MKROM Questions - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

i try to play around with mkrom and i have some questions:
first: when i want to use a german o2 rom 3.14 ( that's the freshest they offer ), what do i have to change in the mkrom files??
second: how do i get the default.reg from the rom? what tool shall i use??
third: do i have to manually edit the initobj.txt file so that it has the german directory / path names??
fourth: when i play with mkrom with the qtek image from jeff, i tried to insert my own startup picture using all the photoshop options mentioned in the mkrom text, the pic is displayed after a coldboot but it's like slided to the left e.g. if the pic was 1 2 3 4 5 my xda displays 3 4 5 1 2, sorry i don't know how to better explain it :?
best regards tim


Building Rom using MKROM

Can anybody please help me to build a rom? specially to the XDA-developers, thanks in a advance.
My question is:
1. Do i need a base rom(no program included) on the cfg/(rom.nb1)? is it necessary ?
2. what is the maximum files i can put in the files/ directory? that will be splited by mkrom, i know it is depending on the version since 3.17 the maximum for all files is 5 M. how about other version. 4.01,4.05, 4.10 and 4.16
3. when i run the bash nk.nb1(4.05), using parameter for 4.05 i get a message "!!! your rom is not known to me: md5:fb9e70c5786f08e4db6db7c184c59704" is this normal or it is not define on the ?
4. what kind of editor did you use for building a BMP file with 16 bit, I tried to use adobe photoshop 6.0, but i can not seem to save it as 151 k, the option is only 24 bit and 8 bit, if you can give me a site where i can download it , i will really apreciate it.
Thanks for the Help..
More power to the XDA team
Welcome TMO 4.16!!! (which i think no diff with 4.10)
1. yes you do need some kind of rom to start with
2. you can check using
perl yourrom.nb1 -ob <your bmp offset> | perl 0x3ffff
and add the sizes of the holes.
you have to figure out where the bootsplash is for your rom. ( for new roms this is most likely 0x81ec0000 )
3) there is a list of 27 roms I know about in splitrom, if I never saw your rom, the signature will also not be there.
btw, what rom do you have?
4) I think we used photoshop for that. ( Peter Poelman knows more about that )
thanks for the reply XDA developer Itsme,
but how can i build a baserom with the rom i have, I have a ROM 4.05 which i created in jeff's kitchen? or any site where i can download the base rom 4.05?
I have a ROM 4.05, 4.10 which i get from jeff's kitchen and also the original 4.10 TMO. regarding the signature of the ROM, i read your and i found out you 27 list of roms, but i didn't find that signature "md5:fb9e70c5786f08e4db6db7c184c59704" is it because my ROM is not base ROM?
my param is ;
I'll still try to use the photoshop, maybe i miss something there.
Please correct me if i done something wrong with my commands.
I have Perl 5.8 and cygwin, installed in windows 2003
then make the path for perl/bin and cygwin/bin
then i copy all the things i need to build a rom in one directory including nk.nbf(with jeff's 4.05) and mkrom tools(which i got from the demokitchen)
i run "perl nk.nbf" to extract the bootimage.bmp and rom.nb1 to cfg/ directory
then i dump "dumprom -4 -d files -q nk.nbf" to extract all files in files directory
then i convert "perl files/default.fdf cfg/default.reg"
"tr -d "\0" <files/initobj.dat >cfg/initobj.txt"
"cp files/initdb.ini cfg/initdb.ini"
then in files/ directory i delete all the windows files i leave only the program with the dll i wanted to add in the rom like total commander, file commander.. etc...
(I compare it with the original files of WM2003)
then i run "bash out/out.nbf"
but i got an OVERLAP message on the screen
and also the same message like i told you before "Your rom is not know to me"
Please Help me with this because i want to build my own rom according to the program i need.. and many thanks.
split rom does not recognize romkitchen roms, since they vary too much.
you should use an original rom, not one from the romkitchen.
the overlap means that somehow the params file was not correct.
or maybe you just tried to add too much files.
XDA developer Itsme said:
split rom does not recognize romkitchen roms, since they vary too much.
you should use an original rom, not one from the romkitchen.
the overlap means that somehow the params file was not correct.
or maybe you just tried to add too much files.
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Thanks Itsme, thats why splti rrom can not recognize the ROM I have, I'll try to search for the base ROM in the forum, or can you give me a site where i can download the baseROM, I think that's why I am having a OVERLAP because there is a added program on my ROM, XDA-Developers File1 and File2 is duplicated.
It answer my question regarding the ROM i have, thanks a lot man you really a good help.
Now my only problem is to find all the base rom so i can start cooking some ROM.

