how i can convert my O2 XDA to Qtek - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Can any one help me to convert my O2 XDA to Qtek
my XDA model ----> PW10A1:001 , ROM Version 3.17
where i can find Qtek rom work withe my XDA model (PW10A1:001)
or can i convert from model PW10A1:001 to model PW10A1:007
beast regards
:lol: :lol: :lol:

The number after the colon (001 or 007) is just a number meant to keep you from installing upgrades not distributed by your own OEM. Ignore this number and use ROMs from the ROMkitchen as you like. If you select the .exe, it automatically adapts the ROM to match the OEM id in your device.
I would suggest a 4.00.11 ROM with whatever software you need.

Thank you very much for your answer
If i download 4.00.11 ROM from the ROMkitchen Can I download The offical Qtek Rom after that
Waiting your Answer ASAP
Beast Regards

QTEK Proximus ROM needed for warranty
Does anybody have original Proximus QTEK ROM?
Many thanks for your efforts.


Looking for O2 Asian original 3.20.06 ROM

I'm using a dopod 686 in China, and i've successfully upgrade the ROM to O2 3.17.03, and the radio to 4.21. The device works properly.
And then i upgrade it again to WM2003 4.00.11. Everything is OK now. Thanks the developers in this forum to provide some excellent tools to make this upgrade possible.
Now i'm finding the O2 Asian 3.20.06 ROM, but i have no valid O2 IMEI to register in to download an offical copy. Can anyone help me to provide a downloadable link? Thanks in advance!!!!

Chalenge on 2020i (PH10C)

Is someone is capable to developpe for 2020i (PH10C) Alpine possibility to ;
Unlock Extended ROM
Unlock Storage
Dump And EDIT ROM ??
Thk's for reply
the disk-on-chip unlock password is ' eNiPlA' ( note that it starts with 2 spaces !! )
WOAH, a start way
Thank's, but what and where i use it ?
QTEK 2020i, ROM 1.11.02 FRE
Upgrade on 2020i (Alpine)
Does anyone know how to change roms on the Alpine (XDA2i)? I get a country error code. Is there an upgrade exe without ID check?
There is a new (yet unpublished version) of ER2003Edit. It uses Itsme's Perl script for decoding/encoding. This script does not calculate checksums correctly, so you can edit the ROM, but the AlUpgradeUT.exe fails with checksum error.
Anyone able to fix the script...?
Today we can upgrade 2020i with rom from different contry.
use a tools from xda_dev "MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe" in place of "AlUpgradeUt.exe". It's work fine, i used it to change my ExtendRom from DANGAARD to BRIGHPOINT
where can I download it ??
QTEK 2020i ROM upgrade info. But where is the original ROM?
Hi, apoujade. Thank you for the info.
I understand that I have to put "MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe" in place of "AlUpgradeUt.exe" in the directory where the temp files are extracted and continue. I understand that I can change my ROM to O2 by doing so.
But for any reason if this fails I may need the original QTEK ROM.
Is there anyone who has the address to download the original ROM for QTEK 2020i?
But Please do not give simple site address because they all ask IMEI numbers and check the number with the ones they sold. Please give the address of the file to download like this:
this is the address of the ROM for QTEK 2020. I need the same for 2020i
It will be very helpful. Regards.
mrtdgn have a look at koldun's reply The first zip file is the default I had on my 2020i.
Hope this helps you.
not sure....
what is the disk on chip and how do i unlock it i see that itsme has found the password (for that i am greatful i am unsure what it does)
original QTEK 2020i ROM
Thanks epicus. I downloaded the file. It will make me comfortable before I try anything; I know that the tools work but just in case if I make a mistake
After the hardwork of "real" developers, there is no more SIM lock or restriction on the unit's brand and ROM versions.
Life is better for fans of XDA family. 8)
Qtek 2020i
Hi All
I hvan an Qtek 2020i Which is simlocket to Telia. how do I get it unlocked so that i can use a nother sim card in it

XDA IIi UK to Imate pda2 uk ROM?

Hi, Does anyone know where I can download the latest ROM for my XDA IIi uk to the latest Imate PDA2 ROM? I have heard that this is better than the 02 ROM? Is there any reason I shouldn't do this?
I want to know,too.Does anybody have any idea about it?Please share with us!!!
mm wouldn't mind trying it myself IF it worked with tt traffic
Thread move to Alpine from UPgrade, mod, unlock.
Try the I-mate ftp site.
For this follow the wiki link for the BlueAngel, go to the avlible roms page, at the bottom is a link for the ftp site of I-mate.
Many Thanks for the imate FTP tip, got the rom ok. I will update everyone once I have attempted the ROM swap
Update to the newer O2 ROM but use Pugs update version as this includes the newer Radio ROM version too
Download it here : - ftp://xdaupload:[email protected] XDA_IIi_Upgrade_v1.11.162 Radio_1.3.rar
The thread this rom was posted in is here : -
Read right through it though theres 4 pages,
This upgrade will error the first time you try, but it works on the second time.
Re: Which ROM for XDA IIi?
Many thanks for all your advice. I am going to stick with the modified 02 upgrade, it seems the general feeling is this option.
Unless anybody knows different?
XDA- is a top doller forum
PDA2 in Ext Rom 153 to 152 ITA
Hi guys,
I am new from Forum I try to understand how to install Ext rom for I-mat
PIDIAA2 from actual extrom .153 arabic to .152 ITA.
some1 can help me, :shock:
Can someone post the ftp address of Imate ? Thanks
I could use some help as well here
I was given an I mate PH10B PPC Phone.
Darn thing has a beta OS on it. I see the link for Imates FTP site but I have no clue what files to download. I have nothing critical on this PPC so data is a non issue.
Im a total newbe all I know so far is the OS is a ROM and I can put the device in serial/usb mode. Thats all I know so far.
Help please.

