XDA won't boot, HELP - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

i made myself a rom using mkrom with a german .nbf file, after flashing my xda won't start anymore.. please help me.
the bootloader is still working, how can i reflash my xda from sd-card??
i am not really checking what to do with the xdarit tool??
can someone please explain me how to make a sd-card to boot from??
i'm totally lost and i did not find anything about this..
best regards

Hey Tim...
follow my threads... I am in the middle of exactly what you are...
I bought a card reader and continue to experience write errors to the sd card when using XDArit.exe...
I am beginning to wonder if I shouldn't have gotten the PCCard adapter instad of the USB adapter...
Check my posts and you should be able to catch up...


My XDA stopped responding HELP PLZ!!!!!

I tried to upgrade my XDA from version 3.something to 4..05 burned at http--kitchen.romanweb.com-kitchen-index.php
I followed the steps on the install shield until i got the message on my display:
It will take about 5 minutes.
Warning: Do not remove USB/Serial connection or power adapter from the Pocket PC.
After that the connection was terminated by itself and the message above remained on the display. I tried soft reseting and the other reset too, but i still get the same message and i cannot do anything from now on.
Can somebody please HELP me to fix it.
Special Thanks in advance!
method ?
can you tell us which upgrade method you used ?
usb or bootloader ?
if you used usb try using the bootloader method ... you'll porbably succeed !
good luck :wink:
i used the usb method.
can you explain me please what is the bootleader method and how to do it. i have done the hard reset a several times and the screen gets worse and worse and now it is only shoeing black lines
step by step:
1. first you need a SD reader/writer
2. using OSImageTool.exe write the nbf to your SD
3. reboot pressing the power button
4. it will automatically rewrite your flash
After this ... hopefully ... you're done !
is this SD reader/writer a memory card and if it is, how am i going to copy this file on it if the xda is not responding.
Or should i buy another device with which i should copy it.
thanks in advance!
you need a SD card for your XDA and a writer for it (you can borrow from someone with an appropiate digital photo camera)
then with the programs and ROMs available here you create something like a rom floppy and start your XDA keeping the power button down
then it will automatically reflash your ROM
It all worked great!
Thank you very much for the help!!!
I have the same issue here with My TMO xda and i tried the suggested steps but I am not able to get this working. I am not getting any power or response from my unit so its not getting to any stage where I can load a bootimage from the SD card. PLease help. Any suggestions would be helpful.
thanks a lot to everyone how helped me!!
it really worked that way with the SD card.
To anyone having this problem, search the forum for the correct steps you should do to boot from the SD card and you will be fine!

upgrading xda rom to wm2003

Someone please help!!
I downloaded the xda-developers rom unlocked the phone and now want to go back to wm2003 on my sx56, but cannot get past all the technical language in the other posts to figure out how to do it.
Would someone please let me know in the most rudimentary English possible how to do this?
Thanks a million
It's pretty easy and I just did it. I read the forums for hours before trying it to make sure I wasn't missing something...
I decided to go with the Beta 2003 Rom first... there are posts that the final ATT Rom is buggy... so I'll wait and see.
1. I installed XDA Dev Rom 3.17.03 and unlocked my SX56
2. Downloaded and installed XDA tools
3. Started the install (Programme A) of the original ATT PPC2002 Rom. It's going to unzip/install to a directory and then stop telling you that your SX56 isn't a version recognized and the process cancels.
4. Place a 64mb or bigger SD card in your reader.... or connect the SX56 via activesync to your PC with a 64mb or bigger card in the SD slot.
5. Start OSImage Tool located in the XDA folder.
6. For Source you navigate to the folder where the NK.nb1 file is... Program Files under SX56 upgrade utility.
This was the part that was confusing me.... and I mean I spent hours figuring this out since I could not find it in a post...
7. For Destinations use the drop down and choose either the XDA SD slot or your SD reader. DO NOT browse to either of these devices since it will not create a bootable SD card. Let OSImage Tool do it's thing and you now have a bootable SD.
8. Connect your XDA to power and put the SD card in the XDA and hold the power button while performing a soft reset.... you now see the install from SD menu.... install your ROM. When it is installed you perform a "hard reset" (not soft like if said before).
9. Now you can run the .exe install of WM2003 Beta or WM2003 Final. This will upgrade your radio stack. If you for some reason don't want to upgrade the stack just start with #1 and do it all over again.
I hope this helps... since it no longer makes me the newest XDA newbie. I graduate from pre-school XDA to 1st grade... only 12 more years of XDA learning to go... woohoo.
A soft reset isnt recommended after rom upgrade, you need to do a hard reset by unscrewing the stulus and poking the top part in the hole on the right hand side of the xda, wait one minute then poke it again.
oh yeah... that is what I meant... I keep thinking hard reset is moving a switch like my POS Toshiba e750.
steps to upgrade
hi, well i have xda with rom version3.17.03 and radio stack 4.21,,
i m really excited to know bout the ATT upgrade to window2003,,,
but dont know how it should be carried out.
if someone just mention the steps for it.
I cant decide which rom to upgrade to. What are other people using for o2 UK? I see some have got ver 4.01.00. Ive got 4.00.05 at the moment but would like to have TomTom in the rom so if im going to upgrade it again, might as well save some space.
To be honest Im not sure what the difference is between the versions are. I looked thorugh the posts and Im nore confused than before.
Any sugestions?
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
I have successfully upgraded, and the phone is unlocked and everything.....thanks so much.