Help - Modify XDA II ROM

Hi All,
I am a Newbie looking to modify my XDA II ROM to include
the Microsoft SQL CE Client (.CAB). I've looked at using the
er2003edit and XDATools, but I'm lost as to what I'm supposed
to be doing. My question is:
- How can I modify my add the SQL CE Client to my default
02 ROM?
Thanks a million !!
Solved the problem
Hi Again,
I solved the problem by
1. Copying the files in my Extended-ROM to my hard drive.
2. Loading an existing ms_.nbf (QTek one I downloaded off
this website) with er2003edit.
3. Remove the existing files from the ms_.nbf and replace
them with my own including SQL CE Cabs (added entries
to config.txt)
4. Saved ms_.nbf
5. Uploaded with HimaUpgradeUt.exe to my device and hey
presto it worked.
I am using Asia version 1.6 of XDA2 rom. Mind teaching me how to delete unnecessary stuff inside the ext ROM? Thanks.
Remove the existing files from the ms_.nbf and replace
them with my own
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We need to remove all of them? And replace by those in our own ROM (copy n paste?) minus the ones we dont want?

Splash screen

I'm sorry may be this is stupid question..
But i want to know can we use splash screen creator that created in this site... they said about using it on II mini and IIs, i assuming it can be use on our IIi but i'm not sure....
Every one who know about this can you tell me please...
Thanks before
Hi Cornelius,
you can use it - I've tried and it works fine.
You can create splash screens from bmp files using nb_image_converter_859_418.exe
There is a cab file somewhere around which can update your alpine to use these, or you can modify a custom extended rom to load it up ... choice is yours.
I'm working on a extended rom customiser that will let you do it via a GUI, but it's taking a little time.
If you can't find the cab file method anywhere let me know and I'll post it to you.
Step by step?
Hello bal666, Thanks for reply....
I've looking around the forum (maybe nat all), but i still confused (or maybe baecouse my bad english??? )
At forum :" Tool to create costume ext roms for alpine" if i'm right, you put splash screen when create ext rom wich it hidden....???
where can find splash screen? ( I cook my ext ext rom using your step by step guide and example from PUG rom, thanks for you all )
can we put splash screen directly (with out cook rom again?) like step by step guide at magaician forum? and do just like that? (i mean folow that step by step instruction?)
He.he long question right?
Thanks before for your guide...
Hi Cornelius,
don't worry about your english ... you should hear me after a few drinks :shock:
Both methods will work - and I will post some details for you in the morning ... and the necessary files.
Thanks alot bal666
I'll waiting it...
Terima Kasih banyak ( Indonesian ) / thank's a million
Hi Cornelius,
sorry for the delay ... disaster at work.
I've attached a program (I found it in this forum) for making nb splash files from bmp files.
Now two ways of setting splash image:
1. Decode an alpine extended rom (or use your own)
a. open the *.fat file in a hex editor.
b. Paste your nb file at location 0x1880000, writing over the data there.
c. Encode the fat file into a new extended rom and burn to your alpine
2. use the MDA3_bootimage_changer2.CAB attached and follow instructions in the usage.txt file. NOTE - I think I've used this and it worked ... but don't remember too well :shock:
Hope that helps .... my suggestion is that if you're already using a custom extended rom then use method 1. Method 2 is a bit experimental and may cause problems.
I'll try it
thanks bal...
maybe i'll use both way,first one use for cooking rom, then the second way i'll use when i want to change only splash without loosing / reinstall my apps.
i'll work on it after back from hospital.
i'll inform if i failed or success.
Hex Editor
I'm sorry bal... but i need to ask you again...
1. I want to ask about 1st way...
did you mean"hex editor" is XVI32???
2. if yes how we paste our nb file to loc 188000 ( i think i can found loc 1880000, just how to replace those file? )
3. Can we extrac original nb file? & how
I'm sorry to take your time...
