Steam Link app not working on Lineage - Nvidia Shield TV & Shield TV Pro (2019) Questions

I am using Lineage 17.1 no GAPS / no MicroG on a shield TV pro. When I launch the steamlink app I just get a blank screen. I thought maybe it needs gaps but I loaded it on to my OP9P with Linage 18.1 no gaps no micro-g and it works just fine. Logcat shows this for app startup. Any ideas? TIA!
01-28 10:32:50.149 5369 5393 D SteamLink: Added controller with mapping 030000005e0400001907000000006800,*,a:b0,b:b1,back:b4,dpdown:b12,dpleft:b13,dpright:b14,dpup:b11,guide:b5,leftshoulder:b9,leftstick:b7,lefttrigger:a4,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b10,rightstick:b8,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b6,x:b2,y:b3,
01-28 10:32:50.183 5369 5393 W Gralloc2: lock(0x2278db7d80, ...) failed: 5
01-28 10:32:50.183 5369 5393 W Surface : failed locking buffer (handle = 0x2278db7d80)
01-28 10:32:50.179 5369 5369 W MainThrd: type=1400 audit(0.0:480): avc: denied { open } for path="/dev/ashmem" dev="tmpfs" ino=3306 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c44,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=ubject_r:ashmem_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0 app=com.valvesoftware.steamlink
01-28 10:32:50.183 5369 5393 W SteamLink: ANativeWindow_lock() failed! error= -38
01-28 10:32:50.249 5369 5393 W Gralloc2: lock(0x2278db9d00, ...) failed: 5
01-28 10:32:50.249 5369 5393 W Surface : failed locking buffer (handle = 0x2278db9d00)
01-28 10:32:50.249 5369 5393 W SteamLink: ANativeWindow_lock() failed! error= -38
01-28 10:32:50.253 5369 5393 W Gralloc2: lock(0x2278db9e80, ...) failed: 5
01-28 10:32:50.253 5369 5393 W Surface : failed locking buffer (handle = 0x2278db9e80)
01-28 10:32:50.253 5369 5393 W SteamLink: ANativeWindow_lock() failed! error= -38
01-28 10:32:50.559 5369 5393 I SDL/APP : Connected to Remote Client service with session 8489617317367984890
01-28 10:32:50.921 3660 3781 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send <Give Device Power Status> 40:8F with errorCode=3
01-28 10:32:51.132 3660 4249 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?).
01-28 10:32:52.179 5369 5382 I tware.steamlin: ThreadFlipBegin blocked for 485.264ms
01-28 10:32:52.179 5369 5401 I tware.steamlin: IncrementDisableThreadFlip blocked for 34.931ms
01-28 10:32:52.190 5369 5382 I tware.steamlin: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 11156(3166KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(144KB) LOS objects, 95% free, 1167KB/25MB, paused 103us total 497.913ms
01-28 10:32:52.391 3660 3660 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted to remove non-existing token: [email protected]
01-28 10:32:52.922 3660 3781 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send <Give Device Power Status> 40:8F with errorCode=3
01-28 10:32:53.373 3364 5221 W nvaudio_hw: UNDERRUN DETECTED for hdmi-playback ret 0 avail 835
01-28 10:32:54.986 3660 3702 E LightsService: Light requested not available on this device. 2
01-28 10:32:58.811 3660 3660 W WindowManager: One touch play failed: 1


VSCOCAM no longer working on CM13

Installed CM13 (official 28/12 version)
My VSCO Cam can no longer be used; the filters and tools keep on loading without any result
Has anyone else encounter the same problem or know how to resolve it?
koboldz said:
Installed CM13 (official 28/12 version)
My VSCO Cam can no longer be used; the filters and tools keep on loading without any result
Has anyone else encounter the same problem or know how to resolve it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm in the same boat as you. I already have opened a case with them and they are working on it. It was working fine in the 12.1 and when I switched to 13...boom! As of now I'm using Chroma, which is AOSP, and it is fine there.
tranced_ said:
I'm in the same boat as you. I already have opened a case with them and they are working on it. It was working fine in the 12.1 and when I switched to 13...boom! As of now I'm using Chroma, which is AOSP, and it is fine there.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks! Will definitely try Chroma when I am tired of waiting!
If you don't mind me asking, through which channel did you open a case with them?
I emailed them: [email protected]. They will get back at you quickly. Not with a solution though. But they will ask you some questions. These are the ones they asked me:
What version of VSCO are you currently running? You can locate this by tapping the menu icon on the lower left corner (three lines) and then selecting "Settings" the version will be displayed on the bottom right corner. Please include the entire version number.
Which Android device are you on?
Please note - we do not support Cyanogenmod OS.
Have you re-downloaded or restored your presets recently or have these been the ones downloaded with the app initially?
What was your Location at the time of downloading?
Do you recall having any interruptions during the download process?
How much storage is available on your device? To locate your storage on your device go to Settings > Storage, if possible send us a screenshot of that available storage screen.
Which presets are not working?
koboldz said:
Thanks! Will definitely try Chroma when I am tired of waiting!
If you don't mind me asking, through which channel did you open a case with them?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
They replied yesterday saying:
...We are looking into this and one of our Android engineers is completely focused on this restoring issue. Unfortunately this does seem to have to do with that version of CM.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
While on CM13 I run a logcat:
01-15 10:25:05.564 3565 4763 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTa
01-15 10:25:05.564 3565 4763 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPo
01-15 10:25:05.564 3565 4763 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPo
01-15 10:25:05.564 3565 4763 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:05.565 3565 4763 W CrashlyticsCore: Crashlytics is ignoring a requ
est to log a null exception.
01-15 10:25:07.931 222 706 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset an
d update mixer path: low-latency-playback
01-15 10:25:07.932 222 706 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_devic
e(2: speaker)
01-15 10:25:25.784 222 706 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: us
ecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
01-15 10:25:25.787 3565 4744 E BitmapFactory: Unable to decode stream:
.FileNotFoundException: /data/user/0/
-83ab-0a59e60d500f_FilterPreview_c1.jpg: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or di
01-15 10:25:25.795 222 706 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_devic
e(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: none)
01-15 10:25:25.795 222 706 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
01-15 10:25:25.795 222 706 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device
(2: speaker)
01-15 10:25:25.806 222 706 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply and
update mixer path: low-latency-playback
01-15 10:25:25.815 3565 7147 V RenderScript: 0xb8283aa8 Launching thread(s), C
PUs 4
01-15 10:25:25.857 3565 7147 V RenderScript: Successfully loaded runtime: libR
01-15 10:25:25.879 3565 7147 E RenderScript: Unable to open shared library (/d
ata/user/0/ (null)
01-15 10:25:25.931 3565 7147 V RenderScript: Invoking /system/bin/bcc with arg
s '/system/bin/bcc -unroll-runtime -scalarize-load-store -rs-global-info -rs-glo
bal-info-skip-constant -o processingnew -output_path /data/user/0/
ode_cache/ -bclib /system/lib/libclcore.bc -mtripl
e armv7-none-linux-gnueabi -load -fPIC -embedRSInfo /data/user/0/co -build-che
cksum 923f43d5'
01-15 10:25:26.071 7161 7161 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fa
ult addr 0x18 in tid 7161 (bcc)
01-15 10:25:26.071 219 219 I DEBUG : property debug.db.uid not set; NOT wa
iting for gdb.