wallaby and no update or downgrade possible

Hi Everybody,
after nearly 2 years of inactivety I am back...and with a problem-after I got to involved in business I lent my xda to a friend, he had no better idea then to put a strange rom on it.
Now to my problem. I cooked a downgrade rom 3.17, downloaded it. I used the OSImage Tool to write the file named NK.nb1 on my sd card.Hardrestetted my xda and there I am. In the wallaby bootloader. He does not ask me to upgrade from the card...nothing....
I would do it over the cradle...but that does not work because he installed some kind of se rom.
I am stuck...realy.
Could anyone be so kind and give me a hint? I looked and read the whole day in the forum...
Thank you
Maybe you use a Internal SD-Card Writer?
They often make problems in writing the ROM correctly on the card.
You should try an other SD-Card-Writer or try getting a functioning ROM of an other device by backup....
You can also test the process by backuping your "strange" ROM and try to reflash the backup ROM. This should work and will show you, if you really have some problems in writing the ROM to the Card....
Hi Stefan
(Dank Dir, Thema erledigt)
Problem solved. I believe it was my card writer, even 2 of them, which caused the trouble. Both of them wrote the file in a wrong format (dont ask me why)
When I read the how to once more I have seen that I can write through activesync. When I tried that it suddenly worked like a charm.
So thank you again-your hint about the writer solved the problem.
Cheers -or better- Herzlichen Dank!

Help with PW10B1

Hello all,
Yes I’m sure your sick of hearing this: I'm new to all this. I picked up a T-Mobile PW10B1. It has Wallaby bootloader V.15
Rom V3.14.40
Radio V 6.18
Not sure what other info would be of help.
I have downloaded a lot of the tools,(maybe to much). Cant seem to make it all work. When i try to use the XDA2 after following the
instrucks i cant get XPiss to see the USB device. Don’t know if I’m even in the right place. Any advise would be appreciated.
read this?
Thanks for the quick responce. I'm trying it now and unsure of the destanation. If i go to the folder i created on my HD dosnt seem to work. Do i need to create an empty .nb1 ?
PS: another question when i install a cin/att sim in it it asks for sim lock/ sid: dos it mean it unlocked??
source is the nbf file distination is the sd card...
You lost me Dude. This dosnt have an SD slot only SIM, and it wont let me copy to my HD.
sim is in the side sd is in the buttom
Thank you, I'll install one and try again.

[Q] Surround driving me crazy!

Hi guys,
I did the stupid mistake of pressing Flahs instead DIAG when I was unlocking a surround with XTC Clip. Now it's stucked on HBOOT mode, I have read yesterday all day long how to solve this issue flashing it from the sd card. I downloaded this rom : "RUU_Surround_Cingular_US_1.03.502.07_Radio_5.51.0 9.06_22.30.50.09U_by_ansar"
I extracted and copied the nhb file to the sd card along with a Mondriand Gold Card that its the one I use always to unlock that phone, but don't know how to rename that .nhb file, I mean, what name put on that file, I have only seeing examples with the desire HD and other ones but not with the surround. And whenever I try to flash it it says No Image foud...
Can any body help me with this?
Ill appreciate.
Nobody can help me?
Views: 101
And nobody can give a damn suggestion???
Great community!
Thanks everybody for the huge non help to me. I found out how to bring it back o live
Hope no one of this forum have to pass by this bad experience I had...
Since nobody knew how to help, why don't you post up what the solution is so you can benefit others that may have the same problem?
Edit: I take it you were trying to sim unlock it using the goldcard/flashfrom SD method I read about?
I dont understand when you said "you take it to me"
Method is simple, just use the Y cable and it will said, no image file... the plug in to the PC and the PC will recognize it (in USB HOST MODE it wont recognize it) And then just flash it with @ansar Surround flash file and thats it.
And yeap, the issue began when I try to unlock it using goldcard method with XTC clip and selected Flash instead DIAG.
try rename the file to MONDIMG.nbh