And thanks again for your time and help....
Original SplashScreen
Anyone please post here if you have an original xda IIi splash screen...
Hello Everyone
Sorry for disturb (I hope someone answer my question this time)
I'm doing same thing create my ext ROM for my mini same step like i create my ROM for XDA IIi ( i edited original ext ROM asia magician), after finished, i try to change my splash screen on my mini, all runs well.
then i update my ROM, after finish i did hard reset and my device booting, but... splash screen still same not going back to original one???
is that normal??
after my today screen appear nothing happen (seems my ext rom didn't run automaticly), so the result is programs on my ext ROM and my setting didn't installed (all of them)
Did the ext rom do not run because th effect from slash screen change???
or my mistake when creating mini ext ROM?
What should i do???
Please some one help me???
Hi Cornelius,
how did you change the splash screen for your mini?
Solved for Splash
Hai bal... nice to read a post from you again
I used the second way ( MDA3_bootimage_changer2.CAB way ) because it's easier and easier to go back to original splash )
Anyway i've solve the problem about splash screen i can get my original splash, even i download the original one from forum ... (errr i forgot)
Now the only problem is i dont understan why my Ext ROM mini didn't run any installation, i just did same thing for my IIi and it's work....
They said mini and IIi way is same....
Anyone can tell what i miss??
or direct me to right forum...
Thanks for your time to answer me...
Hi Cornelius,
can you post a list of files in your extended rom, but make sure there exists the autorun.exe and config.txt (I think!)
List file on Ext ROM
Here the list on my Magician Ext ROM:
And others auto cinfig cab for indonesian operators..
My config.txt command:
CAB: \Extended_ROM\CameraWizard_O2Asia_Customize.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Caller_ID_Magician_Generic_WWE_RC13.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\SmartDialing_Magician_Generic_WWE_RC13.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\CAB-ArcsoftMMS-2.0.022-Magician-O2Asia-ENU-21Mar05.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\CV2.41.386_wwe.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\JMM101257_wwe_1004.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
RST: Reset
Yup thats it...
Hope you can help....
Thanks in advanced
Hi Cornelius,
it does look like you're missing the autorun.exe file (although this might not be required for the mini).
Best approach would be to compare what you have in your extended rom with that which comes with a "normal" extended rom that works.
See if the autorun.exe does exist there - if it does then you know you need to add it to your rom. Otherwise I've no idea, perhaps someone else on this forum can help.
Good luck
Thanks bal
Thank for all your time..
but bad luck for me, there is an autorun.exe on my ROM, and what i remove from nomal rom only the CAB files...
Thanks anyway bal for all
Any one can help me, please??
bal666 said:
Now two ways of setting splash image:
1. Decode an alpine extended rom (or use your own)
a. open the *.fat file in a hex editor.
b. Paste your nb file at location 0x1880000, writing over the data there.
c. Encode the fat file into a new extended rom and burn to your alpine
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Hi Bal666
You said open *.fat file did you mean the *.nbf because the hex editor will not load the *.fat.
nope, I meant the *.fat file. The name is a bit of a misnomer unfortunately, as in the version of the decoder that is currently available the extra data at the end of the fat file (not really part of the FAT image) is kept in place.
You should be able to open this file in a hex editor ...
You could wait a couple of days while I do the help file for the new tool, it's GUI based and will let you extract and insert splash files without resorting to hex editors
yeah i think i'll wait.
Nuts, the help file is taking ages ... so I posted the thing to get it out of the way ...
No help file and no user guide ... could be interesting

