New Programme A - RUU 3[1].20.06 and Programme B - RSU 4[1] - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Anybody wanted to upgrade asian rom? anywhere that I can upload to? pls let me know.
ROM version: 3.20.06 ENG
ROM date: 07/30/03
Radio: 4.21
Protocol: 32S54
more info :
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Re: New Programme A - RUU 3[1].20.06 and Programme B - RSU 4
I already checked the site almost two hours ago and still I haven't got the email from 02 about the download instructions and links. Could you please send it to me ([email protected]). Thanks.
OCMAX said:
Anybody wanted to upgrade asian rom? anywhere that I can upload to? pls let me know.
ROM version: 3.20.06 ENG
ROM date: 07/30/03
Radio: 4.21
Protocol: 32S54
more info :
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Re: New Programme A - RUU 3[1].20.06 and Programme B - RSU 4
chatstix said:
I already checked the site almost two hours ago and still I haven't got the email from 02 about the download instructions and links. Could you please send it to me ([email protected]). Thanks.
OCMAX said:
Anybody wanted to upgrade asian rom? anywhere that I can upload to? pls let me know.
ROM version: 3.20.06 ENG
ROM date: 07/30/03
Radio: 4.21
Protocol: 32S54
more info :
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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I had uploaded the file to XDA-developers ftp, You might want to wait for the RomKitchen page after they have upload there.
Good luck. :wink:

the bootloader contained in this rom (v6.22) has a protection similar to what
is in v5.17 : DO NOT USE IT.
better extract the os image, and then flash it with osimagetool.

the os rom is very similar to v3.17.03
these are the only files that have changed:
AutoConfig.exe Backup.exe USSD.exe device.exe filesys.exe gwes.exe nk.exe stk.exe
commdlg.dll coredll.dll ddi.dll fatfs.dll irsir.dll keybddr.dll ne2000.dll pcmcia.dll rilgsm.dll sd.dll serial.dll serial2.dll serial3.dll toolhelp.dll touch.dll usb.dll wavedev.dll
coredll-dll.sig nk-exe.sig

XDA developer Itsme said:
the bootloader contained in this rom (v6.22) has a protection similar to what
is in v5.17 : DO NOT USE IT.
better extract the os image, and then flash it with osimagetool.
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Woo... Luckly I haven upgrade the RUU, Only flash the RSU but in 1% fail went flashing, Anyway manage to tackle that problem and completed the flashing.
Is there any possibility that the RUU included the engaged tone missing in others OS? Hope to See it at Romkitchen soon. :wink:

Hello OCMAX,
I ahve beent "tackling" the RSU stopping at 1% for 3 days now without any success
Intially I thought it is the 5.22 bootloader causing the problem. Now I have 5.15 but still the same problem.
I would greatly appreciate your help in how to tackl this problem

1% fail radio upgrade problem
einas_canada said:
Hello OCMAX,
I ahve beent "tackling" the RSU stopping at 1% for 3 days now without any success
Intially I thought it is the 5.22 bootloader causing the problem. Now I have 5.15 but still the same problem.
I would greatly appreciate your help in how to tackl this problem
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Try this. After your Had sync with your PC (even the 1% screen pop-out from Your Unit it still can sync with your PC) copy this file to your PPC windows dir
This 2 file is in the programme B, just extract to a folder then U can find it.
after tranfer this file do a softreset or press ok from the 1% fail pop-out windows.(OK).
Good luck. :wink:

Thanks for the quick reply,
I have put the 2 folders in the main directory of windiws of my XDA but still have the same proplem, ??

einas_canada said:
Thanks for the quick reply,
I have put the 2 folders in the main directory of windiws of my XDA but still have the same proplem, ??
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Did you remove your Sim card? Upgrading or downgrading? which version RSU you have? After the fail upgrade did U do any hard reset?

I did remove the SIM.
I have RSU 3.23 and I am trying to install 4.16
I didn't do a hard rest , should I?
Thanking you for the help

einas_canada said:
I did remove the SIM.
I have RSU 3.23 and I am trying to install 4.16
I didn't do a hard rest , should I?
Thanking you for the help
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Yes! if U really stuck on the 1% screen everytime U do the soft reset.
It will bring U back to the previous RSU.