01-15 10:25:26.071 219 219 I DEBUG : HINT: adb shell setprop debug.db.uid
01-15 10:25:26.071 219 219 I DEBUG : HINT: adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039
01-15 10:25:26.172 219 219 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *
** *** *** *** *** *** ***
01-15 10:25:26.172 219 219 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'google/occam/mako
01-15 10:25:26.173 219 219 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
01-15 10:25:26.173 651 884 W NativeCrashListener: Couldn't find ProcessRecor
d for pid 7161
01-15 10:25:26.173 219 219 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
01-15 10:25:26.173 219 219 F DEBUG : pid: 7161, tid: 7161, name: bcc >>>
/system/bin/bcc <<<
01-15 10:25:26.173 219 219 E DEBUG : AM write failed: Broken pipe
01-15 10:25:26.173 219 219 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAP
ERR), fault addr 0x18
01-15 10:25:26.176 219 219 F DEBUG : r0 bee6c640 r1 00000018 r2 b8d3
df18 r3 00000002
01-15 10:25:26.176 219 219 F DEBUG : r4 00000018 r5 00000018 r6 b8d3
df18 r7 b8d3df79
01-15 10:25:26.176 219 219 F DEBUG : r8 b8d4889c r9 bee6c774 sl b8d4
6c88 fp bee6c748
01-15 10:25:26.176 219 219 F DEBUG : ip b6e2ea30 sp bee6c628 lr b6be
2c4d pc b6c66e68 cpsr 400d0030
01-15 10:25:26.185 219 219 F DEBUG :
01-15 10:25:26.185 219 219 F DEBUG : backtrace:
01-15 10:25:26.185 219 219 F DEBUG : #00 pc 008aee68 /system/lib/libL (llvm::SmallPtrSetImplBase::insert_imp(void const*)+7)
01-15 10:25:26.185 219 219 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0082ac49 /system/lib/libL (llvm::LLVMContext::addModule(llvm::Module*)+12)
01-15 10:25:26.185 219 219 F DEBUG : #02 pc 0083ef53 /system/lib/libL (llvm::Module::Module(llvm::StringRef, llvm::LLVMContext&)+310)
01-15 10:25:26.185 219 219 F DEBUG : #03 pc 002f9901 /system/lib/libL
01-15 10:25:26.185 219 219 F DEBUG : #04 pc 002f9881 /system/lib/libL (llvm::getLazyBitcodeModule(std::__1::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer, std:
:__1::default_delete<llvm::MemoryBuffer> >&&, llvm::LLVMContext&, std::__1::func
tion<void (llvm:iagnosticInfo const&)>, bool)+80)
01-15 10:25:26.185 219 219 F DEBUG : #05 pc 0004528d /system/lib/libb
01-15 10:25:26.186 219 219 F DEBUG : #06 pc 00045207 /system/lib/libb (bcc::Source::CreateFromBuffer(bcc::BCCContext&, char const*, char const*,
unsigned int)+58)
01-15 10:25:26.186 219 219 F DEBUG : #07 pc 0000447d /system/bin/bcc
01-15 10:25:26.186 219 219 F DEBUG : #08 pc 00016651 /system/lib/libc
.so (__libc_init+44)
01-15 10:25:26.186 219 219 F DEBUG : #09 pc 0000326c /system/bin/bcc
01-15 10:25:26.267 219 219 F DEBUG :
01-15 10:25:26.267 219 219 F DEBUG : Tombstone written to: /data/tombstone
01-15 10:25:26.268 651 675 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombston
e_02 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
01-15 10:25:26.271 3565 7147 E RenderScript: Child process "/system/bin/bcc" t
erminated with status 11
01-15 10:25:26.271 3565 7147 E RenderScript: bcc: FAILS to compile 'processing
01-15 10:25:26.272 3565 4744 W System.err: android.renderscript.RSRuntimeExcep
tion: Loading of ScriptC script failed.
01-15 10:25:26.272 3565 4764 W art : Long monitor contention event with ow
cEdits(android.content.Context,, float[], int, int, int,
int) from waiters=0 for 305ms
01-15 10:25:26.274 3565 4744 W System.err: at android.renderscript.ScriptC.
01-15 10:25:26.274 3565 4744 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.274 3565 4744 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.274 3565 4744 W System.err: at<i
01-15 10:25:26.274 3565 4744 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.274 3565 4744 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.276 3565 4744 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.276 3565 4744 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.276 3565 4744 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.276 3565 4744 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.276 3565 4744 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.277 3565 4744 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.277 3565 4744 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.Executor
01-15 10:25:26.277 3565 4744 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTa
01-15 10:25:26.277 3565 4744 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPo
01-15 10:25:26.277 3565 4744 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPo
01-15 10:25:26.277 3565 4744 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.277 3565 4744 W CrashlyticsCore: Crashlytics is ignoring a requ
est to log a null exception.
01-15 10:25:26.283 3565 7172 V RenderScript: 0xb7f19fd8 Launching thread(s), C
PUs 4
01-15 10:25:26.298 3565 7172 V RenderScript: Successfully loaded runtime: libR
01-15 10:25:26.323 3565 7172 E RenderScript: Unable to open shared library (/d
ata/user/0/ (null)
01-15 10:25:26.323 3565 7172 V RenderScript: Invoking /system/bin/bcc with arg
s '/system/bin/bcc -unroll-runtime -scalarize-load-store -rs-global-info -rs-glo
bal-info-skip-constant -o processingnew -output_path /data/user/0/
ode_cache/ -bclib /system/lib/libclcore.bc -mtripl
e armv7-none-linux-gnueabi -load -fPIC -embedRSInfo /data/user/0/co -build-che
cksum 923f43d5'
01-15 10:25:26.455 7179 7179 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fa
ult addr 0x18 in tid 7179 (bcc)
01-15 10:25:26.455 219 219 I DEBUG : property debug.db.uid not set; NOT wa
iting for gdb.
01-15 10:25:26.455 219 219 I DEBUG : HINT: adb shell setprop debug.db.uid
01-15 10:25:26.455 219 219 I DEBUG : HINT: adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039
01-15 10:25:26.557 219 219 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *
** *** *** *** *** *** ***
01-15 10:25:26.558 651 884 W NativeCrashListener: Couldn't find ProcessRecor
d for pid 7179
01-15 10:25:26.558 219 219 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'google/occam/mako
01-15 10:25:26.558 219 219 E DEBUG : AM write failed: Broken pipe
01-15 10:25:26.558 219 219 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
01-15 10:25:26.558 219 219 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
01-15 10:25:26.558 219 219 F DEBUG : pid: 7179, tid: 7179, name: bcc >>>
/system/bin/bcc <<<
01-15 10:25:26.558 219 219 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAP
ERR), fault addr 0x18
01-15 10:25:26.562 219 219 F DEBUG : r0 bee3e640 r1 00000018 r2 b8da
af18 r3 00000002
01-15 10:25:26.562 219 219 F DEBUG : r4 00000018 r5 00000018 r6 b8da
af18 r7 b8daaf79
01-15 10:25:26.562 219 219 F DEBUG : r8 b8db589c r9 bee3e774 sl b8db
3c88 fp bee3e748
01-15 10:25:26.563 219 219 F DEBUG : ip b6ec7a30 sp bee3e628 lr b6c7
bc4d pc b6cffe68 cpsr 400d0030
01-15 10:25:26.574 219 219 F DEBUG :
01-15 10:25:26.574 219 219 F DEBUG : backtrace:
01-15 10:25:26.574 219 219 F DEBUG : #00 pc 008aee68 /system/lib/libL (llvm::SmallPtrSetImplBase::insert_imp(void const*)+7)
01-15 10:25:26.574 219 219 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0082ac49 /system/lib/libL (llvm::LLVMContext::addModule(llvm::Module*)+12)
01-15 10:25:26.574 219 219 F DEBUG : #02 pc 0083ef53 /system/lib/libL (llvm::Module::Module(llvm::StringRef, llvm::LLVMContext&)+310)
01-15 10:25:26.574 219 219 F DEBUG : #03 pc 002f9901 /system/lib/libL
01-15 10:25:26.575 219 219 F DEBUG : #04 pc 002f9881 /system/lib/libL (llvm::getLazyBitcodeModule(std::__1::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer, std:
:__1::default_delete<llvm::MemoryBuffer> >&&, llvm::LLVMContext&, std::__1::func
tion<void (llvm:iagnosticInfo const&)>, bool)+80)
01-15 10:25:26.575 219 219 F DEBUG : #05 pc 0004528d /system/lib/libb
01-15 10:25:26.577 219 219 F DEBUG : #06 pc 00045207 /system/lib/libb (bcc::Source::CreateFromBuffer(bcc::BCCContext&, char const*, char const*,
unsigned int)+58)
01-15 10:25:26.577 219 219 F DEBUG : #07 pc 0000447d /system/bin/bcc
01-15 10:25:26.578 219 219 F DEBUG : #08 pc 00016651 /system/lib/libc
.so (__libc_init+44)
01-15 10:25:26.578 219 219 F DEBUG : #09 pc 0000326c /system/bin/bcc
01-15 10:25:26.678 219 219 F DEBUG :
01-15 10:25:26.678 219 219 F DEBUG : Tombstone written to: /data/tombstone
01-15 10:25:26.678 651 675 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombston
e_08 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
01-15 10:25:26.683 3565 7172 E RenderScript: Child process "/system/bin/bcc" t
erminated with status 11
01-15 10:25:26.683 3565 7172 E RenderScript: bcc: FAILS to compile 'processing
01-15 10:25:26.684 3565 4764 W System.err: android.renderscript.RSRuntimeExcep
tion: Loading of ScriptC script failed.
