Left the plane & all hell froze! Qtek auto-rebooting, WH - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I just got back from Dubai this morning, and I recieved my first call from the plane. Fine, it worked.... but then...
disaster struck!
The phone has the "no signal" message when I click on the reception icon. I've tried to click the "turn phone off" button but nothing works...
I can't get into the phone settings in the start menu to change networks...
I'm trying to back-up to SD to do a hard reset, but the phone re-boots itself every 4 minutes! The device is also very slow in responding to the commands. E.G. when I place my phone code it takes 3 seconds just to type in the number... strange! I have 48 / 64 MB free in memory and a 256 MB SD card...
I can't connect to activesync because the decive is not being recognized. So I can't transfer anything through the USB... it's gotta be some kind of manual un-locking from the phone itself...
I took out the sim card and am using a crappy nokia until I get this deal fixed.
I searched the forum for possible solutions and some came close, but none popped the cherry...
Have any of you experienced this specific situation? Is there anything I can do to recover my data before hard-reseting the Qtek? I made about 30 new contacts on the recent trip and was going to sync when I got home from the airport... but the 1010 keeps passing out on me!! It's like giving a date a full bottle of Crystal Champange before hitting the bedroom... Sucks!
All my appoinments are on the phone for tomorrow.. it's 2:11AM if anyone can get back soon with instructions or any previous posting, please let me know.. E-mail me... SOMEBODY SAVE MY SOUL!!

sorry to hear about ur problem, must be awful
I dunno if any one can save ur soul, but if worst comes to worst, Ill buy ur soul off of u, just gimmie a good price
thanx, an good luck

Does the phone reboot even if plugged into the power? Also have you tried a soft reset with the sd card removed?

try also to remove the SIM or try another one. some of them are faulty.

I had a similar but less traumactic problem in the phone part wouldn't work at all. Turned out that error messages can be saved on the sim card and block functions. Removing and re inserting the sim is enough to clear the block in my case.
Good luck.

I had a similar but less traumactic problem in the phone part wouldn't work at all. Turned out that error messages can be saved on the sim card and block functions. Removing and re inserting the sim is enough to clear the block in my case.
Good luck.


Sim Card ??

Hi All
Have searched to see if this has been covered before ! but a bit of help for a newbie please
Is it possible to remove & replace the sim card without the unit losing all data etc ??
Only had the XDA11 for a couple of weeks,,all set up ok ?? with tom-tom etc, The other day had to remove the sim card for the day, so disconnected the battery for under 30 sec's, to remove the card, and replaced later that day, also within 30 sec etc, on powering up again,
all data was lost and the unit started to reload as a new unit again, is this correct,
Hope this makes sense
Best Regards TJ
I have a number of devices that I swap sims with regularly and have no problems as you describe.
Changing the SIM shouldn't cause it to hard reset only soft reset.
I have had a device that had the main battery flat but still kept its settings over a weekend on the backup battery.
Have you checked the level of the backup battery in the Power screen to see if there is any charge in it?
Thanks tyfy
Yep checked the batt levels before taking the card out, about 80% and 100 on backup etc,, but as you say, it did a hard start
Regards TJ
I can confirm the hard reset thing when I swapped SIM cards. Annoying at the time, but provided an impulse to update to 'latest' ROM. Haven't removed the SIM since, for fear of the same thing happening. If I could ever get home PC, work PC and home iMac properly synched and backed up, I'd remove it again to see what happens. Occured to me at the time that T-Mobile might have been up to some software tricks, then the paranoia left as suddenly as it arrived
Thanks Guys
I need to remove the sim card, so to fit the inbuilt carphone, O2 do not do 2 cards on the same number as yet !!
So !! is it possible to swap them around without having to do a hard start every time ??
Regards TJ
Hi cruisin-thru
Thanks for the link, not quite what i am looking for,
I need 2 cards ?? with the same number, or a way of moving the card from the XDA to the car and back again without doing a hard start every time ???
Regards TJ
Did a full back up to my SD last night, then checked the battery levels, = all OK, pull the battery and SIM, counted to 42 reinserted the SIM, battery and catch for battery, and everything normal. ALL data intact.
If you have a sim that is a few years old it is possible to clone it, the modern sims however will not work as the protection has yet to be cracked, if you do search on sim clone in google you will get lots of info. If you do manage to clone your sim make sure that only one phone is switched at at any one time or you may find that the security system on your network will zap the sim if it sees 2 identical numbers logged on.
Hi Guys
Thanks for the help,, been away over the weekend,
Took the card out Fri night, (took less the 20 secs) to put into the car system,,,,guess what, another hard start,, now sat here reloading all the stuff again (ie Tomtom ) etc
Had about 80% batt power with 100% backup,, i must be doing something wrong somewhere, can not belive this happens every time the card is removed !!
Regards TJ
Are you turning the PHONE off as well as the PDA? ie: set to flight mode before you turn it off. Maybe that's the problem?
Hi All
I think GaZ,s suggestion might have cracked it !!
Remove the tom tom chip, did a back up to storage card, and put the phone into flight mode, then removed the sim card within about 15 secs,
all OK !!,, have tried a couple of time and so far all ok
Many thanks to you all for the help, appreciated
Regards Tim

