DOCUMENTED feature - phone off via button - doesn't work - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

The users manual which comes with my O2 XDA II states that you can turn the phone off by press+hold-ing the red phone button. But it doesn't work. You have to turn it off using the s/w.
When using GPRS, press+hold-ing the red phone button disconnects you from GPRS - which is good but this doesn't apply to the 'radio'.
Why document a feature which isn't there - guess it was there in the XDA I huh?
Would be grateful if anyone has got any news on whether the relevant parties have been notified of this problem and when it might be resolved
cheers loads

it works ok on my xda1 but it takes awhile


Bug / Problem List for the new PPC 2003 ROM

I just want to warn everyone the 2003 rom has many problem, since it is an internal development version. Here is the bugs I found right now.
1.Maybe it's not a "BUG". It miss the Wireless Modem which many people asked for a long time.
2.I tried Windows Media Player and Pocket Music 1.5, both can't turn off the display, which means you have to leave the display on when you listen the music. If any one can turn off the display , please tell us, may be I got some software conflicted.
3. 2 "Power" Logo on the setting menu, but the have different content. It looks like one is the new power setting tab, but it didn't provided some old fuction in the old power setting tab, so O2 kept the old one.
4. The SIM Contacts (Sim utility provided by PPC 2003) is horrible.It has NO fuction except copy the SIM card address to the phone.
5. YOU MUST NOT install Batterypack 2003 on the phone. It looks like working after you install, but your machine will never boot up after a soft-reset except hardreset the phone. (It is PPC 2003 / Battery Pack 2003 problem, not O2 / HTC's fault).
6. You will never know if the current signal support GPRS or not. It will not display the G logo in the "signal bubble".
Please add the list if you got any problem with the new rom.
If the bug I listed can't stop you install the new rom, go ahead :twisted: .
Moreover, it's not an official / final version rom, if you want stable rom, stay with XDA SE 1.1 rom.
Sorry for my horrible english~
1.Maybe it's not a "BUG". It miss the Wireless Modem which many people asked for a long time.
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Not a bug. it was a feature added by xda-developers.
2.I tried Windows Media Player and Pocket Music 1.5, both can't turn off the display, which means you have to leave the display on when you listen the music. If any one can turn off the display , please tell us, may be I got some software conflicted.
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tried it with windows media player and got the same thing. Pocket music 2.0 refuses to work at all
6. You will never know if the current signal support GPRS or not. It will not display the G logo in the "signal bubble".
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when i have grps signal i have G displayed in my bubble.
kalex said:
1.Maybe it's not a "BUG". It miss the Wireless Modem which many people asked for a long time.
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Not a bug. it was a feature added by xda-developers.
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No, it was added in the new ROMs by Qtek and O2. Whether it's a Microsoft or HTC tool I don't know, but it's definitely not ours...
XDA developer Peter Poelman,
didn't know that. i thought it was urs.
PPC 2003
Hi all
Only autentization to VPN over cetificates is good feature for me.
Another features :?
XDA-dev ROM 1.1 is best solution
It seems the "screen toggle" bug (can't switch off the screen probelm) can be fixed by install the PocketMusic 2.0 Bundle plus the 2.0_4_3 fix.
I can see a hotkey to turrn off display with 2.0 version.
Moreover, the "auto turn off display" fuction still works on the PocketMusic 1.5 Bundle version, and 2.0 too.
It's so strange the PocketMusic 2.0 works but WMP 9.0 doesn't work.
I'm happy with the PPC2003 now. If we have to wait to long beforce the official release, will XDA-Developer release an extra SE version based on the current version of PPC2003?