01-15 10:25:26.684 3565 4764 W System.err: at android.renderscript.ScriptC.
01-15 10:25:26.684 3565 4764 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.684 3565 4764 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.684 3565 4764 W System.err: at<i
01-15 10:25:26.684 3565 4764 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.684 3565 4764 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.684 3565 4764 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.685 3565 4764 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.685 3565 4764 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.685 3565 4764 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.685 3565 4764 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.685 3565 4764 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.Executor
01-15 10:25:26.685 3565 4764 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTa
01-15 10:25:26.685 3565 4764 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPo
01-15 10:25:26.685 3565 4764 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPo
01-15 10:25:26.685 3565 4764 W System.err: at
01-15 10:25:26.685 3565 4764 W CrashlyticsCore: Crashlytics is ignoring a requ
est to log a null exception.
01-15 10:25:29.083 222 706 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset an
d update mixer path: low-latency-playback
01-15 10:25:29.083 222 706 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_devic
e(2: speaker)
01-15 10:25:55.732 651 679 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to scre
en timeout (uid 1000)...
01-15 10:25:55.734 651 679 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
01-15 10:25:55.968 651 2532 W art : Long monitor contention event with ow
ner method=void
d(int) from waiters=0 for 220ms
01-15 10:25:55.991 3565 3565 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getExtractedText on in
active InputConnection
01-15 10:25:56.008 3565 3565 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextBeforeCursor on
inactive InputConnection
01-15 10:25:56.011 3565 3565 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getSelectedText on ina
ctive InputConnection
01-15 10:25:56.012 3565 3565 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextAfterCursor on
inactive InputConnection
01-15 10:25:56.012 1272 1272 E InputEventModelImpl: onStartInput event aborted
: could not obtain extracted text (class com.toucht
01-15 10:25:56.046 651 661 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sw
eep GC freed 34629(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 96(2MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 17MB/
26MB, paused 1.312ms total 143.737ms
01-15 10:25:56.359 651 679 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOff()
01-15 10:25:56.372 208 208 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinge
01-15 10:25:56.372 651 677 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed s
tate: "Built-in Screen", OFF
01-15 10:25:56.547 651 860 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode
(): 175ms
01-15 10:25:56.548 228 240 E ANDR-PERF-LOCK: Failed to apply optimization fo
r resource: 4 level: 0
01-15 10:25:56.587 222 1293 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: s
01-15 10:25:56.587 222 1293 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set par
am called even when stream out is null
01-15 10:25:56.588 651 799 E WifiStateMachine: Fail to set up pno, want fal
se now false
01-15 10:25:57.052 1479 1479 D ChimeraCfgMgr: Loading module
d.gms.cast from APK
01-15 10:26:00.815 1038 1038 D TimeService: Updating widget using TimeTick
01-15 10:26:00.868 1038 7231 D ThemeWidgetDao: getWidgetTheme::widgetId = 1 an
d themeId in (select _id from Theme where type = 3 )
01-15 10:26:00.900 1038 7231 D ThemeWidgetDao: getWidgetTheme::widgetId = 1 an
d themeId in (select _id from Theme where type = 1 )
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think there are some errors.
tranced_ said:
While on CM13 I run a logcat:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I do not know that application. Could you try to get a logcat log, from where it is working (to be able to compare them).
hnl_dk said:
I do not know that application. Could you try to get a logcat log, from where it is working (to be able to compare them).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
VSCO is a photography app.
Here is the log(sorry if it's long):
I/ActivityManager(15238): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[235,636][377,799] (has extras)} from uid 10068 on display 0
D/PhoneStatusBar(15405): disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home recent clock* search >
V/WindowManager(15238): rotationForOrientationLw(orient=1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
W/AlarmManager(15238): Suspiciously short interval 40000 millis; expanding to 60 seconds
D/WifiService(15238): acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 [email protected]}
I/Timeline( 6100): Timeline: Activity_idle id: [email protected] time:152436366
D/WifiService(15238): releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 [email protected]}
I/Timeline(15238): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{3b4efe41 u0 t1222} time:152436848
W/ActivityManager(15238): getRunningAppProcesses: caller 10098 does not hold REAL_GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/ClClient(16894): D 2016-01-21T08:07:42.795-0400 [ci=w5wUXGfC5P] pool-8-thread-1 ClClient Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/com.facebook.a.a(15767): Got unexpected exception: Read an exception; org.json.JSONObject
W/ActivityManager(15238): getRunningAppProcesses: caller 10098 does not hold REAL_GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/ClClient(16894): D 2016-01-21T08:07:52.774-0400 [ci=w5wUXGfC5P] pool-8-thread-1 ClClient Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED
D/WifiService(15238): acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 [email protected]}
D/TimeService( 5374): Updating widget using TimeTick
D/ThemeWidgetDao( 5374): getWidgetTheme::widgetId = 1 and themeId in (select _id from Theme where type = 3 )
D/ThemeWidgetDao( 5374): getWidgetTheme::widgetId = 1 and themeId in (select _id from Theme where type = 1 )
D/WifiService(15238): releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 [email protected]}
W/ActivityManager(15238): getRunningAppProcesses: caller 10098 does not hold REAL_GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/com.facebook.a.a(15767): Got unexpected exception: Read an exception; org.json.JSONObject
D/ClClient(16894): D 2016-01-21T08:08:02.800-0400 [ci=w5wUXGfC5P] pool-8-thread-1 ClClient Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: none)
D/ACDB-LOADER(14994): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
W/ctxmgr (16193): [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10022, }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
W/ctxmgr (16193): [AclManager]checkPermissionTypeStatus: no inject permission for { uid=10022, }. Returned permission was: PACKAGE_NOT_WHITELISTED for context name=POWER_CONNECTION, account=account#-517948760#
E/ctxmgr (16193): [PowerConnectionProducer]Could not write powerInfo=Plug state: 2 BatteryLevel: 0.3, status=Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 7503, resolution=null}
I/Timeline( 6100): Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:152463430
I/ActivityManager(15238): START u0 { (has extras)} from uid 10079 on display 0
V/WindowManager(15238): addAppToken: AppWindowToken{18eb0e1 token=Token{16bafa48 ActivityRecord{26047ceb u0 t1222}}} to stack=1 task=1222 at 1
W/AlarmManager(15238): Suspiciously short interval 40000 millis; expanding to 60 seconds
V/WindowManager(15238): Adding window Window{3bf9cfd5 u0} at 9 of 16 (after Window{29490bf9 u0})
I/ActivityManager(15238): Displayed +741ms
I/Timeline( 6100): Timeline: Activity_idle id: [email protected] time:152464311
I/Timeline(15238): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{26047ceb u0 t1222} time:152464602
I/ClearcutLoggerApiImpl(16193): disconnect managed GoogleApiClient
W/ActivityManager(15238): getRunningAppProcesses: caller 10098 does not hold REAL_GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/ClClient(16894): D 2016-01-21T08:08:12.795-0400 [ci=w5wUXGfC5P] pool-8-thread-1 ClClient Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: none)
D/ACDB-LOADER(14994): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
I/art ( 6100): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 12025(889KB) AllocSpace objects, 111(24MB) LOS objects, 12% free, 112MB/128MB, paused 2.746ms total 117.706ms
D/com.facebook.a.a(15767): Got unexpected exception: Read an exception; org.json.JSONObject
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: none)
D/ACDB-LOADER(14994): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/WifiService(15238): acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 [email protected]}
D/WifiService(15238): releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 [email protected]}
W/ActivityManager(15238): getRunningAppProcesses: caller 10098 does not hold REAL_GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/ConnectivityService(15238): Failed to find a new network - expiring NetTransition Wakelock
D/ClClient(16894): D 2016-01-21T08:08:22.801-0400 [ci=w5wUXGfC5P] pool-8-thread-1 ClClient Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED
I/art ( 6100): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 892(46KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(18MB) LOS objects, 12% free, 115MB/131MB, paused 3.814ms total 105.041ms
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: none)
D/ACDB-LOADER(14994): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
W/ActivityManager(15238): getRunningAppProcesses: caller 10098 does not hold REAL_GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/com.facebook.a.a(15767): Got unexpected exception: Read an exception; org.json.JSONObject