I see. Formatting did that for me also.
What I am trying now is to get rid of the previous RSU?
Is 4.16 considered a downgrade compared to 3.23 , I know nymbers are meaning less here since they are not done by one entity.
ANy solution now? If not, what other RSU can I try and where to download it from?

will, it is a downgrade even it has a higher number
"verison date
4.16 ---- ---- 6.16 02-11-15
3.23 4.20 A.20 6.23 03-03-17 "
So I am sure many have tried to downgrade their RSU and faced the same problem of "falsh failed" after 1%
PLEASE, what is/was the solution?
OCMAX, what is the RSU that you had and what is the one you up/down graded to?

einas_canada said:
will, it is a downgrade even it has a higher number
"verison date
4.16 ---- ---- 6.16 02-11-15
3.23 4.20 A.20 6.23 03-03-17 "
So I am sure many have tried to downgrade their RSU and faced the same problem of "falsh failed" after 1%
PLEASE, what is/was the solution?
OCMAX, what is the RSU that you had and what is the one you up/down graded to?
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I don't know which PDA model U are using? 900/1800 or 900/1900?
Hope this link can help U to download the RSU U wanted.,,113,00.html

I am using 900/1800
I don't need the RSU 4.21
I have 3.25 and want 4.16, all the new ones are giving me trouble where I am now.
So, I am just trying to go around the downgrading problem.
You seem to have overcome it, so what RSU did u have and what did u downgrade it to?
THANKING YOU for your help and interest.

einas_canada said:
I am using 900/1800
I don't need the RSU 4.21
I have 3.25 and want 4.16, all the new ones are giving me trouble where I am now.
So, I am just trying to go around the downgrading problem.
You seem to have overcome it, so what RSU did u have and what did u downgrade it to?
THANKING YOU for your help and interest.
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I had the same problem downgrading before from UK 4.21 to 3.17. And my upgrade is from UK 4.21 to Asian 4.21, Went I flash the rom it fail also.
I'm using 900/1800 also. And the newest RSU for this is 4.21 asian and is very stable after the upgrade. I had waited for this new RSU for sometime. Give me your e-mail address, I can send to U if U are interested.

Thank you OCMAX for the file. I did install it and I face the same problem with 1% instlation and the system reboot, may be because I did not remove the USB cable only after the upgrade begin. Any how I did follow the step you mintion by moveing the two files to the Windows dir and it works. it seems better phone singnal and I can see the G leeter for GPRS working. my system now:
ROM version 4.00.11
ROM date 06/23/03
Radio version 4.21.00
Protoccal version 32S554
Thanks again

The RSU is the same as the european upgrade right? everything seems to be similar.

wow! i didn't get the 1% hang! worked flawlessly, the upgrade that is. will test the actual calls/sms/what nots in a while.


Qtek 1010 software for O2 XDA?

