AT&T Settings? - Networking

Anyone have the U.S. AT&T GPRS/WAP settings? I bought a TMobile PPCPE ... unlocking is fine but need the ATT GPRS settings.... thanks in advance!


Getting GPRS on XDA2 on T-Mobile (UK)

I had an XDA2 which I have unlocked using a link from this site. I have now installed an EasyMobile pay-as-you-go simcard which uses the T-Mobile network. I want to access the net and my e-mail now but am difficulty getting the right info. EasyMobile say they can only offer WAP access - will this be any good? Has anyone done anything similar?
Thanks in advance.

T-Mobile USA Settings

I have a UK MDA Vario and want to setup on the US Tmobile network.
What are the steps/settings for this.
Thanks in Advance

t-mobile internet settings

hi i new to all this, i unlocked my spv m1500 and want to use t-mobile sim uk. i have tried the t-mobile website but settings wont come through. and there are so many us ones but i need the uk settings.
would be grateful if anyone can help
if you do a search in the network forum for
tmobile AND grps
you are sure to get a result

8925 on CBW & 3G setup

I have a 8925 and am trying to get the 3G to work on Cincinnati Bell's network.
Any help for the few of us that use this locall carrier...

t-mobile HD2 internet settings on fido network

hey guys
I been doing my best trying to set up my internet on my T-Mobile HD2 to the fido network in canada.
Anyone could help me with this?
i red all the thread on this site..still nothing :s
user fido
pass fido
Please help me!
please... there is also the HD2 EU (sold by t-mobile in germany for example)
i suppose you're using a t-mobile us hd2...
maybe this will help you with the settings:
also, are you using your t-mobile us sim card or a fido card?
still not working :s
the HTC connection setup cab. doesn't have canada in the option..
i just paid for an internet plan and i can use it
please help me someone
I have the same issue... I am unable to find the Fido settings that work on my T-Mobile HD2.
Does anybody out there know the answer?? Otherwise i'd have to sell my phone.