D/ClClient(16894): D 2016-01-21T08:08:32.798-0400 [ci=w5wUXGfC5P] pool-8-thread-1 ClClient Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/WifiService(15238): acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 [email protected]}
D/WifiService(15238): releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 [email protected]}
W/ActivityManager(15238): getRunningAppProcesses: caller 10098 does not hold REAL_GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/ClClient(16894): D 2016-01-21T08:08:42.803-0400 [ci=w5wUXGfC5P] pool-8-thread-1 ClClient Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: none)
D/ACDB-LOADER(14994): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/com.facebook.a.a(15767): Got unexpected exception: Read an exception; org.json.JSONObject
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: none)
D/ACDB-LOADER(14994): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
W/ActivityManager(15238): getRunningAppProcesses: caller 10098 does not hold REAL_GET_TASKS; limiting output
I/art ( 6100): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1198(58KB) AllocSpace objects, 7(153KB) LOS objects, 0% free, 130MB/130MB, paused 8.605ms total 41.564ms
I/art ( 6100): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 569(25KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(18MB) LOS objects, 12% free, 112MB/128MB, paused 2.410ms total 181.152ms
D/ClClient(16894): D 2016-01-21T08:08:52.799-0400 [ci=w5wUXGfC5P] pool-8-thread-1 ClClient Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: none)
D/ACDB-LOADER(14994): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
I/Timeline( 6100): Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:152514283
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
I/ActivityManager(15238): START u0 { (has extras)} from uid 10079 on display 0
W/ActivityManager(15238): Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{26047ceb u0 t1222 f}
W/AlarmManager(15238): Suspiciously short interval 40000 millis; expanding to 60 seconds
I/Timeline( 6100): Timeline: Activity_idle id: [email protected] time:152514722
I/Timeline(15238): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{3b4efe41 u0 t1222} time:152514831
D/TimeService( 5374): Updating widget using TimeTick
D/ThemeWidgetDao( 5374): getWidgetTheme::widgetId = 1 and themeId in (select _id from Theme where type = 3 )
D/ThemeWidgetDao( 5374): getWidgetTheme::widgetId = 1 and themeId in (select _id from Theme where type = 1 )
D/WifiService(15238): acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 [email protected]}
D/WifiService(15238): releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 [email protected]}
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: none)
D/ACDB-LOADER(14994): ACDB -> send_afe_cal
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
W/ActivityManager(15238): getRunningAppProcesses: caller 10098 does not hold REAL_GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/com.facebook.a.a(15767): Got unexpected exception: Read an exception; org.json.JSONObject
D/ClClient(16894): D 2016-01-21T08:09:02.796-0400 [ci=w5wUXGfC5P] pool-8-thread-1 ClClient Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED
I/ActivityManager(15238): moveTaskToBack: TaskRecord{393e7dff #1222 U=0 sz=1}
V/WindowManager(15238): rotationForOrientationLw(orient=5, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED
D/PhoneStatusBar(15405): disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home recent CLOCK* search >
I/Timeline(15906): Timeline: Activity_idle id: [email protected] time:152520250
I/Timeline(15238): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{19f8150a u0 com.teslacoilsw.launcher/.NovaLauncher t1213} time:152520526
W/OpenGLRenderer(15906): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: agu, destroying layer...
W/ResourceType(15405): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
W/PackageManager(15405): Failure retrieving resources for Resource ID #0x0
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/audio_hw_primary(14994): disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
W/ActivityManager(15238): getRunningAppProcesses: caller 10098 does not hold REAL_GET_TASKS; limiting output
D/ClClient(16894): D 2016-01-21T08:09:12.781-0400 [ci=w5wUXGfC5P] pool-8-thread-1 ClClient Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED
D/com.facebook.a.a(15767): Got unexpected exception: Read an exception; org.json.JSONObject
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
tranced_ said:
VSCO is a photography app.
Here is the log(sorry if it's long):
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
is that when trying to do the same?
hnl_dk said:
is that when trying to do the same?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, sir!
tranced_ said:
Yes, sir!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Okay, thanks.
Would not like to install it myself, but have tried to install this benchmarking tool, that is exactly testing RenderScript, and it is working fine.
Have you tried to check if the file: /data/user/0/
is on your phone?
It could be located another place, but that the path is wrong.
hnl_dk said:
Okay, thanks.
Would not like to install it myself, but have tried to install this benchmarking tool, that is exactly testing RenderScript, and it is working fine.
Have you tried to check if the file: /data/user/0/
is on your phone?
It could be located another place, but that the path is wrong.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I will try that myself tomorrow. It's a holiday here today and I don't feel like backing up, wiping, restoring, then wiping and restoring again.
tranced_ said:
I will try that myself tomorrow. It's a holiday here today and I don't feel like backing up, wiping, restoring, then wiping and restoring again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Do you use a special filter when the crash happens?
Maybe that could make it possible to discover the problem.
hnl_dk said:
Do you use a special filter when the crash happens?
Maybe that could make it possible to discover the problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It happens with all of them and other tools too.
hnl_dk said:
Okay, thanks.
Would not like to install it myself, but have tried to install this benchmarking tool, that is exactly testing RenderScript, and it is working fine.
Have you tried to check if the file: /data/user/0/
is on your phone?
It could be located another place, but that the path is wrong.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Weird, weird. In CM13 that path does exit, but the file is not there. In CM12.1 the path doesn't exit nor the file.
tranced_ said:
Weird, weird. In CM13 that path does exit, but the file is not there. In CM12.1 the path doesn't exit nor the file.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can only check it, while it is in use... as it is a cache file, it will be removed.
hnl_dk said:
You can only check it, while it is in use... as it is a cache file, it will be removed.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You are right. After opening the app, the folder's created. Though the path is different:
CM13: /data/user/0/
CM12.1 /data/user/0/
Although I cannot see the file.
tranced_ said:
You are right. After opening the app, the folder's created. Though the path is different:
CM13: /data/user/0/
CM12.1 /data/user/0/
Although I cannot see the file.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It will most likely only be there while processing. But at least you have verified that the correct path exists.
Looking at the log again, and it looks like there is a place in bcc where there is a segmentation fault (bcc is trying to access memory it is not allowed to access). The report of the missing file, is before it is trying to create it (using bcc).
---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------
hnl_dk said:
It will most likely only be there while processing. But at least you have verified that the correct path exists.
Looking at the log again, and it looks like there is a place in bcc where there is a segmentation fault (bcc is trying to access memory it is not allowed to access). The report of the missing file, is before it is trying to create it (using bcc).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
as bcc is originating from LLVM, could the problem also be, that the Nexus 4, is using GCC and not LLVM (trouble with sensors).
So if bcc is not compatible with GCC/G++, could this be a problem.
---------- Post added at 09:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 PM ----------
hnl_dk said:
It will most likely only be there while processing. But at least you have verified that the correct path exists.
Looking at the log again, and it looks like there is a place in bcc where there is a segmentation fault (bcc is trying to access memory it is not allowed to access). The report of the missing file, is before it is trying to create it (using bcc).
---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------
as bcc is originating from LLVM, could the problem also be, that the Nexus 4, is using GCC and not LLVM (trouble with sensors).
So if bcc is not compatible with GCC/G++, could this be a problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have tried to create a bugreport. If you have any comments, please add them:
Seems like that is not the correct place to report that bug. I do not know where that bug should be reported, so I will not do more (even though it should be reported).
Made a comment on your post on the cyanogenmod forum:
Please add your complete log there, where the details about bcc is included.
Thanks for all the help here. I didn't know how to canalize all these.
A week later and here I am. Been tough days over here for me.
I ran a logcat again and created an issue at Jira. I hope I did it right. I've decided to stay in CM13 despite not being able to use the app.

A5 2016 Wifi Won't turn on after recent official update

Restoring to factory didnt help.