dictprob.dat and statdict.dat

Hi guys,
Has someone these 2 files for the italian WM2003SE OS? Or does someone know how I can get it? I'm becoming crazy, I cannot find them and I need them for the word completion in Italian language..
Thanks a lot,
Find an Italian ROM that you can extract with dumprom.exe.
Perhaps this one? :wink:
Asus has more Italian ROMS. Search there.
Also read this article.
Hi, thanks a lot for the reply,
I read that article and therefore I'm looking for these 2 files. Do you know in which .nbf file are they? And I'm trying to use dumprom to get these files but when I run it I wait for a long time but nothing happens...
I use this command:
>dumprom -4 -d "my folder" radio_.nbf
Could you help me please?
Tks a lot,
Better read my advice posted before instead of inventing it yourself....
maximedv said:
>dumprom -4 -d "my folder" radio_.nbf
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it is in nk.nbf. And at first you should decrypt NBF to NBA
Why are you talking about nk.nbf and radio.nbf here in this thread?
Realy cannot find any of that in the Italian ROM I appointed you you earlier. Some people.....Grrr
Hi Tweakradje, better wait for my reply before instead of.... Some people..grrrrr
Yesterday your link didn't work, or at least for me.. Today I'm retrying but it's very very slow ( 1 kb/s... ).... I'll update you as soon as I succeed in downloading it..
Tks guys,
PS A question fo mamaich: with dumprom is it possible to decrypt nbf files too, or do I have to use another tool?
Try this link then and select another download location.
It's all there at asus donwloads.
You will manage...
Hi tweak..,
thanks a lot for the help. At least, after 3 hours of downloading, I've succeded into overwriting the original files with the italian version and everything works fine. I've attached the two files in the italian, english, spanish and portuguese versions. If someone has these files for more languages is welcome to add them, because it's not so easy to find them on the internet.. :lol:
Thanks to all,
Hi maximedv, does this file help update the word catalog that pops up with the on-screen key board? That's my bane.
Can you (someone) start a page on Wiki? Dunno how that works.
Page title something like localizing your SIP keyboard and Spelling
I have the dutch versions waiting for that page.
You can control them withy registry:
"DictFile"="\\ROM Storage\\AutoComplete\\statdict_NL.dat"
"ProbFile"="\\ROM Storage\\AutoComplete\\dictprob_NL.dat"
I also have spelling check ready (mssp2_en.lex, mssp2_nl.lex)
for word.
Control that with this registry:
"Main_Dict"="\\ROM Storage\\Spell Check\\mssp2_nl.lex"
"User_Dict"="\\ROM Storage\\Spell Check\\user.dct"
You can ofcourse always overwrite the original \windows files.
How's this WiKi ?
If you hardreset your device the files will default again.
If you overwrite the file and want to restore the default just delete the modified file and soft reset. The original ROM file will be restored.
Can we build a library in the wiki with language files? Or is that against Microsoft License. I have a few lying around here....
Might be better placed on the FTP... not sure it the license on those files is anything GPL-y, I doubt it
I don't know if it would be legal or not.. It could because you can download the ROM files from many sites ( Asus site for example ), but I don't know if it's legal to decompress them..

how to edit nk.nbf Files ?

