v1.1 - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I too am very enthusiastic about your wonderful ROM - but please, where can I get it from?



[9 Nov]CM Rom Moddable Rc 1.0.1- ITA Grey/Black+ Manilla2D+Driver 3D

This Rom is for italian people!
I've used the original WM6.1 rom how base, and I've customized it!
It's a my rom with some program utilities plus Manilla 2d plus 3d driver!
-Opera_v9_5_Build_2745 New
-YouTubeQVGA 1_5_1820_3327 New
-Htc Album 2.5.1820.2622 New
-Opal Ezinput
-Opal Dial Pad
-Clear Temp
-Total Commander 2.5.0
-New PocketProgramManager 1.1.2
-M2dC 0.18.200
-weather patch with all italian city!
This is moddable: what's mean... Mean that all software you find in Settings>System>Removable Programs you may remove and install a new version, if you find on line, or remove for major space if you need! Also the cab for the reinstallation are located in \Windows, if you need!
PPM it's a software developed by my friend Acquariusoft, it's permit to download more software from online database, so you may customize your rom how you prefer! It's in ITA and WWE language!
GoogleMaps tab is disabled in Manilla and not installed, cause manilla patched created a bug, and link don't work.
If you install GoogleMaps, it work perfectly, ma not inside manila! I'm at working to solve this!
Changelog:Fixed all previous bug and grahpics bug!
Ftp link CM R3D_Rc1.0.1
Rapidshare link CM R3D_rc1.0.1
I will regards my wife for her patience, and all my friend for support!
Credits to: Genoa for his guide in my adventure! Udk for his italian Kithen, Xda team for driver 3d and other people! Twolf for his Black screen, Deodinis for his Clock, Greatbal for his grey Commanager,Mpenguin14 for his M2DC and Acquariusoft for his PMM and all the people who makes the free sotware I've used or insert in my Rom. Thank's at all!
Ps: WWE rom is coming!
Many Thanks.
the link don't work, two http
Yessssssssssssss great my friend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Already tested, it's very good
Many thanks, my friend!
For ask and support here!
For ask and support in italian language:
Roby download link don't working.
Edit : Ok now they work !!!!!
Link correct!
Thanks for mirror, my friend!
Ok i've removed 'cause it's the same in the first post
Great job Roby .... this is only the beginning ... we're waiting another one release
Hi Nicoz, i'm happy too see you ok we are at the pub
well Bati ..... drink another beer for me
Ok in a few minutes
In any way great ROM Roby
Thank you for this Rom!
Which Radio Rom is the best choice working with your rom?
KoDaemons said:
Thank you for this Rom!
Which Radio Rom is the best choice working with your rom?
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the best radio is
I think the radio released with WM 6.1 the
hallo! can i ask some questions?why in the first post we have two links?
the second is a driver?or they are two rom?how many mb this rom use?thanks and sorry for my lot of questions!
great job cooker !! eheh eeh
alemonello111 said:
hallo! can i ask some questions?why in the first post we have two links?
the second is a driver?or they are two rom?how many mb this rom use?thanks and sorry for my lot of questions!
great job cooker !! eheh eeh
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none the second link is a simply mirror on FTP
hi robertus, i try a lot rom and don't resist to try also your, it's very good, great work!!!!!!!! for italian cook
alemonello111 said:
hallo! can i ask some questions?why in the first post we have two links?
the second is a driver?or they are two rom?how many mb this rom use?thanks and sorry for my lot of questions!
great job cooker !! eheh eeh
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My friend Genoa has also answered for me,thanks!
For memory, after flash and hard reset, you have:
107 and 43 mb free,rispectively!
@domenic: happy to meet you here!
robertus3d said:
GoogleMaps tab is disabled in Manilla, if you want enable, modify xml file, otherwise use Manilla 2D Customizer!
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Another way to make it work is move the "Google Maps" folder from "Programmi" to "Programs"
Thnks for your tips, also googlemaps, it's not installed!
You may provided by yourself!