Current firmware is: NRD90M.A510FXXS7CRJ6
When trying to turn on wifi it is showing circle of busy but nothing happens. Tried Airplane mode the same thing Tried emergency mode (the one with limited apps for power saving) same thing. Logcat output pertaining to wifi:
11-12 08:24:53.380 2840 2985 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$MainHandler.handleMessage:471
11-12 08:24:58.388 2320 2823 I WifiHW : wifi_change_fw_path(): fwpath = /system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_sta.bin
11-12 08:24:58.389 2320 2823 I WifiHW : wifi_change_nvram_path() = /system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt
11-12 08:24:58.390 2840 2985 E NetworkManagement: wifiFirmwareReload Error reloading wlan0 fw in STA mode: event = 200 42 Softap operation succeeded
11-12 08:24:58.394 2840 2985 E wifi : Could not read interface wlan0 flags: 19
11-12 08:24:58.498 2840 2840 D HS20StateMachine: Broadcast Received:
11-12 08:24:58.498 2840 2840 I WifiHs20Service: Broadcast
11-12 08:24:58.500 3105 3550 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 launchParam=MultiScreenLaunchParams { mDisplayId=0 mBaseDisplayId=0 mFlags=0 } bqHint=1 (has extras) }
11-12 08:25:18.523 2320 2823 I WifiHW : wifi_change_fw_path(): fwpath = /system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_sta.bin
11-12 08:25:18.523 2320 2823 I WifiHW : wifi_change_nvram_path() = /system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt
11-12 08:25:18.524 2840 2985 E NetworkManagement: wifiFirmwareReload Error reloading wlan0 fw in STA mode: event = 200 45 Softap operation succeeded
11-12 08:25:18.529 2840 2985 E wifi : Could not read interface wlan0 flags: 19
11-12 08:25:18.536 3105 3550 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 launchParam=MultiScreenLaunchParams { mDisplayId=0 mBaseDisplayId=0 mFlags=0 } bqHint=1 (has extras) }
11-12 08:25:18.539 2840 2840 D HS20StateMachine: Broadcast Received:
11-12 08:25:18.539 2840 2840 I WifiHs20Service: Broadcast
11-12 08:25:28.563 2320 2823 I WifiHW : wifi_change_fw_path(): fwpath = /system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_sta.bin
11-12 08:25:28.563 2320 2823 I WifiHW : wifi_change_nvram_path() = /system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt
11-12 08:25:28.566 2840 2985 E NetworkManagement: wifiFirmwareReload Error reloading wlan0 fw in STA mode: event = 200 48 Softap operation succeeded
11-12 08:25:28.575 2840 2985 E wifi : Could not read interface wlan0 flags: 19
11-12 08:25:28.586 2840 2840 D HS20StateMachine: Broadcast Received:
11-12 08:25:28.586 2840 2840 I WifiHs20Service: Broadcast
11-12 08:25:28.589 3105 3550 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 launchParam=MultiScreenLaunchParams { mDisplayId=0 mBaseDisplayId=0 mFlags=0 } bqHint=1 (has extras) }
Is there anything I can do to fix it?

Phone freezing while calling/audio problem?

My phone is freezing while in call, neither I or my caller can hear each other while this happens.
From logcat it looks like some kid of audio problem but I don't know what is the real problem.
Could anyone better than me in logs reading tell me how the fix this or what's causing this?
D/TelephonyProvider( 3294): subIdString = 1 subId = 1
I/FastMixerState(12846): sMaxFastTracks = 8
D/TelephonyProvider( 3294): subIdString = 1 subId = 1
I/audioserver(12846): ServiceManager: 0xf5c18540
D/vndksupport(12846): Loading /vendor/lib/hw/[email protected] from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
D/vndksupport(12846): Loading /vendor/lib/hw/[email protected] from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
I/AudioFlinger(12846): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
D/TelephonyProvider( 3294): subIdString = 1 subId = 1
W/APM::ConfigParsingUtils(12846): loadOutput() invalid supported devices
W/APM::ConfigParsingUtils(12846): loadInput() invalid supported devices
W/APM::ConfigParsingUtils(12846): loadInput() invalid supported devices
I/APM::ConfigParsingUtils(12846): loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /system/etc/audio_policy.conf
W/audio_hw_primary(12846): mixer_init: Failed to open mixer paths from /vendor/etc/mixer_paths_0.xml, retrying with legacy location
E/audio_route(12846): Control 'HPL Mixer ADCL Switch' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route(12846): Control 'HPL Mixer ADCR Switch' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route(12846): Control 'HPR Mixer ADCL Switch' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route(12846): Control 'HPR Mixer ADCR Switch' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route(12846): Control 'EP Mixer ADCL Switch' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route(12846): Control 'EP Mixer ADCR Switch' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route(12846): Control 'SPK Mixer ADCL Switch' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route(12846): Control 'SPK Mixer ADCR Switch' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route(12846): Control 'SPK Mixer ADCL Switch' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route(12846): Control 'SPK Mixer ADCR Switch' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route(12846): Control 'HPL Mixer ADCL Switch' doesn't exist - skipping
E/audio_route(12846): Control 'HPR Mixer ADCR Switch' doesn't exist - skipping
D/TelephonyProvider( 3294): subIdString = 1 subId = 1
E/audio_route(12846): Control 'EP EP On' already exists in path 'fm_radio-speaker-headset'
D/TelephonyProvider( 3294): subIdString = 1 subId = 1
V/audio_hw_voice(12846): voice_session_init: Forcing voice config: wide
E/audio_hw_primary(12846): Amplifier initialization failed
W/DeviceHAL(12846): Device 0xf5c3c400 get_master_volume: Function not implemented
W/DeviceHAL(12846): Device 0xf5c3c400 get_master_mute: Function not implemented
W/DeviceHAL(12846): Device 0xf5c3c400 set_master_volume: Function not implemented
W/DeviceHAL(12846): Device 0xf5c3c400 set_master_mute: Function not implemented
I/AudioFlinger(12846): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface, handle 10
I/AudioFlinger(12846): openOutput() this 0xf5c3d000, module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 2
I/AudioFlinger(12846): HAL output buffer size 256 frames, normal sink buffer size 768 frames
D/vndksupport(12846): Loading /vendor/lib/hw/[email protected] from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
D/TelephonyProvider( 3294): subIdString = 1 subId = 1
I/ViPER4Android_v2(12846): Enter EffectGetDescriptor()
I/ViPER4Android_v2(12846): EffectGetDescriptor(), uuid = 41d3c987-e6cf-11e3-a88a-11aba5d5c51b
I/BufferProvider(12846): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
I/AudioFlinger(12846): Using module 10 as the primary audio interface
W/AudioFlinger(12846): moveEffects() bad srcOutput 0
I/AudioFlinger(12846): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf4c83a00 tid=12862 ready to run
W/AudioFlinger(12846): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
W/AudioFlinger(12846): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger(12846): openOutput() this 0xf5c3d000, module 10 Device 2, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 3, flags 8
I/AudioFlinger(12846): HAL output buffer size 480 frames, normal sink buffer size 960 frames
I/AudioFlinger(12846): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf4603980 tid=12865 ready to run
W/AudioFlinger(12846): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
W/AudioFlinger(12846): no wake lock to update, system not ready yet
I/AudioFlinger(12846): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf42032c0 tid=12867 ready to run
I/bt_a2dp_hw(12846): adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
I/AudioFlinger(12846): loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface, handle 18
D/vndksupport(12846): Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
D/TelephonyProvider( 3294): subIdString = 1 subId = 1
I/AudioFlinger(12846): loadHwModule() Loaded usb audio interface, handle 26
D/vndksupport(12846): Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
I/r_submix(12846): adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
I/r_submix(12846): adev_init_check()
W/DeviceHAL(12846): Device 0xf4666640 set_master_mute: Function not implemented
I/AudioFlinger(12846): loadHwModule() Loaded r_submix audio interface, handle 34
D/r_submix(12846): adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
D/r_submix(12846): submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
D/r_submix(12846): now using address 0 for route 9
I/AudioFlinger(12846): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf4203d80 tid=12871 ready to run
D/r_submix(12846): adev_close_input_stream()
D/r_submix(12846): submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
D/r_submix(12846): submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
E/SoundTriggerHwService(12846): could not read implementation properties
D/TelephonyProvider( 3294): subIdString = 1 subId = 1
I/Telecom ( 2955): InCallController: Sending updateCall [[email protected], DIALING,, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO], [Properties:]]: [email protected]
I/Telecom ( 2955): InCallController: Components updated: [ComponentInfo{}]: [email protected]
I/Dialer ( 6324): CallList.onUpdateCall - [DialerCall_1, DIALING, [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO], [Properties:], children:[], parent:null, conferenceable:[], videoState:Audio Only, mSessionModificationState:0, CameraDir:-1]
I/Dialer ( 6324): InCallPresenter.onCallListChange - Phone switching state: OUTGOING -> OUTGOING
I/Dialer ( 6324): VideoPauseController.onStateChange - hasPrimaryCallChanged: false, videoCanPause: false, isInBackground: false
I/Dialer ( 6324): InCallFragment.setSecondary - SecondaryInfo, show: false, name: null, label: null, providerLabel: null
W/ResourceType( 6324): Failure getting entry for 0x7f100292 (t=15 e=658) (error -75)
I/Dialer ( 6324): InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 6, connectionLabel:
I/Dialer ( 6324): InCallActivity.onPrimaryCallStateChanged
I/Dialer ( 6324): InCallActivity.showMainInCallFragment - shouldShowAnswerUi: false, shouldShowVideoUi: false, didShowAnswerScreen: false, didShowInCallScreen: true, didShowVideoCallScreen: false
W/ResourceType( 6324): Failure getting entry for 0x7f100292 (t=15 e=658) (error -75)
I/Dialer ( 6324): InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 6, connectionLabel:
I/Dialer ( 6324): InCallActivity.onPrimaryCallStateChanged
I/Dialer ( 6324): InCallActivity.showMainInCallFragment - shouldShowAnswerUi: false, shouldShowVideoUi: false, didShowAnswerScreen: false, didShowInCallScreen: true, didShowVideoCallScreen: false
I/AudioFlinger(12846): systemReady
D/PermissionCache(12846): checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS for uid=1000 => granted (1574 us)
E/AudioService( 2955): Audioserver started.