I have for a long time been looking for software updates for my O2 XDA (I have ROM 3.02.00 ENG and radio version 4.01), but with no luck.
Now I have noticed new software for free download for the Qtek 1010, apparently ROM 3.16.13 ENG and radio 3.19.01 (should this be 4.19.01?)
Is it possible to use these 2 files to update the software?
As my O2 XDA is unlocked, I wonder whether updating the ROM and the radio version will have any effect on the unlock, i.e. could the phone change to locked?
Best regards
amolldk said:
Now I have noticed new software for free download for the Qtek 1010, apparently ROM 3.16.13 ENG and radio 3.19.01 (should this be 4.19.01?)
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Where have you found these files!?!? I have a Qtek, but haven't heard anything about no upgrade. You bet I'm interested!
Can be found for download on these sites:
I am still curious whether this upgrade can be used for O2 XDA.
Anyone for a test?
Best regards
It's working! I just upgrade the radio rom from 4.16 to 3.19.01.
Sound more like a downgrade then a upgrade. :lol:
Did you also did the winCe rom upgrade?
Don't look at the first number in the OS or radio versions, it denotes region. 4.16 is an older version than 3.19.
Was the upgrade done on a Qtek 1010 or a XDA?
Anonymous said:
Can be found for download on these sites:
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They only say, somthing about sending the OS via eMail. It seems, that there now downloads left ...
Has somebody got that Download and is willing to share it with us ??
The image can be downloaded on the first site...
however, I have just reflashed my XDA/MDA with the older irish ROM, it has plenty more features than this one, GPRS standby and ISDN call type.
Don't trust the version numbers
Zviratko said:
The image can be downloaded on the first site...
however, I have just reflashed my XDA/MDA with the older irish ROM, it has plenty more features than this one, GPRS standby and ISDN call type.
Don't trust the version numbers
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Where is the Download option for the Radio Version on the first side, I can´t find it.
SladeHammer said:
Where is the Download option for the Radio Version on the first side, I can´t find it.
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Think this might be more usefull For CE
And for the radio
Please note you must first upgrade the CE version then the Radio...upgrading the radio only can cause problems
NoBackUp said:
SladeHammer said:
Where is the Download option for the Radio Version on the first side, I can´t find it.
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Think this might be more usefull For CE
And for the radio
Please note you must first upgrade the CE version then the Radio...upgrading the radio only can cause problems
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You are wrong, the Radio update goes first and patches WinCE.
btw. don't use the update, really, use the Ireland O2 update ROM.
Strange file after updating
I have upgraded my Qtek using
I performed all the instructions correctly and my pocket pc now has the
upgrade. However, in the remove programs, there is a file called HTC RSUupgrde.
I dont know I don't have to remove this or should it actually be there on my pocket pc? What happens if lets say I have to do a
hard reset and I lose this file?
Any suggestions? :?:
[email protected]
How to use FM in India
My frnd has gifted me a O2 XDA Orbit.....I bought this from UK...BUT I am not able to listen fm in India.....
Please help me.......
Also plz suggest me some website to get some games, software for O2 XDA Orbit.....
Thanks in advance

