XDA 2 wish list - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

1. Fix all WM2003 related bugs
2. Better phone dialer with profiles support, calling card support, voice dialing support
3. Better BT manager and adding more BT profiles, such as PAN support etc
4. Full support for voice dialing via BT and support for all BT functions
Anything to add?

also a big big big battery for it, so when you are using it on a wireless lan the battery will last more that 90 mins, Because wireless lan , but always pluged into a charger kind of removes the wireless bit

Hold my first Xda II today and just as I feared its got the highly reflective screen that everyone is wowing over. I would too except that an encounter with a shiny monitor next to a bright window left me after 15 years still seeing spots whenever I look at a shiny surface. Take care of your eyes guys its surprisingly easy to damage the retina.


Me = Universal to Wizard convert

I am so amazingly happy since I made the switch from Universal to Wizard.
The Universal, whilst clearly higher spec, more powerful, more impressive screen etc - was an unusable bit of kit. I battled and battled and battled - I wanted this 'superior' equipment to serve me well. I upgraded and tested various ROMs, tried every minor registry tweak and software trick known to man. Despite everyone in the Universal forum saying it *was* possible to get a solid, fast, reliable setup - I battled hard but never got close. It was still impossible to do the important little things like make or receive calls reliably, perhaps with one hand.
The Wizard is a proper phone - you can hold it between your ear and shoulder whilst stirring pasta with one hand and sipping vodka in the other.
The Wizard has proper buttons, ones that get used. The Universal had a multitude of useless buttons on the side that got pressed by accident thereby hanging Windows so that when you wanted to actually do something you may as well reset. The Universal had stereo speakers for God's sake. STEREO SPEAKERS? Does anyone else see the stupidity of such a thing? The whole point of stereo is that one channel feeds sound to one ear and the other channel to the other ear. What's more, the Wizard's handsfree speaker is clearer and brighter than the Universal's stereo speakers.
On the Wizard, I can make phone calls with one hand. I can pick up calls straight away, with one hand - I press the button and I'm talking immediately. With the Universal, not so. It's a long process involving three steps, invariably failing in most cases resulting in my having to call the other person back. Useless.
Sure, the Universal has a 520MHz processor. And when it's all optimised you really can feel the speed. But frankly that processor power is wasted on the most basic and major functions: the screen flip when answering a call. With the Wizard, sometimes screen flip lags, but thankfully I don't need to wait for the screen to flip just to answer the call!
That little Wizard collapsing stylus is a gem.
Here's what I use my Wizard for. I'm sure we are all used to this amount of functionality from one device - I've had most of it for years. But finally I have something close to the perfect all-in-one, and I'm happy!
Text messages
Voice command and phone in the car
Alarm clock (using the app Chronos) - how brilliant
Email on the move
Satellite navigation - tells me to slow down for speed cameras and talks to me when I get lost in London!
Portable music player (gigabyte mini SD card for MP3s)
Checking the news with RSS reader
Checking the next few days' weather in London from Today screen
I've even experimented with streaming video from my desktop over wireless. Works a treat, can watch a whole episode of The OC.
Yes, I can get rid of my old sat nav unit, my old pda, my old phone, my ipod, my alarm clock. It's everything in one tiny but beautifully usable package. (Actually, not entirely true, see below.)
There is ONE thing I am disappointed with. I had really hoped to eliminate the need for buying myself a new ipod. I am happy with a gigabyte of music - it seems fine to copy music as and when I need it. However I connected up my lovely Shure sound isolating headphones and the quality of the sound wasn't what I had hoped for. So sad about this - good sound would have completed the perfect package. There's just too much noise on the output, and the sound is horribly mid-range distorted. Gutted.
Anyway, I had to get this all out of my system - overall I am a very happy Universal to Wizard convert.
Thanks for listening
I can confirm all that. I ditched my Universal a week ago and bought a Wizard: Its LIGHTYEARS better in ease of use., speed, etc.
completely agree. if i wanted a proper tiny computer i would buy a toshiba libretto. not the flawed, heavy and unstable universal.
Sounds right - the thing to remeber is that threse units are no laptops.... they are PDAs with phones ( not phones with PDAs if you see what I mean ).
Having swapped form a Jornada 540 I probably wont see the difrence your talking about but as a I can access most of the major features - Sat Nav / Phone / PIM I'm happy - its a portable viewer and ideal for when I am not in my own car.