It still suffers fron some sms issues, i cant get a delivery receipt, and also the time sent stamp is actually the time received.
The auto config does not work, so as a result i can't get gprs working...
(Anyone know the settings for o2 uk ?)
All in all though a good upgrade !!
i loaded the 2003 rom and only have minor issues.
1. when connecting the network says voicestream instead of t-mobile.
2. connection seems slower even with the accelerator proxy turned on. the connection used to be as high as 40k according to spb gprs monitor. now i haven't seen it break 20k.
Unit no longer powers-on when placed in sync cradle; In order to sync the unit I now have to either (a) make sure unit is turned-on before placing it into cradle, or (b) place powered-off unit in cradle, then turn power on.
Not a major issue, but certainly a back-step in functionality. Anyone else notice this?
I'm using a TMobile XDA with updated ATT radio stack and PPC2003.
To Dondi :
I have your issue too, but I didn't think it is a problem for me, since I hate the machine suddenly power on itself when I am charging it.
i guess it s even better for the screen not to be lighted all the time when plugged on the cradle
Hey all. I just installed WM2003 PE. It looks and feels great. I only have the following comments:
I have installed the ROM on my Qtek 1010.
1. I can't seem to see any MIDI ringtone support on this one (probably because it's not a final release)
2. I'm still running on my old Radio Version 3.23 and my GPRS resumes connection seamlessly after calls - which is great.
3. I've read somewhere that applications will be visible on the 'taskbar' when running, but do not get this functionality also. No worries on this though, because 'Switch' works fine with WM2003.
4. Still no ability to add custom Operator Logos.
5. Hooray for the 'Busy' tone and indication!
SPB GPRS Monitor works fine with 2003. I also wanted to know from the rest of you guys: Do you have to manually initiate GPRS connectivity after a soft-reset? Or does it pick up your default connection and auto-connect?
To killercheung and Cyberb0b: You've given me a new perspective on the XDA not automatically switching on when placed in the cradle in the off state -- I appreciate the benefits you pointed out.
Also, I did notice that when I initially loaded the Ozone beta (prior to upgrading radio stack) the GPRS symbol was being displayed regularlyand I had no problem connecting with GPRS and getting decent performance (> 20 Kbps). However, after I convinced myself to "go all the way" and also perform the Radio Stack update, I now rarely see the GPRS symbol, and GPRS perfirmance has dropped to the 1Kbps level.
Now I wonder if Ozone also updated the radio (which I perhaps subsequently "downgraded" by loading the ATT RSU). Can anyone shed some light on this?
for what i ve seen Ozone does not modifiy the radio stack, you have to upgrade it yourself useing for exemple the O2 upgrade version 4.21.
As far as i m concern using GPRS in France with Orange as operator with SE 1.1 or with ozone i have the same brandwith capacity depending on the network trafic and my position, between 10 and 30 Kbps, i use SPB GPRS manager to monitor my connexion 24/7 and see what is my data consumption day by day (it also allow me to shut GPRS off without switching the phone off).
by now using ppc2003 for about a week, i have no gprs shut down, except going out of coverage area, we poor french are not full gprs anywhere, but it works pretty good in cities.
on thing i ve notices that i guess is significant :
however it is said that Gprs connexion isn t dropped any more when an incoming CSD call start, that is true but the transmissions are stopped.
I mean i can not send or recieve data while talking on the phone line. But this is not due to the software i guess it is due to the number of channels aviable on the device usually it s 4 + 1 or 4 + 2
whereas phones like SE P800 have 6 + 4 channels allowing the to really exchange data while using CSD channel.
But nevertheless it is a good upgrade cause i do not have to kill my irc session while talking on the phone (just have to hang up fast before the irc timesout ) ).

Orange M1000 GPRS time out can it be changed

Hi I have a O2 XDA II and a Orange M1000, the XDA will appear to hold a gprs in sleep state for quite some time, the orange unit drops the gprs connection after 1 min,
This creates problems when trying to access web mail as by the time you have taped out a email and you hit send the connection has been droped, on re-connection the web host sees a new IP and considers it to be a new connection and asks you to sign in again !
Is there any way i can change the time out, or make it behave like the O2XDA2
I should add in both cases i am using a orange sim
First let me say hi and welcome to the forum on
Try to always use the search facility here on first, before making any requests, as this seems to be a well documented problem, depending upon your rom/radio version.
However, I felt compelled to reply, as I have experienced exactly the same problems initially, setting my machine up to check for mails, have MSN Messenger running, and getting MMS to work properly.
I suggest getting GPRS Monitor (I don't really think it is freeware - do a search - else go to and GBTweak.
I found GB Tweak very nice, as it allows you to stay 'online' with you GPRS, as well as disconnecting for saving you battery (not that much - but anything seems to help when you are running low on power :wink: ).
You can find the link to the latest version here:
Hope that helps...
Gnuig (a newbie to this forum as well )

Xda II, Phone Edition or Moble Network Problem ??

I've had this problem for some time now and I have no words to describe this symptom ... I know I'm not alone as I know a few other people have the same problem:
The signal bar on Xda II shows ok, green LED still flashes like normal, even my Phone Dashboard showed that I'm connected to my mobile operator with signal strength >90% ... Nothing is suspicious until you start making calls, everything stays at "Dialing ..." and there will be no dialing tone !!! Make another call, same ...
Then you'll use the landline to call yourself on the mobile, it goes to the voice message ... All those time, you were actually not connected to the mobile network! When you realise this, the only remedy is to turn on and off Wireless / Flight Mode.
Now, have you had similar experience ?
I think, somehow the mobile network lost you, and Xda II didn't even notice it therefore did not bother to reconnect as it thought it was still connected. Is this it ? Or anyone has any other theory or solution to this irritating problem ~ which I genuinely have no idea who to blame ?
i think i know what the problem is
:idea: try to download and install this software,
and in "gprs settings", disable "gprs always online", and set it to "search gprs on start gprs connection".
that way, you will be connected to your operator as simple gsm phone, not a gprs one.
the mobility managment in this status (imsi attached, instead of combined attached) is more simple to the network, and you won't lose service.
Hope it will solve your problem,
please update...
thanks i have downloaded it and installed, and set the "GPRS always on" to false, but the other one was default ticked ("Search GPRS on start GPRS conn").
i will start my observation today and see if the problem reproduce itself.
did this solve it for you?
Coming into the 8th day with this Tweak installed, with GPRS set to search on GPRS start (not radio start). So far, the network problem has not occured. I would like to give it another 2 to 3 weeks before announcing the problem solved.
However, just one little note, after installing the Tweak ... a day or two I noticed that the BT Icon no longer shows on the main screen task bar even after numerous soft reset. Not sure what causes it.

Confirm KJAM bugs?

Can anyone else confirm these bugs I'm seeing?
Radio: 01.01.10
1. I've got a 1Gb Sandisk MiniSD inside with a ton of WMA files that synced over through Media Center 2005. If I'm playing them through Media Player 10.1, then stop and shut off the device for a while, when I turn back on.. Media Player doesn't remember what song it was at, and doesn't seem to recognize the library/playlist until I reselect it in the Library view. Has anyone else seen this happen?
2. On the Today screen I have a big triangle icon in the title bar that normally means I've registered on a GSM network. With previous Windows Mobile versions, it just shows up when registration is made and then goes away. For me it won't go away.
3. Sending MMS Messages on T-Mobile USA does not work. I have entered all the correct settings that worked with previous versions of MMS composer, but the MMS won't send. Has anyone found a registry edit or something to fix this?
4. MMS composer does not support soft keys. This is an obvious application bug. It looks so stupid having old legacy menus in the new Windows Mobile 5 Inbox application.
5. Connections don't show up in the Connectivity bubble on the title bar icon. I have a T-Mobile USA GPRS connection set up in the connections control panel, but it doesn't show up in the Connectivity bubble unless it's connected. There's a disconnect button when it's connected, but no connect button when not.
6. Skype doesn't launch. I've done a hard reset, and the default installation of Skype does not open at all.
7. Power control panel doesn't support moving between tabs using the Directional Button.
8. No way to set the device to complete power off mode.
9. PhonePad SIP occasionally will not open. SIP reverts back to previously used SIP method.
10. Can't navigate between levels in Media Player 10 Library mode.
I think the first 5 are the most important to me. Please feel free to add other bugs to this list.
Nobody else sees any of these problems?
I figured out #3 and #8.
I'm also seeing occasional phone problems, like not updating the reception level in dead spots and taking much longer to re-register on the network after leaving a dead spot.
Soft resetting takes way too long as well.
can only answer the non-local questions (i'm in the uk)
and havn't tried all you are talking about.
media player does not remember where you were,
skype does work for me,
can turn the unit completely off.
i know that is only 3 from your list, but it is a start.
to turn the device off completly you need to hold the power button down until a message comes on the display then click ok and it will power off. to switch it back on hold the power button down until it comes back on
Can anyone else confirm these bugs I'm seeing?
Radio: 01.01.10
2. On the Today screen I have a big triangle icon in the title bar that normally means I've registered on a GSM network. With previous Windows Mobile versions, it just shows up when registration is made and then goes away. For me it won't go away.
> It's a compulsory feature of Windows Mobile 5!
3. Sending MMS Messages on T-Mobile USA does not work. I have entered all the correct settings that worked with previous versions of MMS composer, but the MMS won't send. Has anyone found a registry edit or something to fix this?
> T-Mobile USA have not enabled K-JAM access to the MMSC
5. Connections don't show up in the Connectivity bubble on the title bar icon. I have a T-Mobile USA GPRS connection set up in the connections control panel, but it doesn't show up in the Connectivity bubble unless it's connected. There's a disconnect button when it's connected, but no connect button when not.
> This is yet another compulsory Windows Mobile 5 feature
6. Skype doesn't launch. I've done a hard reset, and the default installation of Skype does not open at all.
> Makes you wonder what sort of muppets run Imate, doesn't it?
8. No way to set the device to complete power off mode.
> Hold down power button for 4 seconds. It's the first Windows Mobile PDA to do this BTW....
I think the first 5 are the most important to me. Please feel free to add other bugs to this list
I had a devil of a time getting MMS to work on TMO USA. Finally someone on HoFo PPC Forum suggested that I use the T-Mobile USA Settings .cab file on Club iMate under Wizard Support, Operator Settings. This did not work the first time but after a hard reset, I installed this .cab first thing and then MMS worked with no more problems so far.
The No Conections thing is my biggest beef with the Wizard as I have several apps that will not initiate a GPRS connection under WM5. Having to start PIE to establish a connection is just plain stupid. They should have put a GPRS button in Connection Manager instead of an Active Sync button. At least you can end a GPRS connection by holding down the End button for about 5 secs.
Hope this helps.
Forget to mention about Softkeys support. I hope what you mention is simply an oversight on the part of the app developer. I hope that as apps get upgraded to WM5 and as new apps get written that developers will pay attention and allow softkey and d-pad access to menus, exit button, etc. I personally hate to have to pull out and fumble with a stylus, especially to do one simple thing on an app that could have provided d-pad support.
wanna to know before buy
how about the camera quality? any chance if anyone kindly post some demo pic taken by Wizard....
Also the CPU performance is that fast? whether Skype in the default installed out of the factory?
I think that the camera quality is about equivalent to the Treo 650, better than the Jam or Eten 500. But I haven't used it enough to check out all its features.
The CPU performance is adequate with a small number of apps running - not as crisp feeling or nearly as fast as my Samsung i730 which is the fastest PPC I have used to date. However, the battery life is very good - much better than the 730. I think that the KJAM is a nice trade off between performance and battery life.
Skype is included in ROM from the factory. I know nothing about it as I deleted it from the Extended Rom, along with the anti-virus and smart dialer apps.
Re: wanna to know before buy
dc429uk said:
how about the camera quality? any chance if anyone kindly post some demo pic taken by Wizard....
Also the CPU performance is that fast? whether Skype in the default installed out of the factory?
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The second page of my review above has some camera quality and full-resolution examples (towards the bottom).
CPU performance is not as fast as the imate JAM, but the battery life is way better.
adamz said:
1. I've got a 1Gb Sandisk MiniSD inside with a ton of WMA files that synced over through Media Center 2005. If I'm playing them through Media Player 10.1, then stop and shut off the device for a while, when I turn back on.. Media Player doesn't remember what song it was at, and doesn't seem to recognize the library/playlist until I reselect it in the Library view. Has anyone else seen this happen?
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Looks like I found a way to fix that problem! Reformatting the MiniSD card and re-syncing with Media Center 2005 seems to have fixed it. Now Media Player 10.1 on my KJAM remembers which track was playing between suspend sessions.
anyone autoreset only his k-jam ?¿?
8. No way to set the device to complete power off mode.
Hold down power button for 4 seconds. It's the first Windows Mobile PDA to do this BTW.......
If I do this, Will I lost all data (as the pop up message say so ? )
You will lose data if the any applications that are running (that are not designed for WM5) and dont flush their data when they receive notification that the system is about to be powered off. But in general it should be ok.

A Couple of Questions...?

I have
A couple of questions I would like to put forth to the more tech savvy phone people out there somewhere in internet land, if you will indulge me...?
1) Does anyone know of a program that will stop the GSM radio light from blinking and yet keep the radio on? I really don't mind the flashing most of the time, but it IS a bit of a distraction when using eReader... Some kind of toggle program would be most helpful. Someone somewhere must have written one at some point...
2) I am having a problem with the internet. I have looked it up on the web and found that others have had a similar problem, yet no one seems to know what is causing it.
What is happening is I can connect to MediaNET when I push the explorer button, but once I disconnect, I need to soft reset the device before I can connect again, because I get a message that the "answering modem has disconnected." If I soft reset, or turn flight mode on and then back off, I can reconnect.
What I have read on the web is that Cingular is having problems with the net, while other people seem to think this is Cingular's way of telling me to get the PDA plan instead of the MediaNet plan. I have read tons and tons of messages regarding MediaNet vs. PDA connect, and there really seems to be no clear opinion on what is what and who is allowed what.
Ask 10 people about it, get 10 different answers.
SO...Has anyone found the cause of this problem yet? I am not the first to have it, and I am guessing I won't be the last.
Any light that can be shed on either of these would be most helpful. I do have a WiFi access here at the house, but I prefer GPRS if I can have it, because (of course) then I can access anywhere.
Thomas <><
Colonel, HOKC
Author, "Soon Will Come The Light: A View From Inside The Autism Puzzle"
Author, "Light On The Horizon: A Deeper View From Inside The Autism Puzzle"
ThomasMcKean said:
I have
A couple of questions I would like to put forth to the more tech savvy phone people out there somewhere in internet land, if you will indulge me...?
1) Does anyone know of a program that will stop the GSM radio light from blinking and yet keep the radio on? I really don't mind the flashing most of the time, but it IS a bit of a distraction when using eReader... Some kind of toggle program would be most helpful. Someone somewhere must have written one at some point...
Can't help you here, sorry!
2) I am having a problem with the internet. I have looked it up on the web and found that others have had a similar problem, yet no one seems to know what is causing it.
What is happening is I can connect to MediaNET when I push the explorer button, but once I disconnect, I need to soft reset the device before I can connect again, because I get a message that the "answering modem has disconnected." If I soft reset, or turn flight mode on and then back off, I can reconnect.
What I have read on the web is that Cingular is having problems with the net, while other people seem to think this is Cingular's way of telling me to get the PDA plan instead of the MediaNet plan. I have read tons and tons of messages regarding MediaNet vs. PDA connect, and there really seems to be no clear opinion on what is what and who is allowed what.
Ask 10 people about it, get 10 different answers.
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The answering modem has disconnected is a common problem with WM5. There are two things you can do to solve them. Look in the WIKI for the reg tweak that leaves GPRS always on. This way it will never be disconnected, and if you turn on wifi, the wizard knows to use wifi over gprs, so you will not be charged. It doesn't cost you anything to leave gprs on, as long as you aren't surfing the internet.
The other thing you can do is do not disconnect from gprs. After using IE, close the browser, but don't disconnect your gprs, leave it on. I have found that after sometime it will disconnect on its own, and then I do not get the answer modem has disconnected, when I try to reconnect. And as I stated before, it does not cost you if gprs is on, as long as it is not being used.
Hope this helps.
zakhir_n said:
The answering modem has disconnected is a common problem with WM5. There are two things you can do to solve them. Look in the WIKI for the reg tweak that leaves GPRS always on. This way it will never be disconnected, and if you turn on wifi, the wizard knows to use wifi over gprs, so you will not be charged. It doesn't cost you anything to leave gprs on, as long as you aren't surfing the internet.
The other thing you can do is do not disconnect from gprs. After using IE, close the browser, but don't disconnect your gprs, leave it on. I have found that after sometime it will disconnect on its own, and then I do not get the answer modem has disconnected, when I try to reconnect. And as I stated before, it does not cost you if gprs is on, as long as it is not being used.
Hope this helps.
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Thank you for your reply. It would all of it make sense except that this "common problem" was not a problem at all until about a week ago. I have had this gadget for almost a year now and only now is this beginning to happen. If this was a WM5 bug, wouldn't it have been this way from the beginning? Then again, I am more of a writer than a programmer, so I am sure I wouldn't know. Still, I do know my way around computers somewhat...
I have the xda reg wizard and I have the PHM editor. I am aware (of course) of the always on tweak and I have already thought about maybe doing that. I was just hoping there was another solution.
On the plus side, I am not too worried about the cost because I have unlimited net. I figure what with a toy like this, you really need it to use the phone to its full potential.
I am curious why this problem would pop up out of nowhere? I was reading elsewhere in the forums that wisbar caused the same thing, but I am not using wisbar. During the short time I did, I didn't have that problem. I am wondering if maybe another app is getting in the way? Is it possible this is not a WM5 bug but a software conflict? I would have to hard reset and reload one at a time to find it.
But then maybe I can report back here and save others the same trouble, which I'd be happy to do.
That's interesting about how it will reconnect when it disconnects on its own. That just convinced me to edit the reg. I'll try it.
Meanwhile, if anyone else has an idea why this should suddenly stop working, I am still curious...?
Thomas <><
Colonel, HOKC
Author, Soon Will Come The Light: A View From Inside The Autism Puzzle
Author, Light On The Horizon: A Deeper View From Inside The Autism Puzzle
I Found It!!!
Took me forever, but I found the problem!
It is Photo Contacts Pro version 5.06 that is causing the problems with the internet.
If anyone else has this new version installed, please get back to me if you are having similar issues. I'd be interested in knowing.
Back to 5.02 for me, even though it has a bug in it.
I will report this to Photo Contacts Pro immediately.
Thomas <><
Colonel, HOKC
Author, Soon Will Come the Light: A View From Inside the Autism Puzzle
Author, Light On the Horizon: A Deeper View From Inside the Autism Puzzle