ROM lists

Lets have a thread to List broadly ROMs that we have here..
I will start with the ones I have seen here..
we can give pointers on basis of :-
On the scale of 1-10 , 10 being the highest
Typical Use:
*Special mention :
*offcourse the opinions may vary user to user, but will give us an idea for sure
Ok, Lets start:
#Manilla2d < Is It the Touch Viva 'fame' type?>
#Cube <This is Sure HTC Touch style>
Hello all / I am Bhushan Sohani /
I don't think a lot of people will participate in the thread, since we at this forum strongly discourage rating of ROMs, since each of them is a product of buring a lot of midnight oil (and loss of hair ).
But Again/..
Lets look at it positively..
The ROM Makers can get a good amt of feedback.. and can make their ROMs close to perfection faster.. / like they will have feed of so many testers /
Plus we get a separate thread to praise the smallest detail that ROM makers spend so much time on..
Little bit of analytical angle to it..:|
ROM makers can also benifit at single source, I think..
I do not mean any offence to any of the programers in any way.., I respect all of them..
<And so should everybody .. who posts here !>
Budding programers can also see, what geek-techs prefer, whats liked more, and whats creating issues...
Some people who have some creativity, but are not so pro at programming, can also give some input here, and pool in together..
Constructive development..
what say fellas?
< Personally I love the work on this forum, and so do people who read/post here, I guess..>
/Once again .. Kudos../
hey besony..i have htc p3400i new and i have
1.Windows mobile 6.5 build 21725
2.VanillaManilla v3.1
3.Blackmetal Rom
which is cube rom? it will be nice to hav!
any response
Lets at least List the ROMs that we have seen/used with links
<that will help the absolute Noobs, and reduce the redundant threads asking for ROMs..>
Any response Mods !?
shail00 said:
hey besony..i have htc p3400i new and i have
1.Windows mobile 6.5 build 21725
2.VanillaManilla v3.1
3.Blackmetal Rom
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Dear shail00,
I have seen the screens of the ROM, Its out there.. I am searching for that too..
When you search some new creation, be kind enough to share it here with "link"
Expect the same from me !
Here.. whats new with Blackmetal Rom, eh? -creator?
black metal rom is quite good but with some bugs..i wud highly recommend wm 6.5 build 21725 by heelgee...
Links please !!
Dear shial00,
THe Link Please !!
when we refer some ROM , at least for first time, lets give link to the ROM.!
Sorry that i did not post links to the post directing the links ...Now i am goin to post some..
1.Windows mobile 6.5 build 21725 by helgee:
2.Sumit's ProUsers WM 6.5 Edition v2.0 (build 21222):
3.Sumit's Pro User's ROM WM 6.1 Edition v2.5 (Build 21046):
4.VanillaManilaUltimate Edition v3
Thats the four ROM's that i currently have and tried..If someone have any other different to it..then plz share the links..I hope that helps...
Where else?
Where else can we try out new / another style ROMS?
<I mean download..>
Please respond with links
/ severe flashomaniac..!../
Some one has to say something !
Come on Someone .. !
ROM links pllease..
I am waiting ( I am sure many are !)
besony said:
Come on Someone .. !
ROM links pllease..
I am waiting ( I am sure many are !)
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Me too...all the ROM i have , i have shared with ya..
so plz someone..
but within next month,XDA's are goin to port android on gene...so keep waiting

help for rom

peace for all xda members...
if some can tell where i can find perfect rom for my tattoo..that bluetouth and camera and wifi works..
thanks 4 advance
There are several contenders to be found here:
[ROM] All ROM-s (newest version) in one place arrange by release date (update 28-mar)
my personal favorite is "nFinityGB v0.92 - Gingerbread 2.3.3", everything works great and fast.

[ROM] Solar Roms by Gadgetkid1

Welcome to the Solar Roms Series by Gadgetkid1
Welcome to my thread. You will find all the updates and other stuff for my rom here. This is the first time i have made a rom so be nice please. The rom is built on RUU_Leo_S_HTC_WWE_3.14.405.2_Radio_15.42.50.11U_2.15.50.14_LEO_S_Ship
The Rom has the Following Removed:
HTC Sense
Opera Mini
The Rom has NO HTC Sense or any HTC stuff on it.
If you need any help post below. Any Improvements and bugs also post below please.
Download Here:

[Q] Any Dev's/Testers/Themers etc (NEW ROM TEAM)

Hi All,
I've been working on a Nexus ROM and would really like to get a few team mates to help me really push the ROM and get it to a stage which is viable for public release.
I'm looking for a team as follows:
Could do with a joint lead dev to work alongside me.
Perhaps a dev or two working on things such as Aroma/scripts/Build.prop etc.
Only really need one themer
Perhaps a GFX designer?
Need one LEAD tester, which will get the test ROM FIRST!!!!
Maybe a second tester to make sure?
Anybody interested in joining my team and creating another wonderful ROM?
Thanks all,