Re the Ipod - doubt you'll beat that in this case - thats an Audio device - this is one that can do audio if you see what I mean.
Glad you like the change.
I'm finding this a very interesting topic.
I've just switched from aHP iPaq hx4705 to a Universal and so far I have been very pleased. however the choice between the Universal and the Wizard was a difficult one for me as I wanted a connected PocketPC / Windows Mobile device as opposed to a phone with a PPC in it.
My iPaq has clearly paid for itself in 15 months and time was right for an upgrade to WM5 and full connectivity. However my decision between these two devices was clouded I had a small chance to play with the Wizard in Dixon's one day when there was no Universal to play with.
And I liked it. Small, responsive, good lucks, surprising good keyboard (I wasn't sure what to expect to be honest) - all in all very good.
However I need to run a couple of power apps - PI and Planmaker - and I wasn't sure how it would cope.
I then had a try on a Universal in a O2 shop and I liked that. Everything looked good especially the screen (smaller than my iPaq but possibly even better quality) and the general speed.
So I got to the point to go for one of these. Initial cost wasn't a big deal as I was getting it on a contract with only about £50 difference between the two. And at this price £50 isn't enough to worry about.
I've currently got a Universal and am typing this out on it now. I'm loving it but that doesn't mean that the Wizard wouldn't also suit me as well. I have another 11 days before I lose the chance to take this back and swap it and I would really like to know from those of you using the Wizard how it copes with things like Planmaker due to the processor and the smaller screen size.
What a difficult choice though?! Two great devices to choose between.
I have an xda exec and xda mini s or wizard (two separate contracts). Both brill bits of kit. I use the exec for planmaker and textmaker and the xda mini just as a bit of fun. I like gadgets. You can't fault either device. I use both equally but for different purposes. I also used to have ipaq's for years but i wanted thephone functionality. The exec makes a wonderful mini laptop and the wizard a super ppc. If you shop around you can get bothdevices on contracts which added together give you a great deal in minutes+texts etc. yet give you the devices at a bargain price.
best wishes
I agree. There really are some amazing devices out there at the moment and I am really pleased to be using one of them.
At the moment I can't see me getting rid of the Universal for a Wizard but that is because I have a clear idea of what I am after in this device. The Universal I know already after a few days is meeting my full needs.
Maybe if things go well I can buy a Wizard sometime late in 2006 when I guess they will drop in price! Just don't tell the wife!
dnt regret my purchase of a wizard. hope it stands the test of time and I'm using it for a long time. I think the trick to enjoying it is to remember in reality its your phone, everything else is a bonus.
i like to have 2 or 3 devices on the go and find if u shop around u can get really good deals recooping losses later by selling the devices on.the wizard is being offered for a small price on contract and like all similar devices will hold its value so why wait.i enjoy using the exec and wizardand find both equal as regards performance and functionality.planmaker, textmaker and tom tom work great on the exec whereas i use the wizard more for the phone side.
my other half uses tom tom but finds everything else a waste of time.i always have to explain that when we broke down in france this year in the motorhome my devices came to the rescue. tom tom for navigation and the predecessor to the xda mini a magician a great way to communicate to the rescue service and to find the nearest garage for repairs etc.
best wishes
Wizard v Universal
The wizard really is a great piece of kit but the BIG disadvantage for me is the missing 3G radio.
We have been crying out for this type of pocket pc ever since 3G was launched and I must say the breach has been filled admirably.
Obviously size is important and having owned both (and still do) I would agree that that the universal platform is not the most stable and the last thing you want to do is take a call on the Universal whilst in public
I have managed to incorporate all the settings taken from a symbian platform handset ie Nokia 6680 and managed to use the device successfully even browsing with the '3' homepage. The security of the '3' was the most difficult to crack and I can now download the various downloads offered by the cheapest network.
I also have subscribed to the £45 package which gives you 512mb of bundled data which allows me to visit other sites now the 'garden wall' has been demolished once and for all. This really is where the universal comes into its own.
One thing I will agree with is the size prevents use as a normal handset so I use a bluetooth headset with the appopriate hacks from the wi-ki developers page.
I cant help thinking that the Universal would be a far slimmer device if they hadn't incorporated the keyboard which I find absolutely useless due to my prolonged use of the graffiti facility(far quicker to write anyway).
