GPRS and WAP setup for ERA GSM .... needed - Networking

thnx in advance

there u got step-by-step presentation how to setting things up in your MDA/XDA

hmmm, this not really the place ...
especially as:
- I do have WM2003 and they present it for older WM2002
- the way the present the info made it unable for me to apply it, or in other words - it is not user friendly
ps. using the occassion please tell me where to get accessories for XDA/MDA in Poland ?? possibly decently priced and in Warsaw

I think ppc2002 and wm2003 is not so diff, let me check:
--- polish lang --
nacisnij start , wejdz w settings , pojdz do zakladki connections
i uruchom "connections"
kliknij na "Add new modem connection"
nazwij ja powiedzmy "eranet"
w opcji select modem wybierz "Cellular Line (GPRS)"
kliknij next
jako accesspoint wpisz : erainternet
i kliknij next
wpisz :
Username: <nie moge znalesc dla ery>
Password: < nie moge tez znalesc>
kliknij na advanced
zaznacz "Use Software Compression"
i "Use IP HEader Compression"
i kliknij OK
zakoncz konfiguracje i przejdz do menu gdzie wybieralas "Add new modem" i tam kliknij na zakladke Advanced
wybierz "Select Location"
zaznacz "Use dialing rules"
wybierz "Mobile"
kliknij EDIT
Country Code: 1
Area Code: 48
zaznacz "Disable Call waiting"
w okienku obok wpisz *99***1#
klepnij w przycisk "Dialling Patterns"
Wszystko masz miec ustawione na "G"
tylko "G" bez zadnych + i innych dupereli
kliknij OK
przejdz do menu Settins i zakladki connections
kliknij na "GPRS Authentication" i wybierz PAP
kliknij OK
---- end of polish lang ---
thats all , i hope it will help

thanks / lub po naszemu ... Dziekuje Bardzo
thank you very much for your input, now I know where I have made few minor mistakes .... as I ahve been trying to make it work for over a week now
can you pls add small input also on WAP setup
regards, monika
ps. and how about these MDA accessories pls in Poland ??

Use wap thru GPRS ... faster and better and cheaper....
Dunno any shop or somethin with MDA/XDA accessories in .pl :/ sorry

oki, thanx
i wszystkiego najlepszego w Nowym Roku 2004
pozdr, monika

Monika u using T-Mobile cooked rom? or u got MDA from ERA already pumped with this soft?

sorry for being late with answer .....
I do use an original T-Mobile software ... no cooking so far, and still looking for an official T-Mobile WM 2003 release


Uk T-mobile 3g settings

I am a Newbie and proud or it.. A man has to start somewhere. Anyway I have installed the SA rom on my Vario II, now I can't access T-mobile 3G, does anyone have settings ? A .cab file, would be better .
Thanks in advance
accss point:
username : user
password: one2one