O2 XDA - Downgrade to original O2 ROM

I have recently upgraded to 2003 using xda-developers ROM. Now I want to sell my Wallaby as I have now got a new partner in a XDA IIs. Can anyone advise me how to downgrade to the original O2 2002?
Download the ROM and install it....
Sorry mate, where do I download the original ROM from?
Directly from O2:
or from the ftp here:
Excellent, Many tks Stefan.
Upgrade XDA O2
papabey said:
Excellent, Many tks Stefan.
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hai, i want to upgrade my XDA O2 Asia but i confuse what rom that support for my O2, I find it in
to many version. can u tell me please ?
they all work on your wallaby device
it all comes down to what language you want
and how new a rom you want
a good pointer is the higher the number the newer the rom

Qtek S200 Latest WWE ROM...

Can anyone please upload the latest Qtek S200 WWE ROM version?
Thank you!
ftp://xdaupload:[email protected]_2090724_20907106_020720_QtekWWE_Ship.exe
what's date ?
one question
can i upgrade my imate jamin with qtek rom or dopods rom ?
Am I able to use my previously backed up data (SpriteBackup) when I flash to the a different ROM? Or is the back up useless after a ROM upgrade?
Also, what different with this Qtek ROM?
My s200 runs very smoothly at the moment, dont know if I should upgrade at all.
Any thoughts?
garfi said:
one question
can i upgrade my imate jamin with qtek rom or dopods rom ?
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As far as i know, yes.
My Qtek was shipped with mentioned WWE ROM (2.9.7./ It was unstable and slow... After a week of use... Damn!
Now I am on Dopod's WWE, and feel good, no-more-stupid-soft-resets, feeling much faster and very stable.
If you have some good and stable ROM, I suggest not to change to this one...
i think the same !!!
the new Dopod ROM is the best
here the link :
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Pr...2151327_21513121_021921_DOP_ASIA_WWE_Ship.exe
if you need it ! here the NoVendorID crack fron Machinagod
ftp://xda:[email protected]/
make sure you CID unlocked your prophet or you can't flash it 100% back to anything else.
the dopod rom sucked for me (without the extended rom is was more stable than with the extended rom).
i prefer the jamin rom.
difference beetween ?
ship and shipnovendor ?
one question,can i update my qtek s200 form CHS test rom to this Rom?
yes you can
take rom novendor
Dear friend,
there is someone can tell me how upgrade my XDA neo (german rom)with the ultimate and better WWE rom?
Which is the better english rom?
Which program I have to use?
Someone can help me, please?
I got the same problem as cucchiarellid can someone reply us plz .. ill be very thankful ..
1. download the new Dopod ROM here:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Pr...2151327_21513121_021921_DOP_ASIA_WWE_Ship.exe
2.extract with winrar or whatever the downloaded file and replace the original "romupdateutility" with This:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/
3. and run it !!!
rodigezstyle said:
1. download the new Dopod ROM here:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Pr...2151327_21513121_021921_DOP_ASIA_WWE_Ship.exe
2.extract with winrar or whatever the downloaded file and replace the original "romupdateutility" with This:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/
3. and run it !!!
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Wrong... The second referencied file has all you need to upgrade, incluning images and NoVendor update utility on place. Just download, extract, run, follow the screens. And be patiend, there some stops during upgrade, looks like nothing happens and all hungs. Just be patient for 10-15 minutes.
Hi all;
Im agree with J-Walker
Just download the Novender and execute RomUpdateUtility
It works fine on my Qtek S200 but how can I change the language because Im French and English is not my speciality ?
Does it exist another ROM in FR?
blacriderv said:
Hi all;
Im agree with J-Walker
Just download the Novender and execute RomUpdateUtility
It works fine on my Qtek S200 but how can I change the language because Im French and English is not my speciality ?
Does it exist another ROM in FR?
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Oooops... The ROM is WWE, it means it support locales, but the interface is English only. To get French you need French ROM (it's downgrade, not so easy as go up) or some third-party interface localisation pack.
one question, if i upgrade the rom of my qtek s200 i will lose all my data and installed programs?
Thank you
If i upgrade my xda neo to dopod ROM, is there any way to go back to my original xda Neo ROM ? By applying patch from for instance ..

