM version:2.06.00WWE
RADIO version:1.18.00
EXTROM versionIAMOND 1.2se
Port Problem
Hi King2,
Did you paired the phone and the BT GPS?
It is where you put the BT on
Settings / Connections / Bluetooth / Devices / New
If you did there was a question about a bluetooth serial port connection.
You must answer yes or no. Use yes
If you tick yes, WM2003SE creates a BT Serial port.
I think in the text it also says what port was created. (i saw in a flash that is was BT Serial Port 5
In TomTom got to GPS and take BT Serial on Com 5
Uncheck the port 4.
I din't change the settings and when i just looked in the BT Settings only the Outbound Com port: 5 is checked and 4 is not
I hope this helps
Greetings [email protected]
NO I CANT paired the phone and the bt gps: DEVICE NOT FOUND
I DONT get any question about a bluetouth port connection
but in TOMTOM GPS I DO TICK THE COM 5 in second drop
is ok with COM 4 but no COM5
any chance to change the COM PORT settings in BLUETOUTH SETTINGS?
tnx again for your help
Hi King2,
You must pair your BT GPS otherwise it won't work.
What for BT GPS do you have :?:
And did you put the GP on when you try to pair. (it a silly question but i have to ask you).
Did you BT GPS came with extra software :?:
Were going to get it to work :wink:
HI [email protected]
tnx for your help
i did paired them and it s working like dream
your r top man

TomTom5 and parrot 3300 on windows mobile 5

I've read the BT TomTom how to's but to no avail. I've also heard that becuase the parrot 3300 is a bluetooth carkit as well as a bluetooth GPS reciever you have to fiddle to get it working.
I've fiddled until I could fiddle no more!
Anyone managed to get this setup working - if so, HOW!
Thanks in advance.
I got mine working without any problems (other than the tedious tomtom configuration)
Make sure you run the latest 3300 firmware from
You only set up one partnership with the 3300.
It will support 2 services:
Serial Port (for GPS) (fiddling required as per tomtom posts)
Hands free
Zach - did you do the serial port 0 & 8 switch from post:
or the serial port 5 bodge from post:
I did the 0 & 8 switch, I did not try the bodge, it has been working ever since so I am not touching it.
I have not had to hard reset since the jasjar update came out (Sept 30?)
and it has been working great.
One thing you have to remember when you turn tomtom on, it turns on your bluetooth, so by swithing tom tom on you will get both GPS & hands free.
hope that helps
hmm I've tried every which way but loose.
On your parrot - in GPS settings mine never says connected.
When I'm spoofing the COM port 0 tomtom sees that fine, but when I then swap the BT to use COM0 tomtom never sees the device.
Confused :roll:
These are the steps I'm taking.
1. Create a BT connection with the parrot
2. Tick the head set checkbox and serial check box
3. create a parrot outgoing COM port (8)
4. Create a virtual COM port (0) in Settings > Connections > GPS.
5. Start TomTom, configure GPS and select COM(0)
6. Quit TOMTOM
7. Change Virtual GPS port from (0) to (8).
8. Change BT parrot COM port from (8) to (0).
9. Delete virtual COM(8) port
10. Start TOMTOM
When I get to stage 10 nothing happens.....
Try doing this
remove totmtom from your device,
soft reset,
install tomtom 5.1
1. Create a BT connection with the parrot
2. Tick the head set checkbox and serial check box
3. create a parrot outgoing COM port ( 8 )
4. Create a virtual COM port (0) in Settings > Connections > GPS.
5. Start TomTom, configure GPS and select COM( 0 )
6. Quit TOMTOM
7. Change Virtual GPS port from ( 0 ) to (none).
8. Change BT parrot COM port from ( 8 ) to ( 0 ).
10. Start TOMTOM you may have to wait up to 5 minutes the first time
TomTom only sees the Virtual port.
you want to set the virtual port, Bond tomtom to it
change the BT port to the same number as the virtual.
clear the virtual port
start tomtom
Also I am Using Port 8 for my Serial port Not 0
I had to use a SD card reader in order to install the maps.
Did you try tomtom 5.2?
what error are you getting?
Hmm yep this is the exact procedure I have been doing.
When I go into TOMTOM after swapping the BT COM port with the Virtual COM port it just sits there saying "No GPS Device". I've left it a good 15 minutes. I've also tried using COM(8) and COM(0). No use. I've also checked tomtom is expecting the right COM port by looking at /Navigator/navigator.cfg (and it says COM0 or COM8 depending on the COM port I previously selected in TOMTOM).
On your parrot, before you open TOMTOM if you go into GPS Settings (on the parrot not the PPC) and view the information does it say "connected"? Mine always says disconnected. I can use the hands free part of the parrot without problems. it won't seem to connect to the PPC.
Is your GPS activated on the parrot?
there is an on/off function for the GPS under GPS settings.
I assume that the parrot is in pocket pc pairing mode, before you pair it.
Also what is your parrot software version?
You should have at least 4.1, lower versions have a lot of problems when it comes to pocket pc's
Yep GPS is active.
Using Parrot version 4.13
Does your Parrot say connected in parrot GPS information without TOMTOM being started? Or does it only say that when TOMTOM is running?
Thanks for your help btw zach - much appreciated
On the parrot display I get the name of the Device (pocket pc)
The satellite # and the distance traveled.
I get this regardless of the pocket pc being connected or not.
I get a GPS connected message on the screen but that is only momentarily.
Also make sure that your baud rate on the parrot is set to 9600 NMEA
I get this also.
But when I go into GPS > Information on the parrot it says "disconnected"...
are you using a legit version of tomtom?
what do you see on the screen when you start tomtom?
Yep I'm using a legit version with traffic and weather.
On the PPC I see "No GPS Device" and the Map and on the parrot I see the name of the pocketPC.
Did you try TomTom 5.2?
downloading now
One more thing,
Just soft reset & Start tomtom.
Tomtom will activate bluetooth and connect both the GPS & the handsfree
Ok I'll try that.
Is there any order you need to start things? I.e do I need to start TOMTOM then start the ignition on my car or start the ignition THEN start TOMTOM or doesn't it matter?
Soft reset , Start the car, wait for the parrot animation to complete , start tomtom
ok cool i'll try that,
thanks zach