Regional settings in HTC_1.12.405.01_026790_WWE_SHIP

does anybody know if there are regional settings for Czech rep in the HTC_1.12.405.01_026790_WWE_SHIP ROM ?
I have found this ROM here:
I need to be sure that this is the original ROM for HTC branded P3300 with regional settings for Czech rep.
m. said:
does anybody know if there are regional settings for Czech rep in the HTC_1.12.405.01_026790_WWE_SHIP ROM ?
I have found this ROM here:
I need to be sure that this is the original ROM for HTC branded P3300 with regional settings for Czech rep.
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I have this ROM on my Compact MDA III and when I go to regional settings I can choose "Chech" but that won't make the language of the rom chech if that is what you where hoping for said:
does anybody know if there are regional settings for Czech rep in the HTC_1.12.405.01_026790_WWE_SHIP ROM ?
I have found this ROM here:
I need to be sure that this is the original ROM for HTC branded P3300 with regional settings for Czech rep.
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Zdravím krajana, tu ROMku jsem uploadoval já a česká lokální nastavení tam jsou, ale jestli myslíš češtinu, tak tu si musíš doinstalovat, třeba od sunnysoftu. Pokud chceš, mohu ji zaslat.
Hello guy from my homeland. I uploaded this ROM on wiki site and tehere are Czech regional settings. Czech language is necessary install additionaly, when you want...e.g. from
OK, thx, this is what I needed to know, I need only Czech reginal settings, no need for Czech localisation
to cosinusx: diky moc, netusil jsem ze se tu muze mluvit i cesky potreboval jsem jen vedet, jestli toto je ta original ROM, kterou kdyz tam nahraju zpatky, tak tam budu mit presne to co tam bylo kdyz jsem Artemise koupil. mam Art zatim par dni, tak chci vyzkouset nejake upravene ROMky, vsude pisou ze jsou lepsi/rychlejsi. muzes mi plz pripadne poradit nejakou dobrou a osvedcenou verzi ROM ? said:
OK, thx, this is what I needed to know, I need only Czech reginal settings, no need for Czech localisation
to cosinusx: diky moc, netusil jsem ze se tu muze mluvit i cesky potreboval jsem jen vedet, jestli toto je ta original ROM, kterou kdyz tam nahraju zpatky, tak tam budu mit presne to co tam bylo kdyz jsem Artemise koupil. mam Art zatim par dni, tak chci vyzkouset nejake upravene ROMky, vsude pisou ze jsou lepsi/rychlejsi. muzes mi plz pripadne poradit nejakou dobrou a osvedcenou verzi ROM ?
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Já používám tuto:, sviští jako blesk, a když ještě přetaktuješ, tak ty fámy o slabém OMAPu jsou směšné. Ta originální od HTC je hrozný zmetek. Strašně pomalá, když nainstaluješ češtinu skoro nepoužitelná a zůstane málo místa po její instalaci na programy. Jinak teď tady všichni horlivě čekáme na vytoužené WM6, mělo by být dostupné někdy v červnu na: .
I use this one:, it is very fast and overclocked much more better, and lies about OMAP "slowness" are comic. Original HTC ROM according to me is horrible slow and after flashing there is small data space. Otherwise now we are waiting for official WM6 release from HTC (at last), which will be on: .
Please guys I don't understand a word of what you guys are saying keep it in english please..
