Adding to the operator list? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I posted this in the wrong forum so i'm reposting it here. i deleted the other thread.
I'm currently building my own rom and so far i figured out the CE part. thanks for all your help. I was wondering how i can add T-mobile USA to the autoconfiguration list? I would like to try to have it the autoconfigure setup the GPRS connection.


HTC Tytn and O2Active?

I have just taken receipt of my Tytn from HTC and was wondering if it would be possible to perform a rom upgrade so that i can get the O2 front screen which includes access to O2Active.
My current system details are as follows:-
ROM Version
ROM Date 22/07/2006
Radio Version
Protocol Version 32.34.7010.01H
ExtROM version
Any help on whether or not this is possible and a brief outline as to what i need to do will be greatly appreciated..
Leo :?:
How about just a cab to install O2Active? Ever thought of that?
Exactly like described above ... please find the O2 Today Plugin attached
Thanks for the swift response. That worked perfectly but my only problem is that the o2 link takes me to Unfortunately i don't understand the language and would prefer to go to the UK equivalent. Is there someway i can modify the URL which the icon takes me to?
Thanks again
I have an English O2Active. I'll be posting it as soon as I reach my home computer and log into the forums
You star!
romero101uk, I'm having problems uploading the file. Why don't you give me your e-mail address and I can simply e-mail it to you
Do U mind sharing O2 Active?
Hi raymond, do you mind sharing the O2 Active? My email is [email protected]
Thank you for your kind contribution.
Ok, no probs. I don't have it w/ me right now, and I'll send it to your e-mail ASAP.
could you please send me this file too? I would post it here on the board so everyone could have access to it, no?
After Filippo send me the file i have uploaded it to this thread.
Please find the file attached to this response.
Here you go guys ...

How to make cab file with network settings?

In official wizard there is no settings for my country. Can someone make cab with settings? Or tell me how to do it?
There is allready topic with wizard for network settings, with 3rd party SW, but progie isn't available for download, that's why i wrote new post.
Thank you for your help.
Anyone? Is it possible at all?
If yes I will try to search it by myself.

HTC programs

Hi all,
Somewhere on the ftp there is a full list of HTC programs. Can someone please tell me where? I recently lost all my bookmarks. Thanks.
This one?
Sorry, my link died for some reason. Maybe this will help?
i think U are looking for thisssss.....
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Hermes/HTC_Software_Hyins/
The latter. Thanks kayzerrr!
That was what I posted first, but link wouldn't work after I posted, I tried...LOL...evil thanks for your WM6 for Newbies, very good!

Removing banner for internet tab

Hi, anyone know how to remove the default internet picture set by service providers to the original one? where to find the files to edit?? please help.
you can look at this thread answer number #4
hope it will help

Help Needed : Window live mobile update

Hi guys,
need a little help here.
I have windows live 10.6 with my stock rom on my HTC HD2 but V11.1 is now available on the market place.
this is what i see on the app page
"!!MUST REBOOT THE WINDOWS PHONE AFTER INSTALL!! !!Before installing, please be sure to manually uninstall any existing version of Windows Live prior to version 11.!!
My question now is how do i manually uninstall the previous version?
i have tried going under setting->remove application but i do not see windows live there.
Thanks in advance for your help.
anyone out there to help?
issue solved...
Thread closed
You should really share your "solution" so that others in future can utilise search functionality to answer their query that you have an answer for.
and adding "solved" in the thread title is a help too.
In fact, I have the same issue. Please share how you solve this. Thanks in advance.
We must stop the service "Windows Live" manually with MemMaid or SKTool.Immediately after,installing the new version from Marketplace.
Then softreset.

