NO CITY/HOME sign found in ROM 3.17.03 to use in Germany :?: - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Ra2 from Frankfurt/Main Germany
I did the english update ROM 3.17.03 . Later I found out the XDA is working , but there is no longer the CITY / HOME sign shown at the display :x .
So I tried to update back to the german version but it will not work at all.
Error 007 <<ROM-Bild zum Upgrade des Pocket-PC nicht auffindbar. Downladen Sie und machen einen neuen Versuch.>> In english: <<ROM-Picture for upgrade not found. Download and start new.>> after step 2 (german programm A ). :roll:
Is there anyone who can help to go back or can show me a way to activate CITY/HOME sign in the english version.
Many thanks for your help reply :lol:
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XDA developers ROM downgrade

i have installed ur ROM here. Now i want do downgrade to german 3.14.16 Version. Wont work. Says:
"ROM Bild zum Upgrade des PPC nicht auffindbar. Downloaden Sie und machen Sie einen neuen Versuch"
/me try to say in english:
"ROM for upgrade cant be find on ur pocketPC. download and meke new try."
HELP! What should i do?
Just install our adaptROM program in the same directory as the ROM version you want to install, run it, and you're all set.
/me is guest
works, ta.+Do u plan to make an update in german?

xda2 german language files?

Hi everyone,
this is just an idea came a minute ago thinking about how to get my ppc 2003 OS on my XDA get German language. So, may there be a possibility just to copy the language files from one ppc2003 device (xda2 german version) to another ppc2003 device (eg. my xda). If so, it would be possible either to replace the files in the romdir, which would take more ram, or to make a new image, which i think would be much more difficult.
maybe this won't work anyway. Maybe there is a german 2003 upgrage for the mda. maybe... anyone has any suggestions ?
ciao, Micha
Hi Micha,
bist du an dem Thema noch dran bzw. weitergekommen?.
Ich suche auch schon läbger nach einer deutschen Romkitchen und
natürlich einem deutschem 2003.
Bitte hale mich uns auf dem Laufenden.
mfg Reiner
[email protected]
kreislauf said:
Hi everyone,
this is just an idea came a minute ago thinking about how to get my ppc 2003 OS on my XDA get German language. So, may there be a possibility just to copy the language files from one ppc2003 device (xda2 german version) to another ppc2003 device (eg. my xda). If so, it would be possible either to replace the files in the romdir, which would take more ram, or to make a new image, which i think would be much more difficult.
maybe this won't work anyway. Maybe there is a german 2003 upgrage for the mda. maybe... anyone has any suggestions ?
ciao, Micha
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Original German ROM

I've asked already a couple of days ago, but have received no answer. Does anybody have the original T-Mobile ROM for download or can anybody send me this ROM by e-mail.
Thanks a lot.
Download Available Here :
don't find a German ROM for Magician there???
magician as in wat mda III ????
if magician means mdaIII then heres the link :
cant read german but still found it :S n it says (nur für Version mit Kamera) wat eva tht means
nur für Kamera means just for the version with camera.
If you need any translation support feel free to contact.
Best regards,
Oliver (from Germany)
hopefully MDAcompact owner (when contract prolonging admin is done)

