Modify the ROM in other PDAs. - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Hi, there is a huge interest in other communities about what you are doing in here. I can say only one word, unbelieveable.
I have a few questions,
1- has anyone tried to do the same using any other Pocket PC?
2- is there any thoughts about to create a version of mkrom for Windows (I believe that the current one is for Linux)?

I have very interested in mkrom version for windows too....
P.S. Frank, please email-me if you have more info about this topic.

Ehm, Windows as in the 95/98/ME/2000/XP family of desktop Operating Systems does not run from ROM, it runs from disk. It does not have persistent RAM, and as such does not have a cold-boot vs. warm-boot, unless you count OS installation as a cold-boot.
You can modify properties of the installation procedure using installation scripting, and you can 'freeze' an install you like by creating an 'image backup' of the drive it's installed on.

Duh! The above shows how dense I can be. Ofcourse you mean running mkrom on Windows instead of unix, not running mkrom for Windows.
You should be able to run it on Windows already, if you install the ActiveState perl environment and mess with it little.
I'm thinking maybe we should offer an environment through a perl script and samba or ftp right here... Hmmm...

Yes we were talking about to run the mkrom on windows.
What you are saying about the Perl enviroment could be a solution but I'm not really familiar with that. Could be simplest to recompile or create a version of mkrom for Windows (to run on windows)?
I know you are busy guys but I think you have not understood the magnitude of what you have done. Right now you can find 1000s of users willing to modify the ROM of there PPCs, no matter what kind of PPC they have. So please... think with a wider perspective.
I have a few things I have tried in my page and as you can see there, in the case of a Toshiba e700 series is very easy to get a copy of the rom and put it back. A lot easier than in HP devices.

That was me in the previous message, I did not notice I was not logged. Sorry

XDA developer Itsme said:
a windows box with unix tools will do too.
make sure you select perl and bash in the cygwin setup tool.
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Keep in mind that for those who are not familiar with Linux and perl, etc all these instructions sound like chinise.

You could also use a CD-ROM version of Knoppix.
No hassle to install Unix, just boot from CD and make one of your HD partitions write-enable.

I think I managed to create a rom image with MKROM on windows, and since I've never done anythign like this before, I thought I'd try to explain the process I followed so that other unskilled user like me could do it as well.
to all you advanced user, please feel free correct this if it is wrong.
Download the MKROM distribution archive from
… read the page while you’re there!!
Unzip somewhere easy to find (not on your desktop, because your desktop is not easy to find in a DOS/UNIX window, I would suggest c:\mkrom\)
2. O2 ROM
Also download the Radio Unit Upgrade from:
Once downloaded right click on Radio_Unit_Upgrade_v31703.exe and select “winzip/open with winzip” (if you don’t have winzip, download the demo at
In Winzip Locate the the file nk.nbf and extract it to your c:\mkrom\ folder (be careful, by default winzip will create a folder called “English” and put nt.nbf it in that folder. You don’t want that! It should just be in the c:\mkrom folder)
3. install CYGWIN
MKROM needs to be run UNIX or Linux (don't know which) by default but you can apparently run it on windows by using one of these:
• Activestate (
• Knoppix (
I tried CYGWIN
• Download setup.exe from
And run it. (this is a small software that allows you to chooses which bits you want to download and install)
• I selected “install from the internet” but you can also download first then install from the local drive.
• on the next screen I left all the default as they were. I don’t know whether DOS or UNIX text file type is better here, so I just left the default: UNIX.
• On the next screen select a FTP server from the list.
• Now you’re presented with a list of packages to download. By default, you won’t get all the necessary ones (the ones for the PERL scripts).
I didn’t know which particular package was needed so I’ve just selected the whole DEVEL section. ( to do that, click on the DEFAULT next to DEVEL and it will change to INSTALL.
If someone could tell us which particular packages are actually necessary, this would cut down on the 100Mb download
The rest can stay as is.
This will download then install, nice and clean!
4. runnig MKROM
Double click the CYGWIN icon and this will open a “DOS” window (I know it’s not DOS, but it looks like it)
You will see a prompt with
[email protected] ~
type in :
cd c:\mkrom
or whatever you’ve saved it to (now you see why it’s better to keep it simple)
the XDA-Developers have included a README in which specifies you then need to type in:
chmod +x tounicode
then you’re ready to go:
type the following:
bash nk.nbf
let it run for a while, (it took a bit over a minute on my P700Mhz)
when you see the prompt again, you’ve done it!
As described in you now have 2 files in c:\mkrom\out\
I think the file xdaromimg-1.nbf is the same as the nk.nbf that’s in jeff’ release.
It’s exactly the same size, but I don’t know how to check whether they are exactly the same files.
the next step is to rename your xdaromimg-1.nbf to nk.nbf and replace the one that's in XDA-developers-SER-v11.exe with your new one. (do this still using winzip) save it and run the exe.
!!!!!I haven't tried to flash my XDA!!!!! but I just I'd share my experience with you, please tell me if I've got all of this right.
Ben Darras

is this right
XDA- developers, Jeff, anyone else,
Could you confirm that this procedure is correct, before we start shooting ourselves in the foot! :shock:

Does cygwin have perl installed by default?
Jeff did something else we recommended, which is take the files needed for EzWAP from a machine with the O2 ROM installed, and copy them to one of the files directories of the new ROM.
But EzWAP is quite large, so if you never use WAP you could copy other stuff there that more suits your needs.
Otherwise, the above procedure looks correct at first sight. Mind you we use a Linux box, and we have no experience doing this under Windows.
We recommend all people that burn ROMs they built themselves have an PC SD-card writer have experience using 'XDArit', so they can always use the bootloader method to get back to where they were. Flashing the .nb1 file using 'XDArit' and an SD card is marginally safer, since using 'Programme A' could overwrite your bootloader if something went really, really wrong.
Once you have established a new ROM will get the unit back up to the point where it connects via ActiveSync, others can flash it without too much danger. But if you want to avoid all danger and be completely on the safe side then do not make your own ROMs...

Thanks for the answer, Peter Poelman
Does cygwin have perl installed by default?
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no it doesn't, I suggested...
...By default, you won’t get all the necessary ones (the ones for the PERL scripts).
I didn’t know which particular package was needed so I’ve just selected the whole DEVEL section. ( to do that, click on the DEFAULT next to DEVEL and it will change to INSTALL.
If someone could tell us which particular packages are actually necessary, this would cut down on the 100Mb download
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Thanks for the additional info and the warning.
I love what you guys are doing here!

Jeff did something else we recommended, which is take the files needed for EzWAP from a machine with the O2 ROM installed, and copy them to one of the files directories of the new ROM.
But EzWAP is quite large, so if you never use WAP you could copy other stuff there that more suits your needs.
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I'm using the NK.nbf that came from Jeff's download. this is the one that has ezwap files in it? If so can i download o2 rom update from there website and use it to build a custom rom? i don't need ezwap on my ppc and rather use it for something else. is my logic correct?

kalex said:
I'm using the NK.nbf that came from Jeff's download. this is the one that has ezwap files in it? If so can i download o2 rom update from there website and use it to build a custom rom? i don't need ezwap on my ppc and rather use it for something else. is my logic correct?
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Correct. You can download mkrom like it is now, not add the EzWAP files, and you'd have more space for your own stuff in there.

If you want to check that two files are identical, try the unix 'diff' command (which should have been installed with cygwin)