I look forward to a new alternative to the Universal which may do away with the keypad once and for all. This should make the device a more suitable size instead of the similarities with the old handhelds ie HP 720 and the like which I'm sure many of us remember.
I think this is crucial given that devices like the Sony Ericsson P990i are just about to be launched with 3g capability and many people will see this as a more pocketable phone/pda. Not in the same league I agree as a windows mobile 5 device but still blessed with a good email client and now of course wi-fi.
Just my personal experience but I felt necessary to post in order to even things up a little bit.
Re: Wizard v Universal
jonboy8841 said:
The wizard really is a great piece of kit but the BIG disadvantage for me is the missing 3G radio.
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2 things... is it '3' that no longer have a walleed garden ? Im just curious...
Re 3G ( and I know this is Off topic ) - is it me or is there no actual use for 3G for joe public ? Yes I can understand business use and to a certian point show off to your mates video calling but until its on all networks and all phones ( inc fixed ) in all contries its best feature wont be used... again another reason to go for the Wizard rather than Universal.
PS Before any one says 'but you can watch TV' DVB-H will kick that in to touch soon
3G makes a BIG difference if you actually go websurfing... (which is actually the only reason I find it interesting, I really don't care about video calling, actually I really hope it wont become standard for a long time)
I don't have a universal, but I'm guessing the bigger screen (and more importantly resolution), along with the 3G, makes it perfectly suitable to websurfing.
Universal is a great gadget, but it is not a usable phone. The way I see it it can be used as a small notebook, provided you don't expect too much. VGA and UMTS are great for browsing and mail. Also connected with BT mouse it can be used for Word or Excel (TextMaker and PlanMaker) and even Project. The issue is only that lack of USB Host and no Video out mean it can't be used as full laptop. So it comes down to personal preference and at least for Phone and PDA I'm going with Wizard for small notebook we'll see...
Finraziel said:
3G makes a BIG difference if you actually go websurfing... (which is actually the only reason I find it interesting, I really don't care about video calling, actually I really hope it wont become standard for a long time)
I don't have a universal, but I'm guessing the bigger screen (and more importantly resolution), along with the 3G, makes it perfectly suitable to websurfing.
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Wizzard supports EDGE, it is more than enough to do web-sirfing..
It's really interesting to see how different members use their devices-I didn't realise when i first purchased the exec that i needed a different sim card and tariff to use 3g. I think 3g is also more expensive and as other members have commented limited by network coverage and most people still having basic handsets. None of my contacts use 3g-in fact they find my interest in these amazing gadgets bemusing, eccentric...This doesn't bother me but thankgoodness there are othersout there who share my interest.
I really didn't think that the difference between 3g and a good gprs was much. i played with both in the o2 shop and couldn't think of a reason to buy the universal, although it does have a few advantages.
FYI I have a vodaphone 3g motorola 770 as my main phone (cost £90 payg) and I successfully linked the wizard to it via bluetooth and surfed at 3g speed. So I have the option if needed.
One other advantage to 3G is that in a few months you will be able to dial into video servers that will have news, television, etc going over the circuit switched network, so you'll have much more reliable and responsive service, if you're willing to use your video minutes on it.
With the new ROM, i'm glad i didn't give up my universal. It is now worlds faster WITHOUT any tweaking, and even more with tweaking.
I also had the Universal or WIzard dilema and only one factor mattered to me : SCREEN REAL ESTATE!
Guess who won
Me = Wizard ---> Universal
Agree Jorgee.
The universal with the latest O2 rom is working super. With the next rom update, with radio version 1.09 and push email it will be even better.
I had a wizard for a few months and had to get rid of it.
Firstly note that I do not use either as a phone. i have a small cell phone for voice calls. I use these devices as my pocket pc with data only tariffs (a key advantage of o2 above all the other providers).
In this context the Wizard is really not a player:
1. Terribly slow cpu and os
2. Screen too small
3. No VGA.
4. Too slow to run skype well
5. Too thick (universal is thinner) - difficult to fit in backpack with papers.
6. Horrible stylus
7. Minisd card. All my deivces use SD. Its another std too far.
8. Non-std headphone socket
9. No 3g. GPRS web browsing is a joke.
Sry guys, but as a PDA there is no contest!

