Load 1.1 or AT&T from Autorun??? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I have made strides today, I can now connect via activesync and browse my device, however when I get to bootloader, I still get GSM Fails...
I came across some documentation that talks about autorunning to load the radio stack, but it looks like those are german/non-usa radio stacks and they don't seem to work for me...
My device is functional (albeit running really slow) as a pda, but the phone portion is still completely hosed...
Can anybody recommend some next steps??? I have tried to download the CE from another machine and that doesn't work and of course the XDARite still doesn't work for me (if I knew I could just get somebody to xdarite to my card, I would do that, but I am not convinced that will fix my problems)...
Any comments???
(a "looking brighter") OMT

Your GSM is toasted
Dear Tod,
I'm afraid your GSM is toasted. Did you try using the repair.zip procedures in this forum. The other thing I'm afraid is that you are not able to find any US Radio stack from T-Mobile on the internet. You must have the correct RSU...CAB files of the old version before you upgrade than maybe you are be able to repair your GSM Error...

I tried the repair....
but the load fails and I presume that is due to a non-us or a non-tmobile rsu cab is being used....
Anybody else think of anything...

If you're on T-Mobile's network, since now you can ActiveSync, you may want to load T-Mobile's upgrade, (from their web) and run the whole thing through. That should upgrade your radio stack back to a GSM1900 version, and downgrade your ROM to the old version. If that doesn't work, your GSM hardware could be toast. After that, you can try xda developers' 1.1 ROM again.
Good Luck :shock:


O2 Radio Stack Update has trashed my XDA

Major problem with O2 upgrade. Can anyone help with recovering my O2 XDA.
I downloaded the OS and Radio Stack files from the O2 website (And read the instructions first)
The Radio_Unit_Upgrade_v31703 went like a dream, no prob what so ever.
Once i had completed that, reset up the active sync connection i decided on the Radio Stack update - !! Disaster !!
After the reboot all i get on the screen are lines jumping about.
No number of soft or cold boots will bring it back to life.
The device is still recognised by active sync.
I have tried rerunning the Radio_Unit_Upgrade_v31703. This seems to work without hitch from the PC end. Only that the required cold boot of the XDA returns the same jumpy liney screen.
I did take an SD backup of the system before any changes were made.
Can some kind soul please help me dig myself and my only recently aquired XDA toy back out from this hole.
The model is an PW10A1
Did the radio stack upgrade complete? What happens when you try to flash the radio stack 4.21 again? Have you removed the sim card? Corrupt radio stacks are often a non reversable problem, if the xda is under warranty you might get a replacement from O2, after all it was their program that knackered the device.
Try this: Remove sim, Fully charge battery, soft reset, connect to activesync, run upgrade for radio stack again, follow instructions from there.

SX56 upgrade nightmare - help still needed

Okay, newbie upgrader here.
I've read a bunch in these forums, and it's been very helpful.
I upgraded my personal PPCPE (TMO) using their software, and it works great.
I was round my friend's house last night, and he has a PPCPE (AT&T).
Well, we downloaded the v30.09 firmware from Siemens website.
We backed up all the data.
We intalled the firmware.
At the end of the firmeware update, it said to turn the device off by using the hard reset button (that you have to unsccrew the stylus for.) and leave it off for a minute.
We did this.
It then said to turn it back on using the same reset button.
We did this.
However, we get the "Designed for Windows Mobile" logo, and the AT&T logo.
We get ROM versions:
After that nothing.
Having hastily given him my phone, I came home with his broken phone.
Well, having done a LOT of reading on this site, I got to use Jeff's tools to create a bootimage on an SD card, and I have been able to get the image flashed and loaded.
They device now boots.
However, I want to get the AT&T software on there as this is what's gonna make my buddy the most happy.
The image I have on there right now is SERv12.
Can somebody PLEASE tell me the best way to get this back to AT&T software running WM2003.
Okay, more info.
I have been successfully upgrading the ROM using the SD flash method.
I have been using Jeff's XDAtools to create the images.
I have been downloading ROM's from yorc and xdaweblink.
I have always tried versions without any software added to the ROM.
I have tried every version of 30.09 that I could get my hands on, even the one in the "SX56 upgrade utility" folder that the Siemens site created.
None have worked.
I have tried 4.00.05 ENG from yorc - didn't work (cool southpark screen though.)
I have tried 4.01.16 ENG from weblink - didn't work (Tmo verison)
I have tried 4.01.00 ENG beta from weblink - didn't work (Tmo beta version.)
I have tried A.30.07 ENG beta from weblink - didn't work (AT&T NFR version.)
I have tried 3.17.03 ENG O2-Euro from yorc -
When I say that the version don't work; here's what I mean.
I get the logo screen.
I get the three ROM versions in the bottom right.
The system then locks up and does not progress any further.
I have left the system on overnight with no difference.
The backlight comes on, but nothing else works.
I have tried the upgrades with and without a SIM card in place.
The phone was originally locked, but has subsequently been unlocked.
I have finally tried going back to A.20.17 from yorc - the original AT&T WM2002 version.
This version at least runs.
I still have the new radio stack running, but I am back to WM2002.
Does anyone have ANY idea how I might get this upgraded to WM2003.
My buddy want to run the MS Voice Command.
Also, with the updated Radio Stack, will he be able to connect continiously to the GPRS connection (sorry, I don't know too much about AT&T.) He really want the always-on internet.
Thanks for ANY advice given.
This happened to me using a mmc memory card to do the upgrade, it looked like it was doing everything ok, completed and gave the ok but on cold boot just hung, try another sd card, it just MIGHT work.
I'll look around for anohter SD card and see if that helps.
FYI, I've tried running the upgrade from the cradle/USB a couple of times, but that made no difference.
Also, since I was able to go back to WM2002 with the SD card, I can't see it being bad.
But thanks for the tip, I'll give it a go.