D/PermissionCache(12846): checking android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_HOTWORD for uid=10181 => granted (340 us)
I/AudioFlinger(12846): AudioFlinger's thread 0xf3803c40 tid=12881 ready to run
I/audio_hw_primary(12846): adev_set_mode mode = 2
D/com.gsamlabs.bbm.lib.NotifyingService( 8880): ===:91:4309:41.4:1
V/audio_hw_voice(12846): prepare_voice_session: active_out_devices: 0x1
V/audio_hw_voice(12846): set_voice_session_audio_path: ril_set_call_audio_path(0)
I/rild ( 2512): type=1400 audit(0.0:1793): avc: denied { search } for name="12846" dev="proc" ino=87474 scontext=u:r:rild:s0 tcontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
I/rild ( 2512): type=1400 audit(0.0:1794): avc: denied { read } for name="cmdline" dev="proc" ino=87476 scontext=u:r:rild:s0 tcontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
I/rild ( 2512): type=1400 audit(0.0:1795): avc: denied { open } for path="/proc/12846/cmdline" dev="proc" ino=87476 scontext=u:r:rild:s0 tcontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
I/rild ( 2512): type=1400 audit(0.0:1796): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/12846/cmdline" dev="proc" ino=87476 scontext=u:r:rild:s0 tcontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
D/audio_route(12846): Apply path: voice-earpiece-wb
D/audio_route(12846): Apply path: voice-earpiece-mic-wb
V/audio_hw_voice(12846): start_voice_session: Opening voice PCMs
V/audio_hw_voice(12846): start_voice_session: pcm_config wideband
I/ActivityManager( 2955): Killing (adj 906): empty #17
W/zygote ( 2955): kill(-10371, 9) failed: No such process
I/chatty ( 2955): uid=1000(system) ActivityManager identical 2 lines
W/zygote ( 2955): kill(-10371, 9) failed: No such process
I/zygote ( 2955): Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10113 pid 10371 in 135ms
E/BufferQueueProducer( 2475): [com.socialnmobile.dictapps.notepad.color.note/com.socialnmobile.colornote.activity.NoteEditor#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
W/libEGL (12010): EGLNativeWindowType 0xd3c7e008 disconnect failed
V/audio_hw_voice(12846): start_voice_session: enabling two mic control
F/libc (12846): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x98 in tid 12889 (reader), pid 12846 (audioserver)
I/crash_dump32(12891): type=1400 audit(0.0:1797): avc: denied { noatsecure } for scontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tcontext=u:r:crash_dump:s0 tclass=process permissive=1
I/crash_dump32(12893): obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
I//system/bin/tombstoned( 2515): received crash request for pid 12846
I/crash_dump32(12893): performing dump of process 12846 (target tid = 12889)
F/DEBUG (12893): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
F/DEBUG (12893): AospExtended Version: 'v5.8'
F/DEBUG (12893): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/s5neoltexx/s5neolte:6.0.1/MMB29K/G903FXXU1BQC1:user/release-keys'
F/DEBUG (12893): Revision: '0'
F/DEBUG (12893): ABI: 'arm'
F/DEBUG (12893): pid: 12846, tid: 12889, name: reader >>> /system/bin/audioserver <<<
F/DEBUG (12893): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x98
F/DEBUG (12893): Cause: null pointer dereference
F/DEBUG (12893): r0 00000000 r1 00000160 r2 00000001 r3 f32dc2fc
F/DEBUG (12893): r4 00000160 r5 f5c3ca88 r6 f5c3ca58 r7 f5c3c400
F/DEBUG (12893): r8 f52993f0 r9 00000002 sl 000002c0 fp f5c3ca00
F/DEBUG (12893): ip f511fefc sp f3182880 lr f51189dc pc f50f40c4 cpsr 80070030
F/DEBUG (12893):
F/DEBUG (12893): backtrace:
F/DEBUG (12893): #00 pc 000020c4 /system/lib/ (pcm_bytes_to_frames+39)
F/DEBUG (12893): #01 pc 000079d8 /system/lib/hw/ (in_read+792)
F/DEBUG (12893): #02 pc 0001f45d /system/vendor/lib/hw/[email protected] (android::hardware::audio::V2_0::implementation::(anonymous namespace)::ReadThread::threadLoop()+216)
F/DEBUG (12893): #03 pc 0000d1b9 /system/lib/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+144)
F/DEBUG (12893): #04 pc 00047ecf /system/lib/ (__pthread_start(void*)+22)
F/DEBUG (12893): #05 pc 0001af59 /system/lib/ (__start_thread+32)
W/NativeCrashListener( 2955): Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 12846
E//system/bin/tombstoned( 2515): Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_21
I/BootReceiver( 2955): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_21 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
W/AudioSystem( 3132): AudioPolicyService server died!
W/AudioSystem( 2955): AudioPolicyService server died!
W/AudioSystem( 2955): AudioFlinger server died!
W/AudioSystem( 3737): AudioPolicyService server died!
W/AudioSystem( 3737): AudioFlinger server died!
W/AudioRecord( 3737): dead IAudioRecord, creating a new one from obtainBuffer()
I/ServiceManager( 2341): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 2341): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/ServiceManager( 2341): service 'media.sound_trigger_hw' died
I/ServiceManager( 3737): Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
I/ServiceManager( 2955): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
W/BroadcastQueue( 2955): Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to
W/BroadcastQueue( 2955): Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
I/ServiceManager( 3737): Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
I/ServiceManager( 2955): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
I/Xposed ( 3132): fsbi >> nc >> onDataChanged >> 0 > true > 75 > H+
I/ServiceManager( 3737): Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
I/ServiceManager( 2955): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
I/Xposed ( 3132): fsbi >> nc >> onDataChanged >> 0 > true > 50 > H+
I/ServiceManager( 3737): Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
I/ServiceManager( 2955): Waiting for service media.audio_policy...
I/Telecom ( 2955): InCallController: Sending updateCall [[email protected], DIALING,, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO], [Properties:]]: [email protected]
I/Telecom ( 2955): InCallController: Components updated: [ComponentInfo{}]: [email protected]
I/Telecom ( 2955): CallsManager: setCallState DIALING -> ACTIVE, call: [[email protected], DIALING,, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO], [Properties:]]: [email protected]

OnePlus Two Wifi keeps turning off / don't won't get on

Dear All
Since long i use my op2 only anymore as a navigation system, since i use my P20 - however, thats not the problem.
My Problem is that the Wifi and the following hotspot function is not more working.