Can you share your experiences with using Galaxy Tab as a phone?

Hi I'm from Brasil
Could you share the experience of using the Galaxy Tab as a phone?
The tablet will be released later this month in Brazil and I am strongly inclined to buy one. I have an HTC HD2, but I am attracted by a 7''screen Galaxy. But I really don't want to carry two gadgets in my bag and so I am wondering about using the tablet as a phone too.
In particular I'm not interested in hands-free calls or videoconferencing. I wonder how practical it is to use the bluetooth headset. It stays on all the time, paired with the phone? How well is the battery on the tablet in this configuration? If you take the headset away from the tablet lose the connection, it is restored automatically when it comes within range of bluetooth again?
And what about using it close to your face upside down like a normal phone, as someone suggested lowering the volume and using it close to your ear.
Sorry about my Englixh
Thanks in advance!
The Galaxy Tab works great as a "speaker phone". I've been using it for the past week and have realized that I don't need my N1 anymore. I'm going to pair my Bluetooth headset to it so that I don't look so stupid in public talking to a tablet. Reception on the Tab and speaker quality are both better than my N1.
Very happy using it as my work device. I still prefer to carry the N1 on the weekends because it fits in my pocket without bulging out.
The Tab battery lasts longer than my N1 battery, so I'm very happy carrying it all day with WIFI and Bluetooth on. The screen is what really kills battery life. I find myself using the Tab more than my cell phone because its actually taking usage time away from my laptop. I can carry the Tab and comfortably reply e-mail and read online content without being tied to a desk. So I still run out of battery at days end, however I'm getting much more use out of it than my N1.
Make sure you pickup a version that has the phone features. US models do not have Phone supported. I got a Asia version and it is working great on AT&T in US. I'm able to get online with the 2100 band.
Thanks for your answer! As I said, I'll try to use my Tab to make phone calls and leave my phone at home.
The sales suppose to begin next week here in Brasil. As soon as I put my hands in one I'll share my experiences. Of course being a woman and carrying a purse will help to use just the Tab!
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I have been using the tab as a phone for over a week now I can say its a joy. On the other hand you will have to carry your bluetooth headset or ear phones with you at all times... If you forget them and need to make a 'private' call its not gonna happen with the speaker phone ha..
The size doesnt bother me as it slips in my back pocket when on the phone.. I would always have a spare phone thats worth about 20 quid just for weekend in the clubs and partying and stuff like that
I've been using Tab as my work phone a couple of weeks.
It fits in my trousers hip pocket, no problem. But it weights 380 g, which is something to notice. (If I carry my Galaxy S in my pocket, i don't feel it, it is so light and flat.)
I use also a Nokia BH-900 bluetooth headset, works well with Tab. However, if I walk away from the bluetooth range, I have to reboot headset or toggle bluetooth off/on from Tab to get pairing again.
Sometimes I use Tab as hands free speakerphone, it works too. I don't say better than other phones but ok. In fact Galaxy S has more volume and better voice quality, if compared.
The best thing about Tab is big screen, it is a delight to read emails. And battery lasts a couple of days.
I have been using the galaxy tab for the past week as a phone and it has been a great experience. Carrying a headset is a must for private calls. I use plantronics discover 975 headset and it works. Also 3g video call works great. Great work phone cause if u have paired it with a headset there is a button to switch it back to speaker phone and in a room the speaker is loud and clear for a small group to hear.
Skype on 3g does not work with bluetooth so to talk on skype privately u need the headset supplied with it. I tried using the headset that comes with iphone and there is sound but the mic does not work. The nexus one headset works well. I have also tried tango application and it does not work with the camera but there is sound for the galaxy tab.
Overall a good mobile device.
i've been using it for almost 2 weeks as a phone with the blueant q2 headset.
i come from the hd2 too and i cant say i regret the switch...
just need to get used to how u wanna deal with it on a everday basis, but to me it's a full replacement for a "normal" phone.
just a matter of gettin used to it
Hi, I am using my Tab for 2 weeks now as an everyday phone and all. I used the Giorgio Armani wm device before and I am very happy with the Tab.
I used to put the WM phone in a special pocket of my purse, but that doesn't work!
As a woman I had to shop for a new handbag because I can't put the Tab in any pocket! Just waiting for a nice case to arrive and then check whether my device will fit in the bag I have my eyes on. I am using a bluetooth Iqua slim (one of my male colleagues thought it looked "nerdy", so?) and am very happy with it. You really can't use it as a phone without a headset, because the sound is very loud. I work in a room with 8 other people, so I have to keep them in mind.
All in all very good reception, even with 3G where the Giorgio Armani could not keep the phone connection active at my work.
At home I don't use the bluetooth headset, but I leave the room when my partner is sitting next to me on the couch