XDA-developers ROMkitchen: cook your own ROMs

Announcing: ROMkitchen
Special Edition ROMs are soooo yesterday.... We're proud to unveil our largest project yet: ROMkitchen. Now you too can modify your ROM to contain precisely what you need. Create your personal ROM, based on the ROM you like.
Wanna see: Have a look at our showroom kitchen to see what we mean. As you can see the showroom kitchen shows the PPC2002 based 3.17.03 ROM released by O2, as well as the 4.00.05 Microsoft WM2003 test ROM. Neither of these ROMs is really present though: you need to download the scripts, include your own ROM images, and run the scripts on your own unix machine. But once you do, you and your friends can create ROMs to your heart's content.
Why didn't we just include these files and make it all work? Because we're not licensed to distribute these ROMs, that's why.
So now what?
Play around to see if you like it.
download all the files visible when logging in using FTP to username 'kitchen', password 'kitchen'.
Put them on your own unix machine, which should be capable of executing php scripts, and which should have a 'little' memory, disk and processing power left over. (We're afraid ROMkitchen wasn't built with resource-efficiency in mind.)
Add your own ROM files, see the readme files in the "data/00[...]/_/cfg" directories for details.
If you set up your ROMkitchen, make sure you only use it for yourself, and with ROMs you legally own. We're not responsible for abuses.
If you use an ftp-client which can ignore files which are newer on your side, you can regularly check for updates and always have the newest kitchen.
ROMkitchen does not yet support outputting self-extracting binaries a-la Jeff's exe. We're working on that.
ROMkitchen currently supports English language ROMs only. We're working on this too.
The welcome exe is back in ROMs made with it: a little too much hassle to make our own. So you'll have to go through the silly tutorial every cold-boot.
XDAunlock is missing still. (It will be incorporated, but most people will be making 4.00.05 ROMs, and it doesn't work on that anyway...)
How does it work?
The ROMkitchen consists of a number of php scripts that present the form with all the options to choose from, and which copy files ready for our 'mkrom' utility to process. If you take a look you can see the raw structure of the data that is presented and inserted into the ROM. We'll find some time soon to explain, but you can already learn quite a bit if you look at the files and directories carefully.
xda-developers u are AWESOME
I'm going to try it as soon as i get home tonight. So all that is needed at first is a 2003 or 2002 image file?
This looks awesome
Is it possible to run this program on Cygwin ? I have configuered the Cygwin download to include Bash and Perl but can't find a reference to dd. I confess that although I have a reasonable amount of programming experience I have never used Unix before so don't even know how to invoke the scripts so any help would be much appreciated.
just uploaded everything to my unix box and tried to run from 4.00.05 directory. i also uploaded bootloader.nb0 and rom.nb1 files to the cfg directory. when i run ./ this is what i get:
[[email protected] _]# ./
Usage: splitrom <romimage(s)> [options]
-wx xipchain where to write xipchain
-wo osrom where to write output image
-wb bitmap where to write bitmap
-wl bootloader where to write bootloader
-rl bootloader which bootloader to use for NBF
-n nbfinfotext what NBF header to use [ex: PW10A1-ENG-3.16-007]
-ri nbfinfofile or where to read NBF header info from
-wi nbfinfofile where to save NBF header info
-rx xipchain where to get xipchain from
-rb bitmap where to get bitmap from
-rm [email protected] insert new romsection.
-ob offset where to find the bootup image
-oe offset the end of the desired os image ( default: 0x81f00000 )
-t NBF | B000FF | NB? | IMG type of result image (default is NB1)
also when i tried to convert the default.fdf file to default.reg i get error saying "unknown fdf file signature" and it creates a 0 byte default.reg file.
any help is appreciated. i know i'm asking too many questions, but same happened with ur mkrom tools and once i got answers from u i was able to build roms without any problems.
Hold on a tick, if you guys added one more feature it would go nova, however. Some features I would like to see is the ability to mix drinks, roll joints, cook dinner, and cure premature baldness/cancer.
It would also be nice if you could arrange for the program to be delivered to my house by the drunken, naked Chinese twins, Fok u and Fok me.
You guys are the bomb. Keep up the great work!
# Put them on your own unix machine, which should be capable of executing php scripts, ...
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this implies that you should also have setup a webserver, for running the php scripts.
you will have to change the 'splitrom' commandline in depending on what source file you have.
it is not a configure all automatically script, just a guide, to what sort of is supposed to happen for setup.
Holy Cow, you guys are amazing....
This is just a short message to say I'm fighting with it as we speak. My friend's box does have PHP, this is good. I've already found that it needs two subdirs under its root ('download' and 'workspace') to be world-writeable. Took me a while to figure that one out. Haven't got it running yet though, this ROM thing is far less than intuitive. But I have the two ROMs which have all the other mumbo-jumbo done: 3.17.03 and 4.00.05, and I will get this to run, if it's the last thing I do.
Jeff (Just back from the U.S., up since 4 am, severe jetlag)
Jeff Summers said:
I've already found that it needs two subdirs under its root ('download' and 'workspace') to be world-writeable.
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Whoops... I guess you're right, that should have been documented. The things you take for granted sometimes...
Thanks, and good luck...
hey, you are doing a great job guys, keep it up.
welcome back Jeff Summers.
OK, here's the status:
I'm close, really close. It wouldn't detect my OS, the bash on the system I'm on is in /usr/local/bin instead of /bin and now it's complaining about a missing perl file. I'm working on it though...
probably you are missing
which is included with perl 5.8, but not with perl 5.6.*
if you don't have root access to you box, you can also install ( see the README for build instructions ) list-utils in your home directory, by editing the generated Makefile, and changing 'PREFIX=$(HOME)', and then adding
export PERL5LIB=$HOME/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.*
to your environment. ( with '*' your perl version )
It's working
It's working!!!
With a little help, I got it to work !!!
Have a look at
I just created my first ROM!
Hi, I tried create 4.00 based Rom on Jeff web and it works... thanks.
I discovered only small problem, that there are not installed links in Programs to extra included programs. But I can do it manually for now.
I tried to start my version of romkitchen on my notebook but I was stopped on integration PHP to IIS. I tried some last installer php-4.3.2-installer.exe for Windows but I got CGI error when I tried to access index.php. I'll work on it.
I hope that it will run too, like mkrom on Cygwin.
aleho said:
Hi, I tried create 4.00 based Rom on Jeff web and I works... thanks.
I discovered only small problem, that there are not installed links in Programs to extra included programs. But I can do it manually for now.
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Ah, you haven't noticed that we put these in subfolders maybe. Go to Programs, and you should see subfolders. If you unchecked the option to put in these subfolders, then you have also unchecked everything 'below' that, meaning you haven't installed these programs.
I tried to start my version of romkitchen on my notebook but I was stopped on integration PHP to IIS. I tried some last installer php-4.3.2-installer.exe for Windows but I got CGI error when I tried to access index.php. I'll work on it.
I hope that I will run too, like mkrom on Cygwin.
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Go for it...
Ah, you haven't noticed that we put these in subfolders maybe. Go to Programs, and you should see subfolders. If you unchecked the option to put in these subfolders, then you have also unchecked everything 'below' that, meaning you haven't installed these programs.
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I had unchecked only few of programs to fit in ROM 4.00 free memory.
But folders in Programs like Phone, System tools,... were not in this case created, but they were checked.
jeff: great work...
one bug i found: when i disable the modify rom and add programs i get an error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/jsummers/public_html/ROMkitchen/processor.php on line 480
i wanted to get the orig 4.00.05 rom without modifications
REQUEST: zipped Kitchen
Hi !
Thanks all developers! Great work
One request though: please put a zipped version of your ROMKitchen at your ftp -> downloading hundreds of files is a mess *g*
Thanks... Jabba
This is so frustrating: I had it working perfectly, and now all of a sudden it stopped working. I'm working on it...
It's working now. Not really sure what was up, but it seems to have fixed itself.
Nice!!! These new ROMs are sooo cool. All the programs are stored in neat subfolders with icons....
I did find that D9 and PocketCHAT (The EVB apps) do not yet work on WM2003. It complains some EVB shared files are still missing.
Hi Jeff, just to say I've successfully used your ROM builder principally it has to be said to get hold of 4.00.05 so I only choose the Hot Fix item.
Checked in startup (which I've not looked in before) to see the hotfix and its there, there is also aFlashman, cFlashman Handsfree poutlook, SMSReciever, stk & Ussd. Are these part of the normal ROM? Just want to check that the thing is running as lean and clean as it can.
Many Thanks