Which is a recent / suitable ROM and Radio upgrade for QTEK

Hello folks,
QTEK 1010 bought from Dubai
Model PW10A1
ROM version 3.16.52 ENG
ROM Date 03/10/03
Radio version 3.19.01
Protocol version 32S54
My questions: -
For me, which is a suitable upgrade...
ROM version 3.20.06
Radio version 4.21
CE Upgrade File : RUU_CEv3.18.04wwe_Qtek_SHIP.exe
Radio Upgrade File : RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe]
Re: Which is a recent / suitable ROM and Radio upgrade for Q
faisal said:
Hello folks,
QTEK 1010 bought from Dubai
Model PW10A1
ROM version 3.16.52 ENG
ROM Date 03/10/03
Radio version 3.19.01
Protocol version 32S54
My questions: -
For me, which is a suitable upgrade...
ROM version 3.20.06
Radio version 4.21
CE Upgrade File : RUU_CEv3.18.04wwe_Qtek_SHIP.exe
Radio Upgrade File : RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe]
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You may use any ROM Updgrade, you may even want to cook your own ROM, but please do not think of performing a radio stack upgrade if your present radio is working well and giving you a trouble free service.
Hi guys,
I 'm in same situation but with higher versions, and can hardly wait to get a new 2003 ROM.
I can't just play with my XDA as I use it all the time for work and it's pretty stable so far. I just also can't tell that the ROM is 'totally' separate from the RUU in WM2003.
So the question is: is there any one here who has gone through a 2003 upgrade for Qtek 1010 to tell us his thoughts after the upgrade ?
I read a lot about the stability of 4.00.16 ENG, but all been written was for O2 R4.21 or T-Mobile R6.xx. Did any one in this region (Mid East) with R 3.2x went into this upgrade ? and what is the current status ?
Thanx all ....
Latest ...
I tried upgrading to 4.00.11 ENG from the kitchen ... no matter how many trys it just restarts and gives the same error message "Can't open USB/com port ..." ...
Do I miss anything ??
more update ...
Tried to cook the new ROM as .nb1 file and used Xdatools from the kitchen to flash my device .... same result :? :evil:
Is it possible that there is a ROM protection on my XDA ??? :shock:
Biso007 said:
more update ...
Tried to cook the new ROM as .nb1 file and used Xdatools from the kitchen to flash my device .... same result :? :evil:
Is it possible that there is a ROM protection on my XDA ??? :shock:
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Hi Biso007,
Look at the IDIOTS GUIDE at:
and follow the instructions thoroughly one by one and you can't go wrong, it did work for me, I was in the same situation.
Samohile - Thanks. It is good advice to not mess with the radio if you can help it.
My only problem is that my device periodically shuts off. Then pressing the power button soft boots it. I cant tell for sure but it seems that this happens after an incoming or missed call. It seems that other friends using ROM 3.18.04 and Radio 3.25.01 (like our friend biso007 here) seem to have very stable systems.
I can try upgrading the ROM only and see what happens but the information at seems to imply that both ought to be upgraded at the same time. I notice it is an Australian site. Does that matter? Also, the version of the radio upgrade is a bit confusing, at least from its name. (Radio Upgrade File : RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe] ). I wonder what this RSUv1.15 translates into since the name of the exe file for the ROM is nicely descriptive of the version (3.18.04).
Any advice in this would be very welcome..
Well i am using WM2003 4.00.11 and its working fine for me no problem i cooked in the kitchen you just need to read arround this great forum for a whgile on topics such as upgrades and ROM to know exactly what you are dealing with and then you will able to upgrade smoothly.
I read lots and lots about upgrade lessons but none of them worked for me .... I got an advice to use SD card with bootloader as it's the only working way. Now I wonder why the EXE method was created!!
I see that u got the 4.00.11 working. Did u upgrade it using EXE or SD card. Any help would be so appreciated ... thnx
Well i used the EXE methode the file i cooked in the Kitchen but i didnt change the version i left as 3 at the bottom of the page it works fine i upgraded from 3.XX to 4.XX then i downgraded from 4.00.11 to 4.00.05 then upgraded again all using EXE format so far working great.
i will be honest with you i know about the SD methode very well but never tried it so u have to make more search on this issue.
If you need anything more plz message me anytime and i will be more then whilling to help you step by step...
faisal said:
Samohile - Thanks. It is good advice to not mess with the radio if you can help it.
My only problem is that my device periodically shuts off. Then pressing the power button soft boots it. I cant tell for sure but it seems that this happens after an incoming or missed call. It seems that other friends using ROM 3.18.04 and Radio 3.25.01 (like our friend biso007 here) seem to have very stable systems.
I can try upgrading the ROM only and see what happens but the information at seems to imply that both ought to be upgraded at the same time. I notice it is an Australian site. Does that matter? Also, the version of the radio upgrade is a bit confusing, at least from its name. (Radio Upgrade File : RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe] ). I wonder what this RSUv1.15 translates into since the name of the exe file for the ROM is nicely descriptive of the version (3.18.04).
Any advice in this would be very welcome..
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Faisal sorry for very late reply.
I have flashed my Qtek (bought in Abu Dhabi) with several versions of roms cooked in kitchens (Jeff's and Stefans's), but I have finally settled with ATT release wm2003 Siemens SX56 upgrade. It comes with most of the bugs fixed (except multiple reset bug) and is quite stable. I almost never have to reset it. You can flash the ROM only by SD card method though. You can try it. It's always a good idea to flash using SD card method. USB method using ProgramA is not very safe. I guess the network in Pakistan is compatible with the one in the UAE, so you can safely use it, if you don't mess up with the Radio Stack. My Radio is 3.23.01 and I have no problems with that.

Windows Mobile 2003 Release date announced!!!!!!