XDA Exec won't wake up

I have a qtek 9000 and an xda exec. Both have the same rom updates (latest o2). The qtek works as it should, but the o2 does not. I have re-flashed the rom twice. No software is installed, nor is bluetooth running. The phone works and connects to 3g etc. If I close the clamshell, about 1 hour later the phone is asleep and will not wake up. A reset must be done in order to turn it on. I have hard reset many times and cannot fix this problem No calls or messages have been received by the phone. The green phone light remains flashing in its deep sleep mode, but it is not possible to call the phone. It does not ring or wake up. Has anyone had this problem? I have searched this forum and read many posts concerning sms causing sleep problems etc., but can find nothing relating specifically to my problem. Thanks for any help.
sounds like it could be faulty.
never woken it up via a phone call, so I don't know about that, as I don't use it as a phone yet, waiting until the contract for the W800i ends at the end of this month before I start informing people of my new number. But I wake mine up via the power button. If that fails for you, then I would suggest speaking to the company you got it from, as it would suggest a fault.
same problem here
imate jasjar with qtek 9000 rom
verry annoying
Kaze, this problem is usually caused by having anything running on the Today screen or resident in memory that is installed on the Today screen. For instance, a application loader on the today screen with links to programs on the SD card can cause this type of freeze, as it tries to get the icons from the SD card but cant - crashing(?) WM5. Just keep anything related to the today screen or bootup etc on the phone's memory itself and your crashes should go away.
dont think so
That other thread you are posting in is back from October/November last year. Just taking out the SD card wont help, you need to disable the programs trying to access the SD card. Although your problem might be different - maybe somethings faulty with your SIM card then? Try a different SIM card and see if it still happens.
As I said in my initial post, there was nothing installed on the unit. There was no sd card, and it was in total factory default condition. The unit was returned as it was faulty. The new unit works as it should, with the same sim card etc.
As I said in my initial post, there was nothing installed on the unit. There was no sd card, and it was in total factory default condition. The unit was returned as it was faulty. The new unit works as it should, with the same sim card etc.
I've had a new Qtek 9000 for about 3 weeks and it has had exactly this problem from day 1.
Looking at this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=32688 I thought it might be a SIM problem but it isn't. Done a load of tests and the final one - hard reset - no SIM - no SD card and the problem still occurs. It's on it's way back for repair / replacement.
Same problem here? Does anyone have the solution yet?
I'm sorry no - mine had to be sent back for reapir.
It's fine now.
First one I got had this problem from day one fresh from the box with nothing installed. I simply took it back to the shop and had them replace it as faulty. Second one has never shown this behaviour.
Dodgy batch/ component.
My advice is don't wait for a fix, it's a hardware fault, return it under warranty.

