unlocking s46 - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

i have a siememns s46 cell with ATT wireless. When i try to use the built in modem to dail into the isp it does not work. After going through some forums i found out this is becasue att locks the device. Is there a way to unlock my s46.

The locking ahs to do with you not being able to use SIM-cards from other providers in your phone. If your provider has indeed blocked calls to other provider's dial-ins, you can't do anything to the phone to make that go away.

Also, ATTWS does not support CSD (Circuit Switched Data) so you cannot use the phone as a dial upmodem on their network.


GSM based net connection

Does anyone know if there is a way to connect to a normal ISP, using a GSM connection, instead of GPRS. I have data calls on my t-mobile account, but when i set up my isp details and dial it, the XDA tells me the remote computer is not responding, when it blatently is, cos i can dial it using my laptop.
Hi Dave,
If you are UK based T-Mobile have released their GPRS service last week. They have a number of packages including 0.075p per KB or £15 for 10MB.
Its not on their website but their staff know about it.
Your settings are wrong. Put the correct settings in. Ask someone who knows what the correct settings are in order to discover the correct settings
Maybe it's not all about wrong settings.
After I tried to connect to O2 using GSM from Danmark last week, I called O2 Germany and they told me it won't work. They have no roaming partner for GPRS in some countries and they disabled the GSM for whatever reason. The old numbers I could use to dial in last year won't work any longer. I get timeout error messages or "The connection you dialed does not answer". (It doesn't say it don't exist!)
Considering to quit O2 and use T-D1 again instead. I am very disappointed by the O2 net coverage.
OK, some networks do not support GSM data, and frequently networks will not have GPRS agreements with other networks in other countries.
Can you register onto Telia? In Denmark I believe they have GSM data @ 9.6kbps
You also need to make sure that your home network enables 'full' GSM data, maybe that's what you meant in your post. If they switched it off ask them ever so politely if they'll turn it back on.
I connect to the net using the wap number which is included in o2 minutes on the 250 package, (the gsm internet number was not included minutes) you can change the number dialled in the connection settings box. also set it to "always dial"
check the number dialled as it puts a prefix depending on country settings etc you also need data enable on your sim which is done thru your gsm provider. Sorry if i'm saying the obvious... hope this is of help
Dave, you need to have T-Mobile enable CSD (Circuit Switched Data), which is off by default. There is no charge to have this enabled.

Will 911 emergency calls work without a carrier?

I purchased an HD2 from Europe when they 1st came out, signed up with T-Mobile (a few Monthe later) to see how I'd like it as a phone (intended on using it as a PDA initially) and them dropped the T-Mobile service after about 4 Months.
Question is, will the phone still connect to 911 without a service provider and is a SIM card required to be installed (with or without active service)?
Thanks for your help!
Keep the phone with you. Next time you see an accident, call 911 from it to report it. A legal way to find out if it works or not.
Thanks for the suggestion...
911 service works from any cell phone with or without sim card or service as long as you are within range of a compatible network. Its a law. When you place a 911 call from cellular device it will place call on first available network.
Yes, but 112 is the international standard. Works in any country. Any carrier that has a band your phone supports will route it to the emergency services. I think it goes to the strongest signal, but I don't kwow what happens if your own carrier is present but not the strongest. And 112 calls are never locked (that is, you can always call 112 even when the phone is PIN locked). I'm not sure whether 911 has the same priviledge.
Thanks all!

Mobile network state: disconnected

Got an x10 today off ebay, unlocked after browsing this forum, by htc-code, network shows carrier on home screen, signal shows 4 bars, yet in status it says mobile network state: disconnected, this results in me not being able to get any calls at all, not even a simple balance check, the sim card is pay&go whilst I sort it out but as far as I'm concerned it isn't a data plan issue or anything like that.
Just wondered whether this is an issue anyone knows anything about or whether it's been imei blocked or whether I should just get in touch with tesco.
possibly important info:
Tesco mobile
phone was locked to orange, now unlocked
firmware 1.6
baseband 1.1.25
kernel 2.6.29-rel semc-android semc #2
signal strength -85dbm 14asu
mobile network type utms
service state in service
mobile network state disconnected
Being a pay as you go, the SIM might need activating? Ring your Telco and see what they say.
The sim came out of another phone I've been using for the past 3 years I'll give them a call later to set up a data plan anyway.
Got hold of Tesco, they couldn't solve it, imei isn't blocked or anything, tried and Orange simcard (the network it was originally on) and that works and makes calls, my other sim doesn't make or recieve calls, so it looks like it hasn't been unlocked fully. I need to get hold of htc-code and try to figure out a solution, that is, when they're online. I'll post back with an outcome.
both my x10a and my nexus1 say the same thing, mobile network state disconnected, and my phones work great. i am on wifi now, but when i turn off wifi my phone has no issues with cellular data.
your phone must not be unlocked yet or you might not have entered your apn correctly. make sure the apn is correct for your network and try again
i just turned off wifi and waited for the 3g symbol to reappear and now my mobile network state reads connected. so this indicates if you are attached to the network for data only.
i would still make sure that you manually configure your networks apn settings and then try to make a call. i think i had an issue when i had flashed to a different firmware and had not entered my carriers info.
Thanks for the reply mate, I'll try that seeing as ferraripassion/sudarshan is offline I'll let you know how it goes.
Sort of fixed, manually entering APN puts up 3g symbol and changes mobile network state to connected, even on wap internet, but I still can't make or receive calls on this sim card :/
Thought I'd check the phone on checkmend this morning, although the phone does still work on an orange sim card, checkmend says
Ever blocked UK: This item has been blocked during its lifetime by one or more UK network(s).
IMEI Currently blocked: This item is currently blocked on one or more networks. It may still work on some networks.
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So, with that, does anyone have any advice on IMEI unblocking/people to contact and getting my cash back?
Write to matey boy on eBay and get money back. Because clearly, he's sold a non-working phone that's probably been nicked.