mkrom (Extract of Rom Kitchen) Add files question

Hi All
I hope someone can help with the following problem.
I had wanted to use Mkrom on 2003 roms but after encountering problems with rom addresses and on KP2L's advice I switched to the "Rom Kitchen" as the code has been updated to handle 2002 and 2003.
I did not want to run the whole thing as I don't know much about Web servers on Unix so I just downloaded the 2003 directory and added back the missing folders and tools. After converting the files I am able to run ./ and make a "raw" .nb1 image that loads O.K to my XDA
The problem starts when I try to add files.
Trying a simple example of just placing ssnap.exe in the files folder and not bothering with links/ subfolders etc ./mkrom seems to work in as much that it picks up the files>transfers them to files 1/ 2 adds the files from cfg and > to the XDA1/2 .bin together with xip and loads to the rom under XDA_Developers 1/2. When this Rom is installed the XDA freezes at the bootsplash screen (Not completely, if you press the volume button it comes up to the start screen but the screen is miles out of calibration and most of the menus are missing) To test this further I downloaded a rom from Jeffs kitchen and stripped the files for the cfg/files folder and re-ran ./ but I get the same problem .
I have run lots of UltraEdit "Compare" reports,of all of the cfg/dumprom output files, between mine and Jeffs, and apart from some addressing differences all the data is getting to the rom. (I can post the reports if anyone wants them)
I suspect, although I'm useualy wrong, it's data "type"/ conversion conflict and wonder if under a full Rom Kitchen the files are converted in some way before being placed in the files folder prior to ./mkrom processing ?
As a last resort, I guess, I will have to set up the Web server (I have got one just never used it) and do the whole thing but hope to avoid it with a bit of help.
PLEASE :?: :?: :?:
O.K I guess the question was too long/boring lets try this:
Do the scripts in Rom Kitchen make any changes to the files to be added to rom prior to processing by ./
Richjn said:
Do the scripts in Rom Kitchen make any changes to the files to be added to rom prior to processing by ./
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No: the script basically just sticks the files into /files and then runs
Not sure why your scenario isn't working, it sounds like it should...