Listening device using phone(s), Bluetooth, headset, FM Radio

How could one use a cell phone(s) to listen in on their office when off premise. For instance-A phone with ringer turned off & auto answer where a phone will answer after a set amount of silent rings-3, 5, 10 etc. Or could Bluetooth be used if someone was only 15 feet away & again an auto answer scenario/setting. Sometimes a headset is supposedly needed & has to be plugged into achieve this effect & would use the Michael in the headset for listening. Any hardcore mods would be OK that may require soldering, micro soldering, extra parts, rehousing phone in different case, programs etc. Also, If anyone knows of any Java options/programs or anything that would need a cable & software would be fine too. Yeah, An older Java type track phone would be great-But Android, Windows Mobile etc. would be fine. Or would a website work for 2.4 ghz fine tuned to the device & have it bookmarked on a browser on an android phone device for quick access but prob limited range unless there is a site you can buy a page for your special needs-Or what aouta scanner site like radio reference?. Also is there anyway to listen to the audio portion of 2.4 ghz The portion of the band used for security cameras etc. Audio would be fine-Video a bonus. Bluetooth operates somewhere in the 2.4 ghz band as well. Some phones have FM radio but that would require a major overhaul_basically starting over as the system is not set up for a FM transmitter-But it could be done. I've seen devices that use a sim card like a computer mouse that works/acts like any mouse but uses a GSM sim card-So, One calls the number assigned to the sim & gets full audio of the room with no distance limitations-But many have the disclamer "Does Not Work In USA Or Canada" Most say this-But not all. I'm wondering if this is for legal reasons & more of a formality than reality as I had a similar situation before. What would be the best GSM sim do you all think would be best? Also a finished modded unit would be fine too-But really need the reciever to be a phone-Of any type. Let me know. Thanx.
PS-I'll share results answers, PM's with anybody who asks.
Saw a phone modded & done for sale by an outfit in England for about $1,500 that was amazing. Did way more than I needed-But maybe at a later date etc. $1,500 is way out of budget-But zi'm realistic & not cheap for what I need. Prob a $300/cap.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
bigthunder1 said:
How could one use a cell phone(s) to listen in on their office when off premise. For instance-A phone with ringer turned off & auto answer where a phone will answer after a set amount of silent rings-3, 5, 10 etc. Or could Bluetooth be used if someone was only 15 feet away & again an auto answer scenario/setting. Sometimes a headset is supposedly needed & has to be plugged into achieve this effect & would use the Michael in the headset for listening. Any hardcore mods would be OK that may require soldering, micro soldering, extra parts, rehousing phone in different case, programs etc. Also, If anyone knows of any Java options/programs or anything that would need a cable & software would be fine too. Yeah, An older Java type track phone would be great-But Android, Windows Mobile etc. would be fine. Or would a website work for 2.4 ghz fine tuned to the device & have it bookmarked on a browser on an android phone device for quick access but prob limited range unless there is a site you can buy a page for your special needs-Or what aouta scanner site like radio reference?. Also is there anyway to listen to the audio portion of 2.4 ghz The portion of the band used for security cameras etc. Audio would be fine-Video a bonus. Bluetooth operates somewhere in the 2.4 ghz band as well. Some phones have FM radio but that would require a major overhaul_basically starting over as the system is not set up for a FM transmitter-But it could be done. I've seen devices that use a sim card like a computer mouse that works/acts like any mouse but uses a GSM sim card-So, One calls the number assigned to the sim & gets full audio of the room with no distance limitations-But many have the disclamer "Does Not Work In USA Or Canada" Most say this-But not all. I'm wondering if this is for legal reasons & more of a formality than reality as I had a similar situation before. What would be the best GSM sim do you all think would be best? Also a finished modded unit would be fine too-But really need the reciever to be a phone-Of any type. Let me know. Thanx.
PS-I'll share results answers, PM's with anybody who asks.
Saw a phone modded & done for sale by an outfit in England for about $1,500 that was amazing. Did way more than I needed-But maybe at a later date etc. $1,500 is way out of budget-But zi'm realistic & not cheap for what I need. Prob a $300/cap.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
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im pretty sure any kind of phone taps and such like that is probably illegal.
Illegal in (most) countries. And unethical.
Sent from my MT27i

