Hyphenation - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I love the Special Edition ROM!!!!!!!!! BUT, I really miss *one* thing: hypenation. I live in the US, and I like my phone numbers to look like this: (555) 555-1234. Unfortunatly, the SER uses the O2 ROM, which is from the UK, which means it doesn't do hyphenataion. There's gotta be a registry entry for this. Anyone know it?

Strange: we based the first Special Edition ROM on the Qtek ROM which did do hyphenation: I remember us having to set this:
In order to make it stop doing that. However, setting it back to '1' doesn't turn it back on on the O2 ROM.

i did the same thing and the registry mod doesn't work on the 02 rom.

There's something about these O2 ROMs. I seem to remember the provider logos also being hardcoded instead of using the normal registry mechanism. We could theoretically take the phone app from the Qtek ROM, I guess. But mixing and matching between ROMs could quickly become more complicated than would be warranted by solving a phone-number hyphenation issue.

Wow...now I feel pretty smart, because I've already seen that country code key and changed it to one.
Just as I was typing this message, I figured it out. Don't ya love dumb luck? Anyways, we were all close. Instead of changing the country code to 1, just delete that key all together.

ejdmoo said:
Instead of changing the country code to 1, just delete that key all together.
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Good work!
All these petty problems. Serves them right for not living in the default country.
Reminds me of ordering stuff online recently, and being told I live in an 'invalid country'. By which the site meant it wasn't the US or Canada.

thanks for the tip. that did it.


Challenge to coders in here (Stolen Phone Location Cab file)

ok here is the challenge, now some of us know the horror of a lost or stolen phone. Who has it? Where is it? Can i track it? Well thats where this challenge comes in. We all know about the extended rom , most people dont think that u can mess with this but actually you can. For those who dont know what the extended rom is, it a file folder that contains all the cab files that are used to restore your pda back to factory preinstalled. Well i know that using some programs you can actually edit or delete files in this folder. What i propose or challenge the coders to see if they can come up with a cab file or program that can be placed into the E.R. so that if someone hard resets the pda, that when it comes back and resets it would set off the cab file to collect information like the phone number of the new sim card the thieves put in the stolen unit, and or any other info that can be used to track this device. to email it or say call you at a certian time. Point is that if you can get the number of the person that has your phone, you can get it traced and at least get the cops to go to the address that the new sim card is registered to.
Wow, I like that idea.
I was actually coding it so that the first thing it would do is execute a full-screen lock and you'd have to enter a preset passcode. The only way to get around anything in the Extended ROM though is by performing a soft-reset during the 3-second pause.
The problem with the current WM5 HTC devices (Wizard, Universal, and Apache) is that they have a digital signature feature enabled by default. So I can't hack the Autorun (even if I could) to bypass the 3-second pause, since that would break the authentication of the digital signature.
I could, however, disable the security on the Wizard and Universal with a digitally-signed CAB file found in the Apache's Extended ROM...
If someone could teach me how to access the SIM, that would be key...
Um, am I missing something or isn't this what IIWPO does (for the WM2003/SE devices anyway)? As soon as someone changes the owner info. and puts in a new SIM, it SMS's you the details - I already have it installed in my ext.ROM.
For the WM2005 devices it might not work but it's currently protecting my XdaII.
can you provide a link for iipwo
no sim
doesnt seem like that program access the sim, it seems that it relys on the new owner to input their information, but how many of us actually do that. i dont for sure. so if the new owner doesnt imput their contact info then there is no way of finding them, where as i propose to make come up with a way to read the sim and get the phone number, that way its definatly going to get them
BeyondtheTech said:
can you provide a link for iipwo
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It's here on xda-dev, just search. Oh, and it's iiWPo not iipwo.
henvanvo said:
doesnt seem like that program access the sim, it seems that it relys on the new owner to input their information, but how many of us actually do that. i dont for sure. so if the new owner doesnt imput their contact info then there is no way of finding them, where as i propose to make come up with a way to read the sim and get the phone number, that way its definatly going to get them
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They don't need to, all it does is compare the existing text (or lack of) with the stored value (your own), then gets any data and sends it. If nothing else you'll get the phone number as part of the SMS. If they DO enter info (and most people I know do, just in case it is returned if lost), then you get that too.
You also get the satisfaction of slowly racking up their bill for them if they are charged for SMS and if they query it and the telco starts to ask questions about where the 'faulty' handset came from or suggests it goes for repair... Gotcha!
isnt this only for WM 2003? has anyone got this to Work on a WiZard ?
if someone steals/finds a wizard then what are the chances they will know how to or even if you can hard reset it? and the ones "in the know" might just install a new/default rom image overwriting whats on the modified ext rom.
what you need is something that executes on maybe the 2nd or 3rd incorrect pin number entry.
not true
thats not true , u can get a manual at imate to show u how to hard reset. but there is no manual unless u read these kind of forums. most theives are crack heads that just take the phone to see if they can sell it for money. no knoledge of these devices
what i mean is there is no manual to enter the extended rom unless u read these kinda forum, we are fanatics
iiwpo relies on security by obscurity.
It works quite well on Walaby and Himalay.
If put into extROM it will be installed after hard reset as well (but since it is not signed the user wil get the ability to cancel in WM5.
I am planning to test its functionality on WM5 with my new Wizard.
BTW: Anyone allready has a ExtROM editor to bypass the read-only protection in newer ROMs?