ROM editing questions; delete, versions, files dir

1 Is it possible to delete files (.dll is what I'm after) out of wallaby ROM? I thought I read that it was, but now I can't find that info, mkrom, splitrom, etc info that I see all tells me that you can only add or change..
2 BTW, what's with all the versions of romtools & tools with the same name (but different versions?) in the demokitchen? I assume its good to have the latest and greatest, but I am beginning to rethink my assumption there. When I say versions, I am looking at the dates of said files in either /~itsme/cvs-xdadevtools/romtools or /Wallaby/Tools/CustomROMToolset or /Wallaby/Tools/ or as well as a bunch of different versions of dumprom.exe (win32).
Any particular set that is most functional? I've noticed that a .pl file or two wanted to run dumprom (ELF version) which !work on cygwin, and another wanted .. unicode whatever.. yeah.. In one place or another I had to edit the .pl file & run it under cmd prompt instead of cygwin. Worked swell.
3 So in a set (I think it's the wiki's customrom instructions) of cook-you-own-rom instructions, it says to add neccesary files to files directory. files directory you just dumpromed to. Ok. My neccesary files are MMS files & whatnot. Later in the directions it tells you to run some xipchains stuff, with files1 and files2 directories as arguments. Well, there's nothing in there, since I put them all in files. The ROM builds, but I end up with basically the same rom I started with. if I dumprom it back out, I can't see any of the file additions I did in the new rom.
So I'm gonna assume again, that I should stick my files in files2 for the most part, so the scripts that build xipchains & calc free space etc can do their job & one of those scripts will get my files where I want them. (in the rom!)
BTW, if anyone is interested in the Arcsoft MMS Composer software not working in LumpiStephans kitchen, you need to grab & install from someplace, which will install the requisite .dlls to make the MMS software work. Yeah, it's big, and there is no camera on the wallaby, I know. But the EzOS wap browsers MMS software really sucks (for me), and looses parts of the messages from certain people. I dunno if it's their email client, or what.. don't care.
if anyone is interested, I can tell you what DLLs it needs, I sat there for a while checking out the dependencies, and that way you don't have to install as much extra crap, but I don't have it handy right now. lemme know.
squib308 said:
1 Is it possible to delete files (.dll is what I'm after) out of wallaby ROM? I thought I read that it was, but now I can't find that info, mkrom, splitrom, etc info that I see all tells me that you can only add or change..
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No, it is not possible to delete files out of a ROM.....
squib308 said:
3 So in a set (I think it's the wiki's customrom instructions) of cook-you-own-rom instructions, it says to add neccesary files to files directory. files directory you just dumpromed to. Ok. My neccesary files are MMS files & whatnot. Later in the directions it tells you to run some xipchains stuff, with files1 and files2 directories as arguments. Well, there's nothing in there, since I put them all in files. The ROM builds, but I end up with basically the same rom I started with. if I dumprom it back out, I can't see any of the file additions I did in the new rom.
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The 14. command (Run "perl ./files ./files1 0x$size1 ./files2 0x$size2" ) should split the files with best fittings to the corresponding directories....
So perl ./files ./files1 0x00050000 ./files2 0x00380000
would copy up to 320 KB to files1 and up to 3584 KB to files2......
squib308 said:
BTW, if anyone is interested in the Arcsoft MMS Composer software not working in LumpiStephans kitchen, you need to grab & install from someplace, which will install the requisite .dlls to make the MMS software work. Yeah, it's big, and there is no camera on the wallaby, I know. But the EzOS wap browsers MMS software really sucks (for me), and looses parts of the messages from certain people. I dunno if it's their email client, or what.. don't care.
if anyone is interested, I can tell you what DLLs it needs, I sat there for a while checking out the dependencies, and that way you don't have to install as much extra crap, but I don't have it handy right now. lemme know.
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You can tell it me, and send me the dll, than i will include it to the Arcsoft MMS-Composer....