I upgraded my pda with t mobile 4.01 beta rom then i was trying to get rid of it and upgrade to ATT latest rom. but it was not letting me to GET rid of it. SO i was trying many thing after doing them i saw that my pda`s phone feature is gone. then i installed RSU "PROGRAM B" SOURCEO2.com that is 4.0 something. I HAVE TRIED MANY THING BUT NO USE I HAVE ALSO DOWNGRADED TO WIN CD 2002
may be the att RSU will solve the problem. please tell me where to download it from.
the mobile was running on 900/1800
Looks like you have the same Problem as i have. Check if your GSM-Module is still doing: You have to get into the Bootloader and check if it says "GSM OK" (then you are a lucky owner) or if it says "GSM Error" (then you´ve got the same problem as I´ve got). If it is the second case: Try this one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=1182&highlight=solved+gsm+error
Or this one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=4123&highlight=screen+1
But i need to say that these tips haven´t helped me out of this Prob. I hope it will help you!
So long...
no error any where GSM OK
NO HANGS every thing is fine.
Where can i down load ATT .20 RSU
I downloaded the rsu for ATT from yorch.net and now its getting signals.

Poop! Radio not working, please help!

G'day fellas
I've got an O2 XDA, and just cooked up a ROM in the kitchen, flashed it to WM2003 4.01.12 ENG O2euro, which went fine. I then tried to update the Radio Stack, using O2 Latest Official Radio Stack RU 4.21 found here:
http://www.yorch.net/upgrades.htm I did this because the phone wasn't working at all, but I can only get a low signal where I am anyway.
It tried to update the Radio, went to 10% and then 'update failed'.
Now when I try to turn it just hangs on the load screen, and when I go into Wallaby Bootloader V5.17 I get 'GSM ERROR'!!
Is that the wrong radio stack for Australia? what on earth can I do now? It won't even boot up into the pocket PC.
Am I able to flash it or re-flash it again, just so I can get it working?
Please help... thanks.
You have the same problem as me. You can enter the OS but you will need to wait for a long time(~10min). Poor man, i think you can repair it only in the center, may be you will be luck if in your country there is center. Im moscow there is not. When you repaired xda, tell me ok. GOOD LUCK
Thanks for your reply, Long.
I have searched these forums extensively for an answer, and even if I was able to 'boot from SD' I don't think that would enable me to flash the radio again, only the ROM.
Yes there is a service centre here, and I would assume they are able to repair XDA's. I will take it there and hope that the repairs will not be expensive.
It's such a shame this happened, since this is my first Pocket PC, and I've only had it a few weeks. It's been a fantastic device (apart from the phone not working properly) and to think that it can stuff up so easily just by applying an 'official' update... :?
I would very much be curious as to how they would repair this at the service centre, so that we could possibly be able to fix this problem ourselves.

Intermittent NO GSM issue

I have an Orange M3100 which has been flashed to WM6.5 and works fine, other than on boot up it intermittently gives NO GSM errors - despite this, the phone works fine, it is almost like the radio doesn't initialise quick enough. Anyway, I decided to unlock this phone and the unlocker v3a software bricked it, so I reflashed and all was well (but still locked). I have since tried flashing a variety of radio roms using my pc in an attempt to get rid of this error, using SD card method but all of them hang/fail when it comes to updating the GSM rom. I'm currently running the 1.47 radio rom.
Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do? I have tried to revert back to the original Orange rom to no avail (can't flash GSM), have tried the trick with mtty and erasing certain areas of rom to no avail, is it screwed? I just can't understand why the phone works fine, yet I can't reprogram the radio rom!
hermes has two cpus, one is for multimedia,the other is for gsm(radio),if the on gsm problem occurs sometimes, it must be hardware problem,dad sodering,if the problem is always no gsm ,then it software problem, hope it could help you. i think yours is hardware,