Just got a JAMin, not a newbie, but how do I 'cingular' ize?

I grabbed the wizard cab for Cingular and it got me going, but it's still not right. Plus, I'd like to flash this thing such that the cingular option is in the 'hard reset startup' screen ... you know, then one that lets you choose your carrier.
Any kind soul have this done already? If not, any newbie guides for how to dump the rom, unlock it, mod it, and put it back?
I've been a pocket pc guy since the beginning of time, but this is the first non-network device I've bought.
thanks in advance!
I'm not sure you can "cingularize" it. What you've already done is about it, other than custom settings to setup mms maybe if it isn't already. I don't think you'll see it in the startup since it's not designed for the us. It's really better this way though isn't it? No need to "overbrand" it Usually Cingular adds too much junk on their phones anyways.
So the carrier thing really only sets up the mms, wap and gprs stuff as well as branding and carrier-centric apps? nothing to frequencies or PRLs? If that's it then who cares?!
Yes, exactly. The nice thing about the cab files is that it saves you having to type in all the settings. From there though you are on your own. There is a registry edit that will display the E versus G if you're in Edge coverage, stuff like that you can do which would probably be on a cingular branded phone, but it's nice not having any restrictions either that cingular would place on it.

Tmobile settings: where can I find them

So, you hard reset your device, you do the softreset to avoid all the branding rubbish and .... your phone won't work because you don't know the password to the internet connection settings and so on.
Question is: where can I find the t-mobile settings, web and walk included?
There is a website I found recently called Google.com . It's some kind of search engine. If you enter "t-mobile uk gprs" and hit search it comes up with loads of links. not sure if the first one helps. Try it out.
lbendlin said:
There is a website I found recently called Google.com . It's some kind of search engine. If you enter "t-mobile uk gprs" and hit search it comes up with loads of links. not sure if the first one helps. Try it out.
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Ah-ha. You must feel like a big man now.
Plus, you're wrong, they are not that easy to find. Looking at the first links on the search string you gave, they all list the username for the t-mob connection as being 'user', whereas mine is 't-mobile'.
here it is - but they dont work on some (ch) roms,works fine on my rom with web n walk
For USA T-Mobile users, here it is:
Just in case you want to add them in manually TMobile and all the UK service providers details can be found in this post over at the 4WinMobile.com website.
please help
dmr54 said:
Just in case you want to add them in manually TMobile and all the UK service providers details can be found in this post over at the 4WinMobile.com website.
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How do I install from this cab file?
Not sure if it'll work on your device, but give this a go:
Vijay, maybe you want to rename the file to GPRSsettings ?
Hi guys, thanks very much for all the replies!
Signed_UNI_TMO_Connection_112100.CAB did the trick. I didn't seem to need the other file (MMS settings). The only other file I had to fish out of the extended rom is the long_dtmf one. If you don't put that on and try to dial a number, the phone hangs on keypresses :lol:
I'll let you know if I see any other required cab I might have missed. So far the phone is behaving slightly faster - not as big of a difference as I've seen on the O2 branded ones (which hurt from all the crap 02 leaves on them).
Would also like to add, without all the tmobile stuff from the extended rom, my battery life has doubled. Brilliant!
mdaexecfan said:
Would also like to add, without all the tmobile stuff from the extended rom, my battery life has doubled. Brilliant!
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Excuse my innocence, but how can you do that? Thank you
nice_xtremely said:
mdaexecfan said:
Would also like to add, without all the tmobile stuff from the extended rom, my battery life has doubled. Brilliant!
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Excuse my innocence, but how can you do that? Thank you
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if U want to not install branding rubbish, after calibrating touch screen, ppc starts installig. U've got some 3seconds to softreset(small black hole below usb connector) press it and trick is done. Other way use ext_rom unlocker (www.buzzdev.net) remove or move (move is better, there are gprs,mms and other settings in .cab files, U'll figure it out which of them U need) all **** from ext_rom and hard reset

Is there way to add a sound to the opening of the keyboard?

