What is the camcorder functuality like??? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I have read that the inbuilt camera records to mpeg4
Can someone confirm whether there are different settings:
ie frame size and frame rate?
And can somone post some sample movies under different conditions:
ie indoors outdoors sunlight and low light - like nighttime.
:shock: :?:


Improving the Camera Capturing Speed

Here is my recent observation:
If you enable the FPS and turn on the 1.3MP Camera (to take photos/videos etc), the frame rate is roughly about 14fps (on standby).
If you go further and disable the Dithering from the registry, then the frame rate can now reach to ~20fps; and its much more smoother looking around with that.
Is this good or bad? :roll:
I mean, it would have been great if this can be coupled with some other settings to find a way around the 10fps limit of the video recording (of that stupid 320x240). Changing the fps limit to 15 seems to change it within the video properties, but not sure if it is helping at the final recording yet; need to experiment some more.
Any ideas? suggestions? comments?
- Matt.

Video recording at 320x240 on the S200

Hi ! Is there a way to record video at 320x240 with the Prophet ? (my unit is the S200). Possibly by using software or something ? (normally the max resolution for video recording on the S200 is 176x144, which is kind of strange considering that S100 and other HTC/Qtek even older models are capable of recording at 320x240 resolution)
Many thanks.
anybody ?
Coolcamera can switch resolution up to 640x480.
Unfortunately the framerate drops to 10fps @320 and 4fps @640 what is not so great.
I am wondering also why other devices are so much better with video..maybe therer is a different solution out there using also the Intel graphicsprozessor onboard.
If anybody has a better solution i am interested in it also.
there was a bug once
before i upgraded ROM it showed 320x240 video resolution option but did record in the small (140x80 or sth). After upgrading I thought they would fix it but instead they just removed the option!!
are new's about de SW to use a 320x240 video resolution ??
use CoolCamera, you can use 320x240 but the framerate will probably be low. I found that framerate depends especially on SD card speed. So the SD card is the bottleneck. If you use hi-speed SD card framerate should be accetable. Good ligting is also very important

Tytn Video recording

is there a tweak that will allow me to record at 25fps ? with coolcamera (3rd party program) it allows u to record at 25fps and slightly higher resolution.
I asked a similar question a while back. Hope you get some answers. I wanted to know what the max was for video recording.
Any new info on this? Would be very handy indeed

few qns on cam / vid settings pls

Hi, does the below really work?
56. Incease Picture Quality of Camera Photos
The following tweak will allow the camera to save images at a less compressed jpeg rate, meaning that the image will be sharper and more detailed.
HKLM\software\htc\camera\image\jpegquaity\superfin e
Replace the 5Msize = 643628 value with 746028
62. Improve Camera Recording Quality of MPEG4-VGA Videos
The following tweak will increase the video quality from 2100avg bit-rate to 4500avg bit-rate.
Go to [HKLM\Software\HTC\Camera\recparam\MP4VGA and replace the BitRate value with 4194304 (default value = 2097152)
The other question is, is there a way that i can control the exposure timing / ISO directly? any expert knows ?
anyone pls?
have anyone tried b4 and able to see improvements
How about you have a read through thread 602234 for your answers!
(I can't post links yet!)
h ttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=602234
thanks! and welcome to the forum lol

Recording Video at 240 fps

I have Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge phone.
I'm trying to record videos at 240 fps (slo-mo mode). Problem is, when configured to work at 240 fps, all my previously adjusted camera settings (such as, manual focus, iso, exposure, etc...), are cancelled andthe phone automatically being adjusted. It is very crucial to me, to be able to record at 240 fps, AND, maintain the same focus position as I've set, prior to hitting the "record" button.
Can someone help please? Maybe someone can recommend some professional video recording APP where such phenomena can be avoided?