Ja se priznam ze ani ted u Artemise nemam moc problem s vykonem, nezda se mi to pomale, mel jsem hx4700 a ten o moc rychlejsi nebyl (aspon ne ve VGA modu), tak jestli to bude s tou novou ROM jeste rychlejsi, bude to super.
Cestinu nepouzivam, aspon lokalizaci ne, proto mi staci jen CZ regional settings aby to umelo zobrazit cz znaky, jednotky apod. Btw ta ROM co mi doporucujes predpokladam CZ reg settings taky ma, ze jo ?
Kazdopadne diky za tip, zkusim tam nahrat tu co mi doporucujes. Na WM6 cekam taky, koupil jsem Artemise vlastne az kdyz bylo jiste, ze na nej WM6 skutecne bude ... i kdyz, jiste to bude az ji tam budu mit
rvbcrs said:
Please guys I don't understand a word of what you guys are saying keep it in english please..
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Sorry, I am new to this forum ... from this time and forever I will use only english here
Just FYI, we were talking about actually best ROMs and about Czech regional settings supported in various ROMs said:
Sorry, I am new to this forum ... from this time and forever I will use only english here
Just FYI, we were talking about actually best ROMs and about Czech regional settings supported in various ROMs
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No problem welcome to this forum and enjoy your stay
rvbcrs said:
Please guys I don't understand a word of what you guys are saying keep it in english please..
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I am sorry, my mistake, but I was pleased, that some other czechs are there
Ano, Rom v2.00.02 PV má česká lokální nastavení a také nepoužívám češtinu, jen zpomaluje a zabírá místo, vždy si ale dodávám českou klávesnici, kvůli háčkům a čárkám. Jinak ještě je zde k vidění ROM od PDAMObiz, také jede dobře, ale nemá české regionální nastavení.
Yes, Rom v2.00.02 PV has czech regional settings too. I don't use Czech localization, it makes Artemis slow and decreases data space. But every time I install czech keyboard due to diacritic. There is next good ROM called PDAmobiz, but it hasn't czech regional settings.
I just have flashed Rom v2.00.02 PD into my Artemis, everything works fine, but GPRS/EDGE indicator disappeared. With original ROM, there was E or G letter indicating availability of GPRS/EDGE next to the GSM signal strenght indicator ... said:
I just have flashed Rom v2.00.02 PD into my Artemis, everything works fine, but GPRS/EDGE indicator disappeared. With original ROM, there was E or G letter indicating availability of GPRS/EDGE next to the GSM signal strenght indicator ...
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Thats because of the skin, there is a skin that makes WM5 look like WM6, only there is no G or E incorporated in the skin, if you close the process "Crossbow.exe" the bar skinning is gone and you can see the G or E again, but I guess thats not what you want
OK, thanks for explanation, I really dont miss that indicator, just asking ...
One more questuion, how to kill the processes ? Is there any "windows-xp-like" task manager ? said:
I just have flashed Rom v2.00.02 PD into my Artemis, everything works fine, but GPRS/EDGE indicator disappeared. With original ROM, there was E or G letter indicating availability of GPRS/EDGE next to the GSM signal strenght indicator ...
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howto :
put 1 not 0