Rel: German Input for WM6

For those who have no problem with english but prefer german input:
This Cab changes the following to german:
- Softkeyboard (including help)
- Word-Completion
- Spell check
- Auto correction
- Transcriber (optional)
The rest of the Rom stays english!!!
Details in the readme:
ZakMcRofl's German Input for WM6 (May 2007)
Über dieses Cab / About this Cab
Dieses Cab wurde von mir erstellt, da es momentan kein deutschsprachiges WM6-Rom für den HTC Trinity gibt.
Grundsätzlich sollte es auch für andere Roms und Geräte funktionieren, entwickelt wurde es aber für
LVSW_Trinity_WM6_v2.x.x.x (WM6 für Trinity, erstellt von LVSW)
Dieses Cab stellt im WM6-Rom folgende Aspekte auf deutsch um:
- Softkeyboard (inklusive Hilfe)
- Wörter-Vervollständigung
- Rechtschreibprüfung
- Autokorrektur
- Transcriber (optional)
This Cab was created by me because there is no german WM6-Rom for HTC Trinity devices.
It should work for other WM6 Roms and devices but it was developed for
LVSW_Trinity_WM6_v2.x.x.x (WM6 for Trinity, created by LVSW)
This Cab changes the following to german:
- Softkeyboard (including help)
- Word-Completion
- Spell check
- Auto correction
- Transcriber (optional)
- Für Roms, bei denen es noch nicht vorhanden ist, muss zuerst sipchange installiert werden:
Bei LVSW ist es dabei.
- "German Input for WM6 by" aufs Gerät kopieren und ausführen
- Gerät wird automatisch neugestartet
- Unter "Settings -> System -> Regional Settings" auf Germany stellen
- (optional) "German Transcriber by" aufs Gerät kopieren und ausführen (braucht etwa 1 MB)
- For Roms that don't include it, sipchange has to be installed
Its included in the LVSW Rom
- Copy "German Input for WM6 by" to the device and run it
- Device is reset automatically
- Under "Settings -> System -> Regional Settings" switch to Germany
- (optional) Copy "German Transcriber by" to the device and run it (requires about 1 MB)
Unterstützung / Support
Ich habe einen Thread im XDA-Developers Forum eröffnet,
in dem ihr eure Fragen und Anregungen posten könnt. Bitte in englisch!
Diskussionen auf deutsch bitte hier:
I opened a thread on the XDA-Developers Forum where you can post your questions
and suggestions. English only please!
Discussion in german here:
Danksagung /Credits
Ein herzliches Dankeschön an
- ovosleep fürs dumpen seines WM6 Roms womit er dies alles erst ermöglicht
- LVSW und mun_rus für die ersten WM6 Roms für Trinity
- Bepe für die deutschen Sprachdateien
- querschlaeger für die Idee und die Inspiration
- alle die ich hier vergessen habe - sorry
Credits fly out to
- ovosleep for dumping his WM6 rom and making all of this possible
- LVSW and mun_rus for putting so much work into the first WM6 Roms for Trinity
- Bepe for the german language files
- querschlaeger for the idea and inspiration
- everyone else I forgot here - sorry
Apparently there isn't that much interest in localized input.
I realize this has been done before by others but as far as I know nobody did it for the (german) softkeyboard.
If anyone is interested in how to do this for a different language, let me know.
I´m interesteing in traslation in spanish the rom wm6, do you help me?, sorry for my english
This release only changes the keyboard and dictionary, not the entire Rom.
In both cases you'll need certain files from a different spanish WM6 Rom (WM5 might also work). Translating a complete Rom is a ****load of work and unless you have Rom cooking experience I would adwise against it.
can you make a italian version too
could you make cab the spanish language?
I can look into it but understand that this will only be a translation of the input. Also I don't even know what kind of keyboard spain and italy has but I guess I can find out.
Maybe I'll do one other language as example and release a quick guide for others.
unfortunately it doesn't really work on my universal - the onscreen keyboard is there but it is invisible.
works it too with hermes wm 6?
It should work on Hermes as well, depending on which Rom you use.
ZakMcRofl said:
Maybe I'll do one other language as example and release a quick guide for others.
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Really looking for a tutorial to do a French one maybe we could discuss about it ?
1) Extract CAB
2) Get the required file from a French WM6 (or emulator image)
3) Adjust registry settings I make in the CAB to your image
4) Make your own CAB
You realize this is ONLY for the input methods (transcriber, softkeyboard, dictionary), not the entire Rom.
nice, thx!
Installed ROM on ETEN X500 with english WM6 ROM. Works fine - great effort, Zak!
Best wishes.
this is a good beginning. Thank you, but for me I am searching for a german rom, because I want to write my WM5 backup back and therefor I need the same registry-sittings and indexes. Otherwise I must register all my programs twice.
Is it possible in the next future or is there no interest.
Not working for Dell Axim x51v with WM6 RTM rom
Hi there,
the appl. unfortunately is not working for my Dell X51v. I downloaded and installed sipchange and then the German Input file. I can select the German keyboard, but tapping on the Keyboard button does not activate a "visible" keyboard. But something seems to be there, for if i tap on the "invisible" keyboard space, for instance in "contacts", all contacts with a certain letter are chosen- I guess it must have been the letter I tapped on the certain space of this keyboard, even though I couldn't see a thing. I am not sure how to sort this, but maybe you have an idea. I read something somewhere that I have to replace a certain file in my Windows folder. Do you guys know how to solve this? Help would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
Does ist also work with the Black-Touch?
Great work, thanks
I've managed it to modify it to my phone skin (black) and thought, maybe someone is happy if I share my work
Notice: Works fine on my MDA Compact 2. I have uninstalled this keyboard first. Then reinstalled it using the cab above without restarting after that. Now copy the zipped .dll into \Windows, overwrite the existing one. Soft-Reset and it works. Don't know if this way must be exactly followed.
ps: sry for my english
To ZakMcRofl, thanks a lot for this.