Gv18 quick review

Hi I thought I would give a quick review of my gv18 smartwatch purchased for £28 from ebay uk seller so here goes.
The item arrived via Argos click and collect which I was very happy with as I don't drive and work 9-5 and hate receiving royal mail undelivered cards.
The watch is packed in a rather generic looking box with aplus watch printed on the box.
Inside I found the watch and a usb cable along with a User manually with a poorly translated english section so I decided to just charge and test the watch. A full charge took just over an hour. Startup was quick a few seconds really and then I was ready to go. I scanned the mediatek app from the qr code but it wouldn't install on my xperia z3 so downloaded and installed via playstore. Within seconds I was receiving all of my notifications. I could even play music through my watch from my phone using xperia z3s throw feature and was pleasantly surprised by the volume and quality of the watch speaker. If I turn off the throw feature I can control the phones audio via the watch through the phones speaker. I promptly tested the calling and was pleased to note that the caller could hear me very clearly as well as me hearing them albeit in a similar way to hands free on my phone but a lot clearer. Sadly I do not believe there is a way to link the watch directly to bluetooth headset which is a shame as this was my main hope for this watch with the expandable memory. Battery life is good at about 2-3 days limited use with backlight on medium. Regarding the phones other features I can say the pedometer works although I'm unsure of the accuracy, texting even with the keyboard options is pretty much pointless due to the size of the keyboard and poor autocorrect word options. Along with this I have noticed that from time to time my bluetotth disconnects and when on a non silent profile rings continuously and on silent the has a verry week vibration. That said though for a nice looking comfortable watch with easily replaceable bands ( about £6 on ebay for 24mm straight end strap, however you will lose nfc) that is a great handsfree device and receives all notifications and for £28 this watch is deffinately worth the money but I'm thinking of looking at the k8 or s8 now for gps and hope of bluetooth headset when free of phone. UPDATE I have now established that you use bluetooth dialler app to use bluetooth headset however with one headset I use connection strength is almost non existent as unless the phone is touching the headset it disconnects and now with my boudoir earphones I get a connection but with wrist at waist I get drop outs both headsets have good range when paired with my phone.
Looks like someone stole my review lolhttp://mobilevsandroid.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/gv18-quick-review.html?m=1
How long is the strap that comes with it?
I just ordered one, since I use a waterproof zip bag for my phone when hiking.
If you still need to know I will measure at some point.
I got the watch, but theres no screw on the back of the gv18 case.
I can see a small circle in the plastic, but not cutout.
in softweare the build time is 24-7-2015. Managed to connect phone and a bt headset to play music. But will probably not use that option all that much.