Alpha Test PL MUI WM6 Pro CE OS 5.2.1948 (Build 18548.0.7.0)

First excuse me for my english.
This is test ROM ( Alpha because I used this only in my pda and many deep changes).
Whats new compared to existing ROMS:
- MUI PL , I have no time to prepare English version , 80% Polish Language
- core 1948 SYS 0.7.1948 ( taken from Shaps ROMS )
- replaced ceddk.dll to newer version( but still sdbus.dll not working)
- newer WIFI driver, with this I have no problem with reconnecting Wifi after standby, not tested WPA , with driver not working LED signalling , that WIFI is ON.
Included software:
In Rom
- Sim Manager PL 6.25
- Sympad PL
- Office 6.1 PL(only Word and Excel)
In ExtROM (ofcourse directory must be in SD Card):
- HTC Voice Recorder PL
- Cyberon VoiceSpeedDial PL
- MIDlet Manager PL
- Arcsoft MMS(Eng version) with some PL customisations
- Powerpoint PL.
Cabs are dedicated to this ROM and must be changed to use with English Roms. Do not use those cabs to English Roms ( if you don't want unstable Rom ).
Known Bugs:
CommManager in WM6 not correctly turn off phone module ( I tested all publicated Roms for BA with the same result ). Only possible workaround is use to turn off phone publicated on this forum ( big thank's for this ) utility flightmode. This program is included in ROM. I removed from commanager posibility to turn on/off phone.
Thanks to all community XDA-DEVELOPERS , especially Helmi ( thank you for WM6 on BA and all people which working and making WM5 on BA ) .
Because this is polish version WM6 some words in Polish.
Na wstepie chcialbym podkreslic ze jest to testowa wersja, mam nadzieje ze bedzie jakis odzew i wspolnie bedziemy mogli wyprostowac ewentualne bledy ktore da sie usunac.
W romie nie jest zawarty task manager , poniewaz uzywam Pocket Plus ktory go zawiera. Poprawki do ROM-u przynajmniej do wyjscia wersji 6.1 beda tylko w formie cab-ów
Mam nadzieje ze ludzie bardziej doswiadczeni i madrzejsi ode mnie jesli chodzi o BA pomoga usunac bledy.
password: test123
Ooo widze PL przygotowania
z chęcia mogę pomóc jak co w tłumaczeniu itp
pytanie,jak TObie chodzi ROM?bryka OK?czy zwisy miałeś jakies?
dzis zainstaluje
jutro powiem jak ja to widze
radexon said:
Ooo widze PL przygotowania
z chęcia mogę pomóc jak co w tłumaczeniu itp
pytanie,jak TObie chodzi ROM?bryka OK?czy zwisy miałeś jakies?
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U mnie chodzi OK ale tylko u mnie wiec bede mial potwierdzenie ze chodzi dobrze jesli u innych tez bedzie OK a sa naprawde duze zmiany wewnatrz.
To nie jest spolszczenie ROMU Explode czy Helmiego ale nowy ROM bazujacy oczywiscie tak jak wszystkie na ROM-ie WM6 R0. Znane mi bledy to wylaczanie modulu telefonu z ComManagera - ale to nie dziala dobrze w zadnym ROM-ie z serii WM6 stad obejscie. Trzeba do tego uzywac odrebnego programiku ktory po prostu dziala i nie trzeba resetowac PDA.
Nie mam pojecia czy dziala gps i gprs(brak mozliwosci testowania) - staralem sie tego po prostu nie ruszac. Ale na pewno z dodatkow dziala wybieranie glosowe - przeniesione z polskiego Kaisera, dziala BT FTP, dziala WIFI i caly system.
Nie jestem w stanie wszystkiego przetestowac wiec trudno mi powiedziec czy sa jeszcze inne widoczne bugi.
Jeszcze z uwag niektore CAB-y publikowane tutaj moga w najlepszym wypadku zle dzialac a w najgorszym zdestabilizowac SYSTEM. Dotyczy to zwlaszcza multimediow. Czesc z nich po prostu tworzona jest dla innych sprzetow i modyfikuje wpisy w rejestrze lub podmienia biblioteki.
U mnie tez wszystko chodzi OK.
Wielkie dzieki, to jest to!!!!
A macie jakieś może screeny?
wlasni sciagam i zainstaluje.
Dzieki Z góry
Rewela miodzio chodzi
chodzi wspaniale
strasznie dziwne dla czlowieka ktoru non stop na wersji eng jechal sie przerzucic na pl, ale same plusy widze
wszystko dziala!
tylko ssac!
i ulepszac!
Wow! Guess I am in the wrong forum.
I installed ROM and is very good and stable .Good work
I back to previous ROM but i have problem with SOUND in WMP and all system.
I wait na good and fixed ROM
install sound fix
i can confirm: wifi-reconnect works!
is it possible to extract this driver - and bring it to a english rom ?
thank you very much!
i found 2 Bugs:
- connect to a windows fileserver does not work - at least not with the file explorer that comes with the ROM - with total explorer it works at least in "quick open"-mode.
- there's no option to turn off the phone!
anyway, i'm sure, you can fix this - than it's a great rom!
Turn off phone is possible only from program flightmode ( phoneoffon in rom)
( simple - because it's always working for me ).
In attachment cab is newer driver that is included in my ROM.( cab is not tested , I hope that is working)
it doesn't seem to work with every rom ( for example not!).
but with this rom
it works!
i get immediate wifi connection!
i'm sure some other people will try it with their roms ...
great work!
thank you very much!
after first boot I could connect, but no internet acess... after that I made a soft boot and VOILÁ!!!
All OK!! (using WEP in adoc connection)
Tomorrow will test in WPA infrastructure network
It doesn't work for me. It's the same situation like before I have to turn it form the wifi settings then in the comm manager
EmZvr said:
It doesn't work for me. It's the same situation like before I have to turn it form the wifi settings then in the comm manager
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Try normal working with WIFI using old driver and newer driver. You must find valid ROM for using this driver.