i would like to edit nk.nbf files (of course just for personal use).
have searched hours for an editor, but i cant find anything useful.
plz help me !
AFAIR you should only generate nbf file using "kitchen", not edit them.
jakubd said:
AFAIR you should only generate nbf file using "kitchen", not edit them.
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are you sure ?
i found this app that allows you to edit WM 2003 nbf files (sadly it doesn´t work for 6.1 rom nbf):
is there an other way to edit WM 6.1 images ?
(maybe i can drop them from the device in a format that can be open)
editing nbf files
try this it works a treat and will help you understand thing a little more, Then you could read up on how to port it up a bit higher once you'v learnt how it works hope this helps be carefull when you CreatROM read the text in the dos window the "free sectors" !!!! 0??? To 0001 is good, 0001 been the full to the brim ! ( ffff???? ) is bad ! if bad do NOT flash to your device start buildOS again and unckeck something ealse read the readme or guide file carefully also explode has a kitchen out that's good search for kitchen on this site there's a assortment out there have fun REMEMBER be CAREFULL or you could brick your device however you edit a rom Most time if you screew up you can flash a 2003 shipped rom and alls well agian but if you flash a rom that's fare to big you will over wright your boot sector and that's NOT GOOD
how can i dump a ROM ?
have read xplode´s kitchen how to, but i have still some questions:
witch tool i have to use to dump a rom ?
must the device be in boot loader mode ?
must i perform a hard reset before putting the device in boot loader mode ?
thank you for you help
dump rom
wmvfan said:
how can i dump a ROM ?
have read xplode´s kitchen how to, but i have still some questions:
witch tool i have to use to dump a rom ?
must the device be in boot loader mode ?
must i perform a hard reset before putting the device in boot loader mode ?
thank you for you help
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I think I read some thing about dumping from the device ! But it's very complicated to do and if you get it wroung then it could damage your device Buzz-dev has a program called grabit see his site it copys the rom from the device to The SD CARD as a *.bin file then you dump that instructions are there, I have attached a zip i found on this site moded a bit for myown use it will dump BA or Hima put it in C:\ and right click it select extract here PS (you need winrar it's free just search xda site for it) My decompilers not complete but should give you some idear or how it works, You say u got explodes kitchen follow his instructions and build his rom when It says put your device in boot loader DON'T. Wait untill the build is finnished Press ctrl + C then look in upgrade folder and you should find an nk.nbf copy this to Swamp395Decompiler folder so you see it with PKGTool then double click BA_Disasemble.bat when that's finnished double click PKGTool.exe then "File" "open" from menu navegate to swampy395decompiler\dump click OK read screen then When that's finnished meun "tools""build packages" you should have some missing files if you look at the one called sys it should look simaler to explodes kitchen!! Then spend some time reading xda site good luck Remember the risk is all your bla bla no responcerbility ETC
I'm learning myself ! But if i can help i will, I'v been Building My own kitchen It's getting close but not got a booting rom yet but soon I HOPE
PPS pda viet rom Don't bump so well
It works !
i easily put the nk.nbf file in C:\Swampy395Decompiler\ and start BA Disassemble.bat
a dos window opened and dump the rom in C:\Swampy395Decompiler\dump
all files of the rom are now in this folder and i can edit them.
but i have still some questions:
-how can i make a rom out of the files in \dump ?
-how can i edit registry files ?
-is there a way to change the rom language ?
greetings from germany
editing rom
wmvfan said:
It works !
i easily put the nk.nbf file in C:\Swampy395Decompiler\ and start BA Disassemble.bat
a dos window opened and dump the rom in C:\Swampy395Decompiler\dump
all files of the rom are now in this folder and i can edit them.
but i have still some questions:
-how can i make a rom out of the files in \dump ?
-how can i edit registry files ?
-is there a way to change the rom language ?
greetings from germany
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read these links and you'll find thing you'll have to do a lot of searches *.reg files open in notepad then save as unicode turn wordwrap off these a lot to read too much fro me to explane here these links should get you in the right area
Ps if you find any good tutorials please send me a link and as i find them i'll send to you good luck I'v been reading some 4 weeks now it's not so easy building a rom so i'v found
PPS the tools i send you copys and converts the default/user.HV files and initflashfiles.dat to swampy395decompiler folder i also posted a tool to edit initflashfiles see
search for kitchen building roms ETC you'll find thing like these Package Tutorial
good luck let me know how get on
swampy395 said:
read these links and you'll find thing you'll have to do a lot of searches *.reg files open in notepad then save as unicode turn wordwrap off these a lot to read too much fro me to explane here these links should get you in the right area
Ps if you find any good tutorials please send me a link and as i find them i'll send to you good luck I'v been reading some 4 weeks now it's not so easy building a rom so i'v found
PPS the tools i send you copys and converts the default/user.HV files and initflashfiles.dat to swampy395decompiler folder i also posted a tool to edit initflashfiles see
search for kitchen building roms ETC you'll find thing like these Package Tutorial
good luck let me know how get on
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Just a quick thought you'v got a kitchen and a rom built in that kitchen put the rom back together as it is in the kitchen IE copy the layout you'll find some *.rug files missing download athers himalaya kitchens and read the help and guid files on how to build a kitchen and use explodes kitchen as a referance see if you can put it back together without copying files out of explodes kitchen If you manage that then you should be able to make a higher build kitchen of your own good luck

