Problem with reconnecting with GPRS - Networking

I find that if I leave a GPRS connection on when I'm finished accessing the internet and it gets disconnected because of network problems, that I have to soft-reset the machine to reconnect. Manually disconnecting after each session solves the problem but makes GPRS less always-on. Though I've found GPRS rarely keeps the connection for long periods. Anybody else come across this problem?
BTW I'm using PPC 2002

Re-connecting GPRS
I find the same issue. When connected to a GPRS session and I either make or receive a call I lose the GPRS connection but need to do a soft boot before re-establishing a GPRS session. I have reied everything but no joy. I think a ROM upgtade is due in Jan but not sure if this will address this problem. Let me know if you have solve it.


GPRS disconnect )-:

I'm using xda 2.
when I open the GPRS connection manually, it stay connected until I disconnect it.
When the connection is open automatically (when I use the internet explorer, or using any other application that use a gprs connection) the connection disconnect if I don't use the device for a minute or two.
If I continue to use the device, the connection don't disconnect.
Is there any setting that will prevent the device to disconnect.
I develop application that should synchronize to SQL server, the synchronization takes 15-30 minutes, during this time the user don't use the device...
Ive got the same problem.
Im using my Qtek 2020 as a Wmodem for my laptop for the moment.
If i connect, i disconnects after a few minutes and there is no speed.
But if i softreset the device and reconnect to the modem, everything works fine for a couple of hours. Then it disconnects, and i have to softreset again to make it work...
Really annoying, and took me quite a WHILE to figure out how to get it to work.
Would be very nice to know that kind of ****ed up bug this is..
Sounds like you need GPRS Tweak (freeware)
Thanx, i think it works.. Just installed it, and put it on GPRS always ON
GPRS Tweak
I also installed GPRS Tweak but when I perform a soft-reset it don't start GPRS automaticly.
What have I done wrong?
Go to the second settings tab, there u have som settings for GPRS starting.
Although, this program didnt fix my problem. I still have to reboot everytime
i have used GPRS for 2 hours. For some reason, it resets GPRS after a random set of time... Really annoying.

No reconnect on GPRS on Vodafone Germany

Hello all,
I have a problem with my magician. When i open explorer on the unit it connects with GPRS no problem. AFter a while of inactivity, the connection is lost, so far so good. However, if i want to then surf to another page, or do anythng else that requires the connection, the unit tries to reconnect but does not. It does this over and over again until finally timing out, approximately 60 seconds.
The only way i can get it to connect again is by turning the phoen off and on again. They it connect via GPRS, until it disconnects, and the whole spiel starts from the beginning.
Any pointers on this?

GPRS is connected by itself, why?

I have a weird problem I would like to share with you guys, may be someone knows the cause and can help explaining this to me.
I have set on my XDA to sync to the Exchange Server via the GPRS link manually, for both peak and non-peak timing.
Usually after finish synching, I always disconnect the GPRS connection immediately.
But I noticed that ActivSync always initiates the GPRS connection later by itself 15 minutes after I disconnect the previous session. Formerly I did not know what program actually initiate the GPRS connection, but then I found out that it was the ActivSync that did that, from the time shown, when the last time it was synced to the Exchange server. And, after that "undesired" session, it never disconnect the GPRS session.
So, I always find my XDA connected to the GPRS network, even though I had make sure I disconnect right after I finish synching.
This only happens with my XDA which runs the WM 2003.
My other PPC, Universal, does not have this problem.

Probably a network bug

My Atom Exec was well configured running for both GPRS & wifi, however under some conditions, the GPRS connection is conflicted, the symptom is cannot connect to any internet service (like web browsing, O2 Connect) even GPRS connection has been made.
It looks like the registry was changed because the problem will not gone away even soft reset. I tried to restore an old registry back up in order to corrected this problem. So far, I know two actions may caused this problem
1. After connected to second wifi router
2. Connect to wifi when there is a GPRS connection
I have the same problem... but i do not know how it coe about...
when i am on gprs.. i cannot connect to O2 Connect... but other wenb browsing can work...
Even web browsing works (PIE), but it takes very long time to resolved the domain name.

wifi/gprs switching?

I don't have the Vox yet (I'm an idiot for ordering it right before a freaking holiday) so I'm not sure if this already happens or not but...
Say for instance I'm connected to the internet/aim/whatever through wifi. However, I end up moving too far away from the hotspot and end up dropping the signal. When this happens, is there a way to make the GPRS automatically come in and replace the connection? Is that within the settings of WM6 or is there an app that does this? Can it even be done if it hasn't already?
it happens automatically to me
if the wifi connection is so slow or weak it starts to connect to gprs which actually annoys me
When I configure automatic connection trough GPRS, the phone connects via GPRS, even if a Wi-Fi connection is present. Ther should be a way to prevent usage of GPRS when connected trough wi-fi. Anyone knows how to do it?