Well the topic says it all.
I want to add a sound to the opening and/or closing of the keyboard.
Is this possible?
Any hacks for this? I suppose that the opening of the keyboard calls some kind of an event (since sliding it open changes the screen orientation) So can this same event call be used to assign a sound as well?
I also want to kno this and was going to ask right before I came 2 see this link...so please answer!
There are some really talented people here. I would have thought someone would have done this by now. But I assume, from lack of info, that this hasn't been considered before?
Would someone, who has the skill set to do this, consider looking into it and seeing if it is possible?
Thanks a million!!
Have a good one
Try this thread.....
That thread refers to the Herald, or Tmobile Wing. I found this thread and thats all I've been able to find for the Wizard or Tmobile MDA.
There may be a registry key that needs to be modified/added after installing the HTC Sliding Sounds application to make it 'active' for the Wizard.
Any ideas?
Im trying to figure it out too.. I dunno how to get it to initiate...
Need someone with the Herald (T-Mobile Wing) to help
Under HKEY\LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\SlidingSound there are 2 keys 'ActiveSlidingSound' and 'SlidingSoundEffect', these are for setting which sound of the 3 available to use, I'm assuming.
Anyone out there know someone with a Herald or T-Mobile Wing that is willing to share what they have in this folder in their registry?? Maybe there's and EnableSound key or something to that effect that us Wizard users can add and we'll have a happy day!
chris.wilcox said:
Under HKEY\LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\SlidingSound there are 2 keys 'ActiveSlidingSound' and 'SlidingSoundEffect', these are for setting which sound of the 3 available to use, I'm assuming.
Anyone out there know someone with a Herald or T-Mobile Wing that is willing to share what they have in this folder in their registry?? Maybe there's and EnableSound key or something to that effect that us Wizard users can add and we'll have a happy day!
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I just checked mine and under SlidingSound, there are 3 folders... 0, 1, and 2. Each folder has 3 keys... Default, in, and out. "Default" is the name for the sounds (ex: Wind Chimes, Piano, and Xylophone), "in" is the location of the file used for when the keyboard slides in (ex: Slider0_in.wav), and the same applies to "out" for when the keyboard slides out (ex: Slider0_out.wav).
Also inside the SlidingSound folder are 2 more keys... ActiveSlidingSound and SlidingSoundEffect. ActiveSlidingSound refers to which sliding sound you want to use... so in this case it would be one of the 3 folders mentioned above (0,1, or 2). SlidingSoundEffect refers to whether or not you want the sliding sound on. (0 = off, 1 = on).
Hope this helps!
I installed the software that was made by JUVS....it does not work on my MDA.
Any other ideas? I had tried searching before I made this thread initially, and i had not seen the 2 that are discussed here. I apologize for having made a 3rd one.
Back on topic, I certainly hope this can be made to work. Any other ideas?
Thanks for all the info so far.
this is a really cool idea, i would also like to know how to do it...
freakingwilly said:
I just checked mine and under SlidingSound, there are 3 folders... 0, 1, and 2. Each folder has 3 keys... Default, in, and out. "Default" is the name for the sounds (ex: Wind Chimes, Piano, and Xylophone), "in" is the location of the file used for when the keyboard slides in (ex: Slider0_in.wav), and the same applies to "out" for when the keyboard slides out (ex: Slider0_out.wav).
Also inside the SlidingSound folder are 2 more keys... ActiveSlidingSound and SlidingSoundEffect. ActiveSlidingSound refers to which sliding sound you want to use... so in this case it would be one of the 3 folders mentioned above (0,1, or 2). SlidingSoundEffect refers to whether or not you want the sliding sound on. (0 = off, 1 = on).