Recovery Image and other tools

I finally got my ftp up and running. As promised, I have uploaded a slightly modified Vista backup for Acronis. It contains a preinstalled version of Office 2007. So, if you dont own Office 2007, please uninstall it
(Right-Click here and choose Save as...)
MyBackup.tib Slighty modified post-recovery Vista. Reg tweaks and Office 2007 (thanks to TokyoRob for providing the original)
Acronis will be back soon
RealVGA_11.CAB gives you real VGA under SnapVue
ResPack128dpi.ARM.CAB resolution pack for RealVGA
Recovery Partition Content.rar I guess the file name is meaning enough (thanks to devictoria for the upload, i know it was painful)**FIXED**
TabletPC_PatchXPproSP2.exe TabletPC patch for a non WINXP SP2 installation, can be applied at any time. Tested with English version only.
change_vista_language.iso Vista PE to change the language of any Vista installation, tested with HTC Shift.
Vista_x64_language_packs_links.html language pack needed for "change_vista_language.iso" (64bit)
Vista_x86_language_packs_links.html language pack needed for "change_vista_language.iso" (32bit)
WINMOUNT (tool to mount XVISTA.WIM) will be replaced with Microsofts WAIK (use ImageX.exe and command line) boot image to use Hdat2, tool for SETMAX address and unhide HPA POF's very loved HTC SHIFT EMBEDDED CONTROLLER TOOL tool to unhide the recovery partition
Update 07/05/2008:
HTC Shift XP Drivers.rar added the Windows XP drivers and Vitakey package by febelus (
Update 07/23/2008 added to modify WindowsLive Messenger 8.5 (this enables you to save some desktop space when chatting)
Update 08/08/08 (nice date..should get married today)
Removed illegal content, such as Keygens, Crack and Serial. Trial versions should suffice. Added Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) to alter the recovery partition content (license free).
The server is planned to be permanent, but only temporarily public. In one or 2 months, I will change the access to
ease my traffic. But until then, grab it while you can.
If anyone wants to add something (tools, different languages), please contact me for upload instructions. This ftp is planned to stay permanent.
Original WWE.rar --- original Windows Mobile rom for Shift. Partition Content.rar
I have tested the connection to my FTP... Its HTTPS, you have to install or allow the certificate in order to access my files.
Also, use Firefox or Opera to download. IE7 suffers from a HTTP Header error when accessing large files. ( i tried to fix it, but no luck)
Dont tell me its a nuisance to use FF or Opera instead of IE7.
If you really need / want those files, you should be willing to install one of those browsers...
I will UPDATE the files next Friday, any request, let me know.
UPDATE 08/08/08
Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK)
This is used to create your own recovery partitions. You can slipstream updates, software and drivers.
It is license free and can be optained from the link in post #1.
To mount the XVista.wim from the Shift's recovery partition, locate the ImageX.exe in your programs folder.
(default =C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe)
Copy the XVista.WIM to a location of your choice (preferably c and run the Imagex.exe in the Command Prompt.
First you have to find out which installation you want to mount. Usually Vista contains more than one installation
(Home, Home Premium, etc...) Each has a number.
In our case its easy, its only Vista Business, so we mount Number 1.
Type imagex.exe /mountrw c:\Xvista.wim 1 c:\Xvista
mountrw means read and write access
c:\Xvista.wim is the location you copied it....
1 is the image number within the archive
c:\Xvista is the mount path (can be anything you want)
The installation should now appear in Windows Explorer like a normal folder and you can modify its contents.
Recovery Image
With regards to the recovery partition restoration process;
The previously referenced instructions involve using a binary file to dd the image back to the disk.
When your RAR file is unarchived, it shows a directory structure with multiple files and one large WIM file.
What mechanism should one use to replicate the RAR contents to the recovery partition?
jposluns said:
With regards to the recovery partition restoration process;
The previously referenced instructions involve using a binary file to dd the image back to the disk.
When your RAR file is unarchived, it shows a directory structure with multiple files and one large WIM file.
What mechanism should one use to replicate the RAR contents to the recovery partition?
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The binary file you are referring to is a result of a different recovery approach. You copy the hidden partition into a binary file and copy it back to its exact location on the hdd, later.
If you want to use my RAR file, you have to follow these instructions, to create an external boot media.
Thanks for the files. MyBackup.tib is not working(not able to download).
TRoN_1 said:
Thanks for the files. MyBackup.tib is not working(not able to download).
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im not sure what the problem is in IE7. But with Opera and Firefox, the download works normal.(rightclick "save as")
I will try to see how I can fix it.
aquasesh said:
The binary file you are referring to is a result of a different recovery approach.
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Not having access to a USB floppy, would anyone happen to have the binary file that is used with the dd method?
MyBackup.tib Slighty modified post-recovery Vista. Reg tweaks and Office 2007 (thanks to TokyoRob for providing the original)
Recovery_Partition_Content.rar I guess the file name is meaning enough (thanks to devictoria for the upload, i know it was painful)**FIXED**
Great files, thanks.
I can't download files above. The first one is about 278 MB long, corrupted after download. The second one is 0-length file. Would you please check it? Thank you for your time.
When I right-click and save as...
Internet Explorer cannot dowload MyBackup.tib.
The supplied HTTP header is invalid.
TRoN_1 said:
When I right-click and save as...
Internet Explorer cannot dowload MyBackup.tib.
The supplied HTTP header is invalid.
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Please use Firefox or Opera to download it. I have some trouble with my
Server...but those browsers work
They also support resume, which is recommended with such large files.
you need a USB Stick, not a floppy. The image as well as the BIN file are about 3GB.
You can also burn the contents to a DVD if you make it bootable. I havent tried it yet, but should work.
aquasesh said:
you need a USB Stick, not a floppy. The image as well as the BIN file are about 3GB. You can also burn the contents to a DVD if you make it bootable. I havent tried it yet, but should work.
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There is something critical that I'm missing here..