please,help VODAFONE X1 Can not Internet

i am in dutch
Thank you for everybody help, my question is trouble, I FLASH rom FOR X1, but still use the original vodafone the sim card but not the network,.....because I have including Internet services, and i settings any Internet settings also,....
but flash back my old rom (vodafone nl rom ) Internetis no problem....the dutch vodafone Internetis setting is Vodafone live! it flash other rom the Internetis setting:vodafone GPRS ,and you can't fine vodafone live!...and you can't use 3g orgprs, it dutch vodafone rom is no problem!!
software Modaco
Hi Kenjisu,
You might try to find the 3G settings in the internet connect settings of the new rom.
I read somewhere that the original Vodafone rom cannot be changed there, so not sure if it is possible in modded rom.
I found these are the settings:
Username: Vodafone
Password: Vodafone
You might try that, or try to find the rom part that contains the settings and hex edit them.
I can't help there, since I have no X1 .
good luck!
You can try itje's v2.2 rom, it has by default the setting for all carriers.
Which ROM did you flash? (from dutch to ??)
The problem might not be settings, but the installation of the new ROM. If the settings don't work (and you have them exactly the same), then try this:
Goto Settings-->Connections-->Advanced Network-->HSDPA/HSUPA.
Change it from HSDPA/HSUPA to Disable. Soft Reset.
Settings should now connect. You can change it back to HSUPA/HSDPA and it should work fine.
Welk ROM heb je geflashed?
Het probleem mocht niet instellingen zijn, maar eigenlijk het installatie van het ROM zelf. Als het instellingen niet werkt (en je het instellingen precies hetzelfde hebt), dan probeer even dit:
Ga naar Instellingen-->Verbindingen-->Geavanceerd Netwerk-->HSPDA/HSUPA.
Maak het even Disable, en schakel het stroom compleet uit. Opnieuw starten. Het vebinding zou nu (als het goed is) lukken. Je kan het terugkeren naar HSUPA/HSDPA als je sneller internet wilt hebben.
I do think it's a settings problem.
After you've finished flashing the rom first go to Start-->Settings-->Connections-->Connection setup. Make sure you choose the right country and operator after that the settings for internet should be right.
Then go back to the Connection screen and choose Advanced network and choose enable HSDPA/HSUPA then select GPRS and I think you'll find that the default setting is "PAP authentication" this is not the right option so change "PAP authentication" into "CHAP authentication"
You could choose to reset your device after these settings but it should work without resetting your device.
if i get it right u want to use vodafone LIVE! services right? your text is a little bit hard to understand
vodafone live! here in germany uses Proxies to work. so i guess its the same for DUTCH.
check the Internet for DUTCH vodafone proxies and just set them under connections.
teh Default ROM had allready had the Proxy settings included but i couldnt see them anywhere.
and as proxy for GERMANY only btw
there's no login or similar required.
i had the same problem and wondered why it didnt worked.
Just go to setting-connections-connection setup voda nl
Enable hsdpa/hsupa
pap authentication
Im on voda in holland to and I have managed to get it working with branded, unbranded and cooked roms.
thanks guys! I have tried these methods,
Username: Vodafone
Password: Vodafone
but still can not vodafone networking is not my x1 has been vodafone lock the case? Holland vodafone x1 is lock ,I can't use my old KPN sim car....
Some people use X1 Vodafone Netherlands is also flash the rom, How do you do it Connected network use vodafone HSPA OR 3G?
just tell me short what X1 Cellphone you have (country?)
and what Simcard do u have (carrier and country)!
Junior Member Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Zutphen
Posts: 2
I do think it's a settings problem.
After you've finished flashing the rom first go to Start-->Settings-->Connections-->Connection setup. Make sure you choose the right country and operator after that the settings for internet should be right.
Then go back to the Connection screen and choose Advanced network and choose enable HSDPA/HSUPA then select GPRS and I think you'll find that the default setting is "PAP authentication" this is not the right option so change "PAP authentication" into "CHAP authentication"
You could choose to reset your device after these settings but it should work without resetting your device.
DANK U WELL! YOU SAY:I think you'll find that the default setting is "PAP authentication" this is not the right option so change "PAP authentication" into "CHAP authentication" that is very important!! so now i can use 3G for vodafone and use any rom。
thanks guys!
by the way: I also have dutch vodafone “Zorgeloos internet BloX” 。 so it's Unlimited free for Each Month or Max 100M? can I USE X1 Connect my notbook use 3G? mean is that this is an unlimited flow of each month free use X1 Connect PC ON Bluetooth....use notbook to Internet for 3G with X1...
sorry My English is very poor...