Mine didn't have the screw either I'm wondering if bluetooth connection is a bit ropey due to changing to metal strap.
well, I tested the bluetooth quicly with sonyericsson mw600 headset. I tried dialing with the mw600 inside the jacket and it seemed to work. Just a quick test over lets say 1m distance.
I am thinking of putting some cling film on it or something else for water\moisture protection when hiking.
GV18 or DZ09? which one is better? Which one do you prefer?
What about internet connection? when i have sim in watch, can i connect to internet using phone?
or when i have sim in phone, can i connect to internet using watches?
Couldn't get sim card working
I tried my phone's sim card in the watch, found AT&T's network configuration page, and attempted to get the watch connected. After many unsuccessful attempts, I gave up. Theoretically, the watch gives you a browser, facebook, and whatsapp apps if you're connected with sim card.
just bought it from amazon, will use it primarily to listen to music via bluetooth headphones while jogging. hopefully it works great for my purpose

Bluetooth Antenna diversity, any downsides?

Hi Everyone
After ive been suffering with poor bluetooth range (From my pocket to my ear bad) I found a random post on OP forums with a guy saying he fixed it by toggeling "Bluetooth Antenna Diversity" In developer options. So I tried this out, and damn now the range is just as my old phone.
But now my question is, does it come with any unknown downsides toggling that on?
Zulliz said:
Hi Everyone
After ive been suffering with poor bluetooth range (From my pocket to my ear bad) I found a random post on OP forums with a guy saying he fixed it by toggeling "Bluetooth Antenna Diversity" In developer options. So I tried this out, and damn now the range is just as my old phone.
But now my question is, does it come with any unknown downsides toggling that on?
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Yes there is..
Normal Bluetooth usage involves emitting signal in all directions and then a direct line of sight is usually obtained and a direct link made between the source and target devices.
Diversity works by reflecting off anything it can in order to obtain the connection required.
Whilst this can work great Vs an unstable connection, it has a downside..
Input lag and response time mainly.
I've had this issue with a MacBook and the magic mouse 2 and magic keyboard 2 and trackpad 2 and several Bluetooth devices, in my front room from a distance of only 10 feet.
Problems involved disconnects, unwanted input and sporadic movement, also noticed it on a second device, Nvidia shield tv pro (the new £200 box)
So what was going on?
Well there's a soundbar in my room that uses Bluetooth, connected to my rear speakers, Alexa is also in the room and that is constantly transmitting.
Now unless the top android box and a £2k MacBook Pro with all the top accessories are all malfunctioning, there has to be a simple explanation.
It's the signals getting mixed up, blocking each other, interlinking and causing problems.
Sorry for the long explanation but that's my experience.
I can't even get this settings to stick I'm my dev settings I'm about to wipe my phone over this