Hope this helps!
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Thanks so much! This does help!
Unfortunately, I have the same keys on my MDA after installing the application for the SlidingSounds and it doesn't make sounds when I open the keyboard physically. I'm suspecting that the MDA is missing something, possibly a hardware switch (don't think so, though, cause it has to detect when the keyboard opens for landscape mode).
My guess is that this will not work on the MDA
Umfortunately I'm not a programmer, but I was thinking that the easiest way to get somethig like this to work would be to link the sound to play with the screen rotation instead of trying to get it to work when the keyboard is slid out which obviously isn't working anyway. It would play the sound if you rotated your screen manually, but I can't see why that would be a big deal. Maybe someone with a little programming knowledge could get this to work though.
I wanna keep this thread alive. SlidingSounds is something i wanna see work for wizards. It'll be cool if someone could craft a workaround or a new prog altogether.
Opening the keyboard is an event, shouldn't be hard to craft something to have it make a sound.
Any updates on this? I downloaded the app and it hasn't done anything, especially when messing with the registry. Thanks.
I've been working on tis as well but it seems that there is no way to adjust the registry to get it to work. I believe a app is gonna have to get the wizard to have this feature.
This would be so cool.. Alot of people have 'flip' style phones, and when they open them, they have some funny sounds. Would be great to have on the Wizard!
Anybody figured this out yet? I'm really sure it can be done.
im all about hacks for the wizard, but...
im assuming that you saw a wing and are trying to duplicate it...
WHY would you want it to do this?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
same question for the menu pop sound?
those are the most annoying things i've seen on phone... well except for the default startup and shutdown sounds on all retail phones... when you turn off your phone, isnt because you're somewhere that you should be sure it wont be ringing/vibrating?
but on the other hand i still can't understand why people like to have the keys beep on their regular cell phones when they are txting...
sorry for the rant... i just don't get it
Bells and Whistles.
ndn715 said:
im all about hacks for the wizard, but...
im assuming that you saw a wing and are trying to duplicate it...
WHY would you want it to do this?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
same question for the menu pop sound?
those are the most annoying things i've seen on phone... well except for the default startup and shutdown sounds on all retail phones... when you turn off your phone, isnt because you're somewhere that you should be sure it wont be ringing/vibrating?
but on the other hand i still can't understand why people like to have the keys beep on their regular cell phones when they are txting...
sorry for the rant... i just don't get it
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Maybe because we love the bells and whistles a gadget can make, it's all about your custom love that you want to have, not just everyone's universal preference. Some of us love to customize our phones to suit our personality, not just YOURS. Maybe these sounds grab attention of chicks, maybe this wallpaper makes us look cool in the sight of geeks. It's all personal prereference.
That's why I want keyboard Sliding Sounds to work. It's just one more thing that will grab the attention of people to see that, yes, I don't need a new phone every six months or so. I can make a new one using an old one by utilizing hacks.

Can I remove T-Mobile operator name from HD2 via reg-tweak?