Since i am having only less knowledge about android but a generell understanding about linux, thats how i got the debug output of dmesg:
I used this to fetch the log
dmesg -w | grep -Ev 'healthd|smbchg|mdss' > wifi.log
Output Log
[53402.543651] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[53402.543692] WARNING: at ../../../../../../kernel/oneplus/msm8994/fs/proc/generic.c:345 proc_register+0xb8/0x140()
[53402.543698] proc_dir_entry '/proc/cld' already registered
[53402.543707] CPU: 1 PID: 437 Comm: [email protected] Tainted: G W 3.10.108-perf+ #1
[53402.543712] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. MSM8994v2.1 MTP (DT)
[53402.543718] Call trace:
[53402.543728] [<ffffffc000088780>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x290
[53402.543735] [<ffffffc000088b1c>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
[53402.543745] [<ffffffc000d8873c>] dump_stack+0x20/0x28
[53402.543754] [<ffffffc00009ee08>] warn_slowpath_fmt+0xa4/0x114
[53402.543760] [<ffffffc0001ff9a0>] proc_register+0xb8/0x140
[53402.543766] [<ffffffc0001ffd60>] proc_mkdir+0x40/0x64
[53402.543775] [<ffffffc000a2d3d8>] athdiag_procfs_init+0x30/0xa4
[53402.543784] [<ffffffc000a335b0>] HIF_PCIDeviceProbed+0x1b0/0x548
[53402.543793] [<ffffffc000a372b8>] hif_pci_configure+0x2bc/0x2ec
[53402.543798] [<ffffffc000a378f4>] hif_pci_probe+0x508/0x78c
[53402.543808] [<ffffffc0005c1a1c>] cnss_wlan_register_driver+0x1e0/0x6c0
[53402.543814] [<ffffffc000a37304>] hif_register_driver+0x18/0x20
[53402.543824] [<ffffffc00088f700>] hdd_hif_register_driver+0x38/0x7c
[53402.543830] [<ffffffc00088f830>] hdd_driver_init+0xec/0x214
[53402.543836] [<ffffffc00088fa04>] kickstart_driver+0xac/0xc8
[53402.543842] [<ffffffc00088fac8>] fwpath_changed_handler+0xa8/0xe8
[53402.543851] [<ffffffc0000c2ed0>] param_attr_store+0x5c/0x88
[53402.543857] [<ffffffc0000c2e48>] module_attr_store+0x20/0x34
[53402.543865] [<ffffffc000208a0c>] sysfs_write_file+0xe0/0x160
[53402.543875] [<ffffffc0001a0274>] vfs_write+0xa8/0x1ac
[53402.543881] [<ffffffc0001a0448>] SyS_write+0x44/0x8c
[53402.543886] ---[ end trace 413274e4083bab5e ]---
[53402.555976] HIFDiagReadMem failure (0xf8b008f8)
[53402.556145] ath: hif_pci_configure: Target probe failed.
[53402.556154] ERROR: Target Stalled : Target CPU Intr Cause 0x0
[53402.556187] Reset Device
[53402.558214] hif_pci_probe: HIF PCI Free needs to happen here
[53402.558561] msm_pcie_disable: PCIe: Assert the reset of endpoint of RC1.
[53402.584801] msm_pcie_enable: PCIe: Assert the reset of endpoint of RC1.
[53402.588947] msm_pcie_enable: PCIe RC1 PHY is ready!
[53402.599006] msm_pcie_enable: PCIe: Release the reset of endpoint of RC1.
[53402.625841] msm_pcie_enable: PCIe RC1 link initialized
[53402.626234] hif_pci_probe:, con_mode= 0x0
[53402.626245] PCI device id is 003e :003e
[53402.626266] cnss_wlan_pci 0001:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0xf8a00000-0xf8bfffff 64bit]
[53402.627482] \x0a hif_pci_configure : num_desired MSI set to 0
[53402.627553] \x0a Using PCI Legacy Interrupt
[53402.647857] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[53402.647897] WARNING: at ../../../../../../kernel/oneplus/msm8994/fs/proc/generic.c:345 proc_register+0xb8/0x140()
[53402.647903] proc_dir_entry '/proc/cld' already registered
[53402.647913] CPU: 1 PID: 437 Comm: [email protected] Tainted: G W 3.10.108-perf+ #1
[53402.647919] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. MSM8994v2.1 MTP (DT)
[53402.647925] Call trace:
[53402.647937] [<ffffffc000088780>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x290
[53402.647944] [<ffffffc000088b1c>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
[53402.647955] [<ffffffc000d8873c>] dump_stack+0x20/0x28
[53402.647965] [<ffffffc00009ee08>] warn_slowpath_fmt+0xa4/0x114
[53402.647971] [<ffffffc0001ff9a0>] proc_register+0xb8/0x140
[53402.647978] [<ffffffc0001ffd60>] proc_mkdir+0x40/0x64
[53402.647989] [<ffffffc000a2d3d8>] athdiag_procfs_init+0x30/0xa4
[53402.647999] [<ffffffc000a335b0>] HIF_PCIDeviceProbed+0x1b0/0x548
[53402.648007] [<ffffffc000a372b8>] hif_pci_configure+0x2bc/0x2ec
[53402.648093] [<ffffffc000a378f4>] hif_pci_probe+0x508/0x78c
[53402.648105] [<ffffffc0005c1a1c>] cnss_wlan_register_driver+0x1e0/0x6c0
[53402.648111] [<ffffffc000a37304>] hif_register_driver+0x18/0x20
[53402.648123] [<ffffffc00088f700>] hdd_hif_register_driver+0x38/0x7c
[53402.648129] [<ffffffc00088f830>] hdd_driver_init+0xec/0x214
[53402.648135] [<ffffffc00088fa04>] kickstart_driver+0xac/0xc8
[53402.648142] [<ffffffc00088fac8>] fwpath_changed_handler+0xa8/0xe8
[53402.648151] [<ffffffc0000c2ed0>] param_attr_store+0x5c/0x88
[53402.648157] [<ffffffc0000c2e48>] module_attr_store+0x20/0x34
[53402.648167] [<ffffffc000208a0c>] sysfs_write_file+0xe0/0x160
[53402.648178] [<ffffffc0001a0274>] vfs_write+0xa8/0x1ac
[53402.648185] [<ffffffc0001a0448>] SyS_write+0x44/0x8c
[53402.648190] ---[ end trace 413274e4083bab5f ]---
[53402.660409] HIFDiagReadMem failure (0xf8b008f8)
[53402.660481] ath: hif_pci_configure: Target probe failed.
[53402.660489] ERROR: Target Stalled : Target CPU Intr Cause 0x0
[53402.660546] Reset Device
[53402.662566] hif_pci_probe: HIF PCI Free needs to happen here
[53402.662926] msm_pcie_disable: PCIe: Assert the reset of endpoint of RC1.
[53402.688790] msm_pcie_enable: PCIe: Assert the reset of endpoint of RC1.
[53402.693705] msm_pcie_enable: PCIe RC1 PHY is ready!
[53402.703799] msm_pcie_enable: PCIe: Release the reset of endpoint of RC1.
[53402.730571] msm_pcie_enable: PCIe RC1 link initialized
[53402.730978] hif_pci_probe:, con_mode= 0x0
[53402.730989] PCI device id is 003e :003e
[53402.731012] cnss_wlan_pci 0001:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0xf8a00000-0xf8bfffff 64bit]
[53402.732246] \x0a hif_pci_configure : num_desired MSI set to 0
[53402.732297] \x0a Using PCI Legacy Interrupt
[53402.752899] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[53402.752949] WARNING: at ../../../../../../kernel/oneplus/msm8994/fs/proc/generic.c:345 proc_register+0xb8/0x140()
[53402.752960] proc_dir_entry '/proc/cld' already registered
[53402.752976] CPU: 1 PID: 437 Comm: [email protected] Tainted: G W 3.10.108-perf+ #1
[53402.752986] Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. MSM8994v2.1 MTP (DT)
[53402.752997] Call trace:
[53402.753016] [<ffffffc000088780>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x290
[53402.753029] [<ffffffc000088b1c>] show_stack+0x14/0x1c
[53402.753046] [<ffffffc000d8873c>] dump_stack+0x20/0x28
[53402.753062] [<ffffffc00009ee08>] warn_slowpath_fmt+0xa4/0x114
[53402.753074] [<ffffffc0001ff9a0>] proc_register+0xb8/0x140
[53402.753086] [<ffffffc0001ffd60>] proc_mkdir+0x40/0x64
[53402.753104] [<ffffffc000a2d3d8>] athdiag_procfs_init+0x30/0xa4
[53402.753120] [<ffffffc000a335b0>] HIF_PCIDeviceProbed+0x1b0/0x548
[53402.753135] [<ffffffc000a372b8>] hif_pci_configure+0x2bc/0x2ec
[53402.753146] [<ffffffc000a378f4>] hif_pci_probe+0x508/0x78c
[53402.753164] [<ffffffc0005c1a1c>] cnss_wlan_register_driver+0x1e0/0x6c0
[53402.753175] [<ffffffc000a37304>] hif_register_driver+0x18/0x20
[53402.753194] [<ffffffc00088f700>] hdd_hif_register_driver+0x38/0x7c
[53402.753206] [<ffffffc00088f830>] hdd_driver_init+0xec/0x214
[53402.753218] [<ffffffc00088fa04>] kickstart_driver+0xac/0xc8
[53402.753230] [<ffffffc00088fac8>] fwpath_changed_handler+0xa8/0xe8
[53402.753246] [<ffffffc0000c2ed0>] param_attr_store+0x5c/0x88
[53402.753258] [<ffffffc0000c2e48>] module_attr_store+0x20/0x34
[53402.753272] [<ffffffc000208a0c>] sysfs_write_file+0xe0/0x160
[53402.753288] [<ffffffc0001a0274>] vfs_write+0xa8/0x1ac
[53402.753300] [<ffffffc0001a0448>] SyS_write+0x44/0x8c
[53402.753309] ---[ end trace 413274e4083bab60 ]---
[53402.765424] HIFDiagReadMem failure (0xf8b008f8)
[53402.765498] ath: hif_pci_configure: Target probe failed.