The instructions in the link you provided imply that the USB drive will be bootable, and that it is from there that the recovery will occur.
Your RAR file does not have an MBR, nor does it apparently have a tool to install one, so *something* would have to be used in order to install an MBR to the USB drive.
What is that *something* ?
jposluns said:
There is something critical that I'm missing here..
The instructions in the link you provided imply that the USB drive will be bootable, and that it is from there that the recovery will occur.
Your RAR file does not have an MBR, nor does it apparently have a tool to install one, so *something* would have to be used in order to install an MBR to the USB drive.
What is that *something* ?
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To make it short, you have 3 choices.
Firstly, you wait until i create a bootable recovery ISO, which you can burn to a USB stick. (maybe on Friday, if I can make the time)
Secondly, you try to make one yourself.
Or, you simply download Acronis TI Home, install it on a PC, create a recovery bootdisk, which you can put on a USB stick and use Mybackup.tib from my ftp to restore the Shift.( I usually use this method, since I dont have to setup anything, and I have office 2007 integrated)
I will try to polish up the problems on my FTP coming weekend and add some more stuff, USB iso and so on.
If you can tell me what mechanism is used to make the MBR in the recovery partition, I can make an ISO myself.. I've tried a few different boot loaders, though none seem to work with the RAR contents.
Or.. If an Acronis image of JUST the MBR/Track0 for the recovery partition is available, that would be relatively simple too.
Worst case, I'll wait for your ISO.
Thanks for all your help!
jposluns said:
If you can tell me what mechanism is used to make the MBR in the recovery partition, I can make an ISO myself.. I've tried a few different boot loaders, though none seem to work with the RAR contents.
Or.. If an Acronis image of JUST the MBR/Track0 for the recovery partition is available, that would be relatively simple too.
Worst case, I'll wait for your ISO.
Thanks for all your help!
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To make it a media bootable for a recovery, you need to use
found in the folder /BOOT
Now, i have to find out which commandline parameter i have to use, which will take some trying out.
Worst case scenario, I can only make DVD bootable, but even that would be ok for most.
Working ISO.. Wish me luck..
I've just followed the instructions at to create an ISO file using the WIM files from your RAR.
UltraISO can then be used to image the ISO onto a USB stick (4Gb or greater).
I'm in the process of doing so right now and will test it tomorrow morning.
jposluns said:
I've just followed the instructions at to create an ISO file using the WIM files from your RAR.
UltraISO can then be used to image the ISO onto a USB stick (4Gb or greater).
I'm in the process of doing so right now and will test it tomorrow morning.
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Looks like a good guide. Those seem like the right etfsboot parameters.
Im sure you can do it.
its basically the same way HTC does it, I guess the boot.wim contains the WindowsPE for the recovery.
Good Luck
Recovery Image was too big, please share it in eMule!
aquasesh said:
I finally got my ftp up and running. As promised, I have uploaded a slightly modified Vista backup for Acronis. It contains a preinstalled version of Office 2007. So, if you dont own Office 2007, please uninstall it
URL is
you will also find all the stuff i use on my shift, such as:
MyBackup.tib Slighty modified post-recovery Vista. Reg tweaks and Office 2007 (thanks to TokyoRob for providing the original)
Acronis True Image 11 Build 8053 Home.rar we all know this
MMSLite.bld265.CAB MMS addon, WM 5 and 6 for SOFTBANK ONLY
RealVGA_11.CAB gives you real VGA under SnapVue
ResPack128dpi.ARM.CAB resolution pack for RealVGA
Recovery_Partition_Content.rar I guess the file name is meaning enough (thanks to devictoria for the upload, i know it was painful)**FIXED**
TabletPC_PatchXPproSP2.exe TabletPC patch for a non WINXP SP2 installation, can be applied at any time. Tested with English version only.
UltraISO_Premium_Edition_v9.1.2.2465 can burn bootable image files to USB media
change_vista_language.iso Vista PE to change the language of any Vista installation, tested with HTC Shift.
Vista_x64_language_packs_links.html language pack needed for "change_vista_language.iso" (64bit)
Vista_x86_language_packs_links.html language pack needed for "change_vista_language.iso" (32bit)
WinMount.v2.2.2.rar tool to mount .WIM files. Such as XVISTA.WIM boot image to use Hdat2, tool for SETMAX address and unhide HPA POF's very loved HTC SHIFT EMBEDDED CONTROLLER TOOL
ppxsetup2.rar PPXplorer for Windows Mobile. Good file commander. tool to unhide the recovery partition
Update 07/05/2008:
HTC Shift XP Drivers.rar added the Windows XP drivers and Vitakey package by febelus (
The server is planned to be permanent, but only temporarily public. In one or 2 months, I will change the access to
ease my traffic. But until then, grab it while you can.
If anyone wants to add something (tools, different languages), please contact me for upload instructions. This ftp is planned to stay permanent.
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Hi aquasesh,
It is very difficult to download the recovery image with Firefox or IE, can you please share it in eMule, so that more Shift owners can download it share it.
Thanks in advance.
szjohnwong said:
Hi aquasesh,
It is very difficult to download the recovery image with Firefox or IE, can you please share it in eMule, so that more Shift owners can download it share it.
Thanks in advance.
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I dont think sharing it in Emule is better than using Firefox.
I dont understand how it can be difficult to download it via a different
browser...Its just the same as IE
you just install opera or FF and rightclick the file you want...then choose "save as"....
Besides, sharing it in Emule is too slow, it will take ages to download it.
jposluns said:
I've just followed the instructions at to create an ISO file using the WIM files from your RAR. UltraISO can then be used to image the ISO onto a USB stick (4Gb or greater).
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Update: An ISO was built, though when I imaged it to USB and booted off of it, an error of "can't find HP WIM files" resulted. I believe that the version of the <surrounding files exe> that I used was specific to HP, and there are a few more WIM files it's expecting. I've downloaded another variant and have it building an ISO now.
I installed Opera and when I right-click and save as, it downloads and says it saved the file. I did this 3 times in 3 different folders (I aborted once), but the files is nowhere to be found. In Opera under Transfers tab it says:
From https//
To D:\MyBackup.tib
Size 4.3 GB(4,576,253,952)
Transfered 4.3 GB(4,576,253,952)
The file is NOT there. I don't get it