Hi Guys,
I've been doing a bit of research about removing the T-Mobile (or any) operator name from my handset/homescreen etc..and have found a number of different apps that can do this. For example Personalizer:
which seems to work well exept that it seems to be draining my battery heavily as I beleive that it is an 'always-on' app.
Therefore I've removed it and am looking to do a similar thing via a reg-tweak so as not to need anything running in the background. Before I get flamed for posting an often asked question, I have searched a few other threads for other handsets that have similar registry files as the HD2 and have found some similarites but nothing has worked yet:
I've found the CarrierName string in HKLM/Software/Microsoft/RIL folder but altering it with the mobile network code (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Network_Code), doesn't seem to have any effect.
I'm on T-Mobile UK and I beleive my network code is 23034 but I just need to know where to use it and/or if the function is available to me with this phone yet? If anyone can shed any light and or knows a way of doing it without installing any potentially battery draining software apps, it would be much appreciated.
Happy New Year!!
gargon01 said:
Hi Guys,
I've been doing a bit of research about removing the T-Mobile (or any) operator name from my handset/homescreen etc..and have found a number of different apps that can do this. For example Personalizer:
which seems to work well exept that it seems to be draining my battery heavily as I beleive that it is an 'always-on' app.
Therefore I've removed it and am looking to do a similar thing via a reg-tweak so as not to need anything running in the background. Before I get flamed for posting an often asked question, I have searched a few other threads for other handsets that have similar registry files as the HD2 and have found some similarites but nothing has worked yet:
I've found the CarrierName string in HKLM/Software/Microsoft/RIL folder but altering it with the mobile network code (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Network_Code), doesn't seem to have any effect.
I'm on T-Mobile UK and I beleive my network code is 23034 but I just need to know where to use it and/or if the function is available to me with this phone yet? If anyone can shed any light and or knows a way of doing it without installing any potentially battery draining software apps, it would be much appreciated.
Happy New Year!!
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Personalizer only runs at startup and changes one reg key to display your text.
dwizzy130 said:
Personalizer only runs at startup and changes one reg key to display your text.
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I found my battery draining a lot quicker with it installed. So you use it yourself and haven't had any problems? Either way, if there was just a reg-tweak I could do myself without installing anything, that's what I'm looking for.
gargon01 said:
I found my battery draining a lot quicker with it installed. So you use it yourself and haven't had any problems? Either way, if there was just a reg-tweak I could do myself without installing anything, that's what I'm looking for.
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I have used it before and have not noticed a differnce in battery life.
The REG key it changes every startup is:
HKLM\System\State\Phone\"Current Operator Name"
Change it to whatever you like but be aware it changes back every soft reset, hense why personalizer runs at every startup.
I use the awesome tweak from MysticGenius (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=577928) and it works fine for me.
Oh and your carrier string value should be 23430 , have no idea how to get rid of the 3G infront of the Scuderia Ferrari though
xavierdemon said:
I use the awesome tweak from MysticGenius (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=577928) and it works fine for me.
Oh and your carrier string value should be 23430 , have no idea how to get rid of the 3G infront of the Scuderia Ferrari though
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Yes 23430, I had it right but wrote it wrong I tried MysticGenius's tweak already but couldn't find the 'OperatorNames' file. I tried altering CarrierName and also tried making my own string but it made no difference. What did you change xavierdemon?
All I have in the Reg is:
And inside that I have a string value "23415"="Scuderia Ferrari" that's all. Obviously for you it would be "23430"="Whatever text you want"
No Joy
Ok Xavier,
I did that but no luck unfortunately. I created an OperatorNames file because it didn't exist in the RIL folder and put:
''23430''=''My Message''
as the string, but there was no change at all. I rebooted and tried again but still no difference. Any suggestions?
I don't know what to suggest except maybe leaving a message on MysticGenius' tweak post and see if he knows why it's not working for you. Or see if someone can build a CAB for you to input the reg entires, I did try to have a go myself at making the CAB but it's not working at all.