T-Mobile Germany has annouced the release date for the Windows Mobile 2003 ROM for the XDA I as December 29th. Hopefully T-Mobile USA will announce something similar today. :roll:,5193,7482-_,00.html
But this is only for German Model, isn't it?
hmmmm ... and how about the language version ?!
to me seems like only German is to be available ... too bad
Release date is now beginning January
Hope there will be an update....
aren't we talking about the German version of WM2003 ..
announce/release date or in general WM2003 official release for T-Mobile ??
this link was working few weeks ago with information about update but now seems to be dead.... somebody spoke with customer service and they said "in the middle of February" so we will see...
for me 4.01.00 ENG work fine
ps. pozdrawiam rodaczke
well, maybe there has been some minor problems ...
with that ROM release so they've decided to stop distributing for a while, hard to say ...
I presume as official release is hopefully coming with a short notice stick with current version I have
ps. rowniez witam i pozdrawiam
somebody wrote that 4.01.00 ENG is only good to US tmobile ppc owners because of radio ... I mean only for PW10B1 units ...
I did reflash mine yesterday with this version and I like it so far .... signal indicator doesn't look normal because I dont have signal but my ppc recives calls normally ....
mine XDA is also PW10B1 .... heh
now I know for sure that I have US version, thank you for the tip ...
dziekuje i pozdrawiam,
ps. out of curiosity, have you already get my private message ???
HI Monika,
Where did you get this T-Mobile WM2003 ROM?
Is it English version?
Can it be used in Asia?
Many thanks,
chris_khho said:
HI Monika,
Where did you get this T-Mobile WM2003 ROM?
Is it English version?
Can it be used in Asia?
Many thanks,
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hello, I got it from but I use an US version of XDA, for me it's hard to say whether it suits Asian hardware version, my rough guess is that Radio Stack version shall be different .... unfrtunately I have never came across the Asian hardware version
but before making any upgrades read that forum, e.g.
and also the other threads just to double check
regards, monika
Tks Monika,
But I see that you are using WM2003 T-mobile ROM 4.00.21.
From Yorch, 4.00.21 is only nbf file which is not nb1 so that I can't use the SD method for upgrading.
Any hint?
Marcyjok said:
somebody wrote that 4.01.00 ENG is only good to US tmobile ppc owners because of radio ... I mean only for PW10B1 units ...
I did reflash mine yesterday with this version and I like it so far .... signal indicator doesn't look normal because I dont have signal but my ppc recives calls normally ....
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i have PW10A1 and i installed the v4.01.00 tmobile update i just downloaded an cooked rom from yroches kitchen then unzipped it all and replaced the nbf file from the v4.01 over the cooked rom nbf and flashes it that way works fine on english netowrks and i still have 900/1800 mhz just what ever you do do not go into phone options and click on the band tab if you do you will loose 1800mhz bank and then be on 900/1900 if you do this load up the bootloader click the calendar button and click on gsm 900/1800 and itll say reset or some crap do this then softreset and youll have 900/1800 back again but dont click on the band tab or youll have to do this.
p.s ive found it to be quite stable so far but seems to run kinda slower then v4.00.11 but it has improved features
few questions
I have US tmobile Pocket PC Phone so it is type B so I flashed with no problem with 4.01.00 (RUUv2.04b_CEv4.01.00wwe_VS_Ozone_Test_(Integrate_Radio_6.24.01).exe) so I think that this soft will work fine with Monika's XDA if it is American....
Monika your XDA is from AT&T ? or TMobile ?
Is it ok to use it with European PW10A1 ?
gaz do you have exactly same ROM as I have ? (check my signature)
and this problem with band tab is only one ?
do you see TMobile logo when U do a soft reset?
Anybody use this soft ver. in Europe?
i use 4.01.00 with asian radio stack 4.21.01 with no problem
i used flash method when upgrading the rom
i unzip the exe file, took the .nbf file and write it to my sd card using OSImageTool and boot my xda with the SD card... 5 minutes later my XDA is running WM2003 with the latest ROM version :lol:
for asian users, do not open the band tab... if you do that, you have to go to bootloader and choose band 900/1800 to make your xda work again
Marcyjok said:
few questions
I have US tmobile Pocket PC Phone so it is type B so I flashed with no problem with 4.01.00 (RUUv2.04b_CEv4.01.00wwe_VS_Ozone_Test_(Integrate_Radio_6.24.01).exe) so I think that this soft will work fine with Monika's XDA if it is American....
Monika your XDA is from AT&T ? or TMobile ?
Is it ok to use it with European PW10A1 ?
gaz do you have exactly same ROM as I have ? (check my signature)
and this problem with band tab is only one ?
do you see TMobile logo when U do a soft reset?
Anybody use this soft ver. in Europe?
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I have an US version of XDA with T-Mobile ROM installed ... and it's T-Mobile ppc pe, radio 4.21.00 and protocolversion 32S54
Hi Toshiro,
I am a bit confused. The 4.00.21 nbf file from Yorch cannot be used by OSImageTool since I tried that before and confirmed by someone else in this forum. He said only nb1 file can be used for SD method.
Also, where did you get this 4.01.00 ROM?
Thanks v much.
chris_khho said:
Hi Toshiro,
I am a bit confused. The 4.00.21 nbf file from Yorch cannot be used by OSImageTool since I tried that before and confirmed by someone else in this forum. He said only nb1 file can be used for SD method.
Also, where did you get this 4.01.00 ROM?
Thanks v much.
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Use XDArit.exe insted of the OSImageTool and you can write it to an SD card. has 2 versions. if the newer one doesn't work, try the older one. I also found I have to unplug my cradle from my computer to get XDArit to work properly.
the best places worth trying
and also
ftp://tmobile:[email protected]:21
regards, monika
Thanks v much.
But that's integrated with the us radio which is not suitable for me.