indonesia setting gprs

does anyone know how "exactly" to set for the GPRS/Internet setting ? i'm in indonesia using telkomsel/Kartu HALO,,tried this over 1 week and still no luck at all..i dont think its the APN,DNS, Proxy or Username & Password matters, i have done those as suggested...but still NO LUCK at all...please help
pake network wizard ja bro, googling ja "network" trus install ntar tinggal pilih negara trus operator, restart, trus jadi deh
Masih bermasalah bro? PM gw nomornya, tar gw check-in.
Manual Setting
i think you can use manual config to your phone. ie:
Start > Setting > Connection > Connections
in Tasks Tab there should be 2 poin :
1. Internet Setting
2. Work Network
click "add new modem connection"
- enter name (only for display)
- select modem type : Cellular line (3G, GPRS)
- Next
- enter access point name : "internet" (for telkomsel without ")
- leave username & password blank
you should now able to use internet with "Halo Telkomsel" ^-^v
Note: make sure @Manage existing modem connection is choosing your desired connection name
don't forget to activate you gprs first, since telkomsel disable gprs/3g/hsdpa service by default...
to activate just sent sms : GPRS to number 6616..
i think this will resolve your problem
Hello Kawans,
What about MMS, can it be done manually too.
yes, we can.
MMS setting for telkomsel.
port: 8000
server address :
HD2 on Telkomsel
I have an HD2 on Telkomsel network and cannot send or receive mms.
Any idea what the problem could be?
I can browse the web but mms is failing every time.
While in Thailand on 123call I had the same issue.
Kalau harus menjawab di bahasa Indonesia, tidak apa-apa. Saya bisa membaca!
Terima kasih!
Setting MMS Telkomsel di HTC touch pro2
erwinpiero said:
Hello Kawans,
What about MMS, can it be done manually too.
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Setting MMS Telkomsel di HTC Touch Pro2 yg dilakukan secara automatis dari HTC tidak bisa berfungsi. Ternyata setting MMS ini telah berubah dan sayangnya para 'Customer Service' Telkomsel tidak ada yg tahu perubahan setting MMS utk windows mobile. Jadi kalo kita ke Grapari atau telp ke caroline mereka bakal bilang kalo handset kita yg rusak.
Ini cara setting MMS telkomsel yg baru utk windows mobile, khususnya HTC TP2 yg sy punya:
1. Masuk ke Messaging
2. Pilih 'SMS / MMS'
3. Pilih 'Menu' (yg ada di pojok kanan bawah)
4. Pilih 'MMS option'
5. Utk seting 'Preference' : di situ ada pilihan utk 'Retrieval mode' yg setting-an bawaan HTC dipilih 'Auto in Home Network' --> ini diganti dgn 'Auto'
6. Utk setting 'Servers' : kita klik 'Telkomsel MMS' --> akan kita lihat:
* Server name : Telkomsel MMS
* Gateway :
* Port number : tertulis 9201 --> diganti dgn 8000
* Server address : tertulis --> tulisan '9201' dihapus mjd hanya
* WAP version : dipilih WAP 2.0
* selebihnya sama
7. Klik OK
Slamat mencoba...
Terima kasih banyak untuk bantuan anda!
Dengan settingnya di atas saya baru bisa kirim mms dengan HD2 saya!
Senang sekali saya!
mindful14 said:
Setting MMS Telkomsel di HTC Touch Pro2 yg dilakukan secara automatis dari HTC tidak bisa berfungsi. Ternyata setting MMS ini telah berubah dan sayangnya para 'Customer Service' Telkomsel tidak ada yg tahu perubahan setting MMS utk windows mobile. Jadi kalo kita ke Grapari atau telp ke caroline mereka bakal bilang kalo handset kita yg rusak.
Ini cara setting MMS telkomsel yg baru utk windows mobile, khususnya HTC TP2 yg sy punya:
1. Masuk ke Messaging
2. Pilih 'SMS / MMS'
3. Pilih 'Menu' (yg ada di pojok kanan bawah)
4. Pilih 'MMS option'