Question about virtual BT com ports

I have managed to install my old Tomtom navigator 224 on a qtek 9100. Everything seems to work except that I cant select my bluetooth com port in the GPS application.
My GPS can be connected to virtual bluetooth port com 6 or 7, but I only get to choose Com 0, 2, 3 and 9 in the Tomtom GPS application (v. 209).
If anyone know of a way to either list com7 in the GPS application or a method to assign com9 to a bluetooth serial port I would really appreciate it if you could share it with me.
In the old days on my Qtek 2020 there was a trick where one could install a Widcomm bluetooth stack - but I am not sure if this is possible on this device...
i have similar problem..
please let me know if you find a solution...
Did you install the TomTom 5.21 update? v5.0 isn't completely compatible with WM5 and won't list the bluetooth ports
i don't need tomtom. I use igo (navigation software)
you need to enable the "gps settings" icon in settings, then you can create a temp com 6 port which will show up in tomtom gps settings as a new choice of port.
will find you the link, unless someone else finds it quicker.
found it
start from step 3 for enabling gps icon

Setting up BT GPS for TomTom on o2 XDA Mini S... HELP!

Hey all!
First post here!
Ive installed TomTom on my o2 XDA Mini S but am having some problems getting the BT GPS receiver to communicate!
Ive had a search on this forum and followed these instructions:
To install your BT GPS receiver. First pair the device. Then add a new COM Port under the Bluetooth settings. You want to add an OUTGOING port. I usually specify it as COM0. Then start up TT5, go into GPS configuration, selct "Other BT Receiver", then select COM0 from the menu. TOMTOM will automatically start up BT (it doesn't have to on before you launch the program), find the already paired receiver and start communicating with (give it some time though. the whole process takes about 30 seconds to a minute).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sooo.. under the bluetooth settings i could only choose between COM ports 6 and 7 - so i chose 7...
However in TomTom it only lists COM port 9 as an available COM port!? :?
Anyone else had problems with this or can offer any advice??
Any help much appreciated!
Ive done some more searching...
It appears that my problem might be due to the fact that my TomTom is version 5 and i read somewhere that only version 5.2 is compatible with WM5 phones? Is that correct??
Would updating my TomTom to v5.2 therefore allow me access to configure the COM ports correctly - or even better do it automatically so that i dont need to configure it manually! lol ??
Hi Mark,
i had the same problem - basically if you have Navigator 5.21 when you goto GPS CONFIGURE in TomTom you will see com ports 6 & 7 listed.
In the bluetooth settings of your XDA the GPS receiver needs to be set to COM 6 and the incoming port needs to be set to COM 7.
you only have to do this set up procedure once.
That should do it!
and don't forget to set the connection to be NOT secure, when you specify the outgoing COM port...if you chose a secure connection, tomtom will forget the pairing when you restart your GPS...
also, if the com port is not listed in the TomTom GPS configuration, you can chose another port, shut down TomTom, and manualy change the com port to the desired com-port by editing the navigator.cfg configuration file


I installed tom tom on my 8525. when I ran the program it will only allow me to use com 3,7 and 6 for the blue tooth gps. My phone will not allow me to use those com's to set up the gps receiver. any ideas?
you have to go into settings - connections -external gps. gps program port choose com2. hardware choose com4. access-uncheck manage gps.
also go settings-bluetooth com port. select new outgoing port. choose com2 and finish. start tomtom and go to setup you should now see a com 2 available to pick.try this it is what i had to do to get my tomtom to work .
External gps does not show up under connections. I installed navigator 6 on my phone hoping that would help but now it does not find my maps. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I did set my phone to com 2 but it was not one of the coms that show up in navigator 5. All that was there was 3,7 and 8.