Mac OS and HD2

Hi to everyone. I’m trying to upgrade my ROM but the file I’m downloading (Greek 1.48.482.4) is .exe and doesn’t work on my MacBook. (As most other .exe files that I've tried so far). Any suggestions? Thank you in advance!!
Forget it on a Mac. You have to install VMWare, Parallels or Bootcamp to install a Windows version on a Mac. Or use someone else's PC.
use emulation or boot camp
Hi there,
No exe file will ever launch on mac OS.
Many emulators allow mapping of USB ports, but i'd say you are likely to fail or get corrupted sooner or later (i.e brick your device because of some VM/ emulator failure).
The best way would be to use bootcamp and install XP on a small partition.
You may also try a live CD like BartXP (google is your friend)
Well, I may use a friend' s PC. Thank u for the immediate answers.
christav said:
Well, I may use a friend' s PC. Thank u for the immediate answers.
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I like your wise alternative solution. Sometime things are not as complicated as they seem. Thank you for showing us the way.
I would reccomend against using emulation software for such an important task. For me I have a bootcamp partition of 7. I'm sure you can find a cheap copy of XP somewhere and install that (but i think 7 takes up less space!)
You will need to to the goldcard method I think and therefore install from your sd card.
You'll need a pc to extract the .nbh
If you have an Intel Mac, you might have luck with this.
I just checked, and the one ROM updater I tested (TUR_1.61.468.1) seemed to work fine running through Wine on my machine (iMac7,1 running Snow Leopard). I didn't flash over USB, but directly from MicroSD-card.
Here's what I did:
1) Download and Install Wine. I used this, which includes WineBottler.
2) After installing, run
3) You will get the opportunity to add a Prefix. This is the location on your drive that your virtual Windows system will be placed. Create it in any location you like, I create mine as 'WineDefault' in my user folder, so /Users/meptik/WineDefault/. This might take a minute.
4) Now find the ROM Updater you downloaded and right-click (or ctrl-click) on it, and Open With ->
5) When prompted, select 'Run directly in <prefix you just created>' and click Go. Installshield Wizard should run, click 'Next' and it should start extracting files.
6) Now, when the ROM Update Utility window appears, don't do anything.
7) Instead, head over to the Wine prefix you created earlier, and look in drive_c/windows/temp/. There should be some temporary folder here. Inside should be the files extracted by the ROM Updater, including RUU_signed.nbh.
This file, once renamed to LEOIMG.nbh, can be used to update your HD2 directly from your MicroSD-card. Follow this tutorial from step 6c.
so, in essence, using my Macbook and my HD2 means I'm a bit stuck for changing the ROM on the phone