5. Utk seting 'Preference' : di situ ada pilihan utk 'Retrieval mode' yg setting-an bawaan HTC dipilih 'Auto in Home Network' --> ini diganti dgn 'Auto'
6. Utk setting 'Servers' : kita klik 'Telkomsel MMS' --> akan kita lihat:
* Server name : Telkomsel MMS
* Gateway :
* Port number : tertulis 9201 --> diganti dgn 8000
* Server address : tertulis --> tulisan '9201' dihapus mjd hanya
* WAP version : dipilih WAP 2.0
* selebihnya sama
7. Klik OK
Slamat mencoba...
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Masalahnya lain lagi nih.... Tuk HTS TP2 saya... yang udah di upgrade ke WM 6.5...
Menu option MMS itu ga ada.... mohon bantuannya....
Yang ada Start - E-mail - menu - option
Dan di situ tidak ada menu untuk setting MMS...
no service on GSM Only
im use xda atom life wm6.1 OS 5.2.19701.1.0.0 PV. im indonesia using telkomsel/kartu As if i use GSM only on the bandswitch my phone say no service i cant OC n other rom wm6; 6.1; 6.5; the problem is same-but if i changes indosat or xl (providers from indonesia) my phone goes well..pls help me ...
thx before sory my english not good.
Wow..berhasil dengan baik..Tx abiss..
untung belum ke grapari..ntar malah dibilang rusak..he.he..
buat informasi yang laen, settingan MMS ini juga berhasil buat HTC Touch Diamond..
sekali lagi tx..
If someone can translate this to English we can add it to the GPRS/Internet Connection Settings for the whole world thread to help other members looking for this.
mindful14 said:
Setting MMS Telkomsel di HTC Touch Pro2 yg dilakukan secara automatis dari HTC tidak bisa berfungsi. Ternyata setting MMS ini telah berubah dan sayangnya para 'Customer Service' Telkomsel tidak ada yg tahu perubahan setting MMS utk windows mobile. Jadi kalo kita ke Grapari atau telp ke caroline mereka bakal bilang kalo handset kita yg rusak.
Ini cara setting MMS telkomsel yg baru utk windows mobile, khususnya HTC TP2 yg sy punya:
1. Masuk ke Messaging
2. Pilih 'SMS / MMS'
3. Pilih 'Menu' (yg ada di pojok kanan bawah)
4. Pilih 'MMS option'
5. Utk seting 'Preference' : di situ ada pilihan utk 'Retrieval mode' yg setting-an bawaan HTC dipilih 'Auto in Home Network' --> ini diganti dgn 'Auto'
6. Utk setting 'Servers' : kita klik 'Telkomsel MMS' --> akan kita lihat:
* Server name : Telkomsel MMS
* Gateway :
* Port number : tertulis 9201 --> diganti dgn 8000
* Server address : tertulis --> tulisan '9201' dihapus mjd hanya
* WAP version : dipilih WAP 2.0
* selebihnya sama
7. Klik OK
Slamat mencoba...
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Click to collapse
maaf, kl di winmo 6.5 ganti di menu - settings -optons - menu - mms server, setelah itu set sesuai yang di atas.
selamat mencoba.
HTC touch pro2
helmi.smd said:
Masalahnya lain lagi nih.... Tuk HTS TP2 saya... yang udah di upgrade ke WM 6.5...
Menu option MMS itu ga ada.... mohon bantuannya....
Yang ada Start - E-mail - menu - option
Dan di situ tidak ada menu untuk setting MMS...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
maaf, kl di winmo 6.5 ganti di All massage , menu - settings -optons - menu - mms server, setelah itu set sesuai yang di atas.
selamat mencoba.
gan ada g yah forum atau blog yang sama kaya xda tapi bahasa indonesia.. ane rada bingung baca2 di sini cz bahasa inggris semua.. maklum b.inggris ane dapet 6 pas sekolah hehehe...
,aaf tanya nya di sini...
cari forum xda indonesia windows phone
Maaf agan-agan sekalian (OOT nih)
mau nyari forum di xda yang bahas masalah windows phone khusus Nokia Lumia ada ga yang berbahasa indonesia...
thanks sebelumnya gan..