Wenn ich mein Gerät UP- / oder Downgrade verliere ich dann die Geräte ID für z.B. mein TOMTom + Kartenmaterial oder bleibt die Geräte ID immer gleich???
MfG Micha
P.S. Mit welchem PROG kann ich ein ROM Backup von meinem HTC P3600 machen (Wie erstelle ich es und wie spiele ich es zurück)
Sorry aber mein Englisch ist grotten schlecht und ich möchte mein HTC nicht bricken!!!
Use translation tools!
I try it in english !
My question is:
Can I UP or DOWNGRADE WM 6.1 without lose my ID of the HTC P3600.
So I will reinstall my TomTom Software with my CARDS on it back, and so I need the same ID of the HTC P3600.
MfG Micha
Ps. the secound question is how to make a backup of my old ROM. (SOFTWARE??)
an_micha said:
My question is:
Can I UP or DOWNGRADE WM 6.1 without lose my ID of the HTC P3600.
So I will reinstall my TomTom Software with my CARDS on it back, and so I need the same ID of the HTC P3600.
MfG Micha
Ps. the secound question is how to make a backup of my old ROM. (SOFTWARE??)
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Flashing a ROM usually rewrites device ID, so it changes.
As for backup, I use SKTools backup to create a clone image of my device, so I can restore exactly to the same state after a hard reset.
can i change the ID manuel
How can I change the ID after upgrade my ROM?
an_micha said:
How can I change the ID after upgrade my ROM?
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You can not!
TomTom prob.
Have you got any idea what can I make to use my TomTom software + card on the new ROM?
thanx Micha
an_micha said:
Have you got any idea what can I make to use my TomTom software + card on the new ROM?
thanx Micha
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Really don't know because I don't use TOM TOM. Buy a new license I guess? But I'll leave a place here for those who use TOM TOM, they can help you better on this specific issue from this point on.
Thanx for your help tnyynt!!!
MfG Micha
Where can I get the SKTools to backup my HTC?
an_micha said:
Thanx for your help tnyynt!!!
MfG Micha
Where can I get the SKTools to backup my HTC?
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an_micha said:
My question is:
Can I UP or DOWNGRADE WM 6.1 without lose my ID of the HTC P3600.
So I will reinstall my TomTom Software with my CARDS on it back, and so I need the same ID of the HTC P3600.
MfG Micha
Ps. the secound question is how to make a backup of my old ROM. (SOFTWARE??)
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Upgrading WM5 to WM6 changes ID
Upgrading WM6 to WM 6.1 definetly changes NOT. Experience urpgrading Bepe 0.79 to Lalle´s 6.1