please help in upgrading imate to wm2003 se

i am using i-mate pocket pc ,
want to upgrade to WM2003 se but can u tell from where
this site is little confusing
here r the details
ROM ver - 1.66.00wwe
ROM date - 02/20/04
Radio ver - 1.10.00
Protocol ver - 1337.18
ExtRom ver - 1.66.131
pl tell me step by step if possible
read this it's the best guide there is i think
1. Download Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (DCS)
Run the .exe file and you are done and upgraded to wm2003se with builtin Radio Version 1.14.00
Download Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (Mysterman's Edition)
Run the .exe file and the upgrade process starts, sit back and wait till you get the "Congratulations" Screen.
(NOTE : Mysterman's wm2003se has its own radio file which is v1.14.00)
Some of you would like to upgrade to Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (Mysterman Edition) but would like to use a Radio Version of Mamaich (v1.18.00) here are the steps :
1. Download Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (Mysterman Edition)
Download 1.18.00 Radio Version by Mamaich
Create a new folder on your desktop and then right click on your .exe file of wm2003se(mysterman edition) and then click on winzip and then click on extract to and then extract the file to that new folder located on desktop.
Open that folder there you will find HimaClearJumpCode,HimaGetDeviceData,HimaUpgradeUt,ms_.nbf,nk.nbf & radio_.nbf.
Delete or cut radio_.nbf from that folder to some other folder and then extract radio_.nbf from Mamaich's 1.18.00 Radio Version.
Hit refresh in that folder and then double click HimaUpgradeUt.exe and the upgrade process starts, sit back and wait till you get the "Congratulations" Screen.
You are done with the installation of wm2003se(Mysterman Edition)with Radio v1.18.00 (Mamaich Edition)
thanks for your help
i finally installed wm 2003 se on my i-mate
thanks to dcs , zairyaab and others for there help
ok i only installed the
1 Himalaya_WM2003SE_Upgrade [DCS]
not the ext rom which is HIMA_WM_2K3_EXTROM
now my device looks like this
ROM ver - 2.02.t1wwe
ROM date - 05/17/04
Radio ver - 1.18.00
protocol ver- 1337.38
Ext rom ver - 1.66.131
1 . when i click on sim manager it says " the phone is not ready , wait 15 seconds and try again" what should i do
2. i was thinking of upgrading to the latest rom version so can u tell me from where can i get it
3 how do i clear the call duration in device information
ps :where is myster man wm2003 se file
please help guys
thanks in adv
Re: thanks for your help
isk2005 said:
1 . when i click on sim manager it says " the phone is not ready , wait 15 seconds and try again" what should i do
Ans. Take the sim out....put it back again properly.....perform a hard reset and try again.......
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isk2005 said:
2. i was thinking of upgrading to the latest rom version so can u tell me from where can i get it
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isk2005 said:
3 how do i clear the call duration in device information
Ans. Its different and a bit confusing u need to make a call and change timings on ur watch and blah the forum for it theres a post by Rudegar over this......
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isk2005 said:
ps :where is myster man wm2003 se file
please help guys
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thanks in adv
need more help
thanks for ur help zairyaab
1 i removed the sim put it back in hard reset , still the same problem to wait for 15 seconds
2. there was no link for myster man wm2003se
can u give me direct link or something like that
Re: need more help
isk2005 said:
thanks for ur help zairyaab
1 i removed the sim put it back in hard reset , still the same problem to wait for 15 seconds
2. there was no link for myster man wm2003se
can u give me direct link or something like that
