What's wrong with the SE ROM?? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

After downloading Jeff Summer's rom (.exe file), I tried clicking on it to extract the files...no good.
Then I used Winzip and extracted to C:\windows\temp.
Next I click on start.bat and the dos window comes up stating NBF directory not in the C:\windows\temp directory?
I move the nbf file to this directory and the uprgrade process starts.
Next I get Error 012
"Rom image that you are trying to upgrade is not compatible to your Pocket PC.
Your device
Rom version 3.14
Lang: english
Your upgraded image information:
Rom version 3.17
Lang: english
Please download comaptible utility."
What the hell went wrong??
:? :?

Sound like you extracted everything in one directory instead of in the directories mentioned in the self-extracting exe. Or something similar.

Not exactly. Here's what I did as best as I can remember.
When I clicked on the .exe file, a dos box opened, gave me an error message that it could not find the nbf directory.
Then I used winzip to extract the files into the same directoy as the .exe file.
From there I tried running the start.bat file. Still no good.
What finally worked was a strange combination of clicking on the .exe file and then immediately clicking on start.bat. This was after I moved the nbf file from the \english subdirectory to the subdirectory that had the .exe file.
It was a strange work around, but it work and the rom loaded and seems to work well.

I am getting the same problem here but I havent been able to work around it. I tried what worked for you without success.


Need help in installing the V1.2

File was downloaded from Jeff Summer site. I click on the downloaded file and it would start unzipping and the adaptROM program would run itself. The Programme A shows up and and displays STEP 1, Welcome to ROM upgrade utility.
Go next. Release note is empty. Next again I will get the Error 007 message saying that NO ROM IMAGE FILE.
I am using AT&T SX56 and running Window 98, and had no problem upgrading before from Siemens site.What can I possibly do wrong?
try this.
unzip the 'jeff summers' file to a new folder on your desk-top for convenience.
check that you have
programme A.exe
English (folder)
if all files are present, connect your XDA and run start.bat.
if any files are missing, although they shouldn't be, download the .zip file again.

XDA tools nearly there but can't understand, any help plse

I have installed jeff summers version of xda tools. And though I think I understand what I am doing I am not totally convinced. Before I embark on cooking roms and upgrading etc I would like to be able to do the following:
1: Dump my current rom from my device to my PC I can do this using XDAtools OSImage but can only Can this only be NB1(windows CE(*.nb1) type files if I try to call this NBF I get the following error:
error opening C:\program files\xdatools\bootloader_v5_15.nb0ea for reading. the system cannot find the file specified.
error opening source bootloader from C:\program files\xdatools\bootloader_v5_15.nb0ea. error opening target device.
Can I dump my device memory into a file called ‘xxxx.NBF’?
2: When I try to upgrade my ROM by:
Start OSImage tool and select source as:
Select destination as ‘device memory (via programmeA) ‘
When attempting to load an ‘NB1’ ROM from my PC to my device memory (via programmeA) I always get the following message:
ProgrammeA not found - run with --register error opening target device.
I originally ran the programmeA with --register when first installed.
I have tried searching for a solution but to no avail. Any help appreciated.
Thanks John.
If you're trying to burn your original ROM back to the device that shouldn't be a problem. Use the [...] button to locate your .nb1 ROM for the source, and select Device Memory (via Programme A) as your destination.
Have you installed ProgrammeA.exe into the binaries folder of XDATools? That's the only thing I can think of.
Thanks I have tried this but believe the problem is the ProgrammeA file but it is definetly in the binaries folder. I am running win98SE but don't think this should be a problem. When you run jeffs tools it extracts itself out under program files and places all the required files in the right directories. Would appreciate it if any one out there can supply some help ?
Thanks John
I think I know what the problem is...
I have the same problem. If you look at the dos box that pops up you see that programmeA.exe looks in to the \\Binaries\English\ folder for a *.nbf file. It looks like you will have to provide it a *.nbf file in stead of a *.nb1

Newbee: Modifying Ext. Rom with ER2003 Edit

Hi ,
Just downloaded the ER2003 EDIT utility to modify the Extended ROM in my XDA2.
Previously I also downloaded some ROM files available from this web site. Like the RUU15283wwe_cdl.exe
What I am missing now is how to create my own Extended ROM.
The question is the ER2003 Edit asks for an NBF file.
What I have is only EXE file that when I install, automatically decompress and they try to install directly on the pocketPC.
Am I missing something?
Is it possible to have the Extended ROM .NBF file of the Imate version?
Thanks and regards,
Just extract the ROM image (the exe file) with Winzip to a new folder.
Then you can open the ms_.nbf file with er2003edit.
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I unzipped the file and it comes out an EXE file. When I double click on the EXE file it does not decompress into files, but it starts an InstallShield Wizard, and it begin an installation process.
Can I modify this?
Just unzip this file again with Winzip in a new folder.
You should get 6 files:
- HimaClearJumpCode.exe
- HimaGetDeviceData.exe
- HimaUpgradeUt.exe
- ms_.nbf
- NK.nbf
- Radio_.nbf
The extended ROM is contained in the ms_.nbf file.
When you change the ROM, you should also modify the config.txt file in the ROM.
The ROM upgrade of the XDA can be started with HimaUpgradeUt.exe.
alternatively: When the Installshield setup starts, browser to your temp folder and you will find the extracted files in a sub-folder. Just copy the files to another folder and close the Installshield wizard (which will delete the original extracted files)
It asks me for a password so i can open the rom file..... Can someone help?
I'have got the same problem asking me for a password
HELP ANYONE??????????????????????
me too , all passwords not working. Ive got the lastest release ..
someone asked me to specify the type from the Open Dialogue option
i mean choose :
1- File -> Open Rom Image
2- from the opened box change the drop down option from :
[ WM2003 Auto-Detect ROM *.nbf ] ---> to [WM2003 Extended Rom (ms_.nbf) ]
and it should solve the problem ..
I've tried it but it gave me same password error ...
any help

rom kitchen exes not working?

i posted before as well to tell that rom kitchen exes for pocket pc2002 r not working. plz help as i don't have a card reader & want to upgrade my rom.
Ghaffer, have you unzipped the exe file before trying to flash the phone.
no i haven't unzipped the exe. i just double click on it & a dos window appears for few secs & then closes itself. should i unzip & try to execute a file within archive. would win rar be ok for unzipping?
yes, right click, choose unzip here.

How to extract nk.nbf from Prophet RUU

Does anyone know to extract the nbf file from the romupdate utitlity of the prophet?
or where can I find the nbf file for the prophet in this forum? I need to make a rom image on my sd card..or can i do it using just the nba file in the customized rom upgrade?
When you run the exe, it puts all it's files into a temp dir, probably your %temp% dir.
I'm sure there's an extractor of some kind if you can't find the file you want just by searching your harddisk for the file you're after, after you run the installation executable.
Get winrar (http://www.rarlabs.com) and once its installed right click onthe .exe file and select extract to (it will provide a foldername the same as the original file) winrar will extract the contents of the exe file to a flder for you.
yup! i 've done it, but don't know how to download the nk.nbf to my sdcard so that it can be flashed from there? anyone know?