Issues like crazy

Ok first off im a total noob when nit comes to Windows mobile. Ive been using a Palm treo for 2 years and was given an att 8525 for free i just have to see if i can fix it. i have searched for my issues in other threads and found some but not all of the issues, so here goes
~Screen fades to white and if squeezed on the left side will come back but then fades out again and it seems to be worse when slid open. (i believe this is the flex cable issue that ive read about)
~Radio drops out one min i have full bars and the next nothing. i havent found any patterns to it.
~When send sms it will send a few but then i will get a few that come back saying phone not ready.
~Power button has a almost exact 23 second delay from the time you push it to the screen comming on ( i noticed that after i did a fresh install of wm6 it went away for a little while and then came right back)
~Wifi wont connect to secure network (i enter the PW and it will connect then as soon as i igo to a website it says cannot connect and then asks me for the PW again)
~SD card inserted and phone doesnt show any signs of recognizing it including when you go to setting/system/memory it says card not installed, doesnt even light up when you insert the card
Thank you in advance for any help even iif its direction to a forum that has answers that might help.
Damn, your 8525 has alot of problems, iam guessing it was dropped??. There may be a chance that all these repairs will cost you the price of a working used hermes. Anyways, I had the same radio problem as you, and it was the most longest, and stressfull thing ever to get it to actually work. I was opening up hardware, flashing radio/roms, using mtty, numerous of times. Trust me, its not worth it. And if your flex cable is damaged its gonna cost $30 or more to fix. And if wifi or SD card slot is broken too, the device is practically an PDA of the past. You could try to fix it(With the possiblitiy of killing yourself from all that stress), or sell it on ebay for parts(sells for a decent price actually).
Thank you for your response. was kind of afraid that was the response i was gonna get. damn that sux. the $30 for the flex cable i could swing, but from what your saying it sounds like majority of my issues are hard ware and not software (like i was hoping) and ive priced most of that out and might as well buy a new one i agree. thanks though ill keep playing with it. but now i know not to get my hopes up.
For sd card problem, you might be able to get it to recognize the sd card if you insert then do a soft reset, others have had this issue. I'd also check to see if the sd card is registering on the pc with a card reader because if its not, you may need to get a new sd card.
Wifi, Might be a rom problem... Read up on the thread if others have this problem, might have a fix or might need to find another rom...
Here are Some of the Fixes that i have found and some of the issues i am still having~~
~Screen fades ---fixed Kinda, i have disassembled the phone checking all the connections and putting tape tightly over all connections, i still get the white screen on occasion but its %90 better and i can always press on the bottom ov the screen and bring it right back
~Radio drops out one min i have full bars and the next nothing. i havent found any patterns to it. (still an issue but am trying to update radio ROM to one that i read in the forums that is supposed to be better for my carrier. If i can get the RUU issue corrected)
~When send sms it will send a few but then i will get a few that come back saying phone not ready. (i have found it is realted to the radio issue above)
~Power button has a almost exact 23 second delay-- i have found it seems to be correctable if i make sure there are not alot of stuff running. (found a program that actually closes the apps with the x button instead of just minimizing them)
~Wifi wont connect to secure network--didnt really do anything but seems to be working again (who knows)
~SD card inserted and phone doesnt show any signs of recognizing it including when you go to setting/system/memory it says card not installed, doesnt even light up when you insert the card... still an issue but now it will on occasion recognize the SD Card.
Thank you in advance for any help even iif its direction to a forum that has answers that might help.

SIM card not inserted - anyone else had this problem?