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if you go to the first page of this forum and scroll down to center u will see a post by mamaich which has an attached file WindowsMobile2003SE.exe thats the mysteryman it from there....
zairyaab thanks for your help
i installed the myster man's [mamaich] wm2003se on my ppc
1 there is no sim problem any more
2 i tried finding rudegar files for clearing call duration in device
information but couldnt find , any help will be really appreciated.
now my device looks like this
ROM ver - 2.06.00WWE
ROM date - 06/14/04
Radio ver - 1.14.00
protocol ver- 1337.24
Ext rom ver - 2.06.100a
should i upgrade to mamaichs radio ver
thanks zairyaab u have been a life saver
Re: zairyaab thanks for your help
isk2005 said:
i installed the myster man's [mamaich] wm2003se on my ppc
1 there is no sim problem any more
2 i tried finding rudegar files for clearing call duration in device
information but couldnt find , any help will be really appreciated.
now my device looks like this
ROM ver - 2.06.00WWE
ROM date - 06/14/04
Radio ver - 1.14.00
protocol ver- 1337.24
Ext rom ver - 2.06.100a
should i upgrade to mamaichs radio ver
thanks zairyaab u have been a life saver
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go for mamaich's radio version......runs good with 2003se ive been using that for long before i switched over to wm2005 and now plan to move back to wm2003se n wait till everythings been sorted out in wm2005 by the great gurus out here
Hi Zairyaab...
I've been following this thread, as I too have an original iMATE (XDA II) and have been thinking about upgrading to WM2003SE. I'm still a bit reluctant, as I've read throughout the forums that there are still "bugs" regardless of which version you use.
Since you seem to be in the know, and are willing to help... I have a question. If I upgrade to Wm2003SE as you suggest above, and find I am not happy, is there a clean and easy way to DOWNGRADE back to the original iMATE ROM? I suppose I would just reinstall the 1.72.00WWE ROM from clubimate (but would that work from a WM2003SE ROM?).
Thanks in advance.
hey mate......
u can surely come back to original rom.....but trust me wm2003se is very stable and you wont feel like coming back to ur original rom.....milllllions of thanks to dcs mamaich.....and may other gurus and geeeks who have made it possible for us to use this rom ..... and if you think wm2003se is not gonna suit you then you need to check this out......
if u need any help on upgrading a msg on this thread....or pm me......

Help me plllllllllz

i have a t-mobile mda (looks like i-mate k-jam) and i want to upgrade the rom but i don't know how anybody tell me plz
The rom version in the phone is wwe
rom date 12/10/05
Radio Version 01.09.10
Protocol version
ExtRom Version
help me plz
Everything you need to know is already here many times over. Do a little digging, no one's going to do it for you.
thanks but i don't know what to do if anybody can tell me plz
read the wiki
do a search
mido729 said:
thanks but i don't know what to do if anybody can tell me plz
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mail me when you're stuck, i can give youa step by step. but first ensure you have a PC and Sync cable and a good internet connection.
mido729 said:
i have a t-mobile mda (looks like i-mate k-jam) and i want to upgrade the rom but i don't know how anybody tell me plz
The rom version in the phone is wwe
rom date 12/10/05
Radio Version 01.09.10
Protocol version
ExtRom Version
help me plz
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you can download new rom from t-mobile site and when u do u must be in bootlooder mode to upgrade that is (switch off key + light key + reset button) at the same time and then install the rom update.
when u installed then when u get to know how to install then u can upgrade to other roms first try this one so that u know how the upgrade goes.
Read this it is very useful:
here u can read about t-mobile upgrade:

