Poor Reception on XDA I in Sydney Australia on Optus - - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Dear All,
I currently have an XDA I
ROM Version: 4.00.05 ENG
ROM Date: 06/05/03
Radio Version: 4.21.00
Protocol Version: 32S554
Using the Optus Service in Sydney Australia I am having dramas with the phone loosing signal but more importantly not restablishing a network connection when I am in areas that have excellent coverage. My questions are:
1. Am I using the best radio/rom etc?
2. Is there any tweeks etc I can perform on the XDA I to improve performance.
Many thanks, Andrew
PS hanging out for Optus to release the XDA II on a good price 8)

Where did you get that ROM version from?
My XDA I used to suffer from similar problems on both Optus and Tel$tra until I upgraded to ROM 3.20.06 ENG with Radio 4.21.00 (from MYXDA.COM official release).
I'm now on Vodafone which is significantly cheaper for my usage level, and although it still generally has less signal than a normal GSM phone, it rarely if ever fails to reconnect quickly.
If you have the technical nouse to do so, you might consider downgrading to this ROM. Since your'e in Oz too, I'd happily send you a CD copy of the ROM.

I downloaded the ROM from Yorks Kitchen. I can't remember the URL but it's here on XDA Developers. I did this so that I could run the Windows Mobile 2003 on my XDA 1. The phone windows software is better but the reception is crappy. We'll it's ok but I think it could be better. On another note I rang Optus sales today and asked about the XDA II, their reply "er.........I really don't know.........sorry". What a shame. I guess ebay is the best option.

Was the phone reception better prior to upgrading the ROM?
BTW - Telstra Shop have the i-mate for $1329 for 1 (or $1289 or similar for 2) if you purchase outright. This is the same device as the XDA II.

Thanks for your reply mate. The reception was better before I upgraded to WM2003. The reception I have now is not that bad but It's definitely not excellent. It's when the signal drops and it has to re-connect that the problem arises. I don't really want an Imate and I wanna stay with Optus to avoid the hassles and keep using the feel time after 8pm etc. Thanks,

i had similar problem with this radio stack & was a pain in the ass since i couldn't change its version, i finally downloaded version 3.25 which was in all cases better, the signal indicator doesn't show much but it is much much much better than the version 4.21 since it doesn't disconnect & picksup signal easly


Upgrade your SIM if you have Signal/Radio problems

As one of the first to get the XDA in the UK I have had major problems with my phone - namely that the unit would not find signal again if it lost it.
No amounts of ROM upgrades resolved this issue.
Following on from messages from this newsgroup I upgraded my old SIM for a new blue 32K one.
All my worries are behind me now.
I have also upgraded to Rom 3.16.32 ENG and Radio 4.20.00 which a considerable improvement from the current ones with very fast GPRS connection speeds. This will be available from the O2 site in ?2 weeks.
I am told this was the upgrade they were delaying for but were forced to release an earlier version on 31 March due to promises.
Yes I'm testing it out for O2. You wont have to wait very long for the official release.
where did you get the upgrade - a beta to test from o2????

t-mobile europe

I can imagine how annoying this can be,
silly questions and such,
I have a t-mobile phone (pw10a1),
and I was wondering which rom to cook,
or whether I can use the one posted here?
Since its a T-Mobile I'd go with ROM 4.00.16.
I'm using the ROM version 4.00.16(T-Mobile) with T-Mobile's newest radio stack 6.24.00.
(Kitchen Cooked)
Been the best this phone has ever worked! No more dropped calls, no more much of any problems!

t-mobile RS 6.25.02 needed

ive got A.30.09 RA.20.10 unlocked siemens sx56 running t-mobile
i want the t-mobile radio stack 6.25.02 to see if i get any better signal from it. does anyone have it? post it please! thanx
here it is ... be very careful ... RSU flashing is veryyyy risky!!
thanx a lot! i just tried the 6.24.00 from yorch's site and it went well, tho no diff in signal strength heh
does this radio stack is possible for 1010 xda1? im quite unhappy in my low signal in my XDA PW10Ai
generalriden said:
does this radio stack is possible for 1010 xda1? im quite unhappy in my low signal in my XDA PW10Ai
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It is designed for the XDA I, BUT it is only for PW10B-Models with 900/1900 MHz. Flashing onto an PW10A will cause ending this device as paper weight....
so what radio stack will you recommend for me lumfistefan? quite low signal even I downgraded to 3.25

best firmware for orange m5000

just got one off ebay and wont be using it on orange so will be unlocking it using the software from buzzdev. next, will I need to get rid of the orange branding and whats the best firmware to use - I will be using o2, 3UK and possibly T Mobile.
I am a moderator on the 3G forum but this pda/xda stuff is new to me but willing to learn.
Hi Cyberkid,
I am no expert on these things myself but I have found the general consensus for O2/Orange/T mobile owners wanting to get rid of the operator branding is to upgrade the ROM to the Qtek or Imate roms as these are operator neutral.
I have a T Mobile MDA Vario which I have upgraded to the latest Qtek ROM. Got a much faster more stable rom and lost the pink t mobile branding!
Hope this helps.