Hi all,
Just got home, looked at my mobile and it said there was no signal - so I turned it off and back on again, then it said there was no SIM inserted. Keep restarting the phone, keeps saying the same thing. Why?!
Am going to try it in my old SE K850i to see if it's the SIM card or the phone at fault.
In the mean time, does anyone else know of this fault and how to fix..?
I didn't the drop the phone or anything, it was just in my pocket, on it's own - like it always is!
Tried it in my K850, works fine. Please someone help
yeah i usually dont put the sim card all the way in but slightly in and it works
I've re-opened this thread due to me misreading....DOH! Apologies (Mental note to one self.......follow own advice and read before posting).
you could try to clean the contacts on the sim card connector of the phone with a q-tip, and see if that solves the problem.
also check if any of those contacts appears to be bent or something, and so doesn't make a connection with the card.
Everytime I open the back up to remove the SD card, I get the SIM card missing bit even though I have not touched it! My HD is only 3 months old and it has done this from the start. I just have to remove it a bit - shove it back in and the phone accepts it is there. Annoying but not enough for me to send it back.
hmm, maybe try to make the sim a bit thicker so it doesnt move around (it shouldn't move by removing the back cover, but it seems to happen on your phone / sim combination.
try putting a thin piece of paper on top of the sim (not the contacts side, but the side facing to the battery cover)
maybe that prevents this problem?
Missing simcard
I have the same problem with my simcard. Though something strange happens when the phone is off for more then 10min, it works fine and notices there is a simcard for like 30 sec after which the error pops-up again. I have tried all of the above things, my simcard works fine in my other phone, adding some paper to thicken it doesn't work either
Anyone who could help me with this?
P.S. sorry for the bad english
As in post 7# written, put some papersheet in the simholder above your simcard to increase the contactpreasure. This surely helps.
Tis trick is also useful for all dualsim users who thik the dualsimadapter does not work in their device (but after using this trick get astonished!)
for Thysiey:
Try to switch to Gsm mode to test . Maybe you have bad umts signal? Happens at other places too, or only at one place?
Got the same issue here...
I cannot move the SIM because it is being hold in place by the battery. (to little room)
Adding a piece did not work either.
Anyone got another solution?
anyone? My mothers HD just got this problem now. She has a new phone and for the contract renewal she had to read the backside of the sim. The phone all of a sudden didn't recognizes the simcard anymore.. I tried a few other simcards but it won't read it anymore.
My plan was to sell the old phone but now it's almost worthless just a shame it is still a great phone to operate.. handy with the navigation and all

Bad SD Card? Tmo-US

I got my first HD2 on release day last week and it ran laggy, after few days i did a hard reset and it seemed to run smoother for a day. Then i ran into this problem that seems to affect the phone dialer software part of the phone. When i attempt to place a call the phone dialer will lock up, i can usually it in windows and move around all the other tabs but the phone dialer is locked up in the back ground.
I did 2 more hard resets with same problem with the phone dialer. I finally returned the phone as i couldn't send or receive any calls.
Luckily they had more in stock at Walmart, so off i go with a new phone yesterday. Everything working great installed around 288 contacts set up 2 gmail accounts and gmail calendar sync. Cookie home tabs and that was about it. Then this monopoly game i got from an HD2 app blogsite which i had also installed on other phone.(coincidence?)
Today i have the same problem with the new phone where the phone dialer locks up and i cannot send or receive calls. Even removing the battery and rebooting leaves me unable to bring up the phone dialer.
I then discovered removing the memory card while the phone dialer is locked up will make the phone bleep and the phone dialer then becomes unlocked and works as normal.
Can someone figure out what is happening as currently i dont have the memory card in the phone as i cant dial out if i do. Is there a way to format the card, is there anything i need off the card other than Transformers am i maybe doing something to the phone i dont realize that is causing this problem?
Any help appreciated my 14days to return is coming up next Wed im trying to stick in with this phone but nothing but trouble with it.
thanks Giles
no one got any ideas whats going on?
No different then any other memory card. Stick it into a card reader and format it. No card reader you can use the phone, stick in plug it into the computer and you should be asked if you want to active syn or disk drive. Choose disk drive, go into my computer, selected the correct drive and format it.
ok thanks for the info, i will format the card after i have taken everything off it. I will try put things back 1 by 1 to see if i can find the problem. I have tried searching the forums and cant seem to find a similar problem to mine with the phone dialer locking up and its now happened on 2 phones. Would like to find the reason why.