[53402.765509] ERROR: Target Stalled : Target CPU Intr Cause 0x0
[53402.765558] Reset Device
[53402.767586] hif_pci_probe: HIF PCI Free needs to happen here
[53402.768391] msm_pcie_disable: PCIe: Assert the reset of endpoint of RC1.
[53402.795198] msm_pcie_enable: PCIe: Assert the reset of endpoint of RC1.
[53402.799705] msm_pcie_enable: PCIe RC1 PHY is ready!
[53402.809861] msm_pcie_enable: PCIe: Release the reset of endpoint of RC1.
[53402.836825] msm_pcie_enable: PCIe RC1 link initialized
[53402.837290] hif_pci_probe:, con_mode= 0x0
[53402.837304] PCI device id is 003e :003e
[53402.837330] cnss_wlan_pci 0001:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0xf8a00000-0xf8bfffff 64bit]
[53402.838587] \x0a hif_pci_configure : num_desired MSI set to 0
[53402.838648] \x0a Using PCI Legacy Interrupt
[53402.858948] ------------[ cut here ]------------
Output lspci
00:00.0 Class 0604: 17cb:0300
01:00.0 Class 0280: 168c:003e
But my problem is, i aint know how to fix this has someone fixed the wifi already in generelly under android?
Have you tried to restore/reflash your op2 to stock OOS?
Yes without success
djc82k said:
Yes without success
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Without success to restore or wifi still not working after restore?
lucyr03 said:
Without success to restore or wifi still not working after restore?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes i tried a restore but the wifi still not working
djc82k said:
Yes i tried a restore but the wifi still not working
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Try method 2, if it's still not working you either have a corrupted EFS or faulty motherboard.
lucyr03 said:
Try method 2, if it's still not working you either have a corrupted EFS or faulty motherboard.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
[20190405_16:21:26.449145]@1 type=1400 "NetworkMonitorN"
[20190405_16:21:26.469361]@3 audit: audit_lost=2317 audit_rate_limit=20 audit_backlog_limit=64
[20190405_16:21:26.469381]@3 audit: rate limit exceeded
[20190405_16:21:26.474291]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.474532]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.474609]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.474673]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.474736]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.474796]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.474854]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.474912]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.474970]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.475028]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.475092]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.475157]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.475215]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.475273]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.475335]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.475393]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.475453]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.475511]@0 type=1400 "WifiStateMachin"
[20190405_16:21:26.475569]@0 type=1400 "WifiStateMachin"
[20190405_16:21:26.475632]@0 type=1400 "WifiStateMachin"
[20190405_16:21:26.475694]@0 type=1400 "WifiStateMachin"
[20190405_16:21:26.475754]@0 type=1400 "ConnectivitySer"
[20190405_16:21:26.475834]@0 type=1400 "WifiStateMachin"
[20190405_16:21:26.476223]@0 type=1400 "WifiStateMachin"
[20190405_16:21:26.476293]@0 type=1400 "WifiStateMachin"
[20190405_16:21:26.476351]@0 type=1400 "WifiStateMachin"
[20190405_16:21:26.476408]@0 type=1400 "EthernetService"
[20190405_16:21:26.476865]@0 type=1400 "EthernetService"
[20190405_16:21:26.476989]@0 type=1400 "EthernetService"
[20190405_16:21:26.706368]@3 msm8994_quat_mi2s_snd_shutdown Quaternary MI2S Clock is Disabled
[20190405_16:21:26.706380]@3 msm8994_quat_mi2s_snd_startup: dai name qcom,msm-dai-q6-mi2s-quat.207 ffffffc0d7096010 substream = subdevice #0 stream = 0 bit width =2 sample rate =48000
[20190405_16:21:26.730975]@0 tfa98xx_dsp_system_stable(left): MTP0 1
Stockrom is now live, but wifi still not working
[email protected]:/ # uname -a
Linux localhost 3.10.84-perf+ #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 4 13:05:25 CST 2016 aarch64

Random Media Pauses

I have a strange problem that started recently where media I'm listening to/watching will randomly pause. It happens both when playing on my phone and when playing over bluetooth to my car or headphones. Sometimes it happens when my phone is sitting on the counter and I'm not touching it. I've had it happen in both Pocket Casts and Youtube Vanced, but those are the only two media apps I use regularly.
I was able to grab a logcat where I started a podcast and then it paused a second or two after it started. I've tried to read through it but I can't really make sense of it. Here are two sections I think might be relevant, but I'm not really sure what it means:
02-14 17:19:29.537 5612 5612 V MediaPlayer: resetDrmState: mDrmInfo=null mDrmProvisioningThread=null mPrepareDrmInProgress=false mActiveDrmScheme=false
02-14 17:19:29.537 5612 5612 V MediaPlayer: cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=null mDrmSessionId=null
02-14 17:19:29.538 1119 2261 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xeab4a500) at state 4
02-14 17:19:29.539 1223 4542 I AS.AudioService: releasePlayer: 39
02-14 17:19:29.539 1119 7508 W AMessage: failed to post message as target looper for handler 0 is gone.
02-14 17:19:29.539 1223 4542 I OpAudioMonitor: MDM,stop.
02-14 17:19:29.540 1119 7508 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xeab4a500)
02-14 17:19:32.091 3918 3918 D TouchInteractionService: onInputEvent# ev: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=614.0, y[0]=715.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=109664, downTime=109664, deviceId=6, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }
02-14 17:19:32.096 3918 3918 I Surface : opservice is null false
02-14 17:19:32.096 3894 3894 I Surface : opservice is null false
02-14 17:19:32.097 921 1000 I SurfaceFlinger: surface flinger receiver command 20001 .....
02-14 17:19:32.098 921 1000 I SurfaceFlinger: surface flinger receiver command 20001 .....
02-14 17:19:32.123 816 2840 I [email protected]_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
02-14 17:19:32.159 4019 4019 D MediaBrowserCompat: Connecting to a MediaBrowserService.
02-14 17:19:32.162 566 566 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1223 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
02-14 17:19:32.184 1223 4920 I MediaFocusControl: abandonAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10118/4019 [email protected][email protected]
02-14 17:19:32.197 566 566 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1223 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
02-14 17:19:32.205 4019 14234 D AudioTrack: ClientUid 10118 AudioTrack::pause
02-14 17:19:32.207 1223 4920 I AS.AudioService: playerEvent: 63 event: 3 isMusicActive:true device:2
02-14 17:19:32.207 1223 4920 I OpAudioMonitor: MDM,stop.
02-14 17:19:32.207 1223 4920 I OpAudioMonitor: MDM,stop startTime:1581729563 endTime:1581729572
02-14 17:19:32.208 1223 4920 I OpAudioMonitor: MDM, playing,device:5 lapse:9
02-14 17:19:32.208 1223 4920 I OpAudioMonitor: MDM,device:2 lapse:9
02-14 17:19:32.208 1223 4920 I OpAudioMonitor: MDM,stop remove start time
02-14 17:19:32.208 1223 1786 I OpAudioMonitor: logMdm run preserveOsData tag:audio_connect
I can't post a link to the full logcat because I'm a new user, but if anyone wants to look at it let me know.
If anyone has any ideas as to what would be causing this I'd love to hear!