Why upgrade your Radio - Advantages and dangers?

I've searched through the forums but can't find anyone asking this and I'm curious. After trying out a lot of different cooked ROM's using USPL and tweaking/testing/sampling what's around I'm getting very confident about tweaking my HD thanks now to this 5-star community and site!
I'm still unclear about what advantages/dangers are there to upgrading your radio version? I totally respect the usual dangers of bricking your device during a rom/software upgrade and all the usual banter surrounding tweaking a device, but wondering specifically why someone would want to upgrade their radio? Is it dependent on your carrier and country of region/usage? What should you be aware of or should you only ever upgrade radio version under very specific situations?
I'm running radio in Australia using Telstra on unlocked HD.
noofny said:
I've searched through the forums but can't find anyone asking this and I'm curious. After trying out a lot of different cooked ROM's using USPL and tweaking/testing/sampling what's around I'm getting very confident about tweaking my HD thanks now to this 5-star community and site!
I'm still unclear about what advantages/dangers are there to upgrading your radio version? I totally respect the usual dangers of bricking your device during a rom/software upgrade and all the usual banter surrounding tweaking a device, but wondering specifically why someone would want to upgrade their radio? Is it dependent on your carrier and country of region/usage? What should you be aware of or should you only ever upgrade radio version under very specific situations?
I'm running radio in Australia using Telstra on unlocked HD.
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We Update Radios for Better reception.. signal and etc improve of the Conection and things like this.
So for me.. you know that the Touch HD have a few second delay when someone calling you...
WHen i flash my RADIO with thelatest one 1.17 and also install a RILHONE 1.14 the phone start to respond without any delay.. also the improvment of signal was cool in some place that befor i have 1 bar signal now i have 3 or more.. the Wi Fi is a bit faster and etc
Also the GPS can improve depends...
So the Radio only by himself can`t do the same for everyone also depends from the ROM you useing and from the Mobile Operator
Like you can see im from Bulgaria and for me the Radio 1.17 with 1.14 Rilphone is the best combination but for you can be diferent....
Anyway the NEW Radio is made to Improve, if we don`t have what to improve there we will not need form a new Radio and HTC will not make a new Radios this that they make new Radios mean that.. still have what to be improved.
This is not only with the RADIOS always when have some UPDATE no matter for your Desktop PC or your Phone or whatever the Update = Improve, of course not all the time the NEW = BETTER and bugs FREE but this is the idea
I've been wondering bout this very same question as well; have been flashing and modding for a while now (aprox 4-5 monthes) and this was goning to be my next port of call. I'm from Oz also but am on the optus network, did you buy the legit next G network telstra HD (T 8285), or just the standard T 8282 ....??
Well I decided to give it a go and upgraded last night to the latest so will post back here with results. It certainly is a very easy and quick process once you understand the USPL process and have already stuffed around with custom ROMs.
naa77 said:
I've been wondering bout this very same question as well; have been flashing and modding for a while now (aprox 4-5 monthes) and this was goning to be my next port of call. I'm from Oz also but am on the optus network, did you buy the legit next G network telstra HD (T 8285), or just the standard T 8282 ....??
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I bought a standard unlocked stock T8282 from some Aussie online store (which means it would have come straight from Hong Kong), paid little extra for extended warranty (recommended). Dunno what you mean by 'legit' lol...I'm strongly against the big telcos and the scams they pull making people pay more for a device that has limited functionality and usually locked down and defecated with their corporate logos and ****e. When you want a device, you buy the device. A telco is a service provider of a network service, not a hardware supplier or software house or device tweaker. If you cant afford the device, put it on a credit card and pay a bank off instead of a telco and just get a pre-paid account. In AUS the telcos try and charge unaware peeps $70 and more just to unkock a phone they have locked themselves. Those 'plans' end up costing people over $2000 after 2 years...stoopid. End rant...