G1 unlocked but no service

Hi I recently unlocked my G1 with a code, I had service. after I had to activate the phone but my sim card wasn't provisionned for data.so I turned off.Now when I put sim card the phone don't see any network,it don't ask me unlock code.I have no ideas please help me.
do you have tmobile sim? you shouldn't need a code.. but if you dont have a data plan it shouldn't matter anyway bcuz you cant do anything with the sim... basically can only use wifi and if your device is rooted you dont need a sim, sorry if i mis understood the question
Once you unlock your G1 from T-Mobile, it stay unlock. You can use any SIM from any network, but you might have to setup the APN for your vendor. (IE: AT&T, Sprint, etc...)
As stated by ldrifta if you don't have data service from your vendor, you can only get internet (online) using wifi.
So, in order for you to get provision you will have to get with your vendor to pay for the service.
I have good apn settings for my vendor mcc,mnc,apn and so but I still don't have service. I'm anxious for that, or I need to activate first using wifi before having service?
Since you have already unlock your G1, my suggestion is to get the data service. So you can start using it.
I tried a friend sim card provided with data service but it sill don't see any network,no service.Do you have any idea about it.Thanks
Go to Setting >> Wireless & Network >> Mobile Networks >> Network Operators
And select your vendor network you supposed to be on. That should registered your phone on your vendor network.
ok I will try

International S8 (SM-950FD) On Verizon

Hey guys,
I bought the G950FD on eBay so that I could root and tweak it the way I always have with my previous phones. I use total wireless which is on Verizon towers and have gotten the phone to connect just like it should, text, receive/make calls, and use data. To do this, I used the Flashable CSC Collection here to switch the CSC to VZW and it worked for a while, but after restarting I started to get some problems that I can't sort out.
1. Calls do not work anymore - I can't make or receive them at all. Dialing a number just says "Dialing" with some zeros below it, and calling my number goes right to voicemail.​2. Data cuts out sometimes and shows no signal. Recently, I tried to search for carriers and reconnect to Verizon but now I can't get a connection at all without restoring a backup.​3. Other observations: Using a signal info app, it seems like I only see band 1 and it is usually very slow. CDMA obviously doesn't work, so maybe that's why I can't register on the network anymore, but why did it work when I first booted up? I can't change the APN settings after switching to VZW CSC and also can't see an option for VoLTE, but that must be working right? Only some ROMs seem to work with the VZW CSC and allow me to connect to the cell towers. Changing the network mode does not do anything and just reverts back to 2G, which doesn't make sense because 2G shouldn't be possible. None of the codes that can be entered into the dialer to run the activities have worked or helped at all. When connected to WiFi, the no signal bar shows 4G connectivity and the signal bars reappear but I am still not connected.​
So, what can I try and does anyone have knowledge to share about cell towers, SIMs, registering on the network, or anything else relevant to my situation? I am completely stumped and would love any input that you guys could give me and future 950FD owners who might have this issue.
I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys know,
Only verizon phones work on verizon, you can't use a non-verizon phone on its network even if its supports its frequencies. Lte on your s8 is compatible with verizon's but after it worked for a bit they disabled your imei from their network, nothing you can do about it.
peachpuff said:
Only verizon phones work on verizon, you can't use a non-verizon phone on its network even if its supports its frequencies. Lte on your s8 is compatible with verizon's but after it worked for a bit they disabled your imei from their network, nothing you can do about it.
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Thanks for the reply! I do not think they have blocked my IMEI because I just restored a backup and everything works again. I believe it has something to do with the settings on my phone or possibly a bug with Android/changing the CSC because changing the network settings cause crashes, disconnects, and other weird behavior.
peachpuff said:
Only verizon phones work on verizon, you can't use a non-verizon phone on its network even if its supports its frequencies. Lte on your s8 is compatible with verizon's but after it worked for a bit they disabled your imei from their network, nothing you can do about it.
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Lol don't give misinformation, they don't do this, in fact I'm pretty sure forcing all users to have phones obtained through Verizon would be completely illegal for a Telco to do. VZW doesn't even know what type of phone you have unless you register it and even if you do they don't care.

